Perfectly Wicked By Jason D. Karl

Published on Jul 2, 2024


Perfectly Wicked By Jason D. Karl, Chapter 2

Perfectly Wicked, Chapter 2

By Jason D. Karl

Author's Note:

This story is dark, twisted, erotic fantasy fiction about a gay vigilante killer with paranormal abilities. It is the product of the author's imagination and should not be construed as real in any way. This should be read only by adults of legal age. The story contains explicit gay sex and the type of violence found in vampire stories. Don't try this at home or anywhere else. That said, I hope you enjoy my twisted tale.

Note that this is an ongoing story, so it is necessary to read the chapters in order.

Since I don't tend to describe my characters' physical traits in detail, here's how I imagine them: Character Images for Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Just as Kyle reached his front door, the shadow that had followed him departed. This shadow had been there, unnoticed more than unseen, when he killed those men. It had followed him while he set up his alibi. This shadow knew who and what Kyle was. It now knew things that Kyle did not know about himself.

In a flash, the shadow shot across town to Le Chien Royal. Located in the wealthy side of Pior Fossa City, the public face of this establishment was that of a posh pet boutique. But to those in the know with deep-enough pockets, its actual purpose was to provide certain discrete services. Have a socially-embarrassing sexual kink in need of an outlet? Le Chien Royal could provide. Need a body to disappear? Le Chien Royal could easily make that happen. There was even a discount available should the body currently be alive and healthy.

On paper, the business was owned by one of the many aliases used by Ro Kushim. And it was he who coalesced from what had been the shadow, appearing right in front of his assistant. Kushim looked to be around 40 and could easily pass as Mediterranean, maybe Greek. He had the bearing of someone nobody wanted to mess with. This stood in stark contrast to his assistant, Javert Tissemand, who currently looked to be a 20-something Danish youth with auburn hair and a swimmer's build.

They were in a sound-proofed back room and Javert was forcibly strapping a large man to a worktable. He looked over to Kushim. "What's wrong, boss?"

Kushim leaned against the table. "The killer on the news is one of us."

"An Erkek?"

Kushim nodded. "Yes, but he's not registered. His name is Kyle Truhan and he works as a street hustler. He thinks he might be a Cuban vampire. But he has no idea what he really is." Kushim paused for a moment, gathering himself. "Javert, he's an Abjo."

"Are you fucking serious!"

"No question of it."

"I can't believe it. I thought they were myths."

"Oh, they're real enough. Rare though. The last time I saw one was about 75 years ago. But that one was weak and easy to deal with. This one is very different. I've never seen one like him. Really strong. Hell, he sensed me when I scanned his mind. Looked in my direction for a second. But I was in shadow form so I don't think he could see me."

Javert seemed amazed at this news. "Well, shit. An actual Abjo, here? Oh, the heteros are gonna love that."

"Well, we'll obviously have to make sure they don't find out. A serial killer who gets away, that the heteros can deal with. But an Abjo? No, we'll have to intervene."

"Are you going to tell the Emperor?"

Kushim shrugged. "No choice. I'll be crossing over today but I need to rest first. I was in shadow form most of the night, so I'm a bit drained. But get this, the Abjo can control his Mana."

"What! How could he possibly do that?" As he said this, Javert started ripping the clothes off his captive.

Kushim strapped the man's head down as he answered the question. "No idea, but I saw him do it. He lured some homophobes into a trap. Three of them. One swung a metal bar at him, full force, both arms, and the Abjo negated it like it was a feather. He killed two of them but the third ran off. I sent that one a compulsion to come here to hide. You want to process him?"

Javert grinned. "Process a homophobe? Fuck yeah."

Kushim dropped into a nearby chair. "Thought you might like that."

"Boss, you're drained. You gotta feed."

"No time. I have to inform the Emperor. It can't wait."

"I'm sorry to say this, boss, but if you use any more Mana, you're going to rage. You can't be around the Emperor like that. Anyway, you don't have to hunt. You need this one more than I do."

"Thanks. You're probably right." They had been speaking in the Erkek language but Kushim switched to English as he regarded the man on the table. "What kind is he?"

Javert followed his boss's lead and also spoke in English. "Just an armed robber. Beat up a lot of people. I think he might've killed somebody recently. It kinda felt that way."

Kushim opened himself up to feed. He studied the strapped-down hetero, whose name he couldn't be bothered to learn. "You're right. Several armed robberies. The murder was about a month ago. There was another one, too. Did you pick up on the murder from last year?"

Javert shook his head. "No, boss, I only tasted the one and I wasn't sure about that."

As they talked, they both stripped naked. Kushim tried to keep his hand on the man as much as possible to let Mana flow into him. "Don't get down on yourself about it. He doesn't feel any guilt, so that makes the flavor more subtle. What about rape? Are you tasting that?"

Javert grabbed the prey's cock and twisted it around. "No, I'm not picking up on any rape."

Kushim was pleased. "That's because it's one of the few violent crimes he hasn't committed. It's easy to make assumptions when tasting a really violent target. It's good that you didn't. You're getting better at this. Now, untether his mouth."

The room was shielded, so they didn't have to worry about noise. Javert released the man's dick and held his hand out, reabsorbing the Mana binding from the man's mouth. Their prey immediately started shouting threats and slurs. Neither of them said a word to him, though. They continued talking calmly, commenting on the threat display.

Kushim said, "Sorry to cut the lesson short, but we are in a hurry." With that, his fangs descended and he bit into the hetero's right nipple, slowly drinking his blood. The pain and horror his prey felt made Kushim so damn hard.

Before long, he felt Javert's ten-inch cock at his pucker and then the sweet sting of being fucked. He loved sucking his apprentice's cock but getting plowed by it was so much better. Still, it wasn't enough. As nourishing as Javert's ass-fucking was, Kushim needed more. He soaked up the screams of anguish from his prey as he bit off hunks of flesh and gulped them down. He felt the nudge of Mana from his assistant and realized that Javert was forcing the hetero not only to stay alive, but awake. The combination of sex and feeding rapidly replenished Kushim's Mana.

Javert finally let the prey die just as he and Kushim simultaneously orgasmed. What a rush!

Kushim stepped away to let him get to the body. Javert bent over, licked up the cum his boss had spurted onto the prey, and then began casually eating some of the flesh. It wouldn't feed him as much Mana as it would had the prey still been alive but it was good eating all the same.

After Javert finished his meal, his boss helped him load what was left of their prey into the grinder. He explained to Kushim that the prey had been an official hit one of the cartel bosses had paid Le Chien Royal to perform discretely. Apparently, it was a member of a rival gang who was trying to woo the boss's daughter. Or something like that. Javert hadn't bothered to ask about the particulars. As long as the mark was violent enough to make a good meal, he and Kushim didn't care. Their victims were, after all, only heteros.

By the time they'd ground up the corpse and incinerated the prey's belongings, they were both covered in blood and bits of flesh and viscera. All of which had Javert sporting an impressive hard-on. Deciding to reward his assistant for giving him first dibs on the meal, Kushim stroked Javert's cock and lay down on the worktable their victim had died on. "I better have another fuck. I've got a long trip ahead of me."

Kushim watched as his smiling assistant climbed over him. Being Erkek, they secreted their own lube. And right at the moment, Javert's cock was glistening with it. Kushim pulled him into a quick little kiss and then said, "This time, how about short and thick? I'm in the mood for some burn."

Javert grinned, pulled up, and showed Kushim his cock. It shortened to about five inches while more than doubling in thickness. "Will this do?"

Kushim gave it a couple of strokes. "Maybe a wee bit longer." Javert's cock grew to six inches while maintaining its girth. "That's more like it."

Kushim pushed on Javert's hips as he took his assistant's cock into his mouth. Kushim sucked him hard as his tongue swirled around the head of Javert's cock. He had enough Mana now to morph, so he made his tongue long and serpentine. He wrapped it around Javert's pole a dozen or so times and started jacking him off with his tongue alone. The younger Erkek moaned and shook at such exquisite pleasure beyond anything a hetero could hope to survive. Their sex stirred up the Mana eddying in the room and they soaked it in.

Kushim pulled off Javert's cock with a wet pop. His mouth and tongue morphed back to their normal size and shape. "Fuck me." Erkek sex was free from the prejudices of the heteros. They weren't into the stereotypes about dominant equals top or younger equals bottom. No, they fucked however they liked. And they fucked a lot. Kushim was far older and definitely the boss but he loved getting fucked. Javert was always eager to oblige.

Javert's cock was now triple-wide and Kushim loved it when he viciously shoved it in. Kushim resisted the instinct to morph his hole to exactly fit the cock that was pounding him. No, he wanted the stretch and pain of a brutal fuck and he was getting just that. He felt it when Javert morphed his cock again, this time making it have ribbing. His cock slammed into Kushim's prostate on every stroke. Damn did he ever know how to fuck. It hurt and burned and stung and was amazing.

Kushim clawed into the young Erkek's shoulders, reached up, bit him, and drank his blood. He was going to start thrusting up to meet Javert's down-thrusts but his assistant went wild, pounding his boss's ass so violently and erratically that Kushim just lay back and enjoyed the battering. He climaxed twice before his apprentice finally flooded his bowels with rich cum. They both lay panting on the worktable, still covered in blood.

Kushim would have loved to fuck all day long but duty called. He hadn't forgotten that there was an Abjo in his jurisdiction and it fell to him to deal with it. And dealing with an Abjo was always urgent. They were rare enough that there wasn't a standard procedure but every one he'd heard of had to be culled. They had been just too volatile to do anything else.

He hoped the Emperor had some wisdom, some way to avoid killing Kyle Truhan. First, he didn't want to; Kyle was just too magnificent of a predator to put down. Second, even if no way to save Kyle existed, the Abjo was so strong that Kushim wasn't entirely sure he had enough power to do it. The Emperor himself might have to intervene personally.

Feeling restored, he knew he shouldn't delay the trip to the Empire any longer. He said to Javert, "I better go." With that, he became a shadow and was gone.

Thank you for reading my story. I have plans for at least 20 chapters, if anyone is interested. Please let me know if you think I should continue it. Comments and suggestions are welcome.

-- Jason D. Karl (

My other story on Nifty is "A Hankering for Pecker" which is a comedy about an 18-year-old who comes out to his hillbilly father.

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Next: Chapter 3

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