
By TopShellf

Published on Jun 16, 1999



Perceptions by TopShellf

Stacy and I were tired. It had been a long day doing volunteer work for our sorority with some underprivileged children in the local town. The day had been made longer by the fact that we had given up a Saturday to do the work, but the looks on the children's faces and their happy laughs had made things worthwhile. Yes, we were tired, but it was a satisfied tired as we began to make our way back to our college in the small town about 20 miles away from the "big city" that we found themselves in.

I was behind the wheel, trying to make my way through the unfamiliar streets and Stacy was looking around, trying to help navigate but also taking in all of the sights.

"Hey, isn't that Professor Rollands over there?" Stacy exclaimed as I was stopped at a stop sign, trying to decide which way to turn. I looked quickly in the direction that Stacy pointed and saw the woman just getting out of her car. It took me several moments to realize that it was in fact our former freshman English professor getting out of her car and walking down the street.

I was surprised to see Professor Linda Rollands for two reasons. First of all, it didn't appear to be that great of an area of town. Most of the buildings were made of brick or stone and there weren't that many widows or lights around. The area was clean enough but seemed too sterile to me, not the kind of place you would expect a single woman to be walking. The second was the way that she was dressed. She looked, Certainly the 30 something professor had never worn a skirt that short around the classroom. Most of the time, her attire was rather unremarkable, conservative even. In fact, if it hadn't been for the college's faculty sticker on her windshield, I wouldn't have believed that the woman that I was looking at and Professor Rollands were the same person.

"Man, can you believe that's the same woman who lectured us two years ago?" said Stacy, breaking my thoughts.

"No, that's too wild", I replied as we both watched her move down the street.

"Hey, park the car," said Stacy, "I've got to know where she's going that has her so dressed up". I could hear the excited tone of Stacey's voice which was a little weird, but I had to admit that I also got a thrill at being able to catch our teacher in such an uncharacteristic moment.

I hesitated for a moment, deciding what to do, but then turned the corner in the direction that Linda Rollands was walking and quickly found a place to park along the street. We watched as the college professor walked to the only lit doorway on the block; an unassuming place that had the look of working class bar. There was a sign over the door, but neither of us could make it out from where we sat.

"Come on, lets go see what this place is" Stacy said excitedly and began to open her door.

"Are you crazy?, We don't know anything about that place. It could be a private club, or worse some massage parlor or something" At the words 'massage parlor', Stacey's eyes light up.

"Oh, cool", she squealed. "That's probably it, Professor Rolland's is moonlighting as one of those massage parlor girls that give men blowjobs for fifty bucks".

"Oh, that's gross", I said, wishing that we hadn't seen the professor, one way or the other, but Stacy wasn't about to let this one go.

"Oh come on, you know that you're just as curious as I am. Besides, when have I ever gotten you into anything dangerous?" Before I could answer she was out of the car and standing part way down the block, looking back at me. Why was I so nervous? True it wasn't that great a neighborhood, but at least there were some lights and there didn't seem to be anyone else around, plus the doorway was only a block away. Before I thought about it much more, I was out of the car and walking up to Stacy who had this triumphant smile on her face.

As we approached the door, we found out that it was in fact a bar. The name of the place, "Perceptions" hung over the doorway, somewhat subdued as compared to other bars that I had been. We went through the door and quickly tried to spy Professor Rollands so we could reach a vantage point unobserved. Stacey quickly saw her across the room and motioned me to follow her. We scooted around the edge of the room so that we kept the professor's back to us and then found a booth into which we quickly slid.

"I knew she had to be going to some kind of bar" said Stacy as she looked at our teacher. "Why else would she be dressed up like that if she wasn't trying to pick up some guy?"

I looked over at Linda to see what kind of guy she as meeting, but only saw her talking with another woman who had sat down at her table. The two seemed to be chatting casually, so I began to look around at the other patrons. As I was looking around at the mix of different folks there, a waitress showed up and Stacey ordered us a couple of beers. After she left, I looked back around. There were lots of different folks in the bar, some casual jeans and t-shirt folks, some more dressed up and a couple of folks in leather jackets or dresses. Quite a mix I thought. Then it dawned on me what they all had in common...They were all women!! There wasn't a man in the place.

I was shocked almost to the point of speechlessness. My sorority sister and I had stumbled into a lesbian bar.

"Oh my god, Stacey" I whispered. She stopped watching Professor Rollands, and looked at me with some concern on her face. "Stacy", I whispered, "this is a lesbian bar" She looked at me in surprise and then quickly scanned the room to confirm my conclusion.

"Oh this is so outrageous" was all that she said, but the huge grin on her face spoke volumes about how she felt. She had the look of a child that had just discovered some naughty little secret. It was amazing. She was obviously enjoying the predicament that we found Linda Rollands and ourselves in.

"You can't be serious about staying" I said, seeing her grin.

Sure, why not. You mean that you're not in the least curious about what she's doing here? Or what they do? Stacey was always the more outrageous of the two of us, always looking for those things on the edge of reckless.

"Of course not" I replied.

"You've never thought about it? Ever?" she grinned like the cat that ate the canary.

"Well" I started but then the waitress showed back up with our beers.

I went to pay the waitress, but she said that there wasn't any charge. "Compliments of the two ladies at the bar". Stacy and I both looked over where the waitress indicated and saw two women smiling back at us. They were both fairly attractive, tall, moderately thin, dressed in jeans and polo shirts. The blonde appeared to be looking at Stacy while the brunette seemed to be looking directly into my eyes. To say the least, I was shocked and not a little nervous to have received such an open proposition from another woman.

I just sat there like a bump on a log, but Stacy, always the outrageous one, raised her glass in thanks and smiled. I almost choked on my beer right then and there and almost broke my foot trying to kick her under the table. "STACEY" I hissed, "What are you trying to do?"

"Oh lighten up", she smiled back at me "its not like we're actually going to sleep with them". Suddenly she looked over where Linda was sitting and noticed that she had gotten up. "Hey, she's going somewhere", she said. I turned in our professor's direction and saw her walking behind the other woman who was at her table. We both watched as the two women walked through a door at the back of the bar. Stacey immediately got on her feet and looked at me. The implication was clear.

"Are you crazy, they probably just went to the bathroom" I said, seeing that look in her eyes.

"No way", she replied, "The bathroom is over there" pointing to another corner of the bar. "I bet that they're going to go do something wild" she said. That gleam was back in her eyes and I had to admit that is was infectious. "Come on, aren't you at least curious?" she asked as she smiled down at me.

Damn her! I was curious and scared stiff at the same time. I looked at her, pleading with my eyes for her to sit down or give up on this folly and get out of here. But she just smiled down at me with those wild eyes. Before I knew it, I was on my feet following Stacy towards the back door I was lost and I knew it.

We made our way to the back door, Stacy leading of course. She opened the door quietly and looked in. I looked over her shoulder and saw a somewhat dimly lit hallway. She looked back at me, smiled nervously and proceeded on. Once inside the door we found that we had a choice of either going left or right. Stacey looked both directions and, not seeing any sign of Professor Rollands, headed down the hall to the left with me close behind her. We walked cautiously down the hall without seeing anyone. Every so often there was a door on one side of the hall but no other clues as to what Linda Rollands was up to.

I was trying to figure out what this place was until we passed by one of the closed doors. There were sounds coming from behind that door that were unmistakable; some woman was in the throes of a powerful orgasm. I looked at Stacey and she looked back at me with the biggest grin on her face. She could be such a kid sometimes.

We turned a corner and found the end of the hall without finding any sign of Professor Rollands.

"Come on" I said turning and heading back to the exit.

"Hang on" she said "We didn't look up the other hall"

"Stacey" I pleaded, "lets just go OK?". As we approached the entrance where we came in, I saw the two women who had bought us the beers standing by the exit.

"Are you two trying to find Linda?" The brunette who had met my eyes earlier asked. I was dumbfounded.

"Uh,, we're trying to find the ladies room" I sputtered

"Oh come on, admit it. You are looking for Linda, aren't you?

"Why would you say that?" Stacy asked as she stood behind me.

"Not hard to figure out" replied the blonde. "Linda's a teacher out at the college, and you two look like a couple of college girls exploring the big city"

"Were we that transparent?" I thought with shock, but Stacey just chuckled.

"OK, you got us" she said "I guess we were just curious about what she was up to is all. We saw her coming into here and thought that we'd see what brought her to this part of town"

I was getting a weird feeling in my stomach as I looked for some reaction from the two women in front of us. Our little voyeurs game was about over and I fully expected these two to be upset at a couple of straight girls invading their space.

The two women thought for a moment and finally, the blonde spoke up "Well if you want to see what she's up to, then follow us" With that, they both turned and started walking up the other hall. I was rooted in place, but Stacey gave me a small shove in the back and suddenly we were following these two.

As we walked, all sorts of thoughts were jumbled in my mind. Should I run? Did I really want to see what Professor Rollands was doing back there? Why was Stacey so interested in this? And worst of all, why did I keep finding my eyes drawn to the jeans clad bottoms of the two women walking in front of me?

The realization that I was looking at them, came as a shock So much so that I almost stopped dead in my tracks. I must have slowed down though, because Stacey suddenly bumped into me from behind. Was she daydreaming as well?

The two women stopped at one of the doors and opened the door. "Linda, is in that room next door" said the blonde, "but you can see her from here without disturbing her"

She held the door open for us, implying that we should go inside. Both women looked at us, expectantly, but I hesitated. Once again, Stacey shoved me from behind, urging me into the room. Without looking the two in the eyes, I walked in.

The room itself was almost completely dark, even compared to the dimly lit hall. The only light seemed to be coming from a couple of small windows on one side of the room. Stacey entered after me and like a moth to the flame walked over to one of the windows. I moved cautiously after her to the other window.

Stacey gasped as she got to the window. I looked at her briefly with concern but realized it was what she was seeing that caused her reaction. I moved to the second window, which was at about chest height so I had to bend forward to see through. And when I did, I thought that I was going to die.

What I saw was that Professor Rollands was in fact in there. She was standing towards the middle of the room with her back to us. The woman that she was with was seated in a straight back chair in front of her and was talking to Linda although I could not quite make out what she was saying. For her part, Linda stood there with her head bowed, just listening to whatever was being said to her.

Suddenly the woman said something and motioned to her lap. Linda quickly raised her short skirt over her hips and lowered her panties to the floor in one fluid motion. Somehow I could guess what was going to happen next but it was still a shock to see her crawl over the woman's lap with her naked bottom facing the ceiling. Once she was in that position, I noticed that the windows that we were looking through were at the woman's eye level. That gave me quite a start and I began to move away from the window, sure that she would see us watching her little game.

"Oh, she can't see you" came a voice behind me. I turned my head to see the brunette was behind me, looking over my shoulder at the unbelievable scene. "The glass only works one way, so you're safe" I looked over at Stacey and saw that the blonde woman was standing behind her. Both were intently watching what was about to happen next. I returned my attention to the two women in front of me.

Professor Rollands had her head down as the woman began to massage and knead her bottom. She was talking to Linda, but I couldn't make out what was being said. After a few moments of this, the woman suddenly raised her hand and brought it down firmly onto Linda's upturned behind with a loud smack. At the same time I heard Stacey give a gasp next to me. Or was that my own gasp?

I watched, frozen as the woman rained smack after smack on the professor's behind. For her part, Linda remained, head down over the woman's lap, crying out only a bit as each smack found its mark. Each time the hand fell, Linda's bottom would twitch. Each time she received a spanking she would twitch a bit more.

Before long I realized that she was moving her hips so she could try to rub herself on the woman's thigh. She was actually sexually excited by the spanking that she was receiving. Realizing that shocked me. But not as much as my own reaction. I was totally mesmerized by the scene before me.

I felt something on my side, but it didn't register at first. I was too taken in watching Professor Rollands being spanked. It wasn't until whatever it was moved up to my breast that I realized that it was the brunette's hand. I was frozen, not knowing whether to run or shout or what. I looked over at Stacey, to see if she had seen this and instead saw that the blond woman had both of her hands on Stacey's breasts and was gently massaging them. Stacey had a far away look in her eye and I could tell that she was breathing heavier.

The hand on my breast found my nipple, and to my own surprise, discovered that it was hard. Two fingers rolled the crinkled nub between them and I felt a stab of pleasure go through me. I looked back to the other room and saw that the spanking had stopped but that the woman now had her hand between Linda's thighs and was obviously fingering her.

I could not believe that this was happening and quit trying to make sense of it. I felt weak and put my hands on the sides of the window for support. Those magical fingers continued to pull and tug on my nipples and I thought for sure that I was going to faint. I looked over at Stacey again and saw that she was in a similar position, but that her friend had unbuttoned her jeans, which now lay around her ankles along with her panties. The blonde had her hand between Stacey's thighs moving it back and forth

As I watched Stacey, I felt a hand at the snap of my own jeans. I just stood there as I felt the woman open my pants and then pull them and my panties out of the way. She brought her hand up between my now exposed cheeks and touched the lips of my sex. I was wet. I felt her slip a finger into me, a moan escaping my lips as it delved deep into me. The finger moved back and forth in me and my own breathing became shallow. I recognized that I was approaching orgasm.

Inside the room, I saw that Linda was also about to climax. The hand between her legs was moving faster now and so were Linda's hips in response. The woman brought her other hand down to Linda's bottom and slid a finger into her anus.

I gasped as I saw that and to my right, I heard Stacey reach her own climax. I glanced at her to see her leaning against the wall, pushing her hips back onto the woman's hand behind her. At the same moment, I felt something press against my own anus. It was too much. My own pleasure came crashing over me.

Stacey and I now live off campus where we share a house with the two women that we met that night. Occasionally, Linda is brought over by her Mistress and we are allowed to spank her. In fact, she's coming over tonight. Its my turn to spank her and I can hardly wait.

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