
By Greg S

Published on Apr 8, 2024


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Disclaimer: If you aren't 18 years of age, or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenagers and is for adults only! The acts are consensual. This story is complete fiction, all descriptions, and names are also made up. Any similarities are purely coincidence. This story also contains violent scenes including force, bondage and humiliation. If this bothers you, please do not read any further!

Perceptions - Chapter 40

The high school wrestling party we went to for New Year's was totally lame. Of course Greg was not there, but i expected he'd be completely underground these days. Laith was there, and it was good to see him, even if he always treats me like a nuisance. He had no idea what was going on with Greg, as he'd just gotten back from France that afternoon, and Greg hadn't answered his calls. Ash was there for literally a hot five seconds before moving on to another party, but he did take a minute to stop and taunt me, which i appreciated. I wished him luck in prison before he left, and he laughed at me as he walked away. `Fuk he has some hot attitude' i thought to myself.

The next day i received a text from Laith, and apparently so did Tack and Greg. `Meet at the gym at noon for some hoops. Be there! Back door will be open'. I thought, how the fuk do these guys get access to the gym, but then i thought of the coach that Laith and Greg subdued last year, and it made sense. Bax and I headed over from my house, as Tack and Jason came from Tack's, and Laith was already there when we arrived. When we got there, I introduced Bax to Laith. It seemed like there was already some history there, because Laith took Bax in very intently, and was super observant as if he was calculating something. I had no idea what it was, but there was something going on. There was no sign of Greg as we started playing, but after about 15 minutes Greg walked in looking a little different than usual. Not depressed or anything just foreign and a little lifeless. I smiled and tried to greet him pretty enthusiastically, but he was not having any of that. It wasn't long before Tack's temper got the better of him, and he started fouling Greg. Not one to let a slight go unreturned, he elbowed Tack right back, and so it progressed until the two of them were fighting on the basketball court floor. Laith pulled Jason and I back from interfering, knowing something had to be aired out between the two.

What started as a pretty rough back and forth quickly turned into Tack being on top again, laying a beating on Greg as he once again got squashed by another alpha this week. I couldn't understand what had happened to him, but it was clear he lost his will. Just as Tack was about to do some real damage, Laith swooped in and pulled him off of Greg. Tack didn't want to let it go, but Laith was definitely the top dog of the group and he brought order. Greg just laid there on the ground, not moving, still in acceptance as he took the beating Tack had handed out. Laith stood at Greg's feet and he kicked them lightly with his own foot. "What do you want Greg?" he asked clearly in front of everyone. Greg continued to zone out on the floor looking lost. Frustrated, Tack yelled, "Bitch wants a beating and I'm gonna give it to him". Laith looked over his shoulder and focused on Tack. "My friend, you have no idea what he wants because you don't know the real story. Not even half of it." Turning back to Greg, he nudged his feet again and said "What do you want Greg?" Greg refused to speak. As he started to lift himself, Laith moved to the side and used his foot to press Greg's chest down to the floor. "You aren't going anywhere until you tell me what you want Greg?" Laith was subtle but ruthless as he worked Greg into another kind of submission. Now, putting one foot on each side of Greg's waist, standing over him he looked down and continued. to ask, "What do you want Greg?"

Finally, as if his head was going to explode, Greg yelled, "I want you! OK! I want you! You satisfied?" I was surprised at how simultaneously Greg could be both angry and stoic, but he pulled it off. Now lowering himself to sit on Greg's abdomen, Laith directed Greg to "Say it again, but more respectfully this time." Greg whispered "I want you, ok? I admitted it. May i go now?" Smiling, Laith said "Absolutely not" as we all watched the shocker of a scene unfolding in front of us. Then, taking two fingers from his left hand, he slid them into Greg's mouth and sawed against Greg's lips with them. "Good boy" he whispered.

Speaking clearly and calmly, Laith explained what we were witnessing. It's a puzzle that began in Marblehead in August. The two weeks they spent together involved more than friendship as Greg developed an irrepressible attraction to Laith. While he was there he learned to serve his best friend, offering both his service and his body to Laith in most every way possible. "I hate to break it to you Bax" Laith explained, "But the story I've been hearing is that you popped his cherry in Boston, but the truth is that was gone in August." he said. "The thing is that I hurt this guy right here. He thought i was throwing him away" he said pointing at Greg. "I was figuring some things out and you felt like I was getting rid of you, but i wasn't", Laith said smiling down at Greg. "Then as soon as we got back, shit went crazy. Greg fighting with Tack, then this shit with Ashley, and then going to U Mass and the thing with Bax and it was too much for you, wasn't it?" Laith asked Greg. Reinserting his fingers back into Greg's mouth, he made him suck them and showed us what had become of Greg.

"The thing I need from you, well not all of you, just the guys, Tack and Bax, but what i need from you is help with my boy. See Melanie and I aren't breaking up. I'm not going full `mo', but my boy here needs me, don't ya?" Laith said laughing a little. Greg looked embarrassed, but he also looked content beneath Laith. Looking over his shoulder, he asked Tack, "You understand why this was about more than just the tension between the two of you?" Tack nodded. "He was trying to figure himself out and he was running into a lot of brick walls and dead ends" Laith suggested. "Yeah, i get it. No problem. But what is it you need?" Tack asked. "Greg here is a horny boy who needs more than i have time for, so i need you two to be my lieutenants."

Greg began to speak, "No way man, I'm not gonna get fucked by Tack" Greg hollered. Laith laughed, Using his right arm to flex a single bicep over Greg as he sat on top of him. "What did you say boy" he questioned slowly as he worked that right bicep. "I can't do that, please don't", he begged, as we all watched in rapture at the unbelievable power transfer happening in front of us. "It will happen because it should happen." Laith calmly declared. "Tack is superior to you and you'll not only respect his alpha position, but you'll serve it. I think you're afraid that you will become too attached to serving Tack and won't be able to live without his cock. Tell me this, how many times in the last week have you jacked off thinking about how Tack humiliated you at the basketball courts?" Greg didn't answer as he laid beneath his new Master. "I think that says it all my boy." Standing up, he pulled Greg up by his arm, and looked him in the eye, then looked over some of the bruises Tack had given him, rubbed his thumb over a few of them, smiled and then began to tow Greg into the mat room. "C'mon men......and ladies" he announced.

Once in the mat room Laith explained, "This is gonna be like orientation, or re-orientation depending on the person. I haven't had this hole since August so i'm going first, then Tack, then Bax. Sorry man, your cleanup today", he said looking at Bax. Greg began to protest a little about being passed around, but Laith ignored his words, simply picking him up and tossing him down on the mat and covering Greg's similar sized body with his own. Moving to straddle his chest he lowered his shorts, allowing Greg to slick his stick up as he began to choke Greg hard on his steel cock. It was an incredible sight witnessing the reorientation of two old friends from equals to Master & Servant. Not wasting much time in his throat as the whole experience had him already on his way, Laith slid down between Greg's legs and threw them over his shoulders, and looking down into Greg's soulful eyes now he commented, "Welcome to a new world boy" as he popped the head of his fuck stick into Greg's chute. Greg moaned deeply and painfully as Laith slid slowly but insistently to bury his cock to the pubes in Greg's tight ass. As Greg adjusted, Laith ramped up his pounding holding Greg's legs in a `V' shape as he used his ass like a cunt. "Please, please" Greg begged as his Master owned him in front of everyone. "Please what baby?" Laith asked. "Please, please ..... don't ever stop owning me Sir. I love you Sir." Hearing that, Laith smiled, "I know you do baby, i know" Both of their bodies built up a sheen of sweat as Laith's perspiration began to drip on Greg's body. As it looked as if Laith was fucking more intensely and getting close, Tack directed Jason, "Time to fluff me boy. Show me what a good whore you are." Dropping his shorts, Tack took a wide stance and Jason fell to his knees before his Master and swallowed his cock, getting it wet and hard. Laith was now pounding Greg harder into the mat with each thrust, beating Greg's body down and taking pleasure and power from him, while his own body flexed and strained totally dominating his boy as Greg's dick bobbed and spurted as it bounced against his hard abs while he looked up at his boss. "Who made you boy, tell me?" Laith asked. "You did Sir, i wanted you so bad that I would do anything to be yours Sir." Greg admitted. "You made me and you can destroy me. I belong to you in my soul Master" he cried as Laith entered the final throes of climax and began to cum in torrents up his boy's ass as he moaned gutturally, "take it, take that cum boy".

As Laith slipped out of his boy's hole and backed away from him, Tack wasted no time in taking over. Straddling Greg, Tack sat on his new beta's chest and began to slap his face with his rigid cock. "Whose your Alpha, you bitch?", Tack demanded. Greg took the cock beating from Tack, but didn't answer as he was being subjugated in front of everyone. "Who turned your boy over there into my cock whore and made him want to pledge himself to me? Huh?" Tack questioned as he slapped G's face repeatedly with his rod. "Who showed you what a bitch you were at the basketball courts in the park, and then again here today? Who you worthless cunt? Tell me now?" Letting out a moan of submission, Greg began to confess, "You Sir. You are my superior, my alpha, my boss. You beat me down and now your gonna dick me down Sir" he cried out as his cock shot sprays of cum all over his abs and Tack's back as he straddled Greg's chest. Tack responded immediately, "FUKKKKKK you dirty whore, cumming all over without even touching yourself. Who do you want to use you? Beg me whore, beg me right now?" Greg was so desperate to finally be conquered by the man he had so many losing struggles with; that he begged sincerely, "You Master Tack, I want you to use me and control me, take your pleasure from me and completely consume me ....pleeeeeaassssse". With that, Tack flipped Greg over onto his stomach and laid his body on top of his new beta bitch, and moved his cock to the moist chute Laith had vacated. Lining up, he just pile drove his cock into Greg making him yelp through the first few strokes of his powerful cock, before he slid his arms underneath Greg's and putting him in a somewhat painful full nelson, as he continued to tear up Greg's hole for his own satisfaction. As he came closer and closer to climax, Tack tighten his wrestling hold causing more and more pain for his victim, and as Greg began to beg for mercy and tap for submission, Tack redoubled his efforts and began pumping his hot alpha cum into his beaten former foe.

Needing a while to recover, Tack took a few minutes to dismount his slut. Looking like he was getting total leftovers, Bax took some of the lessons he'd learned earlier this week, to show his ownership of Greg in a different way than either Laith or Tack had. Bax whispered in my ear, go find me a chair and a ping pong paddle or something similar and bring it back to me now. Then stripping in front of everyone, Bax made a huge statement simply by exposing his statuesque body. Standing in front of Greg, he pointed to his foot and said "Start there and show me how well you can worship me slave?" Both happy to have Bax as a Master, and totally turned on by him, Greg began to devour Brian's body, tasting and becoming familiar with the taste of his sweat and skin, he moved from his feet to his legs and then to asshole, mining it out, cleaning it for this Stud to show his appreciation. He was just really getting into Bax's musky smell when Bax pulled him out of his ass and stood him up. Taking a seat in the chair i brought, Bax pulled Greg over his lap and tested the paddle on his tight butt. "How's that?" Bax asked. "Ok, i guess" Greg answered. Bax laughed as Greg didn't realize what he was being asked, and then he wound up and brought the paddle down hard across Greg's formerly virgin ass cheeks. "OOOOOWWWwwwwww. OOOOOOHHHHhhhhhhh." Greg screamed out as Bax repeatedly brought the paddle down on his ass until he had delivered fifteen brutal poundings. Now pausing, Bax lightly slid the paddle back and forth over Greg's ass cheeks and questioned, "Why didn't you tell me you were a slave when we met?" Taking a moment, Greg replied, "I didn't know that i felt that way then", to which Bax brutally delivered a paddle strike to Greg's right cheek. "You didn't know Greg? You can do better. Why?" Bax barked as he delivered another brutal strike to the opposite cheek and Greg yelped. "I guess I didn't want anyone else to know." Bax replied, "OK, better. And why didn't you want anyone else to know?" "Because i am in love with Laith and I'm afraid to lose him. I'm keeping up an appearance." "Good" Bax replied, then asked, "Why did you start that fight with Tack when you got back?" "Because he was taking my bitch." Greg answered angrily. Bax drove an extra hard slam into Greg's now tender ass as he let out another scream. "You just said you knew you were a slave a minute ago and you want me to believe you wanted to own a bitch?" Bax questioned as he delivered an additional blow to Greg's now fire red ass cheeks. "I don't know" Greg cried out, "i'm not sure", to which Bax unloaded five devastating impacts. Don't make me do this forever Greg. Tell everyone why you kept starting fights with Tack. "Ok, because i wanted his attention. I wanted him to hurt me or punish me or something" Greg tried to explain. "Did you want him to break you?" Bax asked, using the new word he'd learned this week. Shyly, Greg admitted, "Yeah. Plus Laith was right too." "How?" Bax pushed. "Because i was afraid that if anything happened between us i would become obsessed with him. There is something so unyielding about him that I feel powerless around him and i think he'd consume me, which i want but i'm also scared of. It's hard to explain."

"Finally, why did you take me home with you and the other bitch greg when you met me on campus?" Bax asked. Greg was careful to try to figure it out, not wanting to feel the pain of the paddle anymore. "Because of the way you acted and moved and looked, you had the kind of confidence that makes a DOM, and i was hoping you were one and that i could get a little experience with the side of things i wanted more of." Processing, Brian asked, "Then why did you play the role of top? Even more so, why did you treat greg like a cuckold slave when that's your role as much as his?" Greg struggled knowing there was not redemption for this one, "I played the role because i always play the role, because that's what people expect and demand and i have to be that for them and i can't tell the truth." Now, Bax was brutal as he rained down a dozen more hard and fast blows to Greg's already bruised ass, punctuating the contacts by saying your lies just fuck with everyone around you and prevent you from ever being happy. Your fear is causing you to be a coward, and as the blows reached 8, then 9, then 10, Greg began to sob and apologize for not being honest, and as Bax pushed him off his lap and onto the floor, Greg looked up at Bax and begged for forgiveness. Seeing this vulnerable boy at his feet, Bax scooped him up, walked him over to the padded column in the center of the room, wrapping Greg's legs up against his chest, pushed his back against the pad and lined his now hard cock up against Greg's sore, swollen hole. As he slammed in, Greg howled as he was being penetrated. Bax got off on owning the new boy he had just molded and built, and he was taking him and owning him proudly as he handled him like a doll using his powerful body to dominate him completely. The more Greg moaned, the more Bax covered his mouth with his own lips and smothered Greg with his tongue. Bax's kisses had Greg churning over the top again and as Bax pinned him into the column and forced his mouth over Greg's, Greg shot another load onto his stomach and chest. The more Greg squirmed the tighter Bax held onto him and harder he fucked him. As he approached his own climax, Bax dropped Greg onto his back on the floor, evidencing Greg's second climax. Straddling Greg's chest, Bax began to jerk his heavy cock in Greg's face, aiming for his mouth, cheeks, eyes and nose. As he released his cum, he painted and plastered his new slut's face with his alpha seed. Then standing up, he dragged his foot across Greg's abs, picking up Greg's second load and then mixed it with his own load all over Greg's face as he mixed and smeared the seed all over him. Finally, his alpha instincts spiking, he chose to do a double bicep flex as he held his foot across the chest of his new broken prey.

Next: Chapter 41

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