
By Roy Reinikainen

Published on Jun 20, 2006


This story contains portrayals of homosexual actions and lifestyles. There may be references to, or explicit descriptions of, sex between consenting adults.

If homosexuality, sexually explicit language, or swearing offends you, or if reading material that contains these topics violates any law or personal or religious beliefs, or if you under 18 years of age, please leave now, without proceeding further.

This story is entirely fictional, and any resemblances to actual persons are completely coincidental. Actual locations are mentioned, and are used for 'background' only.

You are also welcome to read my newest story, 'Leith,' also located in Nifty's Gay College Section.


Phalen - Chapter 25

Larry tossed the car keys to Phalen as the three of them left the high school graduation ceremonies. He snatched them out of the air without thinking, as one would expect of a baseball player, though he seemed puzzled by his father's action.

"Why'd you want me to drive, Dad?" He pressed the remote, opening the car doors. Jeff joined him in the front seat with a serious expression on his face. He had looked grim since learning Brad had left Curt, and had remained silent during the walk out to the car. Learning his good friend had left his partner explained why Jeff was acting serious, but did nothing to explain his father's silence. "You're looking preoccupied about something, Dad. Has this thing with Brad got you thinking, or is that big case still bothering you?" Larry closed the door and buckled himself in.

"No, that's finally over. I've been so preoccupied I haven't had time to do much of anything during the past few weeks. Andrew and I are going out tonight to celebrate; to that downtown restaurant that revolves . . . you know the one? Then we're spending the night together. We haven't been able to . . . see each other much . . . recently."

"Yeah, I've heard of the place. It's at the top of one of the hotels or something. That sounds like a reason to be smiling. Why so serious?" Larry shrugged, loosening and then pulling off his tie and absently running it through his fingers . . . once . . . twice. "Just thinking, that's all." Jeff half-turned in his seat with a questioning look, his thoughts about Brad temporarily suspended.

"Is something happening between you guys?" he prompted. Larry stopped running the tie through his fingers and sat still, thinking a moment. Finally, he shrugged and his lips quirked upward in a crooked grin.

"Nothing I can really put my finger on. Whenever I'm around Andrew I have a great time. He likes to tease and laugh a lot. That's something new for me." He grinned as he idly toyed with his necktie. "I like it . . . a lot." The grin became a smile. "He likes to touch . . . and be touched. He's also attentive, and gentle." The corners of his eyes crinkled and the smile turned mischievous. "Or, he can be pretty strong . . . and manly." He grinned at Phalen's soft snort.

"What are you making noises about, mister?" Larry reached out and softly cuffed Phalen's shoulder. "Sometimes I like things a little rough." He chuckled, flopping back in the seat. "Andrew's good at rough." He cocked his head. "Surprisingly, so am I." Jeff smiled, watching Larry's expressions change as he spoke of Andrew's virtues.

"Whoooooohoo, Dad likes things kinky!" Phalen teased, glancing over his shoulder before easing the car into traffic. "This is awesome!" It was only a few blocks from the high school to their home, but the traffic was heavy because of the graduation. "What ya bet Dad's got a pair of leather chaps hidden in a closet, Jeff? You know . . . the kind that exposes a person's butt?" Phalen stopped at a traffic light and turned to study his father with a critical eye. "I bet he'd look good in `em." He turned his attention back to his driving. "He's got the butt for it." He snickered, causing Jeff to lose his serious expression, and Larry to slightly blush.

"That's a very becoming shade of pink, don't you think, Jeff?" Phalen studied his father in the rear view mirror.

"Have you ever given the joker driving the car a good spanking, Jeff? The kind that leaves five-fingered red marks on his bare butt?" Before Jeff could answer, Phalen spoke up.

"So, Dad; is that what you like . . . to be spanked? You can do that wearing your chaps!"

"I don't have any chaps, Phalen."

"Okay, okay, but you like to be spanked. I knew it! Dad's kinky." He turned to Jeff and muttered, lowering his voice. "The quiet ones always are, ya know. Ya get `em in a room where no one's watching and they transform, sorta like that wolfman-guy or something." He looked over his shoulder with a bright smile. "Don't be embarrassed, Dad. We were sure to find out about your fun side sooner or later. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself."

Jeff had been watching Larry closely during Phalen's teasing. He wasn't his normal self. Usually he would take Phalen's bait and be as outrageous as his son. Today, he seemed preoccupied. "Are you having fun, Larry?" Jeff shifted further around in the seat. "You don't act like it." His father's expression reflected in the rear view mirror caused Phalen's impish smile to slowly fade.

"Yeah, I'm having lots of fun. That's not the trouble." Larry rubbed the back of his neck and absently wadded up his necktie into a tight ball. "The whole thing . . . it's just not what I expected." He noticed Jeff's questioning expression. "You know . . . I'm talking about the times when we're not having sex." He shrugged. "Something's missing. I never had the feeling I'm looking for with Phalen's mother either." He grimaced, causing Jeff to try and hide a smile.

I'm not surprised,' Jeff inwardly groaned to himself. That woman was so sour she would make a person's lips pucker whenever she walked past.' Larry had continued speaking while Jeff mentally made fun of Phalen's mother. He tried to dampen his grin when he looked back at Larry and realized how serious he was.

"So, what is it, Dad? What's missing? Any idea?" Larry half-heartedly shrugged, unable to express his feelings. "Do you think you're in love with him?" Again, a shrug. "Do you think you could love him?"

"No." Larry slouched with his arms hanging limp at his sides, staring into space.

"That's it? No?" Phalen quickly glanced over his shoulder once again. "Which question are you answering?"

"No, I don't love him, and no, I don't think I could grow to love him. I like him . . . a lot. But, that's not the same as loving him. Something's missing, that's all." Larry stared out of the car window and didn't notice the quick exchange of worried looks in the front seat. "I want something more than a great time in bed, guys. Oh, we go places, tonight's dinner for instance. We have fun and laugh, but . . . something's lacking." He sat back and let out a breath with a whoosh. "Hell, I don't even know if what I'm looking for exists. Maybe I've got a romantic notion about what to expect from a partner." He sat forward. "I feel as if I'm not being truthful with him . . . that I'm being selfish, figuring if I tell him how I feel, he'll not want to see me any more. I do want to be friends. And, I'd still like to play, at least until the right guy comes along for one of us."

"What are you going to do while you're figuring things out?" Larry's slight frown changed into a smile.

"Have fun." His smile was as bright as Phalen at his best, plus dimples. "Who knows, I might even go out and get a pair of those leather chaps you were mentioning."

"Or get spanked?" Phalen asked, turning the corner onto their street.

"Who says I haven't already, Mr. smart man?"

"Yeaaa, Dad," he cheered loudly. "Maybe I should tell Andrew you've been a bad boy. It looks like he's waiting for you in the driveway." Larry leaned forward and looked through the front window, his smile, if anything, becoming brighter.

"He doesn't need you to tell him, Phalen. He knows how bad I can be." Phalen glanced at his father once again. "You have no idea what your old man can do." Phalen's eyes got big as Jeff guffawed.

"Oooooh, I'm impressed." Phalen opened his mouth to say something more but Jeff stepped in.

"I think we should leave this discussion where it sits," he suggested, waving to Andrew through the window. It was obvious from the way he was dressed, he was planning on going someplace special. He normally wasn't a suit-and-tie sort of guy. Today, he was dressed in his best.

"Hey, Andrew!" Phalen got out of the car and slammed the door behind him. "Looking good! You didn't get all dressed up to take my dad out to dinner did you?" He turned a sly look at his father who had been saying something to Jeff and was only now leaving the car. "I hope not, `cause he's been telling us he was thinking of going to one of those leather shops near the university and buying a pair of chaps." Andrew's welcoming smile grew brighter, his eyes flicked to Larry for confirmation. "You know, the kind?" Phalen continued, enjoying both Andrew and his father's expression. He comically ran a hand over the seat of his own pants, trying to provoke his father into saying something. "He likes the ones that leaves his butt exposed. . ."

"So you can give him a spanking." Jeff chimed in, earning a stern look from Larry as he passed. Jeff smiled brightly.

"Or perform all sorts of indecent acts," Phalen added, as an afterthought, wiggling his eyebrows accompanying a lascivious smile.

Larry looked at Andrew with a, `what am I going to do with them?' expression.

"Chaps?" Andrew reached out and wrapped an arm around Larry's waist, pulling him close and then leaned closer and nuzzled his neck. "You want to be spanked?" There was a sparkle in his eyes that had been absent only a moment before. "For real?"

"Don't forget the indecent acts," Phalen grinned, putting a little more distance between himself and his father in case he made a surprise grab for him.

Larry grinned, and raised his eyebrows at Andrew's expression. He snuggled closer, with a look of utter contentment on his face. "We just came from Phalen's graduation. He was the man-of-the-hour." He deftly changed the subject. Andrew took the hint and turned away, but not before taking one last closer look at the man he held. Larry gave him his best I'm innocent' expression; the one he learned after years of working as a trial attorney. Andrew grinned, not taken in for a moment, giving him a, we'll discuss this more after the children are gone,' look.

"Speaking of graduation." Andrew turned his attention to Phalen. "I understand congratulations are in order." Phalen grinned and dismissed the comment with a wave of his hand. "Larry called me the moment he heard about your being named valedictorian. You should have heard him." He turned toward Larry with an affectionate smile. "He went on and on about how proud he is of you. I'm sure Jeff is just as proud." Jeff nodded and put his arm around Phalen's shoulder.

"Yeah, well, our house is like one big study hall. Jeff pretty much keeps me on the straight and narrow." His eyes twinkled and he amended his comment with a slight giggle. "Well, at least the narrow part. Neither one of us thought we'd do the straight part very well so we didn't even try."

Andrew barked a laugh. "Study hall, huh? We saw an example of the study hall the other day. Tell me, Phalen. Do you guys always study in the nude?"

"You bet. It's the only way to study the subjects I like most."

Larry and Jeff told Andrew about Phalen's speech and the reaction of the crowd before the conversation sputtered to a ragged stop. They were saved from any more conversational false starts when a dark blue sports car pulled into the driveway next door. Both Jeff and Phalen looked at each other with a relieved expression and quickly excused themselves.

"Sorry to leave you both, but we've got company." Jeff tapped Phalen on the shoulder and they jogged the short distance to their house. "Have a great evening, guys." Phalen shouted, waving over his shoulder.

"Wonderful young men," Andrew murmured. "Just like someone else I know." Larry flashed his dimples but suddenly became distracted as he looked over Andrew's shoulder. His eyes seemed focused on something next door. Andrew turned to see if something might be wrong.

The driver had gotten out of the car and was hugging Phalen. Jeff was anxiously standing nearby. What caught Andrew's attention was how closely the person hugging Phalen resembled Jeff. . . at least from a distance. `I wonder if that's what's got Larry's attention?' he thought to himself, recalling the conversation in which Larry had admitted loving Jeff. Neither of them mentioned the conversation again and he had hoped Larry's feelings might have diminished over the past couple months. From the look on his face . . . they hadn't.

Jeff was now hugging the car's driver, patting him on the back. Phalen appeared worried as he opened the garage door using the outside keypad, and moved into the shade. Andrew's eyes flicked to Larry who seemed frozen in place. When he turned back, Jeff had his hand on the other guy's shoulder and they were slowly walking into the house. For the second time in the day Phalen caught someone else's car keys out of the air and prepared to move the car indoors.

Andrew cleared his throat as the garage door closed, breaking Larry's trance-like state and causing him to blink a couple times shyly grin. "Must be Jeff's school buddy." Andrew nodded in the direction of Jeff's house. "He sure does resemble Jeff." Andrew waited to see what Larry would say.

"Yeah, I guess." He cleared his throat and refocused his attention on Andrew. "I sure hope he gets things straightened away. I know exactly what he's going through right now. It's hell." He seemed to mentally shake himself before he continued in a completely different tone.

"Oh well. Neither of us can do anything right now to help. Let's get inside out of this heat, I'm all sweaty." They both turned toward the house. "Do you think we've got time for me to take a quick shower?" As they approached the front door he turned with a mischievous smile and studied Andrew up and down.

"You know, you're sort of looking a little grubby yourself." Andrew's eyes widened. He knew he looked good, and was anything but grubby. Larry smiled and continued.

"If you'd like to join me in the shower I'm sure there are a few places where the sun doesn't shine that could use some extra work." He turned the key in the lock and pushed the door open, motioning for Andrew to precede him, continuing to speak as he passed. "Perhaps, I could use my tongue. I'd have you clean in no time." Andrew made a moaning sound deep in his throat and took Larry into his arms, kicking the door closed with a soft push of his foot. The house was dimly lit and cool.

"Kiss me," Larry whispered, his breath warm against Andrew's lips.

"Yes sir," Andrew murmured, running his fingers through Larry's hair, gently pulling him into a passionate kiss. Larry seemed more aggressive than Andrew could recall. He pulled Andrew closer, grinding the mound of his erect penis against Andrew's.

"I always did say you have a very talented tongue, Mr. Weston." He was almost breathless from the intensity of Larry's actions. "I understand, you sometimes even use it to speak with." Larry chuckled and took Andrew by the hand and walked toward the back of the house, and the shower.

Brad accepted the cold bottle of beer from Phalen and leaned back on the sofa, stretching his legs out in front of him. He'd loosened his tie and hung his sport neatly over the back of a dining room chair before sitting down, but otherwise remained impeccably dressed. His dazzling white shirt and light beige slacks were still perfectly creased, even after his eventful day. Phalen moved to sit next to Jeff, noticing how Jeff seemed a little rumpled' by comparison. Quite a contrast,' he thought, handing Jeff his glass of iced water before sitting close by. `I sorta like the cute, rumpled look,' he mused, resting his hand on Jeff's thigh. After only a moment, Jeff's hand found his and their fingers were intertwined.

"So." Brad paused a moment to take a few swallows from the bottle, silently holding it up to Phalen as if making a toast and telling him how much he enjoyed the beer. "So," he resumed. "That's what's happened today. I'm surprised I'm still speaking coherently. He laughed a self-deprecating sound and then bowed his head and massaged the back of his neck.

"You know." He paused a moment. "I've been thinking. Curt may have been telling the truth today. In fact, I think he probably was. What I barged in on just doesn't seem his style." He stared across the room, not focusing on anything. "But . . . I just don't trust him any more. I had to get away and think about what's right for me. Whenever I'm around him I find I'm seduced by his touch, his voice." He bit his lip. "It's all so comfortable and reassuring." His voice trailed off and he stared at the beer bottle, shifting it to another hand. "I can't think straight when I'm in his arms." He turned a troubled frown on the two men opposite him. "Hell, I can't think straight when I'm in the same room with him. It's always been that way."

"Today was the kick in the butt I needed to make me do something. I can't continue living as I have been." He bowed his head and his voice trailed off into a silence broken only by the quiet hum of the air conditioner. Jeff squeezed Phalen's hand, grinning slightly when Phalen turned in his direction. He mouthed the words, "I love you," and was rewarded by a soft smile and a tightening of Phalen's fingers.

Brad tilted the beer bottle back, finishing the last bit and then wistfully looked at the bottle. Jeff took the hint. He grinned and stood, reaching out to take the empty beer bottle. He asked if Brad wanted another with a slight arching of his eyebrows. Brad nodded.

"Now, look where I am. I don't have any clothes but what I'm wearing. I don't have a place of my own to live. I've just kicked myself out of my own home!" He gave a half-hearted, tired chuckle, and rubbed a hand over his face and then yawned and shook his head as if to clear away muddled thoughts, or possibly to wake himself up.

"Well, as my lover said to me on the night we met . . . and quite a few times since. No problemo. We've got you covered." Jeff winked at Phalen on his way to the kitchen with the empty bottle. "We've got clothes you can wear, and you have a roof over your head for as long as you need. All you have to do is sit back and let my incredibly handsome partner, Mr. Weston here, wait on you, just like he does me." Brad accepted the second beer with a smile. Phalen nodded silent agreement and then spoke up.

"I don't know if you're hungry Brad, but I'm starved." Jeff took the hint and headed back to the kitchen with a resigned shake of his head. Phalen smiled as he watched Jeff pass, turning to Brad as Jeff opened the refrigerator.

"Let's get you something more comfortable to wear while the maestro of culinary creations whips us up something mouth watering. And, I'm not talking about his bare body." He laughed, turning to look over his shoulder as he and Brad walked into the bedroom. Jeff made a rude gesture in Phalen's direction and then heard him ask Brad if he might want a shower to make him feel better. The voices faded as he began preparing something to eat.

A few minutes later, Phalen joined him in the kitchen, first approaching Jeff and wrapping his arms around him from behind and resting his head on his shoulder. He sighed.

"Troubles." Jeff nodded.

"He doesn't deserve this sort of thing. What he needs is a stable relationship where someone can return his love." Phalen nodded, kissing Jeff's neck and then moved to the kitchen island. He sat on a stool and leaned on the counter watching dinner preparations.

Within only a few minutes Brad walked barefoot up to the island separating the kitchen and dining room, wearing a yellow Arizona State t-shirt tucked into a pair of Jeff's jogging shorts. The burgundy-colored shorts hugged his hips, cupping his butt and showing off the full pouch in front. With each movement, the slit at the side of the shorts exposed tantalizing glimpses of his deeply tanned, nearly hairless legs. The t-shirt gripped his shoulders and flat stomach, a contrast to his black hair and deep tan.

Jeff whistled as he passed. "You look better in my clothes than I do!"

"Nah," he made a negative motion. "I think you look hot in anything you wear. But I have to admit this outfit is a lot more comfortable than wearing that clown suit I had on earlier. I'm an Arizona boy. I was born to wear shorts."

Phalen studied him closely, drawing Brad's amused attention. "Great tan. How far up does it go?" Phalen playfully reached for the hem of the running shorts only to have his hand slapped away. It was the first time during the entire evening Brad had smiled in a carefree manner. He still looked tired but his eyes once again had some life in them.

"You've already seen exactly where it ends, mister," he laughed, patting Phalen on the back and pulling up a stool. He sat down and leaned his elbows on the kitchen island, once again becaming lost in thought.

"Guys, how am I going to get my stuff?" He asked, breaking the silence. "I'm feeling isolated already. I really appreciate your generosity, but I have a final exam on Monday. I didn't think I'd need my books when I left for class this morning, so they're back at the apartment, and my shaving stuff and . . . " Phalen rested his hand over Brad's.

"Let's not worry about any of that tonight. We've all had a full day. Let's just eat, kick back, maybe swim a little and then go to bed. We can worry about getting the details ironed out tomorrow." Jeff nodded agreement and handed each of them some things to set on the dining table. Brad nodded but didn't seem reassured.

"Something makes me think you're not much interested in dinner." Andrew disengaged himself long enough from Larry's embrace to strip off his shirt and unfasten his pants. He slipped them off and hung them over the arm of a chair, reluctant to drop them onto the floor. Larry took the opportunity to strip out of his own clothes, watching Andrew with a hungry expression all the while.

When Andrew straightened from removing his socks, Larry stepped closer and ran his open palms over Andrew's hairy chest, tweaking his nipples, and then leaned forward and nipped at one of them with his teeth. Andrew hissed, pulling Larry's head closer. "I thought we were headed for the shower, handsome." Larry shook his head, continuing to tease Andrew's nipples.


After a few moments he took a deep breath and then smiled, pulling Andrew close, this time nibbling at his earlobe. "Damn, you smell good." He flashed his dimples. "I didn't know they bottled testosterone as an aftershave." He nuzzled Andrew's neck while running his hands over his back and firm ass cheeks. "Ever since I saw you in the driveway earlier, I've wanted to grab your butt." Larry leaned closer, and lightly kissed a line over Andrew's jaw, then his cheek, ending at his lips, all the while lightly massaging the firm ass cheeks. When Andrew opened his mouth to emit a low groan, Larry pressed closer and found Andrew's tongue.

"I've also wanted to do this." Larry made a brief stop at one of Andrew's nipples before raising his arm and burying his face in Andrew's armpit and licking. Andrew groaned in pleasure throwing his head back and breathing deeply, immersed in the sensations.

Larry backed up, licking his lips. "Damn, I was right. You're reeking of testosterone tonight." He chuckled, deep in his throat, kneading Andrew's ass cheeks with a firm grip. "Do you like me to play with your butt like this?" He squeezed harder, causing Andrew to moan and thrust his hips forward, trapping his erection between them.

Larry swatted once at Andrew's butt, causing a sharp smacking sound. Andrew groaned louder, answering the question with a silent nod. "I asked if you liked firm treatment?" Larry knelt and licked up the underside of Andrew's penis. Andrew spread his legs farther apart, allowing Larry to probe between them with one hand. Another smack, this time on the other cheek, caused Andrew to grab onto Larry's shoulders for balance. "Do you?"

"Oh, yes," Andrew breathed.

"Yes, what?" Another smack, followed by Larry deep throating his penis.

"Sir," Andrew gasped in pleasure. "Yes sir! I . . . love what you're doing." He spread his legs farther apart, inviting Larry to massage a finger firmly over his anus. At the first touch, Andrew leaned forward and groaned louder, pushing back against the finger.

"Shiiiit, handsome, this is soooo good." He exhaled and relaxed, allowing Larry's finger to slip inside. Both men groaned at the accompanying sensations.

"On your back." Larry ordered, gently pushing Andrew toward the bed. When Andrew reached to turn the lights out, Larry grabbed his arm.

"No, I want to see exactly what this talented tongue of mine is going to do to your butt hole." Andrew flopped back on the bed, bringing his knees to his chest, exposing his anus, inches from Larry. Andrew was breathing heavily, softly moaning in anticipation. Larry licked his lips, totally focused on the man and the dark-skinned pucker before him. He licked across the hole once, pausing to probe with his tongue. Andrew gasped and bucked his hips trying to force himself against the attacking tongue.

Now, both men were breathing heavily. Larry leaned forward once again and lapped at Andrew's anus and then began massaging the tip of an index finger across the hole, watching it pulse as Andrew tightened it in time with each stroke of the finger.

"Sir," Andrew moaned, rolling his head from side to side. "Lick it please . . . sir. I need to feel your tongue on my asshole." Larry pushed his forefinger firmly against the hole, but didn't enter. "Pleeeease," Andrew begged. "Sir, I need it."

Larry gave an evil chuckle. "I know." He licked up the underside of Andrew's penis, pausing a moment at the tip to collect the precum and tease the wide piss slit. "That's why you're going to have to wait until I'm ready." Andrew moaned in disappointment, slowly rolling his head from side to side. His eyes were closed tightly and his mouth was wide open, gasping in pleasure at Larry's touch.

Moving away from the penis, Larry gently took each of Andrew's testicles in his mouth, one by one, while alternating between a light and firm pinch on his nipples. With each unexpected firm pinch, Andrew would flinch and groan louder. His begging had become almost constant, a low-level murmur, "Please, sir. Please. I need it so bad."

"Need what?" Another pinch of the nipples accompanied by a sensuous lick up the pulsing penis.

There was a low moan. "To cum." He rolled his head, gasping once again when Larry buried his penis deep in his throat. "I need to cum."

Abruptly Larry got onto the bed and stretched out next to Andrew. "Get on your hands and knees. I want you to fuck my face while I finger your asshole." In an instant, Andrew was astride Larry's face with his penis buried down Larry's tight throat, his own mouth seeking out Larry's cock, anxious for the usual flood of sperm Larry produced. For only a moment, Larry caressed his low-hanging balls above his face and then found Andrew's anus. This time there wasn't anything tentative or teasing about his touch. He penetrated up to the second knuckle in one move, and began rubbing the prostate as it engorged, signaling Andrew's approaching orgasm. After only a few moments, Andrew shouted in pleasure, burying his penis in Larry's throat. Larry pressed against the prostate . . . hard . . . and as if on cue, Andrew flooded Larry's throat and mouth with his sperm.

Brad sat on the edge of one of the chaise lounges on the patio next to Jeff's pool. They had finished dinner, cleaned the kitchen together, and then gone outside to sit. Jeff was swimming his laps while Brad and Jeff made an attempt to carry on a conversation. After the first few tries, they left each other to their own thoughts. Phalen quietly watched Jeff slice through the water, stealing a peak at Brad from time to time.

For the most part, Brad stared unseeing into the distance. Finally, Jeff climbed out of the pool and began to dry himself off. "How are you managing?" Brad made an effort to smile.

"I'm doing okay." He shook his head, seemingly bewildered. "This is all . . . just, so much to handle." He ran his fingers through his hair. "I know I did the right thing . . . for me, yet I can't help wondering how he's doing tonight; if he's okay; if he's eaten anything. You know what I mean? He comes across as the tough man, all self-sufficient and everything. He's not. He's really a little kid who needs to be cared for." Jeff wrapped the towel around his waist and sat down opposite Brad with a grim expression on his face.

"Sort of like me, hm?" Jeff winked when Brad suddenly looked at him with a surprised expression. Brad thought a moment.

"Come to think of it . . . " He smiled, some of the tension leaving his body. After only a few moments Brad's expression once again became solemn. "Guys, would you consider letting me sleep with you tonight?" He grimaced. "Now, who's acting like the child?" He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, his hands hanging limply between his legs. "I've only slept alone a couple times since knowing . . . Curt, and even though I'm about dead on my feet, I don't think I'll be able to sleep if I'm alone. I'll just replay everything that's gone on today until I work myself up to where I'm totally freaking out."

"I'm not asking for sex or anything. I just want . . . need, actually, to feel warm bodies beside me." He looked up with a hopeful expression on his face. "Would you mind," he asked meekly.

"Of course we don't mind," Jeff stood and moved closer to Brad, providing a helping hand for him to stand. Phalen joined the two men, reaching out to squeeze Brad's shoulder in understanding.

"I'll just take a quick shower to get this chlorine reek off of me." Jeff walked ahead of them. In a few moments, they could hear the shower running.

"We'll even wear jocks to bed, just so no one tries anything . . . you know, like if you get frisky in the middle of the night." Phalen grinned, throwing Brad one and holding up another, presumably for Jeff. Brad laughed, hugging Phalen loosely with one arm.

"How can anyone stay depressed around you, Phalen? You're like a breath of fresh air."

"Hear that?" Phalen shouted into the bathroom. Jeff walked to the door, vigorously drying himself and looked at Phalen with a questioning expression. "Brad thinks I'm like a breath of fresh air." I've never been called that before."

"It's better than asshole, I guess." Jeff laughed, folding the towel and walking back into the bathroom to hang it up.

"Hey, what's wrong with asshole? That's one of my favorite things, I mean names." Phalen threw Jeff a black jock and watched as he pulled it up over his legs and adjusted himself in the mesh pouch. Brad also quietly watched, seeming to be unsure what to do next.

Phalen shucked his shorts and shirt, folding them and placing them on the dresser and then turned down the bed clothes and crawled to the center patting the space next to him, looking toward Brad. "You can sleep between us. Okay?"

Brad had been standing with an unsure look on his face. "You sure you don't mind, Jeff?"

"What? Mind you sleeping with us?" Brad nodded. "No, not a bit. I know if I were in your situation I wouldn't want to be alone either." He looked at Brad with a teasing glance. "Besides, this way both Phalen and I get to say we've slept with you. You'll have quite a reputation before long!" Jeff swatted Brad's jock-covered butt as he turned out the lights. "Go on. Get into bed. Did I mention, Phalen snores?"

"Do not."

"Loudly." Jeff teased, climbing onto the king sized bed and scooting close to Brad. "Remember, you asked for it."

"I don't snore," Phalen murmured with a chuckle in his voice. "You're just a light sleeper."

"Thanks, guys," Brad murmured, and was soon breathing evenly.

Jeff rested his arm over Brad's chest and sought out Phalen's hand, lacing his fingers through Phalen's. He smiled to himself. `No one could have told me when today started that by tonight I would be sharing a bed with both Phalen and Brad. In the silence, Brad laid his hand on Jeff's arm, gently squeezing thanks for being his friend.

~ To be continued ~

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read and comment on this story. I've been overwhelmed at the response to 'Phalen,' and love to hear from each of you.

If you would like me to send you a pic of the guys that inspired the main characters in this story, email me.

Sisu (SEE-sue) Mina rakastan sinua (I love you) Mita (what) Anteeksi (I'm sorry)

I would like to thank Carey for his ceaseless efforts to make me a better writer, Gwynne for her daily doses of humor and her insights into the characters, and Larry in Finland for helping me with the Finnish language and for being a good friend. Writing may be a solitary endeavor but the thoughts of each of these people, as well as you, the story's readers, affect the story's course.

A number of readers have written asking for the correct pronunciation of the character's names. They are:

Phalen (FAY-lin) Kerin (KEAR-in) Thian (THE as in Theater (THE-in)

Thanks for reading.


Next: Chapter 26

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