Peter's Fall

By Kris Harte

Published on May 27, 2013



Peter's Fall

A diabolic tale by Harte


It was cold and wet and Peter had thirty minutes to wait before his bus was due. 'I am going to get soaked' he thought to himself. Then he saw the church at the end of the street and decided to take shelter there.

All was gloom inside, only the light over the reserved sacrament in the Lady Chapel gave a faint illumination, but at least it was dry and warm. He sat quietly in one corner at the back of the church and glanced at his watch; 28 minutes to go before the bus. Ten minutes later the door to the vestry opened and a priest emerged. Peter sank down below the pew, anxious not to be ejected into the cold and wet outside. The priest moved to the door through which Peter had entered and slid the bolt over, securing the church from intrusion, then strode purposefully to the Lady Chapel. As Peter rose intending to reveal himself he was stopped in his tracks by what happened next, for the priest having entered the Lady Chapel removed his cassock and he was stark naked save for his sandals. And then before the statue to the Virgin he began to masturbate. It was shocking. It was awful. And it was deliciously sinful and sexy. Peter's cock rose in sympathetic tribute as he watched the priest wank himself to orgasm; his copious cum he caught in his left hand and presented it to his lips where he lapped at it like a dog. Task completed, the priest re-dressed and returned to the vestry.

Peter could not believe what he had seen. Had he been dreaming? No! The priest had wanked off, in church, before the statue to Our Lady. How? That was easily answered; Peter had seen it all. But why? What did it mean? Peter left, quietly sliding the door-bolt back and made his escape into the rain. His journey home was a torrent of thoughts and questions and that night he could not sleep until he had wanked off, recalling each sacrilegious moment with increasing delight. And he knew then he would have to return to that church.

For three days he called in after college. Once the church was empty, twice the priest was present. On the fifth day, a Friday, the priest was there again and seeing the lad once more, came over to him.

"What brings you here so often, my son?"

"I like the quiet" Peter murmured.

"And what do you think about as you sit here?"

"I can't tell you" Peter replied, blushing.

"Why not?"

"Because if I did you would throw me out."

"So you come here to sin?" Peter nodded, his heart racing.

"If you told me in the confessional, I could not throw out, for I am bound by a seal of absolute confessional-confidence. Do you you want me to hear your confession?" Once more Peter nodded. "I shall go into the confessional and if you want to speak with me there all you have to do is enter on your side and kneel down." And with that the priest smiled invitingly and went to prepare to hear the lad's confession.

Peter sat there tossing up in his mind whether to go or stay but his cock told him he needed to stay, and with beating heart he entered the confessional. There was a grill, and he could sense the priest's presence behind it, and on his side a low stool. A voice spoke and invited him to kneel. He did so.

"So my son what is this great sin you need to confess?"

"I keep having this strange dream."

"Tell me about this dream."

"I dream a great sacrilege committed in this church. And every time I have this dream my penis stiffens and I masturbate to orgasm."

"Do you masturbate a lot?"

"Yes, father. But this is different, My cock seems to explode as I recall the sacrilege."

"So you dream of a sacrilege?"

"Yes, father."

"And what is this sacrilege?"

"I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"Because it involves you."

There was pause the other side of the grill and then the priest spoke once more. "You have come so far my son. You cannot hold back now. Tell me what this dream is." So Peter did, although the dream was simply a recollection of what he had seen five days before.

"And why do you think the priest did that?"

"I don't know."

"Would you like me to tell you?"

"Yes please."

"That priest is a servant of Satan and he masturbates before Our Lady to shows his utter contempt for Jesus and his mother."

There was another long pause then the priest spoke again. "You want to masturbate now, don't you. You want to share in the sacrilege you dream of."


"Then do so, my son. Do it now before my priestly gaze, standing so I can see whether what you say is the truth."

Shaking with lust and fear, Peter rose, undid his trousers, pulled out his erection and began to masturbate, and with a groan of pleasure he gained release. As he reached down to do up his flies the priest spoke once more.

"You have been called my son by a higher power. The only question I have for you now is do you want to answer that call?" Peter said he did and agreed to return that evening at eight. "Go now my son with His blessing and return to learn the mystery of His gift to you."

It was Friday night so he had no problem getting permission to go out since he went to youth club every Friday. Nor did the fact he showered and changed before he left his mother betoken anything other than his usual Friday night routine. What was different was that he had put on no underwear.

The main door was firmly shut, as he knew it would be. He moved in the shadow of the church to the vestry door. It was slightly open and a shaft of light fell out onto the path, enticing him in. He pushed the door open and entered.

The priest was waiting for him, his eyes aglow with evil anticipation for what he saw was a soul eager for Satan. "So you have returned, my son" he murmured as he took in the lad's so obvious erection under his tight jeans "but what have you come for?"

"To learn more."

"More about what?"

"About Satan."

The priest rose and came close to the lad, running a gentle hand over the boy's jean-clad cock. "There are tests you have to pass before I can introduce you to HIM. Are you ready for these?"

"Yes father."

"Then first you must prepare yourself. I am going to remove all your clothes then dress you for your preparation."

Peter stood passively as the priest stripped him bare then placed a short white surplice over his smooth body. Peter's penis now unrestricted rose proudly stiff under the garment for all to see. With firm hands the priest forced him to his knees. "Open my cassock." with trembling hands Peter obeyed. "What do you see?"

"Your penis."

"And what do you want to do with my cock?"

"Kiss it."

"Then do so." As Peter kissed the rampant man-cock the priest intoned a strange prayer. "Lord Satan, take this boy into your warm embrace, fill his mouth with your prick, let his whole body be prepared for your coming."

Peter needed no further encouragement; he opened his mouth and took the throbbing penis into his mouth and began to suck. Man and boy were joined in unholy communion. On command Peter opened his eyes and stared up into his mentor's face. With gentle hands the priest pulled Peter away from his cock and took Peter's head into his hands.

"Do you want me to show you the sacred mysteries? Do you want to be prepared to serve Satan?" Peter nodded his assent, too nervous to trust his voice. "Then, my son, you must tell me the truth. You didn't dream the naked priest wanking off in the Lady Chapel, you saw it." Peter nodded. "So it was you who unlocked the door?" "Yes."

"Why were you there?"

"Sheltering from the rain until my bus came."

"It is strange" the priest mused "I felt a presence but experienced no fear. It was as though HE wanted me to draw you in. And I have!"

"What must I do?"

"Answer a few questions, first. Let us start with your body. Have you ever been penetrated by a cock?"


"Sucked cock?"

"Well, yours. But no one else's."

"Fucked a girl?"


"So you are a virgin. That is good. Now let us turn to your fantasy life. What turns you on? What porn-sites do you go to on the web?"

"There are many."

"Just tell me the most extreme that makes your cock stiffen."

"Boys being fucked by dirty old men. Boys being spanked and caned."

"And what do you like about those?"

"Their red and marked arses."

"And what else?"

"The look of pain and pleasure on their faces."

"And you imagine what it would be like if you were the recipient of a caning." Peter nodded. "And what about being fucked?"

"That scares me."

"And so you should be, but when we come to your initiation you will be so well prepared you will welcome Satan's penis penetrating you, for it is He who will fuck you. But that is for the future. To-night I begin your education in the dark arts. In a moment I shall take you into the Lady Chapel, lay you on the altar and spank your delectable arse until it is red and sore. Then I shall celebrate a mass to our Lord and you, my son, will act as my altar boy. Are you ready for that?"

"I am."

He laid the naked boy over the side of the altar and spanked him hard and fast. Peter nearly fainted with surprise and pain, but he didn't. Re-dressed in his surplice, the semi-naked boy stood by the priest as he lit two black candles then placed a chalice and patten on the altar before a crucifix of the hanging jesus. The priest then disrobed.

"First we must prepare chalice and patten." He handed the silver goblet to the boy and instructed him to piss into it. After a brief struggle Peter pissed into it. The priest took the steaming cup and added his own libation.

"Kneel behind me, my son, and take out the host I have stored in my arse-crack. Take care not to break it."

Peter obeyed handing the defiled host to his priest. And then the consecration began. First the priest invoked the Devil. Then he cursed the christ. And then he asked Satan to bless and consecrate the elements to His will and purpose. Finally he held up the now consecrated host. "Behold our Satanic lord and master." Then he broke the host in two and ate one half. Next he took the cup and did the same, drinking from it.

It was then he turned to Peter. "Do you wish to receive His piss and and His shit, consecrated by me?" Peter nodded. The priest placed the shit smeared host to the lad's mouth. Peter took it in and began to chew, but he could not swallow. Then came the chalice. He took the cup and drank deep from it and as he did the foul host slid into his stomach. And at that moment Peter's whole body shook and his cock, untouched, erupted onto the marble floor. It was like no orgasm before, powerful and involuntary, and Peter realised he was possessed.


For the next three weeks Peter reported back to the church each Saturday to receive further instruction in the dark mysteries from Father Michael. Satan, he learnt, resided in Hell where all wickedness was celebrated and was served on earth by His demons and servants. Hell was/is a place of delight to which favoured followers are called. On earth He is served through worship and perversity by a select few. To them He gives all rights and powers. He rules men through their cocks, women through their cunts, and all through their arse-holes.

Each weekly visit ended as the first with a Satanic mass, although on these occasions Peter's cock did not explode with lust the way it did the first time. Instead Peter was taken back into the vestry where he was ordered to wank off into a plastic container, to which he added a load each visit. Although nothing was said Peter knew there was a reason for this ritual, but what exactly he could not guess. Each visit ended with Peter kissing the priest's arse-hole before leaving for home.

Each week he was given a task to perform in preparation for his initiation. The first week he had to shave off his pubic hair and thereafter keep his pubes smooth. He also had to go for a haircut, as short as possible without arousing his mother's curiosity. The second week he was given a small oblong of fine linen trimmed with lace onto which he was required to masturbate to orgasm at least three times a day. (He glowed with pride when Father Michael praised him for the disgusting state he had returned it in.) The third week he had to wear a pair of white silk boxers which Father Michael gave him. (These he returned piss stained and skid marked to his mentor.)

And throughout these three weeks Father Michael was in constant contact through Peter's mobile phone sending him porn sites he wanted him to look at and demanding his responses in return. These started off mild: teens fucking teens; then teens being fucked by older men; then teens being caned to teens being bound or caged; then teens being pissed on. Each progression brought Peter closer to the reality he now craved. At the end of his third week of instruction Father Peter declared his was now ready for initiation. Could he arrange to stay over the following Saturday? He could, making up a fictitious friend for his mother's benefit.


Father Michael viewed his prey with evil pride. "To-night my son you will be admitted to a very select group. We are six, and with your dedication we will be the sacred seven. And in a short while a brother will arrive to transport us to a secret location, secret to you that is, where we will admit you to our order."

"What will happen?"

"You will renounce the jesus fraud and pledge allegiance to Satan. We will gather round you to welcome you into our church and reveal to you your destiny."

"Will I be fucked?"

"You know the answer to that already" smiled the priest. "Now remove all your clothes while I dress you for the trip."

Five minutes later Peter was dressed in his stained silk boxers and a simple black cassock, on his feet sandals. He was ready. Father Michael's phone rang and they moved from the church to a small dark van. The priest opened the back door and ushered the boy inside. "Hold on tight" he instructed and left the lad sitting on the floor.

The van moved off and Peter sat in darkness listening to the sound of the road, his mind a blank. They seemed to travel forever but at last the journey ended and the engine was cut. Peter waited to be released. It seemed an age before the back door was opened. A strange man stood there and handed him a blindfold and instructed him to put it on. Thus blindfolded he was led along a gravel path and into a building. Inside he was guided, still blindfolded, down some stone steps into a basement. The room was warm and there was a faint aroma of stale sweat and sex. Peter sensed that there were others present.

"Stand still" said a deep dark voice "whilst each of the brothers greets you." One by one the men came. One by one they kissed him on the lips. "Are you ready now to be dedicated to Satan?"

"I am."

"Remove his clothes. Let the postulant be presented naked before Our Lord."

Eager hands unbuttoned his cassock and slid it from his shoulders. Another then slid his boxers down to his ankles. A whispered command and he stepped out of his boxers and out of his sandals. He stood naked and exposed

"Are you ready to renounce the jesus fucker and welcome Lord Satan into your body and soul?"

"I am."

"Do you do so of your own free will?"

"I do."

"You may remove your blindfold."

Peter stared into the dimly lit basement. He was surrounded by six figures, each dressed in hooded black robes, each masked with the same mask of a horned demon. In front of him was an altar on which was placed an inverted cross of wood. And to one side was a chalice and patten covered by the spunk stained cloth he had prepared two weeks before.

"It is time for you to greet each brother in turn."

The assembly opened its robes to reveal a variety of cocks. Peter needed no instruction. He went from brother to brother kissing each brother's cock in turn.

"That was well done, my son." There was pause and then the leader of the group asked "who is offering this boy to Satan?"

"I do" said Michael.

"Bring him forth."

A masked figure broke the circle and led Peter by his cock right up close to the altar. "Bend forward with your arse out" he hissed "so we may greet you in the traditional way." Peter obeyed as one by one the brothers approached and using a light cane gave his buttocks seven cuts. Once more Michael whispered in his ear "Turn and face the brotherhood and thank them." Arse throbbing, Peter obeyed.

The deep dark voice that had greeted him now spoke. "Gather round the table of excess my brothers that we may celebrate mass in Satan's name." He took the chalice from brother to brother as each in turn added some piss. Placing the chalice on the altar he took up the plastic bottle Peter had filled with his semen and added its contents to the piss. "Who has the host?" A brother came forward and presented his bared buttocks from which the arch priest took a shit stained host. This was placed on the patten and laid on the altar.

"Prepare yourselves for the mass." The brothers disrobed and were naked save for their demon-masks. They came closer til Peter could smell their bodies sweating and eager. They held hands as the still robed arch-priest began the consecration speaking in a mixture of Latin and English. As the group chanted 'Ave Satanas, noster dominus et magister' the arch-priest held up the chalice and patten. "Bless this food and drink, dedicated to welcome Peter into our group." And with that he placed the desecrated host into Peter's mouth. As Peter began to chew the dry excrescence, he handed Peter the chalice. "Drink this all in HIS name!" Peter did. He welcomed the foul liquid into his body and began to tremble uncontrollably for unbeknown to him the arch-priest had added the date-rape drug to his libation.

What happened next can not be revealed for that information is secret, known only to initiates. All I can tell you is that it involved a defiled bible, a renunciation of the trinity, a declaration signed in blood and an invocation of the Devil.

The arch-priest intoned the final invocation. "You are now Satan's, body and soul, for ever. Nema." He kissed the boy on the lips. "Welcome, my brother! Now Brother Michael will seal your dedication with his cock."

Michael came forward, prick glistening in the candle-light. As Peter bent forward once more over the altar. Michael place his penis to the virgin's cunt. And slowly, carefully, he entered him breaking through the ring of virginity and penetrating Peter's bowels. The lad screamed with pain but soon his body adjusted and he rocked on Satan's cock as the priest fucked him to orgasm. With a howl of delight and release Peter came.


The arch-priest spoke for the final time. "Remove your masks and greet our new brother." What then followed was an orgy of lust, brother on brother, brother on Peter. Two more of the brothers fucked him, one gently, one roughly, watched closely by an older brother who, when the second man withdrew his shit-streaked cock, reverently licked and sucked it clean before kissing Peter on the lips. In the far corner of the basement, Father Michael was fucking a youth even younger than Peter whom Peter suddenly realised he knew for the lad was one of the altar boys he had seen at mass. He went across and sucked the lad's cock as Father Michael fucked away at the other end. Task completed Michael withdrew his shitty prick. Peter looked at it with reverence and awe. A voice in his head said 'Lick it. Lick it clean'. So he did savouring the nutty taste of shit. It was revolting yet delightful. "You have become a true son of Satan" said Father Michael, his eyes agleam with pride and satisfaction.

Peter lay back on the dirty mattress. The room was spinning and he felt wave after wave of desire. The arch-priest, the only one still robed, came over. "Come with me, my son, and I will show you further mysteries." Peter looked down at Father Michael for guidance who simply nodded his approval. So he went.

The man led the youth through a door into a further exentension of the basement. Lying on the floor was a full sized wooden cross. "You were sent to us for a purpose. Here is your true consummation. Lie down on this cross whilst I fix you to it."

Peter was unsure. Some semblance of self-preservation still remained. The man saw his reluctance and held a small bottle to each nostril. AS the amyl-nitrate pulsed through his blood stream, Peter felt himself float. All resistance broken he lay down on the cross and allowed his wrists to be secured to each arm. The man stood back and pressed a button. A motor whirred and slowly, very slowly the cross was raised up on a single strong wire. As it moved into the vertical, Peter sought for support and found a small wooden shelf on which his feet could rest.

The arch-priest left and Peter hung alone, trying hard to maintain his balance. His whole body began to tremble under the strain. The door into the cell re-opened and the whole group, now re-masked, entered. They gathered round him muttering obscenities. One of the brothers brought across a huge rubber phallus mounted on a pole and placed it under his straining buttocks, its tip just touching his arse-hole. The arch-priest came close, running mocking hands over his limp prick. "The foot rest" he whispered "will now be removed. And as you tire Satan's penis will penetrate you." And then he roared out loud "Ave Satanas!" and the group responded likewise.

Try as he might to avoid impalement, peter could not defeat the power of gravity. Slowly his body slumped and the huge phallus entered his boy-cunt. As he screamed the group howled its approval and before his pain-wracked body they renewed the orgy of fucking and sucking.

Ten, fifteen minutes later, the phallus was removed and the cross slowly lowered to the ground. Then one of the older men came over and squatted over his recumbent form and dropped a single wet turd onto his chest. Then each in turn came over and rubbing their hands in the stinking mess, rubbed them clean over Peter's body and face, until he was smeared with shit. As the arch-priest intone "It is finished", Peter fainted.

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