Perfect Couple

Published on Feb 15, 2002


The Perfect Couple - Chapter 13

**The Perfect Couple: Kevin and Nick
Chapter 13
Written by Jayson Colin Vascardi
**Legal Disclaimer: This story is fictional and not meant to reflect upon or imply anything about any of the celebrities mentioned herein. If you are offended by material of a homosexual nature or if such material is illegal to view in your area, then you should be leaving now. Otherwise please enjoy the story!
This story is copyright 2001-2002 by Jayson Colin Vascardi. All rights reserved.
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A month after Nick made up his mind to tell Kevin that he was in love with him, he still hadn't done it. Of course that's because the tour has kept them very busy, not to mention exhausted. The only day off in the last month, Nick was so tired he could barely speak. And he certainly didn't want to have Kevin fall asleep while he was baring his heart and soul to him. At any rate, in two days they will have a two-week break while in Los Angeles. Nick is determined to tell Kevin how he feels, but he also knows that he's gonna have to find some way of making sure that Kevin stays in Los Angeles and not goes with Brian back to Lexington to see the family.

The guys are all eating breakfast in Kevin's room, and Nick notices that Kevin isn't eating much, and expresses his concern. Kevin gets mad at Nick, which was hard for him to do, and they get into a mini-argument, before all conversation dies. Once breakfast is over, everyone leaves the room, except for Nick and Kevin. Nick asks to talk to Kevin, and he agrees. Nick asks to spend some time with Kevin over the break, but Kevin says that he's planning on going with Brian to Lexington. Nick tells Kevin that he can't, because he needs him here, and Kevin asks why. Nick soon realizes that he's gonna have to tell Kevin the truth now, even if it isn't the perfect moment he'd been dreaming about, otherwise Kevin will go to Lexington and who knows when Nick will get another chance then. So, Nick finally tells Kevin the truth, that he's gay and in love with him.

AJ, and the four gay members of *NSYNC are talking in his room, trying to figure out a good way to get Chris and Brian together. The situation with Brian is beginning to put a little stress on Justin and Lance's marriage, and they both want this over as soon as possible, because neither of them have any intention of leaving each other. Eventually, Nick's sister BJ shows up, and AJ introduces her to the guys, before she asks AJ why he has four gay guys in his room. When asked how she knew, BJ told them that after dating four guys who dumped her because they turned out to be gay, he gaydar is exceedingly well developed. Plus, Nick told her that Joey was the only straight member of *NSYNC.

Howie has another dream about his sister Caroline being an angel coming to tell him to stop his hatred for Kevin and Brian. Only this time, after having the same dream every time he closed his eyes, the dream is different, much different. Caroline tells him that he's been ignoring the message, and says that perhaps he needs a visual aid to see where he'll be spending eternity if he doesn't stop the hatred that has been consuming his heart. Caroline points to the closet doors as they fly open, revealing the flames of Hell. The temperature in the room intensifies and the smell of sulfur fills the room. The wails of the Souls of the Damned can also be heard. Eventually, Prince Lucifer aka Satan, appears and claims Howie's soul, ordering one of his serpents to retrieve it for him. As the serpent's claw reaches out of the closet, headed directly for Howie, he finally realizes how stupid he's been, and pleads with Caroline to save him. Caroline makes it clear, that if she intervenes, Howie will be saved, but if he ever goes back on his promise, Satan will claim his soul and he will spend the rest of his life on Earth, ice-cold, emotionless, and unable to enter a church or find love. And then when he dies, he'll go straight to Hell for all eternity. Howie understands this, and Caroline saves him from the serpent and Satan with an indoor rainstorm of holy water. When Howie wakes up, he resolves to immediately stop his hatred, and to apologize to Kevin and Brian for being such a jackass.

BJ finds out about Kevin's feelings for Nick, and tells AJ and the gay *NSYNC guys and Joey that Nick returns those feelings. She then goes on to say that if Nick doesn't tell Kevin how he feels soon, Kevin won't want Nick anymore, because her foot will be stuck so far up Nick's ass that not even surgery will remove it.

One week later, finds the guys enjoying their time off. Kevin and Nick haven't told the other guys about them yet, because Kevin insists on not saying a word until Nick is ready. Kevin has been a little withdrawn and secretive lately though, and Nick is hoping that he isn't cheating on him. Kevin insists that Nick go to the mall with JC, Justin and Lance. Once Nick is gone, Kevin finalizes his plans, making sure everything is perfect for his big surprise for Nick tonight.

During lunch at the mall, Nick tells the guys that he's gay and dating Kevin. At which point Nick finds out that his sister BJ is in town, when she comes up from behind him, saying that it's about fucking time Nick told Kevin how he felt. BJ then hugs Nick tightly saying, "Oh, my brother has a boyfriend, I'm so proud of you!"

Later that night, Kevin takes Nick to the fanciest restaurant in town. Nick feels way under dressed. The maitre'd shows Kevin and Nick into a hallway outside the private dining room. Kevin gives Nick a garment bag and tells him to go change clothes in the bathroom. While Nick is changing in the bathroom, Kevin ducks behind an oriental screen in the hallway and changes clothes himself. Eventually, Nick and Kevin go into the dining room, and Nick learns that Kevin has recreated Nick's senior prom, since Nick never went, considering he never attended high school.

As they're leaving, a waiter named Errick gives them a photo of himself with his phone numbers on the back, and asks them to pass it on to JC. Which Kevin and Nick do when they get back to the hotel. Howie says that he's sorry for the way he acted, and JC informs everyone that Justin and Lance have made their marriage legal, at least in Vermont, meaning that it is now a matter of public record, and that they haven't told this to management yet. Kevin says that if there's any form of life on Mars, they'll surely hear the explosion when Justin and Lance finally do tell management.

Kevin wakes up next to Nick, and feels very happy. Kevin's older brother Tim calls, and they talk for awhile, and Kevin tells Tim that Brian is bi and in love with Lance, who is married to Justin. Kevin also tells Tim about his filing for divorce from Kristin because he's gay, and that he's dating Nick. Tim is supportive of his brother, much to Kevin's relief.

JC calls Errick and the two of them set up a date to meet later that night for coffee. Later that night, when Errick is getting ready, a guy named Derrick comes into the room, and when he finds out that Errick has a date, he gets very mad and attacks him. The two of them fight for awhile, and then Errick manages to escape.

Chapter 13

Once Errick is about a mile from his house, he slows down the car considerably as he doesn't want to get a speeding ticket. The small coffee shop that he's meeting JC in isn't that much farther, and within ten more minutes, he's there. Errick parks in the parking lot and takes a deep breath. He looks into the mirror on his car visor, and is thankful that Derrick didn't give him a black eye this time, though Errick would be lying if he said that his arm and stomach didn't hurt like hell. Errick takes a few more deep breaths, before he gets out of the car. Errick presses the button on his key chain which locks the car doors and turns on the alarm system, before heading into the small coffee shop, wondering if his "date" has arrived yet.

JC hasn't arrived yet, so Errick gets out his wallet and gives the waitress a fifty dollar tip so that he can get a table which is secluded in a dark corner of the shop, on the opposite side of the room from where all the other customers are sitting. Errick suggested this place because he knew that it wouldn't be very busy this time of night. He also knew that most of the customers who frequented the place were in their sixties and seventies, and that the serving staff wasn't much younger. So, Errick feels confident that he'll be able to have a nice time with JC, without worrying about JC getting recognized and mobbed by screaming teenage fans.

Errick orders a cup of herbal tea to settle his nerves, and then waits for JC to arrive. Errick didn't have to wait long, because just as the waitress was heading back toward the table, JC walked into the shop. The waitress nodded with her head to tell JC that he should follow her. JC follows the waitress to the table that Errick is sitting in, and sits down himself, as the waitress gives Errick his tea, before taking JC's order. JC orders the same as Errick.

"Hello," replies Errick, with a smile.

"Hi," replies JC, as he smiles back, "You know, this is the first time I've ever done anything like this."

"Gone on a date?"

"No, I've been on dates before. I mean this is the first time I've ever gone out with a fan who sent me their picture."

"So, why did you?" asks Errick, as he takes a sip of his tea.

"Well, I don't know. There's just something about you that made me want to meet you. I'm not sure what though."

"Well, thanks, I think. Anyway, I'm sorry I called this a date. Unless that is you want to call it a date?"

"I don't mind," replies JC, as the waitress comes back with his tea, "Date sounds good. So, Errick, since I'm sure you probably know more about me then even I know, as most fans seem to, why don't you tell me a little about yourself?"


The next morning, Kevin stands in the bathroom of his and Nick's hotel suite, looking in the bathroom mirror as he shaves, being very careful not to cut himself. Nick seems to like the goatee that Kevin has let grow, so Kevin decides to keep it, and just shave the rest of the stubble that has grown in the last week off. As Kevin finishes shaving, he hears a knock on his hotel room door. Kevin walks out into the main room of his suite, opens the door, and pulls AJ into the room, quickly shutting the door behind him.

"Ok Kev," replies AJ, "What's up? And why did you insist that I bring all my hair care stuff?"

"Well, AJ, don't have a heart attack on me," replies Kevin with a smile, "But, I've decided that I want to try a new hair color. And since you are hands down the hair color king, I figured that you could help me."

"You're kidding right?" asks AJ, in total disbelief, "You? Kevin Richardson? You want to dye your hair a different color? Who are you? And what have you done with Kevin?"

"Alex! I'm serious," replies Kevin, as he laughs a bit at AJ's disbelief, "I want to try something new. I've had black hair for as long as I can remember, and I figure you only live once, so I might as well try a different color and see if I like it. If not, I can always go back to black. So will you help me?"

"Sure, no problem," replies AJ, as he opens up the case in which he keeps his many bottles of hair dye, which consist of practically every color you can possibly think of, "So, do you have any specific color in mind?"

"Well, certainly not blue, green, or any of the other unnatural hair colors that you wear."

"Ok," replies AJ, "But I really think you'd look good with blue and green hair."

"Maybe if I was a circus clown."

"I resent that!" replies AJ, whose hair is currently blue with a few green highlights.

"Anyway, Alex, I'm thinking I want to go with blond," replies Kevin.

"Aww, it's that cute? Kevy-wevy wants to look like his little Nicky-wicky," replies AJ in a baby voice.

"Very funny, Alex," replies Kevin, "Now, can we get down to business here? If possible I'd like this to be done before Nick gets back from lunch and shopping with his sister BJ. I want to surprise him."

"Ok. It's no problem," replies AJ, as he scans the bottles in his case for a moment, before pulling out the bottle of blond hair dye, "I assume you want your goatee and eyebrows dyed as well?"

"No, let's just leave them black!" replies Kevin, "Of course I want them dyed. I'm not going to walk around with blond hair on my head with black eyebrows and a black goatee. That would look kinda weird I think."

"Ok, no problem," replies AJ, "Blond hair, eyebrows, and goatee, check. Anything else?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, what I mean is do you want to go all out and dye all of your hair blond," replies AJ, when he sees the confused look on Kevin's face, he elaborates, "More specifically I'm referring to the hair below your belt. In other words, your pubic hair."

Kevin's eyes just about bug out of his head when he hears AJ say this, and he replies, "You can't be serious."

"Oh come on Kevin," replies AJ, "If you're worried about me seeing you naked, it isn't like I haven't seen it before. I can remember several times that I've seen you naked in the dressing room, or naked in the shower when we were first starting out and always had a community shower instead of our own. Not to mention the countless times that I've accidentally walked in on you about to go to bed, Mr. Natural."

After looking at AJ for a few minutes, and thinking about it, Kevin replies, "Ok, what the hell. But, I think you can just tell me what to do, and I'll apply the dye down there, ok?"

"No complaints from me man," replies AJ, "It's not like I actually want to put my hands that close to Little Kevin."

"Well, trust me," replies Kevin, with a slight grin, "Little Kevin doesn't want you hands anywhere near him either. Nick's are another story however."

"Oh you are so gross," replies AJ, smiling to let Kevin know he's only kidding, "Ok, let's get going here. Take off your shirt so that the dye doesn't get on it, and we'll start transforming you into a blond bombshell like your darling Nicky."


After leaving the coffee shop, Errick decided that it would be best to spend the night in a hotel, rather then going back home and facing Derrick. So, Errick stopped by the mall and bought a change of clothes for the morning, before checking himself into a local Holiday Inn. Normally one might feel strange checking into a hotel in the same city in which they live, but Errick doesn't, because he's done it before when he didn't want to go home and see Derrick.

As Errick pulls up the driveway, it starts pouring rain. Errick knew it would eventually, since there have been very dark black storm clouds in the sky almost all morning. Errick presses the button on the garage door open remote and waits a moment while the garage door goes up, before pulling his car in. Errick gets out of the car, closes the garage door, and gathers his clothes from last night from the backseat, before going into the house.

"I had a really good time with JC last night," thinks Errick to himself, "He's an even nicer guy then I thought he'd be. I hope we can go out again sometime."

As Errick starts heading toward the stairs to go up to his bedroom, he suddenly feels an intense pain in the back of his head, before everything goes black, and he falls into a heap on the floor.


Once again, Kevin stands in the bathroom of his hotel room. AJ left an hour ago, and now Kevin stands in front of the bathroom mirror looking at himself, and his new look. Kevin runs his right hand through his now blond hair, which he also spiked. Kevin is actually beginning to like this look. Kevin thinks that it makes him look a little bit younger. Plus, after having the same hair color for several years, and with only the occasional change to style, it feels good to have something totally different for once. Of course Kevin would be kidding himself if he said the only reason he died his hair and changed the style was for a change. The style and color that Kevin now has, is the style that Nick has. Kevin loves Nick more then anything else, and he wanted, at least for a little while, to look more like Nick.

Knowing that Nick will be back soon, Kevin quickly gets out of the jeans and t-shirt that he had been wearing and puts on a pair of blue silk lounge pants, followed by a blue silk robe. Kevin then heads into the bedroom of his and Nick's suite, and changes the sheets on the bed. Replacing the bland white hotel sheets with shimmering blue silk sheets, and a nice blue and green patterned down comforter. Kevin then turns the lights off, before lighting several candles, which fills the room with a dull, but very romantic, glow. Kevin walks out to the main room and pulls a room service cart into the bedroom and positions it next to the bed. On the cart is a bottle of champagne which is chilling in a bucket of ice next to two crystal champagne flutes. There is also a silver tray of fresh strawberries, which lay in a circle around a small silver dish of whipped cream.

Kevin walks over to the closet and pulls out the small portable stereo that he bought, and turns it on, filling the room with romantic music. Kevin in turn walks back out to the main room of the suite and moves one of the end tables so that it sits about four feet in front of the door. Kevin places a large white box with a blue and green bow on it on the end table, so that Nick will surely see it when he comes in. Kevin then goes back into the bedroom, and throws a handful of white rose petals onto the bed, before taking a final look around the room. Once he is satisfied with everything, Kevin lays down on the bed in a rather seductive pose, and places a white rose between his teeth. Kevin was smart and remembered to cut the thorns off the rose's stem beforehand, otherwise his lips would likely be bleeding right now.

A few minutes later, the hotel room door opens, and Nick walks into the main room of the suite that he shares with Kevin. Nick has at this point given what was his suite to Howie, since management hadn't booked him a suite, due to his saying that he would be staying in different hotels. Nick places his shopping bags on the floor next to the door. That's when he notices the gift box sitting on the end table, and he walks over to it. Picking up the card next to the bow, Nick reads:

My darling Nick,

Don't ask any questions. Just put this on and then come into the bedroom. Your questions will be answered then.

I love you,

Nick puts the card down and then opens the box to reveal a pair of green silk lounge pants and a green silk robe. Deciding to do what the card says, Nick takes off his jacket, followed by the rest of his clothes. He then pulls on the lounge pants and robe, before heading to the bedroom. As Nick walks into the bedroom, he can't believe the sight before his eyes. The room is aglow in candlelight with romantic music playing. On the bed, Nick can see Kevin laying there with a rose in his mouth. The candlelight doesn't provide enough light however for Nick to make out the color of that rose, nor for him to see Kevin's new hairstyle and color, not from this distance anyway.

"Hey Nicky," replies Kevin in a seductive tone, as he nods his head to say that Nick should come over.

Nick certainly doesn't need to be told twice, and he walks over to the bed, and lays down next to Kevin. Nick now notes that the rose in Kevin's mouth is white, and he also notices the spikes on Kevin's head, not to mention the much lighter hair color. Before Nick can say anything however, Kevin takes the rose out of his mouth and pulls Nick into a passionate kiss, as his tongue presses against Nick's lips, begging for entry. Nick gladly returns the kiss, as he opens his mouth to allow Kevin's tongue in. The kiss lasts for several minutes, before Nick and Kevin break the kiss to get some air, before going right back to kissing. Kevin and Nick discussed their relationship at length last night, and they both realized that they love each other more then either one of them realized. Nick also confided in Kevin that he was ready to consummate their relationship, and Kevin in turn said that nothing would make him happier then to be able to show Nick just how much he loves him.

Upon ending their second kiss, Kevin looks deep into Nick's eyes, the windows to his soul, and says, "I love you Nicky."

"I love you too, Kev," replies Nick, as he too looks into Kevin's eyes, and then Nick decides to take this opportunity to say something about Kevin's new hairstyle, "What did you do to your hair?"

Kevin gets a bit of a scared look on his face as he says, "You don't like it?"

"Did I say that?" asks Nick with a smile, as Kevin's face brightens a bit, "Kevin, I love it. I'm just a little surprised is all. I'd never have suspected you to make this drastic of a change to your look."

"A new hairstyle and a new color is drastic?"

"For you, yes," replies Nick, with a grin, "You're always the one whose saying that AJ dyes his hair too much, and now you dyed your hair? I didn't even think you'd know how to do that."

"Well," replies Kevin, "I don't know how. Not really, anyway. AJ did it for me."

"Oh, so what colors did he suggest?" replies Nick, "Cause I know blond wouldn't have been his first choice."

"You're right," replies Kevin, "AJ's first choice would have probably been blue or green. I insisted on blond though."

"I'm not surprised," replies Nick, "But I'm glad that you insisted on blond, Kev. If you had gone with blue or green, I would have had to hurt you."

"Well, I may have been in the mood for a change," replies Kevin, with a grin, "But not that much of a change."

Upon saying that, the first song that Kevin and Nick danced to on their first date starts playing, as Kevin pulls Nick into another passionate kiss, as their tongues start wrestling around in each other's mouths, perfecting an erotic dance that sends chills down the other's spines. Nick and Kevin's love is so deep, and so pure, that it's hard for either of them to comprehend it. When they kiss each other, they often feel chills or a surge of electricity running down their spines which only makes them want to kiss more. Kevin breaks the kiss after another minute, and starts to kiss Nick's neck. As he's doing this, Nick starts running his left hand through Kevin's now blond hair, and his other hand gently caresses Kevin's blue silk covered shoulder.

Ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth ?
Ooh heaven is a place on Earth
They say in heaven love comes first
We'll make heaven a place on Earth
Ooh heaven is a place on Earth

Kevin starts kissing his way down Nick's chest, stopping to kiss both of Nick's pecs, also swirling his tongue around on both of them, which causes Nick to moan in pleasure. Kevin then continues kissing his way down Nick's chest and stomach until he reaches the waistband of Nick's green silk lounge pants. By this time Nick's tool is hard and begging for release from both the silk, and the white CK boxer-briefs that Nick is wearing under that. Kevin kisses Nick's silk-covered tool a few times, the sensation of which only causes Nick to moan more.

When the night falls down
I wait for you
And you come around
And the world's alive
With the sound of kids
On the street outside

Kevin sits up, and removes his robe, as Nick does the same. The two of them then stand up from the bed and remove their lounge pants, opting to leave their matching boxer-briefs on, at least for the moment. As Nick lays back down on the bed, Kevin takes the corkscrew from the room service cart and opens the bottle of champagne, and pours himself and Nick a glass. Handing one glass to Nick, the two of them look deep into each other's eyes, and they each say "I love you" to the other. They then wrap their arms around the other's so that when they sip the champagne, they're drinking out of the other's champagne flute, the way a newly married couple would do it.

When you walk into the room
You pull me close and we start to move
And we're spinning with the stars above
And you lift me up in a wave of love...

Kevin and Nick each finish a glass of champagne, before Kevin takes the tray of strawberries from the cart and sets it on the bed. He takes one of the strawberries and dips it into the bowl of whipped cream and feeds it to Nick. Nick smiles at Kevin as he too dips a strawberry into the cream and feeds it to Kevin. Then, both Nick and Kevin take a strawberry and dip it into the whipped cream, and in turn feed each other at the same time, before Nick pulls Kevin in for another passionate kiss, as their tongues start wrestling playfully in the other's mouth, still able to taste traces of whipped cream and strawberries in the other's mouth. This kiss lasts for several minutes, before they break the kiss, and Nick grabs the tray of strawberries and reaching over Kevin, places it back on the room service cart, so that it's out of the way.

Ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth ?
Ooh heaven is a place on Earth
They say in heaven love comes first
We'll make heaven a place on Earth
Ooh heaven is a place on Earth

Nick lays down on top of Kevin, and starts kissing Kevin's left shoulder, as Kevin caresses Nick's back. As they're kissing, Nick starts to grind his cock into Kevin's, causing Nick and Kevin to get even harder, and for both of them to let loose a moan of pleasure. Nick slowly moves from kissing Kevin's shoulder to kissing and sucking on Kevin's neck, and soon, there's a small cranberry red hickey on Kevin's neck. Nick then moves up to Kevin's luscious lips, and plants a quick, yet very romantic and erotic kiss on Kevin's lips, as Nick's tongue darts out of his mouth and licks Kevin's lips.

When I feel alone
I reach for you
And you bring me home
When I'm lost at sea
I hear your voice
And it carries me

Nick then starts to kiss his way down Kevin's chest, taking time, as Kevin had done earlier, to kiss both of Kevin's rock hard pecs, and to swirl his tongue around on both of them. Nick then continue to kiss and lick his way down Kevin's chest and stomach. Nick plants a kiss on each muscle of Kevin's rock hard six-packs abs, before continuing down, and planting a quick kiss on Kevin's covered, rock hard and raging cock, Nick then starts kissing his way down Kevin's left thigh and leg.

In this world we're just beginning
To understand the miracle of living
Baby I was afraid before
But I'm not afraid anymore

Nick kisses all the way down Kevin's left leg and in turn plants a small kiss on each toe of Kevin's left foot, before moving over to Kevin's right foot, kissing each toe, and then starts kissing his way up Kevin's right leg. As would probably be expected, Kevin is thoroughly enjoying the attention. He can honestly say that he's never felt the sensations that are coursing through his body at this moment. This is the very first time that Kevin has ever experienced foreplay. He did have sex once with his soon to be ex-wife Kristin, but they didn't engage in any form of foreplay. She came out of the bathroom wearing a skimpy negligee, and then laid down on the bed. Kevin who didn't really want to do it to begin with, but didn't feel like trying to explain to his new wife why he didn't want to consummate their marriage on their wedding night, simply pulled off his boxers, spread Kristin's legs and inserted himself into her vagina, all the while thinking and fantasizing about making love to Nick. So, Kevin's only experience with sex prior to tonight, was not in the least bit enjoyable. If the foreplay that Kevin and Nick are engaging in now though is any signal as to what the sex will be like, Kevin knows that he will finally have enjoyable sex, with the one and only person that he actually wants to have sex with.

Ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth ?
Ooh heaven is a place on Earth
They say in heaven love comes first
We'll make heaven a place on Earth
Ooh heaven is a place on Earth

Nick has kissed his way all the way back to Kevin's lips by this point. Nick stares down at Kevin for a moment staring into the blue orbs that are Kevin's eyes, staring through them down into the depths of Kevin's soul. Leaning downward, Nick pulls Kevin into a kiss filled with passion and intensity, as their tongues begin an erotic dance in each other's mouths, a dance that they have quickly mastered in the short, but ever so beautiful time that the two have been together. As the kiss ends, Kevin looks deeply into Nick's eyes, right down to Nick's soul, and speaks in a soft and seductive voice filled with passion, "Make love to me Nick."


Nick looks back at Kevin, and replies in an equally soft and seductive voice, also filled with passions, "Are you sure, Kevin?"


Kevin smiles at his one and only true love and in that one smile passes everything that Nick needs to know. 


For Nick and Kevin's love is so deep, and so immensely pure and real, that no words really need to be exchanged. They can tell just by looking deep into the other's eyes, the windows to the soul, what the other is thinking and feeling. And what Kevin and Nick are both thinking and feeling is that they want to show each other just how much they truly love one another by making love and in doing so becoming one. Nick moves down and pulls Kevin's white CK boxer-briefs down his legs and finally off. Nick stands up from the bed and in turn pulls down his own underwear, and drops them in a pile on top of Kevin's. Nick disappears into the bathroom for a moment, and is back a moment later with a bottle of lubricant. Nick comes back over to the bed, and kneels on the bed, as Kevin raises his legs up and rests them on Nick's shoulders. Nick smiles at Kevin, as he opens the bottle of lubricant and begins to apply some of the slippery substance to his tool, and Kevin's virgin hole.

In this world we're just beginning
To understand the miracle of living
Baby I was afraid before
But I'm not afraid anymore

Nick positions the head of his raging hard on against Kevin's entrance, and being very careful not to hurt his love, Nick pushes forward ever so slowly and as gently as possible. Despite this, Kevin winces in pain, as he is overcome with the pain of having something pushed up his ass. Nick stops for a moment to let Kevin adjust to this new sensation, and after a moment, Kevin nods to Nick, and Nick in turn pushes himself further into Kevin, until finally Nick's entire tool is buried deep inside of Kevin. Nick begins a slow in and out motion, which causes both him and Kevin to start moaning with pleasure and total ecstasy. The feelings and sensations which are now coursing through both of their bodies are very new and they both are enjoying them very much. Nick was until tonight a virgin, having never had sex with anyone, so this is all very new to him. Kevin was not a virgin, as he did have sex with Kristin, but sex with her was forced and not in the least bit enjoyable. Sex with Nick is very much so enjoyable, and Kevin is in heaven.

In this world we're just beginning
To understand the miracle of living
Baby I was afraid before
But I'm not afraid anymore

"Oh Kevin," moans Nick, as he continues his slow in and out pace, "Oh, you're so tight, oh, I love you."


"Nick, oh, that feels so good," moans Kevin, as Nick gradually starts to speed up his pace, "Oh, yes, Nick!"

Ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth ?
Ooh heaven is a place on Earth
They say in heaven love comes first
We'll make heaven a place on Earth
Ooh heaven is a place on Earth

As Nick speeds up his pace, he leans down and pulls Kevin into a kiss filled with passion and ecstasy, as he continues the in and out motion, which sends mind boggling sensations of pleasure and total ecstasy through both Kevin and Nick's bodies. The virgin tightness of Kevin's hole squeezes Nick's tool like a vice, not that Nick is about to complain, and the feeling of Nick's long and hard tool rubbing against his prostate is a sensation that Kevin most certainly is not going to complain about either. Kevin can feel himself getting closer to orgasm now that his rock hard tool is being rubbed between his and Nick's muscular six-pack abs, and Kevin knows he won't be able to hold on much longer.

Ooh heaven is a place on Earth

"Oh god, Nick, I love you!" shouts Kevin as he lets go his load between Nick's and his stomachs.

Ooh heaven is a place on Earth

"Oh, Kevin! I love you too!" shouts Nick, as he lets go his load, deep inside of Kevin, not being able to withstand the tightening of Kevin's muscles as he let go his own load. Nick collapses on top of Kevin, as the two of them breath heavily, desperately trying to catch their breath after the very best orgasms they've ever had in their lives. The two lovers kiss each other one last time, before they drift off to dreamland, dreaming about each other and their lives together.

Ooh heaven is a place on Earth


When Errick comes too, he has a really bad headache, he feels kinda cold, and he notices what feels like cold steel encircling his wrists and ankles. When he realizes what's going on he tries to scream, but can't, because there's a sock shoved into his mouth and a gag tied around his head.

"Ah, you're awake, finally," replies Derrick, in a cold voice, "I was waiting for you to awaken before I gave you your punishment."

Within seconds, an intense pain courses through Errick's body, as Derrick rams his rock hard tool up Errick's ass in one very painful motion and immediately starts fucking Errick at an exceedingly fast pace, which only adds to the intense pain that Errick is feeling at this moment. Tears come to his eyes as Derrick continues his attack, his rape, of Errick.

After a few more forceful thrusts, Derrick releases his load deep into Errick's ass, as he leans down to within inches of Errick's face, and in a cold and chilling voice replies, "Did you enjoy that my dear brother?"

Derrick removes Errick's gag, and pulls the sock out of his mouth. Just as Errick was about to scream, Derrick seals his mouth over his brother's, preventing him from screaming. Derrick does make the mistake of darting his tongue into Errick's mouth, and Errick in turn bites Derrick's tongue, as Derrick recoils from the kiss in a mixture of shock and pain.

"Errick, you stupid jackass!" replies Derrick, as he slaps Errick across the face as hard as he can, before he starts punching him all over his body. When Derrick's attack is over, Errick is in so much pain, as he now has bruises over eighty percent of his body, including two black eyes. This would probably kill most people, but Errick, having dealt with this kind of abuse almost every day for the last five years from his twin brother has grown strong enough to handle whatever Derrick decides to dish out.

Derrick wasn't always the monster that he has become. There was a time when he was kind and would never harm a fly. But things changed when Errick and Derrick turned twenty-one five years ago, and underwent surgery to separate them. Errick and Derrick were born joined at the hip, and after twenty-one years, Errick couldn't stand it anymore, and convinced Derrick to sign a medical release, agreeing to have the surgery required to separate them. Derrick didn't really want to have the surgery because he feared that once him and Errick were separated, Errick would leave him and go off on his own. Well, while they continued to live together, Derrick started to feel more and more left out of Errick's life, as he went off to live his life without Derrick. Often it got to the point that Derrick wouldn't see Errick for days, and this caused him to snap. Derrick simply could not stand not seeing Errick for days at a time, not after spending twenty-one years at his side.

Errick simply couldn't understand why Derrick needed him so much. Why Derrick couldn't do the same thing he did, go out and have a life separate from their life together. Errick knows that the bond that grows between conjoined twins is a very deep and powerful bond, considering that they can never get away from each other, but once they were separated, Errick was finally able to get away from Derrick, and he liked it. Derrick on the other hand didn't like it one bit. For about a year after their surgery, Derrick was content with being separated from his brother as long as they wore their specially made conjoined twin clothing for a few hours a week, and continued to sleep in the same bed, as they always had done. But gradually Errick stopped agreeing to do this, and Derrick felt the bond between him and Errick, the bond which meant so much to him, weakening and he simply couldn't stand it.

To deal with his pain, Derrick started drinking quite a bit. And in his drunkenness, started doing things that he probably wouldn't have normally done. He started to beat Errick, and in an attempt to once again feel close to him, he started raping Errick. For the brief periods of time that Derrick's tool was buried deep inside of Errick's ass, it felt like they were once again joined to one another, and Derrick treasured it. Errick never reported the beatings and rapes to the police because while he hated it, he also didn't want to turn his brother in. Despite what Derrick may have come to think, Errick did still feel a special bond with Derrick, even if he didn't spend every waking minute with him anymore.

Derrick looks down at the beaten and bruised form of his brother Errick and replies, "Did you honestly think that you wouldn't get punished for going on a date without my permission? Especially a date with JC Chasez? Yes, Errick, I know all about it. And just so ya know, I'm going out with him tomorrow night. Of course he thinks he's going out with you. But, since we're identical, he'll never know the difference. Considering that you couldn't go if you wanted too. You're too bruised up. You really do need to be more careful Errick, you're so clumsy. One of these days you're going to trip and kill yourself."

A lot of times Derrick manages to convince himself that all of the bruises that he himself inflicts on Errick are actually Errick's fault, because he's a very clumsy person. Technically nothing could be further from the truth, but since the separation, Derrick has sunk into a state of mental instability, which should have him locked in a padded room somewhere in a mental institution, but Errick, even after everything that Derrick has done to him, loves him too much to put his brother in an institution full of crazy people. Some wouldn't understand this, and think that Errick is crazy, but Errick did spend twenty-one years of his life not being able to leave Derrick's side, so his love for Derrick is so strong, that he's willing to look past all of the bad things that he does. Errick also blames himself for Derrick's condition. After all, if he hadn't literally forced Derrick to undergo surgery that he didn't want in the first place, Derrick probably wouldn't have snapped and become the person he is today.


To be continued...

Well, there's Chapter 13 of The Perfect Couple. I hope that you enjoyed it. Kevin and Nick finally consummated their love. I'm sorry it took so long to get out, but I've been very busy.

So, did any of you guess that Errick and Derrick were actually brothers? Well, they are. Should Derrick go out on a date with JC, pretending to be Errick? Or should Errick, despite the pain he's in, find someway to stop his brother? Should Errick finally have his brother institutionalized? Even if he does blame himself for Derrick's condition? Let me know what you think. Comments and suggestions are always welcome.

This story is copyright 2001-2002 by Jayson Colin Vascardi. All rights reserved.
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Next: Chapter 12

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