Peter in High School

Published on Mar 15, 2023


Peter in Highschool Chapter 25

Peter in Highschool


  This is an homosexual content which may contain sex between underaged guys. If you can't stand it don't read it. If reading this content is illegal in accordance with the law of the place you live, don't read it.

  If you're looking for a story only with sex, this is not for you to read. This story is going to be mostly about finding true love (of course it may have sex but always as part of a context).

  Any similarity is coincidental as it comes all from my imagination.
You are not allowed to copy this story nor any part of it.

  Chapter 25

Sweet Nick

December, 18th, 2008

    "I can't believe tomorrow is already the last day before winter break." I was saying as I was having a bite of my sandwich.

    "Yeah, it's so cool this time of the year, you know, traveling, family gatherings, lots of pictures..." Nick was saying.

    "...lots of food..." I complemented and we both giggled.

    We were having `our last lunch' of the year, as Nick won't come to school tomorrow, on our last school day, because his dad decided to hit the road tomorrow morning, already. Nick is visiting his relatives in San Diego, for this Christmas break. I guess they're staying there for two weeks.

    "You better take a lot of pictures to show me later." I said.

    "I'll miss you, you know." Nick suddenly said kind of serious.

    He looked at me with those hazel eyes, like a tiger's. And his longish hair blew with the wintry breeze. It was heart melting!

    Aaand on the top of that, he's cute, polite, kind and very, very sweet... someone you want to be around all the time because of his `aura', his own gloom... sigh... I know, I must be saying all this rubbish because I'm sooo in love *giggle*

    "This afternoon we gotta make the best of it!" Nick exclaimed, winking at me.

    "Hey, not so loud." I corrected him above a whisper.

    He started licking his finger as if there was some mayo in it... I knew there was not... then he started slowly caressing his flat abs in circle, never losing track of my gaze – a jaw dropped one.

    "Quit it." I said with a chuckle, punching him lightly on the arm and blushing a lot, like a 16 years old girl... okay, like a 17 years old boy... deeply in love... sigh.

    "I love you." he mouthed the words and then winked at me.

    He put his hands, one on each side of him, to support himself, as he was sitting on the ground, along with me and he was touching my little finger with his... we were close, our hands were barely touching. He looked at our hands then looked at my face, and smiled.

    "This afternoon it's my place, k?" he said.

    "Own, but my place is closer and... we're gonna have to waist tiiime waiting for the bus and stuff... and it's... it's `our last day'..." I complained.

    "We always go to your place. Let's make it on my bedroom today." he argued. "Please?" he pleaded with big hazel eyes... he knew I couldn't say `no'.


    We were practically running as we got out of the school door to the bus stop.

    As we were sitting on the bus, side by side, it was kind of empty, I guess because it was in the middle of the afternoon and I looked at the window for a moment. When I looked back, Nick was staring at me.

    "What?" I said, with a smile.

    "Do you remember we met on the bus, like this?" Nick recalled with a smile of his own.

    "Yeah." I simply replied.

    He put his bag between us, put his hand under the bag and grabbed mine and we were holding hands until we got to his place.

    "Do you want something to eat?" Nick asked as we entered his house.

    "Ah, not really, thanks. I guess I ate too much during lunch break." I replied.

    "Don't be such a spoiler... just say you do." he said.

    "What?" I was confused.

    "Play along... right?" he said and winked at me. I couldn't resist that charm.

    "Ok... let's have a snack!" I replied.

    "Yes, that's the spirit."

    "Do you have a spanish guitar?" I asked him as we entered the kitchen and he went towards the fridge.

    "Oh, yeah." he replied, opening the fridge.

    "Do you keep it, here, in the kitchen?" I asked, puzzled.

    He took a cake out of the fridge and he was smiling as he put it on the counter.

    I was surprised. It was a cake with my name in it, written with `M&M's, you know, chocolate cover and `PETER' in colorful chocolate!

    "Oh, man, I'm sorry." Nick said putting his hands on his head. "I made the cake myself but I guess the cover was still hot and I should've waited to put the decoration... and it's kind of messed up, see?" he said.

    It was so kind of him. It didn't look like a `bakery cake' but that's exactly why it was so sweet, I could see he made it!

    As I was taken aback, he took the guitar.

    "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear Peter, happy birthday to youuuu." he was singing.

    "What's that, my birthday is only in October..." I asked, not being able to hide the huge smile on my face... I mean, I was so happy... `though it wasn't not even close to my birthday.

    "It's just that we won't see each other for like... two weeks... that has never happened before..." he said.

    "And what about the birthday thing?" I said, as I couldn't resist and took some of the chocolate cover with my finger.

    "It's just that... I didn't really know you in October yet, so... so I didn't have a chance to celebrate with you... nor to give you anything... so I decided to make a cake... it isn't exactly like I expected but..." he trailed off and was starting to blush.

    I took the guitar out of his neck, put it aside and pulled him into a tight hug.

    "Thanks, that's the best gift, ever!" I said in his ear, kissing his cheek, again, again and again while he `ticklishily giggled'.

    I put some chocolate on my finger and put it into his mouth and he licked it and nothing looked sexier than a blond cutie sucking chocolate from your finger!

    Things were really heating up as I pressed him against the counter and got some more chocolate to lick in my finger, and again, to put it into his mouth again. I kissed his cheeks and licked the chocolate from it.

    I grabbed him and he lifted himself on the counter. We took both of our t-shirts off.

    He lifted his butt and I got his jeans off in one motion and was sucking him, as his shaft mixed with the chocolate taste in my mouth... sucking it like there was no tomorrow.

    I took my pants off and when I realized, my shaft was entering my best chef in the world... as I was standing and he was sitting on the counter, facing me, kissing my neck, holding my neck.

    We came and he wiped us with his t-shirt.

    We put our pants back and he pulled me by the hand upstairs.

    "Let's take a shower... now I'm sticky of chocolate and... mmm..." I finished with a giggle.

    As we were upstairs, he pulled me inside his room and pulled me on the bed.

    I was on my knees and he entered me as he held me by the waist, to support himself, while he took the hair off of his face.

    Then, we switched and as I was lying, with my back on the bed, he was sitting on the top of my shaft and we both erupted again.

    Nick is just the best. I wonder if I could possibly like someone else the way I like Nick... ah, probably not.

    And he's going to be away for two weeks... what am I supposed to do in this meanwhile!?

  My note

  Thanks and hugs. I'll do my best for the next chapters in Peter's and Chris's in high school get posted soon!!

  Feel free to write me at

  Do you wanna know what else happens in "Peter's world?!" then click here: Chris in Highschool

  And these are from a few years ago, but here they are, my other series (the titles are 'clickable'):
Through the rain
My angel   and
I want a friend
Take a look if you feel like.

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