
By Greg S

Published on Apr 14, 2024


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Disclaimer: If you aren't 18 years of age, or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenagers and is for adults only! The acts are consensual. This story is complete fiction, all descriptions, and names are also made up. Any similarities are purely coincidence. This story also contains violent scenes including force, bondage and humiliation. If this bothers you, please do not read any further!

Perceptions - Chapter 50

As Friday approached, Tack needed a break from all of the homo-slave energy he'd been surrounded by for the last few months. He needed something different, and last weekend's experience with Melanie gave him a lot of ideas.

On Wednesday, Tack sent Melanie a message, come over on Saturday morning, you can leave on Sunday night' and followed with a devil emoji. I'm not opposed' she replied, pretending she had a choice in the matter.

Tack chose not to shower on Friday after an extra hard workout. He wanted to have a strong scent of masculine sweat for her for the weekend. Something about seeing Melanie, so clean and beautiful, so willing to bow down to him and worship him so completely despite his dirty grunge and his rank masculine stink turned Tack on beyond belief. Her willingness to submit to his domination, exploitation and crude hard use only increase that high. It made him feel as if his power was practically unlimited. One of the things Tack saw in Mel that he liked, was her ability to be open to new ideas and experiences without being too afraid to try them. She submitted to Tack not because she had to, but because she wanted the experience of him. Now that he had so much footage of her being used by him in degrading ways, he had leverage to force her compliance, but even then he didn't know if she'd do what she didn't want to, and he didn't know if he had the heart to do that to her. She was a willing submissive to him, not coerced.

When he heard a knock on the door he was pushing weights on his bench wearing only a pair of Laith's training pants and a pair of Nikes with no socks, sweat coating his hard muscled frame. When he opened the door, her eyes widened and he could tell she liked what she saw. Seeing her dressed in yoga pants, a workout top with a tight sweater over it, and sneakers, a part of him wanted to drag her to the couch, strip her and take her right then. But Tack needed her to break first, beg for him first, and show her slutty neediness first, so he had to play it cool. As he led her into the main area and she followed behind, she commented, "Nice workout pants, they look expensive, where did you get them?", she teased. "Oh, thanks" he replied. "Just a gift from some whore i fucked." he said laughing. "No you didn't" she gasped, as she jumped him from behind, getting on his back and wrapping her arms around his chest. She pawed at his rock solid pecs and grabbed his biceps while she was hanging on. Tack now laughing uncontrollably spun around, grabbing her around the waist. Lifting her over his shoulders, she screamed out "No" afraid of where she might land. Carrying her over to the couch, he laid her down on her back and straddled her abdomen, holding her wrists to the cushion over her head. Sweat dripped from his hair onto her face as he immobilized her. She couldn't stop herself from tasting his sweat with her tongue, and when he saw that, Tack shook his head spraying her face with more of his sweat. Whether it was being carried and flipped around so easily by Tack, or being held down by him as she stared up at his amazing body or the way he was torturing her with this power play as he dripped sweat on her, this exchange caused Mel's body to flush and her head to spin. She bucked trying to get her body closer to him. Her pelvis was thrusting but she couldn't get her legs wrapped around him or her lips closer to his in order to taste his mouth and tongue, and the sweat on his skin. She became unconsolable as she panted and groaned from her hunger for him. He began to smirk which turned to a smile, as he held her at bay. "You are a huge slut Melanie. Are you like this with everyone, or just me?" he teased. She wouldn't answer, wanting to keep the exquisite torture and pleasure of this game going for a bit longer. "You can at least admit you're a whore." He said slowly turning his face from playful to deadly serious as his voice got more threatening. She responded to his change of tone with her own as she went from playful to submissive as she looked up at him, "Yes, I'm a whore she said. But, I'm not for everyone, but I'm whatever you want me to be whenever you want." she acquiesced. Tack grinned again, and as he got up and released her, he instructed her, "Be a good girl and come watch me workout."

Tack shamelessly continued torturing her with his physical prowess. Flexing in the mirror to admire himself between sets, letting sweat roll down the hard slices of muscle all over his ultra lean body as he slid his palm over the lump in his groin repeatedly, and stretching this out for far too long made it impossible for Mel to bear as she crawled kitten like from the chair she was in to the weight bench, moving to taste his sweaty torso with her mouth. "Not there" he corrected her, "your messing up my movement" he chucked. She moved her mouth to his bicep, and he neutralized her again, "I can't do the lift if you do that. try again." Now moving to his cock, slipping her fingers in the waist band of his pants she thought she'd found a way in. "Way too distracting slut" he reprimanded her as he nudged her head away with his hand. Her frustration was evident as she whimpered for his body and his attention. "You can find someplace to start" he encouraged.

She'd never thought of going there, though she'd seen it done with both Laith and Tack before. Sliding down to the floor, she pried off his Nike to reveal his hot sweaty foot. She loved how the veins ran across the top of it, and she could see the power in it as he flexed his foot as she released it from his shoe. His toes showed his bones and were perfectly formed. It had a heavy stink to it, but instead of being a turn-off, it was the opposite for Mel, as she saw it as a way to show Tack just how much of a dirty little slut she could be for him. Running her tongue across the top of his foot, he flexed it again and moaned as he sat on the bench, both of his feet on the floor looking down at her as he did alternating dumbbell curls. Enjoying the heat coming off his foot, she pushed herself a little further and sucked on the top of it, then moved to kiss each of his toes, taking time to look up at him in admiration. Dropping the weights he stood in front of her, jutting his manhood in her face. She continued looking up as he asked, "You gonna be a good little whore for me this weekend?" he questioned. "Yes Daddy" she said with begging eyes. "What are you willing to do for me?" he growled. "Whatever you want, I'll do for you. There's nothing i wouldn't give you that you want". He stood above her motionless and quiet, just looking down at her with a questioning stare as if he were trying to figure something out. The look must have frightened her, making her believe he was questioning her. She began to beg him passionately at first, but then as Tack failed to respond she begged desperately as if her life depended on it; "please Tack please, you have to have me Tack, please i need you, you can't ignore me please, don't ignore me, i want you more than i can describe" she cried and then tears started to stream down her cheeks as she shook and sobbed for him. Scooping her up he tossed her over his shoulder and carried her to the couch, throwing her down on her back. He quickly slid her top and sweater off together in one movement as he stood to drag her lycra leggings from her body. Tearing her feminine panties he covered her soft body with his hard one, smothered her mouth with his own, tasting her inside as he lined up his unbelievably rigid cock with her pussy and slammed in desperately trying to quench the heat from his steely cock. She screamed into his mouth as he penetrated her, and her body responded to him by wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms clawed at his back. She absorbed all of his physical intensity as he rutted her like a wild animal. Tack pushed up with his arms, one hand to each side of Melanie's chest to improve his leverage as he undulated his body like a wave, clouting her pussy as she grabbed desperately for his body. "I'll do anything for you, anything Tack" she promised, and then she began to pant and her body began to quake. Tack knew he'd driven her over the edge as she vibrated violently and she came for the Alpha Stud fucking her.

Not quite ready yet, Laith flipped her over onto her stomach, again covering her body with his own and leaning in to place his face to the side of hers he whispered, "Let's try something new". Trying his best to be patient given his heightened state, he was aggressive getting his cock head past her sphincter, but then he gave her a few moments to adjust before consistently pushing into her. She panted and yelped from all of the pressure, but Tack was a pro in talking her through it. "Do it for your man, do it for me. You can. You want your alpha happy don't ya?" Mel started to respond as her mind let go, "I need you. I have to have you. I'll do anything for you. Fuck me, please fuck my ass Tack." Tack increased his speed and intensity and within a minute he was fucking Mel's ass the way it should be, bottoming out in her with each thrust and slapping her ass cheeks. Mel released her inner slut for him, begging him, "Oh yeah, oh yeah, it's yours Tack, all yours. Fuck me how you want. I need you, i need you. Oh god, use me" she screamed as Tack began to pile drive her. Reaching his hand around to her face, he sank a few fingers into her mouth making her look like a strung out whore, as he pounded her ass until he blew his enormous load into her guts, bellowing and moaning with each volley. Tack continued to fuck both Melanie's mind and body for the rest of the afternoon.

The following afternoon, Tack and Melanie were taking a break on the couch. Tack wore a pair of Laith's training pants that Mel snagged for him, while she wore one of Tack's t-shirts and a pair of pink silk panties. They weren't just taking a break from the pounding sex, but a break from the sex-kitten / Alpha Stud vibe they had going, and they talked about everything and anything as they enjoyed each other's company for a while. Mel jumped as there was a knock on the door, and Tack got up to see who it was. Realizing Melanie might be embarrassed and want to step out of the room, he told her, "Don't move, sit right there." before going to open the door.

Swinging the door open, he was surprised to find Jay Hunter standing there as a light rain soaked him on this cold damp Sunday afternoon in April. "Hey man" Jay said as he smiled coyly at Tack. "Fuck man, look at you. Major Stud" Jay observed seeing Tack's buffed body and confident swagger. Dropping his head down and shaking it from side to side Tack chuckled. "Jay, what do you want, cus i know you aren't here to do something for me." Jay tried to act casual, like he just stopped by, but it was hard to believe he was there just to say hi after walking in the rain and standing outside his door shivering. "I should let you stay out there and freeze idiot" he quipped. Looking over his shoulder seeing Mel sitting on the couch, he thought this could be fun. "C'mon in" he offered, gesturing with his hand to step inside. Jay followed Tack over to the sitting area and pointed to a chair opposite the couch.

Jay was a little awestruck seeing Melanie sitting there in a t-shirt and panties, clearly not here for platonic reasons. "Hey, your Melanie Dennis" Jay said in lieu of a hello. Melanie said hello to Jay, and offered Jay her hand to shake. She was surprised at how rough his hands were when they touched, but she found the masculinity of it also excited her. "You're soaked man", Tack observed as Jay continued to shake and his thin lips looked a little blue. Melanie asked, "Why don't you let me dry those for you. Tack, do you have something he could wear?" Tack responded, "I don't have anything he can fit into, plus the only way dumb people like him learn is by paying the price of their stupidity." Ignoring Tack, Mel said, "maybe your dad has a robe or something. Is it ok if i go see?" she asked. "Yeah, whatever" Tack answered uninterested.

Melanie went upstairs to look for a robe, and as soon as she left the room, Jay asked, "What the fuck man, since when have you started hanging out with royalty?" Tack laughed, "Who should i hang out with, you?" Jay kept connecting the dots, "Fuck man, then the rumors are true. Greg, Laith, now her. I need to get in on this." Tack choked, "No fucking way man. Why would i do that?" "Why not?", Jay begged. The truth is that Tack had nothing against Jay, he even kinda liked him, but Tack wasn't in the habit of doing favors, and Jay was definitely not a fit for this crowd. "Why are you here Jay" Tack demanded. "I heard about Laith" Jay answered honestly. "And...", Tack implored. "I want in" he said sounding lustful. "Fuck no man. Fuck NO. Why would you even want to?" Tack allowed Jay to tell his story. Jay worked at the Shaw's estate in the summers for years, doing lawn work while working with his uncle. He watched Laith come and go for all that time, paid attention to everything Laith did and had become obsessed with him. Laith had no idea who Jay even was to this day, and Jay just couldn't get him out of his head. When he heard rumors about Laith from Ben, he knew he might have a chance to meet him. Tack listened to Jay and challenged him, "Laith has enough people who want to take a piece out of him right now. You wanting revenge for him not noticing you is not gonna work now, your too big, too strong and you'd probably kill him. I don't need a dead slave."

"First of all", Jay replied sounding angry, "I definitely don't wanna kill him." "Well what do you want?" Tack demanded. "Well, I don't know. I've just always been.... like into him, you know. I don't know, but i definitely don't want to hurt him." Tack looked shocked as he asked, "Are you a homo dude? Are you in lust?" Jay looked embarrassed and anxious, as he explained, "Not full blown, but maybe some, i don't know, but i have to get a chance to talk to him or something at least." Thinking for a minute, Tack smirked, "You really like him, don't you ya idiot? Well, what's in it for me?" "Ok, so i was thinking", Jay started to explain excitedly, "I have that old Indian Scout motorcycle that i've been working on, and i just need to get a gas tank and replace the chain. It runs good. You'd look sweet on it man." Tack knew that was a huge give from Jay, as he'd been working on it for over a year and it meant a lot to him. "So, would you throw in a blow job too" Tack asked seriously. Looking nervous and antsy again, Jay admitted, "Yeah man, you're so hot, yeah, i'd do it if that's what you want." Tack offered "I'll see what i can do and let you know. I can't promise anything". Jay looked ecstatic and Tack wished Jay didn't pin his hopes on this. "Hey", Jay asked, "did you say `Slave' before?", just as Melanie walked in with a robe for Jay.

As Jay thanked Mel for the robe, he headed for the bathroom, but Tack stopped him. "Why don't you do that right here" he suggested. Tack was making a job of getting Jay nervous today. "Melanie doesn't mind, in fact she'd like that, wouldn't you slut?" he asked her, his tone turning to threatening again. Jay processed what he just heard Tack say, trying to make sense of it as Melanie struggled to get back into her sub-slut groove for Tack. Tack saw Mel needed a push, so he helped her out. "You'll do anything for me, won't you whore?" "Yes I'll do anything for you Tack. I'm your whore." she admitted. "You know I'll do whatever you tell me" she replied feeling the full force of Tack's power again. Getting up she approached Jay and unbuttoned his shirt. Up close she could smell Jay's musk. It didn't have the same sweaty Alpha punch that Tack's did, but his scent got in her head as she stripped his shirt off and slid her fingers down his strong young body as she removed the shirt. Jay was not cut or muscled like most jocks, he had natural muscles and stayed fit from hard work. His build was not aesthetic, it was practical, but as Mel stripped him she realized Jay was hot in his own way, it was just that between all of the surface stuff nobody could see it. Tack wanted Melanie to bow to him once again, by whoring herself to someone of his choosing that she would normally not even know existed.

"His pants aren't gonna take themselves off" he remarked, and Melanie kneeled in front of Jay to unlace and remove his boots and unbelt and lower his pants. Jay's face showed he was totally confused, but was happy to be involved in whatever this was and to figure it out as he went along. Jay's wet clothes were now in a pile on the floor and Jay was completely naked as he stood in front of Melanie. Jay was still hesitant to move on Mel, considering her off limits in normal settings. Melanie's perception was keen, and she knew exactly what Tack was looking for, and she was a little surprised herself, that in the few intimate moments she spent with Jay, that's what she wanted too. Mel initiated, moving in and looking up at Jay she pulled herself up to him while guiding his mouth down over her lips. Melanie didn't hold back at all, giving herself to Jay from the first touch between them. Jay easily picked Mel up and carried her to the couch as her legs wrapped around him as they continued to wrap their tongues together. He pawed her tits and his tongue ran over most parts of her body before teasing her clit and making her moan.

Tack watched the erotic scene unfold and then directed Melanie, "Tell him what you want slut." "Jay" She pleaded breathlessly as he penetrated her with his tongue, "please fuck me, please I need it." Jay moved on top of her, his scent wafting over her she moaned from it's effect and how good he made her feel as his body pressed her down into the cushions. He moaned as he slid his huge cock into her vagina. She gasped from his penetration, and once he was in he looked to make sure she was alright. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she could feel his power as he fucked her, but she needed more. "More she begged" clawing at his shoulders. "You sure" he asked. "Please, wreck me she begged" and as he ramped up he thrust in her as hard as he would a cheap whore he'd picked up on the street and fucked in the back of his truck. She hung on for dear life letting him penetrate her mouth with his tongue, her body giving in to his. She felt a connection with him as he pounded her until he flooded her pussy with his load, leaving a part of himself to remain with Melanie forever.

After Jay's clothes dried and she helped to dress him, Melanie whispered something in Tack's ear. "So" Tack explained, "Mel here would like more if you'd want to." Jay's confidence level was up a dozen notches from just a few hours ago, and he nonchalantly agreed, "Sure." "So, only rule is it has to go through me. Got it?" Tack clarified. "Sure" Jay repeated, feeling completely different than when he arrived. Exiting from the basement, Jay did not forget to thank Tack as he left.

Next: Chapter 51

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