Perfect Muscle God

By Ash Eater

Published on Oct 17, 2022


This is a sequel of sort to "The Perfect Leatherman" If you enjoy Nifty please remember to donate

"Breathe in deeply lad" The Perfect Leatherman pressed the thong against the sub's nose and mouth. The stench of testosterone filled the sub's lungs deepening his admiration of the man that towered above him. The thong had been worn daily for the past two months whilst the Perfect Leatherman worked out at the gym, each visit adding another layer of musky sweat. Today was the culmination of the two months" the competition. The Perfect Leatherman had just come off the stage having again been declared the winner of the competition he had worked hard for.

He looked in the mirror as he pressed the sweat drenched fabric across the sub's face. He smiled a smile of arrogance, triumph and victory. In between his teeth a cigar, yes theoretically it was a no smoking space, but no one would dare challenge him. The smoke filled the room his muscles gleamed from the oil that the sub had applied earlier. Each drop highlighting his power. Two months of hard work had paid off.

Not that he had any doubts years of work had gone into creating the perfect body one that his sub paid daily homage to either in person or virtually. Three hours a day in the gym lifting heavy weights, had created the perfect specimen of manhood. He flexed his left peck as it and his smile got bigger.

Three hours a day of admiring glances from his fellow gym goers, who with each visit looked at him with increasing admiration. They watched with envy as his muscles grew even the most heterosexual of them dreamed of being able to place their hands over his body and submit to his power, envious of the scrawny wimp that regularly accompanied him. It was always seen as a small victory if they managed to be in the changing room at the same time as him. Some poor specimens who were on the verge of leaving on his arrival would sometimes still be there three hours later hoping to catch sight of him again. The Perfect Leatherman knew that every night that an image of him would fill their heads as they wanked.

There was always someone new trying out the gym for the first time, some nervous some a bit cocky, within half an hour they all became mesmerised by his power. Envious of his muscles, jealous of the wimp that was with him. No one not even his sub knew his name, between themselves they knew him as the Musclegod, if they had the courage to address him it was always Boss.

The sub inhaled deeply. He was by now addicted by the scent, but the scent of victory increased the sense of intoxication. The sub had no doubt that his God was going to win, after all he knew every centimetre of the majestic body. HIs hands had caressed it all in his almost daily worship sessions. Accompanied by small prayers of thanks and gratitude, Caressing the mass of muscle was a ritual, the only way that he knew he could truly show his devotion. Looking up in the mirror the Triumphant arrogance that accompanied the victory made the sub weaker as he felt a stream of cum dribble down his leg. "You enjoying being down there don't you. Submitting, worshipping obeying. You adore this muscle. It controls you." "Yes Boss. You are my Musclegod"" "Power, control not just over you everyone" "Yes Boss" He bent down and kissed the bare feet. The bare perfect feet.

"Time for a celebratory worship session lad" The thong was thrown to the floor, the sub responded by turning his attention to the legs that now faced him. His hands glided up and down the thighs and calves. Hopefully it wouldn't be too long before his head was against being crushed between the thighs as he sucked on the Perfect Leatherman's dick culminating with a mouthful of tasty cum. The Perfect Leatherman knew how the sub's mind worked he was in no hurry to reward him, in fact he was going to work really hard for even a taste of his precum. His victory that afternoon had fed into his arrogance, he felt bigger and more powerful. No scratch that he was bigger and more powerful. He reached own and lifted the sub's head upwards , a stream of spit filled the sub's eager mouth.

After ten minutes the sub's hands were gliding over a pair of flexed biceps, it took a lot of effort to try and not get too distracted by the scent that was coming from the nearby arm pits. As he moved closer to lick the left biceps, he groaned he felt his dick harden within the confines if its cage,

It was then that the door opened. "Congratulations" The sub looked up it was one of the unsuccessful competitors. It was his first competition , but that hadn't stopped him from being cocky. The Perfect Leatherman admired the arrogance, but there was only room for one winner. That was him, no one was going to take away his position as the true Musclegod.

The Perfect Leatherman excused his sub as he turned his attention to the unexpected visitor. In his early thirties, this the first time the two men had met. Usually the unsuccessful competitors would try and skulk away their tails between their legs as soon as they could. They had been in enough competitions to know as soon as the Musclegod strutted on stage that the winner was in the room. He was therefore surprised at the cockiness dare he say arrogance of this sudden visitor. The Perfect Leatherman was still naked, he was in no hurry to cover up such a body. He was however annoyed that a worship session had been interrupted.

"I just wanted to congratulate you." The tone was not totally sincere, and as the conversation went on it had a few barbs about the Leatherman's age. He refused to let this rile him too much after all he had won. As he always did, and always would.

He responded by asking the competitor about his ambition and how long he had been into competing. As he spoke he look into the competitors; eyes, and began to play with his pecs, at first cupping then massaging them. He blew some cigar smoke into his face. He flexed his biceps.Although technically looking at the competitor the Perfect Leatherman was in fact looking at his own reflection. He was annoyed at the upstart. As the conversation continued he could see the competitors eyes gloss over. The tiny thong that he wore was now unable to hide the fact that he was erect.

"Like what you see" The competitor nodded, "Want to touch" Another nod, the Musclegod rubbed his pec again, and moved closer, the competitors eyes widened and moved out his hand as if to tentatively touch. "Come on you know you want to" The competitor finally built up the courage. The sub smiled as he saw the tell tale sign of cum escaping as the colour of the thOng changed,

"Like that?" Tongue-tied the competitor nodded as he moved closer, both hands were now moving the victors body he slowly moved his hands over the upper torso, at no stage was there a break in eye contact. He slowly moved down rubbing his hands over the hard chest then the thighs and the legs. Eventually he was on his knees. He moved in closer to the groin, and inhaled. He groaned.

"Like that?" the tone a mix of sarcasm and triumph. There was no doubt where the power lay in the room,

This time a response "Yes Boss" he moved in closer as if he was about to suck the cock that was before him . There was no way that was going to happen. Only the favoured few were eligible for such delights, and someone as disrespectful as the competitor was certainly not favoured. In a trance he moved further down and was soon at the feet. He began to lick "Excellent that's where you belong, at my feet. A pathetic worm grovelling at the feet of a God. What are you?" The competitor struggled to speak, the sub just about heard "A Worm Boss" Using his feet the Victor turned the competitor over. Spitting directly into its face. "Do you want to smell me. Taste me, submit to me?" "Yes Boss " it was barely audible.

The confidence had all gone, he was soon groaning as a foot pressed against his face, the strength and force almost breaking his nose. Above him the Leatherman began to wank. He smiled at his sub and beckoned him over. "Worship. Worship and acknowledge your God"

The sub resumed the caressing of the perfect body his head resting against the muscular back as his hands rubbed the chest. Finally the Perfect Leatherman came. The competitors body was covered."Now fuck off."In a state of shock the competitor pulled himself along the floor realising that the door was still open and that his humiliation had been spotted by anyone who passed. The Perfect Leatherman laughed, the worm was unaware of his lucky escape. The last one to trying challenge him like that needed up as a tournament urinal for two years.

"Clean it lad" the sub fell to his knees and cleaned the cock that was before him. Any feelings of disappointment that he had not been fed his load of cum, were diminished by feelings of pride that he served such a powerful perfect man."Thank You Boss. My perfect Boss" He looked up hanging above his face almost two inches of cigar ash, "Here's your reward Lad"

With the taste of ash in his mouth the sub watched as the leather that was in the corner of the room was put on. The sense of power the man had on him intensified. "Ready?" The sub nodded and followed the leatherman out of the room, Along the corridor the competitor was alone in his room sobbing. A neutral observer would have seen a handsome muscular man, but as he looked in the mirror watching the tears fall he felt his muscles melt away. The Perfect Leatherman and his sub looked in. The sub smiled, grateful that he had submitted to the control of not only the Perfect Weatherman, but also the one true Musclegod. As he did a stream of cum ran down his leg.

Next: Chapter 2

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