Perry Hotter and the Vanishing Virginity

Published on Oct 30, 2023


Perry Hotter and the Vanishing Virginity 2

Chapter 2

The next week went by, and it was great. Rod and Hermoany were so happy with Drago's punishment and him not being able to be snide and or rude to either of them, that it made me happy too. I did, however, prevent Rod from making fun of Drago while he was unable to retaliate, like I told him, by doing so, he is stooping to Drago's level, and that he is far better than that, far too good for that. I think that that actually pissed Drago off more than anything else, because I said so right in front of him.

Classes were going amazing, well, except Snipe's class, they are always hell. Granted, I would still rather be in his class than at my aunt and uncles, at least in his class I do get to learn some pretty cool things. I can say a million bad things about Snipe, but I could never say that he does not know his potions, he teaches us some pretty neat things.

As things go at Warthogs, time seems to pass by far too quickly. Oliver Wood has us started on Quidditch practice pretty much every spare second that we have, we are flying and playing like never before, and we are all looking forward to our first match of the year. We are going to be playing Slitherin, so we are really practicing against their technique, which for their team is brawn, not brains, so we have to work especially hard to not get flattened, which is a very real possibility with them.

Before we knew it, it is Halloween and we are having a great Halloween feast and the celebrations are as amazing as always. Of course, the after celebration celebrations are even better yet. I mean, we all have roughly a kilogram of sugary treats in us that need to be worked off before we can even think of sleeping, and how better than to have hot kinky gay baby sex for more than an hour.

The only problem is, none of us got a great sleep, because, just after passing out, we were all awakened by screams and the turning on of all the lights. As it turns out, and you may have read about this part, but Spermius Black had tried to gain entrance to our tower, supposedly to get to me. We ended up having to go sleep in the great hall in sleeping bags that smelled almost as gross as my cousin Fugly, sorry, I mean Fudley.

Try sleeping in something that smells like fetid aged mold, fat guy, sweat, cum, piss, and moth balls. I assure you, it is not at all easy. Two kids actually vomited from the stench before a few of the professors did spells on them to remove the stench. No idea why they did not do so before hand.

With that, it made Quidditch practice that much more difficult and irritating, because it meant that the professors were keeping an even closer eye on everyone, not to mention my nightly visits to various people throughout the castle. At least someone was always willing to walk with me, and in payment, they almost always were invited to join in on the fun.

Our first Quidditch game of the year, and we were stoked, until we learned that Drago, who is still nursing his injury for all it is worth, even though everyone knows he is faking it, including Bummemore, claimed that he could not play. So, instead we are playing Huffandsuck. That royally pissed us all off, because we had not practiced against Huffandsuck's far different strategies, but, in the same breath, they had not been practicing against playing us either, I pointed out to Oliver, so it would be about as even as we could get. We have still practiced huge amounts, so that should count for something.

Yeah, until the fucking Dementors showed up. Hearing your mother die in your head really screws a person up, I passed out and woke up in the infirmary hearing how we not only lost, but that my prized broom was destroyed by that blasted tree. Talk about the lowest of lows. Drago was beside himself, so happy was he that he finally took off his bandages. Oh, and making fun of me, it became even more horrendous than before. Now I feel like I should have allowed Rod to tease him mercilessly while he had been unable to retaliate.

The problem, though, is that I know for a fact that Drago had been causing my robes to flip up and expose my soggy nappy, he says it is to make fun of me and the fact that I have to wear them. But, of course, this does not offend me, I enjoy showing off my nappied baby bum. The look he gets when he does so, though, now that tells me a lot, and none of it all good for him.

Still, no matter what, Drago just makes fun of me, calls me and my friends such horrible things, that I know for a fact that he is trying hard to hide his feelings. I know he is as gay as they come, and I would still love to strip him down to a soggy nappy and fuck him all night long, but until he quits acting the way he is, then I cannot do so. Granted, every time I get close to him when he has no friends around, he panics and runs away. I think he knows that I know.

The next couple months pretty much nothing happened that that other author did not already cover, it was actually pretty tame, all things considering. Of course I still have mind altering sex pretty much every night, but how else is one to relax right. Bred and Gorge gave me the Marauders map and I got to visit Hogscum for my very first time, and it was great, except the part of almost getting caught and then hearing how Black had double crossed my parents and almost got me killed, yeah, you can call that the highlight of my life. I was so fucking furious, but, thankfully, Rod and Hermoany talked me down. When we got back to the castle, they took me to my room and fucked me so long and hard they made me pass out, such good friends, taking care of me like that.

Christmas came though, and I got a Firebolt, I cannot believe I got a Firebolt, but then, you probably read about the next part, didn't you, so I will not say too much there. Getting my very own Firebolt, and then having it taken away, was a massive blow to me, and I thought for sure that Rod and Hermoany were done for for good, but all the stuff with Buckbeak brought us all back together, and one night Rod and Hermoany went at it all night long, not even bothering to close the curtains.

After Christmas, Professor Lupin started teaching me the Patronus charm to repel Dementors, and in payment, or thanks, I would let him fuck me until we were both satisfied. Of course, given just how tired I always was after my first few lessons, I was more a puppet than anything that he fucked with wild abandon. It did get better though, I was able to go longer and longer without feeling tired, but then Lupin tired me out anyway, so no matter what, I always left every lesson just wiped, but gloriously full as well, because Lupin cums and pisses like a horse.

With my new Marauders map in hand, I started enjoying using it to get around the castle unnoticed, even though I had promised Bummemore that I would get a teachers assistance in traversing the castle after dark. Well, the problem with that is, I did not always make plans, I like to fly by the seat of my nappy if you will, and they are not always available to ferry me all over the place. Also, the map is great for showing all the secret hidden rooms throughout the castle, and there are dozens of them. Unless you know the proper word, you will either never find it, or never enter it, or both. The map showed all this.

The map has also showed me something curious as well. Often times I have found Drago on the map, but he is always in places where he has no rights being. One evening I found him on the map, and it appeared as if he were right outside the window to my dorm. I casually got up and went and looked, but there was no one there. Now, the map shows me when I am in my fathers cloak, and it is infallible, so I wonder if dear old Drago has a cloak of his own, maybe his father gave him one as well. Maybe it is a gift a father passes down to his sons.

Would Drago know, though, is the question, as to whether I know he is there and that I have a map that shows it. I watched for the next few days, and sure enough, almost every night I see him there. Now, I am not naive, I know what he wants, so I gave him what he wanted. I stripped down to my soggy nappy, laid out on my bed, and jacked myself off slowly. First through my nappy, then pulled myself out and jacked off fully and painted my face every time. One night I swore I heard him cum outside my window, and when I looked over at the map still on my trunk, he was still there. I did this as often as I could.

When finally the match against Ravenscock was upon us at the beginning of February, life was going actually somewhat smoothly. Funny considering where I am and what is happening around us. I am still having amazing sex every night, and I am still torturing Drago every chance I get. How he could think I do not know he is there I have no idea. Some nights I invite Colin or Steven and we have amazing sex, or I have an orgy with my dorm mates, all while I know Drago is watching, we are always thickly nappied, very wet, and oh so kinky, but then, who does not enjoy that, really.

Oliver had worked us long and hard, sometimes even on our brooms, in preparation for the match. I am as ready for it as I can be. I have my wand at the ready, I have the Patronus charm all but perfected, our team is flying perfectly, oh, and I got my Firebolt back too, so life is great.

When we exited the changing rooms, the crowd went wild. It appeared that the entire school, as well as probably half of Hogscum had come to see us play. We all mount our brooms, but Oliver made me remove my riding dildo first, major bummer, but, like he says, I lose focus when I have a rather large vibrating dildo stuffed up my nappied ass, but I do not really care, it makes me happy. He did not give me an option though.

The game started so well, we were doing amazingly, the points were stacking up in our favor, and then the yell of Dementor came. What is truly funny, I was having such a good time, and knew that they could not affect me now, that I never even felt them. As soon as I heard the call though, I whipped out my wand, spotted the Dementor, took aim, and let loose with the charm that Lupin had been teaching me, and blasted the thing to the next century. It even toppled over, but I stopped looking at it, and went on to catch the Golden Snitch moments later.

As we landed, all my team and friends were there to cheer me on.

“Did you see what I did to that Dementor?” I asked happily, not actually caring about the game at the moment.

“Ah, about that. I think you need to come with me.” Bummemore said, and then steered me over to where I had disabled the Dementor.

When we arrived, it took a few seconds for me to actually understand what I was seeing. Instead of seeing a Dementor, I found a large Dementor style robe, with four Slitherin's spilling out of it. Drago, Cranky, Ghouly, and another Slitherin by the name of Flunk I think it is. Professor McGoonagal was beside herself with rage, yelling at the four of them about how they should be ashamed at what they had done, how they tried to sabotage a fellow student. Snipe came up to try and rescue his students, but she leveled her wand at him and told him that he had better back off or his face might resemble something that he usually keeps in a jar. Even I wanted to back up, but he made a slight gasp and smartly backed away.

“I'll take things from here please Moany, why don't you go ahead and have all the students go to their rooms. I think they've had more than enough excitement for one day, don't you think?”

“Yes, Professor, though I'd really rather stay here and deal with these, things.”

“Yes, and I'm wondering just what you'd turn them into if I gave you half the chance?” He chuckled.

“Slugs came to mind, then I was gonna give them to Hunghard to test if the flesh eating slug repellent works on human slug hybrids.”

“Ah yes, messy though, and I'm afraid we're not actually allowed to do that anyway.”

“Only said it came to mind, was still trying to envision some sort of punishment that'd cover the atrocity that happened today.”

“No need, I think I have something that'll suffice.”

“Oh, I wish you'd let me deal with them Sir.”

“I know, but I know Drago's father would love to try and get back at you if you did anything to the foul little brat, so I'd rather you not haveta deal with that.”


Bummemore still had his hand on my shoulder, we were both still looking at all four boys, while McGoonagal herded all the rest of the students away, though many were still craning their necks as long as they could to see what kind of trouble the four of them were going to be in.

As soon as everyone was gone, Bummemore got the boys' attention and told them to get up and follow us. Drago tried to say something, but Bummemore whipped out his wand and made a complicated motion with it, said nothing at all, and Drago shut up instantly.

“You can no no longer talk. I do not care to hear a thing about what your useless father's gonna do to me. Remember the last time you made that threat, well, he came and visited me, and I explained a few things to him, and yes, I used this charm on him too, because he thinks he's much more important than he really is, and was not giving me a chance to talk at all. I also gave him the same punishment as I gave to you, and you never knew, but he stayed in the castle for two weeks after that too, until he apologized to me in fact.

“Of course, some of his goons came next and tried to make me pay, I still have one of them in the castle, I doubt he'll ever submit, but I've been giving him Snipe's favorite potion, full strength, I assure you, he's likely to go insane some time soon. Do you really wanna try talking right now Drago?” He said so sweetly it was hard to comprehend just what he had said.

Drago shook his head no, smart boy.

When we made it to Bummemore's office, he pointed at the area the boys were to stand, then had me join him on the other side of his desk.

“So, Perry, these boys did knowingly attack you, they knowingly attempted to sabotage you during a Quidditch match, to make you lose, to humiliate you. If this were left up to you, what sort of punishment would you say would be appropriate?” He asked me.

“Oh, well Sir, I suppose humiliate them back. Make them be servants in the Griffendoer tower, have to do all the cleaning instead of having the house elves do it, have them be personal servants for us, make them do our every bidding, yet not be able to talk. I think I should also be allowed to have the ring leader of the entire thing as my very own personal servant, he would have to do my every bidding. He would have to do all my homework for me, just the writing, clearly I'd have to tell him what to write, he would have to change me and bathe me, everything.” I said, because I am certain I know who the ring leader is.

“Mmm, not bad, not bad. I think I could improve upon that though. I think I'd be happy to allow that, with one minor spell added to the punishment. I'll hit them with the spell that won't allow them any fun, and unless they're serving you and or your house, they get to go nowhere else.”

“Excellent, and does that include washrooms, other than to clean?”

“It most certainly does.”

“Then I agree Sir. What would be a suitable time do you figure?”

“I'm thinking one week for the patsies and one month for the leader.”

“That sounds about appropriate to me as well Sir.” I grinned.

“So, boys, I ask once, and once only, who was the ring leader, because if I have to cast a spell to find the truth, the times triple, so three weeks and three months. Don't make it harder on yourselves than it has to be. Now, hand up, who was the ring leader of this little fiasco?”

Drago slowly put his hand up, while his head went down, he could not talk, but I could see tears flowing down his cheeks.

“That's what I thought. If, after one week, when your fellow saboteurs are released, you've done well, then some of your punishment will also be lifted, but remember, you are now Perry's to control, you do everything for him. Perry, that does not mean that you are allowed to hurt him or publicly shame him.”

“I would never do that Sir, you know that.”

“I know, but it still had to be said.”

“I suppose that's probably true Sir.”

“It is. Now, you boys all go, you're all to go to your own rooms for tonight, except you Drago. Your time starts now, the rest of your classmates, you start tomorrow morning, five AM. You have class at your regular times, you eat in your room with no one else, you are to wear and use to their fullest the surprise that you're gonna find on your beds, and every other waking moment, you are in the Griffendoer tower doing their every bidding. Drago, from this moment on, for one month, you are Perry's. You eat next to him, sleep next to him, and all else that you already know from your previous punishment, as well as all that has been doled out today. Now, off with you.”

I tried so hard not skip the entire way to our tower, I tried not to act anywhere near as happy as I felt. For the next week, Drago will not be able to talk at all, so I will not make him have sex with me, I am reasonably certain that that would be seriously frowned upon. I will make him want to though, of that there is simply no doubt.

When we arrived to the portrait that covers the entrance to our dorm, I turned to talk to Drago, to tell him to stick close, but then I saw the look on his face. Pure terror. Fear the likes of which I have only seen once from him before, the night we both had a detention in the forbidden forest. His eyes were pooled with tears, he was shaking so visibly he looked like he was having a seizure, and his bottom lip was trembling even worse. I can also see a wet spot forming on the front of his robes.

I felt so bad at that moment, that I could not make him go through this alone.

“Come on Drago, here's not where we need to be tonight. I know of a very special room where we can spend the night. I want you to go into that alcove there and hide behind the suit of armor, so that no one can see you, while I head into my dorm and grab a few things. Can you do that please, I promise I won't hurt you.” I said softly.

I know that fear, that is the same fear that I grew up with every day of my life before coming to Warthogs, and I never want to willingly allow anyone to have to face that sort of fear alone. He nodded subtly, looking incredibly relieved, and went and hid himself where I told him to.

I headed into our tower, and Rod and Hermoany accosted me right away, wanting to know what Bummemore had done, I told them that the full story would be known shortly, but that I was going to spend the night elsewhere tonight, and that I had to be going quickly. They let me go, and at least a dozen people tried to stop me as well, but I said I could not talk, that I had to be somewhere soon, and ran up to my dorm room.

I grabbed my invisibility cloak, the Marauders map, and my pack. I crammed a dozen or more nappies into the sack, a clean robe, and my butt plug, before putting the map and the cloak in as well. I swung it all over my shoulder, and headed back out. Another dozen students tried to get some information from me, but I said I had to go, and then headed out right away. I went to the alcove and Drago was still there.

“Oh good, you're still here.”

He nodded his head wildly yes, then pointed around himself, and then shook his head no.

“Oh, I get it, you couldn't even move from this spot, because this is where I told you to go. That crafty devil, his spell on you must've included that. Hmm, I think that that might come in handy.” I laughed, he looked ashamed.

“Don't worry, I'm not like you, I don't purposefully hurt people, and I don't intend to hurt you. We're going somewhere private so that you're not so scared. I could see the pure terror in your face, as well the fact that you've wet yourself in fright a fair bit already. That's okay, I understand. Try growing up how I did, living that same fear every day of your life. I guarantee you, it's not pleasant.”

He tried to sign something, but I did not understand him. I dug into my pack to pull out the map and the cloak anyway. As I was doing so, I said, “Not sure what you're trying to say, so don't worry right now, there's parchment and quills in the room we're going to, so you can write down your questions, or we'll try and give you a direct command to talk to me, and see if that works. First, we need to get there before it gets dark, since I'm absolutely not allowed out after dark, even though no one's about to see us.”

And then I threw the cloak over the both of us. Once I had that taken care of, I opened up my map and spoke its opening phrase as quietly as I could, so that Drago would not hear, and then it came to life, well, not really, but you know what I mean. I checked to ensure that the coast was clear, then told Drago to hold onto me and follow me as closely as he could, and make no noise, then I realized, he cannot anyway. The funny thing is, he grabbed me around my waist, so I know he can feel my soggy nappy.

I led us to the nearest secret passageway that will get me closer to the room I want, and a few minutes later we arrived. The entrance is a portrait of Sir Godly Griffendoer, the patron of our house. I spoke the entrance phrase, 'I am a Griffendoer, and I am pure of mind and heart.' This one the map did not show me, it showed me the room, yes, but only said I had to tell it who I am and why I deserve to enter Sir Griffendoer's most private sanctuary, so I tried that, it seemed the most fitting thing to say, and it worked.

When we entered, I waved my wand and all the lanterns lit and the fire blazed to life, lighting the beautiful room up wonderfully. Done in rich reds and golds, with beautifully carved wooden furniture, and the most luxurious fabrics one could imagine. We entered into the sitting room, it is large, holding a very nice study area, a seating area, and a large desk. The books on the shelf are amazing as well, Hermoany would go insane to find all these, but when Bummemore found out I had found this room, he said it was a larger secret than most, that this room is now only known about by two people, and must never be known by others, that if the magic of Warthogs had wanted me to find it, it was for a good reason, stating that only a true Griffendoer could find it. Not sure what that is supposed to mean, but he has said the same thing to me before, when I found Griffendoer's sword.

Off the main room are two more doors. There is a door that leads to a nice small powder room, just a simple toilet and sink, but it too is tastefully done. The other door leads to the most luxurious bedroom you can imagine. Imagine a king size bed, then double that, even then, I do not think it is big enough to describe the size of the bed in here. It has a beautifully made canopy over it, with shades that can be pulled. There is a very nice dressing area with mirrors surrounding you, and so much storage space next to it that you just have to know that Griffendoer was a clothes whore.

Then from the bedroom is one more door, this leading to the finest washroom facilities that you could possibly imagine. The tub is sunken into the floor, made of marble, and roughly the size of a back yard swimming pool. There are over three hundred jets in it, I know, I tried counting them, but lost count. There are twelve faucets to feed the water to the pool, I mean tub, and each one does something different. One does bubble bath, one does fizzy water, one does lavender scented, and another does something that relaxes your entire body and makes you float. I like to mix and match, and my favorite are those four together. They are also more than large enough to supply all the water this tub needs in only a matter of minutes as well.

There is a very large shower stall, roughly four meters by four meters, with just a touch over one hundred heads spraying water. In here, too, there are different faucets that do different things. One pulses the water, one adds steam, one adds soap, and another is an oil of some sort that makes your body feel smooth and wonderful. There is even something on the one wall where you stand, and it does everything needed to wash your hair, the longer you stand there, the better the job it does.

Just outside the shower stall is a small alcove with a door that, once closed, activates a heated blow dry system that will dry you totally in under two minutes. It is wonderful.

The toilet is in its own little alcove, and there is a bidet next to it as well that cleans and dries you off perfectly as well, no matter what has just happened.

I showed Drago around, showing him all of this.

“Now, technically speaking, you're not supposed to know about this room. I'm trusting you to never speak of this to anyone, and should you ever do so, I'm sure that Bummemore will be able to erase it from your memory. I'd do it, but I might take your entire memory.”

He shook his head no again.

“Oh, right, I was gonna see if we could get you talking. So, here, try this. I, Perry Hotter, do hereby give you permission to talk to me and me only, should you talk in a way not befitting a servant, I shall revoke said privilege instantly. There, try that.”

“Th...thanks.” He said.

“Cool, it worked. Now, what were you trying to tell me earlier.”

“Thanks, for not making me do that, and I'm sorry. Why'd you grow up that afraid every day, I couldn't have done it?”

“I'm sorry, I can't allow you to say sorry yet, there's too much between us still for that to count.”

“I suppose I deserve that. Thanks.”

“Here, come, sit down, I'll tell you my entire tale. Oh, wait, first, we need to get you nappied, you won't be allowed to use the washroom, right, and you've already peed some, so we needta get you protected.”

“Please, though I wish Bummemore wouldn't do that to me, it's shameful for someone of my standing to have to be made to wet and mess himself like that.”

“You mean like me?” I asked dangerously.

“You only wet.” He said in fear.

“Not that far off, though is it?”

“No, I guess not. Sorry, I didn't mean to insult you.”

“Yes, you did, you've meant to insult me thousands of times, and you've done a fine job of it too.”

“You grew up knowing fear like I felt earlier, well, I may not have felt fear that much, but I didn't grow up as normally as you'd like to believe either.”

“That, I'm afraid to say, I have no doubt about. It's fairly clear how you were raised.”

“What's that supposed to mean?”

“You were raised as a spoiled rotten brat, told because of your name you were allowed anything your heart desired. Yet, that's not what you got at home. I've seen how you look at your father, like he's a monster, and while I'm certain you're afraid of him, you also look up to him and respect him, because he has no fear, takes what he wants, does what he wants, and there's never any repercussions.”

“Wow, you've seen that? That's pretty much exactly my life.” He said in awe.

“Yes, and anyone with half a brain can see it too, except you. Everyone's afraid of your father because they know that he's Moldyvort's right hand man, they know their families will be murdered in the night if they fight him. Bummemore and I aren't afraid of him though. I'm not afraid of you or Moldyvort either. Very little scares me.”

“What about the Dementors?” He asked curiously.

“Here, let's get you nappied, then I'll tell you.”

Drago tried to not allow me to undress him, but I was not giving him the chance, and when I barked at him to hold still, his muscles locked tight, and he could not move a muscle. I am definitely going to like that. I got him completely naked, and while he could do nothing about it, I checked him out.

Dressed, he is exceptionally good looking, naked, he is stunning. His boyish equipment is roughly the same size as mine is, and he is still hairless as well, though whether by desire or genetics I do not know. I never keep my hair, and use the hair remover charm at least twice a week. I gave him the command to unlock his body, and a few more tears escaped.

“This is the first time you've ever been seen naked, isn't it?”

“Yes.” He whispered.

“What about in your shower room?”

“We have separate cubicles. They had to put them in and make all the doors locking to avoid unwanted advances, they were apparently happening far too frequently.”

“Wow, and here in our showers it's just good clean fun. Now, go ahead and lay down and I'll get you all taken care of.”

He laid down, and I started nappying him.

“So, you wanted to know about the Dementors. Well, they overload me. I have something in my past that no one else has, I watched my mother die.”

“You did?” he gasped.

“Yes, I was young, but it's still there. Every time a Dementor is near me, it comes rushing back, and it just causes me to crash. I see Moldyvort pointing his wand at her, I see him cast the killing curse at her, I hear her scream, I see her fall. Then he points his wand at me, and I got my scar. That's what I see when a Dementor is nearby, that's what I hear, and you thought it was fun to make fun of me.” I said, and yes, I do have tears in my eyes.

“Oh god, I'm so sorry. I never would've done what I did had I known that.”

“Yes, you would've. The fact that you know doesn't change how you would've acted.”

“I'm not totally heartless, you know.”

“You've done a good job of hiding that then.”

“I know. I'll say I'm sorry a million times if you let me, but you've already told me not to bother. I'm smart enough to know when I'm hated.”

“Contrary to your own belief, I don't hate you. True, I'm not exactly a huge fan, but I don't have the time or the inclination to hate you. I hate exactly one person, and I hate him so much you couldn't even possibly fathom, I will be the one to kill him, I will be the one to make sure he never harms another family, makes another child go through the hell I went through.”

“You don't even hate your aunt and uncle?”

“I strongly dislike them, I never wish to see them again in my entire life, but hate, no, hate is such a strong word, and I try never to hate anyone, except Moldyvort.”

“Not sure I could do that.”

“Yeah, well, walk a mile in my shoes, you'll learn more than you ever thought you could handle. Everyone calls me the boy who lived, the golden child, and all sorts of other bullshit. All I ever wanted was a normal life, but that was denied. Now I just do what I have to, to live my life to its fullest, I don't wanna be a celebrity, I don't wanna be famous, and I don't want everyone to stop me every fucking minute of the day, just because I'm Perry fucking Hotter.”

“Wow, and I thought my life was hard.”

“There, how's that?” I asked, because I just finished pulling up and taping closed Drago's super thick nappy. I had applied more than enough baby lotion and nappy rash cream to make it a very good nappy change, yet he never once got hard. Then I remembered the spell, he would not be able to get hard at all for the next week.

“As good as can be expected, I suppose.”

“As often as you've flipped up my robes, you can't possibly tell me that you don't fancy nice thick baby nappies.” I said, and watched him blush.

“Um, um.......You said you'd tell me about your aunt and uncle.”

“Exactly. It'll come, don't worry.”

“Can I get dressed please?”

“No, in fact, here.” I said and whipped off my robes as well, so now we are standing there in only our nappies.

“Why won't you let me get dressed?”

“Because this is how I wanna see you. You're quite cute in just a thick baby nappy.”

He said nothing to this.

“So, you wanna know about my life before Warthogs. Here goes, but don't be shocked if you puke. I was dropped on their doorstep scant hours after my parents were killed, a note left for them, instructing them to care for me as if I were their own. I suppose, in a way, I should be thankful that they didn't raise me like they did Fudley, because he's the fattest, ugliest piece of shit I've ever had the displeasure to meet. I have no idea when the slavery started, I have no idea when the beatings started, but that's all I knew.

“Every morning I was kicked awake, I slept under the stairs, by the way, on just a thin blanket, with a thinner blanket to cover myself with, and when I was up, I was made to make breakfast, scrub the kitchen, scrub the floors, wash the walls, there was never an end to the amount of chores that I had to do.

“I've no idea why they sent me to school, they certainly didn't want me learning anything, but I suppose it was better than seeing me every day. I've no idea if they ever took me to the doctors about the fact that I constantly had wet pants, but every time this was witnessed, I was beaten. Every morning I was wet, I was beaten, so every morning in other words. I was yelled at, scolded, berated, called every horrible name you could possibly imagine, in fact you've managed to call me a couple of them, and I was never treated as anything more than a nuisance that they had to put up with.

“Fugly, I mean Fudley, my cousin, if possible, he was actually worse than his parents. At school he ensured that no one would even stay near me, I was beaten up every day by either him or his cronies, and he even made the teachers hate me. Once his parents were done with me, it was always his turn, he had to toughen up you see, and beating me up, punching me, kicking me, it built his character, and lessened mine.

“The day the first Warthogs letter arrived for me, and they took it away, I was crushed. I had never had post before, I wanted it, but they destroyed it. But the letters kept coming, and they kept destroying them. They came by the hundreds, and they kept destroying them. Finally my uncle was going nearly bonkers and hauled us away. We made it to a storm swept island in the northern sea somewhere, and that's where Hunghard found and rescued me.

“Ever since that day, they still hate me, but I've managed to keep them mostly at bay by telling them that I'd turn them into some horrible creature. Sadly, they now know that I can't perform magic outside of school, but, like I told them, any more beatings, any more horrible treatment from them, and I'd gladly risk Azkaban and ensure that they were never found again. I think they know I meant it, and I did, but they would've made excellent Guinea Pigs for the nearest kindergarten class.”

“No wonder you don't fear much now.”

“Yeah, funny how that happens, right. They beat a lot out of me, but not the good stuff.”

“What all are you gonna make me do?”

“Cleaning, homework, changing and bathing me, you heard everything, so you know you're my own personal servant.”

“You're not gonna make me, you know, do it with you?”

“Of course not. No matter what you did, I'd never rape you. The thought of raping someone would make me go soft instantly. Besides, why would I wanna or haveta rape anyone, I have a hundred or more gay boys lining up for me. If I'm famous for something I didn't ask for, I may as well take advantage of it right?” I grinned.

“Oh, good, because, you know, I'm not like you.”

“You should thank whatever gods you care to every day that you're not.”

“That's not what I meant, and you know it.”

“I know exactly what you meant, and you know exactly what I meant as well. Yes, I'm gay, yes, I'm a nappy lover, true, I do need them, but that doesn't change how much I love them. Those are only two aspects of the whole me though, and you're starting to get some idea of just who I am, but you can't possibly know who I truly am. Even Rod and Hermoany don't know everything, all the tortures that I've endured, do endure, every fucking day is still torture to me.”

“What do you mean?”

“I have dreadful nightmares, every night, having someone there to cuddle me as I sleep helps, being sexually worn helps, but they're still there every night. My scar also hurts, every day, every fucking day, like someone is hammering on my scar with a large sledge hammer. Madam Poofy has tried every pain potion and spell she can, all to no avail. And when Moldyvort's nearby, it's nearly unbearable. When I actually touched him in first year, well, you heard I ended up in the hospital right, that's why. My body finally shut down. I know it's my fate and desire to be the one to take him out, but the pain of doing so will probably kill me, and I accept that fate.”

“You know you're gonna die if you do it, yet you still wanna be the one to do it, why? No one's that brave.”

“Sure, I am. I have nothing, I have no one, I'm forever gonna be under this curse anyway, so I may as well do something good and take him out, even if it costs me my life.”

“You don't have nothing or no one, that describes me. You have friends, two of the most loyal friends I've ever heard of, I have no one. I have cronies that are told to follow and protect, I've never had a friend in my life. As for nothing, that's not true either. Whether you like it or not, you are famous, everyone loves the great Perry Hotter, and they'll do anything for you. Your entire house sticks up for and protects you, you may not have a family by blood, but you have a family far bigger and better than most. Not me, I have a family, a family that I'm ashamed of and scared of, I'm saddled with a name that everyone loathes and fears. People expect that that's who I am, when I'm not, really I'm not. I was never taught to be nice, I don't know how, but I've tried, and it never turns out right, I just sound arrogant or belittling. I bet you didn't know I cried myself to sleep the first night we met. My father said I had to befriend you, but I didn't try because he made me, I tried because I knew we had something in common. I cried because you hurt me, it was the first time I'd ever wanted a friend, and you spurned me.”

“I'm sorry Drago, I had no idea, because you're right, you did sound arrogant and belittling. I'll make you a promise, during this month that you're tied to me, I'll try and teach you how to be a nice person. There's lots to teach though, and I don't know if a month's gonna be enough to teach it all to you, since we're also gonna haveta erase thirteen years of bad teaching at the same time.”

“You'd really do that, for me?”

“Yes, in case you've missed it, for some strange reason I always see the good in people, and believe it or not, but I've always been able to see through your charade, able to see the good hurting little boy behind all that pain and anger. You and I aren't so different, I've known that since we met, but where I took all that hurt and let it make me a better person, you let it make you into a monster. I know why, it's what your father wanted, and you let him mold you in his image, you hated him, but you admired him, and deep down, you did want that power, but in the same breath, you've always known that that's not who you are.”

“How do you do that, it's like you can read my mind.”

“I can't, in the normal sense, but I do sense peoples feelings more than most do I suppose. You're easy to read though, at least by me, like I said, you and I aren't so different.”

“No, I suppose we really aren't, are we. Moldyvort killed my parents just as much as he did yours, didn't he?”

“Yes, and in the case of you, you actually got the short end of that deal, you would've been far better off had they been killed and you raised by decent people.”

“Yeah. Look, I'm kinda getting tired, where am I supposed to sleep?”

“You can sleep in the bed with me, and don't worry, I won't rape you, as long as you promise not to rape me either.” I grinned.

“I'd never.” He gasped, but he blushed huge, and I saw his nappied dick pulse.

“I know. Now, I do need a soggy nappy change, so you getta change me before bed.”

“Um, I don't think I can do that.” He stuttered and blushed even more.

“Yes, you can, and you haveta too, so you may as well do it, or I'll force you to, and you know I can and will.”

“Fine, but I've never done this before.”

“Sure you have, you hadta get good at doing it to yourself the last time you were nappy punished, it's no different doing it to someone else.”

I used my wand and pointed it all the things we needed, and they magically moved to the bed. I then went and laid down beside it all, and then waited for Drago. Drago did move forth of his own free will, but I could see that look of utter fear in his eyes again, he was blushing massively, and he was shaking like a leaf.

“I know you're scared, and this time you do haveta face your fears and do what you know you haveta do, I'm sorry, but that's the way it is. Take all the time you need, and don't be afraid, it's just a nappy change.” I whispered to him.

He looked to me and I could see tears in his eyes again. I know why he is afraid, and what he is afraid of, but he has to face those demons on his own. It may sound cruel to do this to him when I know what it will do to him, but I am doing it this way, and not in front of a crowd of people for a reason. I know that Drago is as gay as they come, and I know he is scared shitless of his father finding out, yet it is eating him up too.

It took Drago only two minutes to change my nappy, he rushed through it so fast, but he at least did a decent job of it. He also barely looked the entire time he did it, only did what he had to do and then taped me up. And no, I made certain that I was soft for this nappy change. I did not want to completely torture him, even though I do know he has seen me hard dozens of times now.

“There, that wasn't so hard, now was it?”

And yes, I did look to the front of his nappy, and he is painfully hard too.

He said nothing to this.

“Go ahead and climb in on the other side, there's more than enough room, so you don't haveta feel like you're sleeping with me, and let's get to sleep.”

He nodded, clearly not trusting his voice at the moment, and went and climbed in. I said goodnight, then waved my wand, and all the lanterns went out.

Next: Chapter 3

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