
By Harrison Morris

Published on Apr 17, 2019


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Please consider making a donation to the Nifty Archive to continue having free access to the hottest erotic fiction on the Internet.

Part 21. A Happy Ending?: Jason's Perspective

Before he could raise his shirt too far, though, his cell phone on the night stand next to the bed began to ring. Dammit! It figured that his wife would pick now to call and check in on him!

"Hold that thought!" he grinned as he got up off the bed and grabbed his phone. "It's Jeff Prescott with PST," he said to me before answering the call. "Hey, Jeff!...Yeah. Jason and I have been finding ways to entertain ourselves." he looked at me and smirked. "...mostly watching coverage of the weather and sitcom reruns...No, it hasn't been too bad...Oh really? No we didn't have the TV on." he went over and pulled the curtain aside to look out the window...Wow, you're right! So, does that meant the conference will continue?...Oh. I see. Okay, then. That's too bad...Really? That's so nice...And you're sure the runways will be clear?...Okay. We'll be ready to go bright and early in the morning, then...See you soon, Jeff. Let us know when it's rescheduled and Janine will pick two people to attend...Okay. Bye!"

"The conference?" I asked as he ended the call.

"Canceled. The snowstorm has passed, but with only two days of conference time left, PST decided to call it a day and try again in a few months. Apparently, news reports are saying the airport runways will be clear by tomorrow morning and PST as booked flights back home for everyone stranded by the storm. Our flight leaves at 9:00am tomorrow."

"Oh, that's nice." I said, dejection obvious in my tone of voice. Just when being stranded with John was starting to get good!

He walked over and sat next to me on the bed. "It's 7:00pm right now, we've got 12 hours until we have to leave for the airport and a whole flight back home to use for catching up on sleep." He reached over and pulled my hand toward his crotch. "What do you think we should do for the last 12 hours we have before this is all over?" To make his point further, he leaned in and kissed me softly again.

"Are you sure about this, John?" I asked him after our kiss broke. I mean, I want this...bad! But I don't want you to regret it later. And more importantly, if you DO regret it later, I don't want you to take it out on me like you have been for the past year or so."

"I'm never gonna live that down, am I?" he laughed. "Jason, I want to do this. Trust me that much. Now, like I said, we've got 12 hours left and a lot of pent up sexual tension to work out. Why don't we make the most of it! What is it you said I kept saying in the elevator the other night? "I want to do what I want to do,' was it? I say that you should let me do what I want to do!" Obviously, to further emphasize his point, he grabbed the tail of his shirt and pulled it over his head, finally revealing to me the hairy, toned chest I'd known was there. I used to see the hair poking out of the top of his button-down shirts. And lately, after he'd remarked to me that he'd started using the gym at Glenmont HR headquarters, I'd noticed his chest starting to look a little more defined...two things that had contributed to me constantly practically drooling over the man.

Needing no further assurances from John, I reached up, put my hand behind his head and pulled him into another kiss. I couldn't believe it. I had John Roberts - a man I'd fantasized about for years, but never believed I'd actually hook up with - naked on a bed with me, kissing me. In the process of our extended make out session, my clothes came off. It felt better than words can describe to have his hairy chest rubbing against my sparsely-covered pecs and my hard dick swiping back and forth against his rapidly re-hardening one.

True to what he'd said, John and I spent most of the next 12 hours involved in some form of sexual intimacy...except for what turned out to be about a couple hours that I drifted off for a quick nap. Don't give me that skeptical look! I didn't say we had non-stop sex for 12 hours. It wasn't all sex. There were times where we kissed, touched and explored each others bodies, or simply lay there, cuddled against each other, locked in sensual body contact, rehashing our mutual attraction over the last several years. But when we WERE having sex, BOY was it good! I sucked him off one more time. He tried sucking me a little, which ended in a hand job. And, after a quick trip back to my room to grab a condom and some lube, he fucked me. Given that he has three kids, I kind of suspected that John knew how to put it down pretty good. And I definitely wasn't disappointed on that score. It was as if he was made for my ass. As we lay, recovering from the intense fuck, I knew I wanted that again and a lot more. I was even able to convince John to let me rim him...something he'd never tried during his experimentation phase. And, from his moans of pleasure, I think I might have him a little hooked on rimjobs. If this night were happening our first night here at the hotel and I had the whole week to finesse him, I think I probably could've convinced him to let me fuck him. That'll have to be a goal for the future.

I found myself rousing from what turned out to be a two-hour nap and saw the clock on the nightstand read 4:13am. Only another couple hours before we'd have to get ready to head to the airport. I rolled over, expecting to see John next to me in bed. Instead, he was standing over by the window, the light from his phone illuminating his hands enough to let me see that he was texting.

"Hey..." I said, drowsily.

He looked up from his phone. "Hey... You're awake, sleepyhead!" he said as he walked back to the bed and put the phone on the other nightstand face down. Without me asking, he offered up, "Just texting my wife to let her know that I just found out the conference has been canceled and I'm flying home in the morning."

"But you didn't JUST find out..." I said, my `just woke up' voice masking my attempt at teasing.

"Well... Saying I found out at 7:00pm and have spent the past eight hours fucking around with the guy we both know has a huge crush on me, probably wouldn't win me any brownie points at home," he chuckled. "Speaking of..." he said as he climbed back into bed and leaned in close to me, "we still have some time if you want to go for...what is this? Round 9?"

It was actually more like Round 4 or 5. But it was really cute that he was enough into what we'd been doing that he was exaggerating numbers. A sign that we might continue this somehow once we were back home? "I definitely want to," I smiled at him with a lilt in my voice as I pulled him toward me for a soft kiss. But I knew that, in order for John and I to come out okay on the other side of this time together, stranded in Denver, and if I was even going to have a shot at making this happen again in the future, I needed him to understand exactly where I was coming from and what I wanted from him...just to make sure he wouldn't misconstrue my intentions and end up inciting a new Cold War between us at work. And I hoped he'd be open enough with me to be honest again about what he wanted. "But, I have a few things I want to say first."

"Like what?" he asked between short kisses on my neck. "Like, Yeah, John. Right there!' or Oh John! Give it to me, stud.' or `JOHN, you're so BIG'!" he chuckled as he lapped at the side of my neck with his tongue.

"For someone who is dipping his toe back into having sex with guys for the first time in several years, you sure are taking back to it like a duck to water, aren't you?" I teased him, giggling as his tongue tickled my neck.

"What can I say?" he said, confidently. "The present company has reminded me how much I enjoy this kind of male bonding." He leaned in again and kissed me, this time on the lips.

When we parted, I looked at him and tried to say with a straight face, "Oh John! Give it to me stud!"

"Your wish is my command!"

But, before he could lean in and attack me with his mouth and tongue again, I held up my hand. "Seriously. There IS something I want to say."

"All right. Go for it," he looked at me, expectantly.

"I wanted to say how hard it was over the past few years to have you occasionally treat me like dog shit you had to wipe off your shoe."

"I've already apologized for that," he interrupted me. "You know I was just trying to push you and my feelings away."

"I'm not finished. I promise I'm not trying to admonish you again."

"Okay. Fair enough. Sorry..."

"It was hard having the size of the crush I had on you and having you treat me like you did whenever you decided I was getting too friendly with you. I just want to make sure it doesn't happen again. After what we've just been doing, I don't think I could stand it if you started acting like a total asshole toward me again."

"That won't happen, Jason." John put his hand on my shoulder.

"But it might. Where there's no communication, there's always room for misunderstandings. And when we're back home and back at work, we aren't going to be able to have these kind of conversations easily. That's why I want to make sure you know right now that, no matter what happens between us when we're back home, I'm not trying to come between you and your wife. I don't want to break up your family and I'll never ask you to leave them to be with me."

"I know that, Jason. And that means a lot to me."

"Do you know that, though, John? Because, if you happen to catch me looking at you in the hallway at work, I don't want you to assume I'm imagining you walking out on your wife and down the aisle with me. The next thing you know, you'll be in my office, yelling at me for something I didn't even do as a way of keeping me in check about my feelings for you."

"Okay. I know my actions and my reputation speak for themselves. But things are different now. Before, we hadn't... I mean, you and I weren't..." John paused, took a deep breath and looked into my eyes. "Back then, being with you the way we've been together since last night was a scary unknown that I was sure was going to destroy my life and the lives of everyone I loved if I let you get too close to me. After tonight, it's not unknown and it's DEFINITELY not scary. I know my attraction to you isn't going to destroy my family. We can be professional at work and still find ways to get together without it ruining our lives...if you want this to continue."

"I do. You know don't how much, I do. But...," I got up off the bed and walked over to the window to look down at the snow-covered ground below. "This wasn't what I imagined my life would be like. Being `the other man.' I'm essentially a mistress...uh, a misTER...whatever the hell it is I'd be. I don't want to be more important to you than your wife and kids. But I don't want to be treated like some ho' you picked up on the street corner. I just want you to know that I'm still your friend. And all I ask of you is that you treat me like one. One you like to get down and dirty with when the opportunity strikes." I turned around and found him standing behind me. Even in the midst of this serious conversation, I couldn't help but have my attention drawn to that sexy, hairy chest. Damn, was I lucky to have stumbled into whatever this was gonna be with John!

"You ARE my friend, Jason. I promise to always treat you with the respect you deserve. Which is why I need to ask you again if you're sure you want this. As my friend, I don't want you to be stuck in a sex-only relationship with someone who can't give you the type of relationship you deserve to be in."

It was actually very sweet and very telling of how he felt about me that he was concerned for my happiness that way. "I know what I'm getting into, John. And I'm doing it with both eyes open. Besides, I'm not going to stop looking for someone who will be available to me. Who's to say that I don't meet someone great in the meantime?"

He nodded at me and smiled. "So, we`re both on the same page, then?"

"I think we're good!"

"Great. Because..." he glanced back at the clock. "We have another hour or so before we have to get ready to leave for the airport. I can think of a few ways I'd like to spend it."

"Me too," I purred at him.

"Perfect." he called over his shoulder, as he walked back to bed, giving me a great view of his cute, toned ass. "C'mon, Julia! Let's get `er done!"


"Yeah," he grinned. "Julia. You know. Pretty Woman! You said you didn't want to be treated like a ho I picked up on a street corner. I was teasing you!"

I groaned and rolled my eyes. "Oh. Is THAT what it was? Waaah-waaaah!"

"Now who's being an asshole?" John laughed and shoved my arm, playfully. "Just let me do one more."

"Fine!" I sighed, playfully, enjoying this teasing side of him.

"Bitch, where's my money?!" he laughed at himself.

"At least one of us finds you funny," I continued to tease him. "Don't give up your day job. Or, if you do..." I reached out to pull him to me, our bodies pressed against each other. "Quit it to do something you're an expert making me horny as fuck!"

"Now that's a job I could really get into," he said softly before leaning in to kiss me.

At a little after 7:00am later that morning, John and I were fully dressed and in the back of a cab on the way to the airport to fly back home. And, shortly after 9:00am, we were seated side by side on the plane as it flew through the air back towards home. I had been confused when John requested a blanket from the flight attendant. But after those around us started to fall asleep, I realized why he'd done it. Before long, we were stealthily touching each other underneath it before finally settling into sweet hand holding.

It didn't happen often. But, when we got back home, John and I continued what we'd started in Denver. He never did leave his wife. Interestingly enough, he told me five years into our intermittent ongoing hookup-fest, that he told his wife about he and I. And the kicker: she was perfectly fine with it! So long as she remained the one John came home to at the end of the day, she apparently didn't mind his extra-curricular male bonding sessions every so often.

As of a couple months ago, I met a great guy, myself. It's getting serious enough that I'm reaching a point where I'm going to have to either break it off with John or risk telling my guy what's going on and hope that he's as understanding as John's wife was. But that's another story for another time...

Part 22. Getting Me To The Good Place Better Than Any Life Coach Could Have: John's Perspectives

I had barely raised my shirt up above my head and Jason's hand was still stroking my leaky dick when my cell phone rang. For a brief moment, I thought about not answering it. I didn't want anything to interrupt what was happening between Jason and I. But, I couldn't NOT answer it. What if it had something to do with one of the kids? I let my shirt fall back down my torso to cover my chest and stomach and I tried my best to smile at Jason as I climbed off of him and grabbed my phone from the night stand.

When I saw that it was Jeff from PST calling, I told Jason as much, in case he had thoughts that Laura was calling because she had some sort of sixth sense premonition that I was being a bad boy and decided to call and check up on me.

"Hey Jeff!" I answered the call, opting to forgo pretending that I didn't know it was him on the other end of the line.

"Hey, John," I heard his gregarious voice booming. "Sorry this unexpected snowstorm put a crimp in everyone's plans for this week. I hope you haven't been too bored at the hotel!"

I glanced over at Jason, still laying on the bed and couldn't keep my lips from forming into a grin. Jason and I have been finding ways to entertain ourselves."

"Oh yeah? What have you two fellas gotten up to, then?"

If he only knew... "Mostly watching coverage of the weather and sitcom reruns."

Jeff laughed. "Sounds like all the ingredients of a super-boring week, if you ask me, buddy!"

"No, it hasn't been too bad."

"If you say so, my friend!" Jeff replied with. "Since the two of you have been glued to the TV, I'm sure you've seen the weather reports that the storm is all but over."

"Oh really? No we didn't have the TV on." I went over and looked out the window to see that, although there was still tons of snow on the ground, no more was falling from the sky. "Wow, you're right! So, does that meant the conference will continue?"

"I'm afraid not, bud." Jeff sounded disappointed. "We've only got two days left and that's not nearly enough time to do much of anything. Plus, it'll take at least a day to get the roads clear."

"Oh. I see. Okay, then. That's too bad." I hoped I sounded appropriately disappointed. Really, I wasn't. I just wanted to get the hell off the phone and get back to my bed!

"Yeah. We'll reschedule for a couple months from now. In the meantime, since no one could have predicted this huge storm would actually happen, PST is ponying-up the money to pay for everyone to fly back to where they came from."

Nice gesture... "Really? That's so nice."

"It's the least we can do, man!"

"And you're sure the runways will be clear?"

"Absolutely. The news reports say crews are working overtime to clear off the runways. Everything should be ready by the time your flight leaves at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning!"

"Okay. We'll be ready to go bright and early in the morning, then."

"Great! I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to see each other this time around. Maybe a group from PST will be out your way soon to show Glenmont some new features on the system. If not, maybe when the conference is rescheduled."

"See you soon, Jeff. Let us know when it's rescheduled and Janine will pick two people to attend."

"Will do! Talk with you later, John!"

"Okay. Bye!"

I barely got the call ended before Jason was asking from my bed. "The conference?"

"Canceled. The snowstorm has passed, but with only two days of conference time left, PST decided to call it a day and try again in a few months. Apparently, news reports are saying the airport runways will be clear by tomorrow morning and PST as booked flights back home for everyone stranded by the storm. Our flight leaves at 9:00am tomorrow."

"Oh, that's nice." Jason said, disappointment dripping from his voice. I understood why.

I walked over and sat next to him on the bed. "It's 7:00pm right now, we've got 12 hours until we have to leave for the airport and a whole flight back home to use for catching up on sleep. What do you think we should do for the last 12 hours we have before this is all over?" To make a point, I reached over and grabbed his right wrist, pulling his hand toward my now semi-hard dick. Then, I leaned down to kiss him softly on the lips. If there was any remote chance he was still in the mood, I was more than ready, willing, and able to make sure this was the night of our lives.

After our kiss broke, I knew I was definitely ready for more. But, it surprised me when Jason looked into my eyes and asked, "Are you sure about this, John? I mean, I want this...bad! But I don't want you to regret it later. And more importantly, if you DO regret it later, I don't want you to take it out on me like you have been for the past year or so."

That hit me like a ton of bricks. No one likes to keep being reminded of their short-comings and the mistakes that they've made. But, on the other hand, I understood where Jason was coming from. No one likes to keep being an emotional punching bag either. And, I hadn't been particularly nice to him over the past year. So, I did what any good friend would try to do. I tried to laugh it off. "I'm never gonna live that down, am I? Jason, I want to do this. Trust me that much. Now, like I said, we've got 12 hours left and a lot of pent up sexual tension to work out. Why don't we make the most of it!? What is it you said I kept saying in the elevator the other night? `I want to do what I want to do,' was it? I say that you should let me do what I want to do!"

I was more than ready for all of this conversation to come to an end so we could get back to being as connected as we were before that phone call from Jeff. This time, without any interruption, I reached down and pulled my shirt over my head, flinging it to the floor with my other clothes. It was very satisfying when I saw Jason staring at my chest. I think I even noticed him slightly biting his lip. It was a nice confidence booster. I mean, I'm on the other side of 40 now and I'd started to notice more than a few gray chest hairs popping up here and there. In fact, Laura had even taken to playfully teasing me about them. It was kinda nice to know that Jason wasn't turned off by them.

Something that was MORE than kinda nice was when he reached up to pull me into another kiss. It was stunning how quickly I'd gotten into this. Just one day ago, it's something I never would've thought I'd do. Sure, I'd been having fantasies. But, they were fantasies I was certain I'd never let happen. It was so nice to just kiss him. I let all of the other thoughts, fears, and worries about my feelings for Jason that had weighed on me for so long just vanish. I was in the moment and damn did it feel good!

I'm not sure who started it, but somewhere along the way, one of us decided that Jason should be naked, too. Of course he should be! And maybe it was me who started it by undoing his pants. Amazing that I'd gone from storming out of Jason's hotel room in a rage to not much more than three hours later aggressively undressing him during a hot and heavy makeout session. Not only that, but I didn't even find myself fazed by the sight of his dick. The further I went, the harder it would be to go back to the way my life had been before. And now, I was on top of Jason on my hotel bed, our naked dicks grinding against each other and leaking against each other while he gripped the muscles of my back as we continued to kiss. It was heaven!

He was patient, careful, and caring with me that night...never pushing me into trying anything that I wasn't ready for. In all honesty, I'm not sure that there isn't anything that I wouldn't have been talked into doing. That's how safe I felt with him. One thing I tried that I would've never imagined myself enjoying in a million years was letting Jason lick my ass. I think he called it a rimjob, or something like that. I was certainly skeptical. But, I wasn't sure when or if this would ever happen again, so I wanted to take in as much of the experience as I could. Fuck, was it good, though! I never knew a tongue could ever feel so good, much less a tongue in my ass. I didn't even flinch when Jason finished and then crawled up to lay a kiss on me.

After another extended make out session, he pulled back from me, grinning. "Hold that thought. I'll be right back." He disappeared out of my room, making me wonder if our night of passion was unceremoniously over. Less than a minute later, he was back with condoms and lube in hand, shucking his shorts and climbing back onto the bed. "If you don't want this, I don't want you to feel pressure to do it. But, it's something I've wanted since the first day I saw you."

What man in his right mind would turn down a chance to fuck?! Fucking Jason had already been on my mind ever since he first blew me earlier. I was glad to see we were on the same wavelength where that was concerned. Without speaking, I answered him by pulling him close to me and kissing him. Then, I took one of the condoms from him. Never taking my eyes from his, I tore the packaging open with a smile.

After some prep work and some slow going to get us both used to what was happening, I found myself on my knees on the bed, looking down into Jason's eyes with him on his back as I fucked in and out of him. What my couple of gay buddies - not to mention a married, straight friend who confessed to me that he has an FB at the gym that he hooks up with from time to time - had said was totally on point. Fucking ass is so much better than fucking pussy. He was so tight...even after that regrettable encounter with the hotel concierge earlier. It was fucking fantastic...literally!

We were connected in such an intimate and primal way. I felt it and I knew he felt it too. The way he looked at me as I fucked him told the story of what he was thinking. As if to further drive home the point, Jason reached up and began running his fingers through my chest hair. It was perhaps more intimate than I should have allowed. I was letting us get too emotionally close. That was a dangerous thing to do...for both of us. But, I didn't care. It felt right to have him touching me and looking at me that way.

A few minutes later, I lay spent on the bed with the used condom in the trash can, trying to catch my breath. Yet another of many surprises that night came when Jason snuggled up next to me, running his hand over my chest. Instead of cringing, shrinking away from him, or ushering him out of my room, I threw my arm around him and pulled him closer. I even leaned down and kissed him on the top of his head. Yeah. We were definitely WAY to emotionally close. But, I still didn't give a damn if it was the wrong thing to do.

Before long, he'd fallen asleep...and I couldn't wipe the huge smile off of my face. Everything about this felt right, except... I reached over and grabbed my cell phone off of the nightstand and went to my photos. I scrolled through until I found a recent professional photo I'd taken with Laura and the kids. I looked at myself in the photo... The smiling, proud, father and husband. I was still that guy. But, I was also a completely different man. Now was not the time to worry about what would happen next. Now was the time to enjoy where I was and who I was with. I exited out of my photos and put my phone back on the nightstand.

I must've dozed off myself. I woke up I don't know how much later to find Jason and I separated. He was still asleep. Meanwhile, I still had my family on my mind. I grabbed my phone and slipped out of the bed. It was around 4:15 in the morning when I decided I needed to send Laura a text to let her know I'd be home later today. As I keyed the message, I couldn't believe how much my life had changed in such a short amount of time. I still was intent on not ruining my family. But, I didn't want to go home and go back to the way things had been before either. I didn't know how I was going to manage to integrate the `new me' with my life back home. But, figuring out how to do it was a high priority. After finishing the text: "Storm's over. Conference canceled. PST booked me a flight home today at 9 Denver time. Be home l8r this evening. XO"

I'd just hit the send button when I heard a drowsy, "Hey..." from the bed. I looked over to see Jason laying on his side, looking at me. I walked back to the bed, put my phone face down on the nightstand and climbed back into bed as Jason turned over to face me. "Just texting my wife to let her know that I just found out the conference has been canceled and I'm flying home in the morning."

"But you didn't JUST find out..."

Even though there was no sarcastic tone in his voice, I knew Jason wasn't being judgmental. It was an undeniable fact. So, I laughed. "Well... Saying I found out at 7:00pm and have spent the past eight hours fucking around with the guy we both know has a huge crush on me, probably wouldn't win me any brownie points at home." Talking was good. But, we still had over two hours left until we had to leave for the airport. I still had sex on my mind and decided to be playful. "Speaking of... We still have some time if you want to go for...what is this? Round 9?"

"I definitely want to," he said with a smile as he leaned in to kiss me. Why was it so comforting that we felt like an actual couple? I started to lean back in and start what I hoped would turn into an extended make out session that led to more sex. Instead, Jason kept talking and had kind of a serious look on his face. "But, I have a few things I want to say first."

I wasn't to be deterred, though. I leaned down and began laying short kisses on Jason's neck, responding to what he said with a question. "kiss Like kiss what? kiss Things like, kiss Yeah, John. Right there!' *kiss* or Oh John! Give it to me, stud.' kiss or `JOHN, you're so BIG'! kiss" Driving home the point that I was totally hot for Jason, I began lapping at the side of his neck with my tongue.

As he spoke, saying, "For someone who is dipping his toe back into having sex with guys for the first time in several years, you sure are taking back to it like a duck to water, aren't you?"I heard him trying to stifle a giggle. My tongue was definitely hitting some ticklish spots. I'd have to remember that for the future. Wait! The future?! I guess this meant I was going to be figuring out a way to be with him again when we got back home.

"What can I say? The present company has reminded me how much I enjoy this kind of male bonding." I raised up and kissed him again, this time on his lips.

When our kiss ended, Jason looked at me and I could see he was trying to keep from breaking into a laugh when he said mockingly, "Oh John! Give it to me stud!"

"Your wish is my command!" Teasing or not, I was still horny. I was going to find a way for at least another round of sex before we left for the airport.

Instead, Jason held up his hand to stop me from leaning in for another kiss. "Seriously. There IS something I want to say."

I tried to stuff down my erotic state of mind long enough for Jason to get out what we wanted to say. I owed him that much after all of the trouble I'd put him through for so long. "All right. Go for it."

"I wanted to say how hard it was over the past few years to have you occasionally treat me like dog shit you had to wipe off your shoe."

Not this again! I thought we'd already put all of those bad feelings to bed before WE went to bed last night! "I've already apologized for that. You know I was just trying to push you and my feelings away."

"I'm not finished. I promise I'm not trying to admonish you again."

"Okay. Fair enough. Sorry..."

"It was hard having the size of the crush I had on you and having you treat me like you did whenever you decided I was getting too friendly with you. I just want to make sure it doesn't happen again. After what we've just been doing, I don't think I could stand it if you started acting like a total asshole toward me again."

"That won't happen, Jason." I put my hand on his shoulder. It stung to know that, as many walls as we'd broken down over the last day, that Jason was worried I would turn on him. I would have to prove to him that he could trust me completely. And, in that moment, I knew I would do whatever I had to do to make that happen.

"But it might. Where there's no communication, there's always room for misunderstandings. And when we're back home and back at work, we aren't going to be able to have these kind of conversations easily. That's why I want to make sure you know right now that, no matter what happens between us when we're back home, I'm not trying to come between you and your wife. I don't want to break up your family and I'll never ask you to leave them to be with me."

"I know that, Jason. And that means a lot to me." If there was any doubt in the back of my mind as to whether or not Jason would one day ask me to leave my wife to be with him, that set my mind at ease. I suppose it could've just been a line and he was trying to snow me - if you'll pardon the pun - but there was something about the sincerity in his voice that made me trust him.

"Do you know that, though, John? Because, if you happen to catch me looking at you in the hallway at work, I don't want you to assume I'm imagining you walking out on your wife and down the aisle with me. The next thing you know, you'll be in my office, yelling at me for something I didn't even do as a way of keeping me in check about my feelings for you."

"Okay. I know my actions and my reputation speak for themselves. But things are different now. Before, we hadn't... I mean, you and I weren't..." I took a deep breath. I was willing to take all the bullets Jason had to toss at me for now, because of how I'd treated him before. But, if we were truly going to be friends with benefits once we got back home, he was going to have to stop bringing up my past behavior and learn to trust me like I was trusting him. "Back then, being with you the way we've been together since last night was a scary unknown that I was sure was going to destroy my life and the lives of everyone I loved if I let you get too close to me. After tonight, it's not unknown and it's DEFINITELY not scary. I know my attraction to you isn't going to destroy my family. We can be professional at work and still find ways to get together without it ruining our lives...if you want this to continue."

"I do. You know don't how much, I do. But...," Jason got up off the bed and walked over to the window. It occurred to me that I wasn't the only one having conflicting thoughts about this new aspect of our friendship. As he continued to speak, it became all to obvious that he was battling his own demons about us' and maybe I needed to handle him with as much care as he expected him to handle me. "This wasn't what I imagined my life would be like. Being the other man.' I'm essentially a mistress...uh, a misTER...whatever the hell it is I'd be. I don't want to be more important to you than your wife and kids. But I don't want to be treated like some ho' you picked up on the street corner. I just want you to know that I'm still your friend. And all I ask of you is that you treat me like one. One you like to get down and dirty with when the opportunity strikes."

I climbed off of the bed and walked over to him, nearly making it all the way over to him when he turned around and looked at me. God, those eyes of his. In the moonlight, they were striking. I wouldn't do anything to hurt the man behind those eyes. "You ARE my friend, Jason. I promise to always treat you with the respect you deserve. Which is why I need to ask you again if you're sure you want this. As my friend, I don't want you to be stuck in a sex-only relationship with someone who can't give you the type of relationship you deserve to be in."

Jason smiled at me. It made me feel good that it was possibly a sign that I was reassuring him of my feelings for him. "I know what I'm getting into, John. And I'm doing it with both eyes open. Besides, I'm not going to stop looking for someone who will be available to me. Who's to say that I don't meet someone great in the meantime?"

"So, we`re both on the same page, then?"

"I think we're good!"

I glanced at the clock on one of the nightstands. By my calculations, still another hour left before we'd have to leave for the airport. "Great. Because, we have another hour or so before we have to get ready to leave for the airport. I can think of a few ways I'd like to spend it."

"Me too," he smiled.

"Perfect." I said over my shoulder after turning to head back to the bed, hoping Jason would follow me. "C'mon, Julia! Let's get er done!" I don't know what possessed me to say "let's get er done." I didn't usually speak like that. But, it felt like a sexy, playful thing to say, so I went for it.

"Julia?!" he snorted at me, derisively.

"Yeah. Julia. You know. Pretty Woman! You said you didn't want to be treated like a ho I picked up on a street corner. I was teasing you!"

Jason rolled his eyes and then said, mockingly, "Oh. Is THAT what it was? Waaah-waaaah!"

"Now who's being an asshole?" I laughed and shoved his arm, thoroughly enjoying this fun banter between us. "Just let me do one more."

"Fine!" he sighed in a mock put-upon tone. Clearly, he was having fun with me, too.

"Bitch, where's my money?!" I couldn't help but laugh at myself. I know it's a no-no to laugh at your own jokes. But, it was more about the moment we were in, not that I thought I was being particularly funny.

"At least one of us finds you funny. Don't give up your day job. Or, if you do... Quit it to do something you're an expert making me horny as fuck!" Jason capped off his tease by reaching over and pulling me closer to him.

Before leaning in to kiss him, I got the last word on our banter session. "Now that's a job I could really get into."

We made out for a few minutes before Jason took one last load down his throat. Just a few hours later, we were on the plane, waiting for the flight to take off. I was still feeling pretty frisky from earlier and wanted to have some fun on the plane. But, I knew from past experience with Laura when we were dating, that trying to do anything in the bathroom would be next to impossible. Suddenly, I got an idea and asked one of the flight attendants for a blanket.

Jason gave me a funny look, but didn't say anything about it. Once I had the blanket draped over the both of us, I reached over to see if I could fondle his crotch without being too obvious. Once we were both sure no one would know what was happening and we were able to keep straight faces, we spent a big chunk of the flight playing with each other under the blanket and even holding hands. We were truly behaving like a brand new couple who couldn't keep their hands off of each other.

Once we were back home, i settled back into my regular routine for the most part. I tried not to let what happened in Denver affect my marriage...and I don't think it did. But, as I hoped we would, Jason and I found ways to occasionally spend intimate time together. It wasn't easy. But, we were both determined to keep up that new part of our friendship. And, in case you're wondering, I stayed true to my word. I didn't devolve back into acting like a douche-bag toward him. I like to think I even started to be a better boss at work, overall.

But, a few months being back from Denver, what had happened between Jason and I started weighing on my mind. I didn't like keeping secrets from my wife. So, without giving Jason a heads-up, I sat down with Laura one evening after I got home from work and the kids were still at after-school activities and told her what happened...and what was still happening.

Although I was certain I'd probably need to start looking for a good divorce lawyer, Laura took it surprisingly well. She asked me if I still loved her. I did. She asked me if I wanted to leave her. I didn't. I didn't tell her how emotionally attached I had become to Jason...mainly because it wasn't enough to make me want to leave her.

After we were done talking, Laura said she was okay with what Jason and I did in Denver and was okay with us getting together every now and then to spend time together, so long as what we were doing didn't start to negatively affect our marriage. Part of me wondered if the reason she was taking it so well is because she was having her own fun on the side. But, I didn't ask. I've always subscribed to the theory that you shouldn't ask questions you don't REALLY want to know the answer to.

After all that I'd gone through in my life, I was finally in a good place. I was a happy man...or at least, happier than I'd been in many years. I like to think Jason was a big part of that. In the end, even though I was unhappy at the time I found out, I'm glad he joined me in Denver for the conference that never happened. I'm glad we got snowed in together. And, even though it was unpleasant to go through, I'm glad we got through all of the crud and broke down each other's walls to get to the good stuff that happened on our last night there. I've found a great friend and an excellent lover who I know is going to be a part of my life for the rest of it.


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