Peeking from the Closet

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jan 20, 2006


Sadly, it was getting late, and my parents could show up any time, plus, Tim felt that he needed to get back to Shari's house, so we reluctantly agreed to call it a night. And what a night it had been, for damn sure! I so wanted to jump into the shower with Tim, but was too fearful of my parents showing up, so I deferred, rather than needing to explain to my father just what I was doing sharing a shower with a friend that he had never before seen. I told Tim to just take my car to Shari's, and then return it in the morning. That not only precluded the need for me to dress, and make the round trip, but also assured my seeing Tim again, as soon as possible.

I walked him to the front door, and he pulled me close, pressing his soft, lush lips to mine, as his hands once again cupped the cheeks of my little butt. I felt my cock grow stiff, as it pressed against him, and after breaking the kiss, he moved his hand to my crotch, and gripped my erect shaft. "Damn, does this beauty ever rest?" he asked me with a chuckle, and I blushed a little, and replied, "Well, it's been waiting, and resting, for a really long time, up till now." He smiled his killer smile, and brushed his lips against my cheek, and said, "Yea, well then, get some sleep, little Bud, cause it won't be doing much resting as long as I'm around....see ya in the morning...early!" And with that, he was gone.

I left a note for my folks by the door, telling them that I had loaned my car to a friend of Shari's, so they wouldn't worry, then, headed back to my room. I considered taking a shower, but decided that I wanted to sleep with the lingering scents of Tim on my body, so I just slid into bed naked. I could smell him on the pillows, and the sheets, as well as on myself, and I inhaled the heady aroma deeply, as my hand drifted down to my half hard cock. I wrapped my fingers around it, and stroked it slowly, my mind replaying the incredible events of the evening. This, I decided, was the real night of my birth, the night I became me, the me that I had always known lurked there, just below the surface. I owed Tim for that, well, and Bobby, and Mike too, in a slightly different way, and I would never forget any of them for it. I continued to touch myself, slightly amazed at my sudden need to cum, for what would be the third time in just a few hours. Tim's gentle, and expert, arousing of the fires within me had been awesome, satisfying beyond belief, but I wanted more, all of it, again, and again. I picked up the pace of my stroking, masturbating for effect now, and tugged at my balls with my other hand. I lifted my legs, bent at the knees, and let my finger slide behind my balls, prodding the smooth skin between my sac, and my tight little hole.

The memory of Tim moving his finger on me there flooded my mind, and I groaned out loud, letting my own finger move there, and simulate the contact that had made me audibly gasp when he had done it. I moved my fingertip back and forth, sensing the firm, tiny ridges of tissue that seemed to surround the tight wrinkle that was the opening to my body, and I shuddered, as I pressed against the tightness, and felt it relax some. I sucked in a breath, and held it, then, pressed hard against the resistance, and gasped again, as my finger popped inside, about a half inch. Wow, I thought, that's new, for sure, and not so bad either, I thought. I wiggled it a little bit, and marveled at the strange feeling, a kind of a fullness, and awkward, like my finger was trying to go in the wrong direction for the design. I held it there, my other hand still slowly jacking my rock hard cock, and tried to analyze my reactions. I didn't hate it, I decided, and while it was weird, it didn't really hurt, just that kind of funny feeling of fullness.

My mind conjured up images of pictures I'd seen of guys actually fucking, and I shuddered again, picturing Tim's thick cock, and reached the conclusion that it would no way ever fit inside this tiny spot of my anatomy. Is that what he was, or is, thinking, I wondered, still slightly freaked out from feeling him touch me here, earlier. I considered the primary purpose for the organ, and shuddered again, slightly incredulous that anyone would actually want to touch there. Still, I was doing just that, wasn't I, and, growing more curious by the second about just what could go on here, if someone actually knew what he was doing. I slid my finger back out, and centered my full attention on my throbbing cock, quickly bringing myself to another orgasm, my cum painting over my tummy, as I focused my mind on the unbelievable sensation of Tim sucking me off. I came really hard, and was suddenly exhausted, so I rolled over, smearing my own fluids onto my skin, and sheet, and fell into a deep sleep.

I slept like the proverbial rock, barely shifting from my original sleep position, and woke to a serious pressure on my bladder. I rolled onto my back, blinking against the bright daylight, and stretched. I relaxed, and ran my hand over my tummy, grinning at the crusty film of my cum that flaked there. All of last night's events flooded my mind suddenly, and I giggled, as I realized, suddenly, that I was, indeed, a gay boy. Not merely a cocksucker, but a suckeee, as well, and a veteran sixty-niner, to boot. I was also, I realized, very much wide open to further exploration of these carnal delights. Surrendering to the growing pressure to relieve my bladder, I rolled out of bed, grabbed some clean briefs and a tee shirt, and headed for the bathroom.

I took care of business, and stood a long time under a hot shower, slowly soaping my body, as I recalled vividly the stunning feel of Tim's hands, and mouth, on me everywhere. Damn, I thought, chill out, sex fiend, there are other things to life, right? NOT! I laughed at myself, and got a grip, rinsing away the soap, and abandoning my thought to jack off again. It was a brand new day, and Tim would be bringing my car back soon, and then......yea.....and then! I got out, dried off, and slipped on the briefs and tee. I straightened out my hair, and went back to my room, pulling on some fresh Levi's, and my shoes. I headed downstairs, and the kitchen, following my nose toward the mouth watering scent of frying bacon, suddenly realizing I was really hungry.

I joined the rents for breakfast, catching them up on the "really cool" guy named Tim that was Shari's cousin, a college dude, spending thanksgiving with them, I elaborated on my bringing Tim to the house to show off my new PS2 games, and how it got late, so he just drove my car back to Shari's, and should be calling, or showing up soon. My Mother, in typical Mother fashion, lamented that is was "nice" that I had made a new friend, only fussing slightly about the difference in our ages. My Dad, bless him, barely grunted from behind his newspaper. I finished wolfing down breakfast, and, as I was loading my plate into the dishwasher, I saw my car glide to a stop at the curb outside. My heart did a small flip, as I saw Tim climb out, and start walking toward the house. I noted the snugness of the jeans he was wearing, and felt a jolt in my balls when I focused on the nice bulge at the snug fitting crotch. Hmmm, I thought, I know what that is, and, I know that it gets even bigger, too! I unconsciously ran my tongue over my lips, and headed to the front door.

Tim came inside, and I was close enough to pick up the freshly bathed scent of him, mixed with a subtle cologne, and I had to really resist the urge to just grab him, and kiss him, right in my parents foyer. We went into the kitchen, where I made the introductions, and we chatted over coffee with my parents for a while. I was half hard the whole time, just being next to him, and I silently willed him to just drink the damn coffee, and let's get the flock out of here! He was totally cool with my parents, obviously charming the sox off my mother with his great looks, and killer smile. Even my father, not widely noted for paying a lot of attention to my friends, seemed taken with Tim's pleasant personality, and demeanor. I actually held my breath when dear Patter all but insisted that Tim have a refill on the coffee, but exhaled it, when Tim declined. Being a firm believer in striking when the iron is hottest, I quickly seized the opportunity to announce that Tim and I had made plans for me to show him around our fair city, and all of it's notable points of great interest, both of them, and that we really should be going. We made our goodbyes, and I was completely amazed, when my Mother insisted that Tim plan on joining us for dinner later that evening, an idea heavily seconded by dear old Dad. Jeez, I thought, all I want is to get this stud alone, and in behavior very uncharacteristic of them, my rent's seemed to want to make him an honorary member of the family! Go figure!

Finally, we made good our escape, and I fired up the car, squealing the tires slightly in my haste to haul ass. I wheeled down the block, and around the corner, then pulled into the nearly deserted Safeway parking lot, and stopped. I turned in my seat, facing the chuckling Tim, and looked over at him. He looked back at me, a sinister little expression on his too-cute face, and asked, "What?" Exasperated, I responded, "What, my ass!" Tim chuckled, and wiggled his heavy eyebrows at me, then replied, "Oh good, that's what I wanted to talk about, too!" I had to laugh at that, and did, as he glanced around outside for a second, then, leaned over the console, and grabbed onto me, kissing me like it was the last day of earth, as we know it. My cock responded in a New York second, going instantly hard in my Levi's, as Tim's tongue flooded my mouth. I sucked on his tongue, and groaned into his lush mouth, my heart hammering in my chest. He broke the kiss, and leaned back in his seat, winking at me, and said, as his soft eyes dropped to my very tented crotch, "Well, if you want, we can talk about that, too!" I giggled, and nodded my head, and answered, "Oh yea, I want....I want.....well.....everything, ok?" He got serious then, and reached out to run his fingers through my hair, and said, "Everything, and more!" Damn, I thought, this guy is just too much....ten words from him, and one measly kiss, and my freeking cock is leaking all over my undies!

Tim did another quick glance outside, then leaned over, and kissed me again, as his hand dropped onto my throbbing boner. He groped me a bit, then broke off the kiss, and asked, quietly, "Do you know any out of the way motels around here, Ryan....I really want to be alone with you, and, this car is just not going to cut it." Oh jeez, I thought, what a freeking unbelievable couple of days this has been....meeting him....and....yea....and now....I'm about to go off to some no-tell motel with another guy! Damn, oh damn, I thought, this gay stuff really rocks!

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 11

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