Perfectly Beautifully Unapproachable

By Jack Notmyrealname

Published on Jan 17, 2016


Hey readers! My name is John, if you're my parents or teachers. If you're my friend, I'm Jack. This story is partly true. All the stuff about masturbation is anyway. But the part where I lost my virginity... that hasn't happened yet.

If you want me to keep writing this story, or write another one, or tell you more about myself, or just want to talk, email me at

Perfectly, beautifully unapproachable 4. Bicurious I

The next Monday, my JOB was back at school. I caught up with him after the last bell.

We backed away from the people streaming out of the school, and I pulled the condom out of my pocket. It was 6 days old now, but it was still wet because it was in a sealed bag, and it was still warm because it had been in my pocket all day.

He took the bag and looked at it. "Shit. You really aren't a virgin."

"Nope." I couldn't help but smile.

"So this is from your second time?"


"Fucking fuck dude! You've had sex five times already?"


"Shit..." I think we were past what happened the last time I talked to him. "You are my new personal hero."

"Who was it before?"

He didn't answer me. He looked around for a second and saw no one around, and pulled the condom out of the bag. He put the end of it in his mouth.

Did I mention that he's a freak? If not, then I should mention, he's a freak.

"Uhh... that has my cum on it." I shouldn't have been surprised at what he was doing.

He pulled it back out of his mouth. "Did it break in her?"

I shook my head. "No, but it's gotta have leaked out."

He shrugged and put it back on his mouth. He reached down and started to rub himself, and I could see him get hard in his pants.

He ducked into the empty classroom behind us and I followed him. He unzipped his pants with some urgency and pulled his dick out and started to stroke it. I was hard immediately when I saw him do that so I pulled mine out too. He put his left hand on my shoulder and I put my left hand on his shoulder and we jerked even faster.

He was clearly enjoying sucking on the outside of my condom. After no more than 2 minutes he started breathing hard. Then he grunted, and squirted out 5 shots of cum onto my pants.

I didn't want him to move until I came too. "Wait... wait... wait..." I was so turned on right now. I started breathing faster too as I rubbed faster and faster. "Unhh... unnnnhhh... UUNNNNHHHHH," I groaned as I returned the favor. The first shot landed right on his dick, and the next five landed on his pants and shoes.

Our breathing slowed, and he pulled the condom out of his mouth and handed it to me. It was covered in his spit and Sam's pussy juice and my cum and it was dripping. "Thanks..." I said slowly.

"We should do this again." He zipped up his pants. "See ya Saturday!"

I rushed home to go change pants.

That night I started jerking off thinking about what my JOB and I did that day. It was the most intimate thing I had ever done with a guy. But after a minute I realized that the next day was the first sex day of the week for me. And Sam came into my head.

Shortly, I was leaning to the side and blowing my load.

The next morning, I woke up late, and found I didn't have the time to jerk off, not even quickly. At school, I was hard for half the day. I was almost tempted to try to rub myself to orgasm in class, but that's harder than it sounds. And toward the end of the day, it was too close to sex time to start.

After school I headed for James's house. The door was open so I went right in, expecting them both to be there. I walked to the back of the house and into his bedroom and found James... alone. Totally naked, trimming his pubes.

Now I had seen him naked in pictures before (though that's still a secret from him!). And he had sent me a dick pic recently, which gave me a better sense of how big he was. I still hadn't decided how to feel about that. But here he was naked in person. Masculine face, short brown hair. A sculpted body with pecs and biceps and abs. Nice muscle tone everywhere. And he had a pretty nice looking soft dick hanging between his legs. He could have a solid future in soft-core porn!

I approached him, and he looked up at me. "Dude! She's gonna be a little late and I'm so fuckin' behind on doing this."

He was very carefully trimming with a small pair of scissors. I watched him carefully even out the hair for a minute or two. He didn't say anything until he was done.

"You ever done this?"

I told him no. He had seen me naked several times in the last couple weeks, so he should have remembered that I had a pretty thick bush.

"You should do it right if you do. Don't just shave it unless you want to look like a fuckin' kid. You trim it like this. Your dick should be a work of art. It's what makes you a fuckin' man!"

I took my shoes off and then slid my pants and boxers off in one smooth motion. I sat down next to him on his bed.

"Shit! That's a lot."

He leaned over and started trimming hairs as delicately as he had been trimming his. His hand grazed my dick, and I was instantly as hard as a rock.

"Fuck! How are you that horny?"

"I didn't have time to jerk off this morning." No need to hide anything when my dick was barely an inch from his face!

"That's all it takes?"

"Yeah... usually I jerk off 2 to 4 times a day. Otherwise I can't focus on anything else."

He laughed quietly, and resumed trimming. I noticed he was fully hard too. I finally got to compare my dick to his... and I looked massive next to his. Don't get me wrong — he had a nice dick — but I had him beat, and by a lot. Actually for a guy who was usually an asshole jock, I coulda been disappointed that he wasn't smaller. Something about jerks having small dicks is funny. But in these friendlier moments, I wasn't worried about that.

I was still curious about the effort he was putting into this. "So Sam likes your dick like this?"

He blinked. "I don't think she notices. Bitch is a bitch."

"But.." I started but he anticipated the obvious question.

"I do it for the other girls."

"Other girls?"

"I fuck every girl who lets me. Don't tell me you don't do the same!"

I paused for a second. I was still trying to maintain the pretense that I had fucked a bunch of other girls too. So I pretended that Sam wasn't my first and only so far. "Sure. But I don't have a girlfriend."

"Pfft. I'm not gonna turn down a drunk girl at a party just because I hold hands with a different bitch at school. More pussy is more pussy."

The cool kids parties! The ones with booze and upstairs bedrooms for hookups! "Do you think that I could...?"

"No. Little shit like you would never get in."

Of course... he could never be seen with me in public.

But then I had another question. "Do you think Sam has sex with other guys when you're not around?"

He stopped what he was doing, and glared at me without saying anything.

I didn't know what to say. Of course that was a stupid question. His girlfriend makes him eat her out after I fuck her. I suddenly had a twinge of guilt about that, but it went away as I thought about him calling me a "shit" a moment ago.

He kept trimming in silence for a couple more minutes, my erection returning every time he grazed it with his hand. When he was finished, I had to admire his work. My cock looked amazing! Just enough pubes to look masculine, but trimmed back enough that you could really see the whole length of the shaft.

"See dude? Fucking. Work. Of. Art."

"Thanks!" I knew that wasn't thanks enough for his effort, but that was the best I could do.

He laid back on the bed. His hardon stuck straight up in the air, but slowly came down to rest on his stomach. It was quite a sight... but then again, a cheerleader was about to show up and ask me to have sex with her.

I left his room, and tried to psych myself up for fucking his girlfriend. I was incredibly horny and I couldn't figure out what I could do to last long in her. I was working up a strategy involving thinking about baseball and thrusting slower than normal when the doorbell rang.

It was her, so I answered the door naked, with a condom in my hand.

"Oh good! You're already ready."

She started removing her clothes after shutting the door behind her. She was removing her bra when she added, "I only have a minute before I gotta get out of here. You really need to make this quick."

That was a relief! And did she already forget these were supposed to be study sessions? Seems so!

She looked at me again when she was down to just a lacy pair of panties. "You trim your pubes just how James does! I bet he'd get a kick out of that!" She laughed pretty hard at that thought.

She took me by the hand and led me to the living room couch. She pulled her panties down, exposing her completely shaved pussy to me once again. I grabbed her and slowly lowered her onto the couch.

My erection already returning, I placed it at the entrance to her pussy, and started to slowly push it in.

"You're gonna have to go faster than that if you want to cum today!"

I took her instruction and started to pump into her really fast. So fast that I was barely pulling half my shaft each time.

I was thrusting into her faster than I ever had before. The feeling was incredible... my dick felt out of control! In probably less than 3 minutes, I was about to cum and I had a naughty idea.

One thrust away from orgasm, I pulled out completely, ripped off condom, and blew my load on her stomach.

She smiled, "Dirty boy!"

She quickly wiped the cum off on a placemat. She dressed quickly and was headed out. She blew me a kiss. "Later!"

I stood there for a moment, then headed back to James's room.


He didn't respond. I looked in closer and found that he was asleep.

"Wake up!"

He stirred a little bit. He mumbled, "Is it my turn?"

"Nah, she already left."

He was still barely awake. "Good..."

He reached down for his dick and stroked it till it was hard. But his efforts were for naught, as he fell back asleep right after.

I snapped a picture of him in that pose before his hardon went back down. For later blackmail, maybe. Then I dressed too, and headed home.

By the time I reached home, I realized how unsatisfying that quick sex was. I started jerking off while thinking about cheerleaders' tits and jocks' cocks, taking more time than I had with sex today, and I felt better as I cummed into a tissue.

Four chapters in! Keep up the feedback!

Next: Chapter 5: Bicurious 2

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