Perfect Couple

Published on Oct 21, 2002


The Perfect Couple

**The Perfect Couple: Kevin and Nick
Chapter 14
Written by Jayson Colin Vascardi
**Legal Disclaimer: This story is fictional and not meant to reflect upon or imply anything about any of the celebrities mentioned herein. If you are offended by material of a homosexual nature or if such material is illegal to view in your area, then you should be leaving now. Otherwise please enjoy the story!
This story is copyright ©2001-2002 by Jayson Colin Vascardi. All rights reserved.
If you don't use the above email link, please remember to include "Perfect Couple" in the email subject line. All emails will be answered.
Please send all emails to my Yahoo! address, as I only use my Hotmail address for MSN Messenger.
ICQ: 53886549
AOL IM: JCVascardi
MSN Messenger:


Errick leaves the house and drives to a local coffee shop to meet JC. Errick chose this particular place because he felt very confident that nobody would recognize JC, considering that the usual customers and the serving staff are mostly senior citizens. Errick and JC both order hot herbal tea, and then Errick starts telling JC about himself, since JC commented that Errick probably knows more about JC then even he does, as most fans tend to.

Kevin asks AJ over to his hotel room while Nick is out for lunch and shopping with his sister BJ. Much to AJ's surprise, Kevin wants to dye his hair blond. AJ suggested blue or green, but Kevin said he doesn't want to look like a circus clown. AJ dies Kevin's hair, eyebrows, and goatee blond. AJ then in turn tells Kevin what to do, and Kevin dyes his pubic hair blond as well.

After leaving the coffee shop, Errick checks himself into a Holiday Inn for the night, not wanting to see Derrick. The next morning when Errick arrives home, and is on his way up to his bedroom, everything goes black as he's knocked unconscious.

Kevin plans a romantic evening complete with all the trimmings and surprises Nick with that, as well as his new hair color and hair style. Nick makes love to Kevin for the first time, as the first song they danced to together on their first date as a couple plays in the background.

Errick awakens on the bed to find himself handcuffed and shackled to the bed, with a gag in his mouth. Errick's former conjoined twin brother Derrick in turn rapes Errick and beats him. Derrick normally wouldn't act like this, but he's very drunk, and since Errick forced Derrick to undergo separation surgery five years ago, which Derrick did not want in the first place, Derrick has slipped into a state of mental instability. Errick rightfully blames himself for Derrick's condition, because he knows that the bond between conjoined twins is very, very strong, and Derrick just couldn't handle being apart from Errick.

Chapter 14

Errick sits up in bed, drenched in a cold sweat. It has happened again. Derrick raped and beat him. Of course as usual it was all a terrible dream. Errick doesn't know why he has these dreams about Derrick, because Derrick is pretty much a very nice guy. He can get a little hostile when he's drinking, but then to so can a lot of people, it doesn't mean that they're a bad person.

"I wish I knew what these cause of these dreams are," replies Errick to himself, "More like nightmares. Yes, Derrick has beaten me up before when we were younger, but certainly never as bad as in these nightmares. Hell, I beat him up a few times when we were younger. Ok, we might have beat each other up a little more then most brothers when we were younger, but then again when we were younger we couldn't get away from each other, which can be nerve racking. Although I know that Derrick didn't find it as nerve racking as I did, in fact, he actually liked it most of the time. I suppose to a certain extent, I liked it too."

Errick gets out of the bed and heads into the bathroom of his hotel room to take a shower and get dressed. By now Derrick should have had a chance to sober up and will be back to normal, well, minus the hangover he'll undoubtedly have.


Meanwhile, back at Errick and Derrick's house, Derrick lays in bed, tossing and turning, as he too is plagued with a terrible nightmare. The only difference between Errick's nightmare and Derrick's nightmare, is that the things in Derrick's nightmare actually happened.

"Errick! Derrick! Get your asses in here now!" screams a very drunk Jack Winters, who is Errick and Derrick's adopted mother's second husband.

Errick and Derrick walk into the living room, knowing full well what Jack wants them to do. Errick and Derrick's step-brothers, Cole and Michael Winters, are already in the room, along with Jack and three of his friends. Tonight is Jack's poker night, and every time after Jack and his friends play as much poker as they want, Jack has Cole, Michael, Errick, and Derrick come into the room to satisfy needs which playing poker will not satisfy.

Knowing what they're supposed to do, seeing as how Cole and Michael have been doing it since they were 6 and 5 respectively and Errick and Derrick since they were 5, and knowing that they'll be beaten up if they don't, Cole, Michael, Errick and Derrick drop down to their knees in front of the sofa where Jack and his three friends are sitting, and proceed to give blowjobs to Jack and his friends. Giving blowjobs isn't the only thing that Cole, Michael, Errick, and Derrick are forced to do. They are also on occasion forced to face the wall and drop their pants to the floor, at which point Jack and his friends proceed to fuck them really hard and vigorously, not concerned in the slightest about hurting them, but only in their own pleasure.

If the four boys refuse to submit to Jack's sexual demands, they're beaten up, and are then locked in the closet for days at a time, while they're forced to listen to Jack beating up Laura, who is Errick and Derrick's adoptive mother, and Cole and Michael's step-mother. Because of this experience, Cole, Michael, Errick, and Derrick are all very claustrophobic.

One might wonder why the four boys fear Jack so much, considering that there's four of them and only one of him. They don't do anything about it because they're afraid of what Jack might do to not only them, but also to Laura. Plus, Jack's three best friends are all neighbors, so they spend quite a bit of time at the Winters household, and they'll all do absolutely anything that Jack tells them to do, in exchange for a few good blowjobs from Jack's sons and step-sons.

Derrick screams as he wakes up in a cold sweat, and quickly regrets screaming as he has a terrible headache from drinking too much last night. Derrick doesn't understand why he drinks. After they finally got away from Jack, Errick and Derrick both said that they would never drink like Jack did, because they didn't want to end up being as abusive as he was. But, life's problems had another plan for Errick and Derrick. Cole and Michael went off the college to study business, leaving Errick and Derrick at their home in Los Angeles. Cole and Michael used to send as much money as they could back home so that Errick and Derrick would have enough money to live on, but they were never able to send a ton of money because of the high cost of college tuition.

Errick and Derrick, who were still conjoined at this point, went on countless job interviews but were never able to land jobs. More times then they can count they talked on the phone with the person responsible for hiring people and were hired. Only problem is when Errick and Derrick showed up for their first day of work, they would always get let go or fired, the person responsible for hiring citing some budget cutbacks or that the jobs Errick and Derrick were hired to do no longer needed to be done. One employer was even rude and mean enough to not only fire them on sight, but to tell them that they should go join a circus freak show.

Errick was convinced right away that the reason Derrick and him couldn't land a job was because of the fact that they were conjoined twins. Derrick, on the other hand, who from little on had liked being attached to Errick, didn't want to admit that people could be so cruel. Even after everything that Jack had put them through since they were five years old, Derrick still clung steadfastly to the idea that people are generally good and kind, and that there must be some other reason, besides the fact that they are conjoined twins, that they couldn't get a job doing anything. Eventually though Derrick had no choice but to admit that the conjoined twin thing was indeed the reason that Errick and him were unable to find gainful employment.

So, despite the fact that Derrick really didn't want to do it, Errick and Derrick went to the hospital, found a doctor who could separate them, and scheduled the surgery. A few months later, the surgery took place, and thankfully, it was a complete success. For the first time in twenty-three years, Errick and Derrick were able to get away from each other. Shortly after the separation operation, Errick had no trouble at all securing a job as a waiter at the Colonnade Room. So, between Errick's paycheck, and the money that Cole and Michael sent home every week, Errick and Derrick were able to get by somewhat comfortably.

"Damn it, I wish these nightmares would stop," replies Derrick, "I don't want to remember Jack. I just want to forget about him. That's probably why I drink. I know I shouldn't, but when I'm drunk I don't think about Jack. The only problem is I tend to make Errick's life miserable when I'm drunk, and I really don't want to do that. I love Errick. I need help."

Derrick gets out of his bed and heads towards the bathroom, but doesn't make it. He drank way too much last night and he isn't very good on his feet this morning. Downstairs, Errick comes into the house just in time to hear the thud from upstairs. He closes the front door and runs upstairs to see what happened. Errick walks over to Derrick and helps him up, wrapping his arms around him to support him.

"Errick it happened again," replies Derrick.

"Oh Derrick," replies Errick, knowing full well what his brother is talking about, "It's ok, Derrick, Jack is dead. He can't hurt us anymore."

"I know that," replies Derrick, through tears, "But he still haunts my dreams. I hate re-living all the Hell he put us through, but no matter how hard I try to think about good things, Jack always shows up in my dreams. I hate him so much!"

"I know Derrick, I know," replies Errick soothingly, as he rubs his brother's back, "I hate him too. Despite the fact that he's dead, I still hate him as much as I did when he was alive. Anyway, come on Derrick, let's get you cleaned up and get you some coffee."


To be continued....

Well, there's Chapter 14. I'm sorry it took me so long to write this chapter and that it's so short. At any rate, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know many of my readers probably didn't like me very much after that rape scene in Chapter 13, and I got a few emails which pretty much said that Errick should have Derrick thrown into an institution. Of course I did ask the question. Well, now that you know that the rape was a dream, and you know a little bit more about Errick and Derrick's troubled past, I would hope that your opinions of Derrick have softened a little bit. He does need help, but he needs it from Alcoholics Anonymous, and perhaps even a psychiatrist, but not a mental institution. I don't think so anyway. Let me know what ya'll think.

This story is copyright ©2001-2002 by Jayson Colin Vascardi. All rights reserved.
If you don't use the above email link, please remember to include "Perfect Couple" in the email subject line. All emails will be answered.
Please send all emails to my Yahoo! address, as I only use my Hotmail address for MSN Messenger.
ICQ: 53886549
AOL IM: JCVascardi
MSN Messenger:

Next: Chapter 13

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