
By Roy Reinikainen

Published on Jul 22, 2006


This story contains portrayals of homosexual actions and lifestyles. There may be references to, or explicit descriptions of, sex between consenting adults.

If homosexuality, sexually explicit language, or swearing offends you, or if reading material that contains these topics violates any law or personal or religious beliefs, or if you under 18 years of age, please leave now, without proceeding further.

This story is entirely fictional, and any resemblances to actual persons are completely coincidental. Actual locations are mentioned, and are used for 'background' only.

You are also welcome to read my newest story, 'Leith,' also located in Nifty's Gay College Section.


Phalen - Chapter 28

The green streetcar lumbered to a stop and the doors opened. Jeff and Phalen found an empty seat and the car once again began moving, heading toward the center of the city. Jeff smiled at Phalen's continued enthusiasm, as did some of the other passengers. He would watch everything the trolley passed, pointing things out, exclaiming over each new discovery.

"Oh, look, ships!" Phalen pointed to a number of the tour ships sitting in the harbor. "I've never seen a ship before. With all the water around I guess they're a natural, huh?"

"About half of the city area is water," Jeff commented, pointing to a hydrofoil that was picking up speed, probably heading for Estonia, Sweden or Germany. Phalen craned his neck to continue watching it as the trolley moved on after letting a number of passengers out at the Market Square. The place was a riot of color filled with swarms of people moving under the brightly colored tents.

"Another quarter of the city is parks." Jeff pointed to the Esplanade (ES-pla-nod-e) Park they were crossing. "This is one of the largest." Phalen looked out of the window at the benches full of people, all talking, laughing or feeding the birds.

"Everyone seems to be outside!"

"Because in the winter, we can't be, at least not as often as we might wish." Jeff looked out of the window. "This is our stop. Time to get out." They joined many other people leaving the trolley at one of the Senate Square stops. Everyone else went on his or her way, seemingly intent on business. Phalen stopped and looked across the large square at the Lutheran Cathedral sitting at the top of a massive flight of steps.

"Wow." I've never seen anything like that." He pointed toward the large building. "It's huge." He turned and looked around him. "This whole place is huge." Just then a group of tourist buses pulled up and disgorged their contents, all chattering and exclaiming over the sights, just as Phalen was.

"C'mon, lover." Jeff momentarily took Phalen's hand, encouraging him to move. "I want to show you some stuff." For the next few hours Jeff took Phalen around the large square, proudly pointing out all of the tourist draws as well as things only a person who had grown up in the city would know of. Eventually he began to wind down and led them both across the square to a group of vendors near the Cathedral.

"Ice cream!" Phalen laughed when he realized where they were heading. "I shoulda known you'd find the first place that sells ice cream." Jeff nodded and ordered for both of them, handing Phalen his and then turning to the enormous flight of steps leading to the Church.

"This is a tradition of mine," Jeff explained as they climbed the broad incline. Near the top he turned and sat down, joining over a hundred people who were already lounging on the steps enjoying the sunny day. When Phalen sat down Jeff turned to him with one of the most contented expression Phalen could remember seeing.

"You love this place, don't you?" Phalen took a scoop of ice cream. Jeff didn't even have to think. He nodded with a happy grin, taking another scoop of ice cream and then licking the spoon.

"I've always loved sitting up here watching everyone." He turned and looked beyond Phalen and then to his right. "It's better now. My whole outlook has changed. Everything looks better . . . happier." He shrugged. "I can't describe it." Phalen smiled and patted Jeff's leg. They sat in companionable silence, each lost in their own thoughts until Jeff sighed loudly, looking at the empty ice cream cup with a wistful expression.

For much of the day, they walked around the Senate Square area of the city. They posed in front of every monument, taking turns waving at the camera. Jeff had another bowl of ice cream and they had lunch at an outdoor restaurant in Esplanade Park. As afternoon approached Phalen noticed Jeff's become somber. They caught another of the dark green trolleys heading for home and sat in silence as Jeff looked from out the windows.

"Here," he said, abruptly standing up. "Let's get off." Phalen looked around as they emerged from the bus and realized they were someplace other than Jeff's parents' house. He looked at Jeff with a questioning glance but got no response. Instead, Jeff turned and with a determined look began walking down the tree-lined street with Phalen trailing after. After a couple blocks they stopped before a large two story building fronting a small plaza with benches and planters brimming with flowers. He sat on a nearby bench and seemed to gasp for air. Phalen sat next to him and looked around, wondering what could be causing such distress.

"Is this the place?" He looked at Jeff closely. His face was pale and his eyes shadowed. "Did you go to elementary school here?" Jeff nodded silently. After a few minutes watching people come and go from the school's front doors, Jeff stood and looked down at Phalen.

"Please come with me. I have to see it again." Phalen scrambled to his feet and squeezed Jeff's shoulder as they crossed the deserted street. Once they approached the building, Jeff appeared reluctant to go further. After a few moments, a middle-aged woman opened one of the doors and smiled at them both.

"May I help you with something," she asked, speaking in Finnish. "I noticed you standing out here looking as if you might be lost." Jeff greeted her and asked if she might speak English. He nodded to Phalen, indicating he was an English speaker. The woman apologized, smiling at Phalen and once again asked if she might be of assistance.

"I recognize you." Jeff thought a moment. "You once taught second grade, didn't you?" She nodded and smiled brightly, obviously pleased to be remembered. "You're." He closed his eyes trying to remember. "You're Mrs. Kriikko." (KREEK-ko) Her smile broadened even further. She seemed to study Jeff for a moment.

"Were you one of my students, by any chance?" Jeff shook his head in apology.

"No, I'm sorry. Your room was next to the one I was in."

"Ah, well," she sighed. "I've taught at this school since it was built. I've seen thousands of students and teachers come and go." She looked at Jeff and said in a candid voice. "I guess that would make me original equipment." Phalen and Jeff smiled as she laughed at her own joke.

"Well, you still haven't told me if there's something I can do to help you both?" Jeff looked over her shoulder at the school building. "Would you like to come inside? Is there something in particular you'd like to see?" Jeff looked grim but nodded.

"Yes, my first grade classroom." Phalen glanced at Jeff then at Mrs. Kriikko and tried to beg her indulgence with a smile as she held the doors open for them and they passed into the dimly lit school. Jeff stopped momentarily before turning to his left.

"It's down this way." They walked down the echoing hallway and stopped before a room whose entry door was covered in colorful children's drawings. Jeff stood quietly and stared at the door. Phalen and Mrs. Kriikko stood behind him.

"Is he okay?" She mouthed the words. Phalen shook his head and stepped close and murmured.

"Bad memories." Her gaze flicked to Jeff and then back to Phalen. "He's trying to get over them." She bit her lip and glanced back at Jeff.

"Would you like to go inside?" She tentatively stepped closer. "Would that help?"

"Help?" Jeff murmured, glancing from her to Phalen.

"Young man. I know a troubled person when I see one. You've got all the symptoms." Phalen stepped closer and rested his hand on Jeff's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. She looked at Jeff with penetrating gaze. "Something bad happened to you in that room, didn't it?" She had spoken in a voice that had demanded attention from a couple generations of students. He bowed his head and nodded, trying to swallow. Once again she glanced at Phalen.

"Do you think you'll feel better if you go inside?" She continued to look concerned. Jeff shrugged but glanced back toward the colorful door.

"You've come this far, Jeff." Phalen murmured. He glanced to his right. "Mrs. Kriikko and I will be with you if you need us." She nodded with her mouth set in a firm line. Jeff jerked a nod and took a deep breath as she opened the classroom door for him. He took one labored step then another but could go no farther.

"Help me, Phalen." The words were not much more than a croak torn from his throat. Phalen glanced to the teacher who was following what was happening with grim fascination. He reached out and took Jeff's hand leading him into the classroom. Mrs. Kriikko followed, silently closing the door and standing in front of it with her hands hanging loosely at her side. She would watch Jeff for a few moments and then look at Phalen.

"This is the room?" Phalen stood at Jeff's side, but spoke loudly enough for the teacher to hear what was being said. Jeff nodded and slowly walked down one of the aisles between rows of small desks. He stopped and leaned down, running his fingers over the top of one.

"This is where I sat." Mrs. Kriikko was beginning to look very troubled. She glanced at Phalen who warned her not to talk with a slight shake of his head. She nodded and took a couple steps into the room as Jeff wandered about, silently looking at things. His wandering finally led him to stand in front of the teacher's desk. He stopped moving, staring at the desk in disgust and horror. The next moment he had leaned over the desk and was pounding his fists against the top, shouting at the top of his lungs. Both Phalen and the teacher jumped in surprise. She reached out as if to stop him, but Phalen took her arm and silently begged her to remain quiet.

"I've won, you bastards!" Jeff shouted. "Do you hear me? I've won!" He gulped for a breath of air. "You thought you'd control my life forever . . . didn't you? Use me and then throw me away. Forget about me!" Jeff pounded both fists onto the desktop, his face red with rage. "I had to leave Finland in order to win . . . but I did it." He pounded on the desk once more. "Now I'm back to tell you I hope you both rot in the deepest, darkest pits of Hell!" He paused a moment and then kicked the desk. "No, Hell's too good of a place for people like you!!!" He pounded his fist against the top of the desk one last time and leaned over at the waist resting himself against the timeworn surface with his outstretched arms. He was breathing heavily but there were no tears.

"It's okay, really." Phalen muttered, holding onto the teacher's hand. She had reached out to him when Jeff began shouting and hadn't let go. She looked at Phalen, unsure whether to believe him. He lowered his voice and explained. "His teachers hurt him in this room, and like he says, he had to tell them he's won."

She turned to Phalen in horror, bringing the hand he had been holding to her mouth. "Hurt him?" Phalen nodded. "In first grade?" Again, Phalen nodded. She took a step back and now had both hands to her mouth, her eyes wide as her gaze moved from Phalen to Jeff.

"Don't pity him, Mrs. Kriikko." Phalen stepped close and murmured. "He had to come here to get those ghosts off his back. He's won. He's struggled with those memories all his life and coming here was one of the last things he had to do." A tear slipped down her cheek. She sniffed and wiped at her eyes with an angry swipe of her hand.

"Will he . . . Will he be okay like that?" She nodded toward Jeff who continued to lean over the desk. Phalen slowly walked up to him and spoke quietly.

"May I touch you?" Jeff nodded. He slowly stood and pulled Phalen close, resting his head on Phalen's shoulder, still dry-eyed. "May Mrs. Kriikko give you a hug?" Jeff sniffed and tried to smile, inviting her into an embrace. She tentatively smiled and stood close, declining the hug but patting him on the back. Jeff cleared his throat.

"Thank you, ma'am." He made an effort to grin and looked around the room, his gaze lingering on the desk. "I don't think this room will haunt me again." He sniffed and grinned a crooked grin. Mrs. Kriikko stepped back and seemed to steel herself for what she was about to say.

"Was it Mr. Litmanen and Mr. Kainulainen" She barely spoke the words but Jeff froze in place, turning to her with a renewed look of horror.

"You know them? You know what they did?" His voice was rising. Phalen stood close, prepared to stop Jeff if it looked like he was about to advance on the teacher.

She nodded and moved back another step, intimidated at the change in his behavior. "They . . . They were . . . caught . . . at the school in Espoo where they went after they left here. The administrator here fired them." She seemed to realize Jeff was unlikely to touch her and she began speaking faster. "The school system here had warned the people in Espoo about them. But there were only rumors . . . about what they did." She had begun to wring her hands. "The people in Espoo were desperate for teachers and there had been no . . . proof." She walked up to Jeff with pleading in her eyes.

"Please believe me when I tell you no one here knew for certain that anything had happened. Another boy's parents came to us and told us they thought something had happened to their son. They didn't know what and the boy never said anything to them. They were too frightened to ask. I don't think they wanted to admit the possibility it might be true." She shook her head. "Like I said, the teachers were fired."

"Where are they now? What happened to them?" Jeff seemed ready to take her and shake an answer out of her.

"They're in prison! They'll never get out." All the anger seemed to drain away. He seemed to relax.

"Please . . . please believe me. We . . . never knew. I'm so sorry." She wiped at her eyes. "I know it doesn't make up for the years of misery you've endured, but . . . I don't know what else to say. Please believe me."

Phalen watched as Jeff's face became calm and he actually smiled at the teacher. "Thank you . . . Mrs. Kriikko. Thank you. You have just made me one of the happiest men on earth. How long after they left here were they caught?"

"The next year, at the beginning of the year, only a few weeks after school started in fact." Jeff laughed.

"So, they never had a chance to hurt anyone else?" She shook her head.

"The people in Espoo took our warnings seriously. They were watching them and stopped them before they could do any more . . . damage." She seemed unwilling to meet Jeff's eyes.

He perched on the corner of the teacher's desk. "I used to stay awake at nights wondering how many boys they'd hurt." He smiled brightly, his eyes moist. "Thank you again."

She was now openly crying. She walked behind him and rummaged around in the teacher's desk, looking for a tissue. She found one, blew her nose, and when she couldn't find a trashcan, stuck it in her pocket with a guilty smile. "There's never a trash can around when you need one, is there?" She sniffed again and tried to smile. Phalen laughed and the atmosphere in the room changed dramatically.

"Are you ready to go," Phalen asked putting his hand on Jeff's back. He looked around and nodded. Mrs. Kriikko closed the door and they all walked down the corridor to the entrance to the school where they stopped. No one knew what to say until Jeff took Mrs. Kriikko's hands in both of his.

"Thank you for all you've done to help me . . . and other boys." He cupped her hands and brought them to his lips, gently kissing them. "Thank you for being here today . . . and letting me shout" . . . There was a long pause . . . "And, for telling me that they're where they should be." He kissed her hands once more and smiled a gentle smile and then turned away. Phalen smiled at her and thanked her as he passed, patting her on the back. She stood in the school's lobby and watched Jeff leave the building and then returned the slight wave Phalen gave her just before the door closed.

"Brad." Larry looked at the man sitting in a nearby chair on Jeff's patio. "Would you like me to leave?" Brad looked up and opened his eyes wide, shaking his head slowly.

"No, please . . . stay." He chuckled to himself and toyed with the bottle of beer. "I have to get over the feeling that even by sitting with another man . . . like we are . . . naked." He gestured with his free hand. "That I'm being unfaithful to Curt." He swallowed and chuckled.

"Being out here with Phalen and Jeff was different. I knew nothing . . . sexual would happen between us." He paused. "Being out here with you is different." Larry looked up and grinned.

"Does that mean you find me attractive," he teased. Brad nodded slowly and grinned through his discomfort.

"Ohhh yes. Very." He looked back at his beer bottle. "I know you haven't asked . . . or suggested even . . . that we even touch each other . . . but I still feel unfaithful . . . to Curt . . ." His voice trailed off. "Stupid, huh? I mean he's gone, over and done with, water under the bridge, whatever. I'm free to do whatever I want."

"No, Brad. You're not free." Larry leaned forward. "Listen to me. Curt is still a part of your life. Just because you're not living together doesn't mean you don't still feel an emotional attachment." He rubbed the back of his neck and gave Brad a rueful smile. "Just because I haven't . . . touched you . . . doesn't mean I don't want to." He seemed embarrassed by the admission. "I understand what you're going through. Believe me. But." He looked up with a sly smile. "At some time . . . in the future . . . whenever you feel comfortable . . . if ever. I would dearly love to hold you in my arms, and make love to you. I'm not asking for anything other than to keep me in mind."

"You find me attractive? I'm just an average guy. There's nothing special about me."

Larry looked at him strangely. "As one of the most handsome men I've ever met said just a few minutes ago. . . I find you attractive in many ways, one of which is the trouble you're having right now, feeling that being here, naked, with me, is somehow being unfaithful to Curt. If you had wanted to have . . . sex . . . today, my estimation of you would not be nearly as high. So, don't feel bad about how you feel. We don't have to have sex. In fact I don't want to ever have sex with you. I would like us to make love." He studied Brad for a few moments in the rippling blue light cast by the swimming pool. "Do you know the difference?" Brad was silent for a few moments.

"I thought I did." There was a long pause as he looked at the lean figure sitting on the nearby chaise. "I . . . I'm not so sure . . . now." His voice caught as he tried to continue. "Maybe I've been mistaken about what true love is all along." Larry leaned forward and touched Brad's knee.

"No you haven't, Brad. Don't question your feelings. You'll know when you feel the real thing. I don't doubt that you've felt love for Curt, and still do. It can't be just switched off like a light. The next time you feel it, you'll know." Larry gave a short bark of a laugh. "In fact, Phalen told me the same thing . . . that I'd know when it happened." Brad looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"And, did you," he coaxed? Larry just grinned.

Brad gave a relieved laugh and looked at the bottle he was holding. "I need another beer . . . but I can't get it. Will you?" Larry looked at him with a puzzled expression. "I'm hard," Brad explained.

"Then, by all means, I'll be your humble servant." Larry laughed as he trotted into the kitchen. He glanced over his shoulder and saw Brad disappear into the pool with a loud splash.

The streetcar slowed to a halt on busy Puistokatu (PWEES-toe-COT-u) Boulevard on the dappled shaded border of Kaivopuisto Park. Jeff pushed the door open and jumped off, motioning for Phalen to hurry. Jeff paused hardly a moment to check traffic and then sprinted across the wide boulevard. He jumped up the three steps to the entrance in one leap, and swung the doors open to the building in which his parents lived. He stopped a moment on the door's threshold and shouted, "I'm waaaiting!" Phalen was caught in the middle of the street, looking for a break in the traffic. He waved, acknowledging Jeff standing impatiently at the door.

By the time Phalen entered the building and started up the steps, Jeff had disappeared.

"Jeff!" Phalen shouted in the open stairwell. He was taking the steps two at a time and still couldn't catch up with. "Stop!" Phalen demanded. He heard Jeff's footsteps stop, followed by a teasing laugh from above.

"Hurry up, lover. I thought you were the athlete." Phalen bounded around the landing, clutching the railing and continuing to climb the stairs two steps at a time. He finally came to a halt in front of Jeff, breathing heavily.

"Stand still for a moment," Phalen panted. He shook his head. "Normally I can run faster than that. Musta been all that ice cream you've been shoving in my direction." Jeff was beaming. He took Phalen by the shoulders and kissed him deeply. After the lengthy kiss he backed up, straightening Phalen's collar, and ran his fingers lightly along Phalen's jaw, stopping at his lips. Phalen nipped at the fingers causing Jeff to smile.

"I am soooo horny," Jeff murmured. "Are you prepared to be ravished?"

"Huh? Of course . . . I guess." Phalen looked at him with a puzzled expression. "Ravished? That's like getting fucked . . . right?" Jeff nodded with a bright smile and kissed him once again. "Oh, Phalen." Jeff nuzzled his neck. "I love you so much." Once again, he grinned. "I miss seeing you running around the house naked." Phalen smiled and nibbled on Jeff's ear.

"Ravished, huh?" He chuckled deep in his throat. "Suppose you're up for a double-header?" Before Jeff could even question his use of a baseball term, he added. "Can you do it twice?" Jeff's smile grew wider. He had just reached down to grope Phalen's crotch when they heard a noise from above. They both looked up and stepped apart as they heard a door close and the voices of Jeff's parents as they began walking down the stairs toward them.

"Mother, Dad!" Jeff smiled in greeting as they came into view. He stopped speaking and studied Margit for a moment. She was wearing a black evening gown that accentuated her tall slim figure. The long white silk shawl draped over her shoulders was edged with a fringe of tiny white beads that reached half way to the floor. The small beads of the fringe were a counterpoint to the triple string of pearls around her neck. Her short blonde hair set off her sparkling green eyes. "You look beautiful!" She smiled and caressed Jeff's cheek with a finger.

"We're off to dinner and the opera," David told Phalen. "We're seeing 'Tosca.' He nodded toward his wife. "She likes the blood and guts sort of operas. You know the type? People dying all over the place, but not before they sing their heart out as they slowly sink to the floor." Margit nodded agreement with an impish grin.

"We're going to see if they get it right this time." Phalen seemed puzzled. David continued. "The last opera we saw had things sort of fall apart at the point where a guy was supposed to jump off a bridge." David's chuckle was threatening to turn into a full-fledged belly laugh. "The actor went over the side of the bridge with an artfully done shout, and then he bounced!" David was laughing so hard his eyes were watering. "I wonder if they had a trampoline backstage for him to land on. I mean . . . we heard the guy scream as he went over the railing . . . then the sound of a splash, and then voila, there he was again . . . like the fish had thrown him back." He tried to smother a laugh when he saw Margit give him a disapproving look. "Everyone on stage and in the audience pretended they didn't see what had happened. It's a good thing he didn't land back on the stage! The audience would never have been able to ignore that!"

"I must say," Margit interjected, resigned to the fact her husband wouldn't stop laughing. "No one could take the rest of the opera seriously. It wasn't supposed to be a comedy, after all." She turned to her husband. "They'll do it better this time, I'm sure." She pointed a finger at him. "Just you don't start snickering." David put a hand over his heart and tried to look serious.

"I hope they sold the trampoline." She gave him a stern look that was somewhat spoiled by the corners of her mouth threatening to turn upward into a grin.

"Bounced?" Phalen asked. David nodded and started laughing all over again. Margit chose to ignore her husband who was miming the singer's surprised expression.

"Will you boys be able to manage tonight?" she asked, turning an irritated but amused eye on her husband's antics. "Are you hungry?"

Phalen made a face. "We've been eating ice cream at almost every stop of the trolley. We can't be hungry." David took his wife's arm, still chuckling. She smiled brightly and waved as they descended the steps.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," David shouted from the lower landing, followed by his wife's light-hearted laugh.

"I sooo wanna be naked." Jeff grabbed Phalen's arm and they ran up the remaining steps. He slammed the door shut and wrapped Phalen in his arms with a deep groan of satisfaction as their lips met. "C'mon lover, let's get naked." Jeff backed Phalen against the door and reached down to grope Phalen's erection through his pants. He moaned and wrapped his arms around Jeff's neck.

"Did you guys have a good day?" Greg looked up from the living room sofa and the newspaper he had been reading. He smiled when both his brother and Phalen jumped at the sound of his voice.

"You didn't know I was here, did you?" His voice rippled with suppressed amusement.

"Hey Greg! Jeff smiled, running his fingers through his hair. "Nope. Sorry if we embarrassed you." Greg looked at his brother with a 'who, me?' expression.

"I'm not embarrassed. I think seeing you guys kiss is sort of exciting."

"You do?" Greg gave his younger brother an enigmatic smile. "Well," Jeff continued, taking Phalen by the hand and hurrying him along. "When we've got the act perfected we might let you watch . . . since you're so interested!"

"Huh?" Phalen was almost dragged down the hallway to Jeff's bedroom. "Watch?" Greg's friendly laugh followed them until they closed the bedroom door.

"I didn't know you played baseball in high school." The streetlights cast moving shadows over into the car's interior as Larry drove Brad home from a Diamondbacks baseball game. Brad stretched his legs out in front of him and leaned his head back, before turning to smile at Larry.

"Um hum, third base. They wanted someone with a good right arm, who would be able to throw the ball from third base to the first baseman. I had a great right arm, so I was their man." He flexed his arm for Larry to examine. "See that," he said. "Comes from beating off so much." He started laughing at his own joke.

"Seriously, Larry. Thanks for dinner and the game. They were both wonderful." Larry pulled up to his house and turned off the car's engine.

"This is the point where the guy's supposed to kiss his date good night." Brad watched Larry's reaction to his words. "I enjoyed it when we held hands at the movie last night, and when we walked in the park the night before." He reached for Larry's hand, prying it from the steering wheel.

"You've got such wonderful hands, you know." Larry quirked his eyebrows. Brad nodded. "They're strong, and smooth and warm." He ran a thumb over Larry's palm. "I love how they feel." He shyly smiled. "Will you kiss me good night?"

Larry leaned closer and ran his hand slowly over Brad's cheek. Brad twisted slightly in the car seat and leaned closer. Their lips met and Larry groaned. Brad reached up and ran his fingers through Larry's hair pulling his head closer, searching out the entrance to Larry's mouth with his tongue. The first kiss merged into a second and then a third, leaving them both breathless. Brad softly snorted as their lips parted.

"Now that is what I call a good night kiss." He leaned forward and briefly touched his lips to Larry's once again. "Thank you for a wonderful evening. As good as the dinner and ballgame was, the kiss was probably the best part."

"Thank you Brad." Larry squeezed Brad's hand. "You've made me a very happy man."

"Same here." Brad took a deep breath and then opened the car door. "Will I see you tomorrow?"

"Count on it!"

The courtyard door creaked on its hinges as Brad pushed it open. He made a face, irritated by the noise intruding on the quiet night. If anything, the door seemed to creak louder as he pushed it closed with a solid, thunk. The cool nighttime desert air felt good as he crossed the courtyard and entered the house. The only light was the moonlight streaming in through the French doors leading out to the swimming pool. He stopped for a few moments at the French doors before going to the refrigerator and taking out a bottle of beer that remained from when Larry had stopped by the previous evening. He looked at the bottle and silently shook his head. The bottle represented Larry, the source of his current state of confusion.

'What am I doing?" He rubbed a hand over the back of his neck, taking a swallow of the bitter liquid and then leaned his head against the door, closing his eyes for a few moments. He felt tense and unable to think as events of the past few days threatened to overwhelm him. He sighed and opened one of the doors and stepped outside, stopping a moment to set his beer bottle on a table and strip out of his clothes. He stretched and yawned, arching his back and thrusting his hips forward, twisting slightly from side to side. He sighed in pleasure as he sat on the edge of the pool with his feet in the water watching the moonlight reflect off of the quiet surface. A slight breeze rustled the leaves of the palms overhead. He leaned forward to run his fingers through the cool water and then looked up with a tired smile as a bird that had been disturbed from its sleep complained with a half-hearted chirp of protest.

'What am I doing,' he asked himself again, splashing the water in frustration. 'Why am I continuing to go out with Phalen's father? I mean he's only a few years younger than Dad and I sure wouldn't be feeling the way I do about him. More to the point, why do I look forward to seeing Larry?' Brad laid back, propping himself up on his elbows and moved his feet in the water causing small waves to wash over the pool's edge.

'I like him. It's as simple as that. . . . And he seems to like me.' He shook his head, forcing himself to admit the truth. 'I really like him.' He bit his lower lip. 'And I think he could very easily become serious about me . . . if he isn't already.' He tilted his head back and looked at the gently swaying palm fronds overhead and grinned to himself.

'It's cute how he tries to act so cool . . . like we're old buddies going out to a ballgame together. But when he looks at me, his eyes are saying something entirely different. This whole idea of seeing someone . . . of going on a date . . . is new to both of us.' Brad smiled to himself. 'It's sweet how he tries so hard.' He looked toward Larry's house and saw the house go dark. 'A regular date,' he thought again. 'That's what we're supposed to be on, but I don't think either of us feels that way.'

"Damn," he said aloud, sitting up and finishing off the bottle of beer. He stood and walked to where Jeff stored a few inflatable air mattresses and threw one into the pool. He jumped in after it and then struggled to climb aboard. The breeze had died down and the neighborhood was silent. The only noise was that of distant traffic on Apache Boulevard, a couple blocks away.

A small cloud moved in front of the moon, throwing the yard into momentary darkness. 'I wonder what Curt's doing tonight? He'd love it here.' Brad turned his head to the side and looked at the pool and dark house beyond. 'He's such a good swimmer. I can imagine him laughing and splashing me, trying to start a water fight. He'd grab me and push me against the side of the pool for a long kiss and we'd eventually end up in bed.' He hung an arm over the side of the mattress, trailing it into the water. 'I don't think Larry is capable of being rough in the same way Curt is.' He stroked through the water with both hands, watching the few slowly moving clouds.

'I wonder what having sex with Larry would be like?' He ran the palm of one hand over his stomach and then down to his wiry black pubes, teasing his penis to full erection. 'I loved the way he kissed me tonight. He was so gentle, unlike Curt could be sometimes.' Brad wrapped his fingers around his cock and slowly began to stimulate himself, pausing every few strokes to smear the precum around the widely flared head. 'I wonder what it would be like to have Larry hold my legs back and slide his cock into me?' Brad groaned and shivered as his fingers paused at the head of his penis, lightly stimulating himself. He gathered some of the slick precum and brought the finger to his mouth and licked it clean, enjoying the salty taste.

'I can imagine him resting his full weight on me as we kiss.' Brad lightly pinched one of his nipples sending a tremor through his body, imagining it was Larry who was causing him such pleasure. 'Oh, his tongue was wonderful . . . and the way he gently caressed my cheek before he kissed me.' He sighed, abandoning himself to his growing pleasure. 'Ohhhhh, I want him to fuck me sooo bad.'

'I'll bet he'd be gentle as he slides into me. None of the rough stuff I'm accustomed to.' Brad groaned as gripped himself tighter and his balls drew up tight to his body, signaling his imminent orgasm. 'I wonder what it would be like for him to kiss me at the same time he's fucking me?' Brad gasped and tightened his grip on his cock, the precum allowing his hand to slip up and down with ease.

'I wonder what it would be like to feel his cock thicken . . . just before . . . ' Brad reached between his legs and rubbed the hard ridge between the base of his testicles and his asshole with the fingers of his free hand. 'I can almost feel his tongue in my mouth as he gets ready.' He squeezed harder.

"Oh yeah," he moaned aloud, imagining Larry's cock buried deep in his ass getting ready to pump him full of cum. He arched his back on the floating air mattress. "C'mon, man." He could imagine Larry thrusting himself against his spread ass cheeks, pivoting his hips to stimulate Brad's prostate. "C'mon, man," Brad croaked again as he stroked his penis faster. "Fill my hole with your sperm!"

The first blast of cum hit him on the chin. The second reached his nipples. He grunted and arched his back again as another thick stream ran down the length of his cock, coating his hand and his pubes.

"Shiiit!" He laughed aloud in an unsteady voice. "Someone might think I was horny." He grimaced. 'Better to shoot out here than have another wet dream about him when I'm using the bed in Jeff's guest room.' He idly ran his fingers through the liquefying sperm coating his stomach, and smiled in contentment.

'If Larry were here, I bet he'd lick all this off.' He scooped up some of the sperm with his fingers and opened his mouth, watching a thick strand swing from his fingertips to finally land on his tongue. He moaned, a low sound as he sucked his fingers clean. "Damn," he said aloud and smiled. "I always did like the taste of my own cum."

He trailed both hands in the water and smiled, thinking back to the evening's goodbye kiss. 'Damn, he's a good kisser.'

"Are you ready for a second round, big man?" It had only been a few minutes since Jeff shot his first load of the afternoon into Phalen, and now he was enjoying the feeling of Phalen's body beneath him as well as the feeling of Phalen's hands slowly caressing his back. Fucking Phalen was more exciting than anything he could possibly have imagined. He knew exactly when to tighten the muscles of his asshole to help Jeff have an intense orgasm. He'd never cum so hard as when his penis was buried deep in Phalen's butt, sliding over the firm nub of his prostate. Just the thought was enough to cause him to begin to stiffen.

Phalen pushed Jeff off of him and switched positions, rolling on top of him and straddling his hips in one movement.

"Now you're gonna fuck me the way I like it best." Jeff arched his eyebrows and teased.

"Ooooh, he's getting all assertive. I love it." Phalen merely smiled. He leaned over and kissed Jeff, noting that his lips were red from the aggressive lovemaking they'd only just completed. Since Margit and David were gone, it was the first time they'd been able to have sex without trying to be quiet. When they first arrived in Finland, having sex in Jeff's old bed had been exciting, but they needed to be quiet, something neither of them was accustomed to. Today, with only Greg in the house, they felt free to be themselves. Phalen's attention shifted from Jeff's lips to his jaw, then his neck and finally to one of his armpits.

With each stroke of Phalen's tongue, Jeff's penis thickened until he reached full erection and the tip of it was teasing Phalen's butt. "Mmmm, I love the feeling of that big thing against my hole." Phalen nipped at one of Jeff's nipples and pressed himself back against the head of the cock.

"Hurry up, lover. I don't think I'm gonna last too long." Jeff was squirming with excitement. He could feel Phalen's muscular legs pressed tight against his sides, the asshole teasing his penis and Phalen's cock throbbing as it lay flat against his belly, slowly oozing a puddle of slippery precum at its tip. "You are so fucking sexy." Jeff reached up and gently pinched at Phalen's sensitive nipples causing Phalen to gasp in pleasure. He spread his cheeks and pressed against Jeff's erection, all the while watching Jeff's expression. A drop of perspiration fell from Phalen's chin and landed on Jeff's chest. He tilted his head up and looked at the wet spot and then shifted his gaze back to Phalen. It was a simple thing but intensely exciting.

"Hurry, man. I need to shoot again." Another drop of perspiration landed on his chest. Jeff groaned and tried to squirm beneath Phalen's weight. He began sucking on one of Phalen's fingers, trying to force himself against Phalen.

"Does that sound mean you want me to sit on it?" Phalen reached behind himself and teased the length of Jeff's penis with his fingers. It was still slick with lube as well as a coating of his own sperm. Jeff thrust his hips up as an answer to Phalen's question.

"Yes, damn it. I need to be inside you." Phalen chuckled, low in his throat and once again caressed the length of Jeff's penis. Jeff groaned loudly and thrashed about on the bed. The bedsprings were squeaking. Phalen touched his asshole against the broad tip of Jeff's cock and then slowly sat back in one smooth motion until he was resting on Jeff's dense black pubes.

Jeff pushed Phalen's hand away from his own cock and began masturbating him, timing each stroke with each thrust of his cock. Phalen threw his head back and took a big gulp of air. Jeff's gasps for breath were accompanied by Phalen's almost continuous moans. Jeff groaned loudly and his penis began to pulse, deep inside Phalen's body. Phalen shouted once and began unloading in what seemed to be synchronous pulses of their cocks.

A few minutes later, Phalen still was impaled on Jeff's penis. He tightened his sphincter causing Jeff to open his eyes and grin. A smile blossomed on Phalen's face as he once again offered a finger for Jeff to suck on, this time one dripping with sperm.

An hour later they were walking down the hallway heading back to the bedroom after having taken a shower. They each had a towel wrapped around their waist. Just before they turned into the bedroom Jeff's brother Greg came around the corner from the living room.

"Hey guys." He hesitated a moment. "Can I talk to you both for a bit?"

~ To be continued ~

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read and comment on this story. I've been overwhelmed at the response to 'Phalen,' and love to hear from each of you.

If you would like me to send you a pic of the guys that inspired the main characters in this story, email me.

I would like to thank Carey for his ceaseless efforts to make me a better writer, Gwynne for her daily doses of humor and her insights into the characters, and Larry in Finland for helping me with the Finnish language and for being a good friend. Writing may be a solitary endeavor but the thoughts of each of these people, as well as you, the story's readers, affect the story's course.

Thanks for reading.


Next: Chapter 29

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