Perry Hotter and the Vanishing Virginity

Published on Jan 7, 2023


Perry Hotter and the Vanishing Virginity 13

Chapter 13

As with most nights, Drago and I had dream visions, and tonight is no different. Tonight though we saw a vision that made our blood run cold. When we woke up, we talked about our dream and what it meant, and what we really had to do because of it. We relieved a little pressure, changed and dressed each other, and then headed for breakfast. We all chatted as we ate, the others all very happily after yesterday, but Drago and I more reserved. As soon as breakfast was done, we asked Snipe to come and sit with us for a few minutes, that we had to talk to him in private. If he chooses to share said conversation with Lupin later, that will be up to him.

“What do you boys wanna talk to me about.”

“We had a vision last night, and we think you need to know about it.”

“I've always been of the firm belief that people should not know the future, because it never helps them.”

“We feel the same way, but by telling you, we believe that we may be able to save many lives.”

“Then, I suppose it'd be best if you tell me this vision.”

“First, you are to be the one to kill Bummemore when the time's right, you're gonna balk at doing so, but you must. He already knows he's getting old, very old, and that soon, he's gonna encounter something he can't stop. He's good enough in Divination that he's already seen some of this, hence the reason he's preparing Zachary. We don't know how soon this is, but you'll know when the time's right. Chances are, he'll tell you to, and that's what we see in our vision. I know this is hard for you, for years he was your only friend, but you'll only be ending his suffering, so please, when the time's right, do it for him.” We said.

“If he asks me to do so, I'd do it for him, we've always had an agreement on that. Thanks for telling me though.”

“That's not all. We foresee your death as well, however, we think that you can stop it from happening, because the vision is only partially formed, so what leads up to it is gonna happen, you can't stop that, but what happens after, we think you might be able to.”

“Ah, let me guess, I sacrifice myself to help stop the dark lord?”

“Something along those lines.”

“How noble. The sorting hat was right, I really would have been better in Griffendoer.”

“Really, it tried to put you in Griffendoer?”

“Yes, and like you, I asked to be put into Slitherin, my parents would've disowned me instantly had I gone there.”

“Ah. So you also have some Divination skills, don't you?”

“Yes, next to no one knows this, but Professor Truyawney and I are distantly related, we have the same great times a lot grandmother, and I too inherited some of her talents. I never get full visions, and most are cloudy at best, but I've seen enough over the years to know that that's how I'd end.”

“Good. Like we said though, we think you can prevent true death, with a little preparation. We've seen the war, we don't know when it's coming, but there'll come a time when Moldyvort won't let his snake out of his sight, when that time comes, your time is near. We think he uses the snake to kill you, we see it biting you. Moldyvort needs to believe that you're dead, but if you took an anti venom prior to the fighting, or keep it on you, as soon as he leaves, you might be able to save yourself. You won't have a lot of time though, and you'll be bleeding a lot as well, so you'll have to stanch that too, this is all we can see on that though, at least so far.”

“Okay. So I sacrifice myself, but might be able to save myself with a little preparation, good to know.”

“That's not all Sir.”

“What more can there be?”

“You haveta go back into your role as spy for Moldyvort. It's dangerous, we all know that, but he'll rely heavily on your input, he trusts you. There's even gonna come a time when you haveta betray me to him, and nearly get me killed. Drago and I'll both only just barely make it out, but we do, we can see that. You'll need to feed him only enough information to make him believe you, but hold just enough back so that he can't be a threat. The time will come though when you haveta take the risk and betray me to him, to continue your station, and when that time comes, you'll haveta play your part very well, for many of the Death Eaters will not trust you, but he will, because he thinks he knows you.”

“Bummemore's already asked that I continue that role when the time comes, I already foresaw some of this, and I would've done so anyway, it'll be like old times.” He smiled ruefully.

“We thought as much, but sadly, that's still not all.”

“What more.”

“You were too kind to me at school the latter part of this last year, there are still spies in the school, and so they must be led to believe you still hate me. We don't know who they are, but your hatred of me must continue, and now Drago as well, since he and I are joined, and everyone knows this. We'll try and make it nice and easy on you, we'll give you excuses to lash out at us, and we're gonna haveta be just as mouthy as we can be to assure this as well.”

“Ah, now that's an act I would enjoy playing.” He grinned brightly.

“Yes, we thought you might.” We laughed.

“Yes, anything else?”

“No, I think that that's it, other than the fact that you absolutely must keep your relationship with Reamus a secret, though I know you already do so. We think you know the reason why already, and no, Moldyvort would absolutely not enjoy you hanging off the enemies arm like that. As far as we could tell, no one in the school even suspected a thing between the two of you, so you're safe for now, just try and make doubly certain.”

“Yes, we know how dangerous our relationship is, no worries there, and besides, with him having retired from teaching, it will make it somewhat easier to keep it secret. I have to admit, it will also make things that much harder on me, but Bummemore says there is no reason for me to spend every night at the school, and Reamus is already looking at a place in Hogscum, so that'll be nice and close.”

“Very true. Just be careful of spies. You know Moldyvort's people are more than likely watching everyone at all times.”

“That's very true, but I now have a nice quiet easy way into the village, and I'm not too shabby at invisibility potions, if I do say so myself, and our new place is going to be fairly close to the shrieking shack, so nice and close for me.”

“Perfect. Why haven't you taught us this invisibility potion?”

“It's a seventh year potion, though you will be learning it this summer anyway, and it's so hard, that ninety percent of them fail anyway, and even if they don't, they rarely last long. I can make one that'll last hours if I need to, but I'll only make one that lasts minutes.”

“That's a great idea, and we can't wait to learn all sorts of really wicked things from you. I trust we're gonna learn things this summer that they don't normally teach in school?”

“Yes, including Veritaserum, which almost no one can make, in fact, we need to start tomorrow, so that it has time to brew properly, it takes a full month to make. Also, there's gonna be a few others that are never taught to students for various reasons, you kids are all gonna learn them, including the Polyjuice potion.”

“Um, we already know how to make that one. We kinda learned that one ourselves and made it correctly, Rod, Hermoany, and me made some last year to try and gain information to prove Drago was the one opening the Chamber of Secrets. Turned out it wasn't him of course.”

“Ah, so it was you who stole those ingredients then! I always thought so, but couldn't prove it. I tried to get Bummemore to grant me permission to disembowel you as a deterrent for thievery. Clearly he wouldn't allow it.”

“It wasn't me who stole the ingredients, and no, I won't tell you who did, I also appreciate that you asked permission first, and that it was not granted.” I grinned brightly.

“Right. I'll still be going over it, to ensure that you have it correct. For very good reasons, it's a potion that's not taught at school, but for even better reasons is it a potion that is good in our line of work. If it's properly made, and properly administered, someone can quite easily impersonate another very easily, and no one would be any the wiser. Which is why it's a highly controlled potion, and not often taught.”

“The thing, though, Sir, we don't need the potion to change into someone else, we're already pretty capable of it ourselves.”

“How capable.” He asked curiously.

It took us a few seconds, and we each changed to someone else, I to Allbum, and Drago into Reamus.

“Do you think that this is good enough to fool others?” We asked, both in the respective voices that we are impersonating.

“Impressive, I can't even see a difference at all. Drago, do me a favour though and raise your robe up and drop your nappy in the front a little?”

“Okay.” He said, and then did so.

“I'll be damned, you even got the birth mark underneath Reamus' balls perfectly.”

“Quit that, you're making me hard.” Drago grunted.

“Sorry, wasn't trying to. Have you ever seen that birthmark before though?”

“No, neither has Perry.”

“Didn't think so, and only one who's spent a lot of time searching in that area probably would've.” He grinned.

“I take it that you enjoy searching in that particular area of Reamus then?” Drago giggled as he turned back to himself, and I did too.

“Hell yeah. A lot in fact.” He smiled brightly.

“Good, you both deserve to. Well, shall we head out and find the others and see what we need to get up to today?” We asked.

“Sure, though I think the plans were to have you kids all in the lab with me this morning, so we may as well head there. If they're not already there, then we can go and find them.”

“Okay, but what about the plans to go and inform everyone of our findings yesterday.”

“I'm willing to bet that most of the adults have already left to do just that. I don't think that you guys will have been included in that. Yes, we know that you two are incredibly powerful, and that you'd be far more than capable of protecting yourselves, but the others just know who and where to go to, so I doubt that there's much point in you all going. Spermius will still be here, and I'm sure he'll be helping in the lab as well, because, for a murderer, he's pretty good at potions. I was not included in that either, since I am supposed to be pro death eater, after all.”

“Convicted, but not guilty murderer, don't you mean.”

“Something along those lines, yeah.” He grinned.

We headed off to the lab, and found that all the rest of us kids, as well as Spermius, were in fact in the lab, while everyone else had already headed out to start sharing the news, and the spells.

“Okay, to your stations please. We have a hard potion ahead of us, and this is one of many potions that requires true magical talents in order to make. Several times throughout the making of the potion, you have to speak proper spells over it, in order to imbue it with the correct properties, though, should you mess up, the results can be catastrophic.

“Today we are making Veritaserum, an incredibly complex potion that will cause the drinker to tell any truth, regardless of whether they want to or not. Certain pre arranged spells, that we are all familiar with, will prevent someone from spilling secrets while under the effect of Veritaserum, however, any and all other secrets are fair game.

“This potion also requires that your scales be calibrated precisely, so we need to do so now, I will verify each and every one of your scales prior to your continuing, since absolute accuracy in this potion counts. The potion also requires daily maintenance as it is brewing over the thirty days that it needs, both magical and physical, so this potion cannot be started and then just left like many brewing potions can be, you must maintain it, or you will destroy it.

“By the end, the potion should be as clear as water, as well as as tasteless and odorless as water. It is this that makes this potion so incredible, no one would know that they are taking it. If you brew your potion correctly, you get to keep the results, but they may not be used at school, unless absolutely necessary. I always try and keep a vial of it handy at all times, but Bummemore has refused to allow me to use it on students. Bummer. One batch makes ten vials, one vial is one persons every secret, it can last for as long as twenty four hours, depending upon the size of the person it is given to.

“Now, let's get your scales calibrated, check each others scales as well, and then I will come and check them myself.”

We all went about calibrating our scales, we all have weights for doing this, and we have been taught how to do so many times, but I know I do not calibrate mine as often as I should. Drago's was perfect, but then, he always does his, but mine was out by almost five percent, which, for some potions, I know can be huge. We checked each others after we had finished our own, and they are both perfect now. Snipe then came and checked both of ours and deemed them perfect now as well.

He then gave us the ingredient list, with the instructions, and it is huge. We got started right away, Snipe telling us each and every step that we needed to make and when, telling us exactly what and when and how much to mix, so on and so forth. I must say though, the new potion making kit that Drago and I each bought in Diagon Alley sure was worth the fifteen galleons they had cost us, each, because the tools in them are perfect. My old measuring equipment was sub par at best, and my old scales were junk, compared to all this. Even Snipe had taken a moment to admire our new potion making kits.

The potion took us a solid four hours to make, and now they are to be set off to the side to brew. Snipe had checked each one to make certain that they are the correct colour, an amazingly bright yellow, and he was pleased with all of ours. I am amazed that now it will turn as clear as water in the next month, but Snipe says that every day that we stir and cast the spell on it, it will become just a little lighter, until, in thirty two days, it will be crystal clear, and hopefully perfect.

“Wow, that was the most insane potion I've ever brewed.” Drago said.

“Same.” Everyone said, except the twins, who we know are amazing at potions, and claim might even be able to teach Snipe a thing of two. In fact, the two of them stayed behind with Snipe, and they stayed chatting.

Spermius had been making his own potion along side us, saying that it is a very handy one to have, after all, but he left with the rest of us.

“Okay Boys and Girls, now it's my turn to teach you some stuff.”

“What are you gonna teach us?” Rod asked curiously.

“You don't survive twelve long years in Azkaban without learning a thing or two. Every minute in there feels like an hours worth of torture, and so, I'm here to teach you all how to shield your minds. In order to do so, you must first be able to centre your mind, ground your soul, find your core. Once you can master this, and shield your mind, no one will be able to force their way in and torture you like the Dementors can. They're of course magical creatures that use that very thing to their advantage, that's how they kill you, that's how they feed on you, no, they can suck your soul out instantly if they want to, but their favorite thing is to do so long and slow, the longer and slower the better. They feed on your misery.

“There are wizards out there that can do much the same thing, just maybe not in the same way. You must be protected from them. Now, some of you'll find this incredibly easy to do, while others not so much. Perry and Drago, considering some of your skills, I assume you can already do this, but the rest of you, probably not so much. Now, sit in a circle, calm your mind, and follow my instructions.” He said, and so we did.

For almost an hour, we sat there as Spermius walked us through how to fully shield our minds. As he suspected we could, Drago and I were the first to master this, and since we already have very good mind shields anyway, he just taught us how to control them better, but taught the others how to just make the strongest shield that they could manage. Then, because Drago and I are the only ones truly capable of doing so in our group, Spermius pitted us against all the others to see if we could get through their shields and batter their minds.

We are simply too strong though, we even managed to get through Spermius', which he claimed no one had been able to do before. So, unfortunately, they will now have to wait for Bummemore, since he is the next best, but not so strong at it that it causes their mind shields to just collapse instantly.

It was not until dinner time that the others all showed up, while the rest of us all did more defensive work after Spermius' mind lessons. We all sat down to eat, once it was ready, and as we ate, we talked.

“So, how'd it go?” Snipe asked.

“Very well.” Everyone who had gone out said together.

“I managed to hit almost twenty of our friends and allies, and taught them, then told them to start spreading the word as well.” Bummemore said.

“I got fifteen.” Mr. Pleaseme said.

Numbers like that rang out all around the table.

“That's great. What'd everyone think of that?” I asked.

“Relief would be the best word to use I think. That alone should reduce the amount of casualties in the upcoming war. We know it's gonna happen, and still many are gonna die, but we've given a lot more people new hope.” Bummemore said.

“Well, I for one am glad that we did.” I said.

“Me too.” Everyone said almost as one.

We all needed an early night, and so not long after dinner, we all retired to our rooms or tents, and spent some quality time with our partners. Drago and I ended up making tender love to each other a total of four times each, twice each, then a one hour intermission, and then a further two times, and by the time we were done, we were both incredibly satisfied.

The next few days went by really fast. The next morning Snipe had us in the lab once more, and this time we are making the Polyjuice potion, as well we made sure to work on our Veritaserum while in there. Then after lunch, we all had exercises to do. We were pretty much all split up into groups of either two or three, so that we could all work a lot more. There were lots of logic and wisdom questions, lots more defensive spells, and even mind shielding lessons, this time against Bummemore. Though we worked hard, we also were told to take time to play and have fun as well, and so we did. We would all get together and play Quidditch, though Drago and I were not allowed to play seeker, we just went flying, hell, one day we even all went for a Floo trip to Diagon Alley to just look around and have fun, though, once more, unfortunately neither Snivelus nor Spermius could join us, and so Snivelus gave Reamus a list of potions ingredients to get for him, and so he did.

Every day is busy now though, the days and the weeks are just flying by. Before we know it, both our Polyjuice Potion and Veritaserum are done, and they had turned out perfectly, which shocked Snipe something fierce. We have made more than two dozen other potions that are incredibly handy to always have at hand, including the invisibility potion that Snipe had told me about. Drago and I do not need our invisibility potions, nor any of the others for that matter, so we gave them to Mr. and Mrs. Pleaseme, since they do use them all fairly regularly.

Every day is much the same though, potions, advanced magical defense and or offense spells, logic and wisdom testing. Mr. Pleaseme was even more of a stickler when it comes down to logic than anyone else, even including Bummemore, hence the reason that something so simple as this was done every day, and usually only in groups of two or three at a time. Near the end of summer, when we had a dueling contest, everyone did spectacularly well, though none could beat Drago and I, even including Bummemore and Mr. Pleaseme together.

We even went against the entire group of them and managed to win, though there were some close calls. We never used the killing curse in these dueling lessons, but we trained every day with the counter curse for it, in fact, it became common practice for someone to jump out at you and yell killing curse, and we had to do the counter curse as quick as we can.

Drago and I are lucky that way, we do not need our wands to do so, the others always lose a second in drawing their wands, which is why Bummemore started teaching the others, adults included, to use that spell without wand. Bummemore is probably the very best at wandless magic, though Mrs. Pleaseme is a damn close second, and so they drilled this into everyone's heads, and hence the reason why we would all jump out and yell killing curse, to cause them to learn this one spell, above all others, without the use of a wand. By the end of summer, even Zachary could do it, he had practiced so much.

It had not originally been planned for Bummemore to stay the whole summer, but he had felt that we were all doing so well, and he was happy to be truly teaching again, that he and Zachary stayed. Zachary was another reason to stay, he was getting just as much practice as the rest of us are, and he will undoubtedly be far past his peers when he gets back to school, at least in offensive and defensive spells. His wand work and potion work are also getting far better, and with all the practice he has been getting, he is now able to hold his own longer than most his age would normally be able to.

We were all pretty excited about the Quidditch world cup coming up, Mr. Pleaseme had managed to get some pretty prime seats, since he knew very well the wizard who was in charge of the entire games this year, something about he helping him out of a couple tight spots, numerous times, protecting his house, so on and so forth. Believe it or not, but almost everything that happened in the book you read about this is exactly what happened, with a few little inconsistencies of course, but we'll forgive them, since she wanted to keep Drago and I enemies. Who knows why.

Our final trip to Diagon Alley before school started was interesting to say the least. With all the hubbub at the Quidditch world cup, everyone was acting extra paranoid, over and above what witches and wizards usually are, and that is saying a lot. Sure, muggles are not a bother to us, in ones and twos, but if they ever found out about us for certain, we would be toast, and we all know it, which causes most to be jittery. Granted, in Diagon Alley, this is not a concern normally, since muggles can't access it without being accompanied by a witch or wizard. Either way, neither here nor there. Everyone was rushing around, barely watching where they were going, pushing, shoving, being extra rude, which for some is a stretch, but not us. We are all happy and smiling, talking loudly, and boy did we get some strange looks.

I know that the others are all as excited to be getting back to school as I am, I truly do feel good and normal there, and though, normal is not normally the type of word that I would use to describe myself, it will do. The summer has been great, do not get me wrong, we learned a huge amount, and we even had loads of fun, but there is just something special about school.

As soon as we got back, Professor Snipe and I, and Drago too, started up our old animosity full force, and boy did we all do it with vigor. In fact, we even requested permission several times to cause potion accidents in class, and of course though it could never be proven that Drago or I were the ones to have done it, as per Snipe tradition, we were blamed anyway. It was a great deal of fun. Detentions were always great, because Snipe would teach us some new and amazing potion that he was not allowed to teach students normally, and we learned a great deal more, probably once per week in fact.

And yes, Professor Mad Eye was a great teacher, he taught us a huge amount, too bad he turned out to be the bad guy. Yes, he did end up getting me into the Tri Wizard Tournament, and I hated every blasted second of it, though I had no idea, of course, until the very end. Really, with my magical abilities, was there really any question that I would win. Except, I tried really hard not to, I took every opportunity to help Moredick Dickery, to make him win, but no matter what I did, I always ended up doing reasonably well, which I now know why, I was being pushed along. Drago and I never even suspected Mad Eye, he had incredible control over his emotions and mind.

When Moredick convinced me to win it with him and grab the handles of the Tri Wizard Cup, that was my biggest mistake, but in case you have not noticed, I do have a tendency to play to win, and I just could not resist the urge. I should have. The second we were whisked away, I knew something wasn't right, but I was hit with a curse I had never encountered before, and Moredick was not able to block the killing curse quite fast enough, though he did fight it, and he damn near won too, but, in the end, I watched a friend die. No, we were not close friends, but we had fucked a few times, but he was not a nappy lover, so it was never great for either of us.

When I was tied up, I asked what I was cursed with, and I was told it was a special spell that blocks a wizards magic, I had never heard of such a thing, and as hard as I tried to fight it, to be able to do something, I could not. Then the next bit happened, and yeah, I wish I had never witnessed it. My blood was taken, the spells and the potion were completed, and I watched helplessly as Moldyvort was reborn. Just as he stepped from the cauldron, I started to be able to feel my magic again, so the spell is only temporary, which is good. Soon, though, it would not matter, because I know that Moldyvort will attempt to kill me at his first opportunity to prove his strength.

By the time that he let me go, I was starting to feel more and more magic creeping back into me, but still, not anywhere near enough to block anything. He called his followers to him, and they came, and then laughed at the poor little boy in front of them. How I wish I could smite them all where they stood, and if I had my full magical abilities right then, I would have too. Gladly.

Then it happened, Moldyvort sent his first spell toward me, and I dodged. I grabbed my wand, hoping and praying that I had enough magic in me to at least hold him at bay with my wand, but I am still so weak magically it is not funny. Then he tried the killing curse, and I did the first thing that came to mind, to disarm him, and the strangest thing happened. What you read was actually a fairly accurate description, so bears no repeating here, and then I was on my way back to school.

When I arrived, Drago was beside himself, he cried out that I was back, said he could not feel me, that it felt wrong, something happened, he felt me arrive somewhere, and then, before he could come to me, he said I just disappeared, and he did not have a good enough lock on my location. I told him everything in my mind in just a split second, and this is when people started realizing that Moredick was with me, only, not alive. I was in shock, I know that, Drago was nearly as bad, and Mad Eye led us to the castle, and as soon as we arrived, he cast the very same spell on both of us now, and that was when I realized that it must be a death eater trick, and that he was an impostor somehow, though how he tricked everyone, we only found out later.

Bummemore blew down the door and saved us, got the entire story, and then Pudge came and fucked it all up, the major league loser that he is. Then again, he had no choice, his masters plan had not gone off how it was supposed to, and he had to kill the one who had fucked it up the most. He claimed, of course, that it was for everyone's own good, but we know the truth.

Then Drago and I just barely get home from school, back to the Dursley's for a couple weeks, and Pudge, or one of his play things, sent a Dementor after Drago, Fudley, and I. Of course we retaliated, we ended up destroying the Dementors, our Patronus' were so strong, and Fudley ended up throwing up on the front mat. Speaking of Fudley, well, he and his parents look almost nothing like they did when I left the previous summer, they are looking a lot thinner and more fit, though they all have a long way to go too.

Of course, our under aged magic was detected somehow, bullshit, we called, they knew because Pudge had pulled the strings, and we were officially expelled, but Bummemore put a stop to that right away.

After the attack at home, it was deemed prudent to pull Drago and I out early, and so an elite hit squad, so to speak, came to extract us, and then we headed to Spermius Black's old family home, a place he had never wanted to visit again in his life, but, as we were told, the Pleaseme's place was too hot right now, too many people knew exactly where it is, and there had been several attempted attacks, so they had been forced to find a temporary location, and though Spermius was loathe to go there again, it was the next best place.

We ended up going to a hearing, as you heard, but of course it was for both Drago and I, and though they tried to try us one at a time, we point blank refused, told them that they would have to arrest us and cart us off to Azkaban first, and Bummemore made it well known that he would not stand for it either. Pudge was pissed that we got away, he had wanted Drago and Me in Azkaban, he needed us out of his masters hair, well, if he had any, but you know what I mean, the great giant snake that he is.

Now, you were led to believe that us kids were not part of the Order of the Phoenix, well, we were, that was what the entire summer was about, preparations and training, and now we are full out training, planning, preparing.

Once we were carted off to school, we found our first surprise, Pudge had managed to install one of his people in the school, since Bummemore was unable to find a suitable teacher for the DADA class, which is always near on impossible to fill. And then we met one of our worst nightmares, quite literally actually. The witch that had plagued our dreams several times is now our teacher. We had recognized her, of course, at our court hearing, but now here she is.

Yeah, well, a lot of the bullshit that she pulled is true, not all, and not all of it was quite as tame as was written, trust me, she tried her hardest to torture Drago and Me, but we tortured her back just as much as we could as well.

We did start the DADA group right under her nose, and we had many a successful meeting, teaching as many more kids as we possibly could, all that we possibly could, and Drago and I, as well as Rod and Hermoany, have a lot to teach. Granted, the twins and Gummy are most excellent as well, and all of us taught the other kids together many times, but Drago and I were voted to lead the group.

The fowl witch did her best to sack every one of Bummemore's teachers that were loyal to him, and she did manage, sort of, but he kept thwarting her at every turn, and it was rather comical that when we were finally caught and he gave himself up, then escaped, she was furious beyond measure.

The dreams that Drago and I had been plagued with had been different that past little bit, before we realized what they meant, and so we went to save Spermius, because he was being tortured, only, it too was a trap, Moldyvort figured out how he could manipulate our dreams and visions, and led us to right where he wanted us. Spermius did die that night, but not how it was written, and was much more valiant and noble, he took a killing curse right to the face from Moldyvort himself, he dove in to protect me, the bastard, my back was turned, I was fighting four death eaters, Drago had four of his own, and Moldyvort appeared out of nowhere and cast the curse right at me, the cowardly bastard, but Spermius saw it happening and dove to protect me. He tried to cast the spell, but he was just not strong enough to hold it for as long as he needed to, though he shocked Moldyvort with how long he lasted too. Sadly, not long enough for me to be able to stop it from happening, I never even saw it until the very last second.

I blasted a hole in the floor right where Moldyvort was standing, but he is as slippery as a, well, a snake, and he vanished before it could hit him. I cradled Spermius in my arms as he took his last breath. I tried to revive him, I tried feeding him my energy, but it was too late, he was gone. I am not ashamed to admit, that I stopped playing fair after that, prior to that, Drago and I were only disabling, but within five seconds of Spermius dying in my arms, six death eaters met their match, and I killed them all. The rest saw this and high tailed it right out of there. Moldyvort though was not done with me, he attempted to fight me, and well, that did not go over well. Before I could attempt to kill him, he vanished, but not before over thirty Ministry officials appeared and saw him, and so we were vindicated, because of course Pudge kept maintaining that there was no way that Moldyvort was back. Of course he knew, he has a dark mark of his own, we are certain of that.

Drago and I, as well all our friends, buried Spermius in a beautiful sunlit glade, it was hard for us, but we knew even then that he would not be the last friend that we are to bury, and that many more may soon follow.

Our exams went excellently, and before we knew it, we were headed back home again, to visit for at least a couple weeks with my family, who now look nothing like they once did, and they were truly happy to see us and hear how our year was. They are all thin and healthy, though they still have a bit of baggy skin to deal with, but we promised that we would help take care of that, and we did almost as soon as we got home. We actually had a great three weeks, we ended up staying an extra week because we had such a nice time, but then we were back off to the Pleaseme's, since they had added even more protections to the place, and Spermius' place was now out of the question.

We had a great summer, worked even harder than before, learned even more, especially how to protect ourselves from the curse that stopped me from using magic. Though, the problem with it is, if you do not get your shield up in time, you are hosed, it blocks all your magic, and there is nothing we can do about it, short of keeping our shields always up when we are out.

Bummemore had been out several times throughout the summer, on special missions that he did not want to tell us about yet, but there came a day when he came back with a blackened and shriveled hand. He had stayed cooped up with Snivelus for hours after that, and we only found out after, that he should have already died, but only Snivelus' work had managed to stanch it a bit.

Our sixth year started, and if anything, it was probably the best year that I have ever had, except for the watching Bummemore die at the end. Clearly it was not Drago that managed to bring upon the fall of Bummemore, it was an outside job, but using several spies on the inside, and a first year girl that we did not know and did not feel as being a spy. She had been trained well though, there is no doubting that.

Bummemore did bring Drago and I in and told us everything, so that we could continue his mission, and though he never said so, and we never asked, we did know that he was dying, the darkness was gathering around him. Even Zachary could sense it, he got more and more morose the closer the end of the year came. We found out every secret that Bummemore had ever guessed and or confirmed about Moldyvort, and how he had survived, so on and so forth, and we agreed to take on the task of completing his mission.

The day Bummemore died, and yes, Snipe had tears in his eyes as he did it, Drago and I stood there, petrified under my invisibility cloak, was one of the harder things I had ever witnessed. Sure, we knew he was not long for the world anyway, and we knew that Snipe had done nothing more than to ease his pain, and we had even seen this very scene before and knew that it had to happen this way, but still, seeing it happen, it was so hard.

Snipe, of course had to flee the school, we had to tell everyone that it was he that had killed Bummemore, we had to make everyone believe it, but those of us who need to know, did know the truth too.

Poor Zachary though, cried for three days afterward, we had him sleep with us for the entire week after to console him, Bummemore was his first and only love, the first person he had ever even known love from, and it hit him hard. At first he was furious at Snipe, but we told him our visions, as well what we had seen, even what Bummemore had said to Snipe, and finally his grieving came to an end and he accepted what was and what he could not change. We all did. We knew that Bummemore was dying, and he went out doing what he could to bolster his most trusted spies position, because twelve death eaters had seen Snipe kill Bummemore.

After the wedding, when the death eaters fully took over the Ministry of Magic, Drago, Rod, Hermoany, and Me took off to hunt Horcruxes. It was as long and as difficult as was written, and Rod really did abandon us for a bit, Hermoany took a while to get over that, because she really did love him, but, in the end, he did come back to us, and we did manage to do what we needed to do. It was actually a lot more work, and harder to do than was actually written, hence the reason that it took so long. The Horcruxes were hidden well and protected most effectively, and as such, were hard to gather.

The final battle was both horrific and awe inspiring. Seeing all those people fight for the sake of goodness, for me, it was empowering. Drago and I had seen a vision though, the night before, he did not want me to, but we knew that in order to win, I had to give myself up at the last possible minute. We told no one, everyone had to believe wholly that I had sacrificed myself, and even Drago, who knew that it was going to be okay, played his part so well that the others could not help but to believe it.

Our vision said I had to stand up to Moldyvort, said I had to take the killing curse once more, unprotected, I knew that it was going to hurt, but I also knew that something was going to happen that would help everyone. We saw me alive after the fact, so we had to believe it was going to work, our visions have never failed us, so why would they now. And so I did what I knew I had to do, and let me tell you, dying really fucking hurts.

Hunghard cried so much as he carried me back to display my supposedly dead body to everyone, that I was nearly soaked by the time we made it. He picked me up and carried me, then set me down so gently, you would never know how big and scary he really can be, he truly showed his love for me then. I almost cried too.

When I slipped on my invisibility cloak and disappeared, the look on Moldyvort's face was priceless, and then his fight went from bad to worse. Oh, and by the way, Snipe did survive, he did take precautions, and he is now fighting on our side against his former master and death eaters. He is even more pale than normal, mind you, but he is truly frightening when he is mad, lobbing thin glass bottles of various potions at people, causing ferrets, rats, and snakes to pop up all over the place.

Deville managed to kill the snake, Moldyvort's final Horcrux we know, and so now I can finally kill him, and he will fucking stay dead this time. And so I started working my way toward taking on Moldyvort himself.

When I finally managed to get into place and duel one on one with Moldyvort, it was possibly the most satisfying thing I have ever done. He cast the killing curse at me, and I allowed it to be blocked fully, and laughed at him. I told him a few things that he really should have known before. He sent the killing curse at me once again, and I blocked it again. I told him that he is weak and that he is going to finally know true death, unless he fully repents for all his sins, and he tried to use the killing curse again, and I blocked it again. We did this a total of five more times, before I finally just put up my hand and let his curse hit me, I then sent a surge of raw energy rippling right down his magical tether to me, his wand exploded in his hand, and then with a look of shock in his eyes, he was dead. His body was dead long before he even hit the wall and fell to the floor.

It took a few seconds, but all the winners cheered, and all the losers surrendered. Then we took on the daunting chore of taking care of the dead. There were many enemies, but thankfully far fewer friends than was written. Reamus was reunited with Snivelus, the twins did not have to be separated, and all my main core of friends were alive. There are still far too many dead, do not get me wrong there, but, thankfully Pudge is one of them, as well several of the most fiendish of the death eaters. Drago's parents were missing from the battle, Drago was happy to see, so somehow they had managed to escape notice.

It took weeks to get the school all repaired and cleaned, but we all helped, Drago and I doing all that we could, and the entire ministry did all that they could as well. Every last spy and informant was informed that their jobs are now obsolete, Drago and I had helped to get them all out. We gathered them all in a room, told them that we knew who each and every spy was, and of course, their emotions flagged them instantly, we never had to read one mind. They were sacked, their names were given to the Aurors to sort out as to who should be in Azkaban, and who could stay free, we just gave them the names and did the cleaning. They get to take care of the rest.

Drago and I then headed to his house, met with his parents, told them that they are now allowed to leave, since they had hidden away as best as possible, and that Drago was buying them a small home in the country. They never argued the point, and we moved in. We did massive amounts of renovations to the beautiful old manor, the dungeons were cleaned out and dismantled, then made into something much nicer, any and all dark objects were destroyed, and much of the opulence was toned down. We still kept much of the beauty, but things that we thought to be tacky were removed.

Not even three months later, we were married, and our first pair of women were pregnant with our first children. We are so incredibly happy. The women, both muggles who we had paid to carry our children, then would be required to sign more forms saying that they were not the mothers, were both stunningly beautiful women, though not to us, they were both incredibly healthy, we could find absolutely nothing in their minds that worried us at all, and we did dig, though we made sure that they did not feel or know it, and within weeks of each other, we had impregnated them.

The days that our babies were born were the happiest days of our lives, though we have now had many a happy day since, we are so incredibly happy, we have strong, beautiful children, we know the most beautiful love imaginable, and we are together.

The end.

I know, not quite how it was told in the book, but she could not very well write about most of our life after all, she was trying to sell books, we are trying to tell the truth.

****So, here we are again, the end of yet another story. This was a hard one for me to write though. I said it before, when I wrote another fan fic, that working within another authors guidelines is shockingly hard to do. This story came to me one night when I could not sleep, so the next day I started writing it. I got a few chapters into it, then stalled. I put it aside for several months as I thought about it, and wrote another couple stories. Went back to it, and continued writing more, then stalled, and put it aside again. I wrote something else and came back to it. I did this I think four times, maybe five, don't even remember, but, by the time all is said and done, I think this took me longer to write than any other story, other than one that is technically not done, and will have more coming eventually, but was always meant to be a series of short stories. Either way, neither here nor there. I figure that this story took close to a year to write in total, and probably a month to edit to fix all my screwups from coming back to it so many times. If you have actually managed to make it this far, I truly do thank you, though I am certain that I have pissed off a great deal of Harry Potter fans, but hey, do I really care. If you liked the story, I would love to hear from you. Email me at erich5748 at Thanks as always, and good day.****

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