Perfect Muscle God

By Ash Eater

Published on Oct 12, 2023


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Musclegod placed the dumbbells back in the rack, and flexed, as he looked in the mirror he heard another groan behind him, it was the tenth in the space of five minutes.. In the reflection he saw the man behind him quickly remove his hand from inside his shorts.

MuscleGod smiled to himself, he wasn't surprised, he knew how much power he had. He flexed again this time looking at the reflected image of the man behind him, who again placed his hand inside his shorts. MuscleGod had been working out for the last half hour, it wasn't particularly busy so he was more aware of the men who were clearly more interested in his work out than their own.

A few of them had submitted to his power some more than once, even those who hadn't acknowledged his power . masculinity and superiority. In awe of his arrogance no encounter with him was complete without addressing him as Sir.

MuscleGod had not seen this man before, he entered some fifteen minutes earlier, it had not taken long for him to fall under MuscleGod's spell. Shortish and grey and frankly a bit wimpy he had been standing with the same pair of 15 kg weights for the last ten minutes, his only exertion fondling his hard dick. Each time MuscleGod flexed a groan filled the room, and MuscleGod had flexed a lot.

The man was confused by what was happening, his hard dick was making itself known in a most uncomfortable way. This was only the third visit to this particular gym, and was still trying to work out the layout and the clientele. He'd been in five minutes when out of the corner his eye he spotted a man with the most amazing physique working out. Initially he looked as he was impressed the man had clearly put in a lot of effort to get the physique he had. Then as he started to do his own work out found himself wanting to just stand there and watch the muscle man., this God. He wasn't just muscular, he was powerful, he could sense the arrogance. He wondered what it would be like to talk to him, to touch him, to submit to him to be fucked by him

He let out another groan as the muscleman lifted a water bottle to his lips. A groan of pleasure but also one of concern. He was a straight man ,married, and hadn't even thought of another man like this since his university days. The two decades long buried thoughts of being attracted to men were being dug up. The more he tried to think about other things the more his thoughts turned to the muscular God that stood in front of him.

MuscleGod looked , it was time to make a move. Allegedly straight men falling under his spell wasn't new, and he was in the mood to take advantage of someone who was so clearly mesmerised by his power. MuscleGod took a swig of water, and walked over to the man who grew anxious as he got nearer. "I don't care about that wedding ring, as right now neither do you. I know what you want and if you are serious you'll be outside in exactly one hour, showered and dressed"

He lifted the man's water bottle and unscrewed the lid, and deposited some of his spit inside. "Let's call that something to whet that appetite. "

The man looked at MuscleGod, his hand still in his short "Yes Sir" he responded.

"Good man. Now go get changed and I'll see you outside, you better be ready to serve."

MuscleGod resumed his workout, there were two outcomes of this conversation, the man would have headed to the toilet had a quick wank, and immediately head home, and quite likely avoid the gym for a few weeks or possibly ever. Or he'd already be half dressed and be waiting obediently outside, slowly drinking the water that now contained his spit. Based on past experience, and the need that Musclegod saw in the man's eyes; a need to serve that so many a straight man had admitted when confronted by his arrogant power he would be outside waiting.

MuscleGod lifted his armpit and inhaled. He needed to work out a bit more, and give the new slave something to remember for the rest of its life. The interaction between the two had not gone unnoticed two other men were watching. Both had previously fallen under MuscleGod's spell and as a result were not bothered that their gym-shorts were showing distinct damp patches, a result of their dicks leaking precum as they remembered how his powerful dick destroyed their holes. .

MuscleGod was not unaware and his own cock hardened at the thought that these men were wishing they could worship him again. He walked over to the treadmill, making sure his admirers were aware of the tenting in his shorts, a reminder of the pleasure they would be denied later that afternoon.

Out side the man waited, he had no idea why but he was.Approaching 45 he had been married for 15 years and had never had a thought about another man since his late teens.. Damn he'd hardly had had a thought of another woman. He looked at the time another fifteen minutes at least..Perhaps it was a joke and that he could go home have a wank and put it down to some form of mid-life crisis. Ok he'd have to find a new gym. What harm would it do if he waited, if it was a joke then thats fine, no one else would have been in on it . An image of the man flashed in his head. Was it normal to think what it would be like to have his face buried in the crack of the man's arse, to suck his dick and have it in his arse Two minutes to go. His dick was now rock hard again, he hoped to god that he'd not leak more precum. That's it an hour. Oh what's another ten minutes. As he thought that the muscular man came into view. He was still in his gym gear. The sweat was shining of the muscular torso. His knees began to shake, as he felt the aura of arrogance and power approach . It wasn't a case a fight or flight, he had no option but to surrender.

MuscleGod knew what was going through the man's mind. It was quiet so he let out a ball of spit from his mouth and let it fall onto his training shoe. He looked at the man, furrowing his eyebrows Musclegod looked down and back straight into his eyes. The man slowly lowered himself to the ground and kissed the trainer, before hurrying back up.

"I don't know what your name is, I don't need to know. I'm MuscleGod, but you will address me as Boss. Before we head off I suggest you call your wife, tell her you wont be home till late, very late If that's not convenient then we will say goodbye now, and you can head home and have me as a wank fantasy for the rest of your life"

MuscleGod had plans, and he wasn't going to rush, he had also given the man a get out, an opportunity he knew that would not be taken up He lifted his left arm, showing off his muscle and a whaft of testosterone hit the man's nose.

The man had almost forgotten about his wife. He hoped his excuse of meeting with old friends was convincing.

Twenty minutes later MuscleGod was at his front door.

" As soon as I put the key in the lock, you are no longer a man, you will be a slave. You will do as I order or face the consequences. My slaves only stand when they are either worshipping me, or carrying out a chore which is impossible to carry out when kneeling, You will not speak unless you are answering a question, or when worshipping and singing my praises. Understood?"

The man knelt down, even though he hadn't been instructed to his kissed MuscleGods trainers. He kept his nose there for as long as possible as the aromas of his new Master's feet filled his lungs. That was the answer that MuscleGod needed.

Inside kneeling was it, his slave. Head bowed, the collar tightly secured to its neck. MuscleGod had given advance notice of his arrival, it was probably looking forward to some muscle worship, and throat moulding. MuscleGod was certain that the former would happen, but whose throat would be moulded was yet to be decided.

Addressing the man "This is slave, it knows every inch of my body, it could tell you how big each of my muscles are , and how big they were any any given day for the last year and more. It is devoted to me ,just touching me can lead to a torrent of cum. That's how much power I have over it.

If it had its way it would exist only to worship me, touching me tasting me watching me as my muscle get bigger, as my cock gets bigger. The more I'm worshipped the bigger the harder the cock gets. Yes I like to get worshipped, and that's why you are here."

The man had barely moved. A small part of him wanted to get up and make an escape but the more MuscleGod spoke the more he wanted to stay.

"Come here" the man crawled over , Musclegod lifted up his chin. A ball of spit fell onto his face.. "Now follow it downstairs"

Ten minutes later, the sound of MuscleGods footsteps filled the basement.Both slaves were kneeling either side of MuscleGods posing platform. Heads bowed. He stepped on to it, he looked at his reflection in the mirror.

Just seeing his reflection made his dick twitch, he had long given up trying to control his ego, he was the best. He looked down in the reflection he saw the two slaves already distracted by worshipping his feet. He had considered wearing his boots but wanted the new slave to get used to his smell, to get addicted. The more of his scent that it inhaled the more likely that it would return.

"Take your hands away from that dick , boy. The only way that you will come today will be from the pleasure of serving, my slaves don't need to feel their dicks. Understood?"

Musclegod took the whimper as a yes.

"Ok let's get me ready for worship. Take this kit off me"

Both slaves stood up. It held the hem of MuscleGod's vest and lifted it it up over his body and head. Lifting it to its nose it inhaled. Its companion watched nervously, then as then copied his actions as both slaves planted their faces into MuscleGods sweaty hairy armpits.

"MuscleGod you control me. MuscleGod I adore you"

MuscleGod never tired of hearing this, and smiled to himself as the mantra quickly changed to "MuscleGod you control us MuscleGod you own us. MuscleGod we worship you " It took a minute or so but soon both slaves were chanting.

As they chanted they moved down and were kneeling besides his waist. Together they lowered MuscleGods shorts reveal a jock strap. They both leant in and inhaled. "The hit of sweat, piss and precum hit the back of the man's nose, and throat" Not only could he smell the power he could taste it. It tried to visualise what it reminded him of, all that it could think of was power and arrogance.

Over the next hour the two it and the man worshipped every muscle and sinew as MuscleGod stood and looked at himself in the mirror, flexing muscle and going through his poses. It guided the new slave ensuring that he didn't miss any part of their Master's body. When it

touched and caressed the left bicep, slave did the same with the right, when it leaned in and inhaled the muskiness of MuscleGod's groin, slave joined him. Eventually both slaves had worked their way up so they were facing MuscleGods pecs, this time slave did not need to be guided and before Slave 1 had a chance he was sucking on his Master's nipple.

MuscleGod groaned in pleasure, which led to both slaves working harder, their only aim now was to please him. He pushed his latest acquisition away from his chest, and its natural reaction was to kneel. "I like slaves that remember orders from the beginning, of course I'll have to find reasons to punish you if you continue like that. I like punishing don't I?"

"Yes Boss" it responded in what sounded to the slave as oddly joyful a tone

As it continued to work on his nipple MuscleGod let loose some spit , slave licked it off the floor without any hesitation.

"Have you see such arrogance before?"

"No Boss"

Have you been in the presence of such masculine power before?"

"No Boss "

"Does it turn you on?"

"Yes Boss"

"Does submitting turn you on?"

MuscleGod didn't need a response he could see by the slaves hard dick and the trace of precum that it did

"Quite right. I'm all powerful, and I am rightly arrogant, men like you exist to serve, exist to submit"

Isn't that right boy? Musclegod grabbed its collar which it took as a sign to stop sucking.

"Yes Master." it replied as it too fell to its knees

He released the grip and ordered it to remove his jockstrap.

He's been wearing it for the last three days., scrunching it up he forced it into his slaves mouth.

Now get over there, kneel and watch,

He slapped slave's face, you stay here. You have more work to do to prove you are worthy of being part of my stable

Both slaves remained silent as MuscleGod left he basement. Ten minutes or so later he had returned, wearing thigh length boots, and a Muir cap. He held a cigar in his mouth which he briefly removed. "Submission to me requires submission to leather too. MuscleGod walked over to a seat, he sat down and stared into the man's eyes'.

The man returned the look, mesmerised by the power. Four hours ago he had walked into a gym, now he was on his knees in a basement with a total stranger. Back then he would have considered him self a confident straight man, now the only thing he was confident about was that the man sitting in front of him was his superior, he was even questioning whether he could call himself a man ever again, all he wanted to do was obey, worship be collared..

Slowly he crawled over and without a word being uttered began to worship the boots. This was his first taste of leather. The first tentative lick was followed by a second more enthusiastic one in a minute a casual observer would have thought he had been born a boot licker. He probably had been it had taken 40 plus years to realise it.

As he paid homage and worshipped his Master's boots he heard a strange noise. He looked up , MuscleGod was lighting a cigar, the bright flame contrasted with dim light of the basement. MuscleGod's face illuminated by the glow. Behind him he heard the other slave groan. MuscleGod smiled knowing that even the noise of a cigar lighter had a strong effect on his slave.

MuscleGod spat on the boot , and watched as his new acquisition worked up the shaft of the boot to remove it. Good lad, you will accept all my fluids, my sweat, my spit my piss and my cum. Turn round and look behind you.

"That's the look of envy. It is desperate to serve me, thirsty for my piss, hungry for my cum. Seeing another slave takes its place is hard. Yet it also happy. Joyful intact. Happy to see yet another human at my feet serving, obeying becoming controlled by me. Isn't that right"

"Yes Master"

The slave would have done anything to be at his Master's boots licking his leather. Yet just watching how the visitor had changed so quickly from an apprehensive pick up to a fully devoted slave in a matter of hours made him happy. It was less important that he had the opportunity to worship, what was important was that MuscleGod was worshipped. He watched in envy MuscleGod fed the new slave his spit, how he made it inhale his smoke, how it was the new slave whose voice quietly but confidently said "Thank You Master. I adore You Master"

As envy turned to pride, pride that it was owned and controlled by the perfect Master, it noticed that MuscleGod was playing with his dick. To its relief the slave noticed to and worked his way up from the bottom the boot. This was the centre of MuscleGod's power, it would be unthinkable to ignore it. The slave was kneeling directly in front of it. He had never sucked a dick before, was he even worthy. He looked up MuscleGod's face slightly obscured by the smoke from the cigar.

"Slave, boot licker, cock sucker"

He coyly licked the shaft feeling it twitch and quiver. His instinctive reaction was to take it in his mouth, he had now fully surrendered to his Master's power. He surprised himself as he adjusted to the role of cock sucker, his mouth was full but he was silently saying prayers of gratitude, , gratitude that he had been selected to worship. As the cock grew inside his mouth he began to choke and struggle for air but all that mattered now was keeping the cock hard. MuscleGod and It's eyes caught each other, they both smiled.

"He adores you Master, he worships you . You control him, You control us Master"

It continued the chanting as MuscleGod pressed his hand down hard on the slaves head as he filled its mouth with his cum.

As it was his first visit MuscleGod decided that he would give it an hour to rest before he realised the extent of Master's strength and virility , by destroying his other hole.

Next: Chapter 21

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