Perfectly Wicked, Deleted Scene

By em.notorp@lraKDnosaJ

Published on Nov 20, 2024


Perfectly Wicked, Deleted Scene

Perfectly Wicked

By Jason D. Karl

Author's Note:

This story is dark, twisted, erotic fantasy fiction. It is the product of the author's imagination and should not be construed as real in any way. This should be read only by adults of legal age. The story contains explicit gay sex and the type of violence found in vampire stories. Don't try this at home or anywhere else.

Perfectly Wicked, Deleted Scene

It's taking me longer than expected to write and edit the next few chapters of Perfectly Wicked (the climax of the story); so I thought the reader might enjoy a deleted scene while waiting.

Originally, Chapter 2 was much longer and involved Kushim's trip to the Erkek Empire and his meeting with the Emperor. I decided to delete that part because it (1) accomplished very little and (2) took the focus of the story away from where it needed to be. Still, there is one scene that I really liked and hated to cut. It is a flashback scene that explains how Javert became Kushim's apprentice.

This takes place four years before the main story's timeline. The text is just a rough draft and hasn't been polished.


Kushim's assistant had decided to return to the Empire. That was only to be expected. The hetero world was good for a hunting expedition or to have some fun, but few would want to live there long-term. Kushim did, as did a few others. For most, getting to see the heteros in their natural habitat just wasn't worth the effort of actually living among them. No, most Erkek preferred to just go hunting on the worlds the Skapararnir assigned to them, while living in the Empire with their own kind. And so Kushim found himself once again in need of an assistant.

There was considerable excitement around the Great Pool. One of the larvae was nearing his first shift. Of course, one never knew just when a larva would shift into adult Erkek form. A century or so, as heteros reckoned time, since their Mana core formed was not uncommon; but some took a lot longer.

Kushim watched him. The larva looked back at him. Larvae couldn't speak, of course, but they did understand speech. He wondered what this one was thinking of.

He said, "It's okay, little one. I know the first shift is scary, but we've all done it. Don't try to force it. Just let go and let it wash over you."

The larva paid attention and shifted. He had picked a shape of some creature covered in fur. Kushim had no idea on which planet this form originated, but it looked a little bit like the Earth creature known as a quokka--only about thirty times larger.

The onlookers were surprised when he stepped out of the Great Pool because most newly-shifted Erkek spent a day or two in the Great Pool before emerging. But this one had some wanderlust in him. Kushim could sense it. He walked straight over to Kushim and said, "Are females real?"

Kushim hadn't expected this question. "Well, yes, they are. Why do you ask?"

"Well, it's just that the Great Pool said that there are creatures with a hole where their cock should be. It just doesn't seem possible to me. Can I go see one?"

"Why? Do you want to have sex with one?" Hopefully, this new Erkek wasn't heterosexual; there was only one thing to do if he were.

The young Erkek shivered. "No, that would be creepy. I don't want to fuck one. I just want to look at one."

Kushim was wondering whether the Great Pool hadn't fully educated this young one, unlikely as that seemed. "Listen. You do understand that since you've left the pool you must start having sex immediately? It's essential."

"Yeah, sure thing." He shifted into a human form and lay down on one of the public sex benches that lined the Great Pool. "Let's fuck." And, fuck they did.

They were, of course, speaking in the Erkek language, which didn't have a word for "virginity." For Erkek, sex was an absolute biological necessity which began as soon as one shifted into a form with the requisite parts. In other words, what had just happened to this young Erkek. Only because Kushim had spent thousands of years among Earth's heteros, did he have any concept that he was taking the young Erkek's virginity. For every other Erkek, one's first time was of no significance whatsoever.

After they had fucked several times, and the young Erkek had sucked the cocks of a dozen or so others, his Mana was stabilized enough for them to resume their earlier conversation.

Kushim asked, "Have you chosen your initial name?"

"I was thinking about 'Bico Chupada'."

"Okay, Bico, here's an offer. I live in the hetero world. It's not a paradise like it is here in the Empire, but I like it. If you want, you can come with me. I could use an assistant."

Bico seemed truly perplexed. "Why would you want to live outside of paradise?"

Kushim confessed, "The Erkek language doesn't have words for it. You'd need to learn the hetero languages, especially English, before I could possibly explain it."

Bico walked back over to the Great Pool, stuck his hand under the surface, and sent his learning request. The basics of the 29 most common hetero languages flowed into his understanding. He requested advanced-levels of English and, because it piqued his interest, Danish.

He sat down beside Kushim and spoke in English, "I see what you meant. The heteros' languages are fucking crazy."

"Okay, now I can explain it. I live in an amazing hetero city called Pior Fossa. It has all kinds of crime. Street gangs and drug cartels war with each other, kill each other, leaving blood and guts everywhere. And they are so corrupt; the crime bosses have even infiltrated the government. I simply love it there. It's so much fun hunting heteros in the wild. They're overpopulated too, so we can kill as many as we want."

Kushim thought about the intervening years. Bico Chupada had decided to pretend to be Danish and was soon able to shift into a plausibly-Danish appearance. He had straight, caramel-brown hair and kept just a hint of a beard, which had come into fashion locally. He adopted the name "Javert Tissemand" to blend in.

The Great Pool could teach so many things, but some things had to be learned by practical experience. Bico, now called Javert, still had learning to do, but he was coming along.

Thank you for reading my story. There are about six chapters remaining. Comments and suggestions are welcome.

My other series on Nifty is A Hankering for Pecker which is a comedy about an 19-year-old who comes out to his hillbilly father.

I also have a standalone story on Nifty called The Boys Who Loved. It is a sweet fairytale about two boys who fall in love at a tender age and how their parents deal with it.

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New chapters of my stories may also be found at Scribble Hub prior to being posted to Nifty. You may leave comments or likes there.

Perfectly Wicked

A Hankering for Pecker

Next: Chapter 12

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