Perfectly Beautifully Unapproachable

By Jack Notmyrealname

Published on Mar 22, 2016


Hey readers! My name is John, if you're my parents or teachers. If you're my friend, I'm Jack. This story is partly true. All the stuff about masturbation is anyway. But the part where I lost my virginity... that hasn't happened yet.

If you want me to keep writing this story, or write another one, or tell you more about myself, or just want to talk, email me at

Perfectly, beautifully unapproachable Reunion

The next few weeks passed uneventfully. I fucked James's girlfriend a few more times, without getting her to orgasm. I spent a few Saturdays with my JOB. James sent me more naked pics in hopes of getting another handjob from me. All this stuff was becoming normal.

When December break came, it was time for the annual family reunion. For the most part, I looked forward to those like you'd expect any teenager to. But on the other hand... there was my older cousin. My older cousin was the first girl I got close to who was actually sexually mature. I assume that's true for a lot of other boys. When I was 12, she was 15 and had full breasts, when all the girls at my school were flat-chested. It drove me nuts!

Sarah was the first girl I pictured putting my dick in. I can't tell you how many times I jerked off thinking about that, even though I only saw her once a year. But I hadn't really thought about her much in a while. Especially now that I was having sex regularly with an actual cheerleader.

Like other years, I snuck off to the basement of my aunt's house the moment I was able. Finding myself alone down there, I sunk down in the couch and thought back to my old fantasies. I thought back to the stories I used to picture in my head, starting with us getting tipsy around the pool table, kissing, then moving into one of my other cousin's bedrooms, and her taking my virginity right there. I started to get hard in my pants.

I was considering jerking off when someone came down the stairs. It was her!

"Hey, John," she said softly, before sitting down next to me.

I was suddenly really nervous. "Hi..."

"Whatcha doin' down here?"

"Just thinkin'." I didn't want to tell her exactly what I was thinking about.

We were both silent for a minute, and then she reached over and put her hand on my crotch.

Before we go on, I should finish telling you the backstory with her. The move she pulled tonight wasn't as unexpected as you might think. See, when I was 12, I was being a bit of a creep and I was in my older male cousin's room, looking for pictures of his girlfriend. I heard talking and the door shutting in the next bedroom. I was about to leave, but first I tried listening through the wall. I listened to a muffled conversation for a couple minutes, then it was silent for a bit, and then I started to hear some really intense male moans. I wasn't sure exactly what I was listening to until I started hearing a few faint female moans in there too. Fuck! I was listening to a guy and a girl have sex! They were fucking a couple feet away from me! 90 seconds later, I heard the guy groan really loudly, and then stop, then I heard him start talking about how great she was. Now you might laugh at him for him cumming so quickly, but of course, I was jerking off and I cummed less than 30 seconds after I realized I was listening to actual sex. Before he blew his load, I was already wiping up my cum with a pair of clean underwear I found, and putting the cummy underwear back in my cousin's clean underwear drawer. When I heard the door open, I peeked out the door and saw my older brother and my cousin Sarah cautiously sneaking out. What the fuck!!

So... that was part of the reason why she was in my fantasies for so long. She wasn't just hot, but I knew she was willing to have sex with cousins and I knew what she sounded like during sex. I listened to them again the next year in the same way, but after that my brother stopped coming back from college in the winter. But I was still too shy to talk to her.

All of that ran though my mind again the moment she touched my crotch. I knew exactly what was going to happen.

She then picked up my hand and put it on her crotch. I looked at her, nodded, then stood up to lead her to the same bedroom my brother had fucked her in.

Once I shut the door, the same confidence I found when I fucked James's girlfriend the first time came to me. Without even thinking twice, I kicked off my shoes, and then pulled down my pants and underwear in one smooth motion. She was looking straight at my dick, and her mouth dropped open.

"Wow you're big!" she said, amazed. "You're way bigger than your brother!"

I didn't think she'd bring that up. It wasn't news to me, anyway. My brother used to wave his dick around back when he knew I had a little boy dick. I never got the chance to show him what puberty had given me before he went off to college.

I pulled off my shirt and walked closer to her.

"Undress me," she said softly.

I pulled off her shirt and pants with her help, and I was standing in front of a girl in only her bra and panties. I reached around and tried to unhook her bra. After a minute of fumbling, she rolled her eyes and did it for me.

"Do the girls you fuck not wear bras?" she asked. I felt a little manly that she assumed I was pretty sexually accomplished.

"They usually get naked pretty quick around me," I replied.

She glanced at my dick again. "I bet they do!"

She pushed down her panties, revealing a totally shaved pussy, and I started rubbing her clit as I lowered her back onto the bed. Very shortly, I was fully hard, and I started to feel her getting wet. I stood up to get the condom out of my pants pocket. But while I was opening it, she grabbed it and threw it across the room.

"I'm on the pill," she said matter-of-factly.

I would have preferred the extra protection, but I wasn't gonna pass up pussy that had already made up its mind.

I climbed up over her, and started to lower myself. She gasped a little bit as my cockhead touched her pussy lips.

As I slowly pushed my cock into her, I paid attention to the exact feeling. It was really soft skin-on-skin contact, not like with a condom, and not like that lube I had used with Sam. I started to moan loudly as her naturally-lubed pussy started to rub and squeeze my shaft.

When I was all the way in, I paused for a moment, trying to fight off a premature ejaculation. When I felt I was back in control, I started a slow pistoning motion. She started lightly screaming every time I stopped and started pushing back into her. Shit! How loud would she be if she weren't trying to be quiet?

After a minute, I was right there with her, groaning constantly as I started to lose control with the unbelievable pleasure of fucking a pussy bare.

She pushed me over and lowered herself back onto my raging hardon. She didn't have tits quite big enough to bounce hard as she moved herself up and down on my cock, but it was amazing anyway!

But very quickly, I realized she was going too fast, and I didn't wanna blow my load yet. I rolled us over, keeping my dick deep inside her, then resumed in missionary position with a slower pace. She seemed to enjoy being controlled like that, and started screaming even louder.

I fucked her for a couple more minutes before I knew I couldn't keep going much longer. "I'm gonna cum!"

All she said was, "Mmm..."

I moved to pull completely out so I could finish on her stomach in a dramatic fashion. But she realized what I was doing, and grabbed me and pulled me back in. She then wrapped her legs around me, holding me down.

All I got out was, "What...?" But I was too close. I stopped trying to move, but I was so close that I started cumming anyway. "Ahhh... AHHHHHH... Ahhhhhh... Ah... Ahh... Ahhh"

I caught my breath with her holding my head on her boobs. I shuddered one last time as my orgasm faded, and then she released me. I considered getting angry at her, but decided it was pointless at that moment.

I got off her, and she sat up in the bed. She grabbed a tissue, and squeezed my cum out of her pussy into it. After getting as much as she could, she threw the tissue in the trash. I stopped worrying and just thought about how great it was to have creampied an 18-year-old girl.

She got dressed, and said seductively, "See you next year..." and left.

By the time I got dressed and left the bedroom, she was upstairs. I went back to the couch, and got so deep in thought that I missed my other cousin Tim going into his room. He came out a minute later holding the tissue.

"What the fuck, dude? You jerked off in my room?" he asked, indignantly.


"Dude, c'mon..." He wasn't just gonna let this go.

"Fuck! Don't tell anyone, but I had sex with Sarah."

"On my bed?"

"She made me creampie her."

He was about to object, but then he sniffed the tissue, and he suddenly believed me. "... so you fuck often?"

"That was my first time with her."

"Still awesome. I knew she was a slut!" I could hardly disagree with that.

He paused for a moment, and then continued, "Can I confess something?"

"Sure," I replied immediately.

"I'm still a virgin," he said a bit quietly.

I looked over him. He was a scrawny, insecure guy, in a worse way than I ever was. And he was 19.

I felt like trying to help him out a little. "Any girls you're working on?"

"Well I have a girlfriend," he said. I felt a little jealousy, since I never really had one. "I eat her out but she won't let me fuck her."

"Does she at least blow you?" I asked.

"Once a while ago. But she hasn't touched my dick since."

"Ouch." I didn't want to screw up his relationship, but she sounded like she was really abusing it. "You can do better than that!"

"I dunno, dude." He might have been right.

"You sound like you need to get laid really badly," I couldn't help but observe.

"You have no fucking idea." He adjusted his pants, around his apparent erection.

I could have told him that I actually did, but I said nothing.

"So how was it with Sarah?"

I proceeded to describe every detail about having sex with our cousin. When I got to the part of how her bare pussy felt on my bare dick, he started to stroke himself through his pants.

I told him, "You can whip it out if you want to."

He shook his head and kept stroking the same way. I kept the story going, all the way through the part where I blew my load in her, and she wiped out part of my load onto the tissue.

I told him, "Maybe next year she'll let you watch," and that sent him over the edge. He grunted a couple times as he creamed his underwear.

All he said was, "Fuck," before awkwardly walking into his room to clean up.

I followed him, and managed to get a glimpse of his hard cock while he was sliding his pants up and over it. It was pretty long and thin. It didn't come close to mine, but it was still a pretty nice one. Shame he wasn't sharing it with a girl who wanted it!

He was about to ask me if he could see my dick too, out of fairness, but he got shy and ran upstairs without saying anything.

As I was leaving with my parents, Sarah winked at me. I got several pictures of her naked on my phone a moment later. I grinned and saved them for later.

Sorry the sixth chapter took so long! And don't worry, fellow masturbators, I have more chapers coming!

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