Perfection in a Gray Tank Top

By JWW 4

Published on Feb 12, 2003


Jacob led me from the shower. His skin shone as the water dripped from his perfectly formed body. I watched a drop of water fall from his blond hair and make a trail down his back until it was lost between the two muscled globes of his ass.

Our fingers were intertwined. You couldn't tell which were his and which were mine. He was leading me out of the locker room now and back into the weight area of the gym.

He turned to face me. "I have always wanted to make love in a gym. I would get hard just thinking about it."

My eyes glanced downward. He was right. His muscles was firm and straight.

I looked into his gorgeous green eyes and said, "Well, I think it's about time we make that fantasy come true."

He pulled me in close to him. I could feel his muscled arms wrap around me as our tongues found each other in a heated kiss.

"I've never done this before. I'm sort of nervous."

I looked at him, "We will do only what you want to do and only at the pace that you can handle. Why don't I lay on my back. You can slide down onto me. That way you can be more in control of how far and how fast you want to go."


We kissed again, and I laid down on the weight bench. Jacob removed the bar to make sure nothing would get in our way.

I could feel the coolness of the weight bench against my still damp skin. Jacob stepped over and across the weight bench so that suddenly he was towering over me. Straddling my naked body just inches above my pulsing heated cock.

I licked my right hand and slid it between his legs until my moist first and second fingers were massaging his puckered pink opening. A small gasp escaped his lips as the coolness of my saliva met the warmth of his opening.

Slowly, but surely I could feel his sphincter muscles begin to relax. Jacob had tilted his head back and was moaning in the direction of the ceiling. His eyes were closed, but I could tell by his face that he was already enjoying this.

After a few minutes of my lubricating his opening, Jacob licked his right hand - soaking it in his own salty saliva. He reached down and wrapped his strong hand around the base of my dick and began to stroke it up towards my mushroom head.

"Oh man, Jacob, that feels so fucking awesome."

"If you think that feels good, just wait another few seconds. Hopefully, you'll like that even better."

He held my cock strong but gentle so that it pointed straight up to the top of the room.

Jacob clinched his bottom lip, closed his eyes, and began to lower his entire body down toward my awaiting rod.

I could feel his warm, moist hole pressing against the tip of my dick. I could feel my precum providing extra lube. Maintaining a good grasp on my muscle, Jacob allowed my head to entire into him.

We both gasped together. His warmth had completely overtaken my pulsing head. I could probably cum just like this. I couldn't believe I was inside this amazingly sexy man.

Slowly, centimeter by centimeter, inch by inch I could feel more of my dick being lost inside Jacob. Warm moisture wrapped around my cock. I had to be careful not to get to carried away and thrust up into him. I wanted to be inside of him, but I didn't want to hurt him. But on the plus side, the longer he took to slide completely down, the longer I could enjoy this feeling of being inside him.

Finally I could feel Jacob's firm muscular ass touch the skin of my pelvis. The muscles were clenched tight around my throbbing pole.

"Can I just sit here for a second? Just to let me get used to it, please," Jacob asked. His eyes were closed. I could see the beads of sweat already forming on his forehead.

"Take as long as you need, "I replied, "I want to make sure you enjoy this."

"Ahh... believe me... I am definitely enjoying this," Jacob was smiling down at me.

Suddenly he began to slowly rise up. I could feel my lubed up dick sliding farther and farther out of his ass. I was afraid he couldn't handle it and was getting off. Then he stopped just as my plump head reached the edge of being pulled out. I was barely inside of him. This was such an overload. I could feel my toes beginning to curl under as he slid back down until he had once again engulfed my meat.

"Oh God! I can't believe how good this feels!" Jacob said breathing harder than before. "How did I wait this long?"

I watched as he slid up and down. His butt muscles clenched tight and hot around my cock. At this rate I was gonna have to concentrate not to shoot my load too soon. This guy was hot.

"Okay, I think I feel comfortable with you inside me. Actually, I feel amazing with you inside me. Let's change it around a little bit."

And with that having been said, Jacob stood up and off of my dick. My hard meat slapped down onto my belly. He offered his hand and pulled me up off the bench.

He once again straddled the weight bench and placed his hands in front of him on the rods that normally one would rest the bar and weights on. He was leaning forward in the direction of his outstretched hands. His rounded tight butt was thrust towards the end of the bench.

I followed his lead and straddled the bench behind him. I took hold of my cock and aimed it toward his anxiously awaiting ass.

Slowly, but smoothly I slid back inside him until I could once again feel the skin of my pelvis against the smoothness of his buttocks. I began to slowly slide back and forth. My knees were feeling weak and shaky. I couldn't believe I was doing this.

I leaned down until my chest was resting against his muscular tanned back. The sweat on my chest was now mixed with the sweat covering his back. My arms reached around him. I placed one hand on each of his hard pecs to give myself some balance as I started to push deeper inside him.

Jacob began to moan. "Give it to me, Will. I want you to give it all to me."

Hearing him moan was really turning me on. My thrusting began to quicken. I could feel his muscles tense with each plunge I took into his ass. I think I could do this forever if he would let me.

My left hand slid from his tight nipple down until I my fingers were wrapped around his own muscled rod. I could feel his precum across my fingertips.

"Oh God. You're gonna make me cum doing that!"

"I certainly hope so," I replied.

I could feel the pressure in my mid-section beginning to build. I grabbed his waist with my hands and began pulling his ass backwards into each oncoming thrust. I wanted to be as deep inside him as I could.

"Yes. Yes. I want to feel you in me. I want you!"

I could feel my entire body starting to shake. I knew it wouldn't be long until I wasn't able to contain it any longer. Everything was building up to a bursting point near the end of my cock which was being firmly planted in this perfectly toned ass.

"I'm gonna cum, Jacob. I think I'm gonna cum," I gasped barely able to speak.

"Fill me up! Oh God, fill me up!"

I leaned down against his back and grabbed once again to his pecs for support. With one final lunge I began to shoot load after load of warm slick cum deep into his body. My entire body tensed.


"OOhhhhhh! Yeah, Will. Yeah!"

While my cock began to soften inside him, he slid forward until we were no longer connected.

He sat me down on the bench and leaned me back until I was once again on my back. He straddled over me and sat so that my wet cock was rubbing his crack and ass hole.

He began to stroke his cock. I could tell from the way his entire body was beginning to shake that it wouldn't be long before he could no longer contain his juice.

I removed his hand from his cock and replaced it with mine. I massaged and jacked his cock with my left hand while my right tickled his nipples.

Jacob's moaning was becoming more frequent and more intense. I could feel his ass muscles clenching against my skin.

"Oh man. Oh man. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

A gush of warm white fluid shot out onto my pecs. Stream after stream until my pecs and six pack were covered in a thin white layer of Jacob's cum.

He looked down into my eyes. "Looks like I made a mess, huh?"

I chuckled and smiled back. "I think we should make more messes like this."

He leaned down and kissed me. Not a forceful kiss, but soft and slow and passionate.

He raised up so that our noses were almost touching. "I agree. The more messes the better."

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