
By Roy Reinikainen

Published on May 5, 2006


This story contains portrayals of homosexual actions and lifestyles. There may be references to, or explicit descriptions of, sex between consenting adults.

If homosexuality, sexually explicit language, or swearing offends you, or if reading material that contains these topics violates any law or personal or religious beliefs, or if you under 18 years of age, please leave now, without proceeding further.

This story is entirely fictional, and any resemblances to actual persons are completely coincidental. Actual locations are mentioned, and are used for 'background' only.

You are also welcome to read my newest story, 'Leith,' also located in Nifty's Gay College Section.


Phalen - Chapter 21

"Okay, Dad," Phalen sat on the edge of the bed speaking with his father on the phone. He grinned at Jeff as he listened to his father and ran his fingers through the drying sperm coating his stomach and chest, the results of his and Jeff's recent lovemaking. Jeff winked when Phalen brought a finger to his mouth and licked it. "Yeah, Dad, we'd like to meet him." He shifted position, rolling onto his stomach and scooted closer to Jeff. "When are you planning on coming by?" There was a moment of silence. Jeff could hear Larry's voice followed by a brief laugh.

"What!" Phalen shouted into the phone in surprise. "Now? . . . Right now?" He turned a quick panicked look at Jeff who continued to run his hand down Phalen's back and over his butt. "Well . . . shit, Dad. You've gotta give us a couple minutes. We're in bed, and before you say anything, yes . . . we know it's the middle of the day." He rolled into a sitting position, stood and began pacing back and forth, holding the phone to his ear with one hand and gesturing broadly with the other.

"Geez, Dad, you coulda given us a little warning. The place is a mess. Clothes are everywhere." Phalen stopped and looked from side to side before he realized the cast off clothing was in the living room not the bedroom. No one who knew Phalen would believe he had allowed clothes to be thrown around anyplace, much less the living room. Since knowing Phalen even Jeff, never known for being neat, had become much more aware of his surroundings. Today however all rules were thrown out the window as the men hurried to strip, both anxious to be naked. "Well, we were in a hurry," he explained. "Besides, Jeff was horny. You know how he gets when he's in that kind of mood." He winked and then listened to his father a moment and began laughing. "Geez, you're right. I do sound like Mom! Gotta stop arguing so much, huh?"

"Remember . . . a few minutes," he warned. "We've gotta get dressed and Jeff's gotta lose his hard on! That takes a while, ya know." He jumped out of range, as Jeff rolled over in an attempt to grab him. "Dad, maybe more than a few minutes, okay? He's really in a frisky mood!" Jeff lunged once again, but missed and rolled off the side of the bed onto the floor with a shout and a thud. Phalen yelped and moved further away. "I told ya, Dad. Did you hear that? He just rolled out of bed and onto the floor trying to reach me." He listened for a few moments and then laughed. "You know better than that. I never play hard to get! . . . Well, okay, but don't hurry." He hung up the phone, tossed it onto the bed, and started running around the bedroom. He grabbed a pair of running shorts, stumbling as he tried to quickly step into them. He caught himself and finally managed to pull them on.

"Get your butt off the floor, big man. Dad's bringing his boyfriend by in a few minutes." He turned to look at Jeff who remained sprawled on the floor, and began laughing. "And waving your dick at me won't work, so stop it. And wipe that silly grin off your face. This is serious stuff. The house is a mess!"

"Aren't you gonna clean the jiz running down your leg before you meet Larry's boyfriend?" Jeff asked, propping himself up and trying not to laugh at Phalen's expression as he leaned forward and looked between his legs.

"What?" He ran his hand between his legs searching for the cum Jeff had warned him of. It only took a second for him to realize he was being teased. "I'll show you . . . later," he laughed, throwing a pillow at Jeff and then reaching into the closet and grabbing a t-shirt which he immediately began to pull over his head. He paused a moment to look in the mirror and run his fingers through his hair.

"Come on and sit on it, Phalen," Jeff cajoled, still sprawled on the floor holding his erection at its base and moving it back and forth. "I'm recharged and ready to go again. I've waited years and years . . . and years to have some fun. I've finally got a cute guy to play with and the courage to do what I want, and what does he do?" Jeff paused, waiting for an answer. "He gets dressed! How's that supposed to make me feel?" he wailed?

"Up!" Phalen motioned for Jeff to stand.

"I am up," Jeff moaned in mock distress. "Can't you see?"

"I mean get your carcass up, and lose the erection." He tucked the t-shirt into the running shorts. "I swear big man, I think a sex fiend has been let loose. No one better ever turn their back on you if they don't want a big surprise. Hell, Dad'll probably wonder why I'm walking all funny." He took a few steps, exaggerating a bow-legged gait, and giggled.

"Maybe Larry or his boyfriend . . . Ya think one them need a seat?" Jeff laughed, grabbing for Phalen's leg as he moved past. Phalen jumped and began searching for his tennis shoes. "I'm really horny, Phalen," Jeff whined, laughing at the same time.

"Geez, Jeff. Maybe I should make a sign for the front yard. 'Come inside for a comfortable place to sit. You won't be disappointed!'" He finished tying his shoes and ran out of the bedroom with a determined look on his face.

"Stop admiring yourself and get dressed!" he shouted from the living room, before he began muttering as he tried to hurriedly clean the room. "You could also lend a hand in here."

The doorbell rang.

"Ho-ly shit," Phalen muttered. "Couldn't they have stayed away a little longer? Why today of all days? I don't even have any time to enjoy not being a virgin. . . . I hate interruptions." The muttering continued until he opened the front door.

"Hey, Dad!" He heard Larry say something, and then a lower voice, before Phalen began making apologies for the state of the living room.

"Yeah, he's here." He knew Phalen was speaking louder than necessary for his benefit. The trouble was, he didn't want to move. The floor was perfectly comfortable and his erection felt good in his hand. "He'll be a minute," Phalen said, continuing to speak loudly. "The last I saw, he was naked and was rolling around on the bedroom floor trying to tackle me, huh Jeff?" Jeff laughed to himself as he reluctantly climbed to his feet and began scrambling to get dressed, willing his erection to ease. "You know how he gets sometimes," Phalen teased, continuing to speak for Jeff's benefit.

"Just you wait!" Jeff shouted from the bedroom, pulling on a pair of running shorts and throwing on a t-shirt. He glanced in the mirror, running his fingers through his hair, and headed to the living room. He padded barefoot into the room, still tucking the back of his shirt in. He looked up, ready to welcome Larry and his friend and stopped with his mouth open, the greeting dying on his lips. His welcoming smile became an expression of total surprise.

"Doctor Johnston?" he stammered. "Are you . . . ?" Larry looked from Jeff to Andrew. It took him only a moment to make the connection. Andrew was Jeff's counselor. The implications from Jeff's point of view could be far reaching and potentially embarrassing. He immediately wondered if meeting Jeff was as much of a surprise for Andrew.

Phalen glanced from one person to another, aware that something was going on, but unsure what it could be. Larry appeared to be unsure of something. Andrew seemed amused, and Jeff looked totally confused. He stood motionless, still in the middle of tucking his shirt into his running shorts, his eyes darting from Larry to Phalen and finally to Andrew. One emotion after another flashed across his face, surprise, panic . . . confusion. Phalen stepped closer to Jeff in an unconscious move to lend his support if needed.

After a few more moments of awkward silence Andrew smiled sympathetically. "Hi Jeff. You can close your mouth now." Jeff belatedly realized his mouth was still open, poised to welcome Larry's friend. He slowly closed his mouth and turned to Larry leaving his shirt tail half tucked in. Jeff's pale complexion seemed to have lost his light tan, leaving the shadow of whiskers on his cheeks.

"Andrew is Dr. Johnston?" Larry and Andrew both nodded.

"Um, ah, come in." Jeff motioned everyone into the living room, making calming motions to the looks Phalen gave him when Larry and Andrew preceded him and Jeff into the room. Larry looked around at the scattered clothing.

"You were right. The place is a mess. What happened?" Phalen stooped to pluck his yellow jockstrap off of the sofa so his father could sit down. He held it behind his back with a guilty grin.

"It looks like you guys were in a hurry." Andrew chuckled as he held up another jock, white this time, and dangled it from one finger in front of Jeff, swinging it slowly from side to side. Jeff watched the movement as if he was still confused by Andrew's presence. Phalen flicked a glance at Jeff before snagging the jock off of Andrew's finger and throwing it on top of the pile of clothes everyone had just stepped over.

"Come on, Jeff," Andrew urged as he sat down and put his arm around Larry's shoulders. "Don't be anxious. Everything is cool. I just figured things out a week or so ago when Larry mentioned Phalen's name. He turned toward Phalen and grinned. "I haven't spoken with Larry about knowing you, and I haven't seen you since I figured things out. If I had known earlier, the two of us would have had a discussion about how to handle everything." Andrew continued in a calm voice. "I hope my presence hasn't made you too uncomfortable. As I said, everything is cool."

"You're his counselor?" Phalen asked, sitting down across from his father, and patting the seat next to him, silently urging Jeff to join him. Andrew grinned and nodded, his eyes following Jeff as he sat beside Larry's son. He could tell Jeff was still trying to figure out the implications of his lover's father dating his counselor. There were no complications from Andrew's point of view. He would have to help Jeff find another counselor . . . end of story.

"Wonderful! You're just the man Jeff wants to tell about what happened earlier this afternoon." Phalen looked to his right. "Tell him, Jeff."

"I . . . um."

"He confronted his stalker over at the architecture building in front of half the campus! He twisted the guy's arm behind his back and told him he'd bash his face in if he didn't back off." Phalen was almost bouncing on his seat in excitement. "I saw the whole thing!"

"No, I didn't say that . . . did I?" Jeff glanced at Andrew before turning back to Phalen for confirmation. Phalen enthusiastically nodded before shrugging slightly and continuing to smile, obviously excited.

"You mean you don't remember what you said?" Andrew leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, his hands hanging between his bare legs. Larry also seemed anxious to hear what Jeff had to say. Jeff watched the muscles of Andrew's arms flex, his deeply tanned legs and the way his yellow shirt stretched across his shoulders, allowing the hair on his chest to show at the collar. He blinked, bringing himself back to the present just as Andrew took Larry's hand.

"Well . . . I don't really remember what I said. I do know saying it felt good though." He grinned in recollection. "I remember yelling and grabbing his wrist and twisting his arm when he was about to hit me . . . and the police taking him away . . . and Phalen kissing me." He glanced at Phalen and smiled. "Oh, and I remember Brad kissing me." He turned to Phalen with a twinkle in his eyes. "Wow . . . Brad can kiss! I don't recall what I said to the stalker-guy, his name is Alex by the way, but I do remember wondering if I had any tonsils left when Brad finished with me." Phalen nudged him with his elbow, enjoying the playful side of Jeff he rarely saw. "I like your kisses too." He grinned at Phalen and then blushed in embarrassment when Larry and Andrew began cheering. For a second he wasn't sure why they were cheering him for liking Phalen's kisses.

"Then we both got horny 'cause he had acted so tough," Phalen broke in. "So we ran home. That's why there are clothes everywhere." He finished, looking pleased, nodding at his father.

"Phalen, you don't have to tell everything do you?"

"The man's a counselor, Jeff. We're supposed to tell him everything, huh Andrew?" He flashed one of his brightest smiles. "Besides, I did hold a couple things back." He wiggled his eyebrows, drawing Larry's immediate attention, and speculation about what Phalen actually meant.

"Wait a minute." Jeff sat back in the sofa with a stunned expression and looked at Andrew. "By any chance are you Kerin and Thian's father? I just remembered, their last name is Johnston. I think one of the guys mentioned their father was a doctor. I never made the connection before." Jeff tilted his head back and rubbed his face with his hands.

"You know my sons?"

"Know 'em?" Phalen crowed. He caught Jeff's warning glance, and cleared his throat. "Yes . . . they've been over a few times." He tried to assume an innocent face which caused Andrew to chuckle.

"They left their clothes at home, no doubt." Andrew's chuckle turned into a laugh when Phalen shook his head, but smiled even more brightly.

"No, they left them on that chair." Phalen pointed to a nearby chair, now draped in someone's sport coat. Jeff merely continued to shake his head in disbelief.

"Hell, even I know them," Larry chimed in, turning to Andrew. "They look great naked, just like their father. Small world, isn't it?"

"What?" He looked at Larry in surprise. "When?"

"Jeff's a nudist," Phalen added, acting as if that explained everything.

Andrew looked at Jeff for a moment, with a puzzled frown before he continued. "So that explains why Larry's been hanging around when my sons are naked?"

"He was naked too," Phalen added, seeming to enjoy the situation more and more. "Everyone was."

"What?" Andrew flopped back and looked at the ceiling in exasperation. "Everyone was naked? . . . Why wasn't I invited?" He chuckled. "Sounds like my kind of party." He scooted closer to Larry. Their bare legs were touching.

"Lots of people hang out nude around here, Andrew," Phalen added, watching his father lean into Andrew's embrace. "You guys are welcome anytime."

"Nude doesn't necessarily mean sex, Doctor . . . I mean Andrew," Jeff supplied, also watching the two men sitting across from them.

"But it can," Phalen added with a smile, a fraction of a second later. He sat back and crossed his arms, looking from one man to the next and breaking into a bright smile when not only Jeff but his father and Andrew all turned to look at him, each for a different reason.

Finally, Andrew leaned forward and looked directly at Jeff. "I see there are many things we never spoke of . . . hmmm, Mr. Layson?" Jeff shrugged. Andrew continued. "Nudist?" He began counting on his fingers. "My sons. . . . Larry . . . " He paused a moment. "Sex?" Phalen chuckled as Andrew counted.

"Sounds like a good idea to me." Phalen rubbed his hands together and put an arm around Jeff's shoulders. "Sex is good . . . especially with the big man, here." Jeff rolled his eyes and slowly shook his head, the blood rushing to his cheeks.

"I knew it! I can still embarrass him!" He pulled Jeff closer and turned toward Andrew. "I thought that maybe since he's become a tough man, he'd be immune to being teased and I wouldn't be able to make him blush. He's cute when he blushes, isn't he?" Phalen leaned forward and lowered his voice. "Have you ever seen a person blush . . . all over?"

"Have you ever seen a person pee their pants when they're tickled," Jeff retaliated. Phalen moved away quickly.

"Okay, I'll quit." Phalen held up both hands in a placating gesture. Jeff grinned to himself, satisfied he had won but Phalen wasn't finished. "His butt's cute when he blushes. You'll have to see it sometime." Larry smiled and nodded when Andrew looked in his direction. Jeff merely shook his head in resignation.

"Well guys." Andrew set down the drink Phalen had provided earlier. "I think we'd better go and let you two get back to your fun." He turned to Larry, who had just finished his own drink. "What say, handsome? Would you like to go back to your place so we can have a little fun of our own?" He leaned close and kissed Larry on the cheek while Phalen looked on wide-eyed.

"It's one thing to think of your dad as gay. It's another to see a guy kiss him," he replied to Larry's inquiry.

"That's the same thing I've thought about my son from time to time." Phalen nodded his understanding.

"I'm experiencing some sort of paradigm shift myself." Jeff still seemed to be confused. "I think seeing my doctor, whom I thought of as straight, kissing another guy, on top of everything else that has happened today is too much." He chuckled. "It'll take a little while for me to assimilate it all."

"C'mon, handsome," Andrew grinned, gesturing Larry to precede him. "Let's go play." The two men headed toward the front door, Andrew's arm around Larry's waist.

"Get used to it, Phalen," Larry shouted as the door closed. He snorted silently at his father's comment as he and Jeff watched the two men cross the courtyard and leave the house, closing the courtyard door behind them.

"Sheesh, whoda thought?" Phalen shook his head slightly from side to side. Jeff was silently staring out to the now-empty courtyard. Phalen noticed the silence and put his arm around Jeff's waist.

"By any chance is that offer of a place to sit still open?" He winked when Jeff tore his eyes away from the courtyard. "We've got a lot to get caught up on and I want to see if I can wear you out."

An hour later Jeff lay on his back amid the rumpled bed clothes, the sperm from Phalen's latest orgasm coating his chest in two glistening trails. Phalen knelt at Jeff's side and sucked up his own jiz and swallowed with an audible gulp. He smiled and licked his lips as the phone rang.

"Layson and Weston residence," Phalen answered, batting away Jeff's hand from his cock. "Yes, this is he."

Jeff reached up and loosely put his arms around Phalen and closed his eyes letting his mind wander, not listening to Phalen's conversation. He frowned slightly as it became obvious Phalen was becoming irritated.

"No, I can't do that." Phalen said emphatically. "I'll talk to Jeff and maybe the four of us can go together. That'd be fun." He paused for only a second, before he added. "Gotta go now. Bye." He hung up the phone and resumed his position next to Jeff with a puzzled frown on his face.

"Who was that?" Jeff snuggled closer.

"Curt," Phalen said the word as if it were a curse. Jeff opened his eyes in surprise. "He wanted me to go to a Diamondbacks baseball game with him! He said Brad didn't like baseball. Jeff, that's not true. For Pete's sake, Brad played baseball. Curt probably doesn't think I know that . . . I guess. I told him I'd talk to you and maybe the four of us could go to a game together. Maybe Brad wouldn't mind going if you were along." Phalen shuddered.

"I really like Brad, Jeff, but I'm not so sure about Curt. I just met him a few hours ago though, so I probably shouldn't judge him." Phalen stared into the distance. "Weird . . . totally."

~ To be continued ~

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read and comment on this story. I've been overwhelmed at the response to 'Phalen,' and love to hear from each of you.

If you would like me to send you a pic of the guys that inspired the main characters in this story, email me.

Sisu (SEE-sue) Mina rakastan sinua (I love you) Mita (what) Anteeksi (I'm sorry)

I would like to thank Carey for his ceaseless efforts to make me a better writer, Gwynne for her daily doses of humor and her insights into the characters, and Larry in Finland for helping me with the Finnish language and for being a good friend. Writing may be a solitary endeavor but the thoughts of each of these people, as well as you, the story's readers, affect the story's course.

A number of readers have written asking for the correct pronunciation of the character's names. They are:

Phalen (FAY-lin) Kerin (KEAR-in) Thian (THE as in Theater (THE-in)

Thanks for reading.


Next: Chapter 22

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