
By Roy Reinikainen

Published on Jan 19, 2008


This story is entirely fictional, and any resemblances to actual persons are completely coincidental. Actual locations are mentioned, and are used for 'background' only.

'Phalen - Finding Happiness' Chapter twenty-five

by Roy Reinikainen

Phalen broke into a brilliant smile when he opened the courtyard door and saw Jeff's parents. "Hey, guys, come on in!" He stepped aside and motioned them through the courtyard, following them into the house. "May I get you a cup of coffee or something?"

"Coffee's always welcome," Margit smiled, stopping a moment to kiss Phalen's cheek, grinning at the pink flush of his cheeks. "I don't think a Finn can live without a coffee pot nearby." She looked around the quiet house. "Is Jeff still asleep? Was the party too much for him?"

Phalen laughed, balancing three cups of coffee as he walked into the dining room and sat opposite David and Margit at the dining table. "No, he couldn't stand not knowing what was going on with Greg and Dad, so he went over to," he lowered his voice in an imitation of Jeff's, and shook his head in resignation, "to see if things were okay."

"Why didn't you join him? Aren't you curious," David asked, seeming very curious, himself.

"Of course I'm curious, but the guys don't need all the friggin' family dropping in for a visit. I mean, it's still early afternoon! They may still be sleeping . . . or whatever." He smiled, looking up from beneath lowered eyelids, before busting into laughter. "I suspect they must have answered the door since Jeff hasn't come back muttering about people not being able to drag themselves out of bed at a decent hour."

Phalen rolled his eyes. "Absolutely no one gets out of bed before the crack of dawn just so they can go swimming! No one, except Jeff, that is. Personally, I'd sleep late every day if I didn't have to get up to go to school." He shivered. "I hate mornings."

He looked from David to Margit and his smile faded. "All right, what's going on? You're both so serious. Is anything wrong? Should I go get Jeff?" He was about to rise, but David made a placating gesture, urging him to return to his seat.

"No, Phalen, nothing's wrong." He flicked a glance at his wife, who gave him a small nod, causing Phalen to face him.

"Okay, David, now that Margit's told you it's okay to stop being so mysterious . . . what's going on?"

Margit gave him a gentle smile. "Sweetheart, nothing's wrong. We'd just like to visit with you for a couple minutes." Phalen grasped his own coffee cup, warily looking from one person to the other.

The silence lengthened. "Okay," he said, as if steeling himself for something. "I'm ready."

"We're not going to shoot you, Phalen," David chuckled, the corners of his eyes crinkling. "Relax. We just want your insight, that's all."

Phalen slowly exhaled. "Oh, okay, I'll try." He tried to control his breathing which was threatening to run out of control. "I'm just eighteen though. What do I know?"

"You love Jeff," Margit gave him a wistful smile.

"Is Jeff okay? Is something wrong with him?" Phalen leaned back in his chair and ran agitated fingers through his hair. "Ah geez." Margit reached across the table and rested her hand atop his.

"Sweetheart, relax." Her voice was soothing. Phalen's answering nod was not much more than a single, jerk of his head. His lips remained in a grim line while the hand not captured by Margit, gripped his coffee mug.

"Phalen," David picked up the conversation, trying to speak in a calm voice. "Mrs. Kriikko, the teacher from Jeff's old elementary school visited with us after you both came back to the States."

Phalen bowed his head, closing his eyes. "Oh, shit."" He gave Margit an apologetic look.

"It's okay," she reassured him with a crooked smile, squeezing his hand. "That expresses our sentiments, exactly."

"She wanted to know if Jeff was okay. She said she felt responsible for dredging up old ghosts, and was afraid Jeff might not be able to handle everything he had learned during his visit to the school." David grinned. "She didn't realize how much you help him, Phalen. On his own, I don't think Jeff could have gotten through everything, but with you at his side . . . he's stronger."

Margit took up the story. "Mrs. Kriikko's revelations were shocking, but not because we had no idea what might have happened to Jeff. They were shocking because, our worst fears were confirmed. You see, we knew something terrible was bothering Jeff when he was a child at that school. We asked him, but he retreated into that shell of his. When he becomes like that, no amount of persuasion will make him budge." She glanced at him with a smile in an attempt to lighten the mood which had descended over them. Her smile brightened slightly when the corners of his lips twitched.

She returned a faint smile. "Perhaps you have discovered a way to get him to talk, but we," she gestured to her husband and then herself. We, never could."

"When we didn't have any luck with Jeff, we went to the school and spoke with the administrators, expressing our concerns. They sent us home with promises to investigate our suspicions."

"A few days later, they called and told us they could find no evidence to support our suspicions," David continued, taking over from his wife. "We didn't know what else to do. Our family doctor tried talking to Jeff, and got about as far as we did. Whenever we mentioned school, Jeff would either retreat into his shell or he'd start crying." David's voice trailed off. "He always seemed so . . . fragile."

While David paused to take a drink of coffee and slowly shake his head, remembering Jeff's childhood, Margit resumed the story. "He did seem to get slightly better once school had let out for summer holiday. It was terrible, getting him to begin school the next year, but after a few weeks he seemed to calm down. He was still withdrawn, only not quite as much as the year before. There was much less crying, and he would come out of his room more often, and get away from that window seat of his. He would still stiffen up whenever he was held though. That didn't stop for years."

David shook his head. "Very disturbing."

Phalen studied Margit and David. "When Jeff and I were at the school, Mrs. Kriikko told us she knew someone had come to check on their son. I don't think she realized you were the people or she would have said something to Jeff." Phalen paused. "They discovered the two guys the following year, but it was too late to help Jeff. I think that the whole incident has weighed on her, and seeing Jeff made her feel better."

Phalen fell into silence for a few moments. "She really was upset about the whole thing, and assured Jeff that the guys had been caught and were someplace where they could no longer hurt anyone else."

Margit took a deep breath. "It was only when Mrs. Kriikko spoke with us recently that we learned what had actually happened. If someone at the time had told us what they had eventually discovered, we could have tried to do more for Jeff, and not let him suffer in silence for all those years." She bowed her head, looking into her coffee. "But, they didn't . . . so, we didn't."

"There's more, isn't there?" Phalen asked, his eyes wide.

"No, that's all. It's just that . . . When Jeff and Greg were young, Margit and I were not being very good parents. We were facing our own troubles, and even though we thought we did everything we could for both of our sons, I fear we did not accomplish nearly enough. To a large extent, both our boys grew up on their own."

Phalen reached across the table and took Margit's hand. "He never doubted that he was loved, no matter how much you think you failed him." He tried to ignore the water gathering in Margit's eyes, focusing instead on her wavering smile.

"Thank you, Phalen. What you said means a great deal to us."

"It was only after Jeff left for college, that we discovered ourselves, and our love for one another." David wore a wan smile, and reached for his wife's hand. "Maybe we should never have had children; we hurt them both so much; but I can not imagine a world without Jeff and Greg."

Phalen quietly watched both of them, awash in their emotional recollections. "Why do you want to tell me all this?"

"Phalen, we came here to tell Jeff how sorry we are." Before David could continue, Phalen jumped up, overturning his chair.

"NO!" He turned and paced in a small circle. "Don't do that! It'll kill him to think he somehow let you down. That's what he'll think. He's able to screw everything around so it ends up being his fault. He's so much better than when I met him. Don't do this to him!"

He stepped up to another chair, tightly gripping the chair's back. "You can't do it. Don't do it! Please! He's finally okay. Don't ruin what we've both accomplished." Phalen's voice shook more with each sentence. "He . . . we, we've worked so hard to get him where he can smile . . . and stand to be touched. Don't do it," he said again. "Please."

Margit hurried around the table and wrapped Phalen in a warm embrace, gently patting his back as he buried his face in her shoulder, his entire body shaking with the sudden emotional release.

"Shhh, sweetheart," she urged. "You've answered our question. We'll deal with our feelings on our own."

David joined his wife and hugged Phalen, and then righted the overturned chair. "Here, Phalen . . . sit. We'll do as you wish."

Phalen smiled distractedly and wiped his hands over his face. "Sheesh, you gotta give me a minute. I can't stop shaking." He stood up and slowly walked to the kitchen, speaking as he went. "I gotta get a glass of water."

David looked toward Margit, who was watching Phalen's retreating back. She appeared to be as disturbed as he but gave him a brave smile and reached for his hand.

"Shit," Phalen shouted from the kitchen.

"Oops, sorry, Margit," he apologized. "I spilled water on myself." He came back into the dining room, brushing at the front of his shirt. "I'm doing better now, but you guys look like you're going to a funeral." He scooted his chair closer to the dining table, and sat down. "If he comes home and sees you like this, he'll know something is up."

"Speaking of the devil," Margit murmured, looking over Phalen's shoulder. Jeff had come into the courtyard and was pushing the heavy courtyard door closed.

David looked from one side to the other as if seeking a means of escape; before he quickly stood and grasped Phalen by the shoulder. "C'mon, Phalen; let's swim!" Margit tried to stifle a laugh at her husband's solution, as well as at Phalen's confusion.

"What!" Phalen's voice was incredulous. "Now?"

"Yes, now," David muttered, as he began stripping, dropping his clothes in a heap. Phalen, cast an apologetic look in Margit's direction, hastily stripping out of his t-shirt and gym shorts before he turned to run after David. Margit's laughter followed them across the living room and onto the patio.

"Mother?" Jeff asked, resting a hand on her shoulder as he saw the naked forms of his father and Phalen, arms extended, leap into the pool with a loud whoop and prodigious splash.

Margit reached up and rested her hand atop her son's, looking up and smiling. "Your father bet Phalen he could beat him to the far end of the pool. I think it was merely a ploy to get out of his clothes."

Jeff looked at her with a concerned expression, and scooted the chair recently vacated by Phalen closer to his mother. She smiled and tenderly ran her fingers over his cheek.

"Are you okay, mother?"

She nodded slightly. "Never better, sweetheart. How's your brother? Sufficiently recovered after last night?"

Jeff grinned. "Umm, I guess; though he and Larry apparently didn't get a whole lot of sleep." He grinned faintly. "It's after noon, and when I arrived, they were still asleep." He sat back in his chair and crossed his arms, but not before casting a glance toward the pool where Phalen and David were madly splashing.

"Well, they're awake now," he continued, turning back to his mother. "I visited with them for a while, and then Curt came by. Larry joked that he and Greg might as well get dressed and await the next visitor." He chuckled, recalling both Larry's and his brother's bleary-eyed, yet strangely satisfied appearance.

"When he saw it was me, Larry answered the door naked and tried to be cordial, while Greg . . . equally naked, only raised a hand in greeting as he yawned and complained about the appalling lack of coffee." Jeff was now smiling. "It's amazing. Greg's inhibitions seem to have vanished overnight." He raised a hand and made a throw-away gesture. "Poof!"

"So, your brother is doing wonderfully?" Jeff grinned his agreement. "And, you?" Margit asked.

"I'm doing wonderfully, as well." He looked over his shoulder where his father and Phalen were each shouting with pleasure, dunking one another beneath the water and laughing.

"So," she continued. "Did Larry and Greg eventually put on some clothing? Are they presentable?" She chuckled at another explosion of laughter from the pool. "I'm thinking you're probably wanting to join your father and Phalen. If your brother is dressed, I think I'll go for a visit, so you men won't feel inhibited by my presence." She leaned close and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before turning to cross the living room. "Have fun," she called and waved over her shoulder, closing the front door.

Jeff watched her wrestle the courtyard door open, and then pull it closed behind her before he stripped and ran outside, feeling like a child. Both David and Phalen cheered him on as he jumped into the water, waving his arms in the air, shouting like a mad man, attempting to make as large a splash as possible. He surfaced with a happy smile, acknowledging the applause.

After a hug, Phalen kissed Jeff, long and hard.

David's voice broke into the suddenly quiet surroundings. "Damn men, you sure are sexy." Jeff wiped the water out of his eyes, smiling uncertainly at his father, fearing that Phalen might have overstepped himself with the kiss. His worried look faded when his father continued. "Don't worry Jeff; I've seen it all." He shook his head causing droplets of water to fly everywhere before he added, the corners of his eyes crinkling. "I've even done it all . . . a couple times."

"Yeah, David! Way to go!" Phalen shouted, slapping the surface of the water in exclamation, sending water in all directions.

David smiled at Phalen's exuberance and reached out to affectionately ruffle his son's wet hair.

"What Jeff, you think I don't like to shoot a load as much as you?" David glanced over his shoulder toward the house and lowered his voice. "Where's your mother?"

The change in the conversation's direction caught Jeff off guard. He had to think a moment. "Uh, ah, next door. She went over there so we wouldn't feel, inhibited by her presence." Jeff smiled at his father's expression. "Those are her words, not mine. Though, I doubt she realized how uninhibited things would become." He held up a hand, warding off any thought he might be complaining. "Again, not a complaint." He laughed when both his father and Phalen seemed to relax slightly.

"What? Do you guys think I don't like to have fun, just because I tend to be quiet?" He turned to Phalen. "You should know better than that."

"I do," Phalen protested, "but in front of your father?" Jeff shrugged off Phalen's concern, flicking a glance at his father who stood nearby watching the interaction.

He shrugged. "Yeah, well . . ."

"So, Jeff," David asked, stepping close to his son and lowering his voice. "Phalen mentioned that you have a sauna." His smile broadened at Jeff's nod.

"Are you feeling like you need one," Jeff asked.

"No, I'm feeling like I'd like a bit of privacy. Being surrounded by a couple extremely sexy men has got me all hard." He made a vague gesture below the water, causing both Jeff and Phalen to follow his look. "Would you guys mind terribly, stretching out in your sauna and . . . masturbating with your old man? Right now, I can't think of anything more sexy than watching my son and his lover beat off."


"Yee haa, David! Way to go!" Phalen crowed, once again slapping the surface of the water. "You're so cool!"

"Are you serious?"

David nodded, heaving himself out of the water to sit on the edge of the pool, his lower legs still submerged.

"He's serious," Phalen answered gesturing toward David's erection. He pushed himself out of the pool and sat at David's side, pointing to his own erection, and laughing. "Look at me! I'm serious too."

"Isn't all this talk of masturbation a bit sudden?" Jeff asked, nodding at his father's erection. "Not that I don't think it's hot as hell; but I'd like to know what caused it."

"Seeing you guys kiss last night started me thinking. I confess, I beat off last night back at the hotel, thinking of you both. Especially you, Jeff." His son raised his eyebrows in question, the corners of his lips twitching in an attempt to smile. In his wildest dreams, he could not have imagined having this conversation with his father. "It was so exciting seeing the way your tongue . . . wrestled . . . with Phalen's. It was a side of my son I felt privileged to see. Besides, it was damn sexy."

David stroked the length of his erection, pleased with his son's smile. "And then, a few moments ago, when I saw you both kiss . . ." He shook his head in amazement. "Seeing you both naked is extremely exciting, you know? You guys are two enormously sexy men. Besides," he confided. "I love to masturbate and lick my sperm off my hand." He ran his tongue over his lips. "And doing it in front of my son makes the thought doubly enticing." David gestured to his erection. "This just tells you I'm not only turned on, I am very happy." Jeff didn't notice the quick glance David cast in Phalen's direction.

"Most people smile or laugh, or something, whenever they're happy." Jeff said, feeling strangely embarrassed by his reaction to his father's erection. At the same time, he found it difficult to tear his gaze away. David shrugged.

"We each have our own ways of showing we're happy." David wrapped his hand around the base of his penis. "This is my way."

"And a good way it is, too," Phalen laughed, grasping his own erection and shaking it in Jeff's direction. "I think from now on, I'll get an erection whenever I'm really happy."

"You get hard when someone mentions breathing," Jeff laughed, levering himself out of the pool and sitting at his father's side, opposite Phalen. David reclined, supporting himself on his elbows, putting his erection on prominent display. He watched Phalen glance in Jeff's direction.

"You're showing off, Dad," Jeff said, unable to tear his eyes away from his father's erection, pulsing against his belly, nor the scrotum which hung limply between David's slightly spread legs.

"You got it," David admitted, grinning crookedly and making his cock jump. "And, I'm loving every minute of it. I love being naked, and the thought of masturbating with my son and his lover has gotten my fantasies running on overdrive." David looked up as Jeff stood, his own erection bobbing in front of him.

If David had been alone, he would have groaned at the sight he had fantasized of only a few hours earlier. Seeing Jeff actually standing in front of him with an erection was so much better than he could have imagined. 'Ohhhh, Jeff,' he thought to himself. 'You have no idea what you're doing to me.'

Jeff grinned down at his father, and twisted his body from side to side, causing his penis to sway back and forth. "It's a strange thing. I seem to be happy too." Phalen tried to stifle his laugh, while David barked a single sound of amusement.

"Well, men," Jeff continued, looking down at his father and Phalen. "If we're going to do it, the sauna's a good place. Mother won't look in there, if she comes back." He grinned down at his father. "That way, we can be as uninhibited as we like. You men are welcome to join me, if you wish." He turned and walked into the house, leaving a trail of water droplets on the brick floor.

Both David and Phalen scrambled to follow, closing the doors to the patio as they entered the house. Jeff had paused on the opposite side of the living room, waiting patiently wearing a crooked smile, much like his father's.

Phalen paused to admire David's wide shoulders, tapering to a narrow waist. His buttocks flexed as he took long strides across the living room. "Hurry up, Phalen." He looked over his shoulder and grinned. "You wouldn't want us to start without you."

David laughed and wrapped an arm around Phalen's shoulders as he rushed to join the two men. The thought of what he was about to do sent tingles up and down his body, centering on his groin.

David followed Jeff into the small shower room adjacent to the sauna. He looked around as Phalen followed him into the room and closed the door. "Sort of small, isn't it, Jeff?"

"Phalen's never complained of its size," Jeff answered in a deadpan voice as he adjusted the warmth of the shower spray. He looked up and feigned surprise. "Oh, you mean the sauna?"

"I never expected to host crowds, dad. I'm beginning to suspect I should have designed a larger one since the whole family seems to entertain here."

"Greg and Curt," Phalen provided. "And Jeff and Greg and me." David's eyebrows rose. "Now you, Jeff and me." Phalen looked over his shoulder in appreciation as Jeff began to scrub his back.

"Ya think maybe we could knock out a wall and make this place bigger? If we had more room, just think of the parties we could have." He jumped when Jeff swatted his bare butt with a smack.

"Don't make promises you may not be able to keep," he laughed, jumping out of Jeff's reach.

"Well, I'm clean," David shouted over the sound of the water. "And, I'm more horny than ever." He grasped his erection and ran his fist up and down its length a couple times as he toyed with one of his nipples. "Let's get this show on the road or I'm going to shoot before even getting out of the shower!"

Jeff stepped into the sauna and sat on the wooden bench on the far wall, immediately leaning back as far as possible and resting a foot on the bench on either side of him. David paused immediately inside the door.

"Is this my son," David asked aloud. "I always knew he enjoyed being naked, but I never realized what a show off he was." Jeff merely smiled a response, intently watching his father take the bench on his right.

"Show off," Phalen murmured with a grin as he closed the door the sauna behind him and sat on Jeff's left, opposite David.

David seemed unable to take his eyes off his son, only doing so when Jeff extended his right leg and rested it atop his father's thigh.

"Ohhh, Jeff," David murmured into the quiet room. "This is better than any fantasy I've ever had." He slowly ran a hand over the hair on Jeff's calf, moving his hand as far up the leg, stopping only inches from Jeff's erection.

"I can't take it," Phalen muttered as he abruptly stood and moved into the narrow space separating him from David. He turned his back to David, bending slightly at the waist and began to kiss Jeff. He jumped slightly when David ran the open palm of one hand over one of the cheeks of his butt, encouraging David's move by pushing back against his hand.

"That's it, Dad," Jeff murmured when he and Phalen separated and he saw what David was doing.

David took a shuddering breath and leaned back as far as possible, spreading his legs and resting them on the bench Phalen had vacated only minutes earlier, trapping Phalen between his legs and Jeff's.

"So, you like watching Jeff and me kiss," Phalen murmured, turning to David who was watching them both with a glazed expression, his mouth slightly open. David could do nothing more than nod, as he tenderly ran fingers up the underside of his erection. He was reluctant to wrap his hand around it, for fear he would shoot.

"Well," Phalen continued, wearing a saucy grin. "I think you might like this better." With that, he knelt between Jeff's spread legs and sucked the head of Jeff's cock into his mouth, cupping Jeff's scrotum in one hand as he did so.

Jeff raised his hips slightly, thrusting the full length of his erection down Phalen's throat. David was amazed. He could see Phalen's throat expand with each thrust.

David moved his foot between Phalen's legs and began tickling Phalen's scrotum with a toe. The first touch caused Phalen to jump and Jeff to glance up. Since Phalen didn't seem to be complaining, David continued to run a toe from Phalen's scrotum, over his perineum and then gently across his butt hole. With the first touch of David's toe against his hole, Phalen groaned loudly and buried his face in Jeff's pubes.

Jeff glanced up from beneath lowered lashes. "You like, dad," he asked, reaching for his father's hand and linking fingers with his father.

It seemed only moments before Jeff's grip on his father's hand tightened. David watched him close his eyes and begin to breathe rapidly as Phalen increased his speed. David found himself mirroring his son's breathing, though he was still reluctant to touch his own erection.

With one final thrust, Jeff uttered a guttural groan and began pumping his sperm into Phalen's mouth. David could see each pulse of his son's cock and imagined the taste of Jeff's sperm as well as the feeling of his mouth being full of the pulsing erection. He licked his lips, envying Phalen.

His attention was drawn back to Jeff. "Gimmie," Jeff urged. Phalen seemed to know exactly what Jeff was asking. He stood and began to slowly drool out a thick strand of Jeff's cum back into Jeff's upturned mouth.

David gasped as he saw the thick white liquid hit Jeff's tongue. His own penis jumped and he looked down to see a long strand of pre cum hanging from the tip. He ran a thumb over the end and brought it to his lips, tasting the thick, salty flavor he knew so well, all the while wondering what Jeff's would taste like.

Phalen seemed to sense what he was thinking. He shifted position and reached out for David's hand, and then drooling the last of Jeff's sperm into the palm.

David flinched at the touch of the white liquid, anxiously glancing in Jeff's direction. This was so much more than he could have ever hoped for. Phalen sat back on his heels and joined Jeff in watching David study the small white puddle in the palm of his hand.

"Do it, David," Phalen urged. "You've got what you've been wanting."

"Taste me, Dad," Jeff murmured. "You said you like to taste your own sperm, now taste mine. Go on, isa," Jeff urged, feeling like a young boy by using the Finnish word for father.

David looked up, his attention drawn away from his hand by the words Jeff had used. It had been years since Jeff had called him, daddy. His little boy was asking him to taste his sperm, the thick liquid he held in the palm of his hand.

He couldn't take it any longer. He brought his hand to his face and licked across the palm in one broad swath, feeling the cum coat his tongue. He found he was reluctant to swallow. He wanted to savor the salty sweet taste, knowing that this moment would be forever engraved as a permanent memory.

He finally swallowed with a great sigh, but before he could begin masturbating himself, Phalen stood, facing him with his feet spread and his knees slightly bent.

"Now, it's my turn," Phalen said, as he slowly stimulated himself.

"Hold out your hand, Dad," Jeff urged. "Catch it." David flicked a glance in Jeff's direction before raising his hand to a position where he could catch the results of Phalen's orgasm.

Phalen's already slow movements slowed even further and then finally stopped, one moment before the first forceful shot landed on David's outstretched hand. Phalen's eyes were closed, his mouth wide open and his hips thrust forward as a tremor coursed through his body with each contraction.

As the last pearl-white liquid oozed out of his cock, he sighed and seemed to relax, meeting David's eyes with a smile.

"Use it as lube," Jeff urged. "Shoot for us, Dad." Both Jeff and Phalen moved closer as David stretched out his legs and used Phalen's sperm to masturbate himself, replaying the two scenes he had just witnessed.

Phalen's sperm was thick, slippery and hot as he stroked himself with his son and Phalen's face only inches away from his scrotum.

"Do, it, Dad," Jeff urged, his soft voice trembling slightly. "Shoot for your boy."

"Ah, yes," David moaned, feeling the tightening in his groin as he felt his impending orgasm spread throughout his groin. He grunted and gave a convulsive shudder as the first shot of sperm landed on the hair of his chest, followed by a second and third, each shorter than the previous, until he could squeeze no more from his cock. He released a shuddering sigh of satisfaction, and then brought his hand to his mouth and licked the remnants of Phalen's sperm combined with his own off his hand.

He opened his eyes as both Jeff and Phalen began to lick his chest, slurping up the remnants of his own orgasm as the sperm began to make its way through the coarse hair of his chest and stomach. Neither Jeff or Phalen touched his erection as they licked him clean, even though it lay between them, continuing to twitch.

Finally, Jeff wrapped his arms around his father's shoulders resting his face against David's chest. "Damn, Dad. You've got some great fantasies," he murmured, at the same time he tightened his arms around his father. David automatically rested an arm over Jeff's shoulder and tenderly caressed his back. It was as close as he would come to touching his son sexually, but it was enough. He didn't know if the scene, just past, would ever repeat itself, but, at least for the moment, he was content. He had watched both his son and his son's partner have sex, and had tasted the sperm of both men. It was better than any fantasy he had ever dared imagine.

"And you taste good, too," Phalen added, not wanting to be left out. David chuckled, reaching out to affectionately push the sweaty hair out of Phalen's face.

Thank you for taking the time to read my work. I always welcome your email and enjoy hearing your thoughts. If you would like me to send a pic of the character(s), please ask.

In addition to the first 'Phalen' story, I have three other stories you may want to read. 'Leith' and 'Chris' are located in the Nifty College Section. The third story is called 'Wesley', and is located in the Adult Relationships section. Two new stories, will be posted, shortly. 'Owen' will appear in the Nifty College Section, and 'Jess' will appear in the Nifty Incest section. I hope you enjoy them all.

Roy Reinikainen

Next: Chapter 55: Finding Happiness 26

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