Personal Piece Of Heaven

By James Bernard

Published on Apr 1, 2012



If you aren't atleast 18 then don't read this. This holds no info on any celebrity that are inside the story. This does hold male/male relationships and if this bothers you then you're looking in the wrong section buddy lol. I have the write to hold a story or completely end it if I want. Hope you enjoy this story on "Supernatural".I will be changing some things.

Personal Piece Of Heaven-1

It started on a not so good day with Sam and Dean Winchester. Two hot brothers with an attitude and a reputation for getting into trouble by demons and everything else evil. Not saying they're bad people just that they are good boys always finding trouble with demons by doing the right thing. It started with their dad, met the wrong people did the wrong thing, had a redemption streak in him so He turned on evil after dellving into it for too long.

Point is...I now am stuck with watching them. Me...a half angel half demon. Basically an abomination too all God has created. A blending of the forces...a neutral force. Neither good or evil...but it's supposedly not a pretty sight. Unpredictable to that of even God...that's what they must mean. "To redeem yourself you must be a guardian to Sam Winchester. Usually you would have to watch them both, but for an abomination as yourself I don't want to trust you with them both." Micheal said to me. I nodded my head, my wings extended to their usual length. All white except the tips which were pure black.

A dive from my post and I was off to Earth for my charge.Sam Winchester hope your ready for me.

A church

The brothers were fighting a demon. Usual business. Except this demon was kicking their asses. A woman...demon...Ruby was fighting the demon with them. She delivered a kick and a jab, but the demon just swatted her away. She landed on a support beam, spitting up a slight amount of blood. Dean went to her, Sam tried expelling the demon. A gas as dark as the emptiness of space came from the demons mouth, but retreated inside. Sam was exhausted and was easily swatted away. A ball of light entered the room and hit the demon straight in the chest. The demon screamed in terror as the light forcibly expelled the it from it's host.

Leaving just a woman, "what...happened?" She asked, "Nothing Dinner can't fix." Sam said leading her out. Dean and Ruby followed them out of the church. Leaving watch in the corner. Wishing I was the one being led to dinner by and with the hunk that is Sam Winchester.

At Dinner.

Seems they had a double date, at an Greek Restaurant. I obviously hid my wings. Walking in and getting a seat, I ordered food. Always wanted to taste the stuff. I ordered Giouvetsi...lamb stew in a clay pot. It was actually pretty good. I was picking up the conversation happening at their table.

At their table

"Honestly we go around saving people from demons on a daily basis." Sam said to the red head now know as Sarah. "Really? That's so cool. At the same time kind of scary. I want in." They stopped all their laughing and looked at her seriously. "No you don't it's a horrible life. We've all literally went to hell." Ruby reasoned, "Some of us more than others." Dean commented. With a sigh from Sam, "Point is. You don't want into this life." And Sarah stopped him with, "You already have me part of this. I was possessed and now I'm dining win you. Seems like I am already involved." Sarah grumbled back. "Fine. Just don't say we didn't warn you." Dean responded. "I was a librarian and was tasked with keeping the occult section in order. I know all kinds of things. Which is why I was possessed in the first place. I can help." Sarah said with a hopeful smile.

"Someone's listening in. I hear bells." Sam said looking around. "Angel." Dean said joining him in looking. "I have an idea." Sarah said. "I read something in a book once. It just needs salt and a little blood." "We can't cut ourselves in a public place." "Do it in the bathroom." Ruby told her. She took a small knife put it in her purse along with the salt, and walked to the bathroom like nothing was going on. Ruby following, leaving the guys to look around.

In the bathroom

Ruby locked the door, and Sarah had set up the spell writing the spell in Enochian. With a small cut, the blood seeped into the Enochian salt Sicily. A glow of red light glew from the sigil and the light seemed to trail off to something outside of the bathroom, having Ruby and Sarah follow it.


I got up and went to the bathroom not that I really needed it. I just didn't want to be caught yet. I as soon as I went inside a light hit me from behind, it was too late though. My wings wrapped around me, in an instant I was gone.

With the group

"The light will go to the angel." Ruby filled them in. "The light went inside the bathroom, a guy went in before it. That doesn't mean it's him though." Dean says about it. "Still look for it." Sam says walking into the bathroom to find it empty.

"I think it was the guy." The all get up and leave trying to find a way to explore the situation.

At the motel the group was staying at.

"We need to find this angel. Wouldn't it just approach us?" Ruby asked walking around. "Not unless it just wanted to observe us." "We can't take any chances." Dean finished the conversation. Sarah was trying the spell again, but with better ingredients. "In a few minutes the angel will be revealed to us." She said proud of herself. "The light that exorcised the first demon...maybe it was the angel." She commented they looked around thinking about it.

A crash was heard as the lights flickered, and the temperature lowered, and the door burst open with a man with black eyes entered screaming at the top of his lungs as he was being forcibly possessed. The demon finally took control and was playing with everyone. Sam through it against the wall with telekinesis, Dean shooting it with a gun. The bullets fall off as if they didn't cause any harm.

Ruby stabs at it, to have the knife swatted away.Sarah cowering in the corner with the knife. Sam tried exorcising it but to no avail, he was exhausted and was having trouble staying awake.

A warmth finally hit the room, a bright light entered the room and exorcised the demon,yet again like the first time. "I know you're there." Sam said calling out. "There's no need to hide."

Might aswell come out lol. I entered in a flash of light. "So it is you." Sam said walking up to me. Me being the overdramatic person I am dropped my guard to find myself handcuffed to a bed. "What do you want?" Dean asked, bringing a knife to my face. Only giggling I blew a small amount of air causing the knife blade to melt. Dean looked at it surprised. "What do you want?" Sam questioned laying next to me exhausted. "I'm Sam's guardian angel." I said laughing. In an instant I was out of the cuffs cuddling with Sam. My wings extended, and wrapped around us. "What are you doing?" Dean asked, my wings glowing brightly. Sam and everyone around my wings were healed of any and all injuries. "Protecting." I said moving my wings up and folding them back inside my back. I yawned falling asleep on Sam's chest.

Sam blushing slightly. "Maybe we should all gets some sleep tomorrow we will deal with him." Everyone seemed to agree with it. Except Sarah...who was obviously jealous left with a huff.

This was going to be fun. Maybe Sam will fall for me and we can be together forever...already having ideas in my sleep.

(First of many chapters. I am unpredictable. I like to write about things when I'm in the mood to write certain stuff. I apologize but I will write when I feel like because it is a hobby not a job. Hope you enjoy this thanks for reading.)

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