
By Einhard

Published on Jul 29, 2002



Perky (M/M, oral, anal, fantasy)

by einhard

PLEASE NOTE: This story is fiction from beginning to end. The characters don't exist, and the things they do, never happened.

It was a pretty lame party, and disappointingly, there was a majority of chicks. This meant that in an hour's time, after a couple more drinks, they (the chicks) would start looking lustily at me. I had just decided it was time to start thinking about maybe leaving in not too long. I didn't even notice the guy approaching me from behind.

"Please to excuse you, good Sir..." he started, jumping slightly as I turned violently round.

After a slight pause I barked out a short laugh, and he looked a little hurt.

"I am sorry, but you should not sock me. I am attempting to be police, and..."

"What? Speak English, man!"

His eyebrows shot up. He looked no more than 16.

"But I am speaking English. I speak it perkily!"

This time I laughed for real. Long and hard.

"I guess you don't. Now, let's see if we can't figure this out. You excused yourself, then you thought I was mocking you, because you were trying to be polite, and you speak perfect English. Is that it?"

"Yes!" All of him lit up in a smile. "Perky English!"

"Yeah, yeah! Maybe you're right. Sit down. I'm Porgy."

"I do not condescend. Porgy?"

"That's right. My name's Georgios, and at some stage, somebody called me Georgy Porgy, so now I'm Porgy. Do you comprehend that?"

His pale face lit up again, and he nodded energetically, making his long mousy brown hair dance all over his head.

"So what's your name? And what are you doing here, drinking? You look way too young."

"I am not!" He sounded scandalized. "I have never done anything irregal in my life! And I am much, much bolder than you."

"Okay, so you're royalty, and you're bold. You're still too young, buddy."

He put down his drink, then turned to me and began, in a lecturing voice.

"This is true. Somes of it. I am a prince, my name is Zolchkin, and I am 438 years bold. Or I would be, here on Dearth."

Funny dude, huh?

"Yeah, right. You've really got me rolling now. Look, my sides are splitting from laughter."

This seemed to puzzle him, and he touched my left side.

"I can not see or feel this. And I wish not to roll you, I wish to perform sex with you. Are you socking me repeatedly?"

"Yeah, I'm mocking you again. And what makes you think I wanna have sex with you? You think I'm a faggot or something?"

He looked grave.

"I do not think you are a maggot! I think you look nice. But I can see in your mind that you wish to perform sex with me. Do you like this?"

Before I knew what was happening, I was naked, and so was he. I was still sitting in the same sofa, but I was naked. Oh, I said that, didn't I? And my cock, which was rapidly hardening, was out of sight, because it was all inside his mouth. But something was wrong. Nobody had that much tongue. I mean, I could feel the tip of it tickling my balls. And swiping round my head. And... Fuck! It was teasing my hole, too.

"Hi, Porgy! Wanna introduce me to your friend?"

I looked round in panic. Molly Prescott was leaning over the back of the sofa, showing off her ample endowments practically in my face. Both of them. She was smiling at me, like nothing untoward was going on.

"Uh..." I rolled my eyes at her. That tongue was working in my slit now, but it still hadn't left my ass. And my ball sac was being gently chewed, too.

"What's the matter, cat got your tongue?"

I swallowed, groaning out loud at the same time. Molly still looked me in the eyes, still smiling.

"Hi, Molly. Oh, God! I'm gonna cum soon! Ehm, this is Zo...Zoltan. He's Hungarian, and his English is a bit funny." Quick thinking, considering my situation.

Molly switched her smile to Zolchkin, who lifted his head up, smiled and extended his hand for a moment, muttering a brief "How do you woo?" before resuming his sucking. Just as my balls exploded, and cum rushed out of me like lightning, Molly flashed another smile at both of us.

"Nice meeting you, Zoltan. Look, if you'll excuse me, I think I need to go talk to my friend Karen now. Bye, guys!"

Zolchkin smiled again and waved. Me, I just stared glassy-eyed.

"Wa...wa...Did she...I mean...?" I jerked a thumb at the retreating bimbo.

Zolchkin shrugged his shoulders. "She saw you and me sitting here, chattering like normal friends. Talking bashfully, in the everyway file."

Right. Chatting like normal friends, talking casually, in the everyday style. My brain was in hyperdrive or something.

"If you would content, Porgy, I would like to buck your slut now."

Now, that I did not get. When, however, he lifted my legs, and I could see his grinning face at least a foot away from my body, and feel his tongue sliding over my prostate at the same time, I just surrendered. Of course! Consent. He wanted my consent. He had it.

"Yeah, man! Fuck my butt! Fuck it with your tongue! Oh! My! God!"

"Yes, yes. I am bucking your slut. You like it?"

My crossed eyes and open mouth answered that for him. I could not believe the sensations of the soft, super-flexible substance massaging my love-button. Shortly, it left, and something tiny entered instead. I whimpered in disappointment, but then it started growing inside me, expanding in every direction. Soon, he was sliding it in and out of me.

"Yeah, work that cock in my butt. Do, it, man! Fuck me 'til tomorrow! Woooohoooo!" I'm sure I was yelling out loud, yet everybody I could see, were just standing around talking, laughing, drinking. It was wild!

"You like my pennies inside your slut, Porgy?" No need to translate that, I could feel it moving inside the very location he meant. And if he wanted me to be his slut, he only had to say so. Anytime, as far as I was concerned.

I really couldn't tell you how long he kept up his fucking. All I know is it varied endlessly. Short strokes, long strokes, slow and fast, strokes where I'm positive his cock rotated on its own axis, then doubling up as it moved out and in at the same time, then sideways, stretching my gut until I thought it would burst. At some stage in the proceedings, I came again, but he just kept going. Me, I started hyperventilating. Then, when he spilled the contents of his balls in me, I swear I could hear it sloshing inside. In my belly, my back, my throat, inside my head. It was like some super drug penetrating all of me, making me feel strong, mighty, yet content and drowsy at the same time. If I could patent and bottle that stuff, I'd be a billionaire in a week.

As I slowly returned to this world, I was alone again, fully dressed, and sitting on the same sofa. Wearily, I hoisted myself up, left the party and walked the half mile back home. I guess I got undressed and brushed my teeth, because I always do, but I can't remember. I also thought I found a piece of paper in one of my back pockets, something about somebody mauling me on the cone, which sounded vaguely frightening. I slept.

Next morning, I woke smiling. The happenings of the previous night came back to me at once, in very fine detail. A marvellous dream. I'd have to hold on to it. Right then, though, I needed a piss. I put on a robe and walked to the bathroom. As I left it again, I noticed I felt ravenous, and started downstairs to the kitchen. I heard a voice.

"You wish to leak to Porgy's ear? Look, I don't know what you think you're up to, Mr Zokkin, but that sounds...Oh, here he is."

My mom handed me the phone.

"A cone maul for you, Porgy. I mean, a phone call. Some weirdo of a foreigner who claims to have met you last night. I don't know, he sounds perverted to me, but maybe it's just his English."

Smiling widely, I took the phone from her.

"Yeah, I know him. His English is kinda strange, now you mention it."

I put the phone to my ear, preparing to leak to him. Speak! I mean speak to him!

This story is copyrighted by me, einhard. (c) 2002. All rights reserved.

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