
By Roy Reinikainen

Published on Jul 14, 2005


This story contains portrayals of homosexual actions and lifestyles. There may be references to, or explicit descriptions of, sex between consenting adults.

If homosexuality, sexually explicit language, or swearing offends you, or if reading material that contains these topics violates any law or personal or religious beliefs, you must exit now without proceeding further.

If you are under 18 years of age, do not read this story.

This story is entirely fictional, and any resemblances to actual persons are completely coincidental. Actual locations are mentioned in this story, and appear only as "background."


Chapter 7

The computer screen blurred, the swirling patterns of my screensaver mimicking my thoughts, as I sat alone in my quiet office. I knew that I should have been working on my school project but I felt as if I couldn't move. I knew that I was cutting things close since the design solution was due in a couple weeks and I had hardly begun working on a solution. I couldn't seem to concentrate on anything, least of all a school project, preoccupied as I was with my own problems.

Yesterday I had unloaded my childhood troubles onto Larry and Phalen, leaving me with --- what? I didn't feel any better, less burdened perhaps, but no better. It seemed to me all I had done was share my troubles. Why? Wasn't I strong enough to face my own problems? I stopped that train of thought immediately, shaking my head. Of course I wasn't strong enough to face my past without help. My recurring nightmares had proven that I had not sought out help soon enough. If I hadn't taken steps to face my fears by finally talking to someone, no telling what would have happened. My inability to go it alone was why I had spoken with Larry and Phalen. I had to remember that. Still, I felt like a failure, sitting alone in a dark room.

Someone touched my shoulder, causing me to jump out of my seat, a reaction from my childhood that was empty of reason but full of habit. The trance induced by the screensaver was instantly gone, as I gasped for breath and sought a means of escape. I was instantly contrite when I saw Phalen standing frozen, with a stricken look on his face, his hands still reaching out to hold me. "I'm sorry, Phalen," I said, trying to ignore my still-racing heart. I must have been so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I didn't hear you come into the room." Phalen was slowly relaxing, but I could see he was wondering if he would have to announce himself every time he wished to touch me. "I've got to stop being frightened every time someone touches me unexpectedly. --- I feel as if I'm crippled by old reflexes. Do you think they'll ever fade?" I asked, attempting to massage some of the tension out of my neck as I paced back and forth.

"J-Jeff. I'm sorry. I only wanted to comfort you. You've been in here all day without making a sound. I'm worried about you."

"I know," I said, rubbing my face and running my fingers through my hair, continuing to pace. "One moment I'm sorry I spoke with you and Larry. The next I realize it had to be done. I don't know what I expected, but I don't feel any better. All I've succeeded in doing is adding a new burden to your life."

"You know better than that!" Phalen said, acting exasperated. He rolled a chair over and straddled it, backwards. He rested his forearms on the chair's back and looked up at me, gesturing for me to sit down. "Fear is a reflex with you, isn't it?" he said, as I took my seat. "It's like you don't know that there's any other way to behave." He turned away for a moment, gathering his thoughts, then looked back. "I wonder if you're somehow afraid to leave your fear behind because you don't know what will take its place."

Before I could respond, my phone rang. Phalen grabbed it, anxious for a diversion. "It's the twins," he said, before answering. "Hey Kerin, how are you guys?" Phalen was absently swinging the chair from side to side as he listened to Kerin. "I don't know. Let me ask him." He looked at the phone, found the mute button, and then rotated to face me. "The guys want to know if they can come over for a visit. They say they'll bring lunch, if we can all swim afterward."

Phalen could see my reluctance, but stepped in before I could think of a reason to object. "C'mon, Jeff. You're not getting anything done. We might as well have some fun, besides you need to laugh a little. --- And, we'll get to see both of 'em naked," he said, grinning and wiggling his eyebrows at me. "Aaand they're bringing food! I'm starved. --- I hope they're not into tofu," he said, looking worried. "I hate tofu."

"Hey, Kerin," Phalen said, reactivating the phone. "You guys aren't bringing something made with tofu are you?" He listened for a moment, then smiled and said, "Come on over! Make it quick. I'm hungry. Jeff is starving me." He laughed his little boy laugh, eyes sparkling at the fun he was planning on having. "Remember, Kerin, our pool is a no-clothes zone! That's the rule. Jeff likes to see guys naked, ya know." He stuck his tongue out when he saw my reaction. "He's making me into a dirty old man." He grinned at me, daring me to interrupt, then rolled his chair farther away, in case I decided to grab the phone.

"He's twenty-one, ya know," Phalen continued. "That's really old. I'm only eighteen, just a kid." He was quiet for a moment, and then began laughing. "So you already know what I'm talking about!" Phalen moved his chair a little farther away and gave me a mischievous look. I never knew what to expect when he looked at me like that. "Ya know, Kerin, it's bad over here. --- He hides the Geritol next to the Viagra. He can't make up his mind if he wants to come or go!" By now he was laughing so hard he could barely talk, but composed himself a moment while Kerin said something. "Course I'm kidding! --- He doesn't use Geritol," Phalen said, laughing harder.

He was so tickled by his own jokes that he had me laughing by the time he reached the punch line. Phalen's laughter was contagious. "Sure, come on over, but don't forget the food!"

He hung up and began spinning around on the swiveling chair while I watched him, amazed at his energy. After a couple rotations, he stopped. "I better quit or I'm gonna be sick," he said, miming an attempt to stand up. He staggered over and landed on his knees in front of me. "Gimme a kiss, big man," he said, wrapping me in his arms. "Tell me that you love me, that I'm sexy, and that you'll keep smiling."

I was trying to be serious but that was impossible. He tweaked one of my nipples and started giggling, causing me to laugh too. "See, you still know how to laugh," he said, putting his arms around me, giving me a peck on the nose. He then took me in his arms and pulled me to the floor. We were still on the floor, kissing, when the doorbell rang. Phalen untangled himself and jumped up, scrambling through the courtyard to answer the door. "Food's here," he yelled as he left. I could hear him talking as he and the twins came inside. I was still lying on the floor, sprawled on my back, my face and neck wet from Phalen's kisses. "No, we weren't doing anything special," he was telling the twins. "We were lying on the floor, kissing. --- Jeff can't seem to leave me alone."

"Who can blame him?" Kerin laughed.

"That's what I say," Phalen said, leading them into the office. "Geez, Jeff," he said, looking down at me. "You can get up now. We have company --- with food. We can kiss some more later." Phalen turned to Kerin as they left the room. "I thought that once you were as old as he is that things started to slow down. So far, it hasn't happened."

"Don't be embarrassed," Thian said, having pity on me, a poor person lying on the floor in disheveled clothes, with a wet face. "I go through that kind of thing all the time," he said, squatting down next to me. "They're giving each other lessons, you know." --- Thian offered a hand to pull me up. "Phalen is cute, though," he said, grinning at me, and turning my face from side to side, to look at me closely. "Why is your face all wet? Was he having trouble finding your mouth? --- And why the floor?"

"We didn't make it to the bed," I said, grinning at his reaction. "And I love a sloppy kiss." Thian shook his head in bewilderment. "I don't ever know what to make of you, Jeff. Sometimes you're so reserved, I don't think you know how to smile. Then I see you like this. I guess Phalen must bring out the animal in you, huh?"

Kerin and Phalen were already sitting down, waiting for Thian and me. Kerin was telling Phalen about what I thought must be a new gymnastics move he was learning, miming the hand motions, with accompanying sound effects. Phalen was watching, wide-eyed, the perfect audience for Kerin's performance.

"Geez, Kerin," that sounds tougher than facing a left handed pitcher." Kerin nodded in agreement, taking up his fork and preparing to eat.

"A left-handed pitcher?" I asked, sitting down and opening the container holding my lunch.

"Baseball," Kerin said in a stage whisper.

I knew better than to inquire further, so I nodded, pretending to understand how one could tell if a pitcher was left or right-handed.

"You don't know what he's talking about, do you, Jeff?" Thian asked, grinning, as he dug into his salad. I'd been found out, so I shook my head and grinned, feeling like the nerd at a convention of athletes who all speak a language that I've never learned.

"Were you showing Phalen one of your new gymnastics moves, Kerin?" I asked.

Thian rolled his eyes, and I immediately realized I had made a mistake by asking.

"No, I was telling him about T and I having sex last night," he said, in a deadpan voice. "T can get a little physical, but we don't fool around on the floor like you guys too often, huh T?"

"Only a couple times a week would be my guess."

"Wooow," Phalen said, wide-eyed. "And I thought Jeff was bad."

Thian looked over at me, responding to Phalen's accusation. "Animal, Jeff. You're an animal."

Kerin and Phalen maintained a continuous dialog during lunch, laughing at each other's jokes, commenting on everything from politics to baseball. I tried to follow the conversation, but was having a tough time. It was difficult for me to follow one of their regular conversations. Today, both guys seemed on overdrive, or maybe I was slower than usual. The conversation stopped for a few moments, causing me to look up. I had been toying with my meal, not paying much attention to the chatter. All three guys were watching me. "Good salad," I said, spearing a piece of something green and stuffing it into my mouth. "Thanks for bringing it by." I chewed a couple more times, then swallowed, still the center of attention.

Thian and Kerin looked at me with concern. "Jeff, you're even more reserved than usual," Kerin said. "If it's not a good time for us to be here, just say so. It's not a problem."

"No, I'm glad you guys are here --- really."

"Are you guys doing okay?" Thian asked, in a quiet voice.

"Yes, we're great. Phalen is a real sweetheart. It's me," I said, reluctantly. "I've been pretty awful lately."

"We've both noticed something was going on. --- That's the real reason we're here today. If we can help, all you have to do is ask. We'll do whatever."

"Thanks, guys. I've been dealing with some stuff. Phalen and I have been talking since yesterday, and I'm feeling better now."

"If this is better, I'm glad I didn't see yesterday," Thian murmured.

"Yeah, it was pretty awful." Everyone was quiet for a few moments. Phalen reached over to take my hand, rubbing his thumb over my palm. I wasn't sure if he meant to comfort me, or if he was showing how anxious he was. Thian and Kerin stared at our hands, rather than at us. "Aw, hell," I said. "I might as well tell you guys what's going on. You're good friends, after all." I took a couple deep breaths to steady myself. Each time I told my story, it became easier. It wasn't easy, just easier. "We've been talking about my childhood. It was pretty miserable."

"That bad?" asked Kerin, looking up from toying with his fork.

"Yeah --- I," I took another breath. "I was sexually abused by my first grade teacher, every day for almost a year," I said in a rush. --- "I never told anyone about it until Phalen and his father yesterday. I started having flash backs a couple weeks ago, nightmares, that sort of thing. They were getting so bad, I was scaring myself and everyone around me, leaving me barely able to function. Something had to be done. --- Phalen has been a great help," I said, looking over to him and smiling, appreciating his firm grip on my hand. I couldn't look either of the twins in the eyes. I was embarrassed that I was so weak, wondering what they would think of me.

"Oh, Jeff," Thian said, reaching over and rubbing my arm, from where he was sitting. "What can anyone say after hearing a story like that? Nothing is adequate. Can we do anything to help you?"

"You're doing it --- by being here --- acting normal. It's going to take me a little while to assimilate everything being out in the open, that's all. I'll figure out what to do next, after I think things through. The one thing that will not help me is to sit around acting like someone died. You guys came over for a swim. Let's swim!"

Taking his cue, Phalen jumped up, shouting, "Get naked! No clothes are allowed in the pool." He stripped, folding his clothes neatly, laying them on his chair. This was the man who folded his clothes to put them in the dirty clothes hamper! No wonder the house was beginning to look good inside. Thian wasn't far behind Phalen, shedding his clothes. He was wearing fewer clothes than Phalen, and rather than fold them he stuffed them into his tennis shoes, before diving into the water and racing Phalen to the far end of the pool.

As I began to undress, Kerin walked over to me and took me in his arms, holding me tight. He rubbed my back, and finally gave me a kiss on the neck. "If Phalen ever gets tired of listening, Jeff, I'm always available for you. --- I'm a good listener, believe it or not." He grinned. "Now, let's strip. No telling what my horny brother will do, all alone with Phalen." Kerin pried off his shoes, then shucked his shorts, jock and t-shirt, dropping them in a pile next to his chair. "C'mon, Jeff, don't be shy," he teased. "If you want, I won't look," he said with a smile.

"Look all you want, crazy man, " I laughed, as I dropped my shorts then pulled off my jock. "Kerin whistled as I stood up. "I always knew there was more to you than a pretty face," he said, leering at me.

"Quit gawking. I don't have anything you don't have. Let's swim," I said, jumping into the cool water. Before long, we were all acting like a bunch of kids, yelling and laughing, as we played keep-away with a volleyball. 'Three naked men are great medicine,' I thought.

In one of the brief moments of silence, Larry yelled over the wall, "What's going on over there, Jeff? Are you having a party?"

"Oh, oh, the neighbors," Thian mumbled.

"Don't worry, that's my dad," Phalen said, before he yelled to his father, hidden behind the tall wall separating our two yards. "Wanna swim, Dad? Come on over!"

I swam to the pool's edge and climbed out, shaking off some water before heading inside. "We don't have swimsuits," I heard one of the twins say as the doorbell rang. I hustled to the door, careful not to slip on the brick floors.

"Hey, Jeff! --- Looking good," Larry said after a brief pause, when he saw I had answered the door naked. He stepped inside, pushed the door closed with his foot and wrapped his arms around me, drawing me close. "You look much better than yesterday," he said next to my ear, as he rubbed his hands up and down my back. "I'm glad."

It was nice to be held by Larry. He was a larger version of his son, but different. It was also nice to hold Larry. "I've gotta stop this," he said, releasing me, and backing away. "I'm going to get hard if I don't."

"Really? I'm flattered that a sexy man like you would get hard hugging me," I teased, enjoying his blush.

"You think I'm sexy, Jeff? No one's ever called me that."

"Damn right, you're sexy. And what's wrong with being hard, by the way? I like being hard. It means I'm having a good time. C'mon outside. A couple friends have stopped by. You'll notice right away, they're twins," I said as we crossed the living room, preparing him a little for the sight of Kerin and Thian.

"I didn't think you and Phalen could make so much noise by yourselves," he laughed, before he stopped at the doors to the back yard. "--- Nice looking guys," he said, nodding toward the pool where everyone was lying on inflatable pool rafts.

"They'll be pleased you noticed," I joked, nudging him out the door. "I thought you were a confirmed heterosexual, Larry. Most straight guys wouldn't notice how good looking another guy is."

"Whatever you say, Jeff. Thanks for inviting me over," he said, rubbing my back then squeezing my shoulder while we waited for everyone to swim over to us.

"Hey guys," I called, as the three wet men surfaced, "This is Larry, Phalen's dad." I finished the introductions, while Larry knelt down to shake hands with each of the twins.

"It's nice to know your names, guys. How am I supposed to tell you apart?"

"Easy. I'm the cute one," Kerin quipped. "And I have the winning personality," he said, beaming at Larry, who looked puzzled. The twins laughed.

"Dad, you know the rules," Phalen said. "Get naked and have some fun. Phalen threw the ball to the other end of the pool, and he and Thian raced to see who could reach it first.

No longer shy to be naked around strangers, Larry dropped his clothes in a heap, then stretched. He arched his back, reaching for the sky, thrusting his crotch out and flexing his muscles. He was definitely putting himself on display. He even absently ran his fingers through his pubic hair while he asked Kerin about school, and what it was like to be a twin. Kerin was smitten, and Larry was playing his part as the center of attention to perfection. After a few minutes talking with Kerin he headed to the kitchen to get a beer, his white butt muscles flexing with each step.

"Damn, what a sexy man," Kerin muttered, turning to me. "You sure he's straight, Jeff? He was certainly giving us a show. In fact he did everything but bend over!" Kerin laughed at his own joke. "Maybe I should ask him, you think?"

"Are you interested, Kerin? I thought you and Thian were inseparable."

"We are. I loved the show. I was thinking of Dad. He'd love Larry. He's Dad's type. --- Those eyes of his are wonderful --- just like Phalen's. 'Course, the rest of him is pretty nice to look at, too. Kerin got quiet as we both watched Larry walking back to us. He was taking a long swallow of his beer, his cock and balls swinging as he walked.

"What are you guys smiling about?" he asked, coming up to us and setting his beer on the table before sitting on the edge of the pool and beginning to move his legs from side to side in the water, just like his son.

"Kerin was telling me how much he likes your ---------- eyes," I said, pausing before the last word, making them wonder what I was going to say."

Kerin splashed me, uncomfortable being the center of Larry's attention.

"Thanks, Kerin, I like your ---------- eyes too," Larry said, pausing the same length of time I had. Embarrassed, Kerin turned and swam to the other end of the pool. Larry chuckled at Kerin's reaction. "He's always in control, I'll bet," Larry said, nodding toward Kerin's retreating back. I grinned, then both Larry and I joined the others for some rough housing.

Phalen was right. I did feel better because the guys were over, although almost anything would be better than sitting alone in my office. I knew I wasn't solving any problems by having guests, but I was enjoying myself. Even so, I still couldn't get into the same party mood everyone else seemed to be enjoying.

I swam over to the pool's edge, to one of the few shaded areas, and watched the guys play a new game. Larry had hoisted Kerin onto his shoulders, and the two of them were having some sort of battle for supremacy with Thian on Phalen's shoulders. The game involved lots of shouting, laughing, pushing and splashing. Beyond that, I think they invented any rules as they went.

I was really only watching Phalen, who was doing his best to keep his head above water and hold onto Thian's legs, as he straddled Phalen's shoulders. His bright smile and boyish giggle were wonderful. I looked forward to seeing his reaction when I sprang our upcoming 'honeymoon' on him. I had been making arrangements for the weekend at one of the best resorts in Phoenix, and had been making arrangements for us to have a memorable time. A few weeks ago, I told him that I had bought him a ring, but neither of us had mentioned it since. I intended the occasion when I gave it to him to be a celebration. I grinned to myself. Phalen was going to be sooo surprised.

I must have been daydreaming for longer than I thought. Larry and Kerin had gotten out of the pool and were sitting at a table in the shade, talking quietly. Phalen and Thian were floating on a plastic pool raft, burning their butts in the sun. Phalen looked up and saw me watching him, then slid into the water and swam over. He embraced me and gave me a kiss, which would have lasted longer if Kerin hadn't whistled.

"Don't tell me you've never kissed, Thian," Phalen yelled. "If you haven't, it's about time you did. I bet it'd be fun," he laughed, giving me another peck on the nose before moving to sit on the pool's edge next to me and taking my hand. He snuggled next to me for a few moments until his father stood up, telling us that he had to leave.

"Guys, I've got a big evening planned, so I'd better get home," Larry said, slipping on his shorts and t-shirt. He stuffed his underwear into a back pocket. Thian got out of the pool, and with the rest of us told Larry how much fun it had been having him over.

"Hey, Larry," Kerin said, walking up to him as Larry turned to go. "May I give you a hug?"

"I'm not gay, Kerin."

"Funny thing, our dad's boyfriend says the same thing," Kerin laughed. "You don't have to be gay to deserve a hug."

"From four naked studs? I know guys who'd kill to be in my place," he said, wrapping his arms around Kerin.

"Most guys I hug say the same thing, Kerin joked, before giving Larry a brief embrace." Kerin backed up a little, and kissed Larry on the cheek, then rejoined his brother. Larry got quiet, and reached up to touch his cheek, his eyes unfocused.

Then it was Thian's turn. Larry was still thinking about Kerin's kiss, apparently. He barely returned Thian's embrace.

"Hey, Dad. You can do better than that," Phalen said, stepping into his father's arms. Larry showed that he could indeed to better. He rubbed a hand up and down Phalen's back as they hugged.

"All right, break it up," Kerin said, "Larry's got a date and still needs to hug Jeff. He'll never get out of here if we don't wrap this up!" Phalen backed away, but not before giving his father another kiss, this time on the other cheek.

"C'mon, Jeff," Larry said, holding out his arms. 'Yesterday, this man's tears ran down my neck,' I thought. Today, he was hugging me, naked, in front of his son and two of his friends. He didn't only hug me. He ran his hands down my back and cupped one of my butt cheeks, moaning softly next to my ear.

"Guys, I think Larry likes Jeff's butt!" Thian said, breaking the silence. Larry backed away quickly, looking like an animal caught in oncoming traffic. I was left blushing and half-hard, the feeling of Larry's hands on my back still making me tingle.

"Everyone loves Jeff's butt," Phalen said, stepping forward and putting his arm around me possessively, as we all wished Larry a good evening.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do, Dad," Phalen called.

"That leaves me open to just about anything, doesn't it?" Larry said, smiling, and giving us an abbreviated salute, as he crossed the courtyard to the front door.

"I swear, your dad can make me hard!" Kerin said. Phalen nodded, still holding me close. The silence continued for a few awkward moments, while Phalen's grip, if anything, grew tighter.

"K, what were you and Larry talking about so quietly?" Thian asked his brother, breaking the silence and the tension.

"He was asking about our relationship. I told him we were brothers, and that we're lovers."

"Never one to mince words," Thian muttered.

"Nope. I asked him if incest bothered him. He thought a moment, then smiled and told me no, he thought it was hot. "You know," Kerin continued," I always wondered when one should say hot --- or cool." Thian pushed Kerin jokingly, "Cut it out, T. I've got an inquiring mind. I like to understand these things," Kerin drew his brother closer to him and gave him a kiss on the lips, a brief one, but exciting to watch, nonetheless.

"Are we bothering you guys?" Thian asked Phalen and me when they parted.

Phalen managed to close his mouth before he shook his head. His eyes were wide, and his hand had unconsciously moved to his cock. "Damn, I'm getting hard from watching you guys kiss," Phalen said, blushing. "I like watching. I always wanted someone to watch Jeff and me have sex, huh Jeff?" Before he had finished his sentence, he turned to me with a stricken look on his face, questioning whether he had said the wrong thing.

"Guys, would you believe it, he thinks he's an exhibitionist," I said, smiling at Phalen, telling him everything was all right. "He doesn't know for sure."

"Thinks?" Thian asked, rubbing running a hand over his brother's muscular chest and smooth stomach, stopping each time before reaching the blond pubes. Kerin was smiling with the sensations, his head thrown back and his eyes closed.

"How will I know for sure if I'm an exhibitionist unless I do something to find out?" Phalen asked, looking at Thian, then me.

"Well, I know T and I are exhibitionists, and I'm awfully horny," Kerin said, as he ran his fingers slowly down the length of his penis. You guys wanna play?"

"I'm okay with it, as long as no one touches Jeff," Phalen said. "He's mine," he said, once again pulling me close to him. I glanced at him, wondering what was going through his mind. He continued to stress that I was his. It was strange, because he had never behaved this way before.

"That's okay, Phalen. Jeff is sexy as hell, but I'm in love with Thian. I love to look, but I never touch --- the important parts," Kerin said, drawing his brother closer to him, their cocks now fully erect. Thian continued to rub his brother's chest and stomach, while I could see Kerin's arm moving, obviously rubbing his brother's back and butt.

"Have you guys ever done anything in front of someone?" I asked.

"Hell, Jeff, he used to masturbate in private," Thian said, nudging his brother.

"Did not."

"Did too. I would never have known what he was doing if he didn't moan so loudly." Thian grinned at the memory.

"So, what did he do?" Kerin asked, becoming animated once again. "He burst in on me --- at a delicate moment!"

"Then he hit me!" Thian said, looking at Phalen and me with big, unbelieving eyes.

"Why?" I asked.

"I always shoot far, Jeff," Kerin said, sheepishly.

"Oooh," Phalen said, his eyes wide, imagining the scene.

"Wow!" I echoed, equally impressed.

"Across the room!" Thian exclaimed, pointing to how far his brother had shot.

"It was a small room, guys," Kerin said. "And I was younger then."

"Kerin, you're only twenty now!"

"And hard, I see," Phalen said, "just like me!"

Kerin shook his dick at us, his legs slightly spread, obviously enjoying the audience. "So, Phalen, you like what you see?" Kerin asked, still shaking his thick dick.

"Yeah --- It's okay, Kerin," Phalen said, a smile in his voice. "I like chest and armpit hair myself. Jeff's got that. --- Besides, he's bigger than you guys!" he finished, laughing boyishly, trying to avoid being grabbed by both Kerin and Thian.

"Does that mean it's cool to get off together, Jeff?" Thian asked, standing behind his brother and wrapping his arms around him. Kerin looked over his shoulder. "How did you decide to use cool rather than hot, T?" His brother silenced him by turning him around and kissing him, grabbing both of Kerin's hairless, white butt cheeks and pulling him closer.

"That's hot, huh, Jeff?" Phalen said, standing in front of me, running his fingers through my hair.

"I think it's cool," I said, grinning."

Phalen and I stood quietly for a few moments, watching as the twins' hands roamed over each other's bodies. Since they were naked, I couldn't see any way to tell them apart. While their kisses became more intense, I wondered what having sex with one's identical twin would be like. Kerin always said it was like a kinky form of masturbation, but it seemed to me that it had to be more than that.

The two perfect bodies mesmerized me. Neither had any blemish to mar their skin. They looked younger, naked, especially since, other than their pubes and heads, they were smooth. It was easy to tell that neither spent much time outside. Their pale skin was beginning to show the effects of this afternoon's play in the sun, becoming a light pink. My erection became even stiffer as I watched them kiss, their tongues visible from time to time as they moved their heads and rubbed against each other with their eyes closed. Their hands were kneading each other's butts as they pulled themselves closer together, trapping their cocks between their bodies. With each movement their muscles would ripple. Their biceps would flex and their butt cheeks tighten. Their gentle moans added yet another element to the erotic scene being played out in front of Phalen and me.

"Hey, big man," Phalen whispered near my ear, as he nuzzled and licked my neck. "You're more sexy than both of 'em combined." He began to lick my chest, then moved to my nipples, causing me to groan with pleasure as his hot tongue enveloped first one, then the other.

"Oh, Phalen, I love you so much," I murmured, when he backed away. His eyes were filled with lust, heightened, I thought, by Kerin and Thian being not six feet away.

Phalen was licking my neck, teasing my penis, barely touching it. He was running his fingertips up and down its length, then cupping my balls, as he began to attack my mouth with one of his wonderfully sloppy kisses. I forgot the twins as I battled Phalen's tongue.

At one point I glanced up and noticed Thian and Kerin had stopped what they were doing and were sitting on the mat, cross legged, holding hands and watching us. Both had identical smiles on their face. Phalen, unaware of the audience, reached out to touch my face, his fingertips gently tracing the curve of my jaw. His thumb lingered a moment on my lips, lighter than a kiss. "I love you, big man," he breathed, then urged me to lie on my back. He knelt between my spread legs and began slowly sucking on me, still oblivious to the twins sitting close by. Even while Phalen took me into his throat, I thought it funny that he was not being an exhibitionist playing to an audience. He was being himself, lost in the throes of our lovemaking.

"You wanna taste your jiz, big man?" Phalen murmured, glancing up, still connected to me by a clear strand of pre cum. "Fill my mouth. Give me plenty to share with you." At that point I forgot about the twins. Phalen again deep throated my penis, his throat muscles milking me. My breathing was becoming more ragged as the oncoming orgasm built. Phalen was encouraging me, his muffled moans joining mine as his tongue and throat muscles worked on my penis. I rolled my head to the side and saw Kerin and Thian still watching us, lust filling their own eyes. Knowing they were watching us threw me over the edge and I abandoned myself to my orgasm, unloading shot after shot into Phalen's mouth.

When my climax finally died down, Phalen began crawling on his hands and knees up to my face. I reached down, grasping his cock and beginning to masturbate him as I opened my mouth, begging for my own sperm. He remained about a foot above me, and began drooling a thick stream of my own cum back into my mouth. When it touched my tongue, I heard a groan from one of the twins and absently wondered what they were doing. Phalen began working his hips, urging me to move faster, as he slowly filled my mouth. When the last bit of my sperm left his mouth, I swallowed. At the sound, he groaned and began shooting his own load onto my stomach.

Instead of lying down on top of me as he usually did, Phalen moved down to my stomach and began slurping up all of his own cum, then moved back to my mouth to give it to me. I begged him for it, opening my mouth and sticking out my tongue. This time, instead of drooling it into my mouth, he lay on top of me and we began exchanging his cum, coating each other's lips and tongues. As we kissed I ran my hands over his broad shoulders, then down to his butt, kneading his muscles, amazed at the strength in his compact body.

Again, I heard a groan from next to us. Phalen jerked, looking up, seemingly startled that we weren't alone, then relaxed, recalling whom we were with. We continued to lay side-by-side, watching the twins suck each other off, one on his back, the other on hands and knees, mirror images of the other.

"Fuck, Jeff, watching them has got me hard again," Phalen whispered, beginning to tease my penis. I knew what he meant. Seldom had I even imagined something as erotic as I was witnessing within arm's reach. The two brothers were writhing on the floor, their moans increasing in volume as they prepared to shoot. "C'mon, guys," Phalen said, barely loud enough for them to hear. "Show us what it's like to love your brother. Let's see you swallow your brother's sperm." The twins must have heard him. Their moans grew louder, their movements faster, while Phalen continued urging them onward.

"I'll bet you liked watching me give Jeff back his own cum," he intoned. "Watching him open his mouth --- the thick sperm coating his tongue. You loved it when you heard him swallow his own load, didn't you? --- Sometimes I don't let him swallow. Sometimes we trade his cum back and forth while we kiss. I love watching it run down his chin. I like licking it off. --- Jeff cums lots. I bet you guys do too."

Perfectly timed, both twins experienced their orgasm at the same moment, each burying his penis in his brother's throat. We could see their bodies tense with each shot. One arched his back, pulling his brother closer. The other's smooth testicles swayed from side to side, as he knelt above his twin, his butt muscles tensing with each shot, as his pubes rubbed his brother's face. While the twins regained their composure, Phalen and I, once again energized, laid back and began to kiss, rolling on the mat, one of us on top, then the other.

I opened my eyes when I felt Phalen flinch and break our kiss. One of the twins was kneeling next to us and had touched his shoulder. "Are we supposed to watch you guys go another round?" Thian asked.

"Nope, I'm 'bout worn out from the first one." Phalen giggled, brushing my hair out of my eyes, then giving me one last peck on the lips, before sliding off me to sit on the mat, waiting for me to join him. "We were just kissing," he explained.

"Looked like you were wrestling to me," the second twin said, scooting closer to me and rubbing his hand up and down my calf.

"Kissing, wrestling --- they're the same thing," Phalen said, watching the hand on my calf out of the corner of his eye. "Watching you guys was sooo cool!"

"Nice, Jeff," one of the twins said, nodding to my still stiff penis. I tried to cover it with my hand as I reacted to the hand on my leg, and being surrounded by so much skin. "Look at that, T, now he tries to cover himself! We've seen everything he has at close range, and now he gets modest!" Kerin laughed, then winked at me. "Well, Phalen, did you find out if you're an exhibitionist?"

Phalen looked sheepish. "I still don't know. When I started licking Jeff's chest I forgot you guys were here. But, after we shot, I did like watching you both. I guess we at least know that I'm a voyeur."

"What about you, Jeff? Are you a voyeur, or an exhibitionist?" Thian asked.

"I enjoyed what we did --- a lot, but I enjoy being alone with Phalen more. You won't have to force me if you guys want to do this again," I grinned, taking Phalen's hand and kissing it, moving my leg away from the caress. Phalen's fingers tightened on mine.

"Don't start," Kerin said. "I'm hungry." He stood up, absently scratching his crotch, looking around for his clothes. Watching him walk around sorting out his clothes from Thian's was truly a pleasure. What are you guys sitting there for?" Kerin asked. "C'mon, get dressed. Let's go get something to eat." He stepped into his yellow jock and arranged himself in the jock's pouch.

"After watching you guys move around, I think I would like to do this again --- soon," I laughed, accepting Phalen's offer of a hand to stand up.

Thian grinned and turned his back to me, wiggling his butt. Kerin quickly pulled the front of his jockstrap down and grabbed his soft cock, waving it back and forth. Both of them started to laugh as I tried to cover my growing erection.

"Geez, you get stiff easy, Jeff," Thian said, as I gave up trying to cover my thickening penis. Phalen laughed, wrapping a hand around it.

"You guys don't know what it's like living with a guy who gets an erection whenever he hears the word hard." He sighed dramatically. "All I have to say is I had a hard day at school, and wham --- he's like a rock. It's one of the things that I'm learning to live with."

"Later, big man," Phalen said, turning back to me. "We can continue the thought this evening, just the two of us," he said, letting go of my dick and slapping my butt once. I jumped, trying not to react to his playful slap. --- He had never hit me before. --- 'He wasn't laughing at me,' I thought. 'I'm an adult, not a child. --- He wasn't trying to hurt me. --- I don't like being slapped, even for fun.' Phalen seemed unaware of my reaction.

"Big man?" Kerin asked, aware of my reaction to Phalen's playful slap.

"You saw him," Phalen laughed. "I shouldn't have to explain it to you," he said, walking into the house to get some clothes that weren't wrinkled. I shrugged at the twins' expression, and ignored the evidence for the name Phalen had given me, sticking out from my body, begging for attention.

"You okay, Jeff?" Kerin muttered, moving closer to me.

"Yeah. --- Just sensitive, I guess." I shrugged, conscious of Kerin's scrutiny.

"What do you call Phalen?" Thian asked, trying to restore the carefree mood that I had lost.


"That's true --- for sure. Anything else?"

"Wonderful, exciting, funny, handsome. Should I go on?

"Don't forget to tell 'em you think I look great in a jock!" Phalen yelled from inside.

"He's also got great hearing," I said, as Kerin squeezed my shoulder,and finished dressing.

~End - Chapter Seven~

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to comment on this story. I love to hear from you, and appreciate your input and your constructive criticism.

If you would like for me to send you a pic of the guys that inspired the main characters in this story, email me.

There are a few words and phrases in Finnish that appear in 'Phalen'. Information, which is transmitted in text format, such as this story, when it's uploaded to Nifty, cannot reproduce the punctuation used on a few letters of the Finnish alphabet. I have chosen to use the closest English equivalent. To any Finnish speakers, my apologies.

My thanks to Larry S. for his assistance with the Finnish language, his help in proofreading, and for being a good friend. Thanks also to Evan Bradley for his continuing encouragement, and for helping me make 'Phalen' a better story.

A number of readers have written asking for the correct pronunciation of the character's names. They are:

Phalen (FAY-lin) Kerin (KEAR-in) Thian (THE as in Theater (THE-in)

Thanks for reading.


Next: Chapter 8

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