
By Roy Reinikainen

Published on May 17, 2006


This story contains portrayals of homosexual actions and lifestyles. There may be references to, or explicit descriptions of, sex between consenting adults.

If homosexuality, sexually explicit language, or swearing offends you, or if reading material that contains these topics violates any law or personal or religious beliefs, or if you under 18 years of age, please leave now, without proceeding further.

This story is entirely fictional, and any resemblances to actual persons are completely coincidental. Actual locations are mentioned, and are used for 'background' only.

You are also welcome to read my newest story, 'Leith,' also located in Nifty's Gay College Section.


Phalen - Chapter 22

Phalen quickly stepped into a pair of running shorts and jogged through the house, waving to his father through the French doors. "Hey, Dad." He gestured his father into the house, stepping aside as he passed.

Larry smiled at his son as the door closed behind him. He was wearing his usual pair of dark red running shorts, his bare chest still glistening with sweat from a run he had just completed.

"Looking good, Dad." Phalen briefly hugged his father, patting him on the back. "You and your boyfriend make quite a pair," he said, releasing his father. "Andrew's a hunk. I bet he looks even better naked, huh?" Larry grinned agreement as they both headed toward the back yard. The sun had set and the only illumination was the blue light coming from the swimming pool, casting lazily moving highlights on the ceiling of the porch. The night was silent other than the low rustle of the breeze through the palm leaves. The ever present birdsong was even absent.

"You're incorrigible, Phalen," Larry teased, enjoying the sight of his son's broad back and narrow hips. Phalen glanced over his shoulder as they walked through the living room and smiled at the comment. His yellow running shorts clung to him as he walked a step ahead of his father.

"Yep, that's me; incorrigible and lovin' every minute of it. I'm old enough to know what to do with it, and young enough to do it often. By the way, so is Jeff . . . and I bet you are too." Larry touched his son's shoulder, silently asking him to stop a moment. Phalen stopped and turned, a questioning look on his face.

"Do Jeff's actions yesterday with the stalker account for this unusual emphasis on sex? I mean, this is abnormal . . . even for you." Phalen playfully punched his father on the shoulder and smiled broadly.

"Damn, Dad," he said, lowering his voice. "You should have seen him yesterday. I'm so proud. The look on that guy's face when Jeff grabbed his arm and twisted him around and then began shouting at him was priceless. I don't think Jeff even thought about what he was doing. It just happened." Phalen paused a moment as if to consider something. "I didn't know he could yell so loud!" Larry smiled at the comment. He too had difficulty imagining Jeff manhandling someone and yelling at them.

"Well," Phalen continued, "I was turned on by the tough-man side of him. It turns out, he was too. Musta been the adrenaline or something; so we rushed home and he overcame a second fear he's been living with. That's why we've been celebrating so often."

"You mean? . . . " Larry's voice trailed off and he glanced over his son's shoulder to see if they were still alone.

Phalen's smile was almost luminous as he nodded. "Boy is he good." His eyes were sparkling as he spoke. "He's demanding, and gentle at the same time. At first he was concerned he was going to hurt me. I think getting him to enter me for the first time was actually mentally harder for him to do than to confront that stalker-guy. But he did it, and once he realized I was enjoying it, he was able to do what he's always wanted." He paused a moment with a faraway look in his eyes. "Damn, Dad. He's so strong. He's nothing like the shy self-effacing person he seems." Phalen shivered with recalled pleasure. "To feel him on top of me . . . and inside me . . . is better than I can describe. If I think about it too much I'll spring a boner even though we've had sex . . . a lot . . . today." Phalen actually blushed. "I think we're making up for lost time."

"You're not the only one that'll get hard imagining that." Larry adjusted himself in the pouch of the running shorts. Phalen followed his father's actions, losing a bit of his smile. "I'm half hard just hearing you talk about it." Phalen was quiet for a moment, his serious expression changing quickly when his father glanced at him.

"The thought of you guys is so hot," Larry continued. "Andrew and I still have never . . . fucked."

"You haven't?" Larry shook his head, his mouth twisted in a crooked grin.

"Nope. We do everything else. But he won't go there for some reason. He says he's too big." Phalen grinned. "And, he is . . . big," Larry continued, "but I want to try, and who says I have to be the bottom? That's why it's so exciting to hear about you guys." The two men both turned and headed for the open doors to the patio.

"Hey, Jeff," Phalen said as he and his father walked out of the house. "Dad's here with his six pack, and some beer too." Larry smiled and held up a hand in greeting, followed by the ubiquitous six pack of beer he usually brought with him.

"Hey Larry," Jeff waved a languid greeting. He was sitting on a chaise, his legs spread so his feet rested on brick floor on either side of the furniture. He was semi-reclining, and was naked, his limp penis hanging between his legs, resting on his low hanging testicles. "I see you're sweating. Have you been running from some arm of the law because of the way you fill out those shorts?" Larry's smile broadened and he looked down at himself before making a rude gesture in Jeff's direction, causing both him and Phalen to laugh.

"We've decided we're both horny," Phalen teased, sitting in front of Jeff and scooting back to rest against his chest. Jeff kissed him on the neck and wrapped him in a loose embrace, his hands resting over Phalen's penis. He felt it begin to stir beneath his hands and theatrically groaned at the movement.

Larry was stepping out of his shorts, and looked up at the sound of Jeff's groan. He dropped the shorts and stretched, arching his back and thrusting his hips forward. He absently rubbed a hand over his chest as he sat down cross-legged on an adjoining chaise, sighing in pleasure after taking his first swallow of cold beer.

"No more sex today, Phalen . . . please." Larry smiled at the tone in Jeff's voice. "You've worn me out. If we're in some sort of contest, you've won. . . . I surrender." Phalen giggled, wiggling against Jeff's crotch, realizing Jeff wasn't as worn out as he complained.

"To what do we owe the pleasure, Larry?" Jeff asked before he muttered into Phalen's ear to either stop squirming or be tickled. Phalen instantly complied, leaning back against Jeff's chest.

"Jeff," Larry replied, taking another swallow of beer. "Andrew's worried you're freaking about me seeing him. He told me he's never found himself in this sort of situation before . . . dating the father of a client."

"There's no need for him to worry, Larry. I admit I was a little surprised when I saw him with you yesterday." Phalen snorted.

"A little, he added, sotto voce.

"But I realized he doesn't know anything about me you guys haven't already heard before him. He doesn't know any deep dark secret that I'm afraid he'll tell you about. So, next time you see him, tell him things are cool."

"Last night, when we left here and went over to my place, he told me he had suspected we all were related to each other. But the bit about knowing all of us knowing his sons was a surprise. You see, I only mentioned Phalen's name once. I never mentioned yours. I knew he had two sons, but I had never heard their names." Larry shook his head. "I guess we've been a little self absorbed." His eyes unfocused and a slight smile played about his lips as he seemed to recall a pleasant memory. "I do remember him getting a troubled look when I mentioned Phalen's name, but had no idea why. I guess I thought it was the food where we were having dinner." He shrugged, raising the beer bottle to his lips.

"I'll call him tomorrow and tell him everything's fine." Jeff rested his chin on Phalen's shoulder. "Why so quiet, lover?"

Phalen shrugged but remained silent.

"Phalen?" Larry asked.

"There is a deep dark secret, guys." Both men looked at each other, wondering what Phalen was speaking of. "It's something the three of us need to talk about." He pushed away from Jeff, stood, and dragged a chair close so he could look at both his father and Jeff.

"Dad, Jeff," he faced each in turn. "Both of you have been bothered by something for quite a while now. I figured out what it is and want to let you both know there's no need to worry." The three men sat in the dim blue-lit silence. Somewhere close-by a dog barked, joined by the sounds of distant laughter and the smell of a neighbor's barbecue. After a few moments a slight breeze through the palm leaves seemed to waft the sound away.

"What is it, Phalen?" his father asked.

"Dad." Phalen was behaving as seriously as Jeff had ever seen him. His hands were loosely clasped as he leaned forward, focusing on his father. "For months now, you've been troubled . . . deeply troubled. It's not been so bad since you met Andrew, but it's still there." Larry cast the briefest of glances at Jeff while his son spoke, but otherwise remained motionless. The night remained silent save for the sound of a lonely bird and the continued rustling of the palm leaves overhead.

"At first I thought you were upset about Mom running off, and I'm sure that was some of it . . . but not all." Larry softly snorted at Phalen's mention of his wife and Phalen's mother. "You've been torturing yourself and have forgotten that when I see you feeling so awful I feel bad too." Phalen bowed his head and visibly swallowed, compressing his lips. "I've watched you torture yourself, but figured you would have to work through things on your own. Again, knowing Andrew has helped . . . but you still hurt." Phalen shifted position, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees, continuing to watch his father. "You've been over here a couple times looking terrible. I figured you had told Jeff why you were hurting so much, but he was unable to help. I never asked him what you guys spoke of but I wondered why you were speaking to him and not to the both of us."

"Dad." He paused a moment longer. "You love Jeff too . . . don't you?" Phalen held up a silencing hand as Jeff began to say something, his eyes never leaving his father. "That's what's been dragging you down and is the reason Jeff never spoke of why you came by looking so wrung out, isn't it?"

Larry's head remained bowed, but he nodded, letting out a gust of breath. "Yes." He glanced at Jeff and then continued speaking. "Phalen, I have loved him since the day we met. At first I didn't actually know what the feelings I was experiencing meant, but it didn't take long for me to realize exactly what they were." Phalen watched his father without showing any emotion. Once again Larry's glance flicked to Jeff. "It was tearing me apart, loving the same man my son does." Larry massaged the back of his neck for a moment, lost in thought.

"I've spoken to him about my feelings." Larry smiled wistfully in recollection. "He was wonderful, Phalen. He told me he does love me . . . like he loves a parent or a good friend, but that his life was dedicated to you. He's yours Phalen. This isn't, and never has been, a contest. I don't think I would have been in such bad shape if I wasn't having to deal with admitting to myself I'm gay at the same time I developed feelings for another man. It just complicated matters immensely when that man was my son's lover." He gave a wry smile. "Dealing with both issues has been too much at times."

"Dad, you're wrong about one thing," Phalen's voice was soft, yet strong. Larry's eyebrows rose in query. "Jeff is not mine or yours or anyone's. He belongs to himself, just as you or I. He's chosen to share his life with me . . . and . . . with you. We're both important to him, just like we're important to each other.

He leaned forward and touched his father's knee. "You see, Dad, even though he's never said anything, you being in pain is hard on him just like it is on you . . . or me." To his right, he could hear Jeff choke back a sob. He continued to watch his father, ignoring the sound, other than to place a comforting hand on Jeff's leg.

"We've heard about what I'm feeling, Phalen," Larry spoke quietly, glancing up at his son. "What about you? How has knowing your father is in love with your partner affected you?" Phalen gave his father a wry twisted grin.

"Ever the attorney, huh, Dad?" Larry shrugged, acknowledging he was unable to help himself. Phalen sighed and sat back in his chair.

"At first . . . when I first realized how you felt, . . . I was upset. I felt jealous . . . possessive. Then I realized Jeff isn't a possession. I couldn't think of him that way. For a few days I felt like I was beating my head against a wall, trying to figure things out and wondering what I should do. Finally, I came to the conclusion there was nothing I could do. As I said earlier, Jeff is his own man. I trust him implicitly, just as I do you. I realized he wouldn't want to live with someone whose life was consumed with jealousy. He wouldn't like that person, and neither would I. I wouldn't have been able to stand me." Phalen grinned at his father and then turned to Jeff who continued to sit silently. As he turned, he caught Jeff rubbing his eyes.

"Dad, it's really important that I be able to look at myself in the mirror and see a guy who I'm pleased to be. If I was untrusting and jealous, I wouldn't be the kind of person I want to be. At the same time, I couldn't remain silent and allow you to go on torturing yourself over your feelings."

"What should we all do, son? Larry asked. "How can we work this out?"

Phalen leaned back in his chair, his arms hanging at his sides and his legs stretched out in front of him. "We've just finished working things out! You now know there's no reason to go around feeling guilty for having feelings for Jeff," he explained. "Both of us." He gestured to himself and to Jeff on his right, are going to feel better because you are more at ease with yourself. Also, since you've met Andrew, the need to focus so much on Jeff is gone. You know there are gay men out there other than Jeff or your son."

"I still love him, Phalen," Larry murmured. "Differently than you."

"Good!" Phalen replied, raising his arms briefly and letting them drop. He answered the questioning look from both his father and Jeff. "It's a wonderful thing, to love, Dad. It doesn't often happen to a person, and when it does it should never be denied or ignored. But just as Jeff reminded Andrew yesterday when he said being nude didn't necessarily mean sex . . . being in love with someone doesn't necessarily mean having sex either. Dad, Jeff and I have a monogamous relationship. As I said a minute ago, I trust him implicitly, as I'm sure he does me." He got a mischievous look on his face. "Of course, I love being watched when we're having sex . . . and I really get off on watching someone else. To me, that's not being unfaithful. Jeff is with me. I never touch anyone else sexually and no one other than Jeff touches me." His smile, if anything, grew brighter. "I'm a born exhibitionist, just like I think he is." Phalen tilted his head in Jeff's direction and was rewarded with a slow smile.

Jeff reached out and took Phalen's hand, bringing it to his lips. Larry watched the simple act of intimacy with envy.

"You'll find the right person, Dad. He's out there. It may be Andrew, or someone else, but you'll find him. But don't stop loving Jeff, even after you find the right guy. Don't hurt all of us by being in pain over your feelings."

"Hello, Layson and Weston residence," Jeff answered the phone. He was sitting on the chaise and could see Phalen approaching from inside, carrying a couple drinks. Larry had only just left and Jeff thought it was getting late to be making phone calls.

"Hello Jeff, this is Curt, Brad's partner." He was nervous about calling so late at night but had been unable to do anything since calling Phalen earlier in the day and asking him to go to a baseball game. After making the earlier call he had gone back to the bedroom and sat in an easy chair, watching Brad sleep.

Brad's face was as peaceful as he could remember seeing it in months. He had thrown the sheets off while turning over allowing his tanned body to make a striking contrast with the white bed clothes. Curt had always loved how Brad's chest and legs were totally hairless and how his smooth white butt was highlighted by the dark tan lines.

He wanted to caress the silky skin but knew he would wake Brad, something he didn't want to do. . . . He had already done enough to disturb Brad.

"Is Phalen in, by any chance? I apologize for calling so late, but I need to speak with him . . . if he's available."

"Hi Curt," Jeff said, responding to Curt's greeting. "Yes, he's here. Just a moment." He reached out to hand the phone to Phalen who was frantically motioning for him to make an excuse for him. Jeff extended the phone once again, insistent that Phalen answer it.

"Hello, Phalen. This is Curt. I . . . I wanted to call and apologize for calling you earlier and asking you to go with me to a ball game without either of our partners." Curt took a deep breath. "It was wrong of me to do that, and wrong to ask you to go out without Jeff's knowledge."

Phalen had begun to say something but Curt interrupted. "Just a second, Phalen. I'm not done yet. I need to say everything all at once." Phalen quietly listened to Curt clear his throat. He seemed to be gathering his thoughts before he continued speaking.

"I don't know if you're aware of it, but I've been making Brad's life miserable lately, doing things like calling you. . . . I really am sorry for my behavior . . . but sometimes it's like I have no control." Curt took a deep breath and plunged on. "I realized as I was sitting in the bedroom a few minutes ago watching Brad sleep, that asking you out was continuing my bad behavior."

"Would you accept my apology? Let's all consider going to a game together, if Jeff would like to go too." Phalen could hear him swallow in the silence. Jeff sat, intently watching him speak to Curt, telling him he understood and appreciated him calling. Jeff frowned, unable to figure out what was going on.

"Thank you for listening to me. I'm feeling much better now." Curt slowly hung up the phone, smiling to himself. He stood quietly in the darkened apartment and then shook his head in wonder before turning and padding back to the bedroom in his bare feet. He climbed into bed and snuggled close to Brad, laying his arm over Brad's chest. After a moment, Brad mumbled something in his sleep and rested a hand on Curt's arm. He smiled at Brad's touch. For the first time in months his mind was untroubled and he went to sleep with a smile on his face.

"Whew!" Phalen exclaimed when he had hung up the phone. He sat on the end of the chaise and looked at Jeff with a puzzled expression.

"Curt just apologized for asking me out without you and Brad. He said he had been making Brad unhappy with his behavior and realized he was doing it again. He asked me to forgive him for putting me into a bad position."

"Weird, huh?" Jeff remained silent as Phalen spoke. "I wonder if he's for real?"

"Hello, Alex." The person at the table looked up as Jeff entered the office at the campus conflict mediation services facility. There was no emotion from the man at the table other than a momentary widening of his eyes when he saw Jeff enter the room alone.

"Do you mind if I sit down?" Jeff stood behind a chair, his hands resting lightly on the back. There was a brief nod, so he seated himself and rested both hands on the table, gently clasping his fingers.

"Why are we here?" Alex studied Jeff, sitting only a couple feet away. Here was the man he had spent months following. This was the first time Alex had actually been alone with Jeff, and had an opportunity to study the man who had haunted his dreams for the past year.

Jeff seemed so at ease. There was even a hint of a smile on his full lips when he caught Alex glance at him. His green eyes were twinkling beneath long dark eyelashes. 'It's funny,' Alex thought to himself, 'I never realized how fair-skinned he really is. I'm sure he shaved this morning but I can still see a hint of a beard.' Alex swallowed, wondering what it would be like to caress Jeff's cheeks . . . to taste his lips . . . and tongue.

Jeff's grin grew as he continued to watch Alex in silence. 'Is he reading my mind?' Alex wondered before he bowed his head, afraid his face was already showing too much of what he felt.

After his and Jeff's confrontation on the mall he was convinced his time as a student at the university was over. He was sure Jeff would press charges. He would be thrown out of school. He would endure whatever punishment was meted out by whatever agency it was that heard his case, and he would end up like his father, struggling from paycheck to paycheck at a job he hated.

He was convinced it would happen . . . but it hadn't. The next day, the campus police had called and told him Jeff refused to press charges. The two of them would however be required to meet with a mediator in an attempt to resolve their differences. So, he had shown up this morning and had been ushered into a room he already thought of as a police interrogation room. All that was missing was the bare light bulb hanging from the ceiling on a thick wire. He had waited, dreading a further confrontation with the man who had no idea the effect he had on him.

Now, here was the object of his attention sitting calmly, watching him with an expression that told Alex he understood the reason for everything that had happened. 'I'm glad he understands what's going on,' he thought, struggling not to fidget. 'I, sure the hell don't.'

"We're here to talk," Jeff appeared totally at ease. Alex realized it had only been a moment since he had asked why the two of them were meeting. "We're supposed to have a mediator with us. She is in the next room, but I asked if I could meet with you alone so we could talk without anyone listening in."

"Okay." Alex was wary and restless. "I'm not sure what to say." He was unnerved by Jeff's composure.

"I am," Jeff smiled. "I want to say thank you for what you did." Alex looked up, his mouth hanging open to Jeff's answering smile. "Alex, you couldn't know, but I was in deep emotional shit when you began following me. I had been for many years. Your actions taught me I could stand up for myself. I might have learned some other way . . . someday, but you caused me to face my fears . . . and to overcome them, now not sometime in the future." He studied the table for a few moments, aware Alex was studying him. "There aren't any words I can use to tell you how important standing up for myself was for me. I owe a lot to you for making me face my fears." He grinned crookedly.

"I also want to say, I'm sorry, if I unknowingly did something to make you angry with me. If I inadvertently caused your anger, it was not my intention."

"Jeff," Alex interrupted but was prevented from continuing when Jeff held up a hand indicating he hadn't finished.

"Like I said the other day," Jeff continued, "I would like to have you as a friend, and would hope we can both work toward that end." He smiled. "Now I'm done."

"Something's not right here." Alex looked puzzled. "Aren't we supposed to be angry with each other and shout and stuff?" Jeff smiled and shrugged.

"We've already done that." Both men smiled ruefully at the reference to their public confrontation in front of the architecture building.

"Yeah, I guess we have. Still, it doesn't seem right. Instead of all the shouting, you're thanking me for making your life miserable!" Alex leaned forward. "Jeff, I wanted to hurt you, to make you suffer. I . . . I just didn't know how. I guess I'm not very good at terrorizing people. I'm sure things aren't going the way the mediator would expect."

"There isn't a script for what we should be doing, Alex. I only know how I would like this to end . . . with you as a friend. Can we work towards that?"

Alex slowly nodded, unwilling to meet Jeff's eyes. "I'd like that, but before we can become friends, I have to apologize." He cleared his throat. "I was an ass and I'm sorry. Please forgive me, and I would love to be your friend. I don't think I'm a bad guy. I just haven't been seeing straight recently. Since we . . . talked." He looked at Jeff and grinned. "I've thought about what kinds of things could have happened because of my anger. They weren't pretty . . . so, yes, I'd like to be your friend."

"And Bob's?" Jeff added. Alex seemed puzzled. "Alex, Bob is taking you at your word and staying clear of you at your request. He's your friend, you know."

"Shit, I really did screw up, didn't I? I'll call him." Alex grinned. "He's put up with a lot from me over the years. Only someone like Bob would do that. Trouble is, I've been so angry I didn't recognize a friend when he was sitting in the same room with me. . . . I hope I don't make the same mistake today." Alex nervously ran his fingers through his hair. "And to think I was going to drag him down with me. Geez." He shook his head in disbelief. "And I wouldn't listen to him when he told me what an ass I was being!" Alex reached up and rubbed the back of his neck and cleared his throat.

"Jeff . . . I also have to apologize for calling you a fag."

"Why? It's true. I am gay. The name only hurts if I allow it to. I'm also a fairy, hintti, homo, fegeri, marique, pato mamapingas, mamabichos, joto, or any other word that means the same thing. My partner has taught me to be proud of who I am, and to not be bothered when someone uses an inflammatory name to describe whatI am."

"Alex, more importantly than what I am is what you are." Jeff watched Alex closely. He was now at the crux of his visit and he didn't want to undo the progress he felt he'd made so far. "Do you think you might be gay too . . . and don't know how to handle it?" Alex compressed his lips, his eyes seeming to watch something beyond Jeff's shoulder.

"Did you have some sort of crush on me, Alex? Were you mad when I didn't behave as you wanted, so you felt like you had to get even?" Alex shifted in his chair, looking down and turning his head slowly from side to side. He chewed his lip and then sat back quickly, running his hands over his face and letting out a breath in a whoosh.

"You don't have to answer," Jeff added when it seemed Alex's anxiety level was increasing. "But it's something to think about. Maybe you were taking the anger you felt about your own situation and focusing it on me." He paused a moment. "Like I said, just think about it." Both men sat in silence for a few moments before Alex looked up.

"Maybe I am . . gay. I don't know. I've never done . . . anything . . . sexual . . . with anyone, guy or girl. Shit, I've never told anyone that! It is so embarrassing to be a fucking virgin when you're nineteen."

"I was a virgin at twenty-two, so don't be too hard on yourself." Jeff grinned at the expression on Alex's face.

"Twenty-two? . . . For real?" Jeff nodded. Alex appeared to think it over for a few moments before he continued. " You're probably right about the crush thing though. In fact . . . I realized when you sat down a few minutes ago . . . I still have one."

"Don't, Alex. . . . Please. I already have a wonderful partner. I want to be your friend. I want you to be my friend . . . but don't hope something else will ever happen between us. It won't, not because of you, but because my life is committed to someone else. If you figure out youare gay, there are lots of wonderful guys you could be very happy with. Keep your eyes open, because if it happens to you like it did me, you won't be at all prepared." Jeff paused once again. "Are you cool with just being friends?"

Alex nodded, his head bowed. "I'll have to be, won't I?" He grinned crookedly. "What now?"

"Simple. We shake hands and you leave with me and come over to my place for dinner. Bob and my partner, Phalen are also waiting in the next room, along with the mediator. I imagine all of them are wondering what's taking us so long. By the way, the mediator isn't invited to dinner." He grinned and winked, causing Alex to laugh. "Beginning today, we can start learning to be friends, and you can learn that being gay is not something to fear."

~ To be continued ~

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read and comment on this story. I've been overwhelmed at the response to 'Phalen,' and love to hear from each of you.

If you would like me to send you a pic of the guys that inspired the main characters in this story, email me.

Sisu (SEE-sue) Mine rakastan sinua (I love you) Mite (what) Anteeksi (I'm sorry)

I would like to thank Carey for his ceaseless efforts to make me a better writer, Gwynne for her daily doses of humor and her insights into the characters, and Larry in Finland for helping me with the Finnish language and for being a good friend. Writing may be a solitary endeavor but the thoughts of each of these people, as well as you, the story's readers, affect the story's course.

A number of readers have written asking for the correct pronunciation of the character's names. They are:

Phalen (FAY-lin) Kerin (KEAR-in) Thian (THE as in Theater (THE-in)

Thanks for reading.


Next: Chapter 23

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