Peter Willig Saga: Intro

By Jesus Nazarethian

Published on Oct 8, 2013



This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of 18 or 21 years old.

I would be greatly thankful for any comments in order to improve my writing. Any grammar or spelling mistakes that you come across are due to English not being my native language. Thank you for understanding.

Part One: Intro

Two men are sitting at a desk. The room is dimly lit and smells of unwashed socks. It belongs to Jack, who takes a CD from his desk, tries a few times to put it into his laptop, but it takes him much longer due to all the beers he had that night. The CD is finally in the laptop, and the two men wait for it to load. Jack was the first to break the smelly silence.

"Michael, please, you must never tell him about this, ok? Oh man, this is so wrong... he's my friend!" Jack said as he opens the folder he was looking for. There is one .avi file inside, and he is about to play it.

That evening a group of men went out drinking. The reason was the same as the previous few weeks - their friend Christian was going through a breakup, and he needed to drink. He was hurt after his boyfriend of nearly two years cheated on him in a sleazy and disgusting way, as Christian put it. His friends loved him, that's a fact (most of them offered themselves every other night as a comfort, and he gladly used them for it), but they all knew he was more of a drama queen than a hurt man. They knew how many times he fooled around with other guys while being with Peter, but they still played along.

Michael is not so close to poor Christian, but happened to run into him that evening after his date stood him up, and decided to join the company. As they were drinking and talking, Michael heard too many interesting and luring details about Christian's ex to let it all go to waste. He heard that the kid is only 22, that Christian found a lot of very, as he said, sick and nasty porn in the kid's laptop: he mentioned guys spitting on another guy, pissing and slapping him. He was disgusted by it, and made sure everyone heard how he loved that "cheating piece of shit" although he was into sick stuff. The others also showed how disgusted they were, but not Michael. He was so intrigued by the whole story that he had to adjust his fat cock in his underwear.

When everyone went home, Christian's friend Jack stayed a bit longer with Michael, who was sneaky enough to buy him another drink. Michael was determined to find out as much as he could what sort of material that kid really is.

"So, Jack, how did Christian find out about the cheating in the first place?"

"Guys talk, man. And the kid was so dumb he told him everything."

"Guys talk? You mean the guy that fucked the kid?"

"Nah. Guys... I mean. Oh man... I shouldn't really be telling this, but... There is a video.

"No shit! How did you get it?" Michael asked.

"It all happened in the pub where the kid works. This other guy also works there. And they completely forgot about the cameras. Actually, the kid maybe didn't even know where they are, he just started working there, so I guess his fucker wanted it remembered. And it didn't take long before a few of us got a copy. But you know... we're trying to keep it low. 'Cause of Christian..."

And there they are, only half an hour later, in Jack's room, watching the video of Christian's slutty ex cheating on him.

It was the camera that showed the bar and a few tables nearby. The pub was closed, and Peter, the ex, was cleaning those visible tables. The other guy, known to most as Rover, was at the bar, putting some stuff away. His tall and broad appearance took up most of the view, and he definitely had very striking looks being bald and grooming a rich beard.

"Are we done over there?" He asked Peter, making him blush instantly. Michael liked what he saw - Peter is a rather short boy, with bushy black hair, some stubble and a very gentle physique. He liked them smaller. He also looked very inexperienced, which especially made his cock twitch.

"Yea, tables are spotless! What about you?" Peter asked Rover in a pretty low voice.

"I'm just about to get started, boy." He laughed teasing him. Then he took out two bottles of beer, opened them and invited Peter to come closer. Peter approached, hesitating, but eventually he reached over for one bottle. Before he could grab it, Rover pulled it back, rubbed the tip of the bottle on his swelling crotch, then handed the beer to the boy. "It just tastes better that way" he added. Peter took the beer, very excited and afraid at the same time, and sniffed it before he took a really good sip. Rover smiled and rubbed his cock through his jeans. "Good boy you are..." he said. "So, do you like the smell?"

Peter smiled uncomfortably, and nodded. He took another sip.

"Not very chatty, are we? What is it? Afraid mommy will notice you were naughty?"

"No..." Peter looked down at his sneakers. "My boyfriend will."

"Boyfriend? Pfff come on! Boyfriends like their boys naughty, don't they?"


"If I heard my boy was being naughty, I would be proud." Rover teased him. Peter took another big gulp of beer. He was very horny, he liked the way Rover was talking, the way he touched his cock from time to time. The bulge in his pants was almost surreal to Peter.

"I should go. It's very late."

"Go? Where? Are you going to your boyfriend's?" Rover asked calmly with the same devilish grin across his bearded face.

"No... not tonight." Peter was trying his best to finish his beer and run back home, unsure if he was drinking to get the strength to leave or to stay.

"Shame... you will have to jerk off alone, probably finger your hole and cum all over your belly, and then you'll slurp the cum off your belly because shy kids like you just love slurping cum... isn't that right, boy?"

Peter was shocked how direct and verbal Rover suddenly got. He could feel his cock leaking in his underwear, he could feel his body tingling from that special sensation he'd have every time he saw some similar porn. Only this was happening for real. He couldn't react. He didn't know how to react. Rover was watching him hesitate, torture himself, fight his urge to get on the knees in front of him. He loved it, it was obvious. Michael loved it too. He rubbed hic cock as he couldn't care less what Jack was thinking about it.

"Listen now," Rover said in a much deeper voice, "I've been wanting to fill you up since the day you came in here asking for a job. I want to see you walk out of this door smelling like my cock and my cum. Got it? And the funny thing is, I know we want the very fucking same thing. Don't we now?" Peter was breathing heavily as Rover approached him, placed his hand on the boy's face, rubbed it as if it were clay, opened his mouth and put his thumb inside. He then put his index finger in the boy's mouth as well, poking around, rubbing his teeth, his tongue, getting a lot of saliva around them, it was dripping down the boy's chin. He then grabbed him with his both hands and kissed him very hard, stuffing his tongue as deep as possible, savoring the boy's spit. His right hand went down to the boy's ass and gripped him tightly, exploring the area, finding the crack through the jeans, rubbing it, pressing it to his own monster cock, making sure the boy can feel it.

He finally let go, looking deep into the boy's frightened eyes, seeing such lust in them, that he knew he would make his wish come true right then. "Take off your clothes, boy." Peter hastily unbuttoned his shirt, took it off, then took off his jeans and his underwear, leaving his sneakers and his socks on. Rover looked at his feet and raised his eyebrow.

"It's... it's cold. The floor, it's cold." Peter was standing naked in the pub, his uncut cock was hard and pulsating, his nipples hard as well. He looked amazing, under someone else's control, almost completely out of his mind. His body was average, his built slim and in much need of some training, and his chest and crotch hair made a very nice decoration on his body.

"I don't care." Rover said as he took another sip of his beer. There was a moment of hesitation, but it was not more than a moment. Peter took off his sneakers, and then socks, one by one. He was now completely naked and exposed.

"Good boy. Now come here, rub your face on my cock. I want your face to smell exactly like my cock, are we clear?"

Peter nodded and knelt down on the cold dirty floor, and he could smell it even before he buried his face in Rover's crotch. It was that pungent aroma of a sweaty ball sack and unwashed cock that made his boy cock rock hard. He touched Rover's jeans with his nose, then sniffed a little. Then put his cheek on the hard cock caged in the fabric. Then, as he was just getting used to the smell, Rover grabbed the boy's head and pressed it hard into his crotch. "Rub it good, faggot! I want to smell my cock on your face, I said!"

The smell was incredible; he finally got to smell real man's sweaty balls. It was really happening.

Rover shifted a little, took the boy up and sniffed his face, then gave him another sloppy kiss. "Not bad, faggot, not bad. You smell good so far." He then turned the boy around, slapped his ass a few times, mildly at first, then groped his ass cheeks. He spread them a bit, then said "you have a boyfriend? But your hole looks brand new... fuck, you need to be worked over..."

Rover unzipped his jeans, took out his monster cock and said to the boy "first things first, fag boy. Kiss my cock, love it. Come one. Kiss it nicely. Lick it also. All the way down to the balls. Lick them too, suck on them. Try to fit one in your mouth. That's good. Fuck yes! Look at me while you suck my balls, bitch. What are you? What are you now? oh yea, sorry, you can't reply cause you're sucking balls! But let me tell you what you are, boy... you are a slut! A faggot. You like that? I know you do. All sluts do. Suck my cock now. Peel the foreskin down and lick it. Like that, yes. You're not so bad at this. Fuck yea! Fuck! Yea!"

He then took the boy and put him on the table he cleaned just a few minutes before, placed him on his back, making his hole exposed. He put the boys legs on his shoulders, adjusting him for a serious fuck. Peter was frightened. Rover's cock was much thicker than Christian's.

"Please... I..." Peter stammered.

"Please what? Are you begging me to fuck you? Are you, fag? Well aren't you lucky today?" Rover took one of the boy's socks he left neatly in his sneaker and shoved it in the boy's mouth. It was smelly enough to add to the pleasure. Rover then rubbed his cock head on the boy's hole, teasing him. He then leaned in, took a good sniff of the boy's hole, and then started licking it softly. With the tip of his tongue, he licked the hole until it got a little bit relaxed, and then he really dived into it. He licked it with his whole tongue, rubbed it, made it very wet and sloppy. When he heard the boy moan loudly, he started pushing his finger in, still eating his hole. Then slowly two fingers, making the sphincter aroused almost as much as the boy. The hole was gaping a little, asking, begging for more. There was the third finger, going in and out of the hole, as the spit made it all easier. When he felt the moment is right, Rover placed his cock head at the boy's hole and slowly and patiently he started going in. He knew those things very well: he went in only with his cock head, and then he stopped. He even pulled back a tiny bit. This drove the boy crazy! He moaned louder, he shook his whole body now as he tried pushing his body towards Rover's cock. He wanted it in, he needed it in. in his reality, at that moment, nothing was as important as that.

"Jesus, boy... you really want this cock, don't you? You want my fat cock? You want me to fuck you now? what if I pulled out? It's getting late, right? And your boyfriend...?" Rover teased him, and it only made Peter want it more. It became clear to Peter that he wanted this to happen, that he wanted this man's cock in his ass, and nothing else mattered then.

Rover slid his cock deeper now, going almost half way in. then he went in some more. He could easily feel the boy's hole adjusting to the size and girth of his cock. That whole sight made him extremely horny: a young boy cheating his boyfriend like that, being completely naked and stuck on his cock. Hooked on it, in every way. He lived for that.

He couldn't wait any more. He slid his cock all the way in, the boy moaned and tried to jerk off, but Rover wouldn't let him. He started pulling out and going back in, more aggressively each time. He moaned himself, grunted even. "Fuck! You are tighter than I hoped! Fuck! You want this cock, faggot, huh?! Look how happy you are, getting fucked like this! Filthy faggy slut!" Each thrust was getting them both nearer to climax, but Peter was first to let in. His balls contracted and when Rover saw the boy was going to jizz, he took out the sock from his mouth, cupped his cock and collected all the cum in his palm. Peter's whole body was shaking while he was cumming in Rover's palm. Still fucking him, while Peter was trying to catch his breath, Rover smeared the boy's cum all over his face, making him lick his palm clean. This made him go over the edge and he grunted very hard as he filled the boy's hole with hot thick cum.

They both stayed silent for a few seconds, trying to regain their senses, especially Peter. Rover took his cock out, letting some cum gush out as well. He took the boy's sock and wiped his cock clean with it, throwing the sock to the boy.

"You have two minutes to put your clothes on. I have to take a piss, and then I'm out of here."

While the video showed Peter put on his clothes, wipe his ass with some paper towels he could find in the bar, Michael had his cock out of his jeans. The fat cock was gleaming with precum, and he turned towards Jack, who felt rather uncomfortable, and said "Look, unless you suck me off this instant, I will cum all over your laptop. I don't want any cum stains on my jeans, alright?" Jack leaned over, put the head in his mouth and wiggling his tongue around it, he jerked off Michael's cock. It didn't take him long, before he felt hot salty cum filling his mouth. He really made sure none got out on Michael's jeans.

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