Perving Over My Coworker

By Butt Sniffer

Published on Apr 6, 2018


This fictional story depicts acts of a homosexual nature and includes frank descriptions of piss, raunch and scat. If you are under age or offended by this type of behavior, please do not read any further. If you like the story or have ideas for new chapters, please send me an email:

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Perving Over my Coworker

By Butt Sniffer777

Chapter 2.

I never thought I'd say it, but my work life actually developed into something I really enjoyed, thanks to Bry's arrival. He was a genuinely nice guy and we got along great. It had been my habit to arrive at work about 2 hours before any of the other employees, and it had worked out that Bry would usually show up about 10-15 minutes after my arrival, occasionally before. We'd have a couple of hours to get stuff done before things got busy, although more and more of those early hours seemed to be taken up with my indulging in fantasies of someday getting to spit-shine Bry's greasy, filthy crack. I wanted his anus and all it produced in the worst way.

I loved seeing his big, voluptuous ass and thick legs from the rear as he walked down the hall. Very often Bry would chat with a coworker in their office, leaning against the door jamb as he had his conversations. I would regularly walk down the hallway and see the handsome man's back and spectacular, round ass protruding into the hallway while the rest of him was out of my view inside the coworker's office. I loved those moments because I could linger in the hallway and really see the details of his ass. It was perfection, and I wished I could lean right over and take a big whiff. I could imagine the sticky, greasy hole buried in sweat and ass juices, marinating between those two firm mounds of butt muscle.

The best part of all was the fact that Bry seemed to be super regimented about when he took a shit. He'd show up in the morning and within 30 minutes to an hour he was headed out the door and down the hall to the crapper. I was always at the ready to drop what I was doing and head across to Bry's office where I immediately checked the air for fresh gas, followed quickly by dropping to my knees to take a deep whiff of the seat cushion. There was always something there; sometimes a fairly mild smell of gas and sometimes a big, greasy blast of pungent, shitty air still warm from being in his anus less than a minute before my nose touched down. It was impossible to have a bad day when it started off with my own personal fart factory across the hallway leaving me presents right on schedule. I'd huff as much as I could and then head quickly back to my desk with a freshly seasoned mustache and bliss out on his ass smell floating up my nose. I felt like I had a cocaine habit or something considering the hundreds of times I snorted his stink into my nostrils. There was even a day when another coworker had to come in early to work on a project. When Bry got up to leave I conveniently felt like I had to take a piss. I followed Bry to the men's room about 30 paces behind him, and I opened the bathroom door just as he shut himself into the stall and dropped his pants. I pulled up to the urinal right next to the stall as he lowered himself onto the toilet seat, releasing a resounding, resonant blast of rectal gas into the bowl. It reverberated loudly, and I started to breathe deeply waiting for the hit of methane to assault my nose.

Sure enough, the stench hit me suddenly - and it was powerful. I couldn't believe how strong his gut gas was - super pungent and acrid. I was peeing as loudly as I could to help mask the sound of the deep breaths of air I was sucking in. I could hear the sticky, wet popping of a turd exiting his hole. It sounded like a great big log was being pushed quickly into the bowl There was a deep splash as the shit touched down, and I heard Bry sigh softly with the release of pressure. If the fart had been pungent, the air was immediately even thicker with the emergence of his shit. The smell was incredible. It was super strong, but really intoxicating. Definitely the thick odor from shit produced by a guy who ate a lot of protein. The greasy, crackling sounds followed by soft splashes continued as several more turds were expelled into the bowl. My piss stream was beginning to dry up and I took a few more deep breaths as I tried to push my rapidly growing cock back into my pants and zip up. I washed my hands, all the time hoping my dick would settle down before I headed back to the office. No such luck. I was so incredibly turned on by actually getting to hear Bry drop a huge coil that my cock was at full staff. I stuck my hand in my pocket and held my prick as well as I could so I wouldn't give an unsuspecting person a show as I walked down the hall, and I managed to make it to my office without encountering anyone. Several minutes later the door buzzed and Bry walked back into his office. I leaned forward and watched his beautiful ass as he rounded the corner to get to his chair. I couldn't believe I'd stood right next to that sexy man as he hunched on the crapper and gave me an incredible feast of sound and smell with his big load of shit. That gorgeous ass just turning the corner was the one that had produced that addicting, dank, filthy smell. I was fixated on imagining his underwear streaked with a pasty brown gash of crap. It had to be that way considering how much he farted. What I wouldn't give to taste his seasoned drawers all impregnated with gas and swipes of shit, not to mention the damp piss stains I dreamed were there.

A couple days later we'd both gotten to work and were getting settled in. Bry had come in and greeted me jovially, chatting for a few minutes about our previous nights' activities before he turned to go into his office. I leaned forward in time to see him scratching his ass crack deeply as he entered his work area. My jaw dropped - that was the first time I'd ever seen him scratch his hole like that. Fuck!! He was really digging in deep too, leaning to one side so he could open the other leg just a bit wider to accommodate his fingers. He was wearing my favorite pair of tight, gray slacks that already cut deep into his magnificent cleft. Watching his fingers pressing the fabric firmly into his greasy shithole and scratching around was out of this world. I thought I was going to pop a load on the spot. Boy, did I want to be his pair of underwear right at that moment having my face pushed into his crappy hole and then rubbed around all over the puckered, filthy ring!

About 20 minutes had gone by when I heard Bry's audible fart. I heard a soft chuckle with a faint "Oops - excuse me!" coming softly from his lips, almost as if he was apologizing to himself. I wasn't even sure he had directed the apology to me at all. If he had, it was completely unnecessary. I would have gladly listened to him fart constantly, day in and day out. Sure enough, I heard him rise and head down the hallway toward the can. I feigned concentration as he exited his office, but as soon as he was out of sight down the hallway I was stealthily getting out of my seat to head over to his office. There was no way I was going to miss that fresh fart! I paused to listen for the door buzzer and then headed right across the hall, wasting no time in getting on my knees and sucking a huge lungful of shit fumes and warm gas straight from the seat cushion.

The fart was incredible! It was so fresh that I actually started to salivate when the sharp, pungent fumes passed into my nose and across the back of my tongue as the gas swept quickly deep into my lungs. I held my breath and could feel the taste of the sexy man's gas in my mouth as I swished the greasy air around before exhaling the whole thing and going in for more. I breathed slowly and fully this time, really savoring Bry's fart to its fullest, evaluating its subtleties like a fine pinot noir. Soon my lungs were full again and I held my breath to get the most out of the filthy gas.

"What the fuck!" I heard behind me and bolted upright in shock, exhaling with a loud grunt as I turned to look over my shoulder. Bry was standing in the doorway to his office, staring at me with a dark grin. "Look at you, you filthy pig!", he said as he took in the sight of me huffing his farts right out of his warm chair cushion. I was so fucked - caught red-handed by my hunky coworker. I started to say something, although it was little more than babble. There was no way I was going to explain myself out of this one. The scene was so twisted, and I was royally busted.

"Don't even bother explaining, Alec. I figured something was going on when you followed me into the bathroom a couple days ago." he said, with a slight grin on his face. "I could tell you were trying to sneak a whiff of my crap, but you were breathing too hard to hide it, pig. What a twisted fuck!" I stared at him, speechless. Bry snickered, "I thought I'd give you some extra bait this morning, and it looks like I've caught me a nasty pervert. What are we going to do with you now?", he mused, staring down at me.

I blanched, thinking about the fact that I was about to lose my job and totally shit-can my career. Silence hung in the air for a few beats and then Bry said, "The truth of the matter is this kinda turns me on, Alec. You're a filthy fucking pig - never thought I'd actually run into a twisted pervert like you, but now that I know what you really are, I'm thinking you need someone to give you the stink you crave. Am I right, ass sniffer?"

I was gobsmacked and struggling to keep up with the turn of events. Was this ultra hot guy, the stuff of my jack-off fantasies, telling me that he was going to actually let me huff his filthy ass? FUCK! I still couldn't believe what I was hearing, but I gave him a small, tentative nod, not sure how to respond.

Bry gave a low chuckle. "Yeah, I figured as much - twisted fuck! We're gonna shelve this for now and get back to work, pervert. Other people will be showing up any time. One word of this gets out and you're fucked, buddy." The man started to turn around, revealing that phenomanal ass displayed to perfection in those tight gray slacks. I was still on my knees gaping at his incredible keister, amazed at how big it looked when it was at eye level. "Get yourself over here right now, pig. I'm going to give you a preview of coming attractions." He leaned forward slightly, one hand bracing himself against the doorjamb.

I lost no time in getting right to his ass. As soon as I came in range Bry reached back and grabbed the back of my head, pushing my face right into his shit trench. I involuntarily let out a huge groan as I took my first deep huff straight from the source. I felt like I'd died and gone to heaven - I'd dreamed about this very moment hundreds of times, imagining dozens of different scenarios. But I never had the slightest hope or expectation that any of them would ever come true. And I'd certainly never figured that it would all go down this way. That first deep draught of sticky, sweaty ass crack was beyond anything I could imagine. Even though the farts in his chair had been fresh, they still lacked the immediacy and impact of the warm, nasty fumes coming through those thin grey slacks. I'd hardly had time to enjoy Bry's ass stench when a deep, rumbling fart poured out of his rectum and into my nose and parted lips. I was literally stunned by the blast and started to cough and choke.

"There, man - that's going to hold you until this afternoon. Cancel whatever plans you have. My girlfriend is gone this week and you're coming over right after work, pig." Bry turned around, grinning wickedly. I didn't even remember having stood up, but I passed him as I left the office. "Alec!", he said softly. I turned around, dazed. "Open your mouth - take this too." He hawked up a big wad and expertly spit it into my open mouth. I swallowed it down, grateful, and headed back to my office.

The rest of the day he was his usual self, cheerful and friendly. I was pretty much useless. All I could do was sit there and think to myself, "How the fuck did this happen? Holy shit!" Bry seemed so normal that I even doubted that it could be real. But then he'd catch my eye and give me a look that told me he knew exactly what he wanted to do and he was going to be in charge. I had zero problem with that. There was even a moment when he was standing in my doorway and another coworker walked by. Bry immediately turned and caught her attention and asked a question, standing there with his ass right in front of me, facing me through the doorway. He flexed his meaty glutes a few times just to show that he knew full well my eyes were glued to his luscious ass. Still carrying on the conversation, he very slowly reached back and inserted two fingers into his trench, scratching deeply for a few moments. He then reached up and swiped his fingers on my office door, wiping the pads of his fingers onto the wood. Our coworker was at such an angle that she couldn't see what he was doing other than a small movement of his upper arm. It probably looked like a harmless scratch to her, but I could see the greasy swipes on my door as Bry marked my office as his territory. What the fuck! This guy sure had a huge set of balls. As Bry and our coworker moved off down the hallway, I got out of my chair and checked both in the hall and behind me through the window looking to the courtyard to be sure no one was around. The coast was clear, so I leaned down and put my nose to the swipes. My nostrils were assaulted by the incredible smell of male ass sweat, shit and pheromones. Not wanting to get caught being a shit sniffer twice in one day, I straightened up quickly. My heart started to palpitate I was so turned on by the smell. I left the swipes right where they were, proud to be marked as Bry's territory. I couldn't wait for him to mark me directly in a couple of hours.

Finally, quitting time rolled around and I was more than ready to leave the office. During my lunch break I'd let my workmates know that I had to run home quickly on my break. Fortunately, I only lived a short distance from the office. While there I grabbed a fresh bottle of poppers out of the freezer and rolled a joint of my favorite weed, a variety that always made me super horny. I had both items in my coat pocket as I followed Bry out of the office. Once in front of the building, Bry nodded toward his car. "Follow me home, pig. You better be hungry because I've been saving some nasty shit for you." He walked to his car and got in, waiting for me to pull out of my space and move in behind him.

My brain was on overload. I was horny out of my mind as I lit the fat one in the car, smoking deeply and exhaling through the crack in the window as I drove, all the time on the lookout for cops. Fortunately, we made it to his house without any problem. His garage door raised up and he drove in. I parked in the driveway behind him and he waited for me to follow him in through the garage. As I followed him he stopped and turned around. "You smell like weed, man. You been getting high?" I nodded yes, and he said, "Let me have some of that, pervert. I'm going to enjoy this too."

I ran back to the car and got the J out of the cup holder, bringing it back along with my lighter. Bry closed the big garage door and then opened the side door so we could light up. He had a few deep hits, and I took a couple more even though I was starting to feel it hit me hard already. I was so fucking horny with the weed coming on strong and the fresh poppers waiting for that first hit. I followed him into the house and he took me down into the basement. Bry had a man cave down there with a couch and a nice TV setup, and at the other end of the room there was some exercise equipment, mostly free weights and a bench along with a couple of other items.

He walked over to the weightlifting equipment and indicated a chair that was close by. "Get your clothes off, butt sniffer. Stick 'em there." I immediately kicked off my loafers and started to get naked. pulling the poppers out of my pocket before piling everything on the chair. Bry kicked off his shoes and took off his shirt and undershirt, revealing a beautiful, fit torso - not muscle-bound, but really beautiful, covered by a light coating of blondish-brown hair.

"Now lie down on the weight bench, pig." I immediately lay down, assuming the position I'd be in if I were to actually lift weights. There was no barbell on the rack. My cock was at attention, harder than it had ever been in my life. Bry started a slow circle of the bench, lifting his left leg as he drew even with my crotch and flicking my painfully hard dick with his sock-covered foot. "What a fucking perv - look at you, you twisted fuck. You really want my ass, don't you?" He circled slowly as he talked, making sure I could see his incredible ass flexing and moving as he walked, the two slabs of his glutes moving back and forth against each other. I could barely take my eyes off of his trench, but I managed to look up at him and nod in the affirmative. He could tell by my hungry look that I was completely in his power. He was up near my head and he lifted one leg, resting his foot on the metal cross bar that supported the barbell rack. I lay below him, looking over and up at that amazing expanse of ass, my jaw slack and my eyes hungry with desire. The gray cloth of his slacks was stretched so tight that I thought the fabric would rip wide open. I made no pretense of being interested in anything at all save for the view of his crack. The seam was drawn deep into the cleft. Bry flexed his ass muscles again and leaned over to spit forcefully on my face, the sticky wad of phlegm landing just left of my nose and immediately running down the side of my cheek. "Beg me for it, pig - tell me exactly what you want."

I opened my mouth to respond and he spit again, this time hitting his mark. I gratefully swallowed his nasty gift. "Please, Bry, let me worship your amazing ass, man. I need your fucking hole so bad!", I begged, so stoned now that I was nothing more than a fucking pig in heat. "I want to smell your gas, sir. I want to clean up your ass with my tongue. Let me be your human toilet paper, man - let me be your fucking pig toilet!", I pleaded with him. I didn't have an ounce of self-respect left - all I wanted was to lick his hole clean and take every morsel that came out of his anus.

"What a sick perv you are, man. I can't believe what a piece of filth you are, shit eater. I don't know if you deserve my ass, but I guess I'll give it to you. I gotta see for myself what a human toilet does." The handsome man circled me again, this time stopping by my head and turning to face away from me, affording me an amazing view of his big, beefy ass. It was incredible! I was this close to cumming and I hadn't even touched myself. I took a first, deep hit of poppers and fixated on his gorgeous ass cantilevered over my face. At this distance, I could tell that the gray fabric was so thin as to be almost sheer close up. I could see a deep shadow where his trench disappeared into putrid, greasy darkness. I licked my lips as the poppers hit me hard and sent me into ecstasy. Bry took the opportunity to spew a loud, noxious fart into the air directly above my nose and mouth. I released a deep moan as I inhaled the cloud of gas roiling the air above my face. Bry let out a loud groan of pleasure, completely devoid of any sense of embarrassment. It was completely clear that he was enjoying this every bit as much as I was. And I was having the most mind-blowing pig sex I'd ever had in my life.

After working his way around me, always giving me a view of his big ass and amazing legs, Bry climbed up and stood above my head with his feet on the cross bar on either side of my face. He was facing above my head, and he looked down the length of his body and held my gaze. "Get yourself ready, fucker. You're about to eat the meal of a lifetime." I took a couple huge hits of the poppers, scooted down a bit on the bench to line myself up and watched in awe as he started to lower his massive ass onto my face.

I was transfixed as his ass, still held in by his slacks, started to descend toward my face. I immediately realized I had gotten my wish - I was now the seat cushion of his chair that I'd always wished I could be. His ass approached closer and closer until I could see nothing else except for an expanse of gray fabric. Very quickly his shitter made contact. Bry settled himself down firmly on my face, my nose pushed deep into his crappy trench. I took the longest, deepest breath I could possibly manage, drawing the air into my nose and filling my lungs to the absolute limit. I had inhaled and was just preparing to take another deep intake of air when Bry groaned loudly in absolute pleasure and released a thick, vibrating fart right into my nose. It was my turn to groan in ecstasy as the filthy gas assaulted my nostrils and mouth as I sucked it in. I jacked my cock furiously and was completely unhinged due to the combination of the poppers, the weed, and the unbelievably skanky smell of this incredible guy's fumes as the forced themselves into my sinuses. I let loose and practically shouted in ecstasy as Bry's putrid gases emptied themselves right into my face straight from the depths of his bowels. I opened my mouth as wide as I could at that angle, pushing my tongue into the fabric directly over Bry's anus. I licked and sucked at the cloth like a madman, straining to get myself ever closer to my prize, his filthy shit hole. Repeatedly I sucked in air as Bry shot fart after fart right into my face. I gulped in every bit of his stale, dank fumes that I could, riding a wave of pleasure I'd never before felt.

Finally, Bry pulled himself up to standing position using the barbell rack. He climbed back down to the floor and faced me as he reached for his belt buckle. I grabbed the bottle of poppers and took a massive double shot while he undid his belt and the waist of his slacks, finally reaching forward to slowly unzip his pants. I'd dreamed about this moment hundreds of times - I was now going to see what was under those tight slacks. As he started to lower his pants, I could see dark blue jammers that conformed to every curve of his body. I was salivating like a fiend. He turned away from me again and bent over slowly. "Get a good look at that, you twisted fuck. You like what you see?"

How could I not like what I saw? The view was beyond belief. Bry's ass and legs were so big, and to see his hairy thighs emerging from the tight, blue jammers was incredible. There was a dark stain in the cloth running the full length of his crack. It looked completely sweaty and ripe - maybe a swath of rusty brick red running down the middle? I couldn't be quite sure. I topped off quickly with the poppers as Bry resumed his position and lowered himself quickly onto my waiting tongue. Sure enough, I could see a deep, reddish-brown streak of shit on his jammers as he came in for a landing, again jettisoning another volley of dank, thick gas into my face. The underwear was damp from the spit that had penetrated through his slacks as I had devoured his shitty crack. Now that he was down to his underwear, I was immediately hit by the strong taste of feces as my taste buds started to pick up on the swipe of crap seeping through his skivvies. I licked and sucked at the fabric like I was a man starving. And I was - I had wished for this moment for months and it was now coming to pass.

Bry pushed himself deeper into my face, groaning loudly in pleasure. I could feel the thick, fibrous ring of his anus perfectly encased by the circle of my lips. My tongue strained to push the fabric of the jammers as deep into his hole as I could. It took a great deal of effort to push the already-stretched fabric into Bry's shitter, but I was able to get it deep enough that I could feel his anus squeezing and flexing around the tip of my tongue, teasing me as I struggled to get every possible millimeter of my tongue into his shit tube. I lapped and sucked, lapped and sucked, trying to get every speck of his pasty skidmark into my mouth. My spit had mixed with the strained turd, making a thin, shitty tea that I swallowed down. The flavor was fantastic, surprisingly mild compared to other loads I'd eaten. But none so delicious as this. As I sensed Bry standing up again, I bit on the small bunch of shit-impregnated fabric I had sucked in and held it in place as he tried to pull himself upwards. Eventually I let go and the taint of his underwear snapped back into place. The brick red smear of crap had been replaced by an even, dark blue of spit-soaked fabric.

Bry let out a sloppy, wet fart, moaning in satisfaction as he released. "You really are a perverted shit pig, aren't you, Alec?" I practically shouted "Yes!!" at the top of my lungs as he continued, "Time to make good on your promise, fucker. You're going to get my hole spotless before I shit it all up again. Right, Pig? Open wide, fucker."

He didn't even bother to wait for an answer as he faced toward my feet, lifted his left leg over my torso and straddled me with his fat ass in my face. "Get a good dose of that faggot juice up your nose, pig - I'm not moving until you have me spotless." I took three huge hits of popper. They hit like a brick wall, my heart racing and my ears pounding as Bry shoved his shitty trench down onto my face.

Fuck! It was clear that Bry hadn't washed or wiped for a couple of days as his greasy, reeking ass smashed onto my face. He rubbed himself up and down on top of me, wiping great gobs of his shit and filth into my beard and onto my cheeks. All the time my tongue lashed out, swiping at anything that came over my mouth. The taste was addicting, and I could feel almost a kaleidoscope of sensations as he moved around; the shit-smeared ass hairs that encircled his anus, the smooth expanse of filthy skin immediately surrounding his shitter, and finally the tight, wrinkled ring of muscle marking his turd factory. I took huge, wide swipes with my tongue over and over, trying to scrape up every bit of his filthy crack. I could feel lumpy, fibrous chunks of digested meat caught in his ass hairs along with some indiscernible chunks, probably some half-processed vegetable. There were seeds too, and they stuck in the cracks of my teeth as I swiped and swiped, swallowing down the dank, muddy slurry of liquid filth.

"Fuck, Alec - get in there deeper, you twisted fuck. Go all the way!" Bry shouted as I pushed straight into his hole with my tongue. I stretched in as deep as I could go, swiping at the walls of his crap chute with my wriggling tongue. The hot stud groaned deeply as his ring started to loosen up and relax at last, allowing me even deeper access into the filthy recesses of his anus. I could feel Bry spread open around my tongue, finally letting me in completely unrestricted. His sphincter squeezed my tongue involuntarily twice, then three times before giving in. I pushed in with every ounce of my being. My tongue encountered another small chunk of shit lodged deep within Bry's gut. I started to play with it using the very tip of my tongue, and suddenly I realized that this wasn't a little chunk. It was the iceberg tip of a log of Bry's freshly-made shit ready to come out.

I moaned in ecstasy as soon as I realized what was about to happen. Gasping for air, I put my hands on his ass and pushed him very slightly, saying, "Holy fuck, Bry! Hold up for a second while I get poppered up." I managed to get the top of the bottle loosened with one hand and could barely turn my head to one side to quickly inhale several deep hits of the poppers. I worked the lid back into place as the rush of amyl slammed into me, sending me spinning right into his shit hole. I got my lips back onto his crap-smeared ring, and his shitter felt completely different. It had puffed out and expanded, softening down onto the surface of my tongue. I gently kissed his anus, working my tongue back into his puffy, soft hole. I immediately made contact with his turd. More of the chunk of feces was exposed, and my tongue told me immediately that this was a huge bullet of shit. As Bry began to grunt gently with the effort of pushing I worked my tongue over its sticky surface, feeling the knobby, gnarled fecal material and opening my lips to welcome it in, embracing the log with my lips and tongue as it was slowly extruded into my gaping mouth, popping and spitting gently with its emergence from Bry's protruding hole. The shit log widened and became a massive presence, forcing its way in as he grunted his digested waste into my mouth. I had a hand widely cupping each of his ass cheeks, holding them apart while the Picasso of all crap logs filled my mouth. It reached the back of my throat and I gave an urgent groan, both of pleasure and to signal the onset of desperation as my jaw ached from being forced open so wide. Thankfully, Bry must have realized that I could take no more, and I could blurrily see his sphincter flex and contract, pinching the shit bomb off and releasing it into my toilet mouth. He raised up a few inches and I could see his sticky crap hole flexing involuntarily, gradually working its way back to its normal tightness. A halo of reddish-brown shit ringed his shitter, and there were a few greasy flecks of crap stuck to the hairs that had been pulled along the surface of the feces as it had been extruded from the depths of Bry's warm intestines. My lips were grotesquely stretched to the limit around the fat column of crap, and my tongue worked overtime discovering the bumps and ridges of the firm log. A wet slurry of shit built up in my sloppy, overly-full mouth and I swallowed it down as best I could, all the time working the base of the turd to see if I could knock a piece loose from the massive log. I finally pried a smallish chunk away from the main block as Bry raised up and lifted his leg, bringing it back over my body so he could turn to watch me ingest his warm filth.

"Fuck, you filthy fuck - you've got my shit filling your mouth. Twisted, sick pig - eat my steaming crap up, toilet." He goaded me on, spitting onto my face as I struggled to accommodate his turd.

I could do no more than make moans and groans of pleasure as I relaxed to let the smallish chunk of shit slide down my throat to where I could swallow it all the way down. It wasn't much, but it allowed me just enough movement that I could start to maneuver the log of crap around, licking its sticky sides and feeling small chunks of half-digested food break away into my mouth. I continued to swallow the slurry while I pushed with my tongue, dislodging a larger piece of fecal material. My mouth was still too full to bite into it yet, but I finally gagged the next chunk down and now had room to move the remaining shit around in my mouth, savoring everything about it as I bit lightly into the fresh crap. It was solid and fibrous, holding its shape while I pressed it against the hard upper palate of my mouth. I worked the crap to an angle where I could bite off a good-sized mouthful of feces, chewing it and softening it up before swallowing.

My eyes never left Bry's as he watched me close my lips for the first time, having finally swallowed enough of his dump that the rest could fit in my mouth. "Let me see, pig. I want to see what a human toilet looks like as he's flushing my load." Bry kept me in his control at all times. I opened my lips wide again, pushing the remaining turd out so he could see it. "Fuck, that's disgusting you twisted fuck. You're high on my waste, you sick pig!" Bry grinned. "That's fucking awesome, grunt!"

I chewed and sucked on the last piece of crap until that was finally swallowed. I worked my tongue around my mouth, cleaning the crap out as best I could, swallowing the reddish-brown liquid until my mouth felt like it was as clean as I could get it. I stuck my tongue out and showed Bry that I'd downed every morsel of his warm, stinking fecal material. Bry grabbed his thick cock and let loose a powerful stream of dark yellow piss. I coughed as I worked to catch up with the onslaught of strong, acrid urine, gagging and gulping it down while the stream continued unabated.

Finally, his piss slowed down as he shook the last drops onto my face. During this whole time I jacked my rock-hard dick, wanting so badly to cum. The sexy hunk spit in my mouth and then said, "Don't move, pig." He turned and walked over to a door to the left of the sofa and opened it. He turned the light on and it looked like a bathroom. I heard the toilet paper rattling as Bry pulled shit wipe from the roll. The light flicked off and he came out with a wad of toilet paper in his left hand. He came back level with my torso, turned away from me and lifted his leg, settling his foot on my chest. He reached back with the wad of toilet paper and swiped it the length of his crack, scraping the remnants of brick red shit onto the toilet paper. I could see the thick, pasty swipe on the paper as he pulled it back in the direction of my face. Bry took his foot down and turned around. "Open up, fucker." He bent over and shoved the shit-smeared toilet paper into my mouth. "That's how it's done, shit eater.", Bry said to me as I gazed at him wide-eyed with a mouth full of shitty toilet paper. "You've officially earned the job as my personal toilet."

Next: Chapter 3

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