Perry Hotter and the Vanishing Virginity

Published on Dec 24, 2022


Perry Hotter and the Vanishing Virginity 11

Chapter 11

Drago and I had another vision tonight, and this time it was about Rod and Hermoany.

They too had done what Drago and I had done, and got a few women pregnant, Hermoany only impregnated full witches, while Rod went with muggles, except for one half blood, and between the two of them, they had eight children. Five boys and three girls. All the children are very bright and or strong witches and wizards, though two are not yet in school. Every last one of their children are full on nappy lovers as well, same as their parents, and most of the women that they had impregnated had been as well, and they too love just wandering around in their nappies. Not all of them are gay, but most are, and the ones who are not, are bi, not one of them are all straight, though none see this as a bad thing.

They too are all incredibly happy and healthy, and though Rod is still not rich by the normal sense, they are incredibly rich where it counts. Like his parents before him, he always felt it better to give far more than he receives, and Hermoany is right there with him on that. They both have excellent jobs though, Hermoany the first ever male/female Minister for Magic, and Rod owns and operates a very successful business. We can tell that all their children and ours are excellent friends, and when they visit each other, there is often an awful lot of sex happening, and right from a young age that happened, and we not only allowed it, but encouraged it as well, always told the kids to go ahead and have all the fun that they could possibly want, and they took all this knowledge to school with them, and applied it there, a lot from the way it feels.

When Drago and I woke up, we smiled warmly to each other, kissed and petted each other for a few seconds to empty our balls before anyone else woke up, caught our treats and ate them up, and then shared it in a most amazing cum kiss. One by one, all the others around us finally woke up, though Rod is the last, with no real surprise of course, and he still looks as if he is cumming when he does come to.

I made a mental call to Dopey and asked for him to send up a bunch of breakfast foods, and not even ten minutes later, fifteen house elves appeared carrying trays of breakfast foods and pitchers of juice, and carafes of tea. We all dug in voraciously, Rod most of all, and ate and drank so much it was almost sickening, but I assure you, we all need it, a lot.

After breakfast was done, everyone dispersed to their dorms to get cleaned and dressed, ready for the day. I grabbed Rod's hand and told him he was coming to our room, and he did not argue. Drago and I had also arranged to take the morning off, to help care for Rod, since I knew he was going to need it. Normally we only have orgies like that on Friday night and or Saturday, so that we would have plenty of time to recuperate, and we know that after what we did to Rod yesterday will have left him very sore and drained. He is certainly walking as if he is sore, but he never asked for help, and nor did his bright grin ever leave his face.

As soon as we got to our room, we herded Rod right into the bathroom, where we started the bath as hot as we could stand it, added as much relaxing bubbles as we could, and then stripped, Drago and I stripped each other, and then we both stripped Rod. We slipped into the bath and all sighed deeply. I do not think that we made a move or sound for at least an hour.

Drago and I did finally get up and led Rod to the shower, where we thoroughly washed him together, then washed each other, then into the drying room, and we all got nicely dried off. Finally we headed to our bedroom, where we laid Rod down first and nappied him nice and thick, and then Drago and I nappied each other. We then urged Rod into the bed, and told him to stay here for the day and to enjoy his rest. We told him that we would wake him up for lunch, and then after lunch we are going to join the rest of the students in class, but that he gets to stay here.

I think Rod was asleep before we even left the room, which does not shock me. Drago and I just went and curled up on the couch and cuddled as our minds wandered around each other, and that was where we stayed until lunch time. By then even we were getting sore, but that is okay.

We went in and woke Rod up, changed each other, because we are all good and soggy already, and then went and sat down at our table and had some much needed lunch, though this time not nearly as much as for dinner last night or breakfast this morning.

Rod still claimed to be totally wiped, and so we told him to go back to bed, and that we would come back for dinner, and then we would go and do something together.

Drago and I headed to class, while Rod went and passed out in our bed again. We went and had a good afternoon, and then headed back to our room for dinner, and actually had to wake Rod up, though he said that he had been up once and read for a bit, before going back to sleep for the last hour. We ate together in our room, and then headed out to find some friends, and go do something.

We actually managed to get into a bit of a rhythm after that, and for several weeks, nothing much really truly happened. Sure, Drago and I are still making love to each other in one form or another at least twice a day, and we have even had plenty of fun with our various friends, but nothing bad had happened. Trust me, I am not complaining about that. When you are me, you just want peace and quiet, but I am me, and I know that peace and quiet is the last thing I will get for very long.

Drago and I still have our once weekly private lessons with Lupin, and while they were originally intended to be anti-Dementor lessons, after destroying the Bogart, we had not bothered with that so much, because I can easily cast a Patronus charm now without having to even really try. Lupin is instead now teaching us some advanced defense against the dark arts, stuff that you normally do not even get to learn until you become an Auror, it is pretty cool stuff actually. Bummemore also comes every now and then to our lessons and teaches us, and we are learning a huge amount.

Like Bummemore says, I tend to draw trouble to me like a flame does to a moth, and so he wants both Drago and I to be as best prepared as he can make us. We are not complaining, trust me. We may be rather powerful, and we certainly know a lot, but everything that they know, hardly, and we are learning a huge amount.

Our visions are also still happening, sometimes we get a full vision, other times just disjointed images still, and while we suspect certain things, there is still much that we cannot figure out, and will probably only truly understand after they have happened. Such is the way with Divination, and why so few take too much stock of it. We know that we are seeing things that will happen, the images and visions are much too clear to not, yet still, we do not fully understand them either.

The final Quidditch match of the season is coming up, and the teams are practicing like mad, and both Drago and I wish that we were up there with them, but we know that we cannot, but still, it does hurt watching them. It is Griffendoer against Slitherin, and Drago and I have a bet against each other as to who will win. We both know that Griffendoer is going to flatten Slitherin, but it is still fun, and he promises to make me feel like a god that night. And no, we did not see a vision of who will win, yet we do know too.

It feels really weird to be sitting up in the stands, watching my team head out onto the pitch to have their final match of the season. Drago feels the same. We are holding each others hands, and a tear escapes each of us at the same time, both wishing we were out there playing, but knowing we cannot.

The match was absolutely amazing, they played spectacularly, or at least the Griffendoer team did, though Zachary did do a pretty good job too, but in the end, he could not keep up to Gummy. And yes, Drago did keep up his end of the bargain, and that night, he treated me like a god, but then, I treated him every bit as good as well. To put it mildly, it was a very good night.

After Quidditch cup came cramming for exams, and even though Drago and I really do not need to do so for the magical aspects, we do still have several other classes that we have to study for, and so we too are studying every night. The teachers are also all trying to cram every last bit of knowledge into our heads as they can possibly get away with, almost to the point that I almost said to hell with this a number of times, but Drago helped calm me down, and I continued on. Having amazing sex every day does seem to help, but having an amazing boyfriend helps considerably more.

Finally the exams are upon us though, and the first few days went fairly well, I suppose you could say. Then came our fourth day. As you may have read, it was not exactly a good day. However, not all of it was actually correct though. Since I suppose most of you have probably already read the book, I will skip most of it and just point out the parts that were not written quite the way I remember it, but, I suppose my version was rather tame and boring in the end.

Snipe was never there, let's just start there. I had that disastrous exam with Truyawney and she gave what Bummemore says is probably her second true prediction, and then the entire day went down hill from there. Shortly after that, the execution squad came to take care of Buckbeak, and I will admit, I had totally forgot to figure something out for him, and so Drago and I, as well as Rod and Hermoany were all trying to wrap our heads around it, because they too had forgotten with all that had been happening lately, so sue us right.

Rod did find his supposedly dead rat Scabby, and then shortly after we heard what had to be the sound of a Hippogrif losing its head, the blasted rat tried to bolt, and Rod stupidly tried to go after it. Then, as you already know, we were attacked by a rather large dog, it did drag Rod under the Whomping Willow, and to the Shrieking shack, and of course Hermoany, Drago, and I followed, and then that was when we met Spermius Black. He managed to disarm me and Drago, as well as Hermoany, and while Drago and I do not normally require the use of our wands, he had to have known some about our powers, because he managed to cast something that prevented us from using magic. At first I thought it was dark magic, and I dare anyone to contradict me.

And then we found the truth. Lupin managed to find us, and he and Spermius had words, then we found out the entire tale as it truly happened all those years ago. Spermius released the spell against us, gave us our wands back, and we made Scabby into the rat man he really is. He tried begging for his life, I wanted to kill him right then and there, but Drago managed to calm me down, though Spermius was right there with me, wanted to kill him as well, I should have let him, because, as you know, he ended up escaping after we left the tunnel, when Lupin changed into a were wolf.

Yeah, knowing your teacher is a horrifying monster and seeing him as one are truly different, and how we escaped him is probably due more to luck than anything, though Hermoany, and her ever level head, did manage to save us I am sure.

When the Dementors came, there were so many of them, I did not think that Drago and I could fend them all off, we were being overwhelmed, but then we were saved, I did honestly think it was my dad, but can you blame me. The one person in the world I would have given almost anything in the world to find alive, I dare you to laugh at me.

After that, we were all in the hospital wing, Hermoany, Drago, and I were all treated for bangs and scrapes, given a two hundred kilogram slab of chocolate to help with the Dementor shock, while Rod was busy having his leg set and his bone regrown properly. Bummemore came in and got the whole tale from us, then turned to Hermoany, and gave her the most ridiculous instructions I think I had ever heard, and I have heard a few from him, and then left.

What happened next was shockingly similar to the book, so she managed to get that all right, except of course Drago was with us, she felt that Drago and I being mortal enemies still suited her story, and that is fine by me. Anyway, as you know, in the end, we saved Buckbeak, as well as Spermius, and we did not get Pittier the rat, but then, this is one vision Drago and I had seen a few times, a rat getting away, and now I understand that particular vision, and it was certainly true.

So, yeah, exam times, good times, lotsa laughs. Yeah, right. At least we did expose the truth, even if Minister Pudge outright ignored absolutely everything we said, called us liars to our faces, and just continued being himself about the entire thing. At least we know, and Bummemore assures us that those who need to know, already do, and that the information is now being used well. He will say nothing further though.

Thankfully ninety percent of the school never even had a clue about anything that went on, and those who did know, were pretty much sworn to secrecy, so no one really knows anything, and that is good.

Our exam results came out a week later, and Drago and I passed, as did all our friends. A couple of mine could have been better, but I did amazingly where I think it counts, and still pretty decent where I did not care about. Drago already sent his parents an owl, telling them that he was not coming home for the summer, they never responded, so we have no idea what they think of that, nor did we care, and I never mentioned it to my aunt and uncle. Before we left for the summer, Drago and I went and saw Bummemore one final time.

“So, you're still taking Drago home with you Perry?”


“Excellent, it's still not safe for him at home I'm certain.”

“We think so as well.”

“I trust you'll stay outta trouble?”

“Sir, I always stay outta trouble, it's not my fault if trouble seems to search me out.”

“Hmmph, no shit.”

“Sir, hypothetically speaking, if one does not use a wand to perform magic, would the ministry know of such a breach?”

“It's hard to say. Dopey once cast magic in your house, which got you in trouble, if I am not mistaken, so I think they know when magic is performed there. However, hypothetically speaking, if one were to cast a shielding charm before he even entered the property, a shield that perhaps blocked all magic from showing from within said boundaries, then I am reasonably certain that such a breach would never be seen.” Bummemore pondered out loud for us.

“Interesting Sir. We'll certainly haveta think on that matter, it could certainly be a way to abuse the system, and we should watch to ensure that such things never happen. Of course.”

“Absolutely. I'll be sure and be on the watch for any such things happening. Now, you're already scheduled to go and visit the Pleaseme's in two weeks time, only enough to still call your aunt and uncles' place home, so you only haveta put up with them for a short time. Having your boyfriend there will surely help you I'm sure.”

“It sure will Sir.”

“Good good, well, you boys should be off, have a good summer, though I'm certain I'll see you at some time for your special training this summer.”

“Excellent, what will we be learning?”

“Lots, and nothing.” He winked to me.

“Gotcha Sir, understood.”

We left the headmaster after that and headed down to the horseless carriages, and Rod, Hermoany, Drago, and I, all managed to get one together, and we rode to the train station, and we also managed to get a compartment in there together as well. We all talked and laughed as much as we could, ate way too many treats from the concession witch, and had a nice trip back. This is, I can honestly say, the first time that I have ever been looking forward to going home, because I now know that the assholes cannot hurt me.

Rod and Hermoany went to their families as soon as we got our trunks, and then it was just Drago and I. I saw my aunt, uncle, and cousin, standing way on the outskirts after we crossed the barrier, and I mentally pointed them out to Drago.

“My god, they really are as horrible looking as your minds eye painted them. I just thought you made them out to be way worse than they were. Fuck are they ever fat.”

“Told you Baby. Now, shall we go shock the shit outta them?” I smiled. And so we headed over to them.

“Hi there.” I said happily.

“Why are you so happy, and who's this, do you actually have a friend that'll show you off?” Uncle Burner said disdainfully.

“I'm happy to be coming home to my loving family of course.” I said as happily as I could muster.

It actually took a full minute for my uncle to work this out.


“You heard me, and this here's my friend Drago, and surprise, he's coming to stay with us for a couple weeks.” I said, throwing my arms up like I was throwing confetti.

“Like bloody hell he is, he has a family that he can go and torture himself.”

“Actually, I wasn't asking. I was telling.” I said, softly, menacingly.

“Don't you dare talk to me like that Boy.”

“I'm not your boy, do not treat me as such, and you will listen to me, or do you remember the tail, you'll all end up with one this time.”

Fudley clasped his hands over his enormous rear end.

“How dare you threaten us.”

“Oh, it wasn't a threat, don't you worry about that. That there was a promise you can bank on.” I grinned.

“You can't....” He started to say, and I am assuming that he was going to finish by saying, threaten me, but I stopped him.

“Ah, you see, the thing is, I can do anything I so desire. And just so you know, we're hot gay baby boyfriends too.”

“You're a freak.” Aunt Petulant said.

“Oh please, you can come up with better than that, can't you, you've called me worse since I was four years old.”

“You're disgusting, you're vile.”

“Mmm, nope, still not quite there, but that's okay, I already know what you think of me, and the funny thing is, I really don't care. Now, let's go get in the car, shall we?” I said, and then forced them to march us to the car, and then in.

“How are you doing that?” Uncle Burner asked.

“I go to a magical school, you think forcing a simple minded fool like you's really that hard to do for someone who learns this stuff all year?” I said, of course he really need not know the whole truth.

He said nothing to this, and just drove us home. Just as we were about to cross the boundary into the protected portion of our property, I cast a new shield spell to prevent any magic from showing from the inside.

“Oh, it's really quite small, isn't it. I thought you said he thought of himself as super rich?” Drago asked, out loud, when we reached the house.

“Why, how big is your house?” Fudley asked mockingly.

“To put it bluntly, you're entire house would fit quite comfortably in my sitting room, and your entire yard is the size of my own private garden off my bedroom. No, this is quite pitiful really.” Drago said quite snobbishly.

“And why, pray tell, would you rather come here then?” Aunt Petulant asked snottily.

“My boyfriend needed to come home, I would rather not deal with my parents, so we decided I would come with him.”

“And you thought you'd do so without bothering to ask permission.”

“Your permission was neither required nor wanted, I do what I wish, when I wish, and so does Perry, for you can do nothing to stop us.” Drago grinned.

“You're having fun.” I giggled into Drago's mind.

“Hell yeah I am. God, they're the epitome of muggle, aren't they.”

“In every way.”

“Well, come in then.” Uncle Burner said, though I can hear his teeth grinding again.

We each grabbed our trunks, and to test to see if the shield worked, we each levitated our trunks inside instead.

Uncle Burner saw this and his face went white. “You're not to use magic outside of school, and you're not allowed to do so here either.” He shrieked at us, at least he waited until the door was closed.

“Ah, that's where you're wrong, there've been a few changes, and I think you'll find that we most certainly may, to both. You can't stop us anyway, so no point in worrying about it.”

“I'll take your stick and snap it in half.”

“Oh, you mean my wand?” I asked sweetly. “You see, the thing is, I don't need it any more.” I said, and then held my hand up, and caused them all to lock up and float in mid air. “You see, Drago and I learned some things this year, that when we joined souls, for we merged the first time we made love, that we no longer require the use of wands, and we can do so without speaking. You're also gonna find that you no longer scare me, in the least, and the only reason I even came here at all, is because Professor Bummemore asked me to do so, but that I only hadta do so for two weeks. He still seems to think that I still haveta call you family, when I'd really rather call you so much worse. So, from here on out, a few things are gonna change.

“First and foremost, I'm no one's boy, no one's slave, and as such, you can finally do what you should've done my whole life, serve me, for I am the most royal person you'll ever meet. Second, if you do anything that I feel to be in the slightest offensive to me, I can and will hold you in this position the entire two weeks. The thing though, you'll be starving by the time I let you go, I might give you some water, we'll see, oh, and you'll piss and shit yourselves all trussed up magically like you are, and I'll just leave you, put a magical filter around you, so that I can't hear or smell you, or anything at all.

“You see, that's the problem with treating someone you knew to be magical the way you treated me, eventually they grow up and take revenge. You knew my parents were incredibly powerful, and yet, you thought you'd be able to beat it outta me, nope, can't happen, in fact, you may have made my magic stronger by doing so, but trust me, I am not thanking you. The only reason you're not dead yet, is because my parents wouldn't want me to become a monster just because of you, they'd want for me to be a better person than you all ever were.

“With that being said though, you've used up all your free passes, I will not accept any further poor treatment, you will treat me as I should have been treated all along, or else. Nah, I don't think I'll kill you, I think I'll just punish you properly. The problem, I'll punish you for the rest of your useless pitiful lives. Don't bother asking, it'll be a surprise, but please, do so, I really wanna punish you, give me just one tiny little reason. Please, I beg of you, make me punish you.” I said, getting softer and softer spoken as I went.

I finally let them go. They crashed to the ground, my uncle and cousin causing a rather large crash, since they are both the size of an average whale. Drago and I can feel the absolute terror rolling off all three of them like heat from an oven, and for once, it feels good, and I do not even feel guilty for it, even though I know I should, but these are the people who made my childhood a living nightmare. I dare you to berate me for it.

“We're sorry.” Aunt Petulant said.

“Yes, you're definitely sorry; sorry excuses for human beings. Even us of magic don't expect such actions from average muggles, but I guess, you were never average, instead, you were far below. Now, I also don't give you permission to apologize, since I don't feel that it's in you to be truly sorry for what you did to me. You tortured me as a child, made me into nothing more than your slave, people who have feelings, they don't do that to a child, especially family. In order to apologize, you need feelings. Now, we're getting hungry, so we'd like dinner, and don't you dare burn it. We're gonna go get our room set up, and Fudley, if any of your useless shit's in my room again, it's all being magically dumped in your bedroom, and you can deal with your own mess this time.”

They all put their heads down, and Drago and I levitated our trunks up the stairs and to my room. When we got there, sure enough, all of Fudley's broken shit was piled all over my room again, so I mentally grabbed it all, and then dumped it in his bedroom. I then used magic to scrub the entire room clean, because it stank, because no one ever came into it when I was not there, other than to dump garbage, they did not want to be contaminated I suppose.

“Ah, much better. Man, that felt good though.” I said.

“Know how you feel Baby. It was the same with my parents too. They're in their places now, and they know that they have to stay there, so hopefully they do, at least for the two weeks we're here for at any rate.”

“Exactly. Now, I need a soggy bum change, and I know you probably do as well, and then we're totally scandalizing them and we're going around in nothing but our thick baby nappies.”

“Nice.” Drago grinned brightly.

We changed each other first, making sure to relieve more than enough pressure to get through the rest of the day, and then we got our room all put together the way we wanted it. I left Hedwig's cage door and the bedroom window open, so that she would have free reign as well, and then Drago and I headed downstairs. When we entered the kitchen, all three of my family gasped, but smartly said nothing. I have no idea if it was because we are wearing just nappies, or that we are holding hands. Does not really matter to us. If I actually cared to do so, I could try and read their minds, but they are not as easy to read as witches and wizards are, because they are so much more simple, though we can still feel their emotions easily.

“When's dinner gonna be ready?” I asked.

“F..f...f..fifteen m...m...m...minutes.” My aunt stuttered in fear.

“Good, we'll be in the sitting room, please serve it to us there, you can all eat in here, I don't think we wanna be near you when eating.”

The vein in my uncles forehead started throbbing, I knew that he wanted to start yelling at and berating us, but he smartly kept his trap shut. Drago and I went and sat down.

“You ever seen a TV before?” I asked.

“Of course not, you know that.” He laughed.

“I know, take a look at this. Sometimes the shows are a bit dull, but some can be pretty good. I was never truly allowed to watch, but I could hear sometimes, and I'd watch whenever they left.” And then I turned it on, and we started watching some mindless drivel.

Fifteen minutes later, Aunt Petulant served us our dinner, then backed away without saying anything. We ate as we watched TV.

“That wasn't very good, was it?” Drago said.

“No, my aunt's not the greatest of cooks, is she. You get used to what the house elves can make, and everything else is pretty bad. Granted, this was at least a hundred fold better than the garbage she used to feed me. I never got the same food, it was always scraps and the cheapest shit she could find for me.”

“And you got used to that.”

“Yeah, pretty sad, huh.”

“No kidding.”

“So, I guess it worked, huh, because we haven't received any owls stating that we've performed under aged magic, so that's good. Now we don't haveta worry at all.”

“Which is good. Not used to not being allowed to do magic. Ever since my first time, I've always been allowed to do so, or actually made to do so I suppose you should say, even at home. Then again, I think if you're at home, they have no way to track it.”

“Except here apparently.”

“Well, yeah, it's a muggle house, any magic and they'd know who did it instantly, right. At my house, how could they tell who cast the spell.”

“Hmm, true enough. Never thought of that before. What about the trace?”

“Pretty sure that's just a lie that they tell us, I've done loads of magic at home, and never once did we receive a letter. Granted, Pudge is one of my dads employees you could say, so I don't know, but I know lotsa witch and wizard kids who do shit loads of magic at home, and nothing ever happens to them.”

“Either way, we seem to be able to do magic here no problem now, and I know for a fact that Pudge would be more than happy to come down hard on me. The only reason he didn't at the beginning of the year was because he hadta pretend to care for me because of Spermius and all. Actually, even Bummemore telling me to cast that spell before entering the protection of the property, he knew as well, it's only while inside this house can they tell, outside of here and they'd never know. I don't know if there are other magical people living around here or not, but I doubt it, so they would've seen that I'm sure, but clearly they didn't care.”

“Good points.”

For the rest of the evening, we really did not much else, we did not really enjoy watching the TV at all, to tell you the truth, but it felt great to sit there and not allow the others to join us, because they never even tried, they stayed in the kitchen the entire night. Finally I called out, saying that we were going to bed, and headed up. My aunt, uncle, and cousin all came up not long after we closed our door, since it is rather easy to tell where they are at any given time, they cannot walk quietly at all.

“Wanna totally scandalize my aunt and uncle, and maybe even Fudley as well?” I giggled.

“Hell yeah, that looks like fun, we've never just fucked raw and rough like that, but it'd totally get to them, wouldn't it.” Drago grinned brightly at having seen my idea.

“And then some. I'm certain they've had sex exactly once, and that was it, otherwise they're insanely prudish.”

“Then let's get to it Baby.”

Within seconds we are on the bed, ready and waiting, we had spoken the spell at each others very wanting bums, and I asked Drago to fuck me raw first. He nearly tripled his dick size, and then slipped all in me, and I moaned out as loudly as I could. “Oh yeah, mmmmm, Drago, oh fuck yeah, fill my hot gay baby nappy loving pussy, fuck me like the slut I am.”

And so he started, really fucking me good and hard. I am on my hands and knees, though I have my hands on the spindles of my headboard, and I am making it slam against the wall much harder and faster than Drago is truly fucking me, and we are both making sounds that would put a cheap porno to shame.

“Oh god yeah, you fuck way better than our entire dorm does together.” I moaned out loudly.

“Oh god, yes, mmmm Baby, fucking you is so much better than all those other boys we fuck, I love fucking you most of all.” Drago moaned as loudly.

And so we continued, making all the noise we could. When we came, we came so exaggeratedly it was comical, I yelled out, “Fill my pussy full of your cum and piss and piss fuck my sloppy slutty cummy pissy gay baby boy pussy good and hard like a gay baby nappy lover deserves.”

He called out, “Oh yeah, take my cum and piss, you hot little gay baby boy nappy lover, I can't wait 'til you fill me up with all your hot gay baby cum and piss too, and then nappy fuck my cummy pissy pussy as well.”

Not only did it feel incredibly good, because we were not acting that part out, but we are making it sound so much dirtier and raunchier than we are really being, though, I suppose, we really are too. We are having a lot of fun though, and I know that it is affecting all three of them, because we can feel their unease and disgust, though young Fudley is also fighting something else, horniness, we are so totally making him horny.

After filling me with all the piss he could, Drago continued to make love to me, though I am still making it sound as if he is banging me good and hard with the headboard, and we are still moaning and calling out our sex sounds far more and louder than we had ever done so before.

Once Drago filled me up again, we traded places, and made it very well known that I am now fucking Drago good and hard, and that I am going to fill him with so much fucking cum and piss that he will will need his nappies for a week to fucking catch it all. Hell, I am certain even the neighbors are being totally scandalized by our performance. It was tiring though, and by the time I filled Drago up with two loads of cum and as much piss as I could, we were pretty much done.

We changed each others now very ruined nappies, and then we curled up and kissed and talked in our minds softly for almost half an hour, before falling asleep.

The next morning, not one of the three would look at us when we entered the kitchen to get breakfast. We are in nothing but our nice sodden nappies, grins plastered on our faces, and we said good morning to them as chipperly as we could manage, saying how beautiful it is this morning and how amazing we feel. Not one of them even looked at us, and we could see each of them blushing massively.

“What's for breakfast, we're both rather hungry this morning, though I have no idea why. I sure could go for some good bacon and eggs this morning. Would you like that Baby?” I asked.

“You know, I'm famished as well, that sounds lovely.” Drago said as well.

“Well, snap to it, breakfast won't cook itself.” I said.

“It would if we had've thought to bring the plates from school.” Drago pointed out.

“Wonder what the odds of actually managing to summon them here would be?” I said.

“We're probably a bit far for that, and I'm betting the protections around the school would deter that.”

“Maybe, but we're probably strong enough too. Wanna try?” I said.

“Sure, why not.”

And so we cast the spell, and holy shit, it worked, it took several minutes for them to arrive, but we felt it happening. All the others saw is us standing there with our eyes closed, and then a few minutes later, we each had a golden plate in one of our hands.

“Well, that was nice and easy. So, let's see, I think I'll take three pieces of nice crispy bacon, two sausage links, and a piece of fried ham, two eggs scrambled, potatoes fried well with onions and mushrooms, and two pieces of sourdough toast.” I said, and then waited, and a minute later, my meal arrived, but with no ham or toast.

“What, no ham our sourdough bread in the house, how is that acceptable.” I said in disgust. “Fine, two more pieces of bacon and whatever bread we have toasted, oh, and with butter.” I said, and waited another minute for the food to arrive.

“That looks good to me as well.” Drago said, and then ordered the same thing.

I know that the others were trying not to watch, yet they were all watching in awe.

“Ah, much better. Such a shame that no one can afford these wonderful plates, huh.”

“No shit, but we'll haveta by a few when we move in together.”

“Yeah, but you have tonnes more money than even I do, so you'll haveta buy them I think, because I have no idea what'll be left once I inherit everything. I know the manor and all the land is mine, but who knows how much of the gold my parents have managed to waste. Granted, I doubt even they could've used up a hundred million galleons in pure gold.” Drago said.

Of course, this is only for show, because clearly we do not need to say this out loud to each other.

“Yeah, good thing my parents weren't anywhere near as deadbeat as my aunt and uncle led me to believe they were. Maybe I'll take this entire neighborhood when I come of age and level the whole place and we can build our own castle here. Wouldn't that be nice.”

“Yeah, but we both want a nice lake too remember.”

“True, but all the nice lakeside properties are gone, so we could always create our own lake here, couldn't we.”

“You know, that's really not a bad idea.” Drago grinned to me, as we are eating our very delicious meal. Trust me, having these golden plates will be a life saver, Aunt Petulant's cooking is nearly atrocious.

“Thanks, and this house will be the first to go, I'm thinking. I suppose we'll haveta ensure that all people are removed first.” I giggled.

“Would only be polite I think.”

“We won't sell.” Uncle Burner said weakly.

“Oh, who said anything about buying. We're magical, we can just make it happen. Don't worry, we'll ensure that you have a nice little flat somewhere, maybe in the cheap side.”

We could both feel that my uncle wanted nothing more than to verbally abuse us, but he just saw some more of our powers, and is smart enough to know that he cannot go against us.

“Besides, it's like this horrible place will be missed, it's truly ghastly what all these people have done to it. Houses crammed in one right after the other, no natural beauty anywhere, and not even one statue of me or Drago, we'll absolutely haveta remedy that right away.”

“You're teasing us.” My aunt said.

“Maybe, but you'll never truly know, now will you. We could though, just so you know, and yes, I do have more than enough money to buy this entire horrible place and build a massive castle and put a private lake in. We wouldn't waste the money though, Drago has an absolutely massive and stunning house that belongs to him already, so we'll live there, though I must say, it's not quite to my tastes, nor his, so we're gonna haveta do some serious redecorating.”

“How have you seen it?” Fudley said. “You can't possibly have gone there before, can you?”

“I don't haveta, I've seen it through Drago's eyes, everything he sees, I see, everything he knows, I know, and vice versa. So don't worry, you'll be allowed to stay living in this pitiful place.”

“How do those plates work?” Fudley asked in a bare whisper, anything food related and he loses fear.

“You haveta be magical, first of all, so no, you can't use them, and they just make what we want from what's available to us in our own pantry. These things each cost about what your dad makes in ten years, I already have four. We plan to buy more though.”

“Really.” He squeaked.

“Sure. Trust me, I'm not poor, I have more gold in my trunk right now than you've ever seen in your entire life, and yes, a horrible curse awaits anyone who tries to steal it. First your fingers rot, one by one and fall off, excruciatingly painful, I assure you, and then your hands next, and it keeps going, until not only do you return the items, but beg for forgiveness. The curse will eat away at your body slowly, but still, in one week, you'd be dead.” I grinned brightly.

It is true too, I placed that curse on all my stuff, so did Drago.

“Oh. Why'd you come here then, if you have that much money?”

“Are you wishing us to be gone?” I asked simply.

“No, no, please don't kill me, I was just wondering.”

“That's okay, I can feel your emotions, I knew you weren't trying to insult me.”

“You can read my mind?” He squealed, and placed his hands over his head, though both my aunt and uncle did the same.

“Oh please, that wouldn't stop me, even if I did wanna read your thoughts. Besides, I said emotions. Emotions are easy for us, we feel everyone's emotions around us at all times, but thoughts are a little harder, we haveta try to read those, and the thoughts of muggles like you are even harder to get. We could do it, if we really wanted to, but we really don't wanna hear your thoughts either, it's just not worth it to us.”

They had nothing to say to this, and smartly did not ask any further questions.

We finished our breakfast, and told our plates to clean themselves, and then left them on the table, and headed to our bedroom.

As soon as we left, we did feel them look at and even touch the plates, and Fudley did try and ask it for food, but I was not kidding, you do have to be magical to use them. We felt this solely from their emotions, which is funny that their emotions are so geared toward food like they are. I know, it does not show in the least, does it.

“So, what should we do today Baby?” Drago asked me as he is changing my nappy.

“Don't know, wanna go for a walk to a shopping centre and maybe go for some lunch somewhere?”

“Never done that before, so sure, why not, but do you have any muggle money, hell, do you even know how to use it?”

“Yes, and yes.” I giggled.

Drago is incredibly smart, about wizard stuff, but hopelessly in the dark about all things muggle. Now, with that being said, I am not even all that much better. I had never been allowed to have any money, never allowed to go anywhere, especially on my own, and of course I grew up with the most backward thinking family on the planet, at least I hope they are, for all other children's sake. I did go to muggle school though, and I did learn a fair bit there about how things are supposed to work, even if I do not necessarily have practical knowledge on it.

“Oh, good. How much do you have, and where'd it come from?”

“When I stayed in Diagon Alley at the end of last summer, I went to Gringotts and took out a bunch of money, and in there was some muggle money as well, so I took some in case I had the chance to use it. There's a few hundred pounds worth though, so should be lots.”

“Oh, that's good then. Is that lots?”

“I think so. Fudley always talked about getting a twenty pound note as decent, so I guess a few hundred would be good.”

“Muggle money is weird.”

“Actually, since I know a bit about both, I honestly think it might be the wizard money that's a bit more weird, at least muggle money's counted in ones, tens, and hundreds, though they do have smaller coins and whatnot, but I think they work in a more logical format. I mean, honestly, seventeen sickles in a galleon, and twenty nine knuts in a sickle, how does that make any real sense.”

“Actually, never thought of it that way before. We only have three coins though, the way I've heard it, muggles have more coins than that, and even several notes as well, like you just said.”

“Yeah, but they're in logical numerical order, it's apparently really easy to figure everything out.”

“Oh, I'll haveta trust you on that one. Still seems confusing to me.”

“Yeah, well, having any money at all is confusing to me.” I laughed, because it is true.

By now we are both properly nappied and ready to get dressed.

“So, what should we wear then, we can't wear robes?” Drago asked.

“Jeans and a tee shirt I think. You'll look fucking stellar with a nappy bulge in your jeans and a tight tee shirt showing off your amazing body.”

“Thanks. You would too. You think it's a good idea to go out with nappy bulges easily seen though?”

“Hell yeah, it'll be awesome.” I grinned brightly.

“Okay.” Drago shrugged his shoulders. It is not like anyone can do anything to us after all.

We dressed each other in our best jeans and tee shirts, which for me was pitiful, but I vowed to stop at a clothes shop as soon as we could and get much nicer clothing. Drago looks amazing, as he always does, but he could look better too, so maybe we will have to get him some new clothes as well. We packed a bag with all the essentials that we are needing, and then headed downstairs.

“Well, we're off on the town, we'll be a few hours, don't wait on us for lunch, we'll eat out.” I called out just as we were putting our shoes on.

“Are you going out like that?” Aunt Petulant said in shock. “What if the neighbors see you?”

“What's wrong with what we're wearing?” I asked, looking to both Drago and I.

“You can clearly see you're wearing nappies, that's what.” She said in a panic.

My aunts problem, as you probably well know, is that she takes far too much stock in what other people think of her.

“So! We don't care in the least, and why should you care what all those other snobs haveta say, or even what they think. You're not living your life for them, and I sure as hell won't. We're our own people, or person in our case, and we care none at all what others think of us.”

“But, they'll talk, that's shameful.” She whimpered, though it honestly sounds more like a whinny, and with as much as she looks like a horse, every time she does this I damn near crack up.

“Keep complaining, and we'll really give the neighbors something to talk about. We don't care, remember that, and we don't care what you think either. Now, enough, or we go out front, strip down to our nappies, and fuck each other raw right on the front lawn.” I warned.

No, I would not actually do that, I would at least go to the back yard, but they do not need to know that, now do they.

Aunt Petulant snapped her horsey mouth closed, and said nothing, but the look in her eyes was one of pure panic. Drago and I finished putting on our shoes and then headed out on the staring and accusing eyes of my loving family. As we exited though, we did clasp hands, and they can see this, because we did not close the door behind us, and we walked off together.

“So, do we wanna just hit the local shops, or should we catch the next bus into London and go to the bigger better ones there?” I asked.

“I've never been into London before, other than to go to the station, and I've certainly never gotten to go anywhere on my own before, so let's go to London Baby.” Drago said.

“Okay, now all we haveta do is figure out how the hell the bus works.” I laughed.

“Can't be that hard, the muggles seem to figure it out just fine.”

“True enough. I wonder if the bus takes notes, or if we're gonna need coins. All I have are a handful of fifty pound notes.”

“Maybe we should stop at a shop near to the bus stop and ask if they know.”

“Good idea.”

The nearest bus stop that I think will get us on a bus to London is only about ten minutes away, so we walk that way happily. I know there are a few small shops in that area, so I am certain that we will have no problems. When we arrive, we headed into the shop right next to the bus stop, and asked our questions, does this bus go to London, do they know how much the bus costs, so on and so forth. The lady happily answered our questions for us, since she said she takes that bus every day, and then happily traded in one of my fifty pound notes for some smaller ones and coin that the bus would take.

The next bus was only a five minute wait, so we were in luck, and when we got on, we found a seat right away and sat down. It is kind of exciting, because this is my first time really out on my own, and Drago feels the same way, because he too was just as smothered as I was really.

Now, I have been to London, only a few times, and mostly just to go to the train station, so the size is not all that shocking to me, but still, when you are having to try and navigate it all all by yourself for the first time, it is truly daunting. We did ask one of the bus drivers what the largest shopping centre in London was, and he said that would have to be Westfield, so of course we asked how to get there, and he was kind enough to tell us what buses and or trains to take, and so we hopped down to the tube after getting off that bus, and made our way there. It was kind of fun, but let me tell you now, I have no idea how you muggles do this every day, cram into tight, hot trains and buses, put up with all that noise, day in and day out, it would drive me mad.

When we arrived to the shopping centre, we were both astounded, never before had we imagined something quite so large, no, not large, large is what I call Warthogs, this place made that seem small in comparison. And we thought that the bus and tube were daunting, navigating around this place was almost frightening to us. Also, the sheer amount of emotion slamming into us from all directions is almost disorientating, so we had to clamp right down on that and block it all. Then again, the noise of the place was almost as bad. Granted, we are sort of used to that, a good Quidditch match can get every bit as noisy, and there are a lot less people there.

We found a really good boys clothing store, and went in there first. We tried on lots of clothes, seeing what made each other look best, and we both ended up with two outfits. We went and I paid for it all, and then we asked if we could change into one of our new sets, and we were told we could, and so we did. Now Drago looks as hot as he should, his soggy nappy bulge now mouth wateringly accentuated. I damn near came, but then, he thinks the same of me. We shoved our old clothes into the sack with the rest of our new clothes, and then headed out.

We are still holding hands at pretty much all times, and while most people did not even bother paying us any attention whatsoever, we did get a few shocked looks, as well as a few admiring glances. Mind you, with that being said, I have no way to know what shocked or caused admiring looks more, our nappies or our hand holding.

We toured a great deal many stores, and while we did not buy much else, we did pick up a few things, and we had fun. There were an awful lot of really neat things that neither of us had ever seen, so we played a lot. Mr. Pleaseme would have a field day in here.

“I'm starting to get hungry Baby, what say we find somewhere to eat?” Drago said.

“Okay. Wanna eat here, or find another restaurant somewhere?”

“May as well eat here I suppose.”

So we headed to the food court, to try and chose what we wanted. Now, this is the first time I have ever eaten in a place like this, it was pretty amazing, but still daunting. I have also never even heard of more than half the food choices, but then, neither had Drago, so it took us a while to choose, but finally we did, and then went and sat down to eat.

“So, what should we do after lunch Baby?” I asked.

“Well, Diagon Alley isn't that far away, could we go there, I'd love to go and get a few things from there, as well as get the chance to walk around there without my nosy parents.”

“That's an excellent idea Baby.”

And so that is where we headed next. We stopped and changed our nappies before leaving the shopping centre, and then caught the next tube toward the Leaky Cauldron. We did stop in the Leaky Cauldron to have a butterbeer first, since it is the polite thing to do, and we both really like them anyway, and then we headed out into Diagon Alley. We stopped at all our favorite stores, bought a few things, which meant we had to go to the bank first, and both Drago and I hit up both our vaults, and even Drago was shocked by how full mine is, but then, his is really not that far off either. They were not even all that far from each other either.

We stopped for an ice cream even, and we had a great time. By the time we were done, we both had several more packs and bags with us, and so we headed out. We stopped for one more butterbeer and then caught the next bus out of the city and toward home. We got home only minutes before supper time, we could smell it cooking, but it did not smell appetizing, whatever it was.

We called out hello when we walked in, and all three came out to see us, though I was shocked by that, and all three of them took one look at us and were shocked more than I was, but Aunt Petulant made a small gasp in the back of her throat.

“I know, he looks amazing like this, doesn't he.” We both said at the same time.

They said nothing to this.

“You can't have him though, he's mine all mine.” We both said again.

Their eyes nearly bulged from their heads.

“Well, we're gonna go put our things away, and then we'll come down for dinner. Go ahead and start without us, we'll probably just get our own dinner, since whatever you're having really doesn't smell all that good anyway. We'll be a few minutes, since we haveta change each others sodden nappies at the same time. Oh, and Aunt Petulant, I need you to go and buy me more tomorrow, I'll tell you which ones to get.”

I saw her physically bite her tongue, and by how hard she had done so, I am guessing that she is tasting a fair bit of blood right now too, but I do not care, and so Drago and I turned and walked up the stairs together, still holding hands.

When we came downstairs, we found the other three in the kitchen, staring intently at their plates, and whatever they are eating does not look any better than it smells either. There is far too much food on every plate, it is all smothered in some sort of greasy sauce, and there is not one vegetable to be seen. Prior to going to Warthogs, I would have looked at this food longingly, wanting just a little bit of it, now, not so much. Drago and I each grabbed our plates and ordered our dinner, and then sat down to eat as well.

We had a reasonably quiet evening in, but did nothing much.

“Well, we're heading to bed.” I called out.

“Um, could you please, um, not make quite so much noise tonight.” Aunt Petulant whispered, not looking at us, and blushing madly.

“Oh, sorry, you heard us last night. When we make love to each other, it feels so amazing, that sometimes we can get a little noisy and carried away. We can't make any promises, but we'll try.” I smiled brightly. All three of them blushed even more.

“You guys are much too prudish, you know that right. If you had wild sex a little more often, let yourselves go, then maybe you wouldn't always be so miserable, or fat.”

“We're not fat.” Fudley said.

“Pardon me, I've heard of elephants that aren't as large as you.”

“I'm big boned.”

“No, that's just what your mother tells you to make you feel better about yourself, you and I are the same size on the inside, I hate to tell you, no, plain and simple, you and your dad are fat, plain old, fat, and your mother's not that far off. Face it, you're bigger around than you are tall, you've probably never even seen your dick, nor your feet, and if you stepped on a scale, it'd probably squeal in agony.”

“How dare you.” Uncle Burner whispered in barely controlled rage.

“I do dare, and do you know why, because we all know it's the truth. Except maybe Fudley, who believes your lies. You all need to lose more than half your body weight, and all your fat, or you'll all die of heart attacks, and very soon. Of course, I wouldn't necessarily be too upset by this, but you are my only family left, as depressing as that is, so I suppose that I should be kind to you and point out the truth, even if you don't wanna hear it.”

Uncle Burner's mouth moved wordlessly, Aunt Petulant was in shock, and Fudley looks like I just slapped him with a dead fish.

“If you'd like, I can cast spells on you that'd ensure you only ate healthy foods, and in healthy portions, as well as make you go and get the exercise you all clearly need. I should just do it without asking, since you clearly need it, but I won't. One of the biggest lessons they teach us at school is to never cast spells against someone who's unwilling. Of course, sometimes we have to bypass that rule, such as yesterday when I had to teach you some manners, but hey, what can I say. You'd have done the same thing in my shoes.”

Aunt Petunia looked to Fudley, sobbed a little, and then nodded her head. I knew that she was giving me permission, and so, before the other two could object, I cast the spells. It will take a while, but in a year or two, they will look nothing like they do now, they will not be perfect yet, that will probably take a good five years for all of them, but the first couple years will be massive for them, or is that less massive.

“I feel like going for a jog.” Fudley said.

“I think I'll join you.” Both his parents said at the same time.

I smiled inwardly. I know, I should not be helping them, but that is just who I am, I help people, even when they do not deserve it. They are my only family left, and even though I despise them, maybe some day soon they can truly say sorry and mean it, and thank me for helping them.

Drago and I went upstairs and made soft tender love to each other for nearly two hours, making barely a sound at all this time, and filled each other up as full as we possibly could, before changing each other and falling fast asleep.

Next: Chapter 12

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