Perfect Jimmy

By uncommonsense19

Published on Jul 22, 2022


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I'm a long-time reader of Nifty, but this is my first submission. I'd love to hear your feedback ( and please let me know if you would like to read part 2. Special thanks to my new friend Mark, an excellent author here, who encouraged me to write and provide me with some really great feedback. Happy reading friends! I really hope you like it and consider making a donation to Nifty to keep the site maintained and full of hot stories.

Perfect Jimmy

I don't know why I was nervous. I mean, I've flown before- just because this was an international flight and I'm alone doesn't mean it has to be scary. Yeah. I'm a grown man, a tough one, I don't get nervous often but something about this trip feels different.

My name is Gene, I'm 26, 5"10, and 210 lb, pretty solidly built- my friends call me the Indian Gronk- but I'm not sure if that is because of my build or because I like to party.

Yeah, I'm what they call a fuck-boy. I kept my jet black hair cut precise (3 inches long on top, slicked high and to the side, and bald fade), I love my big flashy gold chain and sneaker collection. I know I'm every inch the stereotype of a Gen-Z manwhore, but what can I say- it got me laid. The girls say it's the dark puppy dog eyes and the flirty smile but I know they love my cockiness and being able to say I picked them for the night. Maybe you think I'm a jerk- but the numbers speak for themselves.

As soon as they start boarding priority people I sneak off to a bathroom stall to take a few last tokes off my vape before the long flight. I had gotten to the airport way too early and I was already exhausted.

Fuck. There were like 200 people coming to the wedding in Cancun. Everyone I knew was on a flight 2 hours later. How was there not one person I knew on this flight? I scanned the crowd lined up for group A.

That's when I spotted him-Jimmy. Perfect Jimmy as I called him in my head. I mean, I kind of hate the dude...but only cause everyone else loves him. I'm kind of a black sheep in our Indian immigrant community, I didn't finish college, party too much, and listen to my parents too little, but Jimmy is the other Indian guy stereotype who finished pharmacy school at the top of his class, always well dressed, polite to the aunties and uncles, always singing and dancing for the parties. I mean he was a kind of a goody-two-shoes but not even in a dorky way. He was just NICE and has his shit together.

He's a little taller than me- 6"1, he's Indian too but his skin is like dark chocolate and it always glows. This guy probably drinks 64 ounces of water and moisturizes twice a day. He's leaner than me but the dude is still kind of jacked- broad shoulders, lean body tapered into a v-shape. Even his square jaw looked like it had been carved out of stone. He was wearing all black, the sleeves of his t-shirt showing off his biceps and his lounge pants hugging his thighs. Fuck. I knew he was coming but I didn't expect to see him on my flight. He was looking straight ahead bopping his head to whatever was in his AirPods. Of course, perfect Jimmy had his passport and boarding pass ready and was focused on keeping the line moving.

Wait... fuck where's my passport?! Oh ok, it's in my backpack. I got it out. Crisis over. I look over at Jimmy in line- trying to be subtle but catch his eye. I mean we're friendly- he probably thinks I'm a douche, but he's one of my older brother's best friends. He'll make sure I make it through Customs and stuff.

I lift my hand to kind of wave but he doesn't look over and I feel like a lame-ass. I'm standing off to the side of the gate agent checking people in. Finally, when he's next in line- he sees me. I catch his eyes and then he does it. This is why I think of him as Perfect Jimmy. The mother fucker has a smile like a goddamned movie star. His bright white even teeth, full lips, and his smile lights up his whole face- fuck it lights up the whole room. I can't stand how the smile reaches all the way to his eyes- he's like genuinely happy to see me. This guy! I give a lame wave again and the old cool-guy-head-nod back.

He waves and moves on in the line. A few minutes later I'm on the plane too- he's seated in the middle of the plane in a window seat.

"Hey man- wait for me when we land! I don't know what to do" I say when he catches my eye again as I walk up the aisle. He shakes his head no and points to the seat next to him. Fuck he wants me to sit next to him- damn, the middle seat! I walk over with a smile plastered on my face.

"Hey G! I saved a seat for you- I told people it was for my little brother" he beamed mischievously. This guy is peak golden retriever energy.

"Oh, thanks, man!"

He offered the window seat, but I declined and I squeezed myself into the middle seat next to him as a large Hispanic woman came in behind me for the aisle. I'm not trying to be an ass but she was a large lady- and I'm a decent-sized guy so it was a little tight in the middle seat. Jimmy lifted the armrest between us so I could spread my thick legs apart. He didn't seem to mind that I man-spread a little bit and my thighs were touching his. Oh well- maybe I could just take a nap- it's only a 2.5-hour flight.

Well, Jimmy had other plans- the dude was revved up! He was a groomsman at the wedding and was so excited. We ended up talking the whole way. And here's the thing- as much as I like to clown him internally- he's a genuinely nice guy. Turns out he had been in one of those fancy lounges before the flight which is why I hadn't seen him while waiting.

He's a good listener and had some funny stories. And while his partying stories didn't rival mine- maybe he wasn't as goodygoody as I thought. He made some jabs about showing me how to party this weekend- and I made some back about how he was turning 30 in a couple of months and how his party days were long behind him.

"Challenge accepted," he said confidently cocking one of his eyebrows up. Ok, maybe he is a dork.

As we got off the plane- I don't know what happened to me. I became a complete and utter twat. We got off the jetway and my backpack was unzipped and all my shit spilled everywhere. I began sweating profusely and Jimmy just laughed as he helped me. We get to the security place- and I've filled out the forms incorrectly so I have to get back in line. Jimmy waits patiently. I get out and ask Jimmy where baggage claim is-- "you checked a bag? For a weekend trip?" yeah fucked up again. He makes a few calls while I wait forever for my bag then he walks over to me. Smiles as he looks at me- "uh... G, this is the wrong carousel- we didn't come from Salt Lake City or on this airline" he directs me to the right carousel where my bag is waiting circling on the belt. " Fuck I'm a total spaz today." He just chuckled. Why the fuck is he so nice?

He guided us through the airport to the shuttle arranged by the resort. He spoke Spanish pretty fluently because - of course, he did. The little Spanish I had picked up was work at the hospital or buying drugs- both were pretty useless in this situation.

We climbed in the back of the crowded shuttle van to the hotel and once again I was pushed up close to Jimmy. How did he still smell like cologne? I hadn't stopped sweating since we landed, but he seemed like he was perfectly comfortable. Fuckin' Perfect Jimmy.

We talked some more on the half-hour trip to the hotel. He told me that he and his GF of two years had started planning a wedding even though he hadn't proposed officially yet. I wonder what was taking Perfect Jimmy so long to pop the question.

As we got out of the van and waited for the bellhop to unload our bags, Jimmy put his arm around my shoulders. "G, I'm so glad we got to hang out it's been a long time since we did. You're so fun bro- I can't wait to hang out this weekend and show you that we old guys' can still party.

"For sure Jimmy- hey man, honestly thank you, I would have been a hot mess at the airport if it wasn't for you"

"Would have been?!" He laughed loudly. "Glad to help but you got it, man- you never give yourself enough credit"

I don't know why but it made me feel good when Jimmy complimented me.

We checked into our rooms- Jimmy was sharing w a bunch of friends and I was in a big adjoining suite with my best friend and his girl. So we went our separate ways. "See you at the welcome party tonight," he called out as the golf cart drove him away.

Since I had a couple of hours before my other friends showed up and before the party so I grabbed a beer from the lobby bar and headed over to my room for a quick shower.

As the bellhop showed me in I noticed a problem- "uh this isn't an adjoining room?" I asked but quickly realized the bellhop's English wasn't any better than my Spanish. So I asked him to wait and I called the lobby.

They explained they didn't have any adjoining rooms available, but my friends would be next door and still connected through the pool in the back of the rooms. Basically, we had a semi-private villa and I was being charged the same rate as we had agreed for the adjoining suite.

Cool- private room. Maybe I could hook up this weekend without Jia finding out. We weren't exactly exclusive- but my friends wouldn't approve.

I opened the minibar, poured myself a shot of tequila, chase it with the rest of my beer, and proceeded to the shower with a shower beer. All-inclusive was going to be nice.

I looked at myself in the mirror as I waited for the shower to warm up. My golden caramel skin was clear, shoulders looked big, bicep check for the ladies- nice. My chest looks good- if I focused at the gym for 2 weeks my six pack would be back but it's still flat and hard muscled. I get no complaints about the body. I probably should have shaved my chest to show off the gains this weekend in the pool, but I kinda liked being hairy. I grew a big patch of hair on the top of my chest but it kind of disappeared down the center till a happy trail that I trim to the same length as my pubes. Still a full and manly bush- just not wild enough to get caught in Jia's teeth when she went down on me.

Fuck I wish she had come with me. Well not really- we weren't serious enough for a weekend trip but damn it would have been good to get this thing in her mouth. I looked down at my cock that was getting chubbed up by thinking about her blowing me.

I hopped in the shower and decided to christen the room w my cum. I reached down and grabbed my thickening uncut cock. It was just shy of 7 inches but it was thick in a way that made a girl's jaws hurt after sucking on it for a while.

I wonder if good two-shoes Jimmy got blow-jobs from his girl. Maybe she wouldn't put out and that's why he hasn't proposed. Poor guy- everyone deserves a blowjob sometimes. She was hot though. I wouldn't mind her blowing me. I pictured her on her knees in the shower with me. Opening her mouth wide enough to take me.

Then for some reason, I pictured Jimmy watching her. Yeah, let's cuck him- show him how she needs a real man to fuck her throat. He's in awe of how thick I am and how wide her mouth gets. He's on his knees too watching close as she swallows me. He's so close to my cock. I don't know why but my imagination goes a little haywire and I'm pulling my cock out of her mouth and stuffing it in his.

He's as surprised in the daydream as I am. But it's Jimmy- he's always eager to please. He goes down deeper than she did. I grab the back of his head and start fucking his throat as he gobbles as much of my wide dick as he can. I feel the back of his throat and his hands on my balls. FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK I shoot a giant load all over the shower wall imagining pumping into his pretty mouth. At least 8 shots of cum leave me with weak knees. What the fuck was that?!

Maybe that shot of tequila was fucking with me. It was amazing but confusing. I hopped out of the shower dried off and lay on the bed wrapped in a towel. I checked my phone- a message from Jimmy. Wtf.

It was a picture of him already in the pool- the picture was only from the shoulders up but damn his smile. "Come by room 805 before the welcome party! We are the only ones here early" texted. Fuck- why was I starting to get chubbed up again. "Maybe in a bit man- I'm gonna take a quick nap" I texted back. I took another shot of tequila and decided to ignore the growing bulge in my towel and try to nap.

I leaned back in the bed and close my eyes. The two shots and two beers in the last 20 mins or so had started to relax me. I hit my vape again. And thought about taking a quick nap. 20 mins should clear my head of whatever weird fantasy that was in the shower. Man no I can't call it a fantasy- just a daydream or I dunno imagination seizure. I didn't want Jimmy sucking my cock. I mean I'm a wild guy sexually but not like that.

I looked at my phone again and the picture of him in the pool was still on my screen. I mean he's a good-looking dude. I've always noticed his smile but now I'm looking at his mouth. His lips are full like Jia's. They are dark pink and pretty against his brown skin. They look soft. Fuck what am I thinking! I can't help it. I'm imagining them wrapped around my cock. I'm imagining him looking up at me eagerly... hunger in his eyes. I unwrap the towel from my waist. Yeah, I'm fully hard again.

"Fuck sleep, the pool looks nice- send more pics" I type on my phone. Is that weird to say? Fuck it- send. I put the phone down and stare at my fully solid erection. "Fuck you," I say to it and I slap it.


He already responded. "Yeah man, come by! The flight with everyone else is delayed for a couple of hours"

Ding It's him again this time more of his chest showing. He's probably hairier than me naturally but he keeps it cropped closer like his beard. His beard was perfectly sculpted around his square jawline just long enough to be a beard and not the 2-day old scruff on my face. His shoulders look good, his pecs defined, but the crop of the photo hides his nipples. The pool behind him is beautiful and looks empty.

"Beautiful" I reply.

"I know I am but what about the pool?" he dings back immediately. My heart skips a beat- wtf did he just read my mind?! How did he know I was checking him out in the picture?

"Haha jk!" he writes with a goofy face emoji.

"You're such a dork" I replied rolling my eyes. " what room? I'm in 922- I'll grab my trunks and head over" I said kind of surprising myself.

"Oh, I'm in 805. You're right by where the party is later. I'll grab my stuff and I could come to you- we can both get ready there and head to the party, that way you don't have to walk twice as far in this heat." he said- nice guy as always. "Does your pool look the same?"

I get out of the bed and stand in front of the sliding glass door. I'm too lazy to get dressed and go out to take pics so I just take a few and send them over with a message to "come on over I'm ready to party when you are". Then I throw the phone on the bed, grab another beer, and unzip my bag to pull out some swim trunks and a fit for the party.

A couple of mins go by with no response from Jimmy, I didn't think twice about it because I assumed he was on his way.

"Oh shit G I didn't realize it was that kinda pool party haha"

I guess he liked the pool. "You know me," I said. "Party like a rock star, fuck like a pornstar! I'm 2 shots and 3 beers in buddy- get ready to catch up"

I pinch the base of my cock to get it to go down some and I throw on some bright yellow swim trunks. I look in the mirror again. Yeah, I look good. Fuck perfect pretty Jimmy. I look like a stud. I fix my hair and spray some sunscreen on myself when I hear the knock on the door. "POOL'S OPEN FOR PARTY TIME BITCH!" I yell before taking another swig of beer and pouring us both shots. Jimmy comes in with a trademark big smile on his face. I hand him a shot but he just looks at me and then down at my shorts. "Uh, what happened G?" he sounded kind of disappointed.

I look down wondering if something is wrong with my shorts. "What?"

Jimmy sees the confusion on my face and BUSTS out laughing- cackling- and has tears of laughter in his eyes. I'm starting to get a little pissed because I'm definitely being laughed at.

"What bro?!" I say with a little bass in my voice.

"G, you have no idea do you- I figured!" he said between gales of laughter. " look at what you sent me!"

I grab my phone and scroll up through our texts. Was he laughing cause I said "party like a rockstar?" no that's exactly his dorky humor. I scroll up more and I see it. The pics I sent him. I'm a fucking idiot. The glass door was closed when I sent pictures of the pool- I'm reflected in the glass. I had sent Jimmy 3 pictures of me naked and hard as a rock. Fuuccckkk.

He's still dying of laughter as he sees the realization on my face.

"Shit bro I'm sorry! I sent them without even looking at them" I'm embarrassed but his laughter is now contagious.

Jesus! I'm rereading the texts "fuck like a porn star" and "I'm ready when you are" - oh God and this is after he sent the joke about him looking amazing. It totally sounded like I was inviting him to come over and fuck. I mean it couldn't have been flirtier if I tried! I feel the blood rushing to my face in embarrassment. " oh man shit Jimmy I'm so sorry man- I didn't mean to do that! Fuck I'm so embarrassed"

"I was confused but you were talking all this shit about how hard you party so I..." he paused with a giant smirk across his face "no pun intended"

"Yeah, I didn't mean that literally," I said mortified but able to laugh at myself now.

He looked at me as his laughter subsides and said "well I mean you have nothing to be embarrassed about clearly." That comment made me feel warm all over as his eyes ran up and down my body. "Besides half of Houston has probably seen you naked anyway, I'm sure you've sent worse pictures to whoever the girl of the week is"

His voice sounded different... gravelly... seductive?

I laughed again- "yeah I have, fuck I'm sure there are probably more explicit pics of me on the internet somewhere.--- Wait...I can't believe you still came over!"

Yeah- why had he come? I mean those texts weren't explicit but if I would have gotten them - I would have assumed booty call.

He stared at me for a moment with a quizzical look on his face, then his expression changed in a flash, back to his big smile. "Oh well, I mean... I just... I mean obviously, I just had to see the look on your face when you realized. I hope you didn't post those to IG already" he said.

I looked at him again, remembering my fantasy of him sucking my cock and starting to wonder what direction this was heading in. I had collected myself a little bit by now.

"Whatever man, I'm sure you've sent an accidental dick pic or two yourself," I said genuinely curious.

"Well not accidentally," he said smiling. Ah-ha- Perfect Jimmy had a naughty side.

Some unknown part of me took over, I felt like a kid who had been double-dog dared to do something. "Well the pictures were an accident but I did mean it when I said I was ready to party hard this weekend. Since you came out here- I guess I better live up to expectations."

I down the shot in my hand and started to tug my shorts down a little. My bush was on display and his jaw dropped open. Mmm exactly how I had pictured him before- mouth open and eyes on my growing dick.

There was a pause, a little too long before he spoke "Stop- You're such a freak" he laughed but there was a hollowness that didn't sound believable.

"Come on James live a little! It's Cancun- we are supposed to get wild!" I knew how much it annoyed him when people call him James.

He rolled his eyes, downed his shot, and stood up and he's definitely chubbed up in his striped trunks. He strolled past me, pulls off his tank top, and walked out the sliding glass doors to the pool. "Come on we are wasting valuable pool time!"

I was oddly a little disappointed that he had ignored me but followed him out. I stepped on the deck and remembered that we needed towels. I ran back in to get them and both of our phones. I grabbed them, stepped back out, and put them on the chair.

"Hey G!" Jimmy called out. I looked up and SMACK in the face. Wtf. I looked down at my hands and he had thrown his trunks at me. I looked over and he was naked in the pool. "Looks like no one around us in these rooms yet! Get in--- Cancun style." He winked and flashed a smile at me- a different one than usual. This one was kinky.

I yanked my shorts down and dove in. This just got interesting.

Next: Chapter 2

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