Peter and Jay

By ku.oc.liamtoh@rewotelcaert

Published on Jun 1, 2008



-- Part 7

Jay knew exactly what Peter was thinking. He had the kid in an awkward position, fastened up tightly and securely in a chastity belt with the knowledge that boy's only options were worse than this one. Jay intended to hit the kid where it hurt, and he knew in Peter's case, it hurt him not to wank.

"Lock me up," said Peter quietly and reluctantly after a long period of deliberation. "I can't let my dad find out." A smile broke out across Jay's face and he took his tracksuit top off to reveal a white T-Shirt underneath it. He observed from the corner of his eye that Peter was following him, so just to be awkward, Jay removed his own shirt as well and stood there shirtless in view of Peter.

The naked, blonde and now locked-up schoolboy didn't know what to do with himself. He had wanted this for a while now, to see somebody he loved with no shirt on. Peter allowed his eyes to roll up and down Jay's torso. He had more of a tan than Peter as well an outie belly button. Peter didn't quite know how to react to this and could do nothing but stare at Jay's upper body complete with gold chain round the neck.

"Do you want this, you gay tosspot?" mocked Jay, pointing to his body. He moved closer to Peter, removed his shoes and socks and climbed up onto the bed. He sat himself on Peter's upper legs just in front of his now caged genitals. "Oh dear," he mocked. "Somebody's done you up. Pity." He leaned forward to poke his index finger into Peter's slightly sticky navel just as he had done previously on the football pitch.

"Ooh," gasped Peter. He had a sudden emotional rush as he had done previously, only this time quickly overpowered by a throbbing sensation in his groin. The device Jay had fitted was doing its job and it now hurt Peter to get even a slight erection. He complained to Jay but was told to get used to it.

Peter now could not control himself. The sensation of Jay running his finger round Peter's belly button was exhilarating, mixed in with being able to stare at Jay's bare upper body. He felt an urge building up in his body and increasing pressure on his penis. Eventually Peter had to really try and abandon the thoughts that were driving this in order to relieve the pain in his groin.

Jay checked extensively that the cage was not going to come free easily, in fact he had previously worked out that if the belt was removed without being unlocked it would rip the boy's penis from his body. Peter hadn't checked such details when he bought it on eBay. Once Jay was happy that Peter would be unable to stimulate himself in any way, he removed the boy's handcuffs.

He was totally unprepared for what Peter did next - he hugged Jay. He pleaded thank-yous for not blowing the secret. He pleaded thank-yous for jacking him off eight times solid and he pleaded thank-yous for not going public with the entire saga.

"I love what you do to me," said Peter. At that point, he pulled his head back and cocked it sideways prepared to kiss Jay on the lips. Jay saw this coming but made no attempt to avoid it. He let Peter kiss him full on and then he felt compelled to return the favour.

Despite his original plans to string the kid along, Jay knew immediately as soon as they'd kissed that he had emotionally attached himself to Peter and it would be hard to break it off otherwise. He figured rather than keep making rods for his own back, might as well go with the flow. Only the sound of the back door opened pulled the two boys apart.

"Peter?" came the voice of Ian. "Peter, are you up there?" Almost immediately, Jay jumped off the bed and pulled his shirt back over his head, while Peter hurriedly dressed. He was impressed at how little a bulge his new device left.

"Yes dad?" he called. Ian came up the stairs and into Peter's room.

"Where have you been? Why didn't you go to athletics? If you don't want to go anymore, just say, I'll cancel the Direct Debit."

"I do want to go. I've just been a bit tied up here with some homework I found," replied Peter, sending Jay a wry smile.

"And what's Jay doing here? I thought he was bullying you."

"And I said I ain't!" said Jay. "You'd know about it."

"We're good friends dad," said Peter. "He's going to show me how to be cool." Jay shot Peter a dirty look at this comment.

"New clothes, new room and new attitude I think," replied Jay, getting to his feet.

"Great, that's all I need, a teenage son with an attitude problem," sighed Ian. "But you're not going to get to London 2012, Peter, if you don't go to training. Can you please buck up your ideas or I'll have to withdraw you."

"Sorry dad. I'll try harder next time," said Peter.

"Good sport. I know its Sunday and all but do you fancy some chips?" asked Ian.

"Please," said Jay.

"You're not having any!" exclaimed Ian. He glanced over at Peter who had put an expression of pity and sorrow on his face, a trick he had learned at a young age to get what he wanted. "Okay, Jay can have some chips as well. Just don't look at me like that with cow eyes!" Peter and Jay hi-fived each other as Ian left.

It took a bit of getting used to for Peter to walk about with a new device enslaving his genitals, but it didn't hurt aside from when he was erect enough. Fortunately, he was able to hide it from his family and people he saw on the square, but as Peter became increasingly horny as the hours passed, he had to find Jay.

By Wednesday, Peter had been in the device for four days. Now he was thankful to Jay for pumping him dry of semen at the weekend, otherwise he would have only lasted no more than twelve hours. Unfortunately for him, Jase had taken his son out for the day, leaving poor Peter trapped in his chastity cage with a heavy urge to masturbate. Everything he did sent vibrations to his horny penis, as if to taunt and mock him. Even a simple trip to the bathroom caused his horny state to come to the front of Peter's mind. he was seriously tempted to Google the belt's model to dismantle it - after all, he'd bought the damn thing on eBay and Googled the thing before he bought it so Peter knew all along what he'd be getting into, so to speak. However he couldn't dare upset the boat with Jay so Peter managed to get through the day as best he could.

Luck was on Peter's side that night, for he was fortunate enough to experience a lucid dream - he and Jay together naked in a bedroom somewhere. Being able to control most things in the dream, Peter was able to live out some wants he'd developed - he had wild, passionate sexual intercourse with Jay twice over, followed by his father's blessing to Peter that he could "have it off" with Jay at any time, ending with Peter's arranging a suck-off between himself, Jay, Darren and Ben. Here, Peter was able to suck the three other boys off in one go while Jay and Ben sucked him off at the same time. Semen flowed down Peter's throat like water from a tap. He so wanted to do this in real life, suck other boys off.

Unfortunately for Peter, he suddenly woke up with a masturbational urge to scratch. Panting, he glaced at his bedside clock - 3:49am - and slid his hand down his pyjama bottoms to satisfy his urge. When Peter couldn't find his penis, he switched on the bedside light in a fit of mild panic and pushed his pyjama bottoms down. Once he had stopped squinting, Peter saw the reflection of the light bouncing off his chastity belt. Then everything came back to him - he had let Jay lock him up so he didn't tell Ian that his son was gay.

His dream had left the boy incredibly horny and Peter could feel his penis straining against the tube limits of his belt - it would not be getting erect tonight. In frustration Peter flicked off the light and punched the pillow. He then quietly sobbed himself back to sleep as his dream went round in his head generating a migrain.

Early the next day, Peter hurriedly dressed, visited the bathroom, wolfed down some breakfast downstairs and ran off to find Jay, not bothering to comb his hair or brush his teeth. He had only one thing on his mind now - he had to masturbate and he had to masturbate now, if not sooner.

It took Peter the best part of an hour to persuade Jay to relieve him. Active begging, pleading, buying Jay pieces of tat off the marketplace, anything for a wank. Eventually Jay gave in, just to shut Peter up. He took the boy to the Brown house and Jay's bedroom. Within the hour, Peter found himself handcuffed four-point restraint on the bed, blindfold and naked once again. He listened as he heard the faint click of a lock being undone. He then felt cold air briefly on his penis, followed by the sound of rustling and a tissue pad of some sort being rubbed around his penis area.

"Baby wipes," said Jay. As he wiped Peter's genital area down with the wipes, he looked over Peter's body. He lay there as naked as the day he was born. Jay had had the idea to blindfold the boy on this occasion, just for fun. They were the only people in the house.

Jay disposed of the wipe he'd been using on Peter and picked up Peter's chastity cage. "Just off to the bog." He left the room, leaving Peter to dwell - he could not get Jay out of his mind. The chav schoolboy had grown on him like moss. They hadn't shared anymore kisses, mainly because Jay saw him more as a friend than a lover.

Peter heard the door swing open and close. As he felt Jay's presence move towards the bed, Peter tensed up waiting for the boy's warm hand to gently take hold of his penis.

He felt something sticky dripping onto his penis quickly followed by the warmth of Jay's hand stimuating him. It took only a dozen strokes for Peter to shoot his load, thanks to his horny dream the night before. This relieved the pressure on Peter enormously and made him feel much better.

With little conversation between the two boys, Peter just went with the flow and lay there as Jay emptied him of semen over the next few hours. Inside himself he was heavily disappointed when the sound of a lock being done up fell on his ears at the end of the session. Jay removed his restraints and bid Peter farewall. Obviously not in the mood.

Sunday came round again, school was due to start again the next day and Peter had thoughts about his new game. He spoke to Jay about it while the chav schoolboy jacked him off once again. This time the pair were up the allotments behind a bush with Peter's hands cuffed behind him and to the fence while Jay prepared for pumping. Peter was stark naked and his ankles had been tied together. As he was about to speak Peter saw Jay pull a bottle out of his bag.

"This makes it easier for me to wank you off. It don't hurt. We did this last time." He squirted a small amount on his hand and held it to Peter's nose.

"Smells like soap," said the naked Peter. "How's it work then?"

"Top set and you haven't got a fucking clue how this works?" asked Jay. "You must be sheltered."

"How do you mean?"

"You'll see. Anyway this stuff lets my hand go up and down your dick easier, get more cum out of you and you enjoy it more."

Peter watched Jay as he squirted the lubricant onto Peter's penis, gently took hold of it with his warm hand and glided up and down his shaft effortlessly.

Peter could only stare in wonder at this new development, he'd never used lubrication before and was amazed at how far gone he was after only a few strokes. It was like discovering masturbation all over again. It felt like his penis was on fire with every stroke that passed.

Peter writhed around and breathed heavily as he felt the tensions rising inside his scrotum, resulting in a powerful burst of wet semen that splattered onto the bottom of his chest.

"You like that?" asked Jay. Peter nodded eagerly, continuing to breathe deeply. "Let's try this. Keep your legs down." Jay positioned himself at Peter's knees within easy reach of both the boy's feet and his penis. He squirted some lubrication onto the soles of Peter's feet and more onto his penis. In a co-ordinated effort of multi-tasking, Jay was able to stimulate Peter's penis and tickle his feet at the same time. It hurt his shoulders but he was just about able to do it.

This setup really turned Peter on. As his penis became subject to more and more lubrication, it became an effectice ice-rink for Jay's hand. The wetter it became, the hornier Peter felt. Once he had shot his second load, comparable to the first load, Peter knew in the back of his mind he could do this all day.

For Peter's third shoot, Jay went back to tried and tested methods. He dripped some lubrication into Peter's belly button and ran it round with his little finger, again continuing to stroke the boy's penis which now shone in the sunlight. As before, this was a new sensation for Peter and pushed his hormone levels sky high. After the boy had shot his load for the third time, he was surprised that he'd managed to push out three similiarly-sized loads, the first two of which had now run back down his body.

Jay had now run out of places in which to apply lubrication so he concentrated on beating Peter off for as long as the lubricant lasted. Three hours, seven orgasms and two dry orgasms later, Jay decided his work was done. A now very sleepy Peter had to keep checking his genitals were still on his body with downward glances. Jay cleaned Peter's body up and reached for Peter's chastity device.

"How long do I have to wear this thing for?" asked Peter wearily.

"Until I say so. Depends on how keen you are for me to keep schtum," replied Jay bluntly. "I dunno, a year perhaps?

"A year? With relief I hope?"

"You know what mate, I could just fuck off now and you'd never be able to wank again," retorted Jay as he fitted the device back into place.

"Um, you are going to take this thing off when we go to school tomorrow?" asked Peter, suddenly wide awake again.

"Um, no," replied Jay in a blunt mocking fashion. "You might wank."

"I'm hardly going to get my nob out during Maths, am I?"

"You wank when I say you can wank. End of."

"But PE showers! The other boys will see me in this thing!" said Peter, a hint of panic in his voice.

"Not my fucking problem. Do I have tell your old man?" Peter shook his head. "So stop bloody moaning." He turned the lock, pocketed the key and freed Peter from the fence and his restraints. He gazed at Peter as he hurriedly dressed himself.

By the start of the new half term the next day, Jay had had a change of heart. Because Peter's P.E. classes were the lesson before lunch on Wednesday and the last lesson of the day on Friday, Jay informed Peter that he would remove the device in the boys toilets in the changeover period before his P.E. lessons on the understanding that Peter would be bound under the Honor System to report any penile access during this time. It would mean Peter would only be unlocked for two hours a week.

This arrangement worked well for both boys and it took them through to the start of the six week summer holidays. Throughout the half term, Jay deliberately manipulated Peter's emotions to keep him sexually frustrated and dependent on Jay for any relief - and introduced a new rule for Peter that he was not to leave himself alone during P.E. lessons, especially during showers. To Jay's surprise, Peter always did what he was told and stuck to this. Even after Peter was complained at for seemingly following the two boys who sat next to him in the changing rooms. Jay was sure that if he told Peter to jump off a cliff he'd do it.

As the holidays drew close, Peter found himself emotionally attached to Jay. He hadn't initially been keen on the idea of Jay controlling when he could jack off, but now he could not get enough of the idea, especially after the lubrication escapade. Peter had gone from daily jack-offs to maybe twice a week and his climaxes felt a damn sight better. This was where he had gone wrong before, he was sure of it. In fact, the thought of Jay's warm hand on his penis was enough to get him going.

Jay had tried to draw himself away from Peter. In the back of his mind, he knew he could not abandon Peter for good as he had the key to Peter's cock device. However, Jay knew he loved having Peter under his thumb and punishing the kid for sub-standard homework was simply a case of not allowing him to have a wankfor a while, in the knowledge Peter would be climbing the walls three days later begging for it. However, this came at a price and Jay could not shake off Peter, in fact manipulating the boy's desires had had the opposite effect to what he was hoping.

Without telling Peter, Jay had painted out Peter's genitals on the photos he had taken, uploaded them and posted them on the paedo site he'd found. He continued to observe the site for a while, noting down various comments that others had made about how "cute" Peter was. Once the video had been posted and subsequently pulled from YouTube, Jay put it back up on the paedo site and collected the mad rush of comments that followed. The video was subsequently pulled but it didn't matter, it had done its job.

As soon as school was out for the summer, Peter caught Jay up in the mad dash for the exit. They disappeared off to 15a Turpin Road via the allotments, Peter's memories of wandering around naked stood fresh in his mind.

"I need to talk to you," said Peter, sitting on the bed. "I think I have a confession."

"Go on," said Jay, sitting down beside him. Peter fumbled over his words for a short period and then spoke.

"The last two months. I've had some feelings about them and what we've done together. I think I'm in love with you, Jay."

"You did kiss me."

"I don't suppose you love me as well?" asked Peter.

"I have to say something too," said Jay, hastily changing the subject. "I put you on that paedo site."

"What?" said Peter, startled. He felt degraded, humiliated, disgusted with himself, sick to the stomach.

"You pulled!" said Jay, pulling out sixteen sheets of comments he had printed from the website. "I removed your dick from the photos but you have twenty seven admirers. They wanted the full series!"

As Peter read through the comments which analysed every little visible bit of his naked body with black digital paint brush strokes slapped strategically across his genitals, he suddenly felt a lot better when Jay told him he'd received more comments than anything else posted in the previous three months.

"I forgive you for the pictures. Anyway, I want to know - since I admitted I love you, I don't suppose you love me?"

"Uh," started Jay. He turned towards Peter and ran his fingers through Peter's silky blonde hair. "You are handsome, I'll give you that. Your hair, that's a babe magnet." He moved his hand down towards Peter's face and stroked his cheek.

"Jay," whispered Peter. "I'm so confused, I don't know what to think."

"How about this," whispered Jay back. He leaned over to Peter and gently kissed him on the cheek. "Whatcha thinking?"

"I want you so badly, I want you all to myself."

"Hold up Blondie! I'm not gay, I do want a bit of totty! Your sister's hot as is that fit bird from the pub!" At this point Peter leaned straight in with a full-blown peck on the lips. As Jay returned the kiss, Peter decided to try to milk the opportunity for all it was worth.

He shuffled along on the bed, about as close as he could get to Jay without actually sitting on him and tried to wrap his arms around Jay's back. To his surprise, Jay offered no resistance. He waited as Peter's hands went up and down Jay's back and sides like a security gate check officer.

By now, Jay was fully converted. He didn't want to be anywhere else and he didn't want to be with anybody else. He wanted Peter. Jay knew he had had to stop himself before it went this far but it felt so good. Peter's hands had fretted Jay's upper torso pretty thoroughly by now so he broke the kiss with Jay off and asked a question he had wanted to ask for so long now.

"Can I jack you off please?" he whispered in Jay's ear. "I'd jack me off but somebody's locked me up." Jay had doubts but thought he should share. He dropped his trousers along with his boxer shorts and knelt down in front of Peter.

"Yours isn't much bigger than mine!" exclaimed Peter.

"At least mine ain't hiding behind a cage!" retorted Jay. Peter gingerly put out his hand towards Jay's penis and gently took hold of it. He sat there for a while in this position, savouring the moment. Then he gently squeezed it and began to treat Jay's penis as if it were his own.

Peter was able to bring Jay to an erection but it took more effort to bring him anywhere near climax and it became increasingly obvious to Peter that Jay had little testosterone inside him so it would be a fruitless exercise to get any semen out of the boy. Jay knew that he needed extra help to get himself off - usually a porn magazine. Another boy holding his genitals didn't do it for him.

"You're not on puberty yet," said Peter. "You'll know when you get there. You may as well put your willy away." Jay pulled his trousers up and produced a small key and a pair of handcuffs.

"I might not be ready but I know somebody who is!" mocked Jay. Peter had been meaning to ask Jay for a wank, having gone cold turkey for three days. He let Jay handcuff his wrists behind his back, remove his trousers and pull his shirt up over his head to expose Peter's naked upper body.

"I'd like to jack you off when you get ready," said Peter as Jay removed the cage. "I'd like that a lot."

"Yeah okay, I'd like that too. But until then, your dick is mine!" With that, Jay grabbed Peter's penis and began to pump it, with an aim getting all the semen out of Peter's body and onto his stomach.

"Excellent!" exclaimed Peter as he shot one load followed by another a few minutes later. The residue collected on Peter's stomach and dripped into his belly button.

"You need me," taunted Jay, squeezing Peter's penis as he spoke. "You're a fag ass pooftah and don't you forget it. Admit it. Go on, say you're a big fag."

"I'm a fag. I need you, Jay. Please, promise me we'll grow up together and you beat me off and I beat you off and..."

"Shhh," said Jay quietly, putting his finger on Peter's lips. Jay pushed Peter onto the bed, lay him down flat and knelt either side of Peter's lower chest just above his semen-stained stomach. He reached behind his back and put his finger into Peter's navel. Using his finger, he scooped up some semen and bought his hand back into Peter's eyeline. This finger he put next to Peter's lips. "Eat it."

"Um, no."

"You made it. So you can eat it." He observed Peter's trademark expression of wide eyes and a pained expression. "Faggot boy, I ain't gonna make you do stuff that ain't safe. It's ain't gonna kill ya." He forced his finger into Peter's mouth. "Eat it. Lick it off my finger. Come on, I ain't got all day, you fucking wuss." Hesitating, Peter gradually licked his own semen sample off Jay's finger. He wasn't happy about it, but Jay was virtually halfway down his throat already.

"Tastes sugary," was Peter's response when Jay asked him what it tasted like. "Not at all like I thought it would taste."

"Perhaps when I make cum you can drink it straight out of me since ya like it so much," said Jay. Peter pulled a slightly disgusted face at this, but he had read other online stories where this had happened to other characters and the idea had turned him on.

"Think I'll pass."

"Or maybe I'll wank myself dry," said Jay, reducing his voice to a whisper as he moved in towards Peter's face. "I'll cover myself in cum and you can lick it off me." The expression on Peter's face was priceless. "You'd like that, wouldn't ya? Your tongue all over my naked body." With that, Jay moved further forward and the two boys exchanged another kiss on the lips, the idea of Peter licking semen off Jay was turning both of them on.

As Jay kissed, Peter could feel his penis becoming hard again. He now really wanted to carass Jay's body again but his restraints stopped him. At that moment, another idea entered Peter's head. He opened his mouth to allow Jay's tongue to fall in. To his surprise, Jay offered no resistance to this and allowed Peter to put his tongue in his own mouth. To Peter's delight, he could feel Jay squirming about on top of him as well.

After a few moments, Peter was sure he could feel something digging into his lower chest. He quickly turned his head away to break off the kiss. He could feel Jay's breath on his neck.

"You got a stiffy?" he asked Jay. "Is that I can feel poking me?" Jay quietly nodded, breathing heavily and deeply. He had nothing to hide anymore, it was pointless even denying it. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

"Thanks mate. Listen, any grief grief at school next year, come find me, I'll sort them out." He leaned in to Peter and whispered into his ear. "Only me to call you 'Faggot Boy', okay?" Peter quietly chuckled at this and turned his head back.

"Where were we?" Peter asked rhetorically. He then watched as Jay sat up and peeled off his tracksuit top and T-Shirt to expose his boyish upper body. Throwing the clothes to one side, he repositioned himself on top of Peter's naked body. "Oh yeah, I remember!" said Peter, as Jay moved in to re-embrace. Peter adored the sound of Jay's bare flesh writhing around on top of his, and his penis was going again. Thanks to Jay's speech earlier Peter now had visions of new things to do with Jay next year - things that he found super-attractive, super-sexy and hopefully super-real. These sent his hormone levels to new heights.

After a few more minutes of kissing and tongue-action, Jay rolled off Peter's body to lie next to him on the edge of the bed. He noticed that the boy was rock hard in the genital department again.

"Just why are you so fucking horny?" asked Jay.

"I'm 14. All teenagers are horny," replied Peter.

"But if you're like that now, what the fuck will you be like at 15?"

"I've often wondered that. I know its puberty driven, but I find it hard to cope now at 14. I've no idea how I'm going to cope at 16. I might have to just disappear into the toilets on occasion to release a load."

"Sounds fun," said Jay.

"But I do feel better now you're beating me off. You do it far better than I ever could, in fact you really turn me on, big time. I seem to get rid of more of the white stuff now you're getting me off. How do you do it?"

"Guess I'm gifted! Nah, you're just not doing it as often. I probably done you a favour by locking your dick away. What was you doing before?"

"Almost every day, on occasion two or three, sometimes four times a day," replied Peter. "I just can't bear being horny."

"Now you're doing it with me say twice a week, you're just shooting the minimum, I'm bleeding ya dry. Perhaps that was the problem."

"Really?" asked Peter. He'd never worried about it before, his hormone desires had ruled his head in the sexual relief department.

"Maybe I can help." He rolled off the bed and knelt down on the floor in front of Peter. He gently stimulated the boy's organ and held him on the point of no return - not enough stimulation to entice ejaculation, just enough stimulation to stop Peter going limp again.

"I need to shoot," said Peter, his face grimacing tightly, pulling at his restraints again. "It really hurts!" He sat up abruptly.

"It will," replied Jay, glancing at the clock on the wall. "Saw this on the Internet. Longer you hold it in, better your cum. Work on it." He continued to gently stimulate the boy's penis, watching him as Peter fought a painful internal battle not to discharge the load of semen he could feel bubbling up in his testes.

"It hurts," breathed Peter. He felt tears welling up in his eyes.

"Work with me mate," said Jay. "Hold it, deal with it. That's good, Peter!" All the while he kept one eye on Peter, who had now started to sweat. When Jay thought Peter couldn't bear the pressure any longer, he stepped up the stimulation, pushed Peter back to lie on the bed again and bought the boy to climax with spectacular results.


"What do you mean, wow?" asked Peter quietly, breathing very deeply with his eyes closed. After calming down, he opened his eyes and craned his head upwards to look down his body. There, lying on his stomach was a big gooey mess of liquid semen, more than he'd ever pushed out on a fourth shot ever. "That felt like a big one."

"47 seconds that time. I'd love ya to go five, ten minutes."

"How bloody long?!" said Peter, staring at Jay with wide eyes as if he'd just beamed down from another planet. It had hurt to last 47 seconds, never mind how much it'd hurt for 600 seconds.

"Don't worry, I'll help you," cooed Jay, rubbing Peter's sweaty forehead with a baby wipe. "Maybe by Christmas, yous be ready to cope with your problem." Peter could only nod at this. "Tired?" he asked. Peter nodded his head slowly. "Go sleep, I'll wake you later."

Peter fell asleep almost instantly after this. While he slept, Jay cleaned the boy's stomach up of the semen he had shot and also wiped down Peter's penis. Gently, he put Peter's chastity cage back into place, removed the boy's restraints and pulled his body round 90 degrees to lie on the bed properly.

Collecting the bed cover he'd dumped on the floor earlier, Jay removed his white trainers, clambered onto the bed next to Peter and pulled the cover over them both. He pulled up Peter's arm to wrap around himself, and snuggled up to the naked boy, watching him sleep. He gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek and snuggled up next to him.

"Jay?" came a voice from across the flat. "Jay? Are you here son?" Jay opened his eyes and glanced at his watch. Four o'clock?! He'd been asleep for nearly four hours!

He took stock of the situation. Peter was still asleep as well, lying next to him though he'd rolled over in his sleep. Jay rubbed his eyes and jumped out of bed to stop his father entering the bedroom.

"Hey dad," he said, suddenly remembering he was half-naked. "Um, I was just gonna shower."

"Yeah okay, um, you fancy some chips tonight?" asked Jase.

"Yeah alright." Jay turned round and immediately felt Jase's gaze on his neck. "Please. Be about ten minutes." He disappeared back into the bedroom.

"That's better," said Jase. "Manners. Use them. Your grandad didn't bring you up to be a slob." With that he disappeared out the door.

"Peter!" whispered Jay. "Peter, get up, you gotta go! Peter!" He gently shook Peter, and then again firmer when the boy didn't respond. "Oi, faggot features. Get up." A well executed painful but harmless smack across the face did the trick. Peter stared at Jay through squinting eyes.

"What... what time is it?" he groaned. Jay pointed his watch at Peter's gaze.

"I fell asleep next to you. Only just got up myself."

"You did?" asked Peter, staring in amazement. "Oh okay, that's good." He grabbed his clothes and hurriedly dressed himself. Jay bundled him to the door.

"My dad's home any minute. Get off with ya." He gave Peter a peck on the cheek.

"Thanks. See you." Peter disappeared across the square to home. --

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Next: Chapter 8

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