Perry Hotter and the Vanishing Virginity

Published on Nov 15, 2023


Perry Hotter and the Vanishing Virginity 4

Chapter 4

As soon as Bummemore left us, I turned and grabbed Drago and kissed him good and proper. He melted into my embrace.

“I really wanna say to hell with having friends up and do all sorts of unspeakable acts upon your amazing body.” I whispered.

“And for the first time in my life, I'd like nothing more than that myself. Sure, in the deepest recesses of my mind, I knew who and what I was, and I've dreamed, fuck, have I ever dreamed, but I've always forced myself to stop thinking such horrible thoughts. You know I was watching you, I know you know, and even knew then. Why didn't you ever rat me out though?”

“You know the answer to that already Baby. I wouldn't hurt you like that, and that'd make you crash like two freight trains coming together at full speed. I knew you were hurting, I knew exactly what you wanted, but I also knew exactly how much you couldn't possibly go after what you wanted.” I said with a quick tender kiss.

“I knew it, yes, but not your motives. I can see your thoughts, hear your thoughts, feel your emotions, but I don't necessarily see your motives, at least fully, because I am starting to see them too.”

“Yes, and I think that once we make love to each other, that that'll be it, that there's simply nothing that we won't be able to do, we'll be fully and completely merged, and our powers will have finally finished settling. It still feels like a massive ocean crashing around inside me, but each time we kiss, it's like it calms right down, and I feel calm throughout.”

“I feel the same way too. Maybe we'll haveta make it a short visit.” Drago smiled warmly.

“You really do have an incredibly beautiful smile, you know that. I wish I could've seen it on the day we first met, I would've made love to you right then and there on that first train ride. I so totally would've ridden you all the way here had I seen you smile like you do now.”

“Thanks. The second I saw you too, I knew what I wanted, and before I knew who you were, I would've done it had I not been so scared. Then I found out who you were, and then my fathers instructions forced their way forth, he said I must make friends with you, that I must ensure that you're not any trouble, so on and so forth.”

“I know. Wanna lay on the couch and just kiss for a bit while we wait, help our minds to rest some more?”

“Oh yeah. I never knew kissing could be so good.”

“Kissing is great, I've kissed hundreds of times, but kissing with you is far more, there's not even a tiny bit of comparison.”

We fell onto our sides and kissed deeply and tenderly, petting each others backs and soggy bums lovingly as we did so. I have no idea how long we kissed for, but finally we felt Rod and Hermoany coming. All the while we were kissing, we were also searching each others minds, learning each other in a far more intimate way than anyone could possibly understand. We now know each others every like and dislike, we know all the good and bad about each other, and we love each other more for it. I am certain that there is still more for us to see and learn, but in the nearly hour that we had, we had seen a lot. Mind to mind like that we were able to move a lot of information very quickly, but it already helped that we were already merging anyway.

Just before Rod and Hermoany were about to knock on the door, I sent the command to the door to open it, and Rod's hand was halfway to knocking when the door opened to reveal us all to each other.

“Why, hello there, fancy seeing you here today. Come in, come in.” I said.

“Where are we?” Hermoany asked curiously, looking around.

“Where do you think we are?” I asked.

“If I had to guess, I'd say that this was Sir Godly Griffendoer's rumored suite. How?” She asked.

“How'd you find out about it?”

“There's been rumors of this room since before time. Since the school was built, at any rate. How'd you get into it?” She asked curiously.

“That too, you already know the answer to, you've been searching for the lines for some time already. You already knew the truth, you were just trying to connect the dots. Here's another piece to the puzzle though, turn to page eighty eight, if you will please, and both of you read it.” I said, handing over the book.

They both took a few moments to read the prophecy. When Hermoany lowered the book and looked at me, it was with fear in her eyes.

“Oh Perry, I'm so sorry. All you wanted was a nice quiet life. It seems like a horrible joke, doesn't it.”

“That's sorta how I felt this morning, now I'm starting to warm to the idea.”

“What about Drago though?” She looked at him quizzically, because as of yet, he had said nothing, nor had I said why he was even here, though both had pretty much just ignored him. Possibly Bummemore had informed them that he is my personal servant.

“Ah, it seems that Drago too is long descended from Griffendoer, my great times a million cousin I guess. We were adversaries, now, not so much. After the match yesterday, Bummemore punished him and the rest of them with being mine and our houses personal servants, but Drago mine in particular, since he was the ringleader, and it was me of whom they attacked. You probably already knew this much, hence the reason his being here did not shock you both. We talked a lot, both last night and this morning, and before we knew it, I agreed to teach Drago how to kiss, and then bam, we're connected.”

“And your powers?” Rod asked.

“Merging and becoming more and more powerful, amongst other things.” Drago said this time, and then we proceeded to tell and or show them all that they needed to know.

“Wow, that's a lot to take in. Why tell us though. It seems to me the sorta thing that you'd really wanna have stay well hidden?” Hermoany asked.

“You two know me too well, you'd see it and start asking questions. We couldn't risk have you asking the wrong question at the wrong time. I doubt you would, but you never know.”

“Ah, makes sense. I admit, I've noticed you doing wordless magic several times, but I knew you were powerful, I can sense it, I'm told I shouldn't be able to, but that I'm a bit more powerful than most at my age.” Hermoany said. “I can't feel you now though.”

“I too have been able to feel your power for a while Perry, you've always had lots to show, but I can't sense it at all either. Bummemore tells me that my powers are starting to emerge as well, early, like Hermoany, and he thinks that I'll have some good range, just like Hermoany as well. He says we'd both make excellent Aurors because of it, same thing he told you too I assume.”

“Yes, he did, and the reason you can't, is 'cause Bummemore showed us how to block it. We'll lower our shields, as long as you promise not to panic.”

“Okay, we promise.”

We lowered our shields and let my friends feel our magic. We also took the time to test theirs, and they are right, their powers are emerging, and Hermoany is incredibly powerful already, and Rod's is not that far behind. They are already well above what the average adult would probably have, but considering we have no baseline in which to compare, I do not know. I am basing them off of what I saw in Bummemore though, and Hermoany is not all that far behind him, and she is only thirteen. I think that she will probably be around the same once her powers finish blooming. Rod will not be that far behind either I think, though he is a little further behind still.

“Wow, and I thought you were powerful before. I haven't felt this much power in the entire school. The first time after being able to sense it all, I was in the Quidditch pitch for a match, it was almost overwhelming, each of you are more so alone. The two of you together, no, there's no explanation for this.” Hermoany said in awe. Rod's mouth was just hanging open. Hermoany reached over and closed it manually.

“We know, which is super scary, but even though we absolutely can't have a lot of people finding out, we know that there's no risk either. If one of us misses someone coming at us, the other will sense it. We don't know our range, but we're feeling each other more and more.” Drago and I said together again, in harmony once more. Our voices merging fully into one.

“Wow, that sounded freaky cool.” Rod said.

“Sorry, we're gonna haveta actively try not to do that, talk about freaking people out, right.” I laughed.

“Unless they were looking at you when it happened, no one would likely even notice. It's like it was one dual toned voice.” Rod giggled.

“Probably true.” Drago giggled.

“No kidding.” I laughed as well.

“Now, because I haven't formally done so, Rod Pleaseme, and Hermoany Groaner, my name is Drago Mytoy, and I would like to be your friend. However with that being said, to save my own skin, I'm still gonna need to pretend as if we're enemies. I truly am sorry for how I've acted in the past, and know this, I'll never mean anything of the sort ever again. You don't want or need to know my entire horrible history, though suffice it to say, Perry and I really did grow up much like the other as well.” He said, and then stuck his hand out for them to shake.

Rod shocked me by taking his hand first.

“It's good to finally meet you Drago. My father always told me that the true measure of a man is not in what he says, but in what he does. I've always seen the pain in your eyes, and how much you hated yourself for the things you were forced to do, I had a part to play as well, and I hope I played it well enough for you.”

“You, you did?” Drago asked in shock.

“Look, Perry probably told you a bit about my family, he knows lots, but not all. Most think we're poor, that we're weak, well, we all have parts to play. We don't give a damn about money, that's why we never have it. We give more to the needy every week than your father probably earns in a month. As for weakness, no, not really. My father plays the part of the bumbling buffoon, almost too well, but did you know, back when dear old Moldyvort was in power, my father defied him to his face, and lived to tell about it, one of shockingly few who did. He also took out almost as many death eaters as the Aurors did, himself. Then there's my mother, never, and I do mean, NEVER cross her. It will be the last thing you ever do. She's excellent at wandless magic. Perry didn't know this, it was a secret, but I think it's fair to tell it to you as well. She's one of only a dozen known witches who can do more than one or two spells without a wand, she currently knows thirty, all of them in defensive magic. She'll tie you up in a huge ball of yarn before you even blink. Hell, why do you think the twins fear only her. She's done it to them numerous times. She was once one of the highest paid Aurors, belonged to the Auror hit squad, and has almost as many take downs as my dad, though he was never an Auror, just a hunter.”

“Wow, really.”

“Yep. Like I said, we all have parts to play, you played well, but not for a master player, and my parents have been teaching us just as well. I make it seem that my wand work is lacking, but I bet I'm damn near as fast as you are, even if you can do so without wand or word. I can only do three spells without my wand, and my first I managed at the age of ten, well before I was even technically supposed to have or be able to use a wand. Perry's never seen it, but the part of our house that you see, that's not the part that we're proud of, that's just for show, just the opposite way as most people do so.

“No, underground, we have an entire network of tunnels and huge rooms. We train there, and my parents use it to stage dark wizard hunting from. By the way, your dad's scared shitless of mine. You know that scar on his neck, and the other on his back, my dad. My mom gave him the reason for needing the cane. He was aiming to kill, they were playing with him. They wanted him to lead them to Moldyvort, two separate times I might add, but he wouldn't play along. When they bested him, he used a nasty trick and vanished.”

“Wow, then you played it phenomenally.” Drago and I said together again.

“Why'd you never tell me?”

“You were gonna be inducted into the training this summer. You were to go back home for a week or two, so that you can still call it home, for some reason Bummemore thinks that this is needed, and then you were to come to our house and start training in things that they just can't teach at school. Sorry I hadta lie to you, but I promised.”

“No worries, I would've done the same. What about you Hermoany?” I asked curiously.

“Nope, that's all as you've heard it. Fully muggle parents, no known relationship to any witches or wizards anywhere in my line, and I've searched back as far as ten generations. Somehow I just managed to get two muggles who had the right combination of genes to unlock the magical abilities, and they're pretty strong.”

“Wow. And did you know about Rod?”

“Yes, but only because I accidentally caught him last year doing something far more powerful than he should've been able to do by any rights.”

“And you made him spill it?”

“Yes, but he made me swear secrecy, we had to use our wands and everything. It prevents me from even thinking of breathing it out without his express permission. I couldn't have told you, even if I wanted to. In fact, I think you should have us all do it together Rod, since we all seem to share an awful lot of secrets that absolutely must be kept.”

“I agree. Would it stand up to the likes of Moldyvort trying to get the information though?” I asked curiously.

“We're not sure how powerful he truly is, bloody powerful to be sure, my father barely made it out alive, but most don't at all, like next to none, so we have no idea his true abilities. All we can do is pray that he truly is dead and gone, and that he's never able to come back, because he scares even my parents, and that's hard to do.”

“Fair enough. Let's do this then.”

Rod had us all grab our wands, we stacked hand, wand, hand, wand and so on, until we all had our hands and wands together, and then Rod spoke a really long phrase, binding all of us and our secrets together, making it so that all four of us have to be together and in agreement before we can spill a secret outside our group.

“Wow, that was intense. I've never felt anything like that spell taking hold.” Drago said.

“Don't try and go against it. It compels you not to tell, but you still could if you really wanted or had to, but it'll cause excruciating pain as you do so, and the rest of us will be notified when you do so, but it'll also say why, and then it'd be up to one of us to release the pain if we deem it a reasonable reason as to doing so. I was already given permission to tell you Perry, and given that you and Drago are now connected, I didn't feel the compulsion to not tell him, so I knew it was safe.”

“Wicked.” Drago and I said together, Hermoany just nodded.

“Yeah, it's a hard spell to do though, that drained me quite a bit.”

“Here, let me try something.” I said, and then laid my hand on his and tried to feed him some power. A few seconds later, he had to pull his hand away, and when he did, it was steaming.

“Holy shit, you gave me some of your power.” Rod said in shock.

“I've never even heard such a thing could be done.” Hermoany said in shock as well.

“Don't know why, but I just had the feeling that I'd be able to do so. Guess I fed you a bit too much though, because it overheated you a bit, but your power's back up to a hundred percent, maybe even more. I think I'd haveta be careful doing that though, go for too long, and I could've burnt you to a crisp.”

“No shit, near the end, it did feel like I was burning.” He grinned brightly in his Pleaseme way.

“You know what guys, we've talked for so long, that it's past lunch time, so what say we eat?” Drago said.

“Okay, but how will we get food?” Rod asked.

“We have two magic plates, I think I can summon two more.” Drago said, and then half a second later, two more golden plates were there and ready for us to use.

“Wicked. We have a few of these for emergencies, they're stupid expensive though. We don't have enough for all of us either, though, come to think of it, my dad only managed to get five.”

“How'd he manage to get that many?” Drago asked in shock, because, like he told me, even they did not have any, and they are incredibly rich.

“He didn't buy them, if that's what you're asking. He'd never waste the money on something like that. After a raid, there were no owners left, and he didn't think anyone would mind him taking all their valuables, and selling them to pay for the war against the dark lord. He kept those, though, too expensive, too easy to trace, and he thought they were good to have.” He grinned.

“Ah, I see. Sounds like my kind of guy then.” Drago grinned.

“You'll get to truly get to know him this summer, because now you get to come to our place for summer school. I assure you, summer school at our house is an amazing experience.”

“Really, you want me there?”

“Sure, we're friends, to start, and you're mentally connected to Perry, so I'd assume that where one goes, so must the other anyway. I'd never invite him without inviting the other half of his soul.”

“Oh, well, thanks. I didn't think we'd explained how together we are.”

“I may not like to read like Hermoany does, but I do know how to.”

“What do you mean?”

“The prophecy, silly. It was pretty clear on your souls merging, don't you think. I'm a lot smarter than I ever allow to show here, so I knew what it meant, and I know what it means to you two as well. You can work independently, apart from each other, if you haveta, but, unless I'm mistaken, you two would be less effective the further apart you are, but together, you might be nearly unstoppable.”

“Oh, never thought of that.”

“I admit, I didn't either.” I said.

“Me neither. Then again, Rod was raised around magic, he just knows things about it even I don't understand, and his parents are incredibly exacting teachers. Think of all our teachers together, and then you might have an idea what each of them are like.” Hermoany said.

“Wow, they should be here teaching.” Drago said.

“They don't wanna. They do special training, outside of ministry control, working for a group dedicated to the eradication of the dark arts. My mother quit the ministry, because she was sick of the complete and utter greed and abuse of power. They rarely, if ever, find anything at all, and even when they do, Minister Pudge stifles almost all. We know he's a dark agent, but they still haven't been able to pin anything on him. He's as slippery as a greased pig, and he looks like one too. My father works there, in the department for misuse of muggle artifacts, only as show, but he's there spying at all times, watching those who are supposed to be working to defend us. He's an excellent data miner, makes Hermoany look like a kindergartner. He pulls information and tries to find any and all dark wizards and witches still working in our very own ministry.

“Your father, Drago, is on his list, but he too is slippery, my father can never pin anything on him. Pudge makes it hard though, because of course my father can't go to him with any findings, because he's the enemy as well, and as such, he can't get them fired or anything. Every last one of them have tails though, and when and if they are found doing anything illegal, the authorities are contacted. Of course, more than half the time they are let off with nothing more than a slap on the wrist, but in that amount of time, my parents, or some of their people, have already gone in and taken any and all items that are dangerous and destroyed them.”

“Would your father like the information as to how and where to find all my fathers illegal items?”

“Oh, he would pay at least two golden plates for that information.” Rod grinned brightly.

“Good, let's get lunch, and as we eat, I'll tell you everything.”

“Oh, Dad's gonna love this.” Rod said, smiling so brightly his face honestly appeared as if it might split in half.

We each ordered what we wanted on our plates, and then we started eating. As we did so, Drago told Rod about every illegal item that was currently in the Mytoy manor that he was aware of, but warned that there might be more, and even more hiding places. He told of every secret hiding space that he knew of and how to bypass its security. It took a while.

“Your dad and Pudge are far too close, he's way too protected.” Rod said once Drago finished. “We need a way of scouring your house without involving dear old Pudge and his cronies. Dad wants them, but he wants them alive, and he wants them to suffer. How could we do this Drago?”

“I have a brilliant idea.” He grinned.

“Are you sure Drago, if you do it, there's no going back, everyone will know.”

“I know, but I think I'm ready for it, I'm starting to feel things that I only ever dreamed were possible, and I never wanna stop feeling them.”

“I know, me too. I've fucked hundreds of times, never made love.”

“I know.” Drago smiled warmly to me, then turned back to Rod. “I'm gonna invite them here, while, at the same time, your dad will be heading to their house to empty it. I think, maybe, some of their prized possessions should also disappear to pay for the war, I don't mind, I want nothing.”

“Then what was that conversation about, why would you invite him here?”

“I think my loving parents deserve to know who their son truly is, don't you?”

“You'd willingly do that to ensure my dad can make them suffer?”

“Yes. They deserve it. They tortured me, both of them equally and willingly, they need to be made to suffer as well. You're gonna have to tell him to be careful of the house elves though, we have seven, they will protect the house viciously. They're all loyal to a fault.”

“Ooh, what if we took their servants as well. As soon as he makes it there, he can petrify them all, portkey them right to the castle, they're bound to you, so they'll haveta listen to you, and you can instruct them to work in the kitchens here, along side their brethren.”

“Oh, now I like that idea. That'd torture them more than anything else will, having so many house elves is a massive boost to their standings, most have one, maybe two, they had eight, but of course already lost one. Do it, they will listen to me, or I break their oaths completely, which I'm certain I could do now as well.”

“Oh, Dad's gonna love this. May I use your fireplace and Floo them right now?”

“Be our guest.” We both say together.

Rod went to the fireplace and grabbed a jar of Floo powder and threw a pinch full in, said 'The Burrow, Training room', and a few moments later, Mr. Pleaseme's head showed up in the fire. Well, I was shocked, I had never seen this before.

Rod explained to his dad everything that he needed to know, they talked for almost an hour by the time all was said and done, and he thanked us all, but most especially Drago, told him that he would be happy to have him join them this coming summer for some great times.

We had all arranged to have Drago's parents come to the school tomorrow evening, after dinner. Drago went to the desk and wrote a letter, telling his parents that he desperately needed to see them for some made up reason, begging them to come to the school after dinner tomorrow, that he would arrange to have a quiet chat, promising them, of course, that Bummemore would not be anywhere near. He then sent it through the Floo network as well, which I had no idea could be done either, but they do know best.

The four of us talked for almost an hour more, before we were pretty much all talked out.

“Well, Rod and Hermoany, I'm afraid that I'm unceremoniously kicking you two out. We've done talked enough, and Drago and I have more exercises to do to try and finish merging our minds.” I said.

“Yeah, and I have a damn good idea what that entails too. You sure we can't stay and watch, it could be a great show.” Rod grinned and winked.

“Nope, you know I never put on shows, all people in attendance must be part of the performance. However, this time, at least, is only a two person play.” I grinned right back, because I know he is teasing me.

“Good, you deserve it, have fun, we'll show ourselves out, we know when we're clearly not wanted.” He giggled, but they did get up and leave together.

“Finally, they're gone. Telling each other over the past hour, since we learned how to talk to each other while still talking to them, all that we want and need to do, was killing me. I haveta go pee really bad, and so do you, we wanna try making gay baby nappy piss love to each other, I want it so bad, I need it so bad, I haveta lose my virginity, right now. Take me to bed, make love to me Baby.” Drago said softly in my mind only.

“Then I want you to make gay baby nappy piss love to me as well Baby.”

“You got it.”

We grasped hands and walked to our bedroom, for what I felt would be the most tender and amazing love making session ever. We started out by kissing tenderly, and as we did so, we kept talking in our heads, telling each other what we want, what we need, how much we already love each other, so on and so forth. Finally Drago pushed me away both mentally and physically and told me to make love to him.

I poked a hole in the back of his now nearly saturated nappy, spoke the spell to open and lube his hot gay baby bum hole, and then proceeded to finger him well to open him up fully. It feels like he is already ready for anything I have to offer, so I pull out and kneel by my baby's head. He pokes a hole in the front of my just as soggy nappy and reaches in and pulls my erection out.

We want this to be fully natural this time, so, as such, we leave ourselves just the way we are naturally. I scoot back down, and then proceed to slip deep inside Drago, and we both moan lowly. I have fucked and been fucked too many times to be counted, yet just slipping inside Drago for our first time, now being able to feel every sensation from both sides, because we are fully open to each other, it is simply amazing.

I take several seconds to bottom out in my baby, our soggy nappies pressed together as intimately as our tongues are once more, and me fully inside my baby.

“Mmm, this feels so nice.” Drago sighed into my mind, I felt it throughout my entire body.

“Oh yeah, you feel better inside than I've ever felt. Your mind also feels just as at peace as mine does at this moment.” I said to my baby, though through our minds, since we are still kissing just as deeply, making love so tenderly.

“Oh yeah, my mind finally feels calm.” He sighed deeply, both in body and mind, it reverberated down our mental link like nothing else could.

Then I was proven wrong.

We had stopped talking, though we did not stop sharing feelings back and forth, and we were both rising very quickly to our orgasms. We are both trying to hold off as long as we possibly can, trying to prolong the amazing feelings for as long as we are able to, as well as try and make this the best ever orgasm. I know that Drago has had far too few, he had admitted that he had rarely jacked off, until quite recently actually, when he simply had to, and he had never truly enjoyed an orgasm, because he always felt so guilty afterward, so I wanted to show him just how good it could be.

Then I was proven wrong.

What happened when we both came, still shocks me now, writing about it again. Our first shared orgasm was nothing short of an atomic blast. We both came at the exact same moment, and as we finally exploded, so did our minds, only into each other. Every barrier we had, gone, every feeling we have ever had, shared, every dream, every desire, they now belong to both of us. We are now completely and totally one.

What I had not been counting on, however, were the waves of our orgasm rolling off of us like waves on the ocean, even though we were very spent at the moment, we could still feel our orgasmic waves rolling away. The Huffandsuck tower was closest, and we felt every last person in the entire tower have one humongous shared orgasm, then the Ravenscock tower was next, followed by Griffendoer, and finally Slitherin. Every teacher, every student, even every house elf, none were spared, our first orgasm, caused a rolling orgasm in its wake. We felt hundreds of students collapse at having their most powerful orgasms ever. Then we realized, we can, in fact, feel every student, every teacher, every house elf, throughout the entire castle. We can feel every person in Hogscum, and they too are currently having the best orgasms of their lives.

“Holy fuck, did we just do what I think we did?” Drago asked me in awe in our minds.

“I think we did. Wonder if they knew who, where, or how it happened. I wonder how long it'll go for, or if the entire country will be swept up by our orgasm.” I giggled.

“No shit, because it's still going. Do you realize we can feel witches and wizards in London, and that's hundreds of kilometers away?”

“Yeah, I just did when you realized it as well. Did you notice how witches and wizards show up as a bright light, while muggles are dim and barely recognizable?”

“Yeah. Mmm, do that again, that felt amazing.” Drago sighed in my mind, once more, because trust me, we have not stopped making love, not yet, not by a long shot.

“Okay, but I really haveta go pee now, mind if I do so?”

“Oh god no. You know as well as I do how long I've been dreaming of this. I knew it was wrong, I knew it was dirty, and I knew that somehow I just hadta feel it. I didn't know why, I didn't know how, I just always dreamt it.”

“I know, but we haveta be careful not to just do things because we know it of the other anyway, we still haveta talk it over. Our minds are connected, but we're each still in here, together, but separate, one, yet still two, we can still each think on our own, so, I know we haveta talk things over still.”

“Yeah, I see what you mean. I feel your every want and desire too, we're the same in nearly every way. Oh god, that feels so amazingly right.” Drago sighed even deeper as I allowed my flow to start, and I was gently making love to him still as I peed, giving him my every drop.

My orgasm too had been huge, I had to have pumped at least a tablespoon full of hot teen baby cream inside my baby boys baby bum. He is now feeling especially sloppy, and I, for one, like it like that.

“You feel better than all the boys I've had sex with together, sharing absolutely every detail from each of us at the exact same time is making it so much better. Almost over powering though, isn't it?” I asked.

“Mmm, yeah, but I won't ever give this up, and I can't wait 'til it's my turn to fill you up as well.”

“I can't wait either Baby. You know, it still feels weird, talking while kissing and making sweet tender gay baby love to you. Talking so clearly it's as if it were our voices, yet it's all in our heads.”

“Yeah. We're gonna cum again really soon, so it'll soon be your turn.”

And only a few seconds later, we did cum. This time, when we exploded, we did not cause a mass orgasm in our wake though. I had hoped that that would be a one time thing only, that it was just because of our fully merging and exploding together in our first and best orgasm. This orgasm was stupendous, to say the least, far better than any ten I have ever experienced before, but it was certainly nothing like our first. We both slumped down just a bit, and I stopped thrusting, but I have not pulled out yet either.

“My god, how did you not do this a hundred times a day, that was so amazing, and I wish I had've known how good it'd be before, because I never would've held off.” Drago sighed far deeper than ever before.

“Our one orgasm was better than any ten I've ever had together, our first one, though, was better than all of them. No, what we're sharing now, there's simply no comparison. You still shouldn't have held off, you could've had your pick of boys the second you walked into this school, but that, no, what we've shared today, it's just not the same.” I said, but not knowing how to say it. But, that is the good thing about our connection, because I do not need to say it, he can feel it too, and my feelings are saying far more than my words ever could.

“Mmm, I definitely understand.” He said.

“Good, but now it's your turn, make hot gay baby nappy love to me now Baby.”

“You got it.”

We rolled over, we poked the holes in each others nappies that we needed, Drago spoke the spell to open and lube me, slipped his fingers in to prepare me even more, and then only a few seconds later, I urged him to do it, to make love to me, and so he pulled out his fingers and replaced them with his amazing erection.

I had still not seen him hard yet, not until now, when I poked the hole in his nappy and pulled him out. I would say that Drago is every bit the exact same size as I am, just a hair over ten centimeters long, and probably six to seven around. A nice piece of hot gay teen baby meat, a good size for a teen baby like he and I, but nowhere near fully grown yet. His balls are the same size as mine as well, I had seen that at our last nappy changes of course, nice and large, very smooth, and still very much hairless. I had asked about it, and the tiny bit of hair above his dick is all that he has grown so far, but, like me, he wants it gone now, so we will take care of that later.

Feeling Drago slip deep inside me, both mentally and physically, peace the likes of which I never knew was possible permeated my entire being. Feeling my other half filling me up, no, nothing has ever made me feel so whole before. I started to feel it as I was making love to Drago, but it was not until we had separated that I understood what I was feeling. When physically apart, our minds are separate, still one, but two, but once we come together like this, then we truly become one, we fully merge, in every sense of the word, and maybe even more.

Drago did shockingly well, considering it was his first time and all, but he is now using all my experience as well I suppose, because not once did he accidentally pull out, he would slip all the way inside me, bury himself as deep as he could, and then gyrate his hips so sexily, causing my entire body to vibrate. I love fucking, there is no doubt about that, but I have always felt best when I had a dick in me. Now, with Drago, I love both just as much, because no matter what, when one makes love to the other, we still feel all the sensations, both giving and receiving, and Drago feels so good in me, and in me, I feel how he feels to be making love to me, and he too feels better than he ever has before.

We are one, and as one, we are about to cum again.

This orgasm was far more relaxed though, we have already had two massive cums, and though we are not getting tired, we know that we still only have one, or maybe two more cums left in us. It is amazing though, having sex like this before would have worn me out considerably more by now than this has, I still feel damn near as fresh as when we started, and we have not used any magic to sustain us. Then again, each of our outputs on our orgasms was just as strong as our first too, and I know for a fact that naturally I am only good for one cum, and then I am dry, but I have already fired three times, and I pumped out just as much as my first again.

All the while we were making love, we continued to kiss and talk, telling each other everything that makes us feel good, so on and so forth, though technically we can feel it anyway, so it need not have been said, but saying is sometimes as good as feeling, and we were doing both.

A few seconds after cumming, Drago asked me if he could pee inside me, because he really had to go, and I begged him to fill me with every drop that he could possibly give to me, and boy did he. Because Drago can actually hold his pee, whereas I cannot, he was able to hold a considerable amount more than I had been able to, and he truly filled me up, and I sighed even deeper down our link, so much so I felt even Drago's body quiver with it.

Drago too continued thrusting slowly even as he was peeing inside me, which most boys had not been able to do, I had truly loved piss fucking the others, but next to none could do so to me, but Drago did, and it feels so amazing, there are simply no words to describe it, having him fill me up so, properly is the only word that comes to mind, to tell you the truth. Then he started making hot gay baby piss love to me, and I melted even more.

Still we are kissing, still we are whispering, now just sweet nothings into each others minds, and Drago is moving almost impossibly slow, making deep, tender, slow love to me.

This time we lasted probably damn close to half an hour, for just the one orgasm, we lasted, and when finally we did explode, that was it, we both know that we are done. Damn near as powerful as our first again, better in some ways, but thankfully we did not cause mass orgasms all over the country again. Granted, if we did manage to do that every time we make love, I guarantee one thing, everyone would be at peace. Drago giggled into my mind as I thought this, and called me corny, but it is true. No one fights when they are having mind bending orgasms every day.

“Baby, we need to change each others soggy ruined nappies, and my arse feels wonderfully full, but I don't wanna lose all that you gave me. I have butt plugs in my trunk, I'm gonna bring them here, then I want you to plug and then nappy me, and then I'd love to do the same for you.” I said, though, once more, only in our minds, since we are still kissing. Drago did just finally slip from my bum. We are both now incredibly satisfied and soft.

“Mmm, that sounds very nice; cum, piss, butt plug, and a nice thick nappy, nothing sounds better right now.” Drago sighed deeply, sounding very at peace with the world.

I just brought over the entire contents of my trunk, putting them all away in the various drawers in our bedroom, all while still holding and kissing my baby. Drago did the same to all his stuff, so that it is all here. I made sure that two suitable butt plugs were left on our bed within easy reach. I also called over all the nappy change supplies that we would need, and then, once it was all there, we broke our kiss, and proceeded to change and plug each other good and proper.

“Wow, now this is nice, isn't it.” Drago said once we are done.

“Mmmhmm. A full gay baby boy pussy, plugged and then padded, there's nothing better in life. That's what I thought before today, now I know better. Having you here with me is far better than I've ever thought possible before.”

“I definitely agree.”

“Have you seen the time?”

“Yeah, which might explain why I'm famished, well, that and the fact that we expended a massive amount of energy this afternoon. That first orgasm, rolling across the country side, that had to have used tonnes of magic, yet my magic reserves still feel totally full, but my belly is yelling at me.”

“Same here.”

We headed back out to the main room, sat at the table, and asked our plates for dinner. We both chose a small lasagna, a side of ribs, and a Caesar salad. There is way too much food, and we both know that we will eat every speck of it, both enjoying it as much as humanly possible. We did too, we groaned when we were done, but it was so delicious, and we truly did need it anyway.

“That's better.”

“Yeah, sure is Baby.” Drago said softly.

“Oh, wonder what Bummemore is coming for?” We had just noticed the headmaster heading right for us.

“Probably to ask us what the hell we just did?” Drago giggled.

Just as the headmaster was about to knock, we opened the door for him, and he looked surprised and entered with a chuckle.

“I take it you felt me coming.”

“I take it you felt us cumming?” I giggled.

“You could say that. Caused even me to pass out for a few minutes, my fucking nappy was so wet with cum, it was a shock when I realized it. I felt where it came from, knew it was you two, but I hope no one else knew, other than maybe Pleaseme and Groaner. I have reports of the laundry room being inundated with cum soaked clothes from all over the castle. Even every girl came and messed themselves. McGoonagal came running right away, I'm afraid the poor old girl probably had no idea what an orgasm was, it scared her, she thought we were under attack. I admit, I laughed so hard I nearly doubled over. I had to explain to her that that was an orgasm, not an attack, and that it was caused because of two special souls merging. Never seen her blush quite so much, and she is every bit as prudish as she makes herself out to be.”

“Now, that's too funny. I'd say we're sorry, but really, we're not.” Drago giggled.

“And I wouldn't accept that particular apology anyway. I think every student who was not already sexually active now will be though, if I'm not mistaken, you kick started a lot of hormones good and proper this afternoon. It's good though, but I think we're gonna haveta actually have Professor Lupin teach everyone the anti disease and pregnancy charms to everyone now.”

“Why him, Sir, he's the defense against the dark arts teacher, wouldn't Professor Nitwit be the teacher for something like that?”

“He could as well, in fact, maybe I'll have them both do it, get more students faster, but Lupin knows those spells well, and really, they're no different than defending against the dark arts, except babies aren't normally considered dark, unless they're not wanted of course.” He chuckled.

“I see.” Drago said.

“At lunch, this afternoon, it was told to the entire school, that you, Perry, have been moved to a secure and secret location in the castle to protect you. It was let known that as punishment for his crimes, Drago was going with you as personal servant, and that with as obstinate as he is being, would be extended indefinitely, so he too is being permanently moved. I understand that you've wrote a letter to your parents to complain about the absolutely horrendous punishment that you've been given, and have asked them to come to the school.” He said with a twinkle in his eye.

“Now, how'd you know about that?”

“I know much, and though I did not listen in on the conversation, at least once I knew who it was, I know you talked to Mr. Pleaseme as well. I have all fireplaces monitored, I never interfere, but I do know when they are being used. Most often it is just students wanting to talk to their families, or place orders for things, no big deal, but I'm always on the watch for illegal activities.”

“Good to know.” Drago said.

“So, you're inviting them here about being punished and whatnot, you more than likely led them to believe that you wish to be pulled from the school so as to not have to live with such horrendous shame, maybe even ask to go to another school. Why, though. What good could come of having them come here?”

“Glad you don't know all, Sir,” I chuckled, “but you do have a good portion of it. That's what Drago's parents have been led to believe, but they're coming here to free up the house, so that the Pleaseme's can go in and remove any and all dark magical items, and maybe even a few things to help pay for the fight against dark magic, as well as to bring all their elves here, so that they are broken. Without their servants, they feel as if they'd be nothing, Drago wishes to punish them for their treatment of him. By the time they leave here tomorrow evening, he wants them broken.”

“I see. I'd ask if you need help, but I dare say you don't need it. Your shields are impeccable, I can't feel your magic at all, except when you exploded earlier, I felt the combined power, and it was considerable. I don't know if most realized what they felt, other than an orgasm, which it most certainly was, but I felt it for what it truly was, a full and total merging and combining of powers.”

“Thanks, but Mr. Mytoy is scared of you, for good reason, we promised you'd be nowhere near, that Drago would be by himself so that hopefully he could be rescued without confrontation. We made it well known in the letter that a suitable distraction would be made, so that you'd be out of everyone's hair for the time it took.”

“Brilliant. I will be suitably distracted then. May I chose my distraction?”

“What will his name be Sir?” Drago grinned.

“Not sure, but as long as he's wearing a soggy nappy, then I really don't care.” He smiled brightly.

“Good, lucky boy then.”

“No, lucky me. I love my job. Well, Boys, I'll leave you to your evening.”

“Okay. Oh, what about classes tomorrow Sir?”

“Oh yes, I did mean to mention that. When explaining to the students that you were being moved for safety reasons, it was told that you'd be eating alone, but would join all classes shortly after they started, that you'd be escorted to and from every class, which you absolutely detest, but I don't feel like doing so, so may I suggest a fly or a bee or maybe an owl.”

“You got it Sir.”

“Excellent, I do believe that that will be all, so you boys have a good evening, and please, try not to cause mass orgasms again. This old heart couldn't handle that again.”

“Liar, and besides, you told me that when it's your time to go, that you wanna go mid stride with an amazing boy riding you.”

“Too true my boy. Have a good evening, and I will try and visit tomorrow after your meeting.”

Shortly thereafter, the headmaster was gone, and we were alone. We ended up just sitting on the couch, cuddled up to each other, reading and talking, which is amazing, considering we can both read, keep track of what the other is reading about, and still have a full conversation in our minds all at the same time, and it was not hard to do.

At bed time, our nappies were deemed too soggy to leave as is, but not soggy enough to warrant changing, so I taught Drago how to siphon off some of the excess, and we did that to each other. We laid down and kissed tenderly for quite some time, before whispering I love you to each other, and then we fell fast asleep.

Next: Chapter 5

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