
By Roy Reinikainen

Published on Feb 10, 2008


This story is entirely fictional, and any resemblances to actual persons are completely coincidental. Actual locations are mentioned, and are used for 'background' only.

'Phalen - Finding Happiness' Chapter twenty-six

by Roy Reinikainen

The three men continued to lounge on the wooden benches of the sauna savoring the afterglow of what had just happened. Jeff had moved to sit across from his father, extending a leg and resting his foot at David's side. His legs remained slightly spread, allowing the thick flesh of his now-soft penis to drape over his scrotum.

He leaned his head back against the wall and was breathing slowly, a hint of a smile on his lips as Phalen cuddled close, his head resting on Jeff's shoulder. Jeff shifted position only enough to snake an arm behind Phalen and pull him closer and smiling when Phalen made a sound of pure contentment.

The two men were a study in contrasts. Slender, pale-skinned Jeff, with his hairy chest and thick pubes seemed older than the four years separating him from the muscular, smooth-skinned . . . boyish . . . Phalen.

Jeff's smile widened when his father began to tenderly massage his foot.

"You have just discovered the way to my heart," Jeff murmured, without opening his eyes, causing Phalen to look up, first at Jeff, and then at David. He lazily smiled when he saw what David was doing, and then closed his eyes once again.

Jeff took a deep breath. "Dad . . ." He paused, as if he wasn't sure how to continue.

David sighed, continuing to massage his son's foot, gently kneading the soft skin. "I knew this was coming." He met his son's curious expression and sighed.

"Yes, Jeff. Your mother knows I enjoy men. She knew it when we were seeing one another . . . before we were married. We talked about it . . . many times . . . after I asked her to marry me. I thought that, with her, I might not feel the urges to have a male sexual outlet from time to time, but I was wrong. It was . . . rough, not only on your mother, and you and your brother, but on me.

"I've always loved her, Jeff . . . always. Even when I was with another man, just as when I'm with you both, right now, I love her. Still . . ." He paused. "It has been rough . . . on both of us." David's voice caught, with remembered emotions.

"We each went into our marriage with our eyes open. We just never realized how difficult things might become." He continued to massage Jeff's foot as he spoke in a low voice. "We stayed together, not only because of you and your brother, but because we both wanted our marriage to work.

"Even so, we never seemed to have really talked until we had the house to ourselves . . . after you left to come to the States. It was then that I realized how deeply I love your mother, and how little I really need another man. The feelings for men are just as strong. They're . . . just, not as . . . important.

"Having said all that, I have to tell you that this afternoon's experience, with you both, has been one of the most fulfilling sexual experiences of my life." He rubbed a hand up and down Jeff's calf, feeling the hair shift beneath his fingers.

"Believe me, son. I have envied your and Phalen's happiness, as well as the ease with which you both seem to have developed your relationship. What you both feel is something your mother and I took years to achieve, and I'm not sure we've reached what you men have, even now." He shrugged slightly.

"While I was envying you, I was despairing of your brother. I think perhaps your father is exactly what Greg's been searching for, Phalen. He's strong enough not to be cowed by Greg's personality, and yet sensitive enough to allow Greg to discover what it means to love another person."

David playfully nudged Phalen's leg with the toes of his foot. "That means, he's very much like you." Phalen smiled, uncertain exactly how to interpret what David was saying.

"Even though Jeff comes across as reserved . . . almost shy," David continued, "you and I know he is anything but." Jeff softly snorted, while Phalen smiled broadly in agreement. "You stand up to him and won't let him sink into himself, unlike his mother and me." Phalen's smile faded as he bit his lower lip and cuddled closer to Jeff. "You also don't fence him in. You let him be the man he was intended to be. That's what I think your father will do for Greg.

"You love my son, Phalen, and for that I am overwhelmingly grateful. You are providing him something he has not had nearly enough of in his life." He paused, as if in recollection.

"As for you Jeff, and what you do for this wonderful man you're holding . . ." He shrugged. "That, I can't truly say, since I haven't been around Phalen enough. But, I know that whatever it is you do, you must be doing it correctly." Jeff tightened his arm around Phalen's shoulder as his father continued speaking.

"As an outsider, I see how his eyes light up whenever he's speaking about you. Whenever you're in the same room with him, the look on his face is . . . almost . . . embarrassing, it's so steeped with his feelings for you." David looked aside, seemingly lost in his own thoughts.

"As I said, I envy you both, as well as the love you've found. Don't let it go, boys. Cling to it. Remember it, whenever you encounter difficult times. Don't ever forget what you feel for one another . . . right now . . . at this moment. Those feelings will get you through any difficulty."

David softly snorted. "Listen to me. I've gotten all maudlin." He once again playfully nudged Phalen's leg. "If I don't quit talking, I'm going to have this young man in tears."

Phalen sniffed once, and compressed his lips.

David gently slapped the surface of the wooden bench, suddenly missing the familiar warmth of the sauna. "Enough seriousness." He smiled, his crooked smile, realizing that Jeff was almost as moved by what he had just said, as Phalen. He squeezed Jeff's calf in a tacit signal that the emotions he was feeling were okay, and were understood.

"So, did you men enjoy yourself as much as I did?" At this, Jeff laughed outright.

"Greg's gonna be soooo jealous."

"You don't have to tell him, you know."

"What?" Jeff asked. "Of course I do. How many sons have an opportunity to masturbate with their father?"

"Or lick his sperm off his chest," Phalen added, his earlier somber mood gone, replaced by his normally playful personality. He licked his lips. "Very good too, I must say."

"Yeah, well . . ." David grinned. "I've always thought it tasted pretty good, myself. Now, I have a corroborating opinion."

"And, a third," Jeff added, his own mood reflecting Phalen's.

"So, do we have a deal?" Jeff raised his eyebrows in query at his father's question. "To not mention . . . this." David vaguely gestured to the sauna, "before your mother and I are away?"

As Jeff was nodding agreement, Phalen crowed. "I'm not making any promises. Besides," he continued, "Greg's not blind. He'll know something happened. You'd have to be blind not to see it. But," Phalen lowered his voice and held up a placating hand. "I will promise not to tell him how good you taste." He licked his lips and burst into laughter. "Just like your son."

"Well, men," David said, slowly standing up and stretching, thrusting his hips forward and arching his back as he stretched his arms out to his sides. He ran his fingers over his sticky chest and the remnants of drying sperm. "I could use a shower."

Phalen opened his mouth to say something, but was prevented, when Jeff interrupted. "Don't say you can lick it clean for him." Phalen closed his mouth as Jeff finished his thought. "That would be the job of his son!"

Both David and Phalen burst into laughter as the three men stepped out of the sauna and into the adjoining shower.

"Now, whose back do I get to soap-up," David asked, wiggling his eyebrows in an imitation of Phalen.

"You do Jeff's," Phalen said, immediately. "I'll do yours. Then, we can switch about, and Jeff can wash off your . . . umm . . . front." He wiggled his eyebrows, and snickered at Jeff's reaction.

"I know, I know," he said to Jeff, as he stepped around David. "You're a butt man, but you've always got my butt. You'll have to settle for your dad's . . . front."

"All of it?" Jeff asked, looking over his shoulder from where his father was lathering his back and buttocks.

"You got it, big man," David teased, using Phalen's pet name for Jeff. "And, I'm going to make sure you get every inch squeaky-clean, before I let you out of this room."

"And I get to watch," Phalen grinned. "I always wondered what it'd be like to do this sorta thing with my dad." His eyes brightened and he got a calculating look on his face.

Margit hesitated a moment before ringing Larry's doorbell. She smiled brightly when spiky-haired Greg moved the drapery aside to see who was at the door. He rolled his eyes and released the drapery, which fell into place, and then slowly opened the door.

"Hi, sweetheart," Margit greeted her oldest son, merrily waving at Larry, who had walked into the living room to see who was at the door, and now stood, undecided whether he should retreat back from where he had come, or come into the room and greet her. After returning her wave he decided to join Greg.

"Jeff told me you were both dressed, and were accepting visitors. Albeit, reluctantly," she added in a subtle reaction to Greg's apparent reluctance to admit her to the dimly lit house. She chuckled before giving him a kiss on the cheek as he moved aside, allowing her to enter the house, ignoring his attempt to stifle a yawn.

The changes in her son were startling. He was standing before her dressed in nothing more than a pair of flimsy running shorts, something he would never have considered before last night. Even more than the way he was dressed, was an air of confidence. As exhausted as he was, the change was unmistakable.

"Good morning, Mother," he managed, running his fingers through his hair. He tried to stifle another yawn, grinning in her direction.

"Afternoon, sweetheart," Margit corrected him. She took the seat Larry indicated and smiled benignly, turning from one man to the other as Larry sat close to Greg, perched on the edge of the sofa.

"Get much sleep, honey?" she asked her son, sweetly.

"Not much." Even through his exhaustion, a trace of a grin played with the corners of his lips. "We'd just gone back to bed, after Jeff and Curt's visit." He motioned to her with a lazily vague gesture. "Now, we're entertaining once more." Greg heaved a sigh and flopped back, sinking into the cushions of the leather sofa. He spread his legs wide and stretched them out in front of him, looking for all the world, as if he had been knocked unconscious and was only just recovering. His lips were red and slightly swollen, as if they had been heavily used, and only recently.

Larry wasn't in much better shape. His hair was a mess and he moved as if he was stiff. 'What could they possibly have done that would cause them to look like this?" She asked herself, glancing from one to the other. 'Whatever it was, it must have been fun, for them to do so much of it.' She couldn't help but grin at the image her mind conjured. Still, it was difficult to imagine either of her sons having sex. She still thought of them as little boys.

That thought, and the accompanying guilt over not being aware of the sexual abuse suffered by Jeff, momentarily quelled her sense of pride in what Greg had accomplished. She brought her attention back to the present.

"You both seem a little . . . under the weather. Is everything okay? So, you didn't get much sleep?" She raised inquiring brows. Greg knew his mother was playing with him, and also knew that a scowl, no matter how menacing, would make her stop when she was in one of her playful moods. All one could do in such a situation, was . . . endure.

"No, not much sleep," the bleary-eyed Larry croaked, cleared his throat, and then apologized for not being a better host. He stood, his running shorts clinging to his groin. She found it difficult to look away from the way . . . everything . . . beneath the flimsy fabric, moved. She cleared her throat to divert her own attention away from Larry.

"Would you care for a drink, Margit?" Before she had an opportunity to answer, Greg groaned, tilting his head back, seeming to sink further into the cushions of the sofa.

"Coffee, lover," Larry hastily added. "I'm speaking of coffee."

"Good," Greg croaked, shielding his eyes with an arm thrown over his face. "Yes. Coffee is good." Larry shook his head from side to side and left the room on legs which seemed none too steady. "Good," Greg murmured, to himself. "Coffee."

"Are you okay, honey?"

"Hangover, Mother," Greg managed to croak. "Awful." He groaned. "Feel awful."

"How much of that Lapin Kulta did you drink," she asked, maternal concern mixed with amusement.

"Too much," was the slow response. "Waaaay too much." He tilted his head forward so he could see his mother, and unshielded his eyes. "I needed courage, y'see." He dropped his head back onto one of the sofa pillows he had propped himself up with. "I gotta find a different way of building courage. Beer is definitely not the answer."

"Even so, it seems to have worked," she observed, glancing in the direction in which Larry had disappeared. She noticed the corners of Greg's mouth twitch upward.

"I'll say," he managed, with a dry chuckle. "Tell Dad, his advice worked. I brought beer over here, gave Larry a kiss . . ." Greg ran a fingertip over his lips. "Actually, we did quite a bit of kissing in between the bottles of beer. So . . . I drank and drank . . ." He paused as if in thought. "And drank." He grimaced in recollection. "Maybe if I'd eaten something beforehand . . ." He tried to shrug, a difficult thing to do in his position.

"The remainder of the evening is a blur. But," he added, wearily holding up an index finger before dropping his hand back to the sofa. "Not so much of a blur, that I don't remember what happened, or how good it felt." He brushed his fingers through his hair, rearranging the black spikes. "Now, if I just didn't feel so . . . rotten, things would be better." He glanced toward the kitchen with a frown. "I wonder what's holding up the coffee."

"Well, honey, let's hope that that's the last time you'll ever need to use beer as a means of working up courage."

"I'll drink to that," Greg said, before he realized what he said. His laugh was aborted by a groan.

"Lover?" Margit ventured, in a lower voice, alluding to Larry's earlier comment.

Another upward twitch of the lips. "I fervently hope so, Mother. It's wonderful. . ." The sentence trailed off. "He's wonderful."

"I expected as much, sweetheart. He's very much like his son."

"Nope." Greg slowly rolled his head from side to side on the back of the sofa. "Doesn't talk as much," he murmured. "He's . . . mmm . . . taller, too." He glanced at his mother from beneath half closed eyelids, to see if she had caught his almost slip of the tongue, and then closed his eyes, seemingly forgetting his mother's presence.

"Feels good to have him lying on top of me. Tastes good, too." He looked up with a start, at the sound of someone clearing their throat. Larry was standing close by, wearing an embarrassed flush over his cheeks, while Margit was sitting back in her chair, her hand covering her smile, but not the pleased expression of her eyes.

"Oh, uh." He looked at Larry with a slightly panicked expression, before turning to Margit. "Sorry, mother. Must be the beer talking."

"No, it was my son. I'm sure of it."

The knock caused all three men to look toward the shower room door. "Are you guys in there?" Margit's shout could be heard over the spray of the water. "I'll put some towels on the floor, for you," she offered.

"Thanks dear," David shouted. "We'll be out shortly." He opened his arms wide, welcoming Jeff and Phalen into a wet embrace, kissing them both on the cheek.

"I love you both. You know that, I hope." He turned off the shower spray and accepted another hug and kiss on the cheek from Phalen.

"Thanks, David," he murmured. When Jeff walked to the door and opened it, picking up the towels his mother had left, Phalen added. "For everything." David smiled and nodded once in acknowledgment.

"It sounds as if mother has invited guests," Jeff said as the three men wrapped themselves in the towels Margit left on the floor and walked single file into the living room.

"Hey, men!"

Larry and Greg, both looking exhausted, turned at David's greeting. Margit looked up from where she was picking up clothes shed earlier by her husband, son, and Phalen, as they headed out to the pool. She merely shook her head in resignation. Larry and Greg looked at the clothing-strewn room, unsure what to think. Now, with the appearance of Phalen, Jeff, and David, all wearing brilliant white towels and equally bright smiles, they were even more perplexed.

'What is it with men?' she thought, glancing at Larry and Greg's open mouth reaction to her husband, Jeff and Phalen. 'All men,' she amended, 'are governed by hormones. And why would David wear his towel slung so low on his hips that half of his pubic hair showed?' She turned her back, stooping to pick up some more clothes, and missed Phalen's broad smile and wiggling eyebrows.

For a moment, Larry seemed puzzled by Phalen's gesture, but with Greg's murmured, "damn", he realized what must have happened.

Jeff's attempt to hide his blush by acting nonchalant was not very successful, his smile broadening at his brother's murmured exclamation. By now, Phalen was now attempting to school his expression into one of innocence, something he was not good at, especially under the circumstances.

"Damn," Larry added, as David blatantly adjusted himself beneath the towel. In the background, Margit could still be heard to be muttering.

David walked to Greg and wrapped one arm around his shoulders and another around Larry's, standing between them. "Hey men," he asked, looking from one to the other. "Did you have an enjoyable evening?"

"You actually told him to kiss me when he came over last night?" Larry asked, intensely aware of David's warmth . . . and bare skin.

David nodded with a smug smile. "That's what I would have done. Then, I would have . . ." Margit cleared her throat causing everyone to turn. She gave them the look all mothers master early-on to control their children without saying a word. The look had always been successful with both Jeff and Greg as children. She was pleased to find that it still worked, and seemed to be successful with adult men as well.

She tried to smooth away a satisfied grin at her success. "Larry and Greg managed quite well last night without you, dear," she said, throwing her husband his underwear. He snatched the white briefs out of the air, and then dropped the towel on the floor. He stood with his back to Greg and Larry, turning his underwear right-side-out and then bent at the waist and stepped into his shorts, slowly tugging them over the swell of his buttocks.

"Ooooo," Greg teased, as his father wiggled into the shorts.

"Nice," Larry murmured a moment before Margit stood, having gathered the remainder of the clothing. She crossed her arms as she watched the end of her husband's show.

"Quite a spectacle, David. Shall we applaud, now?" He smiled broadly, and turned to the other men.

"She's upset. She never calls me by my name unless she's at least, mildly irritated." Margit merely shook her head, wearing a long-suffering expression, and tossed Jeff and Phalen their jockstraps.

"Here, boys, I believe these belong to you." With that, she left the men and stepped into the kitchen, where she could be heard rummaging among the pots and pans, mumbling to herself amidst the racket.

'Oh dear.' Jeff cast a worried glance in his mother's direction. 'Mother in the kitchen . . .' The thought was the stuff of nightmares.

With Margit out of direct view, Phalen dropped his towel on the floor. Jeff tore his attention away from the sounds of the kitchen and stepped into his jock without hesitation. Phalen, on the other hand, smiled broadly and shook his hips from side to side, causing his cock to flop about.

"What's going on in there?" Margit shouted. "Whenever things get quiet, I know something's going on." She leaned over the kitchen island counter to investigate. Her stern look was returned by five outrageously innocent expressions. She threw up her hands and returned to the stove.

"Stop encouraging them, David," she shouted. "They probably wouldn't have been taking a sauna if it weren't for you!"

David handed Jeff and Phalen their shorts, and headed for the kitchen, still wearing the white briefs. "You're right, dear," he said, leaning on the counter and wiggling his hips from side to side, grinning when Phalen gave his butt a smack.

"Don't do anything you're not prepared to finish," he murmured, loud enough for only the men to hear. Margit turned at the laughter.

"You're right, dear," David repeated. "We wouldn't have been taking a sauna. Enjoying being naked is a bad habit of mine. Jeff and Phalen are just like me. We hate clothes, don't we men?"

"Enough, David. Everyone knows your feelings about clothing."

Larry looked from Margit, to David, and then to Greg. "I don't."

"Shhh," Greg murmured, loud enough for his mother to hear. "I'll tell you, later." Larry nodded, grinning when Margit's stern look was turned in his direction. He shrugged his helplessness, still grinning unrepentantly.

"What is it with men? They always want to be naked," Margit groused. Jeff was watching his mother open and close drawers and cabinets, with trepidation.

"You're right, Mom. We only wear clothes because women expect it," Greg added, speaking for the first time. She turned to face him with her hands on her hips wearing a look of disappointment. She took the couple steps separating her from her oldest son and touched the tip of his nose with a forefinger. "I'm aware of that, dear. If you men didn't wear clothes, we women wouldn't be able to tell you apart." She ignored the chorus of "ooooo's," in the background, and turned back to the stove.

"And since when did you start enjoying cavorting around in the buff? I thought you were the sensible one in the family."

"I'm a new man, Mother. Larry has already taught me lots of stuff. Just think, we've only been together less than twenty-four hours. What will I be like after a few days, or weeks?" Everyone turned to Larry, who threw up his hands.

"Leave me out of this."

"Maybe we should have a long talk, Larry," David smiled. "I mean, now that you're sort of a son in law, or whatever." He studied Greg. "He is my newest son-in-law, isn't he?"

"We're not married, Dad." David flicked his fingers.

"A mere formality."

"Let's eat!" I'm starved!" Phalen spoke into the moment of silence, allowing Larry and Greg to digest David's comments. "I'm always starved after . . ." Phalen hesitated for the briefest moment. "A sauna," he finished, ignoring Jeff and David's warning glance.

"Men!" Margit shook her head as she dropped a slab of frozen meat into a pot and leaned over to study the range, in an attempt to figure out how to turn it on. She fiddled with the controls and then brushed her hands together in satisfaction.

"Love 'em," David murmured, wrapping an arm over Greg and Larry's shoulders.

"Nice chest, Dad." David grinned.

"Love the hair," Larry added, causing David to laugh.


"Yes, dear? Was that a statement, or a question," David asked, enjoying the feeling of holding Greg and Larry almost as much as he had enjoyed holding Phalen and Jeff. "I need to know what you intend before I know how to respond." He sniffed the air.

"Can you smell it? There's testosterone in the air."

"No wonder I'm horny," Phalen murmured, nudging Jeff with his hip and grinning at his father.

"You get horny by breathing," Jeff chuckled, nudging Phalen in return.

"Me too," Larry added.

"Really?" Greg asked, his eyes wide.

Margit stepped back from the stove with her hands on her hips. "That's not testosterone. I think I'm burning something." She turned to the men, noticing Jeff's growing look of alarm. "Phalen told me how to use the stove, but it doesn't seem to be working correctly."

"Please don't let it be the reindeer meat," Greg groaned. Jeff squawked in growing alarm. He could restrain himself no longer, running around the counter and past his mother, turning off the heat beneath the pan with the scorched meat, all the while, muttering under his breath.

"Reindeer?" Larry turned toward Greg, his eyes wide.

"I knew that smell was familiar," David added, sadly shaking his head. "It was either testosterone, or reindeer meat burning."

"We don't have any reindeer meat," Jeff shouted over the hiss of water hitting the hot pan. The singed piece of still-frozen meat banged into the sink.

"You threw it out?" Larry was unable to tell if Greg was teasing, or was genuinely upset.

"So, now I have a comedian for a brother," Jeff groused, waving a hand in front of his face in an effort to drive away some of the smoke. "He leaves the house, all nice and sedate and, after only one night on his own, returns a changed man." Jeff turned to Larry. "What'd you do to him?"

Greg grabbed Larry's arm and gave him a warning glance.

"No need to go into details."

"Up, big man. Get off me. I wanna get naked."

Jeff pushed himself to his knees, rolled off the edge of the bed, and then stood and crossed the room, dimming the lights. He dropped his shorts and t-shirt on the floor and turned back toward the bed, Phalen too had stripped, and had quickly folded his clothes and stacked them on a nearby chair. He was climbing onto the center of the bed, his deep tan contrasting with the white bed sheets.

He flopped onto his back and turned his head toward Jeff, seeing both Jeff's and his reflection in the darkened glass of the sliding glass doors. The reflections were a study in contrasts, Jeff's pale skinned body and smooth butt cheeks, contrasting with his own deeply tanned smooth skin and erection which throbbed, demanding attention.

Jeff gave him a brief kiss and then lifted Phalen's legs and pushed them back to his shoulders. The cool air of the room brushed over the smooth hole a moment before Jeff buried his face between Phalen's cheeks and began lapping at his anus, behaving like an animal in heat. The noises he made, as much as the sensations of his tongue, first lapping at, and then trying to penetrate his hole, was driving Phalen insane. On the other hand, Phalen's whimpering seemed to be driving Jeff to even greater heights of passion.

The encounter with David, earlier in the day, seemed to have stimulated Jeff's desire. Jeff's parents, sensing their sons' need to be alone with their partners, had left immediately after helping clean up the dinner dishes. Soon thereafter, Larry had led Greg home, promising him a night not soon to be forgotten.

Greg's playful complaint about not getting enough sleep last night was brushed off. "I've been waiting for you all my life, mister. I'm not about to spend my time sleeping, now that I've found you," Larry responded as the front door to the house closed, and the two men crossed the courtyard.

Jeff moved back to sit on his haunches, pausing a moment to catch his breath. He wiped his hand over his mouth and the glistening saliva on his cheeks and chin before he combed his fingers through his black hair, pushing it away from his forehead, his green eyes never leaving Phalen's blue.

"Now, Jeff," Phalen almost pleaded. "Fuck me." He took a gulping breath in anticipation as Jeff moved forward and aimed the wide head of his erection at Phalen's anus. "Fuck me," Phalen urged again. "Hard."

He was answered by a slight nod, and the feeling of Jeff sliding his erection into the spit-slick hole in one smooth move. Phalen gasped and Jeff threw his head back as Phalen's anus clasped his pulsing erection. With each movement, his thick pubes brushed against the smooth skin of Phalen's perineum.

As always, Phalen was amazed he was able to accommodate Jeff's erection. He felt stretched beyond what seemed possible. Jeff had blushed a deep shade of pink and grinned a pleased response when Phalen once joked to his father that he felt as if he were giving birth whenever Jeff was inside him. Larry had barked a laugh and then studied Jeff, trying not to be too obvious.

Under normal circumstances, Jeff was a tender lover, sometimes, almost hesitant, always solicitous, Phalen's pleasure meaning as much to him as his own. But, even during his tender moments, it was obvious Jeff enjoyed being in charge. Tonight, he gave Phalen what he asked for, and was aggressive in his lovemaking. 'This is the type of sex I love most,' Phalen thought to himself, feeling drips of Jeff's perspiration land on his chest.

Suddenly, he was empty. Jeff pulled out and quickly scooted lower on the bed, letting Phalen hold his own legs back while Jeff buried his face between Phalen's butt cheeks. His tongue attacked the hole with almost as much force as his cock had, only moments earlier. Phalen squirmed under the sensory onslaught, and gasped aloud when Jeff began sucking on his cock, taking it into his throat at the same time he ran g a finger around the perimeter of Phalen's hole, periodically plunging it deep inside, massaging Phalen's prostate.

At the first touch of Jeff's fingers lightly pinching his nipples, Phalen arched his back, thrusting his cock deeper into Jeff's mouth, and began shooting. He gasped, and gasped once again, as it felt as if he were being drained.

As his cock slipped free of Jeff's mouth, Phalen waited to hear him swallow. Instead, Jeff pushed Phalen's legs back to his chest and drooled out the thick strand of sperm from his mouth onto Phalen's waiting hole. Phalen felt the warm liquid hit, imagining it slipping into his body, his own sperm coating his insides.

After the orgasm he just experienced, he didn't think he could get any higher, but the sight of Jeff leaning forward with a long thick strand of sperm still dangling from his mouth was enough to cause his cock to begin thickening once again. When he felt Jeff use the head of his cock to smear the sperm over his hole, he was fully erect, and anxious to shoot another load.

Jeff slid in a second time and leaned forward murmuring into his ear at the same time he worked on Phalen's hole. "You like getting fucked with your own sperm as lube . . . don't you," he huffed, his breath hot against Phalen's neck. His voice quavered. "Ohhh, lover. It feels so good sliding into your butt hole when it's already full of cum." He could taste his own sperm on Jeff's tongue as they kissed, a slightly sweet taste, Jeff claimed he could never get enough of.

Phalen tried to answer the question, but all he could manage was a weak croak and a loose nod of his head. Jeff gasped for breath and shook his head sending droplets of perspiration everywhere, never missing a stroke, while Phalen began masturbating his own erection.

Jeff's hair was stuck to his forehead in sweaty streaks. He shook his head, and another drop of perspiration fell from his chin, this time onto Phalen's cheek.

"C'mon, big man, unload in me. Fill me up."

Jeff's thrusts became faster. He tightly closed his eyes, groaned loudly, thrust twice more, and then paused, holding only the head of his cock inside Phalen's hole as he came. With each pulse of his cock, he grunted, pumping Phalen full.

A moment later he slid out and began loudly slurping the cum oozing out of Phalen's hole, all the while making little animal sounds deep in his throat. This time, Phalen heard him swallow.

The sound was enough to push him over the edge. Still with his legs back, his knees almost touching his shoulders, he squeezed his cock and opened his mouth as he shot a second load of sperm in the space of less than half an hour, this time directly into his own mouth.

Jeff eased Phalen's legs down as they both sighed in exhaustion, and then climbed on top of him and began to lick his face clean of any cum which failed to land in Phalen's mouth. When he had finished, he propped himself up and kissed the tip of Phalen's nose.

"Hmm, you taste good."

Phalen responded with an exhausted nod and drifted off to sleep as Jeff snuggled close and rested an arm over his chest.

He kissed Phalen's shoulder, whispering to the now softly snoring man next to him. "You wonderful man." Jeff smiled softly to himself as he snuggled close.

~ to be continued ~

Thank you for taking the time to read my work. I always welcome your email and enjoy hearing your thoughts. If you would like me to send a pic of the character(s), please ask.

In addition to the first 'Phalen' story, I have three other stories you may want to read. 'Leith' and 'Chris' are located in the Nifty College Section. The third story is called 'Wesley', and is located in the Adult Relationships section. Two new stories, will be posted, shortly. 'Owen' will appear in the Nifty College Section, and 'Jess' will appear in the Nifty Incest section. I hope you enjoy them all.

Roy Reinikainen

Next: Chapter 56: Finding Happiness 27

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