Personal Trainers Shitty Life

By Luan Nascimento

Published on Dec 7, 2016


Warning: The following story includes subjects intended for adults over the legal age. If graphic, sexual scenes involving consenting males engaging in sex acts are offensive to you, or if you are under legal age, STOP HERE! Names, characters, locations and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

This tale is planned to depict raunchy and dirty acts. Expect graphic scenes involving stretching ass holes, fisting, prolapses, scat, urination, domination and humiliation. If you are looking for some extreme ass play but dislike scat you can check my Bill and Patrick series in Nifty or suggest another idea. I love hearing about what people want to read!

I also would love to hear anything from my readers. I'm open to criticism, suggestions, corrections and requests! Send me a fun message or anything to cheer me up and I'll be replying as soon as I can. My email address is: I'm really into extreme ass stretching and anything about the male asshole. Thanks for reading and have fun!

Personal Trainer's Shitty Life – Prologue: What do you do for a living?

When you think of a personal trainer you would think about physical educational activities at a public or private place. It's a professional suited to motivate individuals or groups, they understand their clients' goals and help them through the path to health and physical improvement. That would be me but not in a traditional way, I'm not one of those ordinary trainers or coachers. It's a competitive world and a competitive market out there. To be successful you have to differentiate yourself, to appeal to certain publics and specialize your knowledge tailoring it to the customer's needs. That's what I tried to do and it achieved me some success. Well let me tell you how I ended up in this career and exactly what I do.

I was quite a horny teenager but horny by myself. I'd browse the net and watch porn every chance I had. That wasn't the usual porn. I was addicted to big and dirty assholes which led me to visually experience every kind of extreme sexual practices. Watching it was nice but I couldn't let it out of my system. I mean my sexual fantasies. I came out of the closet very young, fourteen y.o. to be more specific. My family was gay friendly and we had a gay club kind of thing at school. However, there was no friend or partner to teach me anything and the club at school was mostly a bunch of snobby, vile, wannabe edgy twinks.

It all led me to be lonely. Two friends, girls, were most of my social company. Nice people you meet in high school and end up keeping around the entire life. Loliness isn't a bad thing if you don't give a damn about it. I used my free time to try most of the things depicted in online porn. Homemade dildos were used to stretch my hole, information on how to build them was all over my browser history. I was already able to self-fist and eat my own shit at fifteen years old. A part time job next year gave me the money to pay for sex toys, my hole kept being wrecked apart, after fucking it hard enough it would turn inside out and expose my rectum. It was an insatiable filthy teen cunt. I loved scraping the dirty out and playing with it!

Good things started happening in college. I was majoring in physical education and we had this sea of professionals wanting to become teachers, coaches, personal trainers or whatever variation you could think of. At some point I thought I was going to be a baseball coach or something since that was what I liked the most. College is a place to grow up, experiment and be out there. I joined the rainbow flag community as soon as I moved in to the campus. Something changed when I met a group of nice guys in there.

They pleaded me to join because a member got a peek at my nicely sized cock, soon enough I enrolled in dirty activities. Once more it wasn't ordinary vanilla college sex. Extreme pleasures and shitty experiences filled our meetings. People joked around about it being an unofficial fraternity. We even got to name it The Brown Hole. There were eighteen to twenty guys, sometimes someone would leave college or graduate, sometimes a sophomore ended up joining us and numbers changed. Around that time I became a mini celebrity in the group, my time playing alone was paying off. I was the biggest hole, biggest dick and raunchier guy around. They nick named me Coach Brown since I loved unloading my bowels on everyone's cock and mouths as much as I loved them doing it to me.

My career started there! I had every tool to become a professional trainer and people at The Brown Hole viewed me as that, someone who possessed great knowledge about every filthy desire and physical goal they had. Through my time in college my skills and knowledge helped a great deal of people to achieve whatever they wanted: muscle growth, hole stretching, muscle and bowel control and a plethora of amazing techniques. I got popular and started teaching men outside the group as a job. It took me some time, work and research but soon I became a personal trainer for a wider variety of training programs and audiences.

Then I graduated and immediately moved to Los Angeles, Hollywood. Land of big stars and the meanest homosexuals you will ever meet. They are depraved, selfish, vain and filthy rich sluts. They are also ready to pay for plastic surgery, huge mansions and personal trainers. Word spread around and I saw an open market lying right in front of my eyes. I can't even blame those people for their personalities and bad behavior when they are my paying customers. Celebrities, porn stars, rich kids and daddies. I'd think you were lying if you told me how many people in L.A. would want to hire a guy like me. It didn't stop there, five years in the business and I got to travel around the country and even outside.

There were some bad things on the way. Bryan, my college sweetheart, ended our relationship after I started making it big. He told me I was a whore, kept going on about L.A. standards and how he didn't like my new waxed clean cut appearance. I'm almost 6 feet tall, thirty-one years old, shaved head and light brown eyes. Waxing my entire body had the goal to generally please my customers. I also need to mention my natural gift, my ten inches long, a bit more than two inches thick monster. It lives in my crotch and it's an awesome tool to stretch my clients and train their holes. As you can imagine I'm hunky and muscular all around. That image also helps in the general personal trainer business. Well, my cleanliness is just a facade, at almost all times my bowels are loaded with shit and I don't wash my foreskin often. I'm a bit sad but definitely not unhappy, my relationship can still be saved in my opinion. I still can be happy and fulfilled even if it's not with Bryan. The answer to what I do for a living is quite simple: "help filthy whores achieving their physical goals". My real name is Chad but they call me Coach Brown.

Personal Trainer's Shitty Life – Chapter 1: Spoiled Teenager

Los Angeles mornings could be annoyingly hot sometimes. I was waking up to one of those sunny days, no clouds up in the skies. It was Monday, eight o'clock, time to get ready to work. I had two scrambled eggs, some sweet potato, brown rice and milk. Time to shower but not to shit, I got to keep it clean in the frontlines and dirty in the backlines because my daily assignments can randomly change. Sometimes I get a filthy client, sometimes I get a picky client. Given my line of work, clean training rarely happens, but I always carry a douche around. It's annoying and such a waste when I have to clean my bowels for a lesson, a sacrifice to make some money. My work uniform is composed by some short shorts, tight spandex under my shorts, white sleeveless t-shirt and gym sneakers. Everything is ready, time to hit the gym! Let me tell you how everything works.

I do have a secretary and assistant manager, her name is Christine and she was one of my friends back from high school. She happens to be open-minded and business focused enough to work in this. It's something I needed, can't trust people wanting to take advantages of what I build and L.A. is filled with poisonous traps and snakes. It's also nice to have a woman around or I would surely be abusing my assistant all the time. There's a logistic to my schedule, at this point there are regular clients, group lessons, new clients and special occasions.

Regular clients are just the usual sluts who I accepted and kept up with, not everyone turns out to be a regular client. I need to accept them and to want to work with them. If something is wrong on either side or the client wants clean training but can't afford it I may not take them as regulars. I also make it clear, they need to pay an extra amount of money or I won't be hired for clean training routines. It doesn't pleasure me as much but money is money. Group lessons are usually held only with regular customers, special cases are made for regulars bringing in a selected friend as a new client.

New clients are people who want to hire me. Christine filters every request by amount of money, connections and how relevant they are. She deals with everything knowing exactly what I like and what my goals are. Once those requests are filtered she gives me a box containing profiles, notes and important information about assignments. I read them and decide where they go on my schedule. Usually I get them on Friday and select them through the weekend. Christine has everything ready and organized on our calendar. She fits new clients as I select them.

Special occasions are filthy rich or celebrity clients. There's a wider variety on those, sometimes I need to travel out of L.A. or the client comes and meet me in the city. On rare occurrences I got to travel out of the country but those are really special occasions and happened only a couple times. I usually make a lot of money from those. It's such a high amount that sometimes something happens and I change my entire schedule just to get a new special client. Getting to be known among celebrity and rich client's circles is a high priority therefore I change my schedule and adapt it to them.

I give trainning lessons at the gym facilities, they can be public group lessons or private rooms set to customer's taste. I also meet regular or special occasion customer's at home. They just need to have a gym or some training equipment lying around. My day starts going to the gym, I named it Coach Brown's Training Pit. It's not a huge building but we have two floors. Windows aren't open to the world as our work requires some privacy and our customer's identities usually need to be protected from public eyes. There is only one to three client slots per day, this job is extremely tiring and I don't want to sell a bad services. I'm also planning to hire one or two more trainers but finding people qualified to do this job is a challenge.

Today Christine was at her office chatting with someone over the phone when I arrived. I went by to ask her if she got the new approved clients and removed the old ones. She quickly ended the call and told me to go check my email. There was a special occasion request and she was rearranging my schedule. I opened the email message and there was a client profile and a voice message. A big movie director had a son wanting to hire a personal trainer, my qualifications clearly pleased the kid. He's a sixteen year old guy and graduated in high school on an all-male boarding school recently. I opened the voice message file and his father started talking.

"Hello Mr. Brown. My kid got outta his boarding school and recently moved to L.A. He's in a rebellious teenager phase turning into a nasty fag and to be honest if I don't give him what he wants it just gets even worse. He starts disobeying me, avoids cleaning up and show up to high society parties stinking of shit. I think both of us can take advantage of this personal trainer idea. He wants to get a better body and I need someone to give a lesson to that punk, teach him some manners while you do your job. I'm even giving you my personal and legal permission to do as you please if you accept the job. We got a pool and a gym at my place, just do a good work and tell him to follow the rules or no more personal trainer. You can use any equipment available. Hope you get the idea and do what is possible to put Nick back in the line."

Under the file there was a note describing his kid's physical profile and a picture. His son is 5'5 feet tall and 150 pounds, my eyes were caught by his hips size, kid got a big butt. Then a picture and I already knew I would get the job, Nick seemed to be mixed white and Puerto Rican. He had light brown skin, brown eyes, curly short hair cut in a stylish side shave and a bright smile.

I usually don't get kids this young, no patience to deal with them. However this case sounded nice enough. Good money, permission to teach a punk some lessons and a nasty ass to fuck. I could only hope this new customer to be big dicked but that would be too perfect of a job to even be paid for. I immediately phoned Christine in and she said it would take my entire day, she knew I'd take the job and my bag was ready. I always had dildos and butt-plugs. They may have a gym but who can tell what client will have hole stretching equipment?

She handled me some disclosure and legal papers and I was ready to go. Nick would be available after lunch time. I ran some daily chores and couldn't manage not to be kind of horny. Brown rice, beef and potato salad was my lunch. Nick would be waiting me by 1:00 p.m. and I needed to drive through the mansion zones and find my customer's house. It was easy though and he did live in one of those incredibly big houses, luck me to get that job.

There was security and I had to identify, give them my documents and legal papers. They drove me in and parked my car. Before entering the mansion they put me through a metal detector to check if everything was right. Only rubber and plastic toys, no problems after all. A maid greeted me and guided my way through the hallways.

"Oh lord. I don't know if you can handle this prick, he's being extra nasty this week. His father got a party coming up and he's in to upset the poor man." She said while we walked.

"Don't worry ma'am. I've met worst before and dirty jobs are my specialty. I was actually hired for this specific reason."

"Thank god someone who is brave enough. Our staff can't deal with him anymore. We have to clean his mess. Sometimes he invites his friends and throws parties. You wouldn't believe what kind of disgusting things those pigs do in there." She gasped.

"Sure I can. I'll teach him a lesson on how to behave and you can be sure his piggy desires will be satisfied." I smirked.

She didn't say another word. I guess she got stunned knowing Nick's personal trainer was just as, if not more, dirty than her employer. We arrived at the mansions gym and she didn't want to enter the room, I could already smell some odor coming from it through the door. She announced my presence and told me to go in. It wasn't as big as I thought it would be. Looking around I saw a bathroom entrance, probably showers. There was four running and three bike machines, general weight lift equipment, chairs and a table. Nick sat on chair but upon seeing me he started walking towards my direction. He was almost the same appearance from his profile's photo and reeked a shitty smell, not too strong to my taste but that's Coach Brown's nose we're talking about. That kid clearly didn't take a bath today.

He wore white tight gym shorts, a sleeveless black shirt and some shoes. His shorts had brown stains right on his butt crack area. I could peek at it when he moved back and turned around to throw a towel at running machine. I wondered how petty, exhibitionist and full of never this teenager was. The thing is, my cock was just hardening from looking at his stained shorts. He extended his left arm and gave me a polite handshake.

"So you are Mr. Brown. Well, well... it seems the information and rumors about you are quite the truth." He smiled. "Come sit here and let's talk a bit before we start."

"I promise my work is some of the best. You won't find another personal trainer in California that does this job like I do." He turned around and I could clearly see more brown stains and his jockstrap outline. My cock was fully hard already but Nick was clearly the kind of client to be pleased by that view. He smiled looking to my crotch and I sat down putting my bag on the floor.

"So, what are your intentions, your goals? As a personal trainer I'm here to teach you and assist you through training routines and physical improvement."

"Heh, all formal." He giggled. "Just set in and relax. I'm mostly looking to get a better body, put on some muscle and grow a bigger butt..." He winked in a brief pause "I mean getting that ass to grow and be big in every sense."

"Well I have adequate programs focused on glutes and legs exercises. However body improvement requires some dedication both in physical activities and life attitudes. You need to have a good diet and sleep well to attain good results." I winked, imitating his move. "I also have adequate programs to enlarge some other areas. Specifically talking I do develop anal strengthening, stretching and control programs. I also work out other areas such as throat and gagging control training."

"Oh exactly what I was thinking. Then my father's friend wasn't lying about it."

"Yes, it can be kind of hard to believe but I built a name around being a specialized personal trainer. You won't regret hiring me." I put my hands at the table joining them together. "This is the first session so it will be more of an evaluation of your body condition and working out what exactly should be your goals."

"Well I have been doing things on myself as you can think off. I mean can I open about what I really want to do?"

"Of course, I'm Coach Brown, a personal trainer hired by your father. Remember I have a full disclosure contract, nothing you tell me will leave this room."

"All right then. To be honest I was quite a slut while living in board school. Guys fucked me all the time since there was no girl around. I liked it but at some point my body couldn't take the aggression anymore. I started stretching my hole out and not cleaning it so only the nastiest guys would fuck me. I enjoyed it and I still enjoy it but I need more. I need knowledge about playing with my own body and other people."

His revelations made my cock dribble pre, this millionaire movie director's son was opening up about how he was raped and how he enjoyed it. How he liked nasty sex and wanted someone to guide him through it, perks of working as a personal trainer. I needed to concentrate, I can't forget to teach this punk a lesson or his father won't hire me again.

"I understand that. Then keep in mind we will need to develop muscular growth and sexual activities together. Your father told me about your bad behavior though. Could you explain a bit more of your situation?"

"That old geezer left me to rotten and die in boarding school. I rarely came home for holidays and he hardly came to visit. He told me everything was just a good lesson and he didn't care at all. I hate him and I'll make his life a living hell just as he did it to me!" He started screaming about his `sad' life.

"Stand up and come here kid." I told him in an assertive voice. He stood up and came around to my left side. I forcefully grabbed his arm and put him down, his stomach in against my lap, his navel lying right above my hard cock. Holding his left arm against his back I immobilized him and started slapping his butt cheeks. "Don't talk about your father like that anymore. We have a deal: you behave like a good boy, develop your training and keep me as a coach or you keep being a spoiled teenager and I'll vanish up and never come back." I was merciless. I hate spoiled rich brats, and they behave like loneness is the end of their lives. They go on about their teeny tiny problems, exuding their woe is me attitude, when they truly have what everybody wants from life. Private boarding school and nasty sex? That sounds like a wet dream, what was this spoiled punk complaining about.

"Let me go. I'm going to call the police you brute. You are just another hater my father hired." He screamed.

"Well you are right about being hired by your father, it's his money who pays for my work. It's his money that pays for the luxuries you have." I stopped slapping him as he was sobbing up. Nick's five inches cock was hard and I got to see a butt-plug pushing against his shorts as he had even cut some farts. "I'll let you go but remember about my job here as a coach. I just want to get good things for us both." He silently cleaned a few tears and stood up again, his hands were feeling his own sore butt while he made his decision. He seemed to be sad but I guess he was sad because he couldn't say no.

"Let me say I let you stay as my personal trainer. What would I gain from it?"

"Besides having a professional suited to help you? Let's say I also have another set of skills." I stood up grabbing my ten inches erection. "This is one of them." I moved to the nearest gym bench and sat down. The bench was reclined in a 50 degrees angle. I gave a sign to Nick and he came over. His cock line was visible through the sheer tight white shorts and jockstrap, it was really the five inches long I had estimated earlier. "Remove your shorts." He obeyed lusciously staring me at the eyes. His jockstrap was disgusting, brown and yellow stains verywhere. "Now remove your shirt, turn around and sit on my lap." He obeyed again. Nicks ass crack had crusty dark brown shit glued to his smooth light brown skin, poop stench took the room and I was feeling at home. My dark tight spandex under my short had a nice grip, Nick was bouncing like a good slut creating even more pressure, it made me drip a nice pre-cum stream. His bruised ass had red marks and my finger marks all over it. I got a hold of his ass cheeks and opened them. A lot more crusty shit covered his one inch thick white butt-plug.

"Hell kid, how long are you holding shit in this hole? Do you ever wipe it?" I asked.

"It's been four days and I don't wipe it, I want to stink every time my father brings guests home. I want to humiliate him and make all of them smell my shit."

"Watch your tongue boy. We need to make you into a polite young man but I'll teach the ways to still keep going as a shit slut." I smacked his ass four more times, he moaned out in pain. It was time to remove the plug then I brought his ass to my face pushing his legs open. "Why don't suck my cock bitch?" I ordered. He was following every order like a puppy, a true good student. Parting his cheeks once again I took a deep sniff on the marvelous scent, it strongly smelt of old shit. Removing the plug sent crusty bites everywhere. His plug length wasn't that much smeared in brown. Looking at his anal slit and averaging its size I concluded it had to be at least a bit more than an inch. It clenched and closed the gapin anus before I could look inside.

"Relax boy, I'm Coach Brown, your coach. I'm just evaluationg your conditions and showing you my skills. Why aren't you sucking my cock yet? I need to check out your mouth." He started trying to get my short and spandex out of the way, I got my ass up in the air to help him and Nick had undressed me, getting my gym wear pushed down to my thighs.

"Fuck that won't fit my mouth." He sighed in awe of my monster. I can't blame him it's not every day you get a ten inches long, two inches thick cock in your face.

"That doesn't mean you can't try. We are here to develop your body and skills. I need you to give your all." Nick slurped around my foreskin without getting his tongue inside. He started pushing it down to get a nice surprise.

"Damn, all this delicious cheese you are hiding!" He exclaimed.

"Nice gift for a new customer. You can eat all you want." He started licking around, rejoicing the tasty dirty white cheese encrusted all over my dick head. His ass relaxed while he munched and licked me all around, sticking his lips over my piss slit to slurp on my pre-cum stream. I could see his hole gaping an inch but no turd yet, my tongue couldn't wait anymore. Burying my face on his crack I started to lick and bite crusty shit pieces covering it. It was crunchy and tasted bitter getting me to an even hornier state. I took my tongue inside the gaping pit. His shit was a bit deeper and harder than I thought but my tongue is long. I could lick the turd's tip and savor it for some time. Taking my face out of his hole made a slurp noise, Nick's ass crack was covered in brown shit liquids, my saliva had dissolved most of the crusty bits I didn't eat. It was lubed enough to take both my thumbs inside the shithole and push it apart. I kept doing so until he started whining.

"Stop there you son of a whore, you are breaking my hole."

"Again I need to check what your breaking point is. It's part of the evaluation routine. Just keep doing your job and make my cock really wet." His hole widened gaping one and a half inch, my dick will certainly break him. The softer turd tip was moving, it almost made its way out but I shoved it in using my fingers. I got the plug near our bench and locked his hole while giving him instructions. "Don't shit now. Hold it a bit more we still have lots of work to do."

"Fuck you, you idiot. You made me relax, stimulated my hole and now tell me to hold it. It will be harder now." He barged. I honestly had to hold myself not to beat this punk down. Does this entitled brat ever have to work for anything?

"Do I need to explain the meaning of training? Are this dumb? You have to make an effort to achieve things..." He grunted out blabbering something, too low to hear any of his words. "Stand up again." I could feel my face wet, there were some mirrors around and looking at one of them confirmed my thoughts. I was covered in brown liquid shit and ass juices, my lips were glistening, bits of crusty poop adorning it, my cock completely covered in saliva and pre, I grinned to myself. He stood up so did I. "Sit down on the bench pointing your butt towards my way and keep your legs and butt cheeks spread out." He followed my instructions once again, getting exactly in that position, using his hands to spread his ass. I removed my gym shorts and black spandex completely. Sitting down behind him I quickly rubbed my cock on his filthy crack, smearing it in shitty liquid. "I'll remove the plug. Hold your shit inside."

"What..." Before any more of his words I removed it in one push. He clenched his ring hard but still kept his cheeks spread apart. "Are you crazy you fucking shitty fagot! How do you want me to keep up with your instructions if you just don't give me time. You are fucked you idiot, look at your brown face, you should be thrown in the garb... Aaaouch." This brat did get on my nerve. Under normal circumstances, having a polite customer around, I would usually train their holes a bit more, stretch them out, be careful and appreciate the moment when my cock entered then for the first time, getting it inch by inch inside. This isn't the case. I just shoved it all inside, no mercy for this fucking brat. He screeched out loud exactly like a dying animal, my spear impaled him shoving his shit upwards through his rectum, colon and giving the position maybe even some of his intestine. I let myself rest inside, feeling his guts trying to expel me, to shit my cock and his poop but I blocked it all. Just hard turds were being pushed around my length. It was even more painful to the brat as it only widened his insides.

"You broke my hole, you ruined me. I'm gonna sue you, I'm gonna destroy your career. You fucking penetrated my hole bare, no protection you whore. You are a disgrace!" He whimpered, squirming and crying out loud.

"Bitch I have legal authorization to do as I please. The only one being fucked up here is you!" I gripped his hair and forced his face my way, smearing my shitty face over his. That brat wouldn't allow me to kiss him yet. This time I started feeling a bit bad for Nick, I don't like to really hurt my clients and I certainly wouldn't be too happy if I had really broken him down but couldn't, in any way, hold myself. He deserved that long thrusting motion, he deserved that painful lesson. I just prayed that it wouldn't become bloody or anything as I hate when it happens. For a good ten minutes I just laid there in silence, he whimpered but no more insults. Once Nick stopped sobbing I started instructing him again. "I'm going to slowly fuck you and then remove my cock. We are going to plug you again and keep our evaluation course."

"But I'm aching too much."

"Well you wouldn't be aching if you just stopped offending me and started being a decent person."

"I'll try to, I'll try following everything you say and stop being bad. Please just make it feel good." I motioned my hips fucking his tight broken hole for a few minutes. It was just slow thrusts. He was moaning but didn't cry anymore maybe Nick did get some pleasure from it. I took my cock out and quickly inserted the plug, my cock was completely smeared and covered in shit, some hard turds fell out to my balls and to the floor. Soft shit and brown liquids were attached all over my length and a cone shaped soft but consistent piece of turd lied right on my thick dick's head, my foreskin was pushing up closing around the turd, some beautiful vision. I sighed in relief of seeing no blood maybe the brat was just a whiny bottom making a fuss about being fucked hard. "Turn around and lie on your back." Nick smeared some shit while moving around, there were some turds and liquid shit covering the bench seat. I stood up getting my shitty erection near his face. "Clean my cock slut."

There was some fear and disgust in his eyes. I guess he got afraid of what I was capable of doing and would do it just to set himself free. Nick started licking the turd cone, opening his lips he took a bite of it and chew on it slowly. His eyes rolled out of his skull, he was having a good time. Nick didn't have any disgust for eating shit! I got to the conclusion that he was disgusted by himself, by how he was enjoying eating his own shit coming from a guy who was abusing him, by how he enjoyed being abused. This is something I've seen before. Sluts always get that reaction when they discover how nasty they really like it. It's surely some of the hottest things I get to experience. I couldn't resist it, I sat down and pushed my tall body against his small torso, my two hands ripped his filthy and drenched jockstrap apart. He moaned chewing his own shit and I shoved my lips against his, our boners slapped against each other smearing every dirty soft piece on our smooth crotches. How I wished we were hairy but out in L.A. everyone is so focused on being waxed or lasered. Nick did open his mouth this time. We started kissing, my tongue collected chewed shit mass and I started swallowing some. Our wetness increased, brown saliva and shit bits were pushed to both mine and his lips corners.

Unplugging the lips I could look on our crotches again and my dick towered his meaningless cut five inches dick which was also covered in shit. I was really horny to know how big my cock was when compared to his. Nick had swallowed almost all shit and besides, there was a mess of mixed smashed turds, pre-cum and brown shit-juices between our legs. The best kind of meal! I moved my body down sliding it on the bench, kissing Nick's nipples and torso until my head was over his nasty smelly crotch. Fresh breeze passed through my open cheeks and spread my legs. There was a shitty brown trail under my body, right on the bench, some mess imprinted by my movement.

"Watch it Nick, look down and learn how to suck a cock clean properly. You will need to do exactly as I do." I started licking his shaft all over, his small wiener was brown having a cute red head, it was covered in soft shit, pre-cum and brown liquefied turds. His balls were shiny brown collecting all the dripping juices over them. I opened my mouth and inserted both balls inside carefully sucking them. A soft turd fell on my nose, it smelled like nasty shit sending a hot wave through my entire body. Nick moaned staring right at my eyes. He had the face of pleasure but still disgusted tones in his eyes. Letting go of his balls I moved my head up, licking his length and pressing the turd in my nose against him, smearing it all. I nibbled on some solid turds attached in his shaft and swallowed them opening my mouth to show him how brown my tongue was. His cock was an easy job as it was so tiny, I swallowed it in one thrust, letting the smeared shit and some softer turds go right into my throat. His bittersweet poop and salty pre-cum had an amazing taste together, I bobbed my head up and down quickly shit blowing and deep-throating his dick. I didn't gag on it as it was too small but still made a mess letting thick saliva run to my chin and everywhere on his balls. Then I finished it looking up in my messy face to tell him what to do.

At this point my cock didn't have the same amount of shit on it, some poop was smeared against Nick's crotch and some of it was down on the shitty trail printed in the bench. I really wanted him to give me a shitty blowjob and also had a load inside my hole. It was time to show Nick what a professional trainer hole looked like. "Just stay there." I got my torso up and turned around. My white ass was wiped clean but some shit juices dripped from my crotch to my balls making that area dirty. I opened my crack and rubbed it against his shitty mess of a tiny dick, immediately farting.

"Fuck you got a nice hole. It's gaping up just from farting and look at those lips." He commented grinning up. I got that slut end wine dead in my fingers. Maybe he would forget about the pain around his bruised ass and hole. It's always the same, every slut hiring Coach Brown end up like that, amazed by his skills. I spread myself really hard and forced down farting towards his penis, my turd lowered down and peeked out my outer sphincter. It was a good one, soft and ready to slide out but still thick enough to distend my hole opening it about two and a half inches diameter. "God that's amazing, the biggest thing I ever saw." He moaned. "Look at that fucking turd. You are really a shit whore, aren't you?"

"I am but you didn't see anything yet." I pushed my turd out and my ass towards his boner smearing and shitting all over his length and balls. This kept going on for a while as it was a two day load of mine. Two days loads are usually a pretty good amount of shit coming from my ass, I'd average it around at least a pound. I pinched the last turd and was sure some shit was still inside but wouldn't come out now. Forcefully pushing my distended shit lips and hole out I gave Nick what all my clients dream about, my prolapse. Still rubbing it against his crotch I smeared shit all over what should be at least two inches of my rectum bulging out. There was no mirror around but Nick charged himself of describing what he saw.

"Oh man, I want to fuck it. Look at your hole it's shitting itself out. Fucking shiny red meat covered in brown shit, let me fuck it please."

"Not yet Nick. Note yet. We still need to keep evaluating your physical condition and your limits." I smiled looking at his happy face. Another satisfied customer and we didn't finish yet. There were more plans for his hole and my shit. I got up letting my smeared prolapse out and walked towards my bag. My shitty bulged out rectum dripped poop all over the way. Nick was moaning out, jerking off using some of my load. "Don't waste it all, we will need some for the next `exercise'." I opened the bag and searched for a specific toy. It was a long empty tube, and a handle. My prolapse slipped inside, it felt moist and shit hanged over it, some fell down, some invaded my crack and only a bit of it entered my hole again.

"What is that? Is it a big piping cake thing or a sausage stuffer?" Nick asked.

"Neither. It's called a repacking toy. We use it to get shit inside the hole again. I'm going to use it and stuff you full of my shit."

"I can't take anything anymore. My hole hurts and there's still a lot of shit inside."

"Don't be a brat. Work for it! Won't you want to fuck my hole? Work for it slut." He was silent again but soon answered.

"Alright, let's try it."

"That's what I like to hear. So here is what we going to do. We are going to use this toy and repack my load inside you measuring how much shit you can hold at once. Then I'm going to fuck you and you will be allowed to finally let it all out on my cock." I instructed walking to the bench.

"Aw man if you fuck me again I'm going to die. I just can't take it."

"Yes you can, you didn't even had blood coming out of you and I was really rough. You are just a whiny spoiled brat who doesn't know how to work for anything. Want to fuck my hole? Then at least agree to complete the evaluation course."

"Ah fuck. I'mma do it." I was already in the bench scrapping shit and filling the repack tube. Nick didn't care about helping me. Fucking brat just stood there jerking his completely filthy erection, rubbing his right hand and smearing his balls and abs even more. He didn't help repacking at all, is his food even chewed and given to him? I had filled that transparent tube halfway through since it was only a bit less than a pound of shit then locked it and pumped the air out leaving only shit in there.

"Show me your hole. We are going to start now." He positioned himself throwing his back to the arched bench, he pulled his ass up to point I could see his smeared butt-plug and spread his legs holding them open, his feet free in the air. He had his red bruises swelled up forming even more prominent red marks, signs that I gave him an awesome spanking session. "I'm going to remove the plug. Clench yourself shut and don't let the shit fall." He followed instructions and I removed the shit-smeared butt-plug quickly inserting the inch thick opening coming from the repack tool. I pulled the handle and started pushing my shit inside Nick. He moaned out both in pain and pleasure.

"Fuck my ass is burning hot. It's feeling completely full and stuffed." He squirmed. "Ah coach it's so painful, I can't take it." His cock was completely hard spewing pre-cum continuously.

"Yes you can. You love it, look at your cock." I finished repacking and plugged him again.

"Fuck I don't know how long I can hold." He warned me but I just threw the repack toy to the floor and swallowed his filthy shitty dick. It tasted amazing as always, it was almost all my shit but still had bits of Nick's turds in it. I shoved it all in my throat smearing my own tongue and mouth depths just to take it out and chew some bits while slapping his small brown cock over my face, splashing thick saliva and shit everywhere.

"Now it's time to fuck you again." I warned removing the plug he just sighed and took deep breathes holding our shit loads on his bowels. Pointing my dick to his broken swelled up anus I penetrated him slower than before but not too carefully. He screeched again, his guts tried expelling me but only pushed shit down widening his colon and rectum. I felt turds and soft shit going out of him, making home on my balls, shaft and entire crotch. Harder turds were battling my dick for room inside his guts when I started fucking him. I thrust it harder and faster this time. He started sobbing up, crying out about how painful it was. I just kept fucking him, his rock hard shitty small sized cock slapping against my abs, spreading shit juices all over me was proof of how much he was enjoying it all. His hard turds softened, becoming loose and smashed against my length, his anus distending out making himself wide enough to push those turds out. I was almost having an orgasm when I stopped fucking him and took my cock out.

"Time to push everything out." He couldn't wait for it and just started shitting everything, his teen anus was wide open, two and half inches shitting all over my filthy dirty ten inches long dick. He farted pushing it as much as he could for two minutes, letting his bowels contents out. Once the shit stream stopped I told him to keep pushing and his broken rectum prolapsed about an inch. "Ah, that is what I'm talking about. Ever got your hole bulging out like this?"

"Just once coach." He replied in a shaky voice. There was shit falling to the ground, I bet it was at least a two pound load. My mouth couldn't resist, I went down to nibble and suckle on his prolapse, telling him to keep it out. He kept crying and moaning in pleasure, his hand clawing in my shoulders. I got my tongue inside his meaty rose entrance and licked his anus juices mixed with soft turd bits. He shivered out having his sensitive prolapsed rectum being sucked for the first time. I got in position again and shoved my cock inside, pushing his hole in. He just cried out loud, begging for me to take it out. I didn't fuck anymore just kissed him while he let his feet rest on my thighs, he was tasting his shitty hole in my wet face, I could savor his salty tears running down his cheek to his mouth.

"Ready to clean my cock?" I asked. He just nodded positively and I removed my shaft from his broken hole, it prolapsed by itself but I shoved the plug back in and stood up to let him face my throbbing, shit covered erection. Nick started copying what I did to blow his shit dick. He started sucking on my balls, being able to get one of them completely inside his mouth. My dick fell on his face covering it in shit. I smeared it around to spread the filth as he started licking the length to the tip. He got his brown tongue out and opened his mouth but was unable to swallow my cock. I gripped his head shoving it down towards the shaft, his eyes rolled out of his skull again as I slowly penetrated my shitty monster in his throat. "Breath through your nose brat." Nick's eyes squinted and opened up to reveal them even redder, tearing up once more. His nose hit my crotch, right where I was supposed to have pubes if I wasn't completely waxed. I bobbed his head skull fucking him and in some seconds he was gagging, putting out a good amount of thick saliva. He pushed my thighs away and I removed my cock to watch him puke all over my dick. He was unable to say anything when I grabbed his head and shoved my cock inside again, he pushed forcefully but I still fucked his throat a bit more. Nick burst out vomiting right when I took my cock out.

He kept licking and swallowing shit bits and his own vomit on my filthier dick, Nick till had tears in his eyes. Little fella was a brat but this afternoon he at least showed some effort, he could take some hardcore fucking for sure. I didn't want to shove my cock inside or I would just cum in his face, my ass started itching for a fuck and it was time to give Nick an encouragement treat. As I promised earlier I would let him fuck my dirty prolapse.

"Are you ready Nick? Do you think you can fuck my hole?"

"Hell yeah!" He answered still taking deep breaths but much livelier. "I want it so much you don't even know. Let me fuck the shit out of it."

"Of course. Do you want to choose how or where you want to do it?"

"Just go on your fours like a horny bitch and get that hole inside out." I let him reverse our roles for a bit, needed to convince the boy to fight his father for my contract after all. I did go on my fours on a nearby gym mattress, spread my legs and shoved both middle fingers inside my hole opening and widening my cave. Them I pushed out really hard, bulging my rectum a bit more than two inches out, this time there was a mirror near us and I could see how nasty it was, covered in shit and hole juices. Nick lapped on it and started holding the meaty rose. He easily slipped his thin, small cock inside and started banging his teen hips against my ass as furiously as he could. He was giving it his all but both his length and strength couldn't shove my prolapse inside completely. I was showing him my strength and muscle control having at least an inch of filthy shiny red rectum sticking out at all times. I farted letting some more turds and shit bits out. After what seemed like ten minutes Nick started loading my hole without any worry about doing it bareback.

"Good job!" I told him.

"Not finished yet coach." He kept banging me, kid got some stamina. His dick still rock hard making me fart some cum bubbles and desperately trying to shove my rose inside. I just laid my head on the mattress and looked back to smile away him. He seemed a bit disappointed in his pointless effort to hurt my hole but still gave me another load after seven more minutes.

"So you do have some stamina on you brat."

"Sure I do, now give me that fucking rose. I'll pee on it." Nick's effort to humiliate me proved pointless again. He didn't know how much I loved having men pissing on my prolapse. I just spread my cheeks and pushed it out again, it bulged a bit more than two inches. At least that punk had stimulated my hole a bit. He started peeing, washing the dirty red but painted white rectum. I enjoyed feeling the stingy sensations and let myself relax a bit. He then shoved his filthy shit face in my crack and munched on my prolapse for a good while. He was enjoying the piss, cum and liquefied brown shit and I was enjoying an almost good rimming session. I still had to cum though, it wouldn't take long but I wanted to do it in his face, to show him who's the boss one more time.

"Ok, now you have to make me cum too. Let's see how good you are at throating my cock again."

"Ah, it's all aching I don't want to do it."

"You have to, it's the final evaluation."

"Dammit, you and your evaluation fuckery. I'll just do it so you come back." I turned to lay my back on the mattress. He came over lowering his head to my crotch. Nick started swallowing it by himself, getting it inside his throat and was even able to give me a half good blowjob. It took him a minute and he was able to make me cum. We kissed in our filthy, swapping my load back and forth, spitting it in each other mouths. We still had our faces smeared in shit and brown liquids. I was horny but work is work, if I fucked Nick again I would probably break him too hard. I told him we were done and our sexual evaluation session was over.

He phoned in the staff and told them to clean the mess, we went to the bathroom and it was a public locker room shower style. I took bath with him teaching him how to get clean and not to smell. His skin was really smooth and soft, he told me that laser hair removal and some other treatment was done to it. I cleaned his crack but not inside his hole, neither did I clean inside mine. Nick seemed to agree on everything and to agree on being clean for his father and more polite to everyone around. I told him to still be a shit slut but not go so open about it. He needed to start working for his goals. We got out of the showers and everything was clean even my bag and the mattress, rich people and their rich life. I took some ointment and moisturizer to rub against his bruises and also gave him some meds to his hole and bruises.

We sat down to discuss work out routines and training courses some more. He was acting like decent human being but still a little bratty. He took some gym and sexual education pamphlets that i gave out. Those contained info about extreme practices, websites and such. He was a bit freaked out by bare sex but I got him the legal documents and proof that I'm clean and using PrEP. It's the life of a high profile personal trainer. You have to be ready for every kind of situation.

I had some working out diagrams, both for gym and sexual training and analyzing the personal evaluation, his physical profile and his goals we put together a training plan. He was instructed to follow the plan until we met again, he also could call or email me a message in case of doubt. I would send his personalized nutrition plan by email at a later time, he also needed to take some medical exams but it couldn't be this week as I had wrecked him really good. Afternoon was ending up, time to go. I could still stay a bit more and talk to him about other stuff but I tend to keep a bit of sentimental distance from my customers, always avoiding falling for someone and it is even harder now that Bryan and I broke up. Nick had puppy eyes and almost begged me to come back and be his coach.

I went back home, ate some dinner and slept. I'm not rich. I have to work for a living. Few days later his father mailed me another voice message.

"What have you done to my son... It's a miracle. He's behaving perfectly fine, clean clothes and smelling good again. I never saw Nick being the perfect gentleman he was at my party. He still talks to those kids from boarding school but whatever. He's following your training course and even talked about trying acting college or something. I can't thank you enough for your work. Hope you keep up being my son's coach."

I landed a good regular client again. Good money would come from him and his father but poor Nick was just one of many. L.A. and the world are filled with filthy sluts ready to pay for my services.

This is was the first chapter of my second series published in Nifty. It was something meant to revolve around scat, be raunchier and rougher than my first series, something to please my piggy readers. In case it picks up some interest I'll keep writing it! If you want more extreme anal pleasure stories you can check my Bill and Patrick series. Just forgive for the big grammar mistakes on chapter 1 over there! Oh and for those who are waiting Bill and Patrick chapter three is coming soon!

Remember that I'm open to criticism, suggestions, corrections and requests! Send me a fun message or anything to cheer me up and I'll be replying as soon as I can. My email address is: .

And don't forget to donate to Nifty. This awesome site allows us to upload these sexy stories. I love it here and would recommend as the best erotica website in the internet. If you have some spare coins lying around throw them at nifty, it's worth the cause!

Next: Chapter 2

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