Peter Principle

By Robin Reed

Published on Jan 5, 2003


Copyright 2002 by any_mouse2003.

All rights reserved. If graphic depictions of sexual acts between consenting adults is illegal in your jurisdiction, or if you are under the age of 18, please stop reading now.

This is a work of fiction and in no way draws on the lives of any specific person or persons. Any similarity to actual persons or events is entirely coincidental. This work is copyrighted by the author and may not be reproduced in any form without the specific written permission of the author. It is assigned to the Nifty Archives under the terms of their submission agreement but it may not be copied or archived on any other site without the written permission of the author.

PLEASE: In a perfect world AIDS doesn't exist. My characters try to deal with the issue of unprotected sex but are human. I hope you use proper precautions.

The Peter Principle (Part 2)

I am not completely sure how I got home. I wasn't drunk, but I certainly was distracted. I knew I drove the white Lexus, but it was on automatic. I left the driver's window open and let the cool breeze blow through the car. I was so aroused I couldn't concentrate on anything except the taste of Eddie that was still on my lips, my tongue, and in my belly. I found myself in the parking space in front of my unit without any realization of how I had arrived there. I had an erection that strained at my jeans and all I could think of was Eddie's dark eyes and those fabulous lashes. And his soft but commanding voice and the way ironic way he laughed. And the taste of him.

I seemed always to come back to that. He had really unsettled me there in the parking garage. I submitted to the insistence of his need, and then thought we were going to get busted by the security patrol, me so down on him that my face was literally pinned on him. I was so embarrassed by the nakedness of my need. I might have would up in some tacky security room under a charge of indecent conduct, getting outted in the worst possible way and, worse, ruin my career. I'd be humiliated at the Firm.

I had started out this afternoon confident that I was in charge of my destiny, a man liberated from the shackles of marriage. Horny, perhaps, but free white and well over twenty-one. Two coincidental encounters with a young man on a Metro platform seemed to have changed a lot. I licked my lips again and turned off the car. I composed myself and got out and walked up to the stairs to my unit.

My bachelor place is on the second floor of a nice old building in Silver Springs. I have another place, out by Rockville, but gave it to someone who seemed to want it. This building was close in to the District and was built in the 1970s. The walls are made of thick honest concrete and I don't get any sounds from the other units. It had been a condo since the day it was built. I was leasing it from the owner, and because my place was on the second floor I didn't have to use the elevators in the main lobby and could come and go by any of the side doors. I usually parked near one of them and I was grateful that I wasn't liable to run into any of the neighbors in my current state of agitation. I slipped my key into the lock of the exterior door and hurried up the stairs and down the broad corridor to number 271.

I unlocked the door to my unit and went in. From where I stood I had a view of the swimming pool, the parking lot and trees. When the leaves are on the trees and the pool is full it is quite pleasant. I have a balcony where I go to smoke. I don't like the house to be all smoky, and it is cold in the winter but it is a small discipline but one that makes me feel good. Otherwise it is small and just slightly more than what a divorced guy can afford in rent.

It was dark inside, since I had left in the daytime. I decided to leave it that way. I did not want to spoil the feeling of anticipation. Eddie had told me to take care of myself when I got home and that is exactly what I intended to do. I slid off my Levi jacket and kicked my moccasins off by the door. I unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned the button of my jeans. I skinned them off and threw them on the couch. I noticed that my briefs had a dark stain from the pre-cum I had been leaking since the encounter in the parking structure. I took off my socks and threw them at my jeans. Then I hooked my thumbs in the waistband of my briefs and rolled them down. My cock jutted out, angling up to the northeast, since I am a right-hander. I was as hard as I can ever remember being, a diamond cutter of an erection. A glint of clear fluid had accumulated again on the tip even in the moment since the briefs had come off. I ran my right index finger over it and brought it to my lips, thinking of the taste of him. My preliminary discharge was slippery and nearly tasteless compared to the full load Eddie had given me but I licked my lips just the same.

I took off my turtleneck and deposited it on top of the jeans and the socks. I walked from the little living room into the single bedroom and laid down on the bed in the dim twilight. I rested my head on the decorative pillows and spread my legs wide across the comforter. I raised my knees slightly and let them splay outward. I lightly ran my left index finger down the shaft of my penis. It seemed otherworldly, not really attached to me at all, though the chills it brought meant we were connected enough. Each vein and ridge stood out in stark contrast, a thrusting tool chiseled as fine as Michaelangelo could have done. I half closed my eyes, thinking of what it would be like to be with Eddie, not just down on him, but having him by my side, or on top of me or having him ram me like a dog.

I was going to take my time with an erection this fine, and when I came and pooled my seed on my belly I was going to spoon it up with my fingers and pretend it was his.

My right hand was just taking a light circular grasp of the helmet to my raging friend when the phone rang. I looked over to the bedside, irritated at the interruption and the distraction from my erotic dream. I rose up on one elbow to look at the lit Caller ID display. I did not recognize the number, but it was local. I was tempted to let it go, but the ringing annoyed me and I picked it up to tell whoever it was I didn't want any.

"Hello?" I said. There was a pause and then a voice spoke and my heart began to race.

"Rob? This is Eddie." I was dumbstruck and said nothing. "Listen, I had your number and wanted to talk to you. I'm glad I kept one of the old office phone rosters."

"OK" I said, not knowing what else to say. My mind was racing as fast as my heart.

"Listen, I told you to go home and take care of yourself. Remember?" I sighed.

"Yes. I remember. Yes, Eddie."

"Good. Glad you can take direction. I thought you could. But I have been doing some thinking. I didn't know I was ever going to see you again, much less today. I certainly didn't have any idea just how well this was going to work out for both of us."

Us? I thought. Oh God, he called me "honey" before he left and now he said "us."

"What do you mean, Eddie?" I felt dizzy and giddy. Life doesn't change this fast. It can't. I couldn't think, and I certainly could not articulate what was swirling through my mind.

"Well, it is like this, Rob. I really enjoyed being with you on the train. I always liked you, even when you were my manager at the firm. I even confess that I wondered what it would be like to have an encounter with you, see if my suspicions about you were right. Well, I found out that I was. While I was walking back to my building I thought about it and think this might be something we can take further." If my cock had been hard before, it was now draining the rest of the blood out of my brain.

"Uh, that is fine, Eddie. I mean, OK." Whatever I meant, I didn't know. I just wanted to be with him again.

"Good. Excellent. I was hoping you would say that. Now, if that is the case, there are a couple things I want you to do for me."

"Of course. Anything, Eddie. I'd be happy to." At that moment I would have done anything he wanted me to do to ensure that I could see him again.

"OK. First, have you masturbated yet?"

"No Eddie, I haven't. I was just about to..."

"OK, that's good. Stop. I want you to stay focused on what I'm telling you." I was filled with dismay. I wanted to come so badly now. My cock was beginning to ache.

"Well, all right Eddie. But I really would like to..."

"Just stop, Rob. And listen to me. You need a little discipline. A little of that won't hurt you a bit. And don't worry, I will take care of you. You can count on that."

"Can I come to you? Or can you come here?"

"No, you did a very nice job sucking me off earlier. I appreciate that, and I'm relaxed now. But I want you to think how badly you want me all night and when you go off to work in the morning. So no beating off. You hear me?"

"Yes, Eddie" I sighed.

"I will know if you do, you know that, right?"

"Yes, Eddie." I realized that he would know, if he asked me and looked at me with those dark eyes.

"Good. Now here is the next thing and I want you to listen carefully. I think you are cute and smart, even if a little wishy-washy sometimes. I enjoyed the way you took me in your mouth when I told you to, and you have an excellent tongue and a sensitive palate. And a lot of enthusiasm. I think I can help you be exactly who you want to be. But you swallowed my cum. Now, that was good, and I can understand why you would do that. But it also indicates to me that you may have a proclivity for unprotected sex and I can't have that. From here out, or until I tell you different, you are sucking no one but me. You are certainly not going to be fucking anyone else." I breathed deeply, not completely understanding what he was saying, though in retrospect I suppose it was clear enough. Eddie spoke again, his voice slow and distinct, "I didn't hear you, Rob. I need you to swear to me that you are my partner exclusively until I decide otherwise. Or else I'll just move on." I swallowed.

"Yes, Eddie."

"Yes what, Rob?"

"Yes, I swear I won't suck anyone else."

"Say it again Rob, all of it. You can remember, right? You are a smart guy and it was only three things. Try it again from the top."

"Eddie, I will not beat off tonight. I will not suck anyone else. I will not fuck anyone else unless you tell me to." It was his turn to be brief.

"OK, then. I'm glad that is settled."

"Eddie?" I asked quietly. "I just want to be with you. Soon."

He laughed. "Rob, I have a lot more thinking to do, I haven't got all this figured out yet. I've got some ideas, though. But trust me, I am definitely going to take care of you. And I won't mind having you with me, either, honey." He had said the word again and it made my stomach feel as mushy as my cock was hard. "But in the meantime, I will call you at the office tomorrow morning. And go take a very cold shower."

"Yes, Eddie."

He hung up and I looked up at the ceiling that glowed a faint dim white. I wanted to touch myself so bad it hurt. I craved release and I could not. What had I done? And when could I be with Eddie again? I lay there for some time before the room was completely dark. Then I got up and did what Eddie told me to do. I took a very cold shower, just as he said, and my erection wilted with the reaction to the cold water. I put on my Chinese robe when I was done and left the interior lights off. I poured a glass of sherry. I walked out to the balcony and the brisk Autumn wind lifted the hem of my robe as I smoked. I waved idly to another neighbor who was a fellow exile to the balcony but could not bring myself to shout out to her. I could feel the arousal coming back and did what I could to stop thinking about it.

Inside again, I turned on the old Pioneer stereo I got at the pawn shop. I had a Walkman plugged into the Auxiliary channel, since when it was built they were still playing LPs. I played liked the old blonde wood and the speakers were decent enough even if they were old. I listened to an old Lou Reed CD, not that there are any new ones. When it ended I sat in the darkness with an empty glass. Eventually I went to bed. Under the covers I curled up and tried to think of anything but him. In time I slept. But in my dream, my left arm was under his neck, and his scent was in my nose, and my right arm rested over his trim hip and my fingers gently grasped his manhood that even soft fully spanned the length of my spread four fingers. I pressed against his slim muscular frame and I was safe and I was home.

In my dreams.

Next: Chapter 3

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