
Published on May 30, 2001



Perry I: a jock ridden ================

It was the last class of the Spring semester, we were just hanging out in the classroom saying 'goodbye' and telling each other what we'd be doing over the Summer when he walked in. He was probably 22, 6', 190 pounds and built like a quarterback; he was wearing cut-off track pants and a white tank-top that stretched across his hard, pumped torso as it revealed the busy curls of hair on his chest. He had come in with one of my classmates who introduced him as her brother, Perry. He flashed an All-American jock smile to the class, embarrassed at the attention, he came across as a sweet, open, self-depricating guy. I couldn't believe what I was feeling about this stud, I was actually getting hard. I knew my classmate lived in the dorms and made a point of 'dropping by' after class.

Well, in the dorms I was introduced to Perry and invited to a year-end bash at somebody's apartment. He had changed into a white cotton shirt that hung easily on his Herculean frame. He handed me a brown paper bag full of beer and lead the way, "Come on buddy, it's party time."

Now I usually am not a party person let alone a frequent drinker, but with some persistent encouragement from Perry (he was being pretty chummy with all his sister's friends- male and female) I started pulling a few beers. The party soon became a rowdy one, wall to wall people dancing in a small apartment, letting out the tensions built over finals week. Perry was in there whooping it up with the best of them, he was obviously sloshed; he would grab anyone on the periphery of the dance area and pull them in. He grabbed me off the couch and started gyrating and bouncing his hip against me while he had an arm around my shoulders. He was also dancing with some girl at the time so I didn't take his actions to be much. But I admit it did get a raise from inside my jeans being so close to his writhing, sweating bod. I quickly disengaged when I found myself contemplating reaching out to touch him - all over. I just sat back down on the couch and nursed a few more beers getting nicely buzzed and surprised at the fantasies I was entertaining watching Perry dancing with abandon.

I could feel my inhibitions slowly soughing off as the beer took over. I saw Perry take a break from the dancing and head toward the bathroom. By now, his brown hair was slicked to his head with sweat and his shirt was open to his navel revealing the slabs of high pectorals covered in slick licks of chest hair. I decided to 'look in' on him after he hadn't come back in a while.

I found him kneeling over the toilet bowl, moaning softly, alone. Now was my chance. I slipped into the bathroom and closed the door, locking it behind my back. I stumbled over to where Perry was, knelt beside him and put an arm companionably around his broad shoulders.

"You okay, Perry?' I asked

"I feel like throwing up but nothing's coming up." He mumbled this out between slow moans and hiccups. He sounded pretty wasted.

I patted him on his back where is shirt was plastered with sweat to his warm body and let my other hand run down behind him to the back of his thighs, reaching under his cut-off track pants. I moved my hand up and down along the inside of his thigh, feeling the curly hairs tickling the palm of my hand. We just knelt like that for awhile, I half expected he'd pull away but he just groaned softly and took deep breaths from the beer sloshing about in him. After a bit, I moved my hand higher up his leg till my fingers brushed the material of his jock strap. It was tight and smooth, stretched by the slowly swelling member within it.

"Wh wh -what's that?' he slurred. "Just trying to make you feel better. Relax." "Uuuh" He was just moaning from the discomfort of not being able to puke and I hoped from my tender ministrations too.

I was titillated by what I was actually daring to do to this guy. Even more exciting was the anticipation of whether or not he was going to turn on me and beat me up for feeling him up this way. I'd never dreamt I'd get this close to a man as attractive as Perry, let alone get my hand up his shorts.

Soon his dick was straining mightily against the jock strap and my fingers had slid around the edge of the strap to roll his balls. They felt like heavy, firm dumplings in his sweaty, hairy scrotum. Moaning deeply, Perry turned about and sat down on the cool tiled floor with his back against the toilet bowl. His eyes were lidded, the lips of his broad mouth were parted and he was breathing raggedly through them. His head lolled and I took this as license to go further. He looked so vulnerable, so very, very sexy.

With my other hand I reached into his shirt, it had come completely undone now. His hard body was still slick with sweat that gleamed in the dim bathroom, my palms tingled gliding across his firm, tight pecs. I caressed his chest, teasing his nipple through the thatch of chest hair. Bending forward, I proceeded to lick his chest, breathing in his musky odor. Tickled by his hairs in my nostrils, my mouth salivated at the salty taste of his skin tight around the layers of muscle. I worked first his track pants then his jock strap off, releasing his 12' pillar capped with a purple mushroom head. Perry moaned again still in a semi-conscious stupor and I answered with my own growl of animal anticipation.

I began to lick and nip at his erect nipples as my hands began to aggressively work his testicles. I knew I was pushing it, I would pull and squeeze his balls with gradual pressure till I felt a deep moan resonate through his chest to my lips then ease off and repeated. I liked the idea that this jock who could easily beat me to to a pulp was helpless in my hands, that I was making him moan like a rutting bull, that I literally had this stud by the balls made me faint with ecstasy. There was pre-cum dripping thickly from the his piss-lips by now. I slicked it over the head of his cock; gently oh so gently all over the ripe, plump head of his manhood then I got my index finger sticky with it too. As I moved my mouth down his washboard abdomen, taking playful tugs at his skin with my teeth (this guy didn't have an ounce of fat under that tan), I wormed my index finger to his hairy asshole. Taking his jawbreaker balls into my mouth, I gently, very gently eased my finger into his hole. Slowly, he relaxed enough for me to work my finger up his anus and I began to slowing twirl it in small circles, working against the firm, feverish hot flesh inside him. After an initial almost girlish gasp from my drowsing Adonis (I truly thought of him as mine now) he lapsed into shallow drawn breathes that synched with a gradual tensing of his whole hard body.

I ran my nose along his prick like I was smelling a good cigar. Teasing it with my tongue I slicked Perry's cock, gliding along the underside, feeling the veins and cords of tendons ripple beneath my taste buds. With my other hand, I reached up and pinched his nipple hard between my finger nails. Suddenly, his hands were on my head and I though I was a goner, I thought he was going to crush my head like a melon between his calloused palms. But he only began running his fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp and neck as he took deeper gasping breaths. I looked up and saw his eyes were closed, his mouth agape in silent, agonizing pleasure and his nostrils flared to take in more of the damp air of the tiny bathroom. I wondered if he was aware of just who was working on him and decided I didn't care, there was time later to turn him around but for now I was just feeding on this prime slab of beef. His breathing became ragged enough to make his chest heave and his diaphragm bellow causing his stomach to ripple and send rivulets of sweat trickling down to the base of his penis.

I decided then that I had to do it now or never. I took his cock into my mouth. Gently kissing the tip then taking more of the slicked, throbbing head, then the thick shaft. I imagined that I was a boa-constrictor unhinging my jaw to accommodate oversized prey. My tongue worked at the underside of his cock, pushing it further down the back of my throat and against the roof of my mouth. I starting sucking so hard, I thought I was going to breathe his meat into me. His hand began to work more frantically through my hair. I felt his whole body tensing. His sphincter contracted rhythmically against my finger as I continued to finger fuck and suck Perry.

Soon I felt more than heard his breath catch a few times and knew he was going to come and come HARD. When it came, it was accompanied by agonizing gasps from Perry's mouth and spurts of scalding cum into my mouth as his strong fingers seized a double handful of my hair and pulled; I gasped with tear stinging pain and took a wad of his juices down my windpipe. As I coughed to clear it, Perry began thrusting his hips into my face as he held my head nuzzled firmly in his matted pubic hair. His anus contracted hard like a vice on my finger as his body tensed and twitched with each wave of cum purging from his gonads. I was gulping his semen as quickly as it was gushing so I wouldn't choke, at the same time I was working my finger against each tightening of his asshole, curling it slightly against the muscles in him. After many minutes Perry's body began to relax and he let out a sound that was something between a moan and whimper. His prick was still engorged with blood and ticking slowly, the blood began to empty out as I continued to suck and squeeze it in my hungry mouth. My finger slipped easily from his anus, it was warm and began to smart as my blood ran back into it - Perry had some muscles back there - I bet he never has a problem shifting a load when he craps.

Perry's head was lolling back over the rim of the toilet seat, he was pretty far gone from the experience, his body was slicker than when he'd come in from the dancing. His breathing was already leveling out. I looked up at him from the cold bathroom floor knowing I wanted him, wanted to touch every part of him at once and almost screamed with frustration knowing it was physically impossible. I began to realize that I'd been painfully hard and unrelieved through his servicing, the front of my jeans were dark with pre-cum. Didn't take me long to shuck my clothes and sit astride Perry's lap. I reached around to bring his head up to face me as I braced myself against his hard torso. My own dick was stiff and upright between us, I hugged him closer so my cock was held between our stomachs and my balls squeezed on top the base of his penis. I felt the hairs on his belly tickle the underside of my cockhead sending spasms through my whole body. I kissed him, working my tongue into his unresisting mouth. I had enough of his cum still in my mouth to slick the inside of his. I continued to hug my prick between us, getting more stimulated but nowhere near shooting it off. I knew I needed more.

I turned him over on his side, spread his tight ass checks apart and working up saliva in my mouth, forced spit it into his asshole. Perry must have been unconscious by now for he didn't make a sound except for his even breathing. That was fine by me , I doubted he would let me do what I was about to do if he was sober and awake. I guided my cock to his hole and pushed firmly into it. It slipped in surprising smoothly, the resistance only served as added pleasure at the wicked knowledge that it would have had him screaming like a child had he been conscious of the forced entry . It was tight and slick and hot inside him and he was tight and slick and hot on the outside too. God, this was it! I reached around and under his arms to take his nipples in my hand and hugged him home onto my cock, my legs grappled around his. Building up a mounting rhythm I tongued his ear and nibbled his lobes, one hand again working his balls like Chinese medicine balls. My body felt like amoeba undulating against its source of sustenance. A few minutes of thrusting and I has home. Each spurt was accompanied with a cruel thrust deeper into his ass. I had to bite on his his shoulder to keep from crying out, I squeezed reflexively on his poor balls with one hand and grabbed the slab of his pectoral in the other - for a moment it did feel like I was touching every hew and sinew and fiber of his body at once, hugging it firmly onto his massive frame down to the marrow of his bones. My first sexual experience was nearly silent but totally intoxicating. I almost slipped into the comfortable warm glaze that spun from my groin but was very conscious of the fact that I did not want to be caught asleep in this compromising position, I'd kept my secret longings well enough that no one suspected. I wished for all the world though that I could have the luxury of falling asleep hugging this beautiful bear of a man in my arms gently tracing the lines of his sleek torso and rolling his abused bollocks in my clammy hand. But I merely indulged in a few moments of caressing his sleeping form against mine before I got up and dressed. Then regretfully pulled on Perry's clothes back on his splendid body. It was like wrapping up a present you really liked but your parents wouldn't allow you to have and made you send back. I sat in the dim bathroom, feeling the sweat dry with a chill on my body. The sounds of the party drifted back into my awareness. With a final regretful kiss on his lips and a squeeze on his manhood I went to the sink to wet a towel to wake Perry. He was groggy and seemingly none the wiser.

"Come on man, you were out for a while. You'll be okay now. Come back to the party."

"Uuuh- oh okay, thanks little buddy, you're a pal."

With that he staggered out of the bathroom and threw himself into the dancers in the living room with abandon. I saw him leave not long after with one of the girls from the dorms. She looked like the cat who'd caught the canary slinking out on his arm. I watched them go, hoping spitefully that when she'd got him under the covers he'd be too spent to give her any victory tales to crow about. Not when I'd have to keep my peace about my night with Perry. I hoped he was going to be around for awhile and that I could get around to seeing him. It was a dangerous thought to toy with but otherwise it was going to be a long Summer.

'to be continued

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