Perfect Muscle God

By Ash Eater

Published on Jun 2, 2023


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"Thank You Sir"

The slave bent down and kissed the pair of boots that were before him. Their owner grunted, as he pulled up the zip on his leather trousers.

Noting it was no longer required the slave crawled along the floor back to MuscleGod. It was the third time it had been used that night as a urinal by MuscleGod's fellow leather men. It had barely been in his Master's company for the last hour instead having been ordered to be useful. Serving other men proved his inferior status, but it also proved his own Master's superiority. He served men, he submitted to MuscleGod there was a huge gulf between the two states.

It rested its head against MuscleGod' thigh. Even now he could sense MuscleGod's power and strength, the power combined with the scent of leather filling its lungs, made its dick uncomfortably hard. MuscleGod's leather gloved hand rested on the top of its head and ruffled the hair. "Good lad. You served well"

MuscleGod, moved the slaves head so its face was now directly resting on his groin. He had not yet decided if he was going to allow the slave to serve him fully tonight. After all there were a number of eager leathersubs whose holes were desperate to be destroyed again by his dick. Each one of them looking at him, scared to approach for fear of being dismissed.

MuscleGod smiled to himself such behaviour fuelled his arrogance. If he wanted he could have fucked at least three of them last night, three destroyed arses for his slave to have cleaned up after. But for some reason he'd rejected each one. The look of disappointment on their faces making him appreciate his power over them, he also knew that in each case they they were now in the dark room wanking, even being humiliated by MuscleGod was enough.

Lick it boy" Feeling his owners cock grow through the leather was all that he needed.

"I adore you Master"

MuscleGod lifted the slave chin, and looked down at it. The slave opened its mouth. MuscleGod took a swig of his beer, and slowly released it. A direct hit, followed by one consisting not of beer but of spit. "Piss and spit. Tell me how much you like it lad" " I exist to serve Master, to swallow your piss, your spit, your sweat"

MuscleGod pushed the slave back so it was upright . He wanted to give it a good view of his power. The slave whimpered. Before him stood the pinnacle of manhood. Tonight hIs perfect MuscleGod was also his Perfect Leather God.

MuscleGod nodded, a nod quickly followed by a spit. It hit the floor besides MuscleGod's boot. A sign that it was time to start worshipping . "It's a while since the bottom got cleaned boy" MuscleGod growled. The tone in his voice sent a shiver through the slave.. A shiver partially of fear but also one of excitement.

MuscleGod stood towering over the slave. He looked down at his property as it positioned its self on the floor , flat on its back ready to serve. MuscleGod smiled as he silently cleared his throat before releasing a large river of saliva on to the target below. "Thank You Master I adore you. I worship you" MuscleGod lifted his right foot and moved it so it was hovering over the slaves face. The slave took the boot in its hands and lowered the foot and began to lick the bottom. The flat surface of the boot not quite smooth. The slave licked it from tip to heel. The dust from the floor mixed with beer and saliva. The slave was in a very happy place

No sooner had its tongue hit the sole its dick began to twitch. It hade the mistake of moving its hands down to its groin. It suddenly felt a hard kick. "Concentrate of your Master's boots not that worthless dick" It was one of the leather men whose piss he had drunk earlier. Slave moved its hand which was soon replaced by the pressure of a heavy boot. Above him two leather men were now deep in conversation. The slave was oblivious to the nature of he conversation as it concentrated on his owner's boot.

Briefly the slave felt the pressure of MuscleGod's bod press down on him through the boot as it pressed against his entire face. Looking up it could just about see the length of his Master's body. How the fuck had it even thought about touching its own excuse for a dick. Just worshipping one tiny part of his Master be it Muscle or leather was ten times as exciting and as stimulating,

"Roll over, and get back on your knees" The pressure on his groin lifted and the slave moved up as instructed. "Look at me" the slave looked up. Looking at the two men he knew what was coming, It opened its mouth , and the spit from both men soon hit his tongue. The taste of cigar ash and beer was now flooding his senses. The other man looked at him with distain. "I need an ashtray" The slave opened its mouth, it had already served as a urinal, why not an ashtray. It hoped that it would make his Master proud, proud that it was willing to serve its superiors, proud that it was happy to exist simply as his perfect Master's object. Musclegod held his head in a tight grip, and pulled its head back to make access easier. "Don't want you spilling any ash boy"

It swallowed the ash, its mouth now slightly dry. A tap of MuscleGod's boots an indication of what was expected next It got back down on the ground as it did so more ash fell on the floor beside it. It took the warm ball of ask in its mouth and swallowed. It turned its attention to the left boot and began to lick. The taste of spilled beer, dust , cigar ash and spit combined with that of leather. It was in the place it was born to be, on the floor at the feet of the most perfect Man. His Master. Even on the floor it could feel the power and arrogance that had led it to submit, that had drawn it to obedience and service.

It was so lost in submission it failed to realise that Master's fellow leatherman's own boot was now pressed on its left hand. "Enjoying down there lad" The slave groaned as it adjusted itself to worship some as yet untouched leather. MuscleGod looked down, Standing there even amongst other leathermen he knew that his arrogance and power lifted him above the crowd. None of them had a body like him, none of them had his level of arrogance, He was the best.

Just as in the gym he was a MuscleGod surrounded by mere muscle mean, here he was a LeatherGod surrounded by leathermen. They were leathermen he was a Leather God. He took a swig of beer, and then a second. With any luck the slave would be begging to be used as his urinal before the end of the night.

"Show me your arse" ordered the other leatherman. Slave moved on to its knees, it was programmed now to obey any order given to it by a superior. Only briefly did its mouth lose contact with its Master's boots. Musclegod looked around the space, a beer in one hand, a cigar in his mouth and An obedient eager bootlicking slave grovelling at his feet. What could be better? He wondered what kind of man would allow itself to adopt such a role, but just as his arrogance meant that he existed to be served, it was natural that some men felt much better when they just surrendered to the natural order. The slave let out another "Thank You"those who unused to this they would have assumed the groans were down to the beating, but MuscleGod knew it was all a result of being allowed to worship his boots.

"Beg for more boy" MuscleGod ordered during a pause in the beating. Show me how much pain you can take for me. Reluctantly the slave removed itself from its Master's leather boot. ":BeAt me Sir, please beat me"

"You heard the lad another twenty should do it"

He then released a ball of spit That hit his other boot. "Come on lad show it the respect it deseRves." The slave looked up at its Master `Thank You Master, I adore you" MuscleGod noticed some tears running doWn the slaves face, mentally it was oblivious to the beating and the pain, but clearly physically each stroke was having the effect he wanted. A reminder that the slave existed to worship, to serve, and be used as he wanted."

The final stroke of the crop hiT the slave followed quickly by a yank on the slaves heavy chain collar pulling it upwards so it was directly looking at the groins of both men. The slave could smell the muskiness and testosterone of its Master, and was desperate to get closer to inhale."Time for a reward "

MuscleGod stood up and moved behind his slave, it knew better than to turn round. It pushed the slaves head against his stomach, His leather jacket now open. The slave turned round in inhale the combined scent of leather and his Master's sweat. the warmth of his Master's flesh was comforting. It made it yearn for a time when it was just the two of them when its only purpose was to worship muscle.

Suddenly a leather covered hand was in its peripheral vision. MuscleGod twisted the slave's head to look at it directly. The slave had frequently worshiped every inch of his Master's gauntlets. It was now transfixed as it wondered what his Master had in store. He watched as it moved away from him, . Master's leatherman companion removed the cigar from his mouth and spat. It came closer, the slave could see a small puddle in the palm of his Master's hand. MuscleGod then spat himself., before returning it to the leatherman who added some cigar ash.

"Ashtray and spittoon in one". You are proving to be a most useful object today slave

"When you're ready" Without missing a beat the slave responded "

"Ready Master, I adore you Master" The glove moved up towards the slaves mouth the ash fell in and it then began to worship the glove removing the remains of the ash and the spit. before the hand pressed hard restricting the slaves breathing, The grip was relaxed, "deep breath boy"

"You like this don't you? Surrendering yourself to my power. Everything you do now is controlled by me. That includes breathing""

"Yes Master " the slave responded in the few seconds of release when another ball of its Masters spit hit the glove. There was no doubt it liked it. MuscleGod's power over it was unrelenting, the slave could think of no better way to spend a Saturday night.

Musclegod slid his fingers into the slave's mouth, and began fucking its throat with his hand. The gagging sound making him smile as always. Take a breath" His hand again covered the slaves mouth and nose. He smiled at his leather companion who watched. He could see the obedience and need to serve in the slave's eyes. Finally he nodded, and MuscleGod relaxed his grip. He pushed the slave to the ground. two balls of ash fell in front of him. Both of the slave's hands were crushed under a boot as it began to eat "Someone's a lucky bitch. and you've not even had my piss yet"

Next: Chapter 17

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