
By Roy Reinikainen

Published on Feb 13, 2006


This story contains portrayals of homosexual actions and lifestyles. There may be references to, or explicit descriptions of, sex between consenting adults.

If homosexuality, sexually explicit language, or swearing offends you, or if reading material that contains these topics violates any law or personal or religious beliefs, or if you under 18 years of age, please leave now, without proceeding further.

This story is entirely fictional, and any resemblances to actual persons are completely coincidental. Actual locations are mentioned, and are used for 'background' only.


Phalen, chapter 16

Evening was approaching. The long shadows of the palms advanced slowly, creating dark stripes on the sidewalks as Brad left the university police interview with Jeff.

'Poor Jeff.' Brad thought of the difficulties his friend was facing. As if his recovery from childhood abuse wasn't enough, now he was faced with a couple of guys following him. 'Compared with Jeff, my life has been trouble-free. He grinned, remembering a secure childhood filled with fun and adventure spent with his four brothers. They had been close as children and had become even closer as they grew. After they discovered they were all gay, much of their time was spent in the security of each other's arms. When one of them was happy or upset, they all shared the feelings. Brad remembered the evenings they would spend in each other's company, talking about their days, sharing each other's victories with embraces and laughter, and one another's heartaches with a hug and understanding.

'I left that security when I met Curt,' Brad thought. 'I believed I had found a similar type of security with Curt. I guess I assumed we'd be there for each other, like my brothers have always been there for me.' He waited for an opportunity to cross busy Mill Avenue whose surface shimmered in the late afternoon heat. 'It appears my security was as insubstantial as the mirage of water on the street in front of me.' The traffic light changed, and he jogged through the illusion of water, smiling at the notion that he was running through a puddle without getting wet.

'Well,' Brad sighed as he approached his apartment complex, 'Jeff is dealing with his problems. I need to deal with mine.' He turned off the sidewalk toward the building, thankful the sun was setting. He waved a greeting to his next-door neighbor, who smiled as she drove out of the parking lot and onto the busy street.

Brad noticed Curt's car and grinned in anticipation of a night spent in the arms of his lover. 'It always feels so good to be held close, to feel his lips on mine, and to hear Curt's warm and soothing voice.' Brad sighed, remembering what it was once like to spend an evening with Curt. 'Maybe we can begin to work through our problems.' He began climbing the steps to the second floor apartment. 'Maybe all of my fears have no foundation, and now that we're graduating, the two of us can reestablish our relationship. If I don't have to be away so much, maybe Curt will want to stay at home so we can be together.'

Brad stopped a moment at the top of the stairs, caught by the sight of the purple sky and the horizon of molten fire silhouetting the jagged outline of the nearby mountains. A group of huge saguaro cactus stood out against the reds, oranges and yellows of the sunset like so many black fingers. He turned the corner and nearly collided with Curt.

"Curt!" Brad laughed, startled by the near-collision. "Here I am, just as promised!" He held out his arms to either side, and then paused, noticing Curt was dressed as if he were going someplace special. Brad paused, slowly dropping his arms to his sides, and looked at Curt in puzzlement. "Are you leaving?"

"Hi," Curt said, scratching the back of his neck, refusing to meet Brad's eyes. "Um, yeah, but I'll be back in a little while."

"Oh." . . . Brad bowed his head, disappointment written in every line of his body. "Will you be coming home tonight?" he asked, noticing how Curt still refused to look at him.

"Uh . . . sure . . . why?" Curt stammered, shifting from foot to foot. He opened his mouth as if he were about to say something more but remained silent.

"I thought we were spending the evening together. We talked about it before I left for class . . . remember?" Brad asked. "I've been looking forward to being with you all day." He paused, trying not to be overcome by the emotions he was feeling. "I . . . was hoping . . . you were feeling the same thing."

Curt looked away, a guilty expression washing across his face.

"Curt, can you postpone where you're going?" Brad paused a moment. "I really need to be with you tonight. It's important." There was another pause while Curt continued to study his shoes.

"Geez," Curt hesitated, seeming to be torn. "I . . . I really can't." He noticed Brad's shoulders slump further, his head bowed. In the space of a few heartbeats Brad seemed . . . smaller, more withdrawn . . . more alone. "I'll be home later," Curt added. "We can talk then." He quickly leaned forward and gave Brad a brief abstracted kiss on the cheek. He patted Brad on the back as he edged around him and turned the corner, taking the stairs two at a time.

Curt trotted across the lot and opened his car door. As he turned to sit down, he could see Brad had not moved. His head was still bowed. 'He'll get over it,' Curt thought, slamming the car door. 'I've got my own life to lead. I can't be available all of the time just because he wants me around.' Curt started the engine, backing out of his parking place. 'I hate it when he makes me feel like this!' he growled to himself. 'Just because we're partners doesn't mean I have to be with him every minute!' He accelerated into traffic, his tires screeching on the pavement. He ignored the drivers blowing their car horns in protest.

'Damn,' Curt continued thinking as he slowed for a traffic signal. 'He looked awful, standing alone on the balcony like that. You'd have thought he had just been told someone had died.' Curt rubbed his eyes. He stared unseeing into the distance, chewing on his lip. 'I could tell Jerry I have to postpone our date so I can be with Bradley. Jerry probably won't care. He'll just call someone else to come over and fuck him.' The light changed and Curt accelerated. Once again his wheels screeched as he rushed through the intersection.

Yet another stoplight gave Curt another moment to think. 'Bradley looked so lonely up there on the balcony.' Curt continued to chew on his lip, bowing his head and massaging the back of his neck. . . . 'Jerry's going to be waiting for me. I can't stand him up!' Curt drove through the intersection and pulled into a convenience store parking lot. He stopped the engine and leaned against the steering wheel, trying to compose his thoughts and ignore the onset of another headache. 'Why can't I stand Jerry up? I just left Bradley alone!' Curt squeezed his eyes tightly shut. "Bradley," he croaked aloud. "What do I do?" He leaned back, opening his mouth and taking a deep breath. "Bradley . . . tell me what to do," he moaned aloud. "If I go see Jerry, I'll only be thinking of you sitting alone."

Curt bit his lower lip, reaching for his cell phone. He dialed a number and waited. The phone rang once. He rubbed the back of his neck, listening to the second ring, and then a third. "Damn!" he shouted. "Damn, damn!" He closed the phone, throwing it to the passenger seat in frustration. "Damn!" he shouted again, pounded the steering wheel once with both fists before starting the car and pulling back into traffic.

'I really want to see Jerry tonight,' Curt thought to himself. He drove on, past familiar landmarks almost in a daze, his body taking the familiar route seemingly of its own will. 'Jerry is so much fun. He doesn't put any demands on me. He has no expectations about how I should behave.' Curt drove in silence. 'Bradley has always been wonderful to me. He's away a lot . . . but he can't help that.' He slowly pulled into the parking lot, leaning back in the seat for a moment and took a few deep breaths before opening the car's door. 'To Jerry I'm just another fuck buddy. He doesn't really care about me.' Curt paused a moment in the darkened parking lot, standing quietly in a splash of brightness from a nearby streetlight. 'Bradley loves me,' he thought as if for the first time. He walked across the parking lot with his head bowed. 'But . . . "

'It's not too late to change your mind,' he thought as his hand touched the doorknob to the apartment and hesitated. He considered his options for a moment longer and then slowly pushed the unlocked door open, stepping into the silent, dimly lit living room. The door clicked shut behind him. He flipped the lock and went to the kitchen, grabbing an already open bottle of wine from the refrigerator and two wine glasses before heading down the hallway to the bedroom. The bedroom lights were off, but the streetlight produced enough light to see by.

He stopped in the doorway to the bedroom, looking at the clothed figure leaning against the bed's headboard, his chin resting on his knees. Neither man moved nor spoke for long moments.

"I brought us some wine," Curt said, holding the bottle up, his warm voice unexpectedly cracking. He swallowed once, dismayed at the feelings that were threatening to engulf him. "May I pour us both a glass?" The room was quiet for a few moments as he stood, undecided how to proceed. There was no response. Curt lowered the glasses but remained standing.

"Thank you," the man on the bed finally said, shifting position to sit cross-legged. He looked up at Curt, the light through the blinds casting a pattern of alternating light and dark stripes across the bed and the person sitting there.

"For the wine?" Curt asked, stepping into the room, unsure why his voice was so rough. He filled one glass with a trembling hand, then the other before kicking off both shoes and climbing onto the bed. The two men sat in silence for a moment, knee-to-knee, looking at each other.

"No . . . not for the wine." There was a slight pause. He could hear a ragged breath. There was a long pause. Curt sat in silence, resting one hand on the person's knee as it touched his. "Thank you . . . For coming back."

Curt shrugged, bowing his head. He swirled the wine in its glass, looking into the dark liquid, unable to take a swallow or meet the steady gaze.

"Thank you, Curt."

Curt looked up with a lopsided grin. He took the offered hand and squeezed, reminding himself to not be rough. "No thanks required, Bradle . . . ." He stopped abruptly, swallowed once and then repeated himself. "No thanks required . . . Brad."

The two men sat on the bed in silence holding hands and facing each other, their knees touching. "Curt," Brad said without looking up, "I hope you know how much I love you." Brad paused a moment, gently squeezing Curt's hand. He looked up and met Curt's eyes. "I have loved you since that day when we had to wrestle each other. Remember?" he asked with a crooked grin.

Curt grinned and nodded. He sat his wine glass down on a nightstand and began to gently rub Brad's leg.

"When we started living together, I thought it would be forever." Brad swallowed, noticing the hand on his leg was motionless. "But, something's going on, Curt. Something's changed what we've had. I don't know if it's me because I've had to be away at school so much or something with you . . . or maybe a combination of both. I don't know what it is. . . . Curt," Brad paused again, waiting for his partner to look up. "You know I found someone else's underwear in the laundry, don't you?"

Curt bowed his head and nodded, taking Brad's hand in both of his.

"Why are you seeing someone else?" Brad asked, surprised he seemed so calm.

"I." Curt hesitated a moment. "I honestly don't know." Curt's voice caught, and he stopped to compose himself. "Brad, I do love you. It may not seem like it at times . . . but I do. You're still the same wonderful person I met and fell for in high school. You've not done anything to hurt our relationship." Curt sighed, releasing a gust of breath. "It's me. I've changed somehow. It's . . . It's like I can't help myself. I get angry with myself . . . sometimes. Other times I'm just angry. I feel like I'm at the mercy of something I can't control. I don't even know what that something is. . . . It's as if I'm playing a game of some sort, only I'm not the one in charge."

"Curt," Brad said into a moment of silence but was prevented from saying more when Curt continued speaking.

"I guess that's why I get rough with you sometimes. I'm angry about something." Curt released Brad's hand and stretched out on his back, sighing and knuckling his eyes in frustration. "Brad, you're so damned perfect!" He paused a long moment and then murmured, "I'm not." He turned his head to the side to look at Brad who sat watching him with an impassive expression.

"What do we do now?" Curt asked, once again taking Brad's hand.

"Hey, handsome."

"Hi, Andrew," Larry said, excited to hear Andrew's voice. He'd been fantasizing about Andrew's visit to his office ever since they parted earlier in the day. "I've been thinking about you all afternoon. You know, it's damned difficult to represent my clients well when I'm thinking about you lying on top of me." Andrew laughed, a sensuous sound even over the telephone.

"That's what I'm calling about." Andrew chuckled. "I've been thinking about you too, and I'd really like to lay on top of you again today, only this time both of us will be naked." Larry's breathing quickened. "I want to hold you tight and feel your erection pressed against mine while we kiss. . . . Would you like that, handsome?"

"Ohhhh, Andrew," Larry exhaled and tried to laugh at the same time. "You have no idea how much I would like that. I've fantasized about being with you so much."

"Oh?" Andrew asked.

"Yeah. This evening's fantasy had you sucking me until I'm just about ready to shoot. Then I'd stand in front of you and place the head of my cock on your tongue and watch my sperm shoot into your open mouth." He laughed again, this time nervously. "I've even fantasized about the sound you make when you swallow my load."

"Hold that thought," Andrew said hurriedly. "I'm heading out the door right now. In fact, I've just gotten into my car." Larry heard the car door slam and the engine start. "I'll be over there in a couple minutes. I expect a warm welcome!" The line went dead. Larry absently sat his phone down and shivered in anticipation. He sprawled in his favorite chair, his legs stretched out in front of him for a few minutes savoring the thoughts of what was to come, then stood and walked to the large windows looking out onto the street. He turned off the living room lights and began to pace back and forth in front of the window. He stopped once when he thought he saw movement in front of Jeff and Phalen's house next door. The house lights illuminated the palm in Jeff's courtyard, so he assumed the guys were home. 'It's probably just someone walking down the street,' Larry thought, resuming his pacing.

At last Andrew pulled into Larry's driveway. He got out of the car and stood for a moment, looking toward Jeff's house, one hand still on the open door of the car. After standing in that position for a few moments, he closed the car door and rushed toward the porch where Larry was waiting.

Larry smiled, watching Andrew approach the house. He was barefoot, wearing his red running shorts and tight t-shirt, and was walking as if he wasn't accustomed to being outdoors barefoot.

Larry smiled in welcome. "Hey, handsome," Andrew murmured leaning into Larry's embrace. "I haven't been able to get you out of my mind." As they kissed, Larry inhaled the spicy scent he had come to associate with being near Andrew. The smell alone was enough to give him an erection.

"Ummm," Larry hummed when their lips parted. "You are intoxicating, Mr. Johnston. Did you know that? The feel of your tongue on my lips, your taste, your smell when we're close like this. I've never experienced anything like it before." Larry looked into Andrew's eyes in the dim light. He tentatively smiled before their lips once again touched, gently brushing against each other's. Larry groaned, a sound deep in his throat, opening his mouth to Andrew's tongue.

"Oh man, that kiss was as good as the first time," he sighed, resting his head on Andrew's shoulder while they held each other in a tight embrace.

"You think we should go inside and close the door?" Andrew chuckled, brushing both hands over Larry's butt, feeling the muscles tense through the fabric of his shorts. "Unless you are on good terms with your neighbors, of course." He leaned forward and kissed the tip of Larry's nose.

"I guess. You said you wanted a warm welcome. Was that warm enough?" Larry smiled, stepping aside for Andrew to enter the house and then closing the door. He held Andrew's hand and led him through the living room.

"Did you happen to notice those guys hanging around outside in front of your next door neighbors?" Andrew asked as they walked down the hall. "They didn't look like they belonged in this neighborhood, and they were really watching me as I got out of the car. You probably saw me stand and watch to see what they were up to." Andrew looked around the large brightly lit bedroom Larry had led him to. Larry and Andrew turned to face each other. "I guess I made them nervous when I stared back," Andrew continued. "They spoke to each other then turned and headed down the street."

"Yeah, I noticed someone outside before you arrived. I figured they were just a couple people out for a walk. They're gone now?" Andrew nodded. Larry grinned and stepped closer to Andrew reaching out and running a palm over his chest. He paused a moment to gently pinch one of Andrew's firm nipples. "Since you called, I've been thinking more about you than about anyone outside," he murmured, reaching up to work the other nipple.

Andrew opened his eyes and took hold of Larry's shoulders, turning him around. "The bed, handsome." Larry smiled, laying back and stretching both arms out to his sides, tilting his head to watch the man at the foot of the bed.

"Here I am. Lay on top of me, Andrew. I want to taste some more of your tongue." Andrew smiled and leaned closer, placing his hand on the mound of Larry's crotch, squeezing and massaging the erection. He enjoyed how Larry closed his eyes and began taking shallow breaths, making low mewling sounds.

Suddenly Larry opened his eyes, squinting at the bright light. "The lights," he muttered. "Got to turn the lights off . . . they're too bright." Andrew reached out to turn on a bedside lamp then walked over to the wall and turned off the room lights. He turned back to Larry, who was now standing at the foot of the bed with his back to Andrew, attempting to strip. He seemed to be trembling and was having a difficult time.

"I've always hated these shorts," he muttered under his breath, struggling with the buttons. Andrew grinned and promptly stripped to the skin. He stood quietly for a moment absently running his fingers along the underside of his stiff penis, watching the muscles of Larry's broad back flex. At last the buttons relented and Larry dropped his shorts and pushed his briefs down. In an instant Andrew took in Larry's black hair, his broad deeply tanned shoulders that tapered to a narrow waist, his white perfectly smooth butt highlighted by crisp tan lines and his long tanned legs, and sighed in pleasure at the sight.

Larry turned his head with a questioning look as if he had misplaced something important, and gasped when he saw Andrew with a full erection.

"Holy fucking shit, Andrew! Some horse is missing its dick!" He half-laughed. "What did you do with yours?" Andrew smiled and walked to the end of the bed, instructing Larry to sit with a firm pressure on his shoulders. Larry slowly sat on the edge of the bed with Andrew's pulsing penis no more than inches from his face. "Wow, Andrew," he muttered in awe. "I've never, ever seen anything so beautiful." He reached up a tentative hand to touch it, tilting his head back, looking up at Andrew. Andrew grinned and Larry gently touched the firm skin. He slowly moved his hand from the base, nestled in its bed of dense pubic hair, over the thick shaft to the flared head. He rubbed a thumb over the end, spreading a bead of precum. Andrew watched as Larry removed his hand, staring at the slickly wet thumb for a moment. He slowly extended his tongue and licked over his thumb, once. Larry inhaled deeply slowly sighing in pleasure before once again looking up at Andrew and smiling broadly, the corners of his blue eyes crinkling. "I think I'm going to love sperm as much as I love kissing," he chuckled. "I fear you're going to have a sex-crazed person on your hands before long."

"That's what I'm hoping, handsome." Larry laid back and Andrew climbed onto the bed, kneeling astride Larry's legs, resting back against his own heels. "I don't recall if I've told you I think you are one of the sexiest men I've ever seen," Andrew murmured, looking into Larry's blue eyes. The corners of Larry's lips twitched upward, his eyes sparkling. "Um hum," Andrew cooed. He leaned down to lightly run an open palm over Larry's flat stomach. "Love the tan line," he murmured as he ran his fingers through Larry's black pubes and gently grasped his penis. Larry arched his back and groaned at the touch. "You like that?" Andrew asked.

"Ohhhh yess," Larry's voice shuddered. "I do indeed."

"I'm glad," Andrew smiled. "You've tasted me, now it's my turn to taste you." He leaned over, still holding Larry's penis, engulfing the head with his lips. Larry groaned louder, gripping the bedspread with his outstretched hands. Andrew ran his tongue slowly over the head of Larry's cock, pausing to savor the taste of the precum and the feel of Larry's thick penis in his mouth.

"Shiiiit," Larry hissed. "I'm so sexed-up that it's not going to take much more of that for me to shoot." Andrew paused releasing Larry's cock and crawling up to lay his full body on top of Larry's. Both men groaned at the sensation. Andrew nuzzled Larry's neck, nipping at his ear. Larry rubbed his open palms over Andrew's back and down to his butt.

"Don't get so worked up you shoot," Andrew murmured directly into Larry's ear. He momentarily stopped speaking, luxuriating in the feel of Larry's strong hands kneading his ass. "I want to watch you masturbate so I can see you shoot your thick load of sperm all over your chest and stomach. Once you've cum, I want to lick it all off." Larry groaned again, gripping Andrew's ass cheeks harder, feeling Andrew's cock pressed against his.

"Don't worry, Larry," Andrew murmured after a lengthy kiss. "You'll get to taste my sperm tonight as well." Larry opened his eyes, his neck and mouth still wet from Andrew's attention. "I want to see your face as you watch me masturbate." Andrew grinned, watching Larry try to control his breathing. "I'm the first man you'll watch masturbate, aren't I?"

"Uh huh." Larry's voice squeaked upward.

"Gooood," Andrew cooed, his breath warm against Larry's neck. Larry looked into Andrew's eyes, pleading.

"You're torturing me here, Andrew." He moaned before he was once again lost in a kiss that left him breathless. Andrew chuckled low in his throat.

"I know I'm torturing you." He thrust himself against Larry, feeling the slickness of Larry's penis against his. "Do you know what else I'd like to do?" Andrew nipped at Larry's ear lobe, feeling Larry shake his head. "I want to feel your muscular smooth white butt, Larry." Larry groaned, beginning to writhe under Andrew's weight, his eyes closed, his mind imagining fulfilling Andrew's wishes. He looked at Andrew, his eyes pleading for release.

"Ooooh." Andrew groaned as Larry found one of his nipples and began toying with it.

"I don't only want to feel your butt, Larry." Andrew leaned closer and whispered into Larry's ear. "I want your asshole too." Larry groaned louder, pulling Andrew to him for a frenzied kiss. He lightly licked the outside of Larry's ear, continuing to murmur. "Guy's assholes really turn me on, Larry. . . . Have you ever played with your butt hole?"

"Nooooo," Larry shivered. "Can I?" He shuddered again as Andrew licked over his neck. "Can I see yours too?"

"Oh yes, handsome. I guarantee it." Andrew shifted position, kneeling beside Larry, sucking on his nipples. With the first touch of Andrew's tongue, Larry jumped. He grabbed Andrew's head and pulled it closer to his chest, running his fingers through his hair.

"I want to taste your sperm, Andrew," Larry whimpered. "I've had dreams of running a finger through a puddle of your cum, scooping some up and then licking my fingers." Another groan escaped his lips as Andrew tweaked one of his nipples with his teeth.

Andrew chuckled. "You can do more than lick my cum off your finger, you sexy man. You can lick it off my body. You can suck it right from the source if you want to. Do you think you'd like the feeling of my cock as it pulses, filling your mouth with my sperm?" Larry closed his eyes tightly. He was now moaning almost constantly. "Do you think you can swallow fast enough Larry, or do you think some escape your mouth and run down your chin?"

"Shiiiit. I'm trying not to cum," Larry groaned, biting his lower lip and concentrating. "The thought of even seeing you shoot is enough, but to imagine running my tongue over your skin, sucking some up . . . or having you cum in my mouth. Damn, it's too much." His body shuddered. "Shiiit. I'm trying. . . . not to. . . . Don't touch me Andrew or I'll shoot." Larry warned, opening his eyes wide in warning. He began taking deep breaths, rocking his head from side to side, squeezing his eyes tightly shut.

"How do you normally stop yourself from cumming?" Andrew chuckled, sitting back on his heels.

"Uh? . . . I don't. I never have," Larry groaned in frustration. "Why would I want to? I love masturbation. I've got a very vivid imagination, and you've got it running on overdrive at the moment."

Andrew leaned forward, kissing Larry, resuming his hypnotic murmuring directly into Larry's ear. "I have a very vivid imagination too, handsome." Andrew sharply inhaled as Larry reached out to fondle his balls, lightly running his fingers over Larry's dick. It was Andrew's turn to groan in pleasure when Larry's fingers found his perineum, slowly rubbing back and forth over his hole. He could feel Larry pause to study his anus as it pulsed to the same rhythm as his cock.

"You like my hole?" Andrew cooed next to Larry's ear.

Larry moaned, barely nodding his head.

"Whenever you shoot tonight, make sure some cum runs between your legs and over your asshole. You'll love having me lick it off . . . I promise you."

"Fuck, Andrew. You're torturing me! This is psychological torture." Larry grabbed Andrew, pulling him back on top of him. "You probably had a whole class in psycho sexual torture when you were in college. . . . I'm about ready to fucking burst."

"Are you really ready to cum, handsome?" Andrew murmured. "Are you ready for me to suck you?"

"No!" Larry's eyes flashed. "If you want to see me shoot, you can't suck me. Not this time. I'm about there as it is." Larry whimpered, once again gripping the bedspread in his outstretched hands.

"I'm about there myself," Andrew murmured, rolling off of Larry and into a kneeling position, his knees far apart, studying the man in front of him. Both men were covered in a sheen of sweat, working themselves slowly, trying to draw out the pleasure. While each masturbated himself, Larry reached between Andrew's spread legs and ran his index finger back and forth over Andrew's hole. This time it was Andrew's turn to hiss in pleasure. He began moving his hand faster, reaching for one of his own nipples and tweaking it between two fingers.

"Watch me, Larry. Watch me shoot . . . a . . . load . . . just for . . . you." With the last word, Andrew's body tensed and the first jet of sperm splashed across Larry's stomach. At the same instant Andrew's cock erupted, Larry began shooting his own load, his first shot leaving a thick white trail across his chest back to its source. Another stream and another soon joined it as both men emptied themselves onto Larry's chest and stomach.

Both men were quiet for a few moments as they recovered and their breathing slowed. Larry looked up and saw Andrew studying his hand with the hint of a pleased grin on his lips.

"Give me your hand. Let me suck your fingers clean," Larry asked, reaching for Andrew's hand. Andrew's grin became a mischievous smile and he ran his fingers over Larry's chest and stomach, coating his fingers with the combined loads. Larry's lust seemed to reignite as he took the proffered hand and slowly licked across the palm once, before sucking on each finger, moaning all the while. "Oh yes," he said, licking his lips. "This is much better than fantasies." He grinned as he finished with the last finger. "They were never accompanied by taste." He lay back, sighing. "Oh what I have been missing. . . . Phalen told me how good sex with a man is but I had to experience it for myself to understand." He sighed in pleasure.

"Phalen?" Andrew asked, losing his smile, turning to watch Larry closely.

"Ummm humm," Larry murmured, closing his eyes. "My son." He noticed Andrew's silence and opened his eyes to look at him. Andrew was staring into the distance but soon looked down at Larry and grinned.

"Now I want to taste what I've been missing. He leaned over and ran his tongue over Larry's chest, lapping and slurping at the combined loads until there was nothing left. He looked at Larry and winked, smacking his lips in appreciation causing both men to laugh.

"Thank you, Andrew," Larry said, reaching up to run a hand over Andrew's cheek. "This has been a wonderful gift. I would never have dreamt that anything could be this incredible."

"Even the psycho sexual torture?" Andrew asked, chuckling and shifting into a cross-legged position next to Larry, noticing how Larry's penis still oozed cum. He leaned forward and licked across the head once.

"C'mere, let me taste your tongue," Larry smiled, pulling Andrew toward him. "I want to learn what I taste like."

~ To be continued ~

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read and comment on this story. I've been overwhelmed at the response to 'Phalen,' and love to hear from each of you.

If you would like me to send you a pic of the guys that inspired the main characters in this story, email me.

Sisu (SEE-sue) Mine rakastan sinua (I love you) Mite(what) Anteeksi (I'm sorry)

A special thanks to Larry S. for his assistance with the Finnish language, and for being a good friend. Thanks also to Evan Bradley for his continuing encouragement, and for helping me make 'Phalen' a better story, and lastly to Gwynne Yee, for her daily doses of humor, and insight into the behavior of the characters.

A number of readers have written asking for the correct pronunciation of the character's names. They are:

Phalen (FAY-lin) Kerin (KEAR-in) Thian (THE as in Theater (THE-in)

Thanks for reading.


Next: Chapter 17

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