Perfect Muscle God

By Ash Eater

Published on Dec 4, 2022


The slave looked up at its Master. Blinking in the half light as it recovered from the shock of a kick to its balls that had woken it from its sleep , it looked up in awe at the powerful form that towered over it. The slave had no idea how long it had been asleep, it can't have been long, sleep was difficult when it the presence of its Master, its brain buzzing from being so close to perfection, and also the awareness that it had to be ready to serve immediately when called upon.

As it rose on its knees it winced as the bruise that was forming on his buttock from the night's beating reminded him of the punishment he had endured earlier, and the trickle of cum that seeped out of his arse a reminder of the fucking that had followed on from it.

There was only one reason why he was being woken MuscleGod's full bladder. The slave was by now on its knees, its eyes closed. "I'm ready Master" It opened its mouth, and waited . A piss hard dick slid in. Above his MuscleGod smiled, the fact that the slaves throat had moulded itself to accommodate his dick would always please him.

The slave remained silent the only noise being the sound of relief as MuscleGod released his load, and the involuntary gurgling as it slid down the slave throat. As he emptied his bladder MuscleGod began to throat fuck the slave, as he did the slave opened its eyes and looked up in gratitude. MuscleGod smiled as it looked down on his property. He released a stream of spit that hit the slave in the face. By now the slave knew better to even try and wipe it away.

Musclegod had emptied his bladder but to make sure that the last drop was not wasted pulled the slave forward forcing its face into his groin, crushing the slaves nose against his stomach..Only when satisfied that the slave had swallowed and savoured the last drop did he push the slave off and remove his dick. As it slid out he could feel the slave's throat muscle relax. He knew that the slave would soon be eager for the gap be filled again. But now wasn't the time,

"Thank You Master, I exist to serve you , and be used by you" It bent down and kissed MuscleGod's feet.

Turning on its back the slave looked up at the mass of muscle that loomed over it. He could see why some men were terrified by the power, fear which would disappear if they just submitted and to the power. As it lay there looking up admiring his Master's perfection MuscleGod' life a foot and placed it squarely on its face. Slave inhaled the scent of the his Master's foot sweat. He knew it wouldn't be long before it was withdrawn so took the opportunity to lick some flesh whilst it could. "Thank You, Master my all powerful MuscleGod, I adore you"

Before it could finish the sentence the foot had been withdrawn and its face was covered in another speckle of spit.

"Sleep well lad."

Before long the room was full of MuscleGod's snores from its position on the floor the slave could see the muscular mass on the bed. Its small dick hardened in the cage as it thought about worshipping the perfect body.

The slave must have fallen asleep as noise from outside stirred him from its slumber. MuscleGod appeared to be still asleep. The slave got up on its knees, and moved towards the bed the alarm would probably be going off soon. It had to be ready.

It wasn't too long before the form of his Master was sitting on the side of the bed towering above him above him

"All powerful MuscleGod I adore you, all powerful MuscleGod I worship you. You are my all powerful Master, owner, God, I am your slave."

The slave kissed MuscleGod's feet, and slowly began to move up his muscular hair legs, his hands caressing the calves before he leaned in and kissed them, tasting and inhaling a nights worth of sweat, the odour of the testosterone that had built up overnight was overpowering.

As the slave massaged and worshipped MuscleGods quads, it was facing its Master's cock and balls. It froze in excitement just looking at them made him weak, a reminder of his own pathetic excuse for a penis one that it had now not touched in over a year.

As it looked up MuscleGod looked down and nodded. Approval given the slave moved closer and began to inhale the muskiness the balls. The scent had the same effect as poppers taking him to an other level of consciousness as it took over his brain. All that mattered now was his Master's cock. Gently slave took it in its hand and just looked at it slowly pulling back the foreskin, before taking the head into its mouth. A hand at the back of the slave's head was all that was needed before it took the whole length into its throat. MuscleGod lay back on the bed, the slave knew that the hard work began now.

Half an hour later, MuscleGod was in the shower, outside waiting with a towel was the slave. Both Master and slave were content. MuscleGod as he had been worshipped even before leaving his bedroom, the slave because he had been given the opportunity worship and rewarded with his Master's cum, spit and piss.

MuscleGod rubbed his upper torso, the suds from the soap falling gently off his chest, he combed his hands through his chest hair, he had a competition in a month, if the slave was lucky it might get the pleasure of shaving him. He smiled as he considered his perfection.

He turned off the shower and stepped out of the shower, lifting his arms he stood there as the slave took a towel and gently dried him. The slave's dick hardened in its cage as he dried off his master, every now and then it would take the towel and press it against its face and inhale even after a shower his Master's testosterone permeated everything it touched. MuscleGod would have been annoyed at the fact that such an action was diverting the slave from its job of drying him, but it was of course understandable, he knew that the slave was totally under his spell, his command, his control. He looked down at him as it began to dry his left calf. "Lucky bastard " he whispered just loud enough for the slave to hear. "Yes Master"

"I want this place tidied, I'm having guest round" MuscleGod was dressed for the gym, He looked around his posing studio. He gave the slave directions on what he expected to be done. "They'll be here before I return, remember your place." MuscleGod looked the slave directly in the eye, leaning forward he began as if to kiss the slave, before some spit hit it at the back of the throat. "I expect to see them down here waiting by the time I'm back"

The slave spent the next few hours cleaning, police and making sure that the lighting was just right to show off his Master's majestic form. It was just as his Master had instructed when the door bell went off. When he answered he was greeted by two men, one about 5ft 6 the other just under 8 foot. Both were dressed as if they had been to the gym, muscle vests and short shorts that barely hid their dick covered with the tell tale sheen of a workout. "Are you Boss's bitch" one of them asked, pushing passed the slave without waiting for an answer.

Both men had clearly been in the studio before as the made their way down. As he followed them the slave knew that it would not be difficult to follow Master's orders. Bothe men sat down the shorter man's shorts now failing to contain his balls which were now fully visible. The taller man lifted his right arm pit and sniffed. "Like feet bitch?" the shorter one asked, without waiting for an answer he had slipped off his trainers, a move quickly followed by the other.

"Get going and fucking worship them" the slaves face was soon stinging with a slap to his head. He moved closer began to sniff the feet of the shorter man. The smell was intoxicating, and enjoyable but was no where near as intoxicating as that of MuscleGod. He was pushed on to the floor and both men were soon rubbing tier feet into his face. "Sniff it bitch, come on you pig" It found the arrogance a turn on and there was no way that it could not submit to what were undoubtedly two great specimens of masculinity. The room was soon full of a mix of the verbal abuse from the two men , and the animalistic grunts of the slave as it got deeper into submission.

"Good to see you again boys. I hope my lad's been making you feel at home"

Boss had arrived home. He must have been back for sometime as he was naked except for his favourite leather posing pouch and a leather strap around his left biceps.

Although he acknowledged their superiority the slave noticed that the arrogance that they had demonstrated since it answered the door had now vanished. In MuscleGod's presence they were clearly inferior and in awe of his power. They slowly moved off the bench from where they had been tormenting the slave and were soon kneeling at either side of MuscleGod their heads bowed. "Ready to begin" "Yes Boss " they replied in unison as they each bent down to kiss a foot.

Slave get the measuring tape. He ordered the two visitors to the middle of the floor. "Ok slave you are going to measure me, then you are going to measure these two gentlemen. We've all spent three hours at the gym today so we should be at our physical peak.

Over the next hour the slave measured the three men, first MuscleGod. as he called out the result the other two cockiness and confidence waned , from the corner of his eye the slave was certain that he could see their muscle shrink, even as they desperately tried to flex and maintain the mass they had gained from the earlier workout. His Master measured and worshipped, the slave was directed to measure the other two.

Briefly MuscleGod left the room, and the arrogance that they had shown when they had first entered the house returned, as they looked at the slave with disdain, yet as soon as they heard MuscleGod approach it quickly disappeared agin.

MuscleGod stood in front off them flexing and transitioning into various poses, poses they were expected to mirror. As they did the slave noted them down, only MuscleGod would see the final result. As he did so he began reciting his Mantra quietly almost a whisper in the ear of the two men. "Perfect MuscleGod I adore him, Powerful Muscle God I worship him" As the measuring continued it changed "Perfect Muscle God, we worship him, perfect muscle god we worship him" the changes to the mantra slowly continued until after he had finished the final measure meant both visits said "Perfect MuscleGod he controls us, Perfect MuscleGod he own us"

"I think we ready for the next stage." MuscleGod took the notebook off the slave and looked at it briefly. I'm of course the winner, and the winner deserves to be worshipped. So get going. " There was much hesitation The slave whispered "He controls us, we obey him" . "Now" the two men approached the MuscleGod as quickly as they could, both terms were raised exposing his pits. "Start there"

The slave watched as the two men worshipped his Master, everything was synchronised from the way thatchy rubbed his chest, sucked on his nipples, and moved down his torso to his legs. Although it was not part of the worship session the slave could still smell the testosterone as it filled the room, overpowering the visitors ensuring that they knew he was Boss.

The only non synchronised movements were when they sniffed and inhaled his crotch and arse., although both let outa grunt of ecstasy at the same time. MuscleGod looked in the mirror as they touched and caressed him. As much as he enjoyed having his slave worship him, seeing two muscular men with well defined bodies do it was a greater turn on. It was also a turn on for the slave, seeing two men who were his superiors with far better bodies submit to his Master.

"Enjoy that ?" Both men nodded. "Ok I suspect you want to know which one of you is the most muscular" He turned to the shorter one, and lifted his arm in victory. A touch of arrogance returned to the shorter mans face as he smirked at his tall companion.

He turned to the taller man, "Better luck next time" Slave here will show you out, but that dick looks as if it needs emptying feel free to use its throat.

Musclegod watched as his slave led the looser out of the studio.

MuscleGod wondered to the corner of his studio. "Now" he said addressing the winner," I bet you wonder what your prize is." Cockily he responded with a simple "Yeah"

"It's this" MuscleGod threw a leather strap at him. It was a heavy collar. A slave collar"You're my newest slave. You have thirty seconds to put that on"

By the time the slave returned from showing the loser out the studio was full of the groans as the winner was being fucked hard by MuscleGod. It knelt by its Master and watched the dick slide in and out of his the muscle slave's hole and began his mantra "Thank you MuscleGod we adore you"

Next: Chapter 9

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