Perfect Muscle God

By Ash Eater

Published on Jul 24, 2023


MuscleGod took a drag on his cigar, and exhaled. He was ready for the next stage of the slave's service.

It had been given ten minutes to rest and get ready. Ten minutes it deserved as it had served well as a boot licker, not just his Master's but a host of other leathermen who joined MuscleGod for an evening of cigar smoking, Its back was probably sore from the weight of Musclegod pressing into it. It had also served well as its Master's ashtray urinal and cock sucker. It had already been rewarded by a few dozen whacks of MuscleGod's riding crop, but now it was time for it to make itself really useful. Not as a slave but as an object.

MuscleGod approached the far end of the darkroom his footsteps echoing off the walls. Even though there were screams of pain coming from a submissive submitting to his master;'s flogger Despite the noise. MUSCLEGOD knew that the only noise that the slave would hear would be his footsteps.

At the far end of the room the slave bent its head, its Master was approaching, although it had only been in there ten minutes it was desperate to continue its service. The noise of the footsteps broke through the screams of the flogging, when suddenly it ceased.

Kneeling there in near darkness it could detect its Master's presence, the leather, the scent cigar, and the aroma of power and arrogance that surrounded Him, but he could no longer hear his approach. The slave began to worry had its Master changed its mind, had He had a better offer a tighter hole, a more complaint throat, some fresh meat that offered a change from the usual routine the slave had to offer.

It began to recite its mantra, its hymn of praise. "MuscleGod I adore, you MuscleGod you Control me. All powerful MuscleGod I submit to you"

MuscleGod smiled, as He watched the slave kneeling, its Mantra just about audible . Yes he controlled it, Yes he owned it. He was all Powerful, and the slave was about to be reminded of the best way to acknowledge that power.

He lowered himself and grabbed the slaves hair lifting the head from the bowed position. Looking down directly at his property's face .

"Ready Boy"

The slave instinctively opened its mouth ready for what it hoped would come. Seeing its Handsome Master's face close up made it weak, whist strengthening its resolve to serve.

A ball of spit hit the slave in the face. MuscleGod wasn't going to give it what it wanted just yet, a mouthful of spit would come later.

"I said are you ready ?" "Yes Master"

"We have some unfinished business" He released a stream of spit, again deliberately missing the still open and hopeful mouth.

MuscleGod walked around the kneeling creature below him, His gloves tracing a circle around its neck and face as he did so . "Master I adore you" the slave whispered. All it could think about now how was his weakness compared to MuscleGod's power.

By now MuscleGod was impatient, he was here for one thing, the slave was here for one thing. He unbuttoned his leather trousers and unzipped. The slave inhaled the scent. There were three scents that it craved for. His Master's leather, his Masters cigar smoke, and the smell of the centre of his Master's power MuscleGod's cock and balls .

Musclegod pushed the slave against the wall, his hard wet dick slid into the slave's mouth. It had been a while since He had throat fucked anyone, and this was a good opportunity for the slave to prove its ultimate worth. MuscleGod had forced the slave into this position tonight rather than lying back and watch the slave eagerly slide its throat along the length of its shaft watching as His dick grew in size as the slave got to work, tonight he was intent on brutally fucking the slaves throat using it , abusing it

You'd better do a good job, I've sacrificed some decent Cigar time for this"

The slave almost immediately began to choke. It had been weeks since it had last served its Master, but the resistance would be brief as muscle memory meant the throat began to mould to accommodate the perfect dick. the pace was initially slow, not out of concern for the slaves well being but MuscleGod wanted to savour the experience of the slave's throat moulding around his cock. But such concern was only brief , soon MuscleGod's power was concentrated in the act of throatfucking.

As the fucking grew more intense the gagging noises increased, as the slave got louder MuscleGod got harder and fucked harder.

The slave's eyes began to burn as tears fell from its eyes. it looked up. Its Master was looking straight ahead, focusing on the wall. The slave knew right now as far as MuscleGod was concerned it was as far removed from being a human as one could imagine, it was an object. It's dick hardened at the thought.

Briefly he withdrew his dick, "Enjoying that bitch" "Yes Master, use me Master" MuscleGod smiled and slid the dick back in, and continued to destroy the slave's throat. The gagging nosies were now at their loudest, they had passed the stage of resistance, it was the sound of acceptance.

MuscleGod smiled. "Thats the noise I like to hear. The noise of gratitude. Take it all in." That throat's mine bitch. Show me how you like it. The slave looked up at its Master. MuscleGod smiled as it saw the eagerness to please, and the desperation to serve look back up at him. "Did you say something"

The slave's throat was filling up with saliva. Much needed as it helped lubricate his perfect Master's dick. "Fuck slave's throat Master" four words that were indecipherable due to the noise of the gagging. "

Looking up he saw a man in the corner wanking. On a normal night that man would have considered himself a Leather Top, his internet presence was devoted to tales of how he used and abused subs, but the look in his eye betrayed the fact that right now he would have wanted nothing more but to swap place with the slave, to be MuscleGod's plaything. MuscleGod made a mental note to send him a message, it wouldn't take much to transform him permanently into one of his leather subs.

As the dick hit the back of its throat the slave's own dick leaked, surrendering to the arrogance of the Perfect MuscleGod. He could taste the arrogance and power of his Muscular Master, a man who less than an hour ago was taunting him and the rest of the bar with his perfect body. Suddenly a stream of cum filled its mouth.

"Swallow and get it clean" MuscleGod tone changed as the slave eagerly licked the remains of his cum off the now softening dick. "Good lad" now wait here ten minutes get me a beer and then continue with my boots. You did such a good job you can get my recycled beer before I go home.

He pushed the slave's head back and spat into the waiting mouth.

"I adore you Master" the slave said loudly as MuscleGod's powerful footsteps echoed along the corridor to the exit of the dark room It smiled as the last remains of MuscleGods cum slid down its throat.

Next: Chapter 19

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