
By Roy Reinikainen

Published on Aug 10, 2006


This story contains portrayals of homosexual actions and lifestyles. There may be references to, or explicit descriptions of, sex between consenting adults.

If homosexuality, sexually explicit language, or swearing offends you, or if reading material that contains these topics violates any law or personal or religious beliefs, or if you under 18 years of age, please leave now, without proceeding further.

This story is entirely fictional, and any resemblances to actual persons are completely coincidental. Actual locations are mentioned, and are used for 'background' only.

You are also welcome to read my newest story, 'Leith,' also located in Nifty's Gay College Section.


Phalen - Chapter 30

"Do you really think he's serious about moving to Phoenix?" Phalen swiveled the plush leather seat toward Jeff and studied his silent partner. "I mean, how do you feel about having your brother living nearby?" Jeff was silent for a few long moments. The drone of the jet engines and the sounds of other passengers visiting filled the space. Finally, Jeff rotated his chair to face Phalen.

"Yes, I think he's serious. Even before we went for a visit, Dad mentioned Greg was thinking about doing his Residency in the States." Jeff seemed to chew on the inside of his lip before answering the remainder of Phalen's question. "I don't really know how I feel about having him nearby. Greg and I have been closer during the past few days than during all our lives. I've never really thought of him too much before. I mean, he's always been there. He's my brother, but he and I never hung out together. We never had the same friends or anything, so we existed in different worlds. It's strange to suddenly start thinking of him differently." Jeff idly swung his seat from side to side.

"I have to tell you, I never would have expected him to be experiencing the problems with sex and relationships he described to us. He's always been something of a role model for me during the past year while I've been meeting with Andrew." Phalen raised his eyebrows in surprise. Jeff nodded.

"I've always wanted to be as self assured as Greg, to have a wide circle of friends like him . . . and to have a relationship like I've always imagined him having." Jeff's mouth twisted into a crooked grin. "Now, it turns out, he's envious of me!" He thought a moment. "Very strange . . . for both him and me." He was silent while the flight attendant collected the remnants of their dinner. He smiled his thanks and turned back to Phalen.

"It took a lot of courage for him to open up to me . . . to both of us, like he did. I never would have expected him doing that. He's always been so quiet and self-assured."

"It sounds to me like Andrew may have another patient named Layson on his hands," Phalen ventured. Jeff shrugged.

"Could be. But, what I think Greg really needs is someone who'll go slowly with him and let him get over his fears." Jeff bowed his head and then looked up at Phalen. "It really is too bad he had such awful first-time experiences. Anyone would begin to question themselves after being laughed at and ridiculed." He grinned. "I probably would have crawled into a deep, dark hole and never come out."

Phalen gave Jeff a rueful grin. "That's sorta what he's done. Maybe he'll be able to climb out." He reached out and gently touched Jeff's hand. "You were wonderful with him, you know?" He smiled and nodded when Jeff arched his eyebrows in question. "It seemed to me he had worked up the courage to try one last thing. If you had snickered at anything he said, it would have devastated him." Jeff shrugged. "I think so." Phalen leaned closer. "When you, his younger brother didn't laugh at him, he took the first step toward overcoming his fears." Phalen watched as Jeff thought over what he had just said.

"I hope you're right. Nothing he told us was something that any caring person would laugh at. The man was in pain." Jeff leaned his head back and sighed and then rolled his head slightly to the side and grinned.

"Whenever he does meet someone, they're going to have to be pretty strong. Greg can be pretty domineering. He's . . . intense. If he doesn't get involved with another strong personality, he'll run all over them and no one will be happy." He thought a moment. "That's probably why he chose that strong woman for his first sexual experience." He chuckled, and then looked guilty. "I shouldn't laugh but it's difficult to imagine someone more in control of things than my brother."

"Well, now that medical school's over maybe he won't be tied down so much and will be able to try and meet someone." Jeff shrugged.

"Could be. I think he's going to be immersed in his Residency or Internship or whatever they call it. If he finds someone they're going to have to be pretty understanding, otherwise he could find himself in a situation like Brad and Curt. When Brad was at school so much, Curt found himself alone. He resented his partner being away so much. Greg's going to have to watch out that whomever he teams up with understands that."

"Sounds, to me like you're telling him to search for a saint." Jeff laughed and reached out to briefly take Phalen's hand.

"No, I've got the only one of those in Phoenix, and I'm not ready to give him up." Phalen grinned and leaned close.

"When do you think they'll turn the lights out? I wanna hold your hand." He turned a mischievous look on Jeff. "In fact, I wanna do lots more than that. When we get home I'm gonna tell Brad to take a long hike, 'cause we're planning on having a two-person orgy, complete with lots of moans and groans and stuff. I'm tired of trying to be so quiet."

"I wonder how he's been doing? Brad."

"Well, Dad seems to think he's doing okay. He says they've seen each other a few times and that Brad spends his days at a job he got at the architecture school."

"I'm glad your father has been willing to help Brad out." Phalen looked at him with an astonished expression.

"Jeff, I swear. I don't know what planet you've been on, but Dad's not just helping Brad out. Dad's interested in Brad." Jeff paused, a glass of water half-way to his mouth. He set the glass on the arm of the chair and thought a moment.

"You think so?" Phalen nodded sagely.

"I know so. I mean, who wouldn't be interested in him? Brad's a wonderful person. He's smart and handsome. Dad wouldn't fall for someone who's average. He's got a gentle personality. He can be playful. He likes to laugh. Dad's never had anyone in his life like that, except me . . . and I guess you sorta qualify too." He playfully nudged Jeff's shoulder.

"Did he tell you about this on the phone?" Phalen shook his head.

"Nope, I figured it out on the day you graduated. Didn't you see the way Dad was looking at Brad? He knew what his feelings were the minute he saw Brad. I don't know if I'd call it love at first sight, but I don't think that would be too far off the mark."

"Whew." Jeff leaned back in his seat and rotated idly from side to side, looking around the first class area of the Finnair flight to New York City. "Do you think Brad's ready for a relationship so soon after splitting up with Curt?" Phalen shrugged.

"That's for him to figure out." The cabin lights were dimmed and Phalen took Jeff's hand and squeezed gently. "I think you're sexy as hell," Phalen murmured. Jeff grinned in an abstracted way and didn't respond.

"You're troubled by something I've said. Is it about Dad and Brad?"

"A little I guess, but it sounds egotistical or something." Phalen pivoted his seat toward Jeff awaiting an explanation.

"Tell me."

Jeff scratched the back of his head with his free hand, seeming to be embarrassed. "I don't know. I'm probably doing a disservice to your father, but I can't help wondering . . . " Phalen urged him to say what he was thinking with an encouraging motion of his hand. Jeff took a deep breath and seemed to reach a decision.

"Okay, here goes. Do you think it's possible that some of Larry's feelings might be due to the fact that Brad and I resemble each other? I mean, Larry's talked about his feelings toward me. He's joked a couple times, asking if I knew someone just like me." Jeff squirmed in his seat. "Geez, I remember telling him that I did know someone, but that he was already taken." He looked toward Phalen with a troubled expression. "I was thinking of Brad. I hope he doesn't think of Brad as a substitute Jeff."

"Shit," Phalen muttered. "I hadn't thought of that. You're both alike in many ways. You do resemble each other, but not that closely." He turned to Jeff with a slightly worried expression on his face. "You really think that might be what's happening?"

"I don't know. I certainly hope not. It would be bad for both of them." He slightly shook his head. "I'm probably borrowing trouble that doesn't exist." He looked toward Phalen and saw his own troubled expression mirrored on Phalen's face.

"C'mere." Brad grinned and motioned for Larry to join him on the chaise. They had gone on a long run earlier in the evening and had returned to Jeff's to have dinner and lounge around the pool. Larry glanced toward Brad to make sure he had heard correctly.

"Do you need another beer?" he asked, starting to stand.

Brad shook his head and motioned for him to hurry up. "No, I would like you to join me. I've been sitting here looking at you for the last few weeks. Jeff and Phalen are going to be home soon and I don't know if we'll have another opportunity."

"For what?"

"For me to do something more than just look. I've dreamt of feeling you naked, next to me . . . on top of me." Brad ran his hands over his nipples and then down over his stomach to his pubes and finally to his penis which was thickening as he spoke. Larry's eyes were drawn to the sight. Even though they had spent many evenings in each other's company, naked, they had not seen each other with an erection. Now, Brad had spread his legs and was resting his bare feet on either side of the lounge. He had grasped his thick penis at its base, cupping his testicles at the same time he held his cock perpendicular to his body. He looked at Larry and barely grinned as he ran the forefinger of his free hand over the tip of his cock and then brought it to his lips to lick clean.

"Damn, Brad. You're beautiful," Larry breathed, taking the few steps that separated the two lounges. His own penis was stiffening as he stood and was fully erect by the time he stood at the foot of Brad's chaise. Both men had begun to breathe faster. "Are you sure," he asked. He absently fondled himself as he drank in the sight of the smooth skinned deeply tanned man in front of him. Brad grinned and lowered the back of the chaise so he was lying flat. He held out his arms as an answer.

Larry knelt astride Brad's legs and then gently lowered himself until Brad took his full weight. He groaned, thrusting his erection against Brad's at the same time he sought out Brad's mouth. Both men groaned in pleasure as Brad began first to caress Larry's back and butt cheeks and then to finally knead them, thrusting his hips forward.

"Ohhhh, how I've wanted to do this," Larry murmured, close to Brad's ear. "It's been torture, seeing you every day and not being able to lay naked with you."

"Shhh," Brad murmured, lightly caressing Larry's broad back and then running his fingers through his hair. "No talking. No questions. No promises. Just Larry and Brad being close because we want to be."

Larry thrust a handful of strings, each with an accompanying helium-filled balloon into Brad's hand and trotted toward the front door as the bell rang a second time. Larry glanced over his shoulder and saw Brad mime being hoisted aloft by the mass of multi-colored globes. He laughed at the antics and turned back toward the door where Andrew was waving to him. This would be the first time Andrew had met Brad and he was hoping things would go well. He never thought he would be faced with the dilemma of introducing a current boyfriend to a person he hoped might become a partner.

He looked over his shoulder once again and saw Brad busily tying the balloons to one of the chairs on the patio. His smooth, almost hairless skin had taken on a deep tan over the past few weeks. He had also grown a short neatly trimmed goatee, complimenting his already rakish good looks. In Larry's mind it didn't hurt that the goatee was very much like the one Jeff had grown before leaving on his trip.

Brad's nipples were firm punctuations to the bright yellow polo shirt he was wearing, and the white shorts hugging his narrow hips and firm buttocks. The thought of Brad's smooth ass cheeks was almost enough to make Larry ignore the doorbell. Burying his face between those cheeks had been one of the most exciting sexual experiences of his life. The doorbell rang a third time and Andrew had begun to comically wave with broad dramatic movements in an attempt to attract Larry's attention. Brad looked up at the sound of the bell and saw Larry watching him.

"Someone's . . . at . . . the . . . door . . . Larry," he said slowly and loudly. "That means you're supposed to stop staring at me and let whomever's out there, inside." He laughed and made a shooing motion.

"Right. Okay." Larry shook his head and took the few remaining steps to the door.

"Sorry," he said, closing the door and briefly hugging Andrew. "My mind was elsewhere."

"It looked to me like it was in the back yard." Andrew chuckled and glanced over Larry's shoulders. "Is this the person you've been telling me about?" He grinned, nodded and took Andrew's arm, leading him through the living room.

"Do you think he might be Mr. Right," Andrew asked in a low voice. Larry stopped and turned with an earnest expression on his face.

"I dearly hope so." He glanced over his shoulder as he noticed Andrew smile. Brad had walked into the house and was approaching.

"Hello," he said, walking up and extending his hand. "You must be Andrew." He glanced to his right. "Larry and Jeff have both told me what a wonderful person you are." He grasped Andrew's hand and smiled brightly. "It's great to finally meet you. I'm Brad."

"It's a pleasure. Are you heading-up this welcome home bash for the world travelers?" Andrew gestured to the festive surroundings. Brad nodded.

"Yes, though I still think the balloons might be a little over the top." He nodded toward Larry and winked. "He wanted to hire an airplane to spell out some sort of Finnish welcome in the sky, but I was able to talk some sense into him. After all, neither of us know a single word of the language."

"So, we settled on balloons instead," Larry quipped.

"And, as you can see, we've got hundreds of them," Brad laughed, looking around with his hands on his hips. "I'm surprised stuff hasn't started to float away, there's so much helium in here." He chuckled, turning back to Andrew. "I think we bought up all the balloons in Phoenix. He gestured toward Larry. "He wanted to buy every one we saw." Andrew laughed and Larry shrugged with a sheepish grin.

"I love parties. What can I say? Besides, I've missed the guys. It'll be great to have them home again."

"Do you either of you want a beer?" Brad spoke over his shoulder as he headed toward the kitchen. They could hear him continue speaking as he opened the refrigerator door. "You've had to stand outside in the heat, Andrew, and Larry here, has been busy blowing up balloons."

"Wow," Andrew silently mouthed the word, causing Larry to blush. "Does he have a brother?"

"Four of them," Larry responded. "All gay." Andrew's eyes brightened. "All taken," Larry added and chuckled at Andrew's crestfallen expression. "Maybe he'd put a good word in for you if one of them should become available."

"Think I should ask?" Andrew muttered, smiling when Brad handed him a beer and then turned as the doorbell rang once again. "I'll answer it this time, handsome . . . Larry. We know how slow you can be."

"Yeah, yeah . . . " Larry playfully jeered.

"He's right, you know," Brad said, glancing sideways. Larry raised his eyebrows and rubbed an open hand over Brad's back, grazing the hair at the back of his neck as Andrew walked toward the front door.

"You are handsome," Brad supplied. "That's what he calls you, isn't it?" Larry nodded with a slight blush.

"Don't be shy of showing affection toward each other, just because I'm here . . . handsome," Brad nudged him and smiled.

"Damn, you're sexy," Larry murmured. Brad's eyes widened.

"No, these guys are sexy." Larry turned toward the door and his smile brightened as Andrew ushered his sons into the house.

"Is the circus in town," one of the guys asked, causing Andrew to roll his eyes. Before Andrew had an opportunity to introduce his sons, Kerin took a couple quick steps and gave Larry a hug.

"How's the sexiest attorney in Phoenix doing today?" Larry began to sputter an answer, but Kerin had already turned to Brad, leaving Thian to pat Larry's shoulder in sympathetic understanding.

"Hey." He held out his hand. "I'm Kerin and the guy over there that sorta looks like me is my brother, Thian. Oh, yeah, the tall macho guy is our dad. You've probably already met him." He shook Brad's hand and then stepped aside for Thian to do the same.

"Great to meet you both. Jeff has always said how much he enjoys your company."

"Say, are you a straight man, like Jeff," Kerin asked, turning his bright eyes on Brad. "Hmm?"

"Jeff's straight?" Brad laughed. "Coulda fooled me." Everyone laughed and Kerin nodded his appreciation of the quick rejoinder.

"I think I'm gonna like this guy," Kerin smiled, wrapping an arm around Brad's shoulders. "Do you currently have a boyfriend, or are you available?"

"Geez, Kerin. This is sudden isn't it? I mean, we've just met. I haven't even had a chance to sweep you off your feet yet." He noticed Larry looking at him strangely as he joked with Kerin, and Andrew was trying to cover his smile with his hand. Brad didn't acknowledge either one but quickly glanced to the side and snagged a balloon. "I'm a romantic, Kerin. Normally, I give a guy I like, flowers." He looked at Kerin and then at the floating red balloon, noticing Kerin's eyes follow his. Brad smiled and quickly extended his hand. "Since I don't have any flowers and we seem to be in a bit of a hurry, here, have a balloon instead." Kerin took the balloon with a puzzled expression.

"Now." Brad brushed his hands as if completing a task. "The romantic stuff is out of the way; where are we going on our honeymoon?" He put his arm around Kerin's shoulders and coyly smiled, batting his long black eyelashes a couple times. Kerin's mouth hung open, until he was surrounded by good natured laughter.

"Woo Hoo! I think K has met his match," Thian crowed. "I never thought I'd see the day when he had nothing to say." Kerin looked at Brad for a moment longer and then turned to his brother.

"Just you wait, Mr. Hot Shot." The tough words were spoiled by the tug of a grin at the corners of his lips.

"Oooooh, I'm scared." Thian teased.

"C'mon Thian, lighten up." Brad patted Kerin on the shoulder as he moved back a step. "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you. It's just that I haven't had an opportunity to tease someone in a long time. I should probably have waited until I knew you better." He leaned close and lowered his voice. "By the way, how often have you played the straight man?"

Andrew snorted and Thian began laughing anew.

"Now, I know I'm gonna like this man," Kerin smiled, leaning forward and quickly kissing Brad on the cheek. "Besides, it sorta feels good when he hugs you. He's not all bony like someone I know." He turned and glared at his brother before breaking into a cheerful laugh. He put his arm around his brother's waist and kissed him on the cheek.

"Come on, guys," Larry motioned them toward the patio. "Everyone choose something to drink, then let's go out to the pool and get comfortable."

"Wonderful," Kerin laughed, trotting ahead of everyone with his eyes alight. "Does this mean we can be naked?" He looked disappointed when Larry shook his head and then turned back to Brad as everyone stepped up to the island separating the kitchen from the living room. "Oh Brad, you never answered my question about whether you have a boyfriend, or if you're available."

"Sorry, Kerin. I'm not available." Brad placed some dishes on the counter. "I don't have a boyfriend, but I'm working on it."

"I'm disappointed. I'd think the lucky guy would lie at your feet, offering himself to you."

"He tried that," Brad chuckled, opening the refrigerator and taking out a couple bottles of cold water for the twins and a beer for himself. He looked to Andrew and Larry, holding his bottle up to ask if they wanted another. Both shook their heads and Brad continued, turning to Kerin. "I told him I didn't want a boyfriend to lie at my feet. I wanted him to lay on top of me."

"Ooooo, I'm liking this man more all the time!" Kerin looked over his shoulder seemingly puzzled by the momentary lull in background conversation. He turned to his father and then to Larry, with a puzzled look on his face. "Um, ah," Kerin fumbled. "Lucky guy." He looked at his brother with a slight frown and received an answering shrug. Larry cleared his throat and gestured toward the food Brad had just set on the counter.

"We've got a choice of entrees . . . burgers and things, ready to place on the grill . . . or sliced carrots, some white stuff that jiggles, and some green things floating in . . ." He looked askance at the liquid-filled bowl. "Well, they're green things, floating in . . . something . . ." He made a face and shuddered.

"Burgers for me," Andrew laid his arm across Larry's shoulders and motioned for them to head to the patio. "C'mon, Brad," he laughed, holding out his other arm. "Let's go where there's some real food."

"You got it," Brad laughed, snagging his beer and heading around the corner, giving the twins a casual salute as he passed.

"Carrots for me," Kerin said, raising his hand, followed by Thian.

"Green floating things sound good to me." They both pointedly ignored the fact that everyone else headed out to the patio, and the awaiting burgers.

"You guys don't know what you're missing!" Kerin shouted toward the patio, piling his plate with vegetables. He stepped closer to Thian and rubbed his hand over his brother's back grinning when Thian winked at him.

An hour later everyone was sitting around the patio table laughing as Kerin was attempting to demonstrate the floor exercise gymnastics routine he had done at the National Championships. He was attempting to do a handstand and asked his brother to hold his ankles.

"C'mon help me, T. I can't do this wearing so many clothes!" He made another comical attempt to stand on his hands, but only succeeded in bending at the waist, resting his hands flat on the pool deck and mooning everyone. He motioned his brother to hurry. "And don't tell me I'm practically naked already. Either hold my ankles or strip me. I wanna show these guys my incredible slow-mo backward flip." Thian took his brother's ankles and Kerin easily moved into a handstand.

There was the sound of someone clearing their throat and everyone aborted their applause and turned. "Are we invited to the party," Jeff asked. He was casually leaning against a doorjamb with his arms crossed, wearing a bright smile. His eyes were absolutely sparkling. Phalen, on the other hand was staring from side to side with his mouth wide open. He was holding the string belonging to a lonely yellow balloon which batted itself against his head as it caught the slightest breeze.

"Hey, is that Jeff's voice I hear?" Kerin wiggled his legs, trying to free himself of Thian's grasp. "Hey, T, let go. You can hold my legs in the air later." He twisted himself free. "Now is not the time to think about sex." He collapsed in a dramatic heap with a loud "wuuf" and then crawled to his knees and leaned against the table and waved in Jeff's direction. "Hi guys. Welcome home!"

"Phalen!" Larry hurried around the table and wrapped his arms around his son, holding him close. "I've missed you," he murmured for Phalen's ears alone. "Lots." Phalen hugged his father close, blinking away the moisture from his own eyes and releasing the balloon.

"Same here, Dad. Jeff's parents are great, but they're not you." He pulled his father slightly aside and leaned close. "How are things going with Brad?"

"Good." He smiled brightly at Larry's loss for words. "He'll be good for you." Phalen looked at his father and winked. "It's about time you found someone who can make you happy."

"Welcome home." Jeff turned from Larry and Phalen and found himself in Brad's arms. "Like Larry said to Phalen, I've missed you." He gave Jeff a quick kiss on the cheek and then backed up a step, holding onto Jeff's hand and looked around at the gently swaying masses of balloons.

"Festive, don't you think?" He looked over Jeff's shoulder toward Larry. "They were all his idea. Of course, if you like all the color, I helped." Jeff laughed, drawing Brad into another hug before moving on to Andrew.

After hugging him, Kerin said in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear. "Hey, Phalen's busy. What say we use a little tongue when you kiss me." Jeff laughed as Thian nudged his brother, coming close to pushing him into the pool.

"Hey it never hurts to ask."

Jeff met Brad as he was coming outside with a drink for him and Phalen. "Are you doing okay?" Jeff held Brad at arm's length, noting the dark tan and dark blush that suffused his cheeks. He bowed his head slightly and grinned.

"Better than okay."

"You and Larry," Jeff murmured the question. When Brad nodded, Jeff shouted and hugged him tightly, patting him on the back.

Larry and Brad played host as Phalen and Jeff told everyone about their trip. Phalen kept trying to demonstrate to everyone his mastery of the Finnish language, drawing hoots and hollers when he described sitting in a sauna with a bunch of pale-skinned naked strangers.

"One kid asked me how I liked living in Africa," he laughed. "I mean, really, I may have a good tan, but sheesh!" When the laughing had subsided, he continued. "The child was being very animated when he was talking to this large naked lady sitting across from me. He kept looking at me and then started chattering away."

"Jeff's father is with the U.S. Embassy and he told me I was the picture of restraint, huh Jeff?"

Suddenly, Phalen covered his mouth, trying to stifle a yawn. He smiled in apology. "Sorry, guys. It's not the company, it's jet lag. My body thinks it's ten hours later than you think it is."

Everyone helped clear the table and headed indoors when there was a loud pop from the kitchen. Jeff was smiling as he held up a frothy bottle of champagne and began filling seven flutes. "No one can leave yet. I've got something to say." He walked around the room and handed everyone a slender crystal glass of the sparkling wine. When Kerin gave it a strange look, Jeff looked at him sternly and muttered. "Drink it. It'll put hair on your chest."

Kerin glanced at his brother. "I sorta liked him better when he was meek." Thian nudged him and frowned, urging him to be quiet.

Jeff walked to the center of the room and motioned for Phalen to join him. Everyone had become silent and moved closer. "Guys . . . thank you. I love you all." He paused a moment and swallowed. "Without your friendship and your help I would still be the meek," he nodded in Kerin's direction, "troubled person you met."

He turned to face Andrew. "Dr. Johnston . . . Andrew. Thank you for guiding me through the maze of my mind, and for helping me shine some light into those dark corners. I was lost. You helped me find myself. You also made me realize I have more strength than I could ever have imagined. Without your . . . care . . . I could never have believed in myself." He held his glass up in salute. Andrew blinked, suddenly misty eyed, and returned the gesture.

"Kerin . . . Thian." Jeff smiled at the twins, as always, standing next to one another. "Thank you both for adding humor to my life. Before knowing you guys, I hardly thought I was capable of laughter. The two of you not only made me laugh, you taught me to realize how deeply two men can care for each other." Once again he saluted them. Kerin brushed a tear off of his cheek and leaned his head on his brother's shoulder.

"Brad." Jeff turned toward his good friend. "What can I say to my dearest friend? You stood by me at school. You didn't let my flashbacks frighten you. Instead, you watched out for me while I was getting the help I needed. Your friendship has meant more to me than you can ever know. I hope your future will be as bright as you have made mine." Again, Jeff raised his glass in salute. Brad sniffed and moved close to Larry, taking his hand.

"And Larry." Jeff was silent for a moment as he bowed his head. "I love you, Larry. You were a father to me when I didn't have one. You urged me to not discount my parents' feelings for me, and I will be eternally grateful to you for that advice. You cried along with me on many occasions. You hugged me when I needed it and used your 'lawyer' voice on me when I was feeling sorry for myself. I can't express how much you mean to me." Jeff paused for a moment, and then saluted Larry with his raised wine glass.

"And lastly, there's Phalen . . . my partner . . . my lover . . . and my life." He ran a finger over Phalen's cheek and smiled when Phalen took his hand and kissed it. "You have listened to me and taught me to believe in myself, like Andrew. You have made me laugh . . . and realize the depths of love, like Kerin and Thian. You have watched out for me and been the best of friends, like Brad. You have taken me by the shoulders and shaken me a time or two in an attempt to make me not give up, just as Larry did. But most of all . . . lover, you have given of yourself in ways you could not begin to imagine. I love you, Phalen. Thank you for sharing your life with me." He leaned close and kissed Phalen briefly on the mouth and then paused to run his fingers over Phalen's cheek, wiping away a tear.

Once again, Jeff stood and looked at each of the men who had become so important to him. "Guys, thank you . . . for everything you've done. I am privileged to know each of you. Thank you for being part of my life."

"In Finland, we have a traditional toast." The light sparkled off of the champagne flute as he extended his arm. He faced each of the men in turn. "The toast translates to 'cheers,' but it means much more to me. It means being surrounded by those we love. May it always be so . . . for each of us." He raised his champagne flute high.


~The End~

Jeff has had an opportunity to thank those people who have been important to him. In the same vein, I would like to thank you all for sticking with me throughout the 'Phalen' tale, and for all your kind words over the past year and a half. I have had the pleasure of visiting with close to two thousand readers who have contacted me from around the world and have enjoyed every message. Thank you for taking the time to read my work, and for giving me your opinions.

While writing 'Phalen,' I have been fortunate to meet a number of people who have become more than Internet acquaintances. They have become good friends.

Carey has been my mentor. He has cajoled me to move forward and has never despaired of my progress. He has constantly urged me to jump the next hurdle and to take chances. I am indebted to him for his help.

Gwynne was first a reader of the story. She later became a friend, and now, she and her husband are neighbors. She has helped me get over the rough spots with her humor and insight into the characters' behavior.

Larry in Finland, became a friend when 'Phalen' was only a couple chapters old. He not only assisted me with the story but has helped me begin to understand and appreciate my Finnish heritage.

'Phalen' is dedicated to Carey, Gwynne and Larry, because they made it possible.

This segment of 'Phalen,' has ended, but the story is not yet over.

Kiitos (Thank you)

Roy Reinikainen

Next: Chapter 31: Finding Happiness 1

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