Peter and Jay

By ku.oc.liamtoh@rewotelcaert

Published on Aug 10, 2008



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Thank you to everybody who's mailed me to date with feedback on this story, your emails are very much appreciated. Thank you also to everybody who has or will take the time to read this story.

-- Part 8

As the school holidays progressed, Jay came to enjoy the amount of power and control he was able to exert over the chaste Peter Beale with very little effort. They began to spend a lot of their free time together on the square and also in private. However the occasional masturbatory sessions were beginning to bore Peter as it wasn't the fun it used to be.

Peter had mentioned to Jay that he wanted some fluffy handcuffs as he wanted to spend the next half-term locked up in them. Peter also enjoyed reading erotic fictional stories on the Internet and had done for a while - prior to being chaste by Jay he had found them ideal sources for masturbational fantasies. Now his puberty-driven hormones were under Jay's control Peter couldn't relive himself on a whim but it didn't stop him reading new stories and storing their mental images in his head for later use. Peter had had a deep heart-to-heart with Jay (one of many since they'd started confiding in each other) and wanted to live out another fantasy that had recently grown to fruition in his head after reading an online story. He wanted Jay to lock and tie him up somewhere and leave him there all week being totally dependent on Jay for everything. How it would work logistically was another matter.

Jay had stopped Peter being ripped off on eBay for some fluffy cuffs and instead made his own by wrapping multiple layers of cotton wool around one cuff and painting it. By pilfering enough cotton wool from the Minute Mart when nobody was looking and carefully dipping the wool and handcuffs in some of the paint left over from his dad's carpenter jobs, Jay was able to make a pretty decent replica for the grand price of bugger all, though he didn't tell Peter that.

Peter was extremely grateful for this unexpected gift and they were used the same evening when Jay handcuffed him to a chair in Peter's bedroom, removed his chastity belt and masturbated him solid for four hours straight due to Jay going away for a couple of days with his dad. It was only a small change but the feeling of fluff on his wrists was enough to bring a spark back to this charade.

A few days later, Jay let Peter wank himself off for the first time in four months. As Peter sat cageless on the edge of Jay's bed with his trousers round his ankles and his shirt off, he let Jay's hands guide his own over his penis. Peter watched as he bought himself to erection through Jay's guidance.

"Get a stiffy," said Jay quietly. "Then the trick is this." He demonstrated using Peter's hands, varying the speed of stimulation and also applying very slight pressure. "Slight. Full strokes, not that crappy way you do it." Peter watched as his cupped hand went up and down the full length of his erect penis, not just the upper half as he'd been doing previously.

"Thought I was missing something!" said Peter as though a light bulb had gone off in his head.

"Fancy a go?" asked Jay. Peter nodded so Jay let go of his hands leaving Peter to do the work. Try as he might, as he did it to himself the deed lost its sparkle. "Flog the whole thing! Don't be a fucking ponce, it ain't gonna drop off!" said Jay encouragingly. "Slight pressure." Peter gently squeezed his penis slightly and found the gem again. He found it hard to squeeze his manhood and flog it at the same time.

"I can't do it," whined Peter. "I can't squeeze and flog."

"Keep the stiffy!" ordered Jay, disappearing out the door. He came back with a bar of soap he'd grabbed out of the bathroom and a large beaker of water. He dropped the bar of soap into the beaker and held it next to Peter. "Get the soap with that hand," he said, pointing to Peter's left, "lather it up and flog your dick with that."

Peter followed this strange sounding request and soon had soapy foam all over his bits, making it nice and slippy. Now he found it far easier to squeeze and flog, though he had to be careful not to hit himself in the scrotum as his hand went up and down his penis like an ice-rink.

"Ooh, I think I have to shoot soon," he moaned to Jay. Putting the beaker on a nearby table and pulling it over next to Peter, Jay clambered on the bed and knelt down behind Peter to look down his body at the soap-covered blood filled organ in Peter's hands.

"Get to your cum point," whispered Jay. "Don't let your dick go down but don't let yourself cum, or else."

"Think I'm there," said Peter quietly. As he looked down Jay wrapped his arms around Peter's lower body to gently take hold of his penis through Peter's hands. This moment felt incredibly sexy for both boys but Peter didn't have time to dwell on it as Jay then used Peter's hands to hold the boy on the point of no return, where Peter desperately wanted to shoot his load but Jay wouldn't let him - he had control.

As Jay held the boy on this delicate balance, he could hear Peter beginning to breathe deeply. He could feel the boy's heartbeat getting ever more intense.

"Keep it up," whispered Jay. "Be good, doing well. Hold it Pete, hold it, stay with it, hold it. Good boy." He then noticed beads of sweat beginning to run down Peter's back as the pressure down under bubbled up. Peter opened his mouth as if to speak but no words came up. "Nobody's in," Jay continued. "Just us. Gasp, shout and scream if you want but don't fucking shoot."

Peter again tried to utter sounds to no avail - he was only able to gasp and splutter. After taking a deep breath Peter found himself able to moan and groan vocally, though unable to string a sentence together as he simply stared at his penis. This was simply torture - Peter felt like his penis was about to explode.

"90 seconds!" whispered Jay, glancing up at the clock. "Good boy! Do three minutes and I might just like treat you to that fantasy you wanted. Total fucking dependence on me for a whole week. Show us you want it, you queer." Peter was now actively sweating, unsure if he could last another 90 seconds of hell. Peter closed his eyes and saw visions of the fantasy coming to life in his mind's eye as beads of sweat dripped off and onto Jay's clothing. How he was going to put up with this for ten minutes in the future Peter didn't know.

"Let me go," moaned Peter. "No more..."

"Alright Pete, nearly there. Few more seconds. Keep going." As the three minute mark approached, he whispered instructions into Peter's ear. "When I let go, wank quickly, else you'll lose it. Wank yourself off, wanker. Get ready." On the three minute mark, Jay let go of Peter and scrambled off the bed. "Wank! Go on, wank yourself!"

He watched as Peter, now tired and exhausted, made a feeble attempt to beat himself off to climax. He pumped and pumped, making no real headway. Sweat poured down his body like there was no tomorrow and something clicked inside Jay's head at the sight of a sweaty Peter. He ordered Peter to hold his erection while Jay disappeared into the bathroom to run a bath. He didn't fancy sleeping in a sweat-drenched bed.

On his return, Jay pulled Peter's footwear and trousers off his body and continued to torment Peter's head by taking control of the boy's penis again and continuing to hold him on the point of no return, forcing Peter to sit on his hands. The boy had been in agony for the best part of five minutes now and he couldn't do anything about it, he knew only Jay had the strength now to finish him off.

"Come with us," whispered Jay quietly into Peter's ears. Jay gently pulled the boy to his feet and pulled him into the bathroom by his penis. Peter was too upset in his mind to argue, but he felt like his penis was on fire and it took all his self-control to keep his hands behind his back. With relative ease, Jay stopped filling the bath, tested the water with his elbow and pulled the sweat-drenched Peter towards the bath, all without releasing his penis. With relative dexterity, Jay was able to strip himself naked without releasing Peter, so he guided the obscenely horny and now quivering teenager into the bath and knelt him down, keeping his genitals above the water line.

Jay knelt down in the bath cross-legged and continued to manipulate Peter for a short while before lathering his hands up and finishing the boy off, keeping his penis pointing back at its owner. Peter shot a load of semen so hard out of his penis it flew up his chest and straight into his face with an unsatisfying splat. Without hesitation, Jay put his hand up to Peter's face, scooped up some of the semen on his finger and forced it into Peter's mouth. He took two or three finger scoops of this before Peter had relaxed enough to think about washing it off his face. He also quickly ran his hands over his damp upper body to wash the sweat away and sat down properly.

Peter could then only watch as Jay reached for his jacket and produced a bottle of something from it which ended up on the side cabinet. Peter eyed Jay's backside up as he leaned over trying desperately not to be seen as gagging for it but it was hard not to stare. He watched as Jay knelt down in the bath again and simply stared at him, taking deep breaths to recompose himself after the monster of all ejaculations.

They sat quietly for about ten minutes, gazing at each other as Peter took in what had just happened. Jay eventually motioned to Peter to uncross his legs and straddle them either side of Jay's torso. Jay eventually did the same and so began a shuffle session. The boys gradually moved closer together until their limp penises were touching.

Jay grabbed the bottle he'd put on the side a few minutes earlier and waved it under Peter's nose. The boy asked what you do with it.

"It's chocolate body sauce. What do you think you do with it, shove it up your arse? Just paint it on and, you'll love this Pete, you can lick it off." Peter's eyes grew in size tremendously at the thought of this.

The boys changed position and kneeled up in the bathtub once again, and Jay took the first initiative, unscrewing the cap off the bottle and squirted it onto his finger. As a test he drew patterns on Peter's face with the sauce, while Peter drew a lop-sided chocolate heart symbol on Jay's damp torso using the kid's belly button as the bottom of the heart and his nipples as guides to the top-most part of the symbol. This turned Peter on badly again, he never knew painting could be so sexy. Peter smudged the chocolate inwards in a half-arsed attempt to fill the shape in.

Jay squirted some more sauce onto his finger and put it to Peter's lips, forcing him to open his mouth. Peter eagerly licked and sucked off the chocolate sauce from Jay's finger. It was too much for him to resist from then on in; Peter leaned forward and began to lick the chocolate from Jay's body. Jay meanwhile was trying hopelessly to squirt more sauce onto Peter's body but the sensations of Peter's rough tongue running up and down his own body proved too much for Jay to ignore so he ate that bit of sauce himself. An erection soon followed that he couldn't control or satisfy as Peter's head was in the way.

Peter couldn't get enough of the chocolate sauce that seemingly stared at him from the torso of the boy he'd somehow managed to fall in love with, befriend and turn over all his sexual whims to. As his tongue went up and down Jay's body, it was like being in heaven. The chocolate came off easily as it was designed to, and Peter could see his saliva glistening on Jay's body in the artificial light from above. Beauty was most definitely in the eye of the beholder, and Peter was looking at it.

Peter knelt back up again, rubbed some chocolate sauce across his chest and upper stomach, and tried to entice Jay to lick it off him. Jay hesitated because this was seriously breaking his comfort zone. Peter forced the situation to a conclusion by pulling Jay's head towards his chest. Gingerly the boy began to lap up the sauce but Jay was more inclined to do things to others rather than have them done to him. The idea of not being in control of any given situation frightened him, to a point where it was more in his nature to create a new situation to own.

Jay broke away from Peter at this point, his comfort zone having been truely violated. He knelt back down in the bath and recomposed himself.

Jay grabbed the jug, filled it with some fresh warm water and poured it over Peter's head catching him off guard. Peter retaliated by splashing Jay with the water in the bath, followed by the two boys having a quick tickle fight with each other causing the bath to oveflow.

Ultimately though Peter ended up wrapped in Jay's arms as they snuggled up close enjoying each other's company. They swapped positions at some point and Jay could feel a developing Peter erection along his back.

They stayed in each other's arms in the bath until the bathwater had lost all its heat. The boys used the opportunity to lightly bathe each other as well as talk about their relationship. As Peter ran a soapy sponge over Jay's back, he had visions of taking this encounter to a new level. He'd never felt happier, he'd never had a serious relationship before and he just wanted to tell everybody about this one by shouting about it from the rooftops.

Jay had developed real feelings for Peter. He had been so incredibly nasty and horrible to Peter that if it had been anybody else he'd have been accused of an attitude problem and frogmarched home. Yet Peter had soaked up everything Jay had thrown at him and now he was here, sharing the same bath with no ill-feelings, resting his head on Jay's shoulder blades. All Jay had ever wanted was some love, attention and some one-to-one time, and Peter had provided everything and a little bit more. Being given control of Peter's sexual whims was probably the best thing that had happened to both of them as their masturbatory sessions was pure quality time.

After they'd been in the bath together for near enough two and a half hours, the session was bought to an abrupt halt with Jase banging on the door demanding to use the toilet. Jay rang the house number from his mobile phone that had been in his pocket when he pulled Peter into the bathroom, forcing Jase to leave to answer it. In his absence, Jay ordered Peter out of the bathroom and back into his bedroom. Jay emptied the bath, wrapped a towel around himself and left the bathroom, nearly kncked over by his father's mad dash into the bathoom for a slash he'd waited over an hour for.

"Sleep with me tonight?" he whispered quietly. The question caught Jay off-guard until Peter clarified it. "Next to me, that's all. I'd like that. Great end to the night."

"Sure," said Jay soothingly. He pulled out a T-shirt and some long-legged shorts. "Wear these tonight."

Peter put the clothes on, climbed into Jay's single bed first and took the side nearest the window. After locking the door, Jay joined him. By now Peter had managed to recover some of his energy after shooting most of it out through his penis. However he still felt tired and was prone to falling asleep at any moment.

"I'm lucky to know you," said Peter to Jay. "I'm so grateful to you for tonight and previous days. How can I make it up to you?"

"Its cool, seriously," replied Jay. "I don't want nothing."

"You know, I thought you were really horrible at first. I didn't like you after you made me break into my Auntie Pauline's house. But now, you're not so bad now your dad's turned up."

"You're still a jug-eared wuss though and your dad's been here all along. Surely you can run 25 odd miles across London, would still have strength to wank himself off!" teased Jay.

"Yeah well least I've got a job!"

"Selling oranges and lemons is not a fucking proper job, like. Why not get a paper round? Then you can give it me."

"Dad would go spare. I reckon he has moths living in his wallet," whispered Peter. This forced a smile on Jay's face.

"Moths would never get in granddad's wallet, it were always open in The Vic!" laughed Jay. "Now Dad on the other hand, well that's different. He's trying to calm me down, like. Ain't gonna work though is it?" Jay turned over to see Peter had fallen asleep. He gently kissed him on the forehead and stroked his blonde hair for a while, admiring Peter's facial features. He never thought he could fall for another boy, but he couldn't stop thinking how Peter had been ever so nice to him while Jay was effectively shovelling shit down Peter's throat in the form of homophobic remarks. Jay knew deep down he owed Peter that domination fantasy he so craved to make it up to him. Jay kissed Peter again and settled down to sleep himself.

Early the next morning, the grating sound of the buzzer alarm went off awakening Jay instantly. Having switched it off, he sat up and rubbed his eyes. Glancing round to his left there was Peter, still sound asleep now face-down on the bed.

Rolling out of bed, Jay's bare feet hit the carpeted floor and he unbolted the door to find breakfast. His father Jase wasn't up yet. Through early morning bleary eyes, Jay poured two bowls of cereal and some orange juice onto a breakfast tray and went back into the bedroom.

Finally he was able to waken heavy sleeper Peter who was only too pleased to accept this basic breakfast. He'd woken up with an erection, the first in four months.

"Thank you for sleeping in the bed with me last night," said Peter inbetween mouthfuls of cereal. "I woke up twice to go bathroom and found you still there. Thanks Jay."

"No problem," replied Jay. "I don't wanna shag you though."

"Jay!" exclaimed Peter. "I'm eating! Anyway can't shag, won't shag until 16 anyway."

"Maybe a sexy girl with big tits you'll have found by then. You can shag her then."

"Some days," said Peter. "I wake up and feel gay. Other days I don't.

Like I don't know how I want to feel. Do I like boys or do I like girls today?"


"Think I'll pass," said Peter. "Yeah I know, I'm growing up." Jay finished up his cereal and clambered off the bed. Peter changed into the clothes he was wearing last night and grabbed his stuff.

"Thank you," he whispered again. "That wank was brilliant. Better than any treat." He hugged Jay to show appreciation. "Anyway I'd better be getting back. I'll see you."

"Before you go," said Jay. "Do you want this?" He offered Peter the chastity belt back again. "Up to you. I ain't gonna say nothing to ya old man ever after last night so I don't need this no more." Peter looked at this lump of metal that had changed the way he masturbated by becoming dependent on Jay for the same effect. It had forced him to befriend, listen to and respect Jay as a person, and Peter knew that for Jay it had given him the company and one-to-one time he had been craving for years. Peter took the belt home with him as a keepsake and as an option to potentially curb his excessive masturbatory sessions caused by the hormones.


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Next: Chapter 9

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