
By Roy Reinikainen

Published on Nov 29, 2006


This story is entirely fictional, and any resemblances to actual persons are completely coincidental. Actual locations are mentioned, and are used for 'background' only.

'Phalen - Finding Happiness'

by Roy Reinikainen

Brad hefted his laptop bag to his shoulder and looked around the room he'd occupied since leaving Curt. He'd come to think of it as his room, and Jeff's house as . . . home. For the first time since leaving his parents' home and moving in with Curt four years earlier, he was happy. There was no tension lying just below the surface, threatening to grow into a simmering sense of frustration. There was no worrying where Curt was or if something had happened to him. He was happy here, yet he was going to be leaving and moving in with Phalen's father. Larry was a wonderful man. He was thoughtful, loving, attentive, gentle . . . and fifteen years his senior.

Brad stepped to the closet one more time to make sure he wasn't leaving anything behind. He was only going to be moving next door, but he hated the thought of leaving a mess for someone else to clean up. He shifted the bag's strap on his shoulder and walked to the glass doors looking out onto the small courtyard outside his room. The nearby flowering tree and palm cast a dappled, ever-moving shade pattern on the brick-floored patio. He smiled a little wistfully, thinking how much he enjoyed sitting in the shade with a drink at his side, with no more sound than the bees in the tree. There were no demands, no expectations . . . and no worries.

'Sitting in the shade under that tree may be wonderful, but while I'm sitting there I'm ignoring reality. I've got to do something. I can't go on like this,' he thought, watching a bird wander back and forth on the wall surrounding the patio. 'As much as I don't want to admit it, I'm stagnating here. I need to get on with my life. Still . . .' He sighed, thinking how much he hated to leave. He was going to miss being around Phalen and Jeff. They had been friends before he moved in. During the few months he had shared their home, they had become more than friends. In many ways he was closer to both of them than he had ever been to Curt, his partner of four years.

A vision of Curt flashed through his mind, a handsome man with rosy cheeks, velvet-soft voice . . . and the need to leave genetic samples throughout the male student population at the university. Brad grinned at the allusion, and then sobered, thinking how much he hated the reality of Curt's behavior.

He knew Jeff couldn't understand why he continued to love Curt. After all, Curt had cheated on him. That was enough in Jeff's mind to write Curt off, to never even think about him again, much less continue to love him. 'Do I still love him,' Brad wondered, continuing to watch the small bird on the patio, 'or am I afraid of taking whatever steps are necessary to move on with my life and leave Curt behind?' He sighed, no closer to an answering these questions today than he had been when he first moved in with Jeff and Phalen.

The only difference between now and then was that he now had feelings for Larry; feelings that were becoming stronger every time they were together. Larry never did anything to encourage the things he was feeling . . . except being damned near perfect in every respect. He cared for Larry . . . a great deal. At the same time he continued to love Curt. He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. The little bird fluttered to the courtyard wall, looked around, and flew away.

He looked up at a gentle knock on the door frame and smiled at Jeff, motioning him into the room. Jeff wandered in, trailing a finger over the desk where a couple bags containing Brad's possessions rested, and then sat on the edge of the freshly made bed, looking troubled. He watched Brad for a moment before speaking.

"Brad, I hate that you're moving out. I've sorta gotten accustomed to your walking around the house in your skimpy running shorts." He grinned as Brad set his laptop bag on the floor and slumped onto the desk chair, leaning back and stretching out his legs with a sigh.

"Is moving in with Larry a good move for you," he continued. "Is it what you want?" Jeff looked concerned. "I mean, if there is any doubt, you can stay here. I know my brother's coming but you were here first." He gave Brad a sly look. "Greg can sleep on the sofa in my office."

"Jeff, he's your brother!" Jeff broke in before he could say anything more.

"I wouldn't ask him to sleep on the floor! The sofa folds out into a bed!" His smile faded as he once again became serious. "Besides, you're my best friend and I promised you could stay with us as long as you wanted." Jeff sighed.

"You're right though, Greg is my brother . . . whom I've seen once in four years." Jeff's slow grin broadened. "Never mind that he wasn't in the same country as me." Brad softly snorted.

"Are you feeling okay about . . . things? With Larry, I mean. You're not usually as quiet as you've been recently." He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees looking at Brad with his startlingly green eyes. His dark eyebrows were hovering in a frown and his sensuous mouth was set in a firm line.

Brad toyed with the strap to his bag. "I don't know if moving to Larry's is the right thing." He took a deep breath and sighed. "I like Larry . . . a lot. I love having sex with him. I just don't know if I love him. He's everything in a man I could want, but . . ." His voice trailed off as he tightened his grasp on the strap to his bag and slowly shook his head. "I don't know what I want, Jeff."

"I was just thinking that I'm being a coward, living here. I'm not doing whatever it takes to get on with my life, and leave my relationship with Curt . . . behind. I don't know if moving in with Larry is the right thing to do, but at least I am doing something. I've got to do something." He toyed with the strap to his bag, not meeting Jeff's eyes. "I have to be prepared for when I hear that Curt is seeing someone else. I'm sure he's not sitting around moping about our splitting up. He's getting on with his life. I need to do the same thing." He looked up with a crooked smile. "Living with you . . . here . . . has been something of an escape. It has been wonderful." His grin turned sheepish.

"In fact, just before you knocked, I was thinking that you and Phalen have become closer to me than Curt ever was. I'm going to miss you guys." The sheepish smile turned playful. "Do you guys have any idea how erotic it is to watch you walking around the house naked?" He looked at Jeff for a reaction. "I guess if you're a nudist you don't think of other people's bodies as erotic, but I'm not a nudist." He smiled broadly. "So, watching you and Phalen walk around naked all the time is a real turn on for me."

"I'm jealous of you guys, you know?" Jeff's expressive eyebrows rose slightly and the corners of his lips twitched. "Every time late at night when I hear Phalen shout, 'harder, Jeff,' or when I watch you both embrace, I wish I had what you guys have. It has been wonderful coming home to this room, and you, but it's not the same as coming home to a partner." He looked at Jeff with a questioning look. "You know what I mean?" He sighed.

"We're not that loud . . . are we?" Jeff seemed troubled. Brad merely grinned and shrugged, watching Jeff try to recall exactly what he and Phalen had said during their lovemaking. After a moment, Jeff gave up trying, but still gave Brad a slightly embarrassed look.

"Don't you think Larry would make a good partner?" Brad absently nodded.

"Oh yes. I'm sure he'd be a good partner. I already know he's a good lover." The corners of Jeff's lips twitched and he raised his eyebrows in query. Brad smiled and sat back in his chair. "He's so gentle, Jeff, yet strong at the same time. When we're . . . together, he's not trying to impress me with his strength, like Curt would sometimes do." He grinned. "Having sex with him is wonderful." Brad thought a moment and then laughed, blushing when he saw Jeff studying him.

"When you guys were on vacation, Larry spent quite a bit of time over here. He was always so proper. Finally, I had to ask him to touch me." Brad grinned in recollection. In the next few days it seemed like all we did was have sex. In fact I was probably fucked more times during that weekend than I had been in the last year! Jeff raised his eyebrows and smiled, imagining Larry on top of Brad.

"Tell me about it," Jeff urged in a low voice, scooting closer to Brad.

"You just want to hear the dirty details, don't you?" Jeff nodded with a grin, his eyes sparkling.

"Damn right. I've seen both you and Larry, naked. You guys are sexy as hell, and it's really exciting to think of you both fucking . . . in my house no less!" He grinned. "Phalen's told me I'm a voyeur. I guess he's right. I'd sure love to have seen you guys making love."

"Well . . . what do you want to know?" Jeff's smile broadened. "Oh, alright." Brad relented. "He spent the night a couple times and we had sex on that bed." He nodded to where Jeff was sitting. Jeff looked down and casually ran his open hand over the bedclothes. "We had sex outside a couple times." If anything, Jeff's smile became even broader. He made a gesture urging Brad to go on.

"The first time was on one of the lounges. Another time we were both in the pool, and then there was the time in the hot tub late at night." He gave Jeff a shy smile. "Geez, I sound like a slut!" He laughed at himself. "He's wonderful in bed." Jeff grinned and slowly nodded.

"Just like his son." Brad chuckled at Jeff's comment.

"Yeah, I guess, though I think Phalen is probably a little more wild and adventurous."

"Perhaps," Jeff responded. "But you're still troubled by something. It can't be the sex." Brad scratched the back of his neck.

"No, the sex is wonderful. He is wonderful. It's just that . . . "


"Jeff, he's fifteen years older than me!"

"Is that a problem?"

Brad heaved a sigh. "Yes." Jeff watched his friend as he seemed to be working through something in his mind. A moment later he amended his answer. "It shouldn't be a problem." Brad lapsed into silence and Jeff watched without moving. "I don't know what to think," Brad concluded, dropping his arms limply to his sides and tilting his head back, taking a deep breath and idly swinging the rotating chair from side to side.

"Do you love him?" Jeff murmured the question into the silence. Brad instantly stopped moving and looked at Jeff.

"No . . . at least, not yet. I've sorta been hiding out over here, you know."

"What!" Jeff tilted his head back and laughed. "Being fucked in the pool, on the lounge, in the hot tub, and a couple times on this very bed!" He slapped the bed where he was sitting. "I don't call that hiding out!" Brad's blush shone even through his deep tan.

"Yeah, well maybe not, but afterward he would go home." Jeff nodded. "When I move in with him, we'll be with each other all the time." Jeff frowned.

"You mean he's too much for you, even though he's fifteen years older than you? Is that what you mean?" Brad hooted with laughter and Jeff congtinued. "It doesn't sound like having to live with someone you don't love, but could, someone who is gentle, caring, strong, and I might say, almost as handsome as his son, and who can fuck you in so many locations, doubtless in many different positions . . . with more than pleasant results, would be too difficult a task to handle."

"Well, when you put it like that there doesn't seem to be a problem, and his age is only one part of it." He looked at Jeff with a sad expression. "Jeff, I'm still in love with Curt." Jeff leaned back, looking at Brad, mouthing a silent "O" of sudden understanding.

"Are you considering. . ." Brad held up a hand to prevent Jeff from finishing the question.

"No. I know we can no longer live together. Somehow though, I've got to move from loving him to thinking of him . . . some other way." He shrugged.

The doorbell rang and Phalen ran past, shouting that he would answer it.

"That must be Larry to help me carry my stuff." When Brad stood, Jeff stepped close and wrapped him in a strong embrace.

"Brad, remember something. You were always there for me when I was having my problems. Remember that I'll always be here for you if you ever feel like you need to talk, or cry, or yell, or whatever. I'm a safe person to do it around. Remember?" Brad nodded. "Good." Jeff grinned slightly and then leaned close and kissed him gently on the lips." When they parted Brad opened his eyes to see Jeff's sparkling green eyes watching him.

"Damn, you're a good kisser," he murmured, licking his lips. Jeff laughed and patted him on the back before wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"I'll take that as a compliment, coming from a self-avowed slut." He laughed and tried to jump out of the way before Brad took retaliation. "Come on," Jeff urged in a teasing tone. "Let's go meet the man who has fucked you in every room of my house, and on nearly every piece of furniture." Brad once again hefted his bag to his shoulder and shook his head in resignation.

"I knew I shouldn't have told you that." Jeff laughed and picked up a box containing some of Brad's things. "Besides, you weren't gone long enough for us to do it in every room!" They were laughing when they walked out of Brad's room and into the sunroom and saw Phalen in the courtyard speaking with someone.

Larry stared unseeing out of his living room window. His eyes kept wandering over to Jeff's house, next door. 'It's foolish to feel this way. We see each other almost every day.' Once again, he looked towards Jeff's.

'Brad's moving in today.' He had checked and rechecked Phalen's old room and bath making sure everything Brad would need was within easy reach. The refrigerator was stocked with all the things he knew Brad enjoyed, including plenty of his favorite beer and bottled water. He kept telling himself he was offering Brad a place to say, nothing more. He looked toward Jeff's house.

When Jeff and Phalen were visiting Jeff's parents in Finland, he and Brad had found an easy friendship with one another. They had gone on long runs, attended a couple baseball games, swam in Jeff's pool, and laughed at how inept they both were when it came to cooking. "I should have told you when we first met that I was born without the culinary gene," Brad laughed, smearing a long dark streak across his forehead after figuring out how to ignite Jeff's gas barbecue grill. He held up both arms as if in triumph. "At least I didn't blow the place up! That's a cause for celebration."

Larry hugged him and then wiped away the dark streak. It was as if neither of them could get enough of the other. They would hold hands across the dinner table. When they watched television one would rest his arm on the other's shoulder. Their time together was wonderful for Larry. He had never experienced a feeling of total contentment before, and he wanted it to continue. He had awakened in the morning after their first night together with Brad softly snoring at his side, his arm resting across Larry's chest. Larry had tilted his head up for a moment and then returned it to the pillow with a silent groan of excitement . . . and frustration.

Brad had kicked off the sheets in the night. In the early morning light Larry could see the length of Brad's lithe body, from the muscled arm resting across his chest, down his tapering back, to the swell of the firm tanned buttocks, and lastly to the long nearly hairless legs. The thought that this wonderful man was lying next to him was exciting, and the fact that he was so much like Jeff was frustrating . . . and frightening.

'Jeff's not at my side,' he scolded himself. He chanced another glance down the length of Brad's naked body and imagined Jeff lying next to him . . . doing the things with, and to him, Brad had done only hours earlier.

'Am I drawn to Brad because he resembles Jeff,' Larry asked, trying to be honest with himself. He lay still and watched the slowly turning ceiling fan as he tried to sort out his thoughts, and his feelings. It was going to be a difficult task. Anytime he thought of Jeff his thinking became muddled. All he could think of was Jeff's wonderful voice, his accent, his intensely green eyes, or the slow smile and soft laugh. He thought of what it was like to be embraced by Jeff, or to see him naked, lounging around the pool. Jeff was intelligent, and . . . and . . . his son's lover.

'I love Jeff,' he admitted to himself. 'I've tried not to . . . but I do. I wish Jeff were the man lying next to me . . . but that man isn't Jeff, and it would be wrong of me to think of him as little more than a substitute. Brad's a wonderful, sensitive person in his own right.' He thought a moment longer. 'If I love Brad, I have to love him because he is Brad, not because he resembles Jeff.' He took a deep breath and sighed in frustration.

Perhaps sensing Larry's troubled thoughts, Brad shifted, removing his arm from Larry's chest. Larry watched him stretch and then prop himself up on his elbows and turn to him with a bleary eyed smile.

"Morning, counselor,' he grinned, leaning close and briefly kissing Larry on the lips. "Thank you so much for last night," he said, snuggling closer. "What say we spend the entire day in bed?" He chuckled. "Getting to know one another." Brad had made a sound of deep contentment and then murmured close to Larry's ear. "I have never had as nice a night as I had with you last night." He chuckled and then kissed Larry's neck. "You are absolutely fantastic."

'Brad is moving in today!' Larry nervously ran the palms of his open hands down the sides of his shorts and then shook his hands, wandering into the kitchen. He looked into the refrigerator, chiding himself at his nervousness. 'Yep, the food is still there.' He grabbed a cold bottle of beer and closed the refrigerator door, twisting off the bottle cap and tossing it into the trash as if he were shooting a free throw in basketball.

He walked out onto the backyard patio, perched on the edge of a chair, and looked toward Jeff's house. The leaves of the four palm trees standing in a line next to the pool waved gently in the breeze. Other than the normal chatter of birds and the sound of children playing in the nearby park, the neighborhood was silent. He didn't hear any splashing from the pool in Jeff's back yard, or Phalen's laughter, or music. 'Thankfully, Jeff's not trying to sing,' he thought with a grimace, just before the nervousness overtook him once again.

'Brad's moving in today.' He finished the beer and wandered through the house and onto the front porch, looking towards Jeff's house.

"Dustin." Curt paused and thought about how to handle his younger brother's latest jab at Brad, at him, and gay people in general. "Just shut up and get a life!" Curt walked across the living room of his parents' house and then stopped and looked back over his shoulder. "You're just pissed because if anyone took a look at the two of us they would, without a doubt, choose you as the gay one." He laughed and walked out of the house toward his car, already regretting what he had said to his brother.

He shook his head as he held onto the door handle with one hand and cursed himself. 'I still haven't learned how to control my tongue. It's going to get me into real trouble someday.' He thought for a moment longer and then returned to the house to search out his younger brother.

"Hey, Dustin." He found his brother was making a sandwich. Dustin looked up with what could charitably be called, a frown. "Hey man, I'm sorry for the stuff I said a couple minutes ago. It was uncalled for. I don't want us to always be at each other's throats." He paused a moment, waiting for his brother to make a comment. Dustin went about assembling a sandwich, paying no attention to his brother.

"Well," Curt continued, trying to maintain control of his tongue. "Like I said, I'm sorry."

"I heard you." Dustin bit into his sandwich and turned his back to Curt and began rummaging in the refrigerator. Curt watched him for a moment and then shook his head and headed back to his car, leaving his brother with his head still buried in the refrigerator and a cigarette smoldering in an ashtray next to his half-eaten sandwich.

'Dustin's not a bad guy, really,' Curt thought. 'He just seems to search for every opportunity to say something nasty about gay people. I don't like it, but at least I can handle him making fun of some anonymous person. But when he makes one of his snide comments about Brad or our relationship, that's too much.'

Curt closed his car door and pulled out onto the busy street, heading back to his apartment. 'The little fucker probably is in such a mood because he can't find anyone that even likes him. Someday, someone's not gonna take his shit and he'll find himself with a broken nose, choking on a couple teeth.' He swerved onto the freeway entrance ramp.

'What's that old saying?' He thought a moment, tapping his fingers on the car's steering wheel. 'You can choose your friends, but you're stuck with the jokers you have to call family.' He grinned, knowing he had misquoted the saying, but thinking how appropriate it was, nonetheless.

Curt wove his way through rush hour traffic, the sound of his car's powerful engine music to his ears. He'd always loved fast and flashy things. He never could figure out why he'd been attracted to Brad, a stable middle-of-the-road person, if there ever was one. He thought for a moment. 'Maybe it was because he's so stable that I was attracted to him. Maybe it was because of his impish smile, and infectious laugh, or the way he would sigh in pleasure as he was penetrated.' Curt reached up and massaged the back of his neck. 'Damn, I miss him.' He glanced at the picture of Brad he had stuck to the dashboard of the car, and then looked over his shoulder and changed lanes, making his way to the exit ramp that would take him to his apartment.

He reached the bottom of the ramp and impulsively turned away from home. 'I've got to see him. I have to.' He drove on without thinking, and after driving past Jeff's house a couple times, pulled into the driveway and got out of his car. He stood for a moment wondering if he was doing something foolish and then headed for the door, absently returning the wave of greeting from the man standing on the porch next door.

'I can't say something stupid,' he warned himself as he raised his hand, poised to ring the doorbell. 'I can't say something that will make him angry with me, or say something to hurt him.' He pressed the button and then nervously wiped the palms of his hands on the sides of his shorts. 'All I want to do is see him. I need to see him.' He heard the latch on the door a moment before it swung open to reveal Phalen. His smile faltered a moment as he looked at Curt with surprise.

"Um, hi Phalen," he said, trying to smile. He clasped and then unclasped his hands at his sides, feeling his smile waver. "I apologize for just dropping in like this. I know it's sorta weird, but do you think Brad would see me for a moment?" He tried not to crane his neck to look around Phalen into the courtyard. "Is he here?"

"Hi Curt." Phalen stood aside and motioned Curt into the shaded courtyard, giving him a friendly pat on the back as he passed. He closed the gate and turned toward Curt with a look of concern. "Are things okay? I haven't seen you since graduation." Curt shrugged and grinned.

"Yeah, things are better than the last time I saw you. I've gotten a job at the accounting firm I was hoping to, so that's a good thing. I'm working my tail off." He tried to think of something else to say. "I thought school was tough."

He thought for a moment and then shrugged once more, giving Phalen a sheepish smile. "You're wondering why I'm here." Phalen grinned in return and made a helpless gesture with his hands.

"I just want to see him, Phalen. I'm not here to make a scene or anything." He bowed his head and was surprised to hear his voice crack as he spoke. "I miss him so much." He took a shuddering breath and looked over Phalen's shoulder, his attention caught by the sound of laughter . . . the same laughter he once took for granted. He felt a rush of warm tingles over his skin.

Brad and Jeff were standing in the door to the house. They had been laughing. Jeff's arm rested casually across Brad's shoulders and they were looking at him as if they were frozen. In only an instant, Jeff's eyes shifted from Phalen, to him and back to Phalen.

Brad was looking wonderful. The smile slowly faded from Brad's face, to be replaced by a fleeting look of intense longing, and then one of determination. He began to extend his hand as if to reach for Curt, and then seemed to realize what he was doing, first dropping his arm to his side, and then reaching across his chest to tightly grasp the strap to his bag. His knuckles were almost white from the force of his grip.

He had pictures of Brad everywhere . . . at home, in his car . . . at work, but seeing him standing only a few feet away was so much more satisfying. 'He looked wonderful in his navy blue shorts and white Polo highlighting his deep tan. Curt took a shaky breath. 'Oh, Brad,' he thought to himself, hoping his thoughts were obvious. 'I am so sorry for what I've done.'

He licked his lips, conscious of Phalen and Jeff standing nearby. "Uh, hi," he managed to say aloud, in a rasping voice, wishing he were able to say what he was thinking. Jeff nodded a greeting while Brad seemed not to know what to do.

He cleared his throat as if he didn't trust his voice. "Hi, Curt." His eyes never left Curt's. "Are . . ." Brad cleared his throat once more and began speaking with the clear voice Curt had always loved. "Are you okay? You're not hurt or anything . . . are you?" Neither Phalen or Jeff moved, watching the two men face one another, separated by no more than six feet. Brad glanced to his left as Jeff removed his hand from his shoulder, leaving him standing alone.

Curt nodded once. "I'm fine." Suddenly, he didn't know what to say. "I . . . I got that job I was hoping for. Our friends have asked if I know how you're doing." He hesitated, glancing once again at Jeff. "Are . . . " He paused and swallowed, willing his voice to not break. "Are you okay? You look so good." He swallowed convulsively. "I . . . I'm sorry." He glanced to his right as Phalen moved closer and rested a hand on his shoulder, lending him some support. "Brad, I . . . I don't want to make things hard for you, but . . . but, I was driving home from my parents and I." He paused and bowed his head. "I had to see you, and know that you're okay. I've asked around and no one knew . . . how you were doing." He shrugged. "I had to . . . see you." He sniffed once and looked from Brad and Jeff, thankful for Phalen's show of support.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, guys." He began to turn toward the gate but paused and looked over his shoulder. "It's been good to see you, Brad. I promise I . . . won't do this again." Phalen squeezed his shoulder and reached for the door's latch.

"Curt," Brad said into the silence, and watched both Phalen and Curt turn toward him. "You take care of yourself . . . okay?" Curt nodded in acknowledgment, and left the courtyard, walking to his car with Phalen at his side.

"Whew," he blew out a big breath and gave Phalen a tremulous smile. "That was rough." Phalen nodded.

"He needed to see you too, Curt. He needed to know you're okay too."

"You think?" Phalen nodded, spreading his arms and enfolding Curt in an embrace.

"It's sorta like you guys' brains know you're no longer together, but your hearts haven't gotten the message yet." Curt nodded and looked at Phalen with a crooked smile.

"I know mine hasn't."

"Remember, if you need to talk you've got my number. Try not to agonize over things," Phalen paused a moment. "Okay?" Curt grinned and nodded.

"Thank you, Phalen. Give my apologies to Jeff, will you?"

"Why? He wants what's best for both Brad and you. Jeff's not your enemy, Curt. He wants to see both you guys happy. It's just that he and Brad have formed a close friendship, being in architecture and all. So, don't worry about Jeff. Besides, Brad needed to see you as much as you wanted to see him. This has been rough on both you guys . . . but like I said a while back, things will get better." He looked at Curt.

"Are you getting out any; I mean, other than going to work?" Curt shook his head.

"Nah, I've been working long hours, longer than need be, really . . . just so I don't have to see anyone. That's how I got into this mess if you remember?" Phalen grinned a crooked grin.

"Yeah, but seeing someone will also get you out of this mess. If all you do is work until you drop and then go home, you're never going to move on with your life. Both you guys have to let go sometime." Phalen paused a moment and then chuckled.

"Listen to me! My dad dates a psychologist for a couple months and wham, suddenly I'm qualified to tell you how to handle your life." Curt smiled at Phalen's infectious laughter.

"You're amazing." Phalen raised his eyebrows, but seemed pleased with Curt's words. "Maybe I came over here as much to see you as to see Brad. Every time you talk to me, I go away feeling better." He hugged Phalen once again and patted him on the back. "Thanks." He opened the car door and got inside.

"You don't happen to have a brother, do you," he said with a chuckle as he started the car's engine. Phalen laughed.

"Sorry, I'm an only child." He patted Curt on the shoulder. "Don't be a stranger, Curt. Let me know how you're doing. I want to hear all about someone new and exciting in your life." Curt nodded and backed out of the driveway, waving as he drove away.

"Hey, Phalen!" Larry shouted from the chair on the porch of his house, waving and motioning for his son to come over. Phalen smiled and jogged over to his father, plopping down on the edge of a planter with a dramatic, "whew," and giving his father a broad smile.

"Hi, Dad. Ready for your new room mate?" Larry nodded slowly giving his son a remote smile. He leaned back in his chair, idly running a long finger over the woven wicker of the chair.

"I could easily come to love him, Phalen. I'm half in love with him already, and I'm not sure that's a good thing to have happen . . . for either of us." Phalen scooted closer to the edge of the planter and watched his father.

"That was Curt, wasn't it?" Phalen nodded.

"Yeah. Something has got to happen, Dad. Both those guys are like stuck in a time warp or something. They're still back a couple months ago thinking things'll work themselves out and everything will be cool. They both know that's not what's going to happen, but they're sorta hoping." He looked at his father.

"Dad, Brad likes you. I think he likes you a lot." He didn't fail to notice the momentary appearance of his father's dimples. "Maybe living with you will make him realize that the thing with Curt is over." He studied his father's face in silence for a moment and then chuckled.

"You guys are funny. You know that?" Larry gave his son a puzzled look that was answered by a motion from his son telling him not to interrupt. "You guys are just like everyone back in high school, at one of those dances . . . you know?" Larry grinned but shook his head, unable to see the connection between him, Brad . . . and a high school dance.

"Well, at one of those dances everyone knows what they want to do, who they want to dance with and stuff, but do they walk up and say, 'hey, babe, wanna dance?'" Phalen laughed and shook his head. "Nope. They sit around worrying that someone else will make the first move and snap up the person they've got their eye on." Phalen leaned forward with a mock-serious expression.

"There's a message here, Dad. Did you get it?" Larry frowned, causing Phalen to shake his head in exasperation.

"Dad, you and Brad both know what you want to happen, right?" He didn't wait for his father to respond. "Well . . . Daaaaad," he lowered his voice. "You better ask the guy to dance or someone else will come along and snatch him up." He crossed his arms and laughed at his father's expression.

"You didn't think I could come up with a message from a dumb dance story, did ya?"

~ to be continued ~

Thank you for taking the time to read my work. I always welcome your email and enjoy hearing your thoughts. If you would like me to send a pic of the character(s), please ask.

I have three other stories you may want to read. 'Leith,' and 'Chris' are located in the Nifty College Section. The third story is called 'Wesley', and is located in the Adult Relationships section. I hope you enjoy them all.

Best wishes,

Roy Reinikainen

Next: Chapter 32: Finding Happiness 2

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