Perfection in a Gray Tank Top

By JWW 4

Published on Feb 9, 2003


Ever notice how work can totally screw up the fun things in life you wish you could be doing?

I had gotten into a pretty good routine. Get up, eat a little breakfast, and drive into work listening to NPR. The afternoons I would leave work just in time to avoid the majority of the rush hour traffic, get home, relax for a little bit, eat a little dinner, and head over to the gym.

I particularly enjoyed the gym. Not only did I feel better and have more energy, but it gave me something to look at, too. No offense to the guys and gals at work, but they aren't exactly the sexiest group of folks to come down the pike. Nice people. Just no one I find particularly attractive.

The gym sort of took care of that. One guy in particular. He was a little older than me. Maybe 30. Stood about 6'1". Maybe 6'2". Amazing shape. Not so hulked up that he looked like a freak. Just perfectly proportioned. Short blond hair. Broad shoulders. Nice strong shapely legs. A perfectly rounded butt. Arms like a star quarterback. Nice full firm chest. And once, when he lifted up his shirt to wipe his forehead, I caught sight of an amazingly rippled six pack. I'd love to tell you what color his eyes were, but I had never actually been up that close to him. I had only observed him from a distance. He usually came in while I was sweating through my 30 minutes of cardio on the cross-trainer or stair master. Didn't even know his name.

Work had gotten sort of nuts in the last couple of weeks. There were a bunch of big projects that all had deadlines within about a week of each other. I was stuck in the office until pretty late usually. And by that time I was so exhausted (mentally and physically) that I just went home and crashed. I was trying to hit the gym before heading into work, but that plan didn't always work out. I'm 28, blond haired and blue eyed. Stand at 6' and weigh in at 170 with a 32" waist. Pretty much you're average all american boy next door. Not the best looking thing to walk into a room, but certainly not the ugly step-brother either. Anyway, I was in good shape - toned, not hulked up - and I wanted to stay that way. Missing the gym time was zapping my energy, and if I wasn't careful it would soon be adding a few extra pounds.

Finally, the deadlines came and went. All projects went off without a hitch. I could finally try and get my life back. Hallelujah!

There was no way I was missing out on the gym tonight. I needed the energy boost and was ready to get back into a routine again.

Once in the gym, I headed for the cardio. It had been forever. About 10 minutes into climbing make believe stairs, in he walked. He was like perfection in a gray tank top. I had never seen anyone that good looking. I had almost forgotten how good he looked. A few minutes after he came in I noticed him walking towards the cardio side of the gym. For a second I thought he was looking at me, but I wasn't sure. Didn't want to get caught staring and drooling. It looked like he was headed for the stair masters, and he was. And not just any stair master. The unoccupied stair master next to me. This was awesome. I glanced over at him, and he caught my glance and smiled back at me. He normally looked so serious and focused. I don't think I'd ever seen him smile. As good as he looked when he was serious, he was about one thousand times more attractive when he smiled. What a great smile! He started up with the stair master and his eyes focused on the tv mounted to the ceiling watching the football game.

I might have tried saying something to him to start a conversation, but I always get a little nervous around anyone I'm attracted to. When I start to speak my mouth gets all dry, my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth, and I sound like someone in serious need of speech therapy. And on top of all that, my mind goes completely blank. I can think of absolutely nothing to say. I hated for Mr. Perfect to think he was exercising next to a complete ignoramus.

"Wow. That was an amazing pass," he said watching the screen.

"Even more impressive that the guy could catch it in that much coverage," I replied not even realizing I was able to talk to this adonis.

"You're a football fan, too, huh?" he asked looking over my way.

"Definitely. Although I'm from the south so I'm more a college fan than an NFL fan. I'm finally starting to get into NFL," I couldn't believe it. My mouth was still moist and my tongue functioning properly. It was like a Ballys miracle.

"Cool ... so which college team you pull for?"

"Gotta be Alabama. That's where I grew up."

"Awesome. I thought I heard a little bit of a southern accent in there. So where have you been the last few weeks. I haven't seen you around the gym anywhere."

What was this? He had noticed I hadn't been at the gym? No way. I can't believe this guy had noticed me at all.

"Yeah. Work has been crazy lately. Luckily, I got everything wrapped up this afternoon so I can get back to my regular routine. Hopefully."

"Good to hear. Be nice seeing you back in here again."

I must be having some serious auditory hallucinations. Not only had he noticed I was gone, but he sounded genuinely glad that I was back. This was bizarre.

"I'm Jacob, by the way. I've never had the chance to introduce myself."

So perfection in a tank top had a name... Jacob.

"I'm William. Friends just call me Will."

"Nice to meet you, Will. Glad to see you back around again."

By this time I was finishing up my cardio and was headed over towards the weights. First I had to stop off for some sit-ups. I couldn't stop thinking about Jacob. This was crazy. The more I thought about it the more in shock I was. And the more my shorts began to get a little uncomfortable.

I could tell it had been awhile. Normally, 100 sit-ups would be no big deal. This time I was gonna do good to hit 100. I closed my eyes in hopes of, somehow, being able to concentrate harder and will myself up to 100. When I finally hit 100 I just laid there with my closed for a second trying to ignore the burning sensation in my stomach. When I did open my eyes, there was Jacob standing near my feet.

"Wow... you just jump right back into the routine, huh? Impressive after having been away. Nice."

Wow, he had made it a point to stop by and talk to me. It's like an episode of "The Twilight Zone" or something.

I went about my workout. Every so often I caught sight of Jacob. And every so often he glanced over my direction and smiled.

I finally finished with everything. It was almost time for the gym to close so I headed for the locker room so I could grab a quick shower and then head back home. There was not a muscle in my body that didn't ache. It was that good kind of ache, though, that you get when you know you've had a work out.

However, no matter how good the ache is, it's still an ache. I wasn't sure I would be able to raise my arms up to wash my hair much less walk all the way back out to my car.

I was about halfway undressed when Jacob came strolling into the locker room.

"I see you had the same idea I did," he said noticing the towel and shampoo.

"Yeah, it's just easier to shower here. That way when I get home I can just relax."


I had to turn my body around a few degrees to keep Jacob from seeing what was now an almost complete erection. I wrapped the towel around my waist and turned around to head for the showers. I froze for a split second.

When I turned around Jacob had removed the tank top. Underneath I now had a clear view of ever muscle that the tank top had hugged so tightly. He was a golden tan and had the perfect chest to complete the perfect abs. Wow.

I headed for the showers. I got the water to a nice hot steamy temperature and let it run down my face and body. I turned around and saw that Jacob was in the shower stall directly across from me. He body glowed under the layer of water covering him. He ran his fingers through his hair and down across his chest and rested his hands briefly on his nipples.

I was just about ready to explode. Then he took his right hand and slowly lowered it from his nipple, across his rippled belly and allowed to rest the blond hair at the base of his cock. I stood there and watched as his cock began to come to life. It looked about 7" limp, but it was beginning to firm up and come to attention as he slowly ran his hand up and down his shaft. Naturally, by this time, my 8" of circumcised dick was also standing at attention. All I could do was just stare at this beautiful man in the shower across from me.

He opened his eyes and saw me staring. His eyes glanced downward towards my erection and then rose back to meet my eyes. He smiled.

He turned around and turned off his shower and walked across to join me in mine.

"I figure we can conserve water this way," he winked down at me.

"I'm all for conserving water. But what if someone walks in?" I was totally turned on at this point, but I didn't want to get kicked out of the gym.

"Don't worry. I'm friends with the owner. I told him I'd lock up for him tonight. Everyone's already gone home. We have the place to ourselves."

Finishing his sentence Jacob leaned in and kissed me. When our lips met I was almost positive my knees were gonna give out. I could not believe this was happening. Our lips were connected and our tongues began to feel around and massage each other. I could stay in this kiss forever. He held my head to his with his right hand while his left slid down to my lower back and rested on my butt. I followed his lead and allowed my hands to trace a track from his shoulders to his bulging pecs. His hand began to massage my tight ass in synch with my massaging his chest and pulling at his nipples.

Jacob's tongue eventually slid from my mouth and down the side of my neck until he rested his entire mouth around my left nipple. It was like jolts of electricity flowing through me every time I felt his tongue massage across my nipple. After a few minutes of working on the left, his attention turned to the right nipple. All I could do was gasp for air and run my fingers through his blond hair.

Slowly, he lowered his body down, allowing his tongue to glide across my belly until I could feel his warm breath against my throbbing cock. He gently licked the precum from the head and proceeded to curl his tongue around the rim of my pulsating head. I could barely move. This was heaven.

He began a slow descent down my shaft until I could feel my entire package resting in the warmth of his mouth. I moaned in utter pleasure.

Back and forth. Up and down. With each cycle he quickened the pace just slightly. I could feel his tongue massage my shaft with each movement. While his mouth was working on my cock, his right hand was massaging my nipples and his left hand was massaging my balls. My whole body began to quiver. I had never felt so much emotion. My hips began to thrust outward toward his waiting mouth. I reached and grabbed the back of his blond head with both hands and began to pull his head into my cock with each thrust. I couldn't moaning as I fucked his hot mouth.

I could feel all the energy beginning to well up. I knew it wouldn't be long.

"I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum," I managed to get out in between my gasps of pleasure.

Taking this as a sign, Jacob grabbed my ass and began pulling me into his mouth. Deeper and harder than before, I wasn't sure how long I could last like this. I could feel every muscle in my body begin to tense up as the face fucking reached a fevered pitch.


I began to flood his oral cavity with a load of warm, sweet liquid. He planted my cock deep in his mouth to ensure that he was able to take in every drop.

I could barely move. Every muscle in my body felt like it was made of jell-o. I was amazed I was even able to stand on my own.

Gently, Jacob slid my dick out of his mouth. There was a bit of cum left in the corner of his mouth. He raised up until we were looking each other in the eye. I was totally overcome by this flood of emotions. I couldn't believe I was standing here in the same shower with this guy who I had longed for for so long.

Jacob must have read my mind. His big strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me close against his chest. Our lips reunited for, what is quite honestly, the most powerful kiss I had ever experienced.

"I can't believe we just did that," I stated after we had released each others lips.

"Dude, I have wanted to do that since the first time I saw you on that cross-trainer. You have no idea how turned on I get when I see you," was Jacob's reply.

"I guess we should get going, huh? Time to close up the gym."

Jacob looked down at me. He was running his hands through my hair and down my cheek.

"Actually," he started, "I'm in no rush to run home just yet. I was hoping there was one more thing you could do for me after we rested up for a little bit."

"Sure. Anything. I honestly think I'm falling for you, Jacob."

He looked a little stunned.


There was genuine surprise in Jacob's voice. "I'm glad to hear that. I feel the same way."

"So what is it you'd like for me to do?" I questioned him.

He began to fumble around for the right words. He was very cute when he got flustered.

"I've .... well, uh.... I.... umm .... I've never actually had a guy inside me. I always wanted to, but I wanted it to be with the right guy. Not just some casual, random hook-up, you know?"

"I know exactly what you mean."

"I just.... I just want to know what it feels like to have you inside of me," he said.

I was speechless. Not only had this hunk of a man never done it, he chose me to be his first. This was beyond surreal.

"I would love to be able to do that for you. And for me. I would love to know what it feels like to be inside you. For our two bodies to become one.

You have no idea, how much I want this."

He leaned in and kissed me again.

He reached down and held my hand and led me out of the shower and in the direction of the locker room.

Next: Chapter 2

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