Perverted Pleasures Station

By Trans Gender

Published on May 26, 2005


These stories are written by Tash (myself), the owner of the email address. Please feel free to forward etc, as long as you credit me :)

If you would like to chat about the stories, offer constructive criticism, or suggest scenes that you want to see Michelle go through, please email me immediately... I'd love to hear from you! (I'm also on yahoo messenger). All communication will be handled discretely :)

Also let me know about any other scenes that you would like to see from the station, and I'll write short stories separate from the main storyline to include them :)

(The story so far... Michael Desi, owner of the sex-droid space station emporium "Perverted Pleasures Station", is currently on the run from board members trying to make a VERY hostile takeover. While evading capture, he was accidentally moved into the body of a barely 13-year-old girl. After several sexual adventures in the slum-equivalent sublevels of the station, he (or rather she) has managed to get ahold of a subdermal chip (all space travellers have them, the equivalent of an id book) confirming his identity as a young girl. The new chip is in his hand... he still has a chip in his elbow holding his old identity (The chip was transplanted from his old body). She's trying to make her way to the safety of the penthouse level, to reveal her true identity and take back control of the station. To get there, however, she has to run the gamut of the thousands of levels of sex scenarios that make the station famous, without using her real identity chip, in case the mysterious grey-suited mercenaries catch her.

So far, she has managed to get into a 'school years' scenario, where she is trapped by lack of money. However, she has discovered that by falling into the role of school whore, she can get money from both droids and other human 'players'. She's also still reeling from how orgasms and sexual contact feels in this body, and she's interested to explore further...

And now, on with the story...)


The rest of the school day flew by. Michelle enjoyed the continual looks she was getting and flaunted herself as much as she could. She managed to flash several of the students with a glimps of her bare, smooth pussy, as well as one of the teachers. She was starting to really like the power that a female body had over the male psyche. The blushing and stammering and loss of thought never failed to make her giggle, and usually warmed her with a corresponding wetness between her legs as well. Just thinking about it made her want to slide a hand down her tummy and over her lower lips.

She never even considered that the scenario was supposed to cater for all sexual orientations, and so nearly fell off her chair in shock when the droid girl next to her placed a hand on her thigh. As it was, she started violently and then froze. The droid sat motionlessly, for all appearances engrossed in the lesson. Michelle reached out to move the hand away, but her sexual core suddenly took over and she pulled the hand higher instead. For the rest of the lesson she sat with the droid's hand gently caressing the top of her thigh, inches away from her slit. She was almost shaking with horniness when the bell finally rang and everyone jumped up.

The droid disappeared in the throng without a backward glance, and Michelle slowly followed the crowd. She really wasn't sure what she needed to do now... until she realised that she had a 'home' to go to. She fumbled the electronic pad out of her bag and lit it up, then switched to the page that gave the details of her particular parent set.

"You have selected the 'Trouble Child' home scenario, where the parents are away until midnight every night and all weekend. There is a 'french maid' stereotype that maintains the house, and an 'exotic male gardener' that maintains the garden... both are of course available for your pleasure. Please follow the locator to your new home."

There was a small arrow flashing in one corner of the screen. Michelle tilted and turned the pad and watched how the arrow maintained its orientation with the location of the house. There was a small number under the arrow... distance, she assumed.

She set off out of the main gate of the school and down the suburban roads, concious of the regular looks she was given by the human inhabitants of the deck. Her very short skirt, sheer tight blouse and sensual figure (for her apparent age) definately marked her in their heads as 'slut droid', and they were obviously curious as to what scenario she belonged to. She was also a little 'too' attractive and sexy for the scenario... customers at this level tended to prefer more normal, real looking dolls, and the near-perfection of her female body was unusual.

She stopped dead in the middle of the street as she realised that she'd been thinking of herself as 'her' almost continually. This was probably influence from the brain structure... it was designed to reinforce acceptance of the body on a psychological level. It took a concious mental effort to remember her original male body, with its toned musculature and large, undeniably male cock. A second realisation hit... rather than mourning her old cock, she was picturing it in her head... with desire. Admiring the shape as she remembered it, her lips parting as she imagined taking it into her mouth, how it would feel and taste...

She shook her head.

"I'm perving over myself," she muttered, starting to walk again and shifting a little as she felt the wetness between her legs caused by the imagining. "This must add a new dimension to narcissm."

She wasn't sure how her old self would have responded to a sexual approach from a 13 year old girl. True, things were a lot more permissive these days with things like droids and body swaps, and this body was specifically designed to trigger male sexual responses (large eyes, shapely wide hips, etc), but still... "Dammit", she fumed at herself, "I'm doing it again." She'd been daydreaming in one corner of her thoughts about the idea of fucking her old self, riding the cock and swallowing the cum.


She stopped and stared at the house in front of her. The arrow on the pad was blinking furiously in the direction of the house, the distance meter confirming that this was her destination, so she studied the house curiously. Two stories of respectably peach-coloured fake-brick, with a carefully manicured garden. She walked up the perfectly-laid path and pressed her hand to the door, listening to the soft click as it recognised her as the holder of the account and allowed her into the house.

The interior of the house matched the outside as an icon of upper-middle-class respectability. A large, comfortable sofa set dominated the living room to her left, the bannister lining the staircase up to the second floor was appropriately polished fake oak, the kitchen she could see through the door to her right positively gleamed with chromed appliances... there were even politely discreet pictures hanging from every wall. The only odd thing was the untouched newness of everything... not really surprising when you considered that the house was almost completely retouched between customers (for hygene reasons) and tended to sit dormant for long periods. Michelle had a mental picture of the parent droids standing motionless in cupboards during the dormant period, suddenly springing to life and bustling out of the door when she touched the pad back at the school.

She glanced around the rest of the ground floor before trotting up the stairs and walking along the upstairs corridor. The first door she opened was the master bedroom and she walked in and looked around, glancing through the cupboards and opening a couple of the drawers. Everything looked normal, although she did notice the large vibrator tucked into the corner of the 'mother's' lingerie drawer, and she knew there would be other sex toys neatly hidden around the bedroom. Any of the roles of the family was available for a customer to take over, and so certain supplies were offered at first. More were available at the local 'sex shop', which was large enough to be a 'sex supermarket'.

Leaving the room, she was heading down to what was most likely her room, when she heard footsteps from the staircase. Nervously she looked over the bannister, heaving a sigh of relief when she realised that it was the maid. Dressed in a rediculously over-stereotyped french maid costume, the droid was tall and buxom and classically beautiful. "Mon deiu!" the maid exclaimed in an overdone french accent. "I did not expect you home so earlee, Michelle! I have no lunch or anyzeeng!"

Trying to stifle a giggle (and inwardly cursing herself for such a girlish reaction), Michelle waved her hand dismissively.

"It's ok, don't worry... er... " She glanced down at the pad. "...Georgette. I'm not hungry. I'll just change and stuff and then I'm going out again."

After a few more placatory comments, Georgette was convinced to negotiate her way back down the stairs, a task made more difficult by the stiletto heels and huge bosom. Michelle sighed and turned into the bedroom.

The room was a masterpiece. Hints of pink here and there suggested at a girly upbringing. Popular animated posters of various stars of sport and entertainment filled the walls, battling for space with certificates and cute pictures and mirrors. The bed was large and trimmed with lace, matched by the lacy trimmings on the curtains and lampshade and other bedroom furniture. Shelves were filled with lurid novels and battered soft toys.

The wardrobes, however, were another matter. Bright colours warred with tattered leather and lacey black. The wardrobe designers wouldn't have known what the customer wanted, so they tried to offer everything... while still staying in the role of troublesome teen. She pulled out one of the sets of clothes and stared at it, surprised that the size looked about right... she was expecting it to be the size of the uniform in the box. then she remembered... the clothes here would apply to the droid that she replaced. If she'd gone through the normal channels for the placement, the clothes would have been replaced to match the customer.

Sifting through more of the clothes, she felt hr nervousness rising a bit. Apparently the scenario teen had expressed her troublesome nature as sluttiness... the clothes were all tight, with high hems and low necklines. The shoes all had high heels, and the underwear was mostly thongs. She sighed and stripped off her clothes, picking out a short flared dark blue dress and heels of a matching colour, with a black thong and bra set. Dropping them on the bed, she walked into the adjoining bathroom (mostly pink) and climbed into the shower.


The hot water was doing a good job of kneading the tension out of her young muscles. She finally soaped herself down and then stepped out. While she was towling herself dry she heard the maid enter the bedroom, tutting at the pile of discarded clothes she left on the floor. Abruptly there was silence and Michelle hung up the towel and moved through into the room, jumping in fright as the maid's voice sounded from behind her where she'd been waiting just beside the door.

"And 'ow do you explain zis, young lady!" she snapped, holding out the school shirt. A cum stain clearly ran down the breast. Thinking back furiously, Michelle realised that the last blowjob she'd given must have 'leaked' a little as the guy pulled his cock roughly out of her mouth.

"And zis? And where are your panties?!" the woman went on indignantly, holding up the short skirt. The seat of the skirt was quite clearly stained on the inside with an assortment of juices that had leaked from her during the day, the result of her sexual adventures.

Blushing furiously, Michelle stammered desperately, her mind racing as she tried to figure out the scenario. Finally she realised that it was a mild bondage scenario just as the maid caught her by the arm, pushing her small body easily over the bed and trussing her arms behind her with the sleeves of the shirt.

"I will not tell your father of zis... he would be disgusted to know about his daughter ze slut, ze whore! Instead I will punish you myzelf!" the droid went on. Panicking, Michelle realised that she didn't know the safeword for stopping scenes she didn't like... they were part of the initial package, as a safety mechanism. She could use an override command but that would be logged... the men after her would almost certainly be looking for unusual overrides by now.

The maid dropped onto the bed and pulled Michelle roughly over her knee, no more able to resist the droid's strength than she could the momentum of a large truck. She realised that she'd have to ride the scene out, just as the first blow hit her soft, naked bottom.

The slap was loud in the room, followed quickly by her squeal of pain. Stinging heat flared from her butt, her body writhing from the painful shock, before the sensation seemed to trigger something... vibrant pleasure replaced the heat, sending tendrils through her body. She felt her pussy dampening immediately, subconciously lifting her hips to meet the next blow.

Again and again her body shook with each impact, the cracks of the woman droid's hand against her ass driving home the mental picture of the scene, her young body bend over the woman's knee, ass in the air, being vigorously spanked. Finally the droid stopped.

"Look at you, slut! You are enjoying eet!"

Michelle felt a hand sliding up between her legs, and then gasped loudly as the droid's fingers sank deep into her dripping pussy. She arched her back, pressing down onto the invading digits, her concious mind swept away by the sensation.

"Well, if you are going to be ze whore, zen I will make sure you do eet properly. I need ze extra money, zo I will have you pleasure my boyfriend's friends. Zey will pay me, and if zey are happy with you maybe I will give you zome. Do you understand?"

The fingers were abruptly withdrawn and Michelle's ass was hit several times in quick succession. Squealing loudly, she nodded and gasped out agreement.

"Good. Now, you can help me get off."

The maid pushed Michelle to her knees and then stood just long enough to remove her panties. Sitting back on the bed, she spread her legs and indicated her pussy.

"Pleasure me, leetle whore."

Michelle leaned forward obediently, resigned to following the scene, and ran her tongue up the length of the woman's slit. After licking her a few times she sought her clit with her tongue, stroking and vibrating against it before moving her mouth down and sinking her tongue as deep as she could into the droid's wet depths.

She was desperately turned on by now, the combination of the heat from her ass, the moans and writhing of the french maid, and the restraints holding her arms behind her. She was pumping her hips and squirming by the time the droid went through the motions of an orgasm. The maid stood up and pulled her back onto the bed, slapping her ass a few times more for good measure.

"I go to find your first customer. Zis one will like you ze way you are. For now, you will stay here quietly."

She stuffed her underwear into Michelle's mouth and squeezed her ass firmly, then stalked out of the room, leaving Michelle firmly trussed on the bed and squirming with frustration.


It was several hours before the maid returned, carrying a large box and accompanied by a tall man. Without much ceremony she pulled Michelle to the floor, tugged the panties of her mouth and undid the shirt holding her arms behind her back. She grabbed the young girl by the hair and snarled into her ear.

"You will suck heem off, and zen pleasure heem with your slutty body. Any complaints, and I will geev you ze whipping you will nevair forget!"

The man moved up and unzipped his pants, and Michelle wrapped her fingers around his shaft, holding it while she closed her mouth over the end. The sensation of the cock filling her mouth was already becomign familiar, as was the practiced way she started sucking on it. The maid purred with approval.

"Exzellent. You are quite ze cocksucker."

There were several bright flashes and Michelle squinted sideways, realising that the maid had taken several photographs of her apparently willingly sucking on the man's cock. She kept sucking, though... her body was responding once again to the situation, and it was already keyed high from the spanking and bondage.

Finally the man groaned and pulled his cock from her mouth, his fingers entwined in her head as he held her head still. His cock jerked and cum splattered over her face, coating it in thick, ropey strands. The camera flashed again and again, catching each moment. After forcing her to clean his cock with her mouth, the taste of cum sending it's own signals to her desperately wet pussy, the man turned her around roughly and jammed his shaft into her.

"Oh yeah, the bitch wants it," he groaned as his cock sunk in without resistance.

"She is ze whore," the woman agreed. "She gets turned on by ze idea of zelling eet."

More pictures were taken, making sure to get Michelle's pleasure-filled expression as the cock inside her brought her to orgasm. Finally the man pulled out and shot another load over her ass, then slapped it and moved to the door. He dropped several credit notes on the table, zipped himself up and left without a word.

The maid picked up the notes, counted them, then peeled off one and dropped it on the floor where Michelle was kneeling.

"Vaery good, leetle whore. Here iz your reward... alzo it looked like you enjoyed zat a great deel. Now, leeson closely. I have pictures of you whoring yourself out. Eef you do no want your father to see zis, zen you will do as I say, yes?"

Michelle nodded her assent, and the women nodded in satisfaction, picking up the box she had brought in.

"Ere is your new clothes at nighttime,"

She upended the box on the floor, scattering a large pile of clothes and then picking them up and showing them to Michelle. She must have emptied the local sex shop... the clothes were a huge assortment of trashy minidresses, lingerie and slutty heels... although many of the heels and skirts didn't look much worse than the ones already in the cupboard.

"You will wear zis, and zen you will stand on ze street corners like ze whore you are. You will go out, and you will not return until you have made me at least five hundred credits. Understand?"


"You will call me ze Mistress, for zat is what I am... I own you now, I am your Mistress."

"Yes Mistress"

"Vairy good. Go and clean yourself, and zen get dressed for tonight. Ze red latex, I theenk..."


An hour later, Michelle was standing in the area of town carefully designed to look 'rough'. Several liquor stores nestled against a sex shop ('PEEP SHOWS! GIRLS! BOOTHS!'), a 'by the hour' motel, several bars and a couple of abandoned warehouses. Alleyways separated each building, dim and intimidating. She shifted uncomfortably... the miniscule thong she was wearing did nothing to protect her from the cool breeze, and the latex minidress was tight over her hips and barely covered her ass. She looked completely trashy in the red latex, an effect increased by the red fishnet suspenders and 6" heels. The whole effect combined with her youth to look very perverted, and very erotic.

"Hey," a male voice suddenly rumbled from near her. She looked up, startled, into the face of a very large, muscular black man.

"Uh, uh, hi," she stammered and the man grinned, white teeth flashing in the dark face.

"You lookin for some company, little girl?" He boomed, stepping close.

"Uh... yeah... uh..."

"So... what does company cost with a pretty little thing like you?"

She blushed furiously.

"Um... two hundred... uh, for the usual, you know, and uh... a hundred... for the mouth..." she squeaked. The man laughed again, and tucked a hundred cred note into her hand.

"Well, let's see what you got, little one, maybe I'll take a little more if it's good. Over here..."

His large hand closed over hers and she was led irresistably into the alleyway. The man undid his pants and a huge member flopped out, the pink head standing out against the dark shaft. It was half-erect, and throbbing. Hesitantly she bent down and took it in her mouth, barely able to get much of it in once it started growing.

There was a sudden bright flash and she squeaked and jumped. The man just laughed as she looked around wildly, spotting Georgette with the camera standing at the end of the alleyway. It took her a moment to recognise the woman since she'd changed from the french maid costume into a figure-hugging dress.

"I zee you found my little slut after all, Leon," she purred and the man chuckled.

"Sure did, and she's good too... nice little mouth on her."

"Well, don't stop girl!" Georgette scolded. "Feenish heem off, you have more customers to please."

Michelle leaned forward again, unwilling to give Georgette more blackmail material, but unable to resist... if she challenged Georgette on her bluff she'd just subject herself to more spanking and whipping (although a part of her quivered with desire at the thought), and a flag would go up on the monitors. She had to play the scene out. It wasn't long before the large black cock was filling her mouth again and again to the accompaniment of several more bright flashes, and then spurting another load of cum onto her face, all faithfully captured on the camera.

"Good girl," Georgette nodded. "Now, back out zere."

Michelle nodded again. As much as she hated to admit it, as much as the thought worried her... she was really being turned on by being a prostitute. This was also getting her closer to her monetary goal, since Georgette seemed keen on sharing the profits.

Adding a little wiggle to her walk, with appring compliments from Georgette and Leon, she strutted out of the alleyway and started walking the street again.

/-- Continued in Part Four

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