
By Greg S

Published on Nov 11, 2022


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Disclaimer: If you aren't 18 years of age, or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenagers and is for adults only! The acts are consensual. This story is complete fiction, all descriptions, and names are also made up. Any similarities are purely coincidence. This story also contains violent scenes including force, bondage and humiliation. If this bothers you, please do not read any further!

Perceptions - Chapter 22

I tried to talk to Master Greg a few times over the weekend, but he sent me a `too busy now' text every time I tried to speak with him. I needed to let him know that this was alright and that I would be as devoted as ever to him when I went to Dartmouth. It was only a couple of hours away, and I would come home every weekend if I needed to.

When he and Laith told me there was going to be a wrestling get together at the gym next weekend, I felt like things were normalizing a bit. On Saturday, we would review tapes, maybe do some scrimmages, and layout the team for next year. The school was going to bring in pizzas for dinner. Seniors wouldn't be participating next year, but were invited. I thought, at least I could talk to him there and address his concerns.

We got there by 8:00 on Saturday morning, and Captain Greg paired us up for some stretching and warm ups to wake us up and get us in the spirit. Predictably, Ash wasn't there since he thought I was a blight on the senior class. We watched tapes in the coaches' screening room for about two hours and then we took a break, after which Captain Greg ran us around a bit more to warm up for some scrimmages. It occurred to me by the time we finished watching match videos that the coach was noticeably absent from todays event, which seemed pretty weird. We scrimmaged from about 11:00 until 3:00 which seemed like a long time. Captain Greg said he needed to get a handle on everyone's skill, but I wasn't going to be on the team next year so why was I facing off against so many more opponents than everyone else and getting almost no rest between scrimmages. When I asked, he said I was a good opponent to test their abilities and he wanted everyone to go up against me a few times that afternoon. It seemed strange, but I did not question, I strove to serve my Master. By the time it was over, I was whipped, and basically everyone on the team had whipped me.

While Greg and Laith worked with next years teammates from about 3:00 until 5:00, I just took time to recover and talk to whatever guys were willing to speak with me. Of course Jack from bathroom rescue fame talked with me for a while. He hinted at a blow job, and I suggested that I'd need my Master's permission first. He chuckled and said, "no problem." Most of the juniors were involved in discussions with Laith and Greg, so I hung out with the group of underclassmen who seemed really interested in talking with me. They asked me how I got into wrestling, and where I was going to school next year and what I planned to study. It was great, I felt like I was laying a very good impression on these younger guys, plus they seemed so mesmerized by what I was saying. In the end, there were two freshman and two sophomores out of the twenty-some teammates gathered who in particular stayed glued to me for the two hours. They seemed to be the most outgoing of the pack, more comfortable with themselves and genuinely curious. They were really polite and accommodating young men as well.

Eventually 5:00 came and everyone started clamoring for Pizza. Laith let us into the gym lobby where there were a few tables set up. Everyone took a seat and looked forward to food and more conversation. Before I could sit down, Laith hooked my arm and said "Not so fast fag. Remember your comment in the cafeteria about my friends being...well dumb?" I smirked, "Yes Sir, I remember." "So, I said I was gonna make you blow them for that, and now is the time queer boy." "Really?" I asked trying to sound shocked, but since I realized the coach was dismissed and they played pile-on with me during scrimmages, I figured I might be in for some abuse. Laith brought me to one of the small training rooms, unlocked the door and pushed me through the door. "Get ready to blow whomever walks through that door. You got that?" He stated. "Yes Sir" I responded simply. "You got that?" He demanded much more powerfully this time, to which I responded with a military, "Yes Sir!" He closed the door and locked the deadbolt from the outside. I sat on the therapy table and waited, thinking that I would have loved a piece of pizza. The three guys I remarked about in the cafeteria were not wrestlers, but Laith, must have arranged for them to come here tonight. The three of them walked in, and I could tell they were nervous, but in a pack they had more courage. I kneeled at the foot of the therapy table and gently motioned for them to come over towards me. I unzipped the first guy and the rest followed suit on their own. It wasn't long before they were all shooting their jizz on the floor and in my face. Man, I have developed some mad cocksucking skills in the last six months.

I was still thinking about pizza as they redressed themselves. I went to follow them out of the room when one of them said "No, Laith says you get locked back in here. Go sit on the table." They left and I sat waiting. Next, Jack unlocked the door, sauntered in and said, "Nice to see you" a bit sarcastically. I think I went above and beyond in my cocksucking performance with him tonight based on his grunts and how he clenched my head to his groin as he shot his load into my mouth. Next one of the freshman I had gotten friendly with unlocked the door and walked in. I asked, "Did you come to get me? Thanks. I'm starved." He didn't answer, and moved very deliberately. I immediately knew something was going on. "Ben", I said, "What's going on?" "We're gonna see he said, but while we're in here call me Sir." "Fuck", I mistakenly said out loud. Ben was only five and a half feet tall at most, thin and wiry but strong, and not afraid. He was still in his singlet, as was I, and he slipped it down over his growing mound and said, "Get to it." I knew there was no way out of this, but I thought about how questionable this situation was. I don't know if Ben had ever received a blow job before, but he didn't seem nervous or tentative about any of it. He took his stance and used my mouth like a fuck doll spewing his seed down my throat.

When he left, I did not realize that I would receive visits from, and swallow the cum of, the other one Freshmen and the two Sophomores that I spent time with earlier. I thought I was mentoring them, but it seems that everyone from the team was given the opportunity to meet and talk with me, and the four who were most appropriate and willing from the team were given the opportunity to use me. One of the Sophomores clued me in to how it worked under my promise of secrecy. I wondered, why four, and what determined who was appropriate. And, more importantly, why?

After dick-serving Laith's three friends, Jack and the four contest winners from today, Greg finally came to the room to retrieve me. "Master Greg, may we please speak Sir. Please." I begged. "What fag?" He snapped. "How can I prove to you that everything will be ok next year? I'll do whatever it takes, this is not a big problem Sir. I have to go to school there Sir, this is something I have wanted all of my life. More than anything Sir." "I see" was his curt response. "It's not going to be a problem Sir, I swear." "We all make choices fag."

Next: Chapter 23

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