Peeking from the Closet

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Dec 29, 2005


In spite of my arguments against it, Bobby insisted, somewhat stubbornly, on downing the last of the beers before I took him home. His logic, that he was already pretty much ripped, and was bound to suffer the after effects tomorrow, so WTF, was actually difficult to argue with. He was right, after all, so I shut up, and watched him scarf down one more brew. It turns out I was glad he did, because I was afforded the opportunity to watch him stand, somewhat weaving, and tilt his head back, as he sucked down the beer, the taut muscles of his bare tummy stretching enticingly, and the snug Levi's clinging to his well defined erection. As he finished inhaling the brew, and expelled another gross belch, I found myself wishing that he had another to drink in just the same way.

I was successful, thankfully, in dissuading him from entering the house to make his goodbyes. I can only imagine the buzz that would have resulted from a near-naked Bobby, painfully, and obviously erect, stumbling around more than half drunk, muttering about me taking him home. Don't think so, Ace, not in this life, anyway. I gathered up the remainder of his clothing that he had littered around the patio, and steered him, carefully, toward my car. My own erection had begun leaking damply inside my briefs, as I steadied him with my hand holding onto his bare back, my fingers actually tingling from the contact with his smooth skin. We made it to the car, and I opened the passenger door, nudging Bobby into the seat, where he sprawled, half way collapsing onto the seat. I lifted his legs, my face mere inches from that bulging crotch, and swung them inside the car, where he splayed them widely, causing the stretched material of the jeans to cling even tighter to his swollen meat. Damn, I thought, that has got to be uncomfortable, or at least would be, were he more sober, and aware. I resisted the strong temptation to pop the fly, and let the big dog hunt, as vivid images of his thick, hard cock swam through my mind. He was blabbering now, as all of the alcohol caught up with his system, mumbling my name, and "main-man" over and over. His outside leg bent awkwardly, inserting his bent knee into the space I needed to close the door, so I bent down, and manipulated his ankle, relocating his knees, and my arm pressed against his rock hard cock, as I made the maneuver. Damn, I thought, what I wouldn't give for an hour alone with that baby!

I managed to get him half-assed settled, or at least all the way inside the car, and quickly shut the door before he changed his position again. I walked around the car, and slid in under the wheel, and closed my own door, as Bobby grinned at me in a lopsided way, his hand falling onto my thigh, as he muttered, "Ryan....yea main-man...!" My dick jumped in my shorts as he rubbed his hand up and down my bare thigh, and I concentrated strongly, silently willing him to grab it, which would grant me license to return the favor. He didn't, of course, and finally, after my hardon was seriously threatening to rip through the material of my shorts, he leaned the other way, and lolled against the door. I looked over at him as I started the car, and he gave me another silly grin, as he reached into his distended lap, and gripped his thick cock. "Fucking bad-boy is loaded for bear....definitely primed...freeking bitch...!" He muttered in slurred tones, his hand trying to work that treasure inside the tight Levi's. I chuckled, feeling my heart hammering in my chest as I watched him, and bit down on my tongue, to stop myself from flat out offering him the relief he so desperately needed. He continued to stroke himself absently, as his mostly incoherent blabber spieled forth a steady dissertation extolling the less stellar points of Ms. No-tits personality. I gave my own aching member a covert squeeze, and tore my eyes from his crotch, and tried to pay attention to my driving.

A few blocks passed, and I turned a corner, passing a closed, but still brightly lit car dealership, and let myself take another quick peek at my passenger. As the bright lot lights lit the cars interior, I damn near lost control, as Bobby muttered a string of obscenities, and ripped open the fly of his jeans, freeing his formidable weapon. The thick stalk literally sprang into the open, standing strong and proud, nearly straight out from his dark pubes. I gasped audibly, my gaze frozen in place on his turgid cock, and my mouth actually flooded with saliva, so strong was my desire to touch that magnificent piece of male meat, and to suck it, to feel its hard smoothness, and heat, in my mouth. "Shit, Bobby....what the fucks up with that, Dude?" I croaked, my voice somehow having octave problems suddenly. He giggled wildly, his smile heart stopping, even in his drunken state. He pealed off another lewd giggle string, and closed his fingers around that pulsing cock, and announced, "Fuck it....I gotta get off....fucking twist...nuts are freeking killing me...!" And with that, he began to stroke himself as if I were a complete non-entity. "Jeez, Bobby!" I stammered, as I turned the car off the road, and rolled to a stop behind a darkened church, and killed the lights and engine. There was a fair amount of light from the parking lot light standards, and I stared, my mouth hanging wide open, as Bobby slowly stroked up and down his beautiful cock.

He looked over at me, his eyes squinted tightly, as if trying to get me in focus, and the goofy grin painted his cute face once more, as he slurred, "What...?....just gonna biggy, Dude...." Maybe not to YOU, Bobby-boy, I thought, but, Dude, you are killing ME, here. Mesmerized totally, I unconsciously leaned closer to him, then, lower, my wide-eyed face ending up not more than two or three inches from his stiff pole, and I shuddered strongly as his incredible scent hit me. God, it was freeking beautiful, and, it even freeking SMELLS delicious, I thought, my tongue flicking at my lips, as I stared at his hand moving slowly up and down his thickness. He giggled again, and mumbled, "Jeez, Ry.....take a freeking picture, why don't' ya....they last a lot longer....than this is gonna....!" And he cracked up again, very impressed with his own rapier wit. Without thinking, I quickly replied, "Yea, I SO wish!" He paused, his hand suddenly freezing in place, and my eyes locked onto the flared head of his perfect cock. It was so red as to be nearly purple, and covered in a glossy sheen of his drooling precum, and my heart skipped a few beats, as I nearly drooled, so flooded was my mouth. I could almost taste it, and given half an ounce of encouragement, I would have, definitely.

Bobby released his thick cock, and worked his Levi's a littler lower onto his thighs, and I let out a small groan, as his plump balls added yet another dimension to my burning desires. He spread his legs wider, and flexed his pelvic muscle, making that granite hard pole jump, and nearly hit my incredulous face. I groaned again, feeling some saliva escape the corner of my drooling mouth, and run down my chin, as Bobby flexed again, and his cock actually made brief contact with my nose. I inhaled his intoxicating scent, and felt my senses burst into flame, as I boldly scooted an inch closer to the hypnotizing object of my desire. "Hey, about....?" He muttered, and I felt his eyes burning into the back of my head as he stared down at me. Oh shit, I thought, I am SO busted now, fuck, he knows....he freeking knows what I want to do....fuuuuck.....! I exhaled, and he reacted, as my warm breath flooded over his cock and balls, a scant inch away from my hungry mouth now, and my ears were filled with the super loud roar of my dangerously elevated blood pressure. "Oh....fuck....yea...Ry...?" Bobby mumbled, as he began to get it, and apparently, began to consider the unthinkable. "Uh...Ry...Dude....maybe....?" He added, again flexing the monster, and slapping the side of my face with it, once, and then again. The heady scent of him, and his flowing fluid, filled my nostrils, and I drooled again, my heart promising to explode, and end my misery, any second. ", man....could ya....jeez, Dude.....please....?" And I gasped, as Bobby put his hand on the back of my head, gently, but definitely, urging me to close that last remaining inch of gap between my hungry mouth, and his throbbing, leaking, cock.

Oh God, how I wanted to....needed to....just do it, dummy, I told's right, freeking, THERE, asshole...begging for it...his hand pressing steadily on my head....shit....I am SO fucking mind raced, processing a million thoughts, all at warp speed. "Oh fuck, a bud, fucking bad...hurts....dude.....please....?" he begged, his breath as ragged, and constricted, as my own. His aroma filled my senses, and I stared so intensely at his throbbing cock that I was sure it would just burst into flame, and become a torch of pulsing, quivering, flesh right in front of me. "Come on Ry.....Dude....just...this...once....please, fucking hurting....!" He chanted, and I opened my mouth, my tongue swabbing over my parched lips, and Bobby flexed his hips, and added down force to my head, as the plumb shaped head of his thick cock slid between my lips. "Ahggggg...fuck....Ry....yeaa....!" he grunted, and I felt the head of his cock jerk inside my mouth. I groaned, surrendering my last shred of resistance, and giving in to the overwhelming desire that had been burning in me all night, and moved steadily forward, slowly engulfing his hot, thick cock in my mouth.

Bobby groaned loud, and long, and my taste buds exploded, filling my stuffed mouth with copious saliva, as I took him to the very root, the spongy head bumping the back of my throat, and his silky pubes rubbing my nose. Holy shit, I thought, my mind going into meltdown, I am actually sucking Bobby Richard's thick, and beautiful, cock! I gagged slightly, and drooled from the corners of my mouth, the wet trail sliding into his lap, and coating his plump balls. I withdrew slightly, and swabbed my tongue around the underside of his turgid shaft, as he groaned again, his hands firmly gripping the sides of my head. I took him deep again, then, withdrew, incredulous at my actions, and thoroughly loving every second of it. I gagged again, and struggled to accommodate his size, and the abject strangeness, in my very filled mouth, then, seemed to find a rhythm, bobbing my head over him, as my fingers dug into his lap, seeking, and finding, his heavy balls. I griped the bulging sac, lightly tugging at it, as my mouth worked up and down the length of him, tasting him, and reveling in the satin smooth texture of his cock filling me this way. His precum was flowing like a water fall, and the slightly acrid taste of it only further fueled my fires, and I sucked him as if I had done it forever. I shuddered, my whole body racked with a sudden spasm, and I realized that my own cock had exploded, depositing a huge load of cum into my shorts, as I orgasmed, untouched, my mouth, throat, and very senses, filled to capacity with Bobby Richards.

Bobby was spewing a steady cadence of soft grunts now, his hips thrusting in sync with my ministrations on his throbbing cock, and he growled suddenly, making a strong upward thrust with his cute butt. I felt his thick shaft stiffen, and swell in my bruised mouth, then, jerk strongly, as he erupted, his warm, thick nectar suddenly flooding my packed mouth. Tears sprang into my eyes, as I gulped, quickly swallowing his first ejection, then gagged slightly, as he pulsed another, and another, and another strong jet of the milky fluid into my mouth. I gulped, the tears streaking down my face, and gulped again, desperate to keep pace with his awesome explosion of cum, a seemingly endless erupting of the bitter-sweet cream that continued to flow into my aching mouth. Finally, he was drained, and spent, as he sagged back against the car door, heaving, and gasping for air. I continued to suckle his wilting cock, moving my fingers off his balls to grip the base of his shaft, and milk it, as he rewarded me with one more small dollop of his slimy boy batter, which I eagerly swallowed, once more astonished by the silky slickness of the salty juice.

I lifted my head then, releasing his drained cannon from my puffy lips, and sat back, my hand moving to swab the excess of his ejaculate from my lips, and chin. I gasped for breath, gulping in big gulps of the charged air, his aftertaste lingering in my mouth. I laid my head on the seatback, and turned to look over at Bobby, as my mind raced, all of my circuits in complete overload, as my brain tried to process all of the input of the event that had just occurred. Bobby opened his dark eyes, and slowly painted the silly, and now slightly sheepish grin onto his pretty face, and said, very softly, "Fucking-A, really ARE a bud....fucking-A!" I felt my face burning with my embarrassment, and my overwhelming passion, and nodded, trying for an equally sheepish smile, and croaked, "Yea, well....told ya before, Dude.....anything... for you, Bobby-boy!"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 4

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