Pee Wee

By moc.oohay@evad_tacmaerd

Published on Nov 25, 2007



All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. This story contains some homoerotic subject mater, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if you consider this type of writing to be morally offensive, then find something else to read. And, if you should decide to read this type of literature, neither this site nor the author will be held accountable for your actions.

Thanks to all who contacted me. It is great to hear from you, and to hear your suggestions. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author at:


Peter "Pee Wee" Llewellyn, a 16 year-old boy who needed medical treatment last week after allegedly being bullied at Santa Rosa High School has not returned to school, despite being cleared to return to school by doctors. The Cameron County Juvenile Court has meanwhile issued two distancing orders against students identified as school bullies.

The boy's mother, Francis Llewellyn, has made an official complaint to the Santa Rosa School Board, saying her son is terrified of being targeted again. Principal Carlos Ramon says he will make a public statement once the investigation into the incident has been completed, but that the current feeling is that the incident was nothing more than "a fight like many that tend to take place at schools among students". Guidance Counselor Juan Gomez said, "The allegations against the two students have been blown out of proportion," and emphasized that "such conflicts between students are a normal part of school life."

Principal Ramon said, "While Llewellyn did not sustain any serious injuries in the incident, the school district responded swiftly in following up" with the parents of the students involved.

The suspension of two students, Victor Fuentes and Randy Waters, has sparked protests by those who believe that the decision by the Santa Rosa School Board was excessive and racially discriminatory, alleging a lack of appropriate disciplinary action against Llewellyn, who is alleged to have made racial slurs directed toward the Hispanic community in Santa Rosa.

It has been reported that Ramon initially recommended expulsion for the two students but that the board of education overruled his recommendation, and that school superintendent Roy Waters, also the uncle of one of the two suspended students, agreed with the overruling.

Waters stated that the punishment for the two boys was reduced to three days of in-school suspension and a temporary prohibition from participating in the school athletics program. The school superintendent was quoted as saying, "This represents a fight between several students which was provoked by a racially hostile comment, and not an incident of bullying as originally reported. The boys accused of bullying have excellent school records and are active in our athletics program. I don't think these two boys represent a threat to the students of this school."

Parents of the two suspended boys called for action against Llewellyn, citing witness statements that the incident resulted directly from racial remarks made by Llewellyn. Fuentes and two eyewitnesses present during the altercation between the two boys claim that Llewellyn used a racial slur directed toward Fuentes repeatedly. Llewellyn denies having made any racial slurs, stating that the attack upon him resulted from his unwillingness to cooperate with further hazing. Principal Ramon described amicable race relations between students at Santa Rosa High School. "Racist comments are not sanctioned by the school," he said. At Santa Rosa High School about 40% of students are Hispanic and less than 45% are white. Some accounts have asserted that membership in several student organizations in the school are polarized by race, although this has been disputed.

Education inspectors interviewed Superintendent Waters on Monday, as well as the boy's teachers and other teachers at the school. "The altercation between these boys was not an incident of bullying as originally reported, and had absolutely nothing to do with Santa Rosa High School," said Superintendent Waters.

Randy Waters, one of the two suspended students, asserted that the dispute between Fuentes and Llewellyn began when Llewellyn objected to Fuentes loudly repeating that Llewellyn possessed a "small penis" despite Llewellyn's request that he stop. The boy stated that his friend was not bullying Llewellyn, but simply made a statement of fact. At that point, Waters said, Llewellyn called Fuentes a "Spick", a derogatory term for a person of Hispanic heritage, at which point Fuentes kicked the boy in the groin. "Several other students witnessed the incident," he added.

Fuentes admitted to investigators yesterday that he booted Llewellyn in the privates. "I kicked him with full force right in the balls but he didn't go down. He just kept on babbling his rubbish, so I kicked him again." Fuentes said, "A doctor told me later I'd damaged a tendon in my foot." Fuentes later acknowledged that kicking Llewellyn in the groin was a "stupid" way to vent his rage. "Just because I teased him about having a small one gives him no right to call me a Spick!" Fuentes is quoted as saying in his statement to investigators. While Fuentes admitted to the assault sentencing has been deferred for a year under a plea agreement. If he commits no new offenses during that time, the assault charge against him will be dropped.

Superintendent Waters went on to say, "I do not believe that any of our students are so bent in the psyche that they would go after another youth just to demean that person, to crush that teen's spirit." However last year an incident of bullying reported at Santa Rosa High School involved a freshman student being stripped and tied to a chair with athletic tape and rolled him through a cold shower and out to center court in the gymnasium. The family of the student involved eventually dropped the complaint. Waters was also alleged to have been a participant in that incident.

A recent study conducted by the Texas Board of Education found that bullying and hazing are common among student groups in middle/high schools-particularly among athletic teams. The study found that bullying is common with 33.5% of students reporting having been bullied by a student once or twice, 7.5% having been bullied by students occasionally, and 8% very frequently. Male students have been found to bully and be bullied more than female students in elementary school and high school. Students who witness bullying behavior report that they often do nothing (16%) or join in (20%). The study found that thirty-one percent of gay youth had been threatened or injured at school in the last year alone. They're often embarrassed or ashamed of being targeted and may not report the abuse.

Bullying at the high school level is especially disturbing because adolescents are most vulnerable to peer pressure. Making friends and finding approval in one's peer group is intensified during middle/high school years. The report by Texas Education Association (TEA) also noted that bullying flourishes in a setting where adult supervision is non-existent or severely limited. Reportedly students feel safer in smaller schools where faculty can supervise more effectively in a more intimate setting.

The TEA report draws attention to a lack of understanding among the general population about bullying which is often overlooked or dismissed with the axiom that "boys will be boys". The report cites cases in which high school students report harassment only to find themselves ostracized or branded as pariahs.

Guidance Counselor Juan Gomez issued the following statement at a student assembly, "Bullying and racial harassment, whether physical, verbal, or psychological are to be deplored and will not be tolerated at Santa Rosa High School. Bullying demeans and humiliates young people. It is up to everyone to be aware and work together to prevent bullying from happening."


"Peter Llewellyn! Get down here right now." Pee Wee's mother was not a happy camper. The call from Carlos Ramon, the school principal, telling her that the school board was satisfied that her son had only escalated an argument into a physical altercation when he called Victor Fuentes a "Spick" had left Mrs. Llewellyn incredulous. The embarrassment of having her son involved as a victim was embarrassing and scandalous enough but Francis Llewellyn had now been made to listen to a list of complaints by Mr. Ramon that implicated her son as less than a victim, and more as a part of the problem.

"Pee Wee, I've just gotten off the phone with Principal Ramon," Mrs. Llewellyn was controlling her voice with an effort. The past several days of living in the spotlight that her controversial son had drawn upon her and her family has definitely been a drain on her. "They have interviewed the other boys in the locker room who all swear that you started the fight by calling Victor a 'Spick'. I can barely believe it!"

Pee Wee looked across from his mother to his brother, Mark, and saw that he had a black eye. His mother turned slowly red in the face, not in embarrassment, but in anger. "Now Mr. Ramon tells me that several students have come forward, saying that you were playing some kind of show and tell game in class with your zipper wide open showing your privates off to the other students! Haven't I taught you anything?" She looked at her son as if she didn't know he was.

Pee Wee's face turned from red to crimson.

"I hate being in this family!" Mark said. He pulled the hand holding the ice bag away from his eye, and stared at Pee Wee in hatred. Whatever had happened, it was clear that he blamed his brother for his misfortune. Francis held her hand up to her face as if she had been slapped by an invisible hand.

"Go to your room young man!" she ordered Mark.

She then looked back over at Pee Wee and continued her rant, "The school board has ordered you to perform 50 hours of community service at the school. I convincing him to allow you to work to assist the janitor at the high school. And to help out at the concession stand during sporting events. He agreed."

Pee Wee was feeling extremely degraded. He knew that what sort of humiliation he might have to face by working as a janitor's assistant after school. He was severely disgusted with himself and the situation he had allowed himself to get into due to his own foolishness and his own cowardice for not having stood up for himself. He had a chance during the interview to disclose what all had happened, but was too embarrassed to go over everything the boys had done or made him do. He doubted anyone would believe him now if he were to recant and try to tell them now.

"We're respectable people." His mother ranted, "Nothing like this has ever happened in our family before!"

Pee Wee hated to see his mother in such misery, especially when it was so clear that he was responsible for what she was going through. He started to stand to go to her, but she held up her hand, "Stop it," she said, "You're sick. I can't look at you." She lifted her hands up toward the ceiling and called out "Jesus, don't give me more than I can bear. This load is too heavy!" Then she stepped backward in the direction of her bedroom and turned, hurrying away from her sons, keeping one hand against the wall for support as she made her way into her bedroom.

Pee Wee was standing with his head hung low. He couldn't figure out how reality had somehow twisted to make him the perpetrator when he had been the victim. He knew those other boys had lied when they accused him of calling Victor a "spick". They weren't just witnesses, they had held him while Victor kicked him, and now they were just covering their asses. He couldn't imagine being more miserable that he was at this moment. Even worse, he couldn't imagine going back to school. But now it seemed he had no choice.


Nothing happened during the bus ride in to school the next morning aside from an awkward silence and a few curious looks. He noticed a number of the Hispanic students stare at him with expressions that seemed less than friendly. He guessed that they believed what the boys had said about him, and what had been reported in the newspaper. No one spoke to him on the bus. No one seemed to want to have anything to do with him, including Mark. As Pee Wee got off the bus at school he needed to take a quick leak but decided to stop off at his locker before he went to the restroom. His locker hadn't been messed with or anything. It was the main reason he felt compelled to go there first. That was one of his fears: that he would return to find something written or pasted to his locker door.

As he walked down the hall toward his locker he felt like every person was staring at him, and some were. The news of what had happened had traveled through the school, and there had even been an article in the Santa Rosa Herald. He had read the article probably a hundred times. The sentences "Llewellyn objected to Fuentes loudly repeating that Llewellyn possessed a small penis," and "Just because I teased him about having a small one gives him no right to call me a Spick!" were forever imprinted into his memory. Anyone who hadn't known about his "little" secret before knew now. His face burned every time he walked past other students.

As he opened his locker a note fell out, landing between his feet on the floor of the locker bay. He picked it up and started to read it, but then noticed several students looking over in his direction, talking and smirking, and so he quickly folded the note and slipped it into his shirt pocket.

One of the guys who had been discussing him gestured to Pee Wee. "Hey," he said in a voice that was half whispered. "Come here."

Pee Wee was startled by his voice. He recognized the boy as one of Randy's friends. He motioned for Pee Wee to come over, and Pee Wee approached slowly.

"It's all right," he said. "It's all cool."

"What's up?" Pee Wee asked.

"I heard Victor Fuentes kicked you in the balls so hard he injured his foot," the boy smirked. Pee Wee was pretty sure that his name was Albert Garcia. "That must have hurt like all fuck! They still sore?"

"Ummm yeah. Well. I mean." Pee Wee was stuttering pretty badly. He was afraid of what might happen next.

"That's too bad, Pee Wee" he whispered. Albert turned glanced around at who else might be in the locker bay, then suddenly shove Pee Wee against the lockers. One hand pinned Pee Wee shoulder against a locker. "Chinga a tu puta madre," he exclaimed as he brought his right knee up hard into Pee Wee balls. "Bet they're hurtin' even worse now, pendejo!" was all Pee Wee heard as he shoved him back upright against the locker. "By the end of the day they'll be scrambled eggs."

Pee Wee automatically slumped forward reaching down to cradle his balls in his hand as a cascade of pain surged through him, leaving his legs trembling and causing his knees to buckle. He suddenly felt a squirt of urine as his bladder released without warning and suddenly his pants were soaked. He tried to squeeze his wet crotch with his hand but the sudden shock to his balls had resulted in a complete loss of bladder control. Tears welled up in Pee Wee's eyes as the other boys watched, laughing hysterically, and there was nothing Pee Wee could do about it. The piss flooded into his briefs, into and down his jeans, and into his shoes. He stood there in disbelief at the fact that he had just pissed himself at school.

"¿Que maricon de mierda eh?" One of Albert's friends shoved him hard, and he fell back against the lockers, almost losing his balance. Pee Wee leaned against the lockers, as the pain in his balls slowly ebbed, looking down in shame and embarrassment at his wet pants. "iQue chingon!" He heard one of them say, as they laughed and left him alone in the locker bay.

By the time he finished his mad dash into the restroom his pants were visibly soaked. Several students noticed and laughed. Pee Wee tried to run around them, endeavoring to draw as little attention to himself as possible for a boy running across campus with urine soaked pants. A wet spot traveled down from the crotch of his jeans partway down one pants leg, and completely soaking the inside of the other. He stood at the sink crying and dug into his backpack, pulling out the gym shorts he had brought in for physical education. Now he would have to wear them for the rest of the day. Pee Wee managed to rinse the urine off himself and get his jeans rinsed out at the sink without interruption. He was thankful that no one walked in on him during the process. He even still made it to class on time.

His first period class was halfway over before he even remembered the note that was folded up in his shirt pocket. He opened it up, unfolding it against his desktop, just below the bottom of his math book. It wasn't much of a message. He wasn't sure whether to be afraid or comforted. He read it several times, each time wondering just how to interpret the two words scrawled between the folds, "Welcome back!"

He got kicked, or punched, or kneed in the balls a couple more times that morning. Not as bad as when Albert tagged him in the locker bay, and certainly nowhere near as bad as when Victor kicked him, but bad enough. And each of the boys who assaulted his balls promised more to come. But none of them had asked for anything, or even given him a reason why this was happening.

After lunch in physical education Coach Hurley announced that they were going to play dodge ball and Pee Wee winced. His balls were sore enough to impede his walking and he knew that he wasn't up to the quick reactions, rapid movements and sudden direction changes required for the game, but at least he wasn't running laps.

Pee Wee did his best to stay away from the ball, and did pretty well during the first round of play. When he saw Albert on the opposing team his stomach fell. Albert punch his fist into his open palm and pointed a finger at Pee Wee. Several of the boys caught the gesture, but the coach apparently missed it. Pee Wee was finally put out of the game by Albert who landed the ball hard into his stomach, almost taking his breath away, but from the look on his face Pee Wee could see that the boy had been targeting his the groin and just missed. It dawned on Pee Wee that when Albert promised that his balls would be scrambled eggs by the end of the day he had been serious, and Pee Wee started to worry.

When the game continued Pee Wee got distracted by another boy who mouthed something at him he didn't understand, then looked up just in time to see Albert throw the ball quite obviously in the direction of his crotch. He tried to twist his groin to avoid taking a hit, but felt the impact against his balls and collapsed on the floor of the gym, crying and cradled his balls in his hands without even considering that the other boys were watching.

"What the hell is going on here?" It was Coach Hurley's voice. "You okay, Pee Wee?" the coach asked, without realizing that he had called him by his new nickname.

As he helped Pee Wee to his feet one of the boys in the gym yelled, "Maricon" while someone else shouted out, "I hope your balls fall off, faggot!" The coach whipped his head around to face the group of boys standing there, and demanded to know which of them were responsible. When no one spoke up, he ordered the group to start running laps. Pee Wee could feel their dirty looks and hear their grumbling as the coach helped him toward the exit.

"I'm taking you to the nurses' office. Can you walk?" The coach asked him and he nodded his head. Everyone stared at him as the coach escorted him slowly down the hallway toward the nurse's office still clutching his swollen balls. Pee Wee wasn't just humiliated, this time he was actually afraid.

The nurse told him to get undressed and wait for her on the examining table. When she returned, the coach was still with her--apparently she decided that she needed a witness to examine him. After having him lay back on the table, she lifted his gown and winced when she saw his darkly bruised scrotum. She asked how Pee Wee had gotten injured and Coach Hurley told her that Pee Wee had taken a direct hit to the groin during a dodge ball game. "Is this the boy . . ." she began to ask, but the coach interrupted her, answering "Yes" before she even completed her question.

The nurse rolled Pee Wee's bruised testicles between her fingers, then left and came back a few minutes later, gently placing an ice pack on his groin. Pee Wee looked beyond Coach Hurley and the nurse, who had left the door to the examining room ajar. A change in air pressure in the room drew the door farther open as another student entered the nurse's station. Pee Wee could see clearly that it was Sally, though she wasn't wearing her cheerleader uniform. She had a clear view of his bruised balls from where she stood. When she realized that Pee Wee was watching as she stared at his swollen balls she blushed and stepped back out of the doorway. Pee Wee groaned, and the nurse, who was whispering something to the coach, turned back to asked him, "Is that ice helping?"

About halfway through his last class for the day, the nurse decided, after talking to Doctor Hughes at the clinic, that Pee Wee was well enough to leave. But by the time she had made several calls excusing him from the afternoon classes he had missed, the last bell had rung, and the classes were letting out.

Pee Wee made his way to the bus stop as quickly as he could to be on time for his bus. Waiting there he saw that Randy was standing with a group of friends in the middle of the crowd of students. Randy saw him and slowly moved toward him through the crowd, glancing around to discern if anyone noticed what he was doing.

"How's your first day back? I hear you pissed your pants right off the bat." Randy smirked, but then his expression grew serious. "Mine sucked. You know I'm off the baseball team because of you." He stared at Pee Wee. "How're the jewels? Some of the guys say you took at least four or five good taps today, and then another one in the gym! Even ended up in the nursing station. I wonder how many times a guy can take one in the nuts before they get so mashed up that the doctors finally have to just cut 'em off?"

Pee Wee felt whatever he had eaten curdling in his stomach as Randy looked at him.

"Hey, baby boy, I have nothing to do with this!" Randy emphasized, smiling and holding his hands up as if Pee Wee had pointed a gun at him. "Just some of the guys hating to see one of their team mates getting screwed over. You know we used to have a winning team. Now two of our best players are off the team. A lot of guys will be pissed off about that. It'll probably be someone different every day, maybe, who knows?" Randy got close to Pee Wee and whispered, "Your balls are history, Pee Wee."

Pee Wee pulled back to see the look on Randy's face and could see that he meant it, then felt a little piss squirt into his briefs. He looked down and desperately checked his crotch to see if it was still dry knowing that there would be a visible wet spot on his gym shorts. Randy didn't need to look down. He seemed to sense what was going on, "Piss yourself again, Wee Boy?" Randy laughed and Pee Wee started to take a step back away from him, but Randy leaned close into him and whispered, "Here's the deal," said Randy. "When I'm back on the team I bet they'll stop," he smiled, "and you get to keep your balls."

"But I," Pee Wee stammered, "I mean, how can I? There's nothin' I can . . . "

Randy gave Pee Wee a friendly pat on the shoulders and then turned to walk back over to where his friends were standing. Albert was there. And so were the other boys who had racked his balls that day.


Pee Wee looked at his bus as it pulled around the corner and slowed to a stop. As Mr. Moore cranked opened the doors Pee Wee had a terrible feeling of deja vu. He knew where he was going, and what route he was going to take. As he made his way down the aisle, he saw his brother Mark sitting next to Scott. Mark was staring ahead looking glum, almost depressed, and not angry like he had been that morning when they got on the bus. He paused at the seat, but neither Mark nor Scott made any movement to allow him to sit down with him as they had the last time he had ridden the bus.

Suddenly Pee Wee felt someone push his forward down the aisle, and he looked around to see George behind him. "Stop blocking the aisle," George warned him. Pee Wee moved and finally George shove him into a seat next to one of the boys he had seen talking to Randy at the bus stop.

"Were back at check point Charlie, Pee Wee, Let's see if you have any contraband underwear on you." George snickered, and Pee Wee looked back a couple of rows to see Randy laugh out loud. Pee Wee knew that these creeps would continue to degrade him every chance they got. All day they had called him names, taunted him, and punched his balls. But they still weren't through with him, and Pee Wee realized that they never would be until he was finally man enough to do something about it. Man enough. The one thing he could never be.

"Get your shorts off" George said, as he slid in next to him, blocking his exit from the seat. Someone else laughed in the seat behind them, then suddenly grabbed Pee Wee, putting him in a headlock from behind, then shifted his grip so that he was holding Pee Wee under the armpits and lifting him up off the seat and backwards across the back of the seat. Pee Wee lost his balance and grabbed at his attacker's forearms while George lifted his feet, pulling off his shoes so that his gym shorts would come off easily. The other boy, someone called him Blake during the struggle, grabbed Pee Wee's underwear and pulled them off, remarking that they were wet.

Pee Wee struggled while they were pulling his shorts and boxers down, kicking and trying to stop them, but once they were off the boys just trapped his legs with their own, pulling his legs wide apart, and exposing his swollen and bruised testicles to anyone who wanted to look at them. George shifted his hold on Pee Wee's legs as the shorts came down and off.

Most of them burst out laughing loudly, except for the few that were grossed out by the sight of his bruised and swollen testicles. Pee Wee knew that everyone on the bus knew what that laugh meant, and what was certain to be going on when they heard it. He had learned years ago that when he heard that laugh sort of roaring at the back of the bus it meant somebody was getting stripped. The laughter must have must have carried because everyone's heads were craned in their direction. A few younger kids even rushed in, crowding into nearby seats, eager and ready to see everything they could.

"Grab him around the waist, George, I'm gonna get his shirt off too" the boy who held him from behind said. Pee Wee felt his arms being pulled backward and lifted as the boys worked his shirt back over his shoulders and off his arms leaving him naked except for his socks while the kids on the bus ogled him and laughed at his predicament.

"What happened to his balls?" Someone asked, grimacing at the look of his purple ballsack.

"Forget about his balls," another kid said, "Where's his dick?" Pee Wee looked down and say that his penis had shrunk back into his body like a frightened turtle so that only his foreskin at the tip was exposed. It left him looking dickless.

George pointed at Pee Wee's retracted penis, and said "See here, little jackers. See what happens when you beat your meat too much?" And several of the younger boys blushed while George laughed.

"The little kid I baby-sit has a bigger dick than his," one girl sitting across from them said, "and he's only in kindergarten."

But the nightmare of being naked in front of all the kids on the bus was only a distant thought to him. As Pee Wee twisted to get a look at the boy who was holding his arms, he suddenly felt someone grab his balls forcefully and pull them hard, twisting his ballsack, forcing him back down into the seat. It made him arch his back. Blake squeezed his balls and Pee Wee let out a scream of pain that was cut off before it even began as the boy behind him shifted his position and clamped a hand over Pee Wee's mouth.

Blake released his balls and slapped him hard on his chest. His groin and exposed armpits that had been shaved almost a week earlier now displayed a week's growth of new hair. Pee Wee looked around at the faces of all the kids who were watching. None of them were going to do anything to help him. The thought occurred to him again that these boys stood at the threshold of manhood, while he was just a dickless wonder, as everyone could see, barely a boy, never to become a man.

Then he looked up, over the heads of the kids sitting in the seats ahead of him, and up toward the front of the bus where his brother and Scott were sitting. Mark was looking back in his direction like everyone else, but when he saw Pee Wee glance forward at him he feigned disinterest in whatever was going on, pretending he didn't know exactly what was happening, and turned back around in his seat. Scott leaned over and whispered something to him, but Mark shook his head and kept facing forward. Pee Wee had somehow been able to adapt to being humiliated at the hands of the boys at school, but the presence of his brother, Mark, observing his humiliation, and now pretending not to even know him, he could not readily accept. Pee Wee blushed deeply with shame as he sat in the seat between George and Blake.

The boy behind them whispered something to Blake, but he shook his head.

George asked Pee Wee, "We're gonna play a little game. We're gonna ask you twenty questions, and if you answer them truthfully, to our satisfaction, then you get your clothes back? Fair enough?"

Pee Wee nodded reluctantly. He noticed that all of the kids looking at him seemed excited by what was happening. He had seen the way some of the kids reacted when other guys had gotten stripped. Some of them really got off on watching a guy get stripped. It was a sure fire way of taking a guy down a few notches. But he had never known anyone getting stripped as often as he had recently.

"Good," George said. But then suddenly Blake reached down and casually snapped one of Pee Wee's testicles with his thumb and first finger, like he was shooting a spitball. Pee Wee arched up in discomfort and surprise. It wasn't nearly as bad as a kick in the balls, but it hurt, hurt enough that he didn't want Blake doing it again, especially given the mistreatment his balls had recently received. "Blake's our lie detector," George said, and laughed.

"So who wants to ask the first question?" George looked around at the eager faces of the kids in the surrounding seats.

The girl who had commented earlier about Pee Wee's small penis said she wanted to ask him something, and George pointed to her, saying, "Go ahead. Ask the first question."

"So just exactly how long is your dick anyways?" she asked, and several of the kids laughed, as she added " . . . when its hard, I mean."

Pee Wee had been through this routine before and he knew the only answer that George and the others would accept. He felt his eyes watering and his face burning before he even said the words. He knew that the other kids had all heard the rumors by now, but there was something about having to say it out loud for everyone to hear that was even more humiliating.

"My pee-pee is barely three inches long." Pee Wee finally said it out loud, the way Victor had said it, and the way Randy had told him to say it over and over again to the boys in the restroom. The kids in the seats around him erupted into hysterical laughter, and Pee Wee felt his legs begin to shake and tears begin to work their way down his cheeks.

"He has a pee-pee!" One of the boys in the seat diagonally across from him was laughing so hard he was having a hard time getting a breath. Pee Wee looked up again to see Mark looking back. Mark was also blushing.

"Next question belongs to me," George said then asked, "Have you ever given a blowjob to a guy?"


"Question number three?" George asked. "Remember you can ask him anything, anything at all and he has to tell the truth, or . . ." George paused and Blake snapped one of Pee Wee's testicles again. Only this time it seemed harder, and Pee Wee jumped and let out a wild sound.

"Why do you call you dick a pee-pee?" The kid who had been laughing so hard snorted out the question between fits of laughter. He was completely amused by Pee Wee's predicament.

Pee Wee looked back at Randy, who smirked back at him. He remembered Randy saying "Let's see how big a real man's dick is before we measure Pee Wee's pee-pee," in the restroom just before Victor measured him and announced his exact measurements for the whole world to know. How could he ever forget? It had led to his new name, and his new identity. Pee Wee figured that most every boy in school, including younger boys, now considered themselves his superior. Randy had made that distinction for him forever using words his mother had often used by calling his penis a pee-pee, infantilizing his manhood.

"Pee-pee is the word my mother taught us to use for penis when I was a little kid," Pee Wee answered. Randy smiled and nodded and did not challenge him.

"Next question?" George asked.

"How often do you masturbate?" asked a girl in Pee Wee's class. He had talked to her several times on the bus, and even shared a class with her. But Pee Wee had never expected to be sharing this information with her, or that she would even be interested in knowing it.

"Once or twice a day."

"Is that normal?" One of the younger boys asked, and everyone laughed. Pee Wee thought that maybe they were laughing at the boy's response rather than at his own answer.

"Who wants question number five," George asked.

"How do you masturbate?" One younger boy asked, "I mean tell us when and where and how you do it, and what you think about or look at? What gets you off? Pee Wee estimated that he must be at least four or five years older than this kid. He thought he remembered him also watching what had happened the first time they stripped him on the bus.

This one got pretty personal. Pee Wee felt his skin heat up as he looked at all the kids around him waiting to hear details about his masturbatory habits. He wasn't sure that he could follow through with this one. George recognized his hesitation and told the kid behind them who was holding Pee Wee's clothes to toss the briefs he had worn with his shorts all day out the window. The kid held them up for everyone to see--urine stains, skid marks and all! And as Pee Wee twisted around to say something, the kid stuck his hand out the window and let them go. Everyone looked back and saw them land on the road behind the bus.

"Hope you mom didn't write you name on 'em." George said, and all the kids laughed.

"Usually I do it in the shower," Pee Wee admitted, "usually in the morning, sometimes at bedtime." He paused to think, "I guess I look at porn I downloaded, or imagine having sex with someone."

"Who do you imagine having sex with?" someone asked, "Victor Fuentes?" Everyone laughed, and Pee Wee was glad that it wasn't a question he had to answer. Victor was often the image in his mind as he shot his load. In fact the image of Victor he generally held in him mind as he masturbated was of Victor in the shower room. Victor walking past, a spray of dark brown hair on Victor's chest pasted wet to his olive skin, a narrow trial of hair that started halfway down Victor's abs until it disappeared beneath his white towel.

But once again, and for reasons he couldn't understand, thinking about Victor made his pee-pee snap to attention. Pee Wee sat there, unsure of what to say or do, when he felt Blake flick a forefinger with a bit of force against his sprout of an erection.

"Hey, you only have to say Victor's name and Pee Wee pops a woody."

"Don't bother lyin' to us about it Pee Wee." George said, "Your pee-pee says it all!"

"That's as big as it gets?" The kid who had asked the question about masturbation stared at Pee Wee's miniature erection. "I'm way bigger than that!" Pee Wee dropped his head. There was something about little kids being bigger than him that especially humiliated him.

"So, next question," George announced again and looked around at the faces of those kids that were gathered around them.

"Have you ever fucked a girl?" Someone asked. George smiled at that question. He doubted that Pee Wee had ever had sex with a girl, and also knew that it was an unspoken rule of adolescent boys never to admit to being a virgin in front of friends. Pee Wee had already admitted to having given a guy a blow job, to admit to being a virgin with girls would be the same as admitting to being queer.

"No." Pee Wee answered perhaps too quickly, and felt himself blush again, as several of the kids began to snicker. Apparently they were connecting the same dots as George.

"Next question?" George asked.

"Okay. I got one," the boy sitting next to Randy said. "What's one secret you have that you most wish nobody ever finds out?"

Pee Wee sat for a few moments in thought. Everyone now knew about his little dick, hell many of them had seen it thanks to Randy and his pictures. The only secret he had left was that he had been molested by his older brother. But he was pretty sure that no one could know about that to call him a liar if he kept it to himself. "I don't think I have any secrets left. You guys made sure everybody knows any secrets I ever had."

"That's a lie," Randy said, almost laughing as he said it.

George looked over at Blake and he reached down and snapped one of Pee Wee's testicles with his thumb and first finger. Pee Wee almost vaulted up out of his seat. "That hurt!" Pee Wee exclaimed. He tried to bend forward, like strings were connected to his nerves drawing him into a fetal position, until the boy behind him grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back.

"Who wants question number eight," George asked.

"You should let him go now," said the girl who had originally teased Pee Wee about his small penis. "Give him his clothes back. This is getting out of hand." George looked over at her, obviously surprised by her response. But as he was deciding on his response, one of the boys in the seat in front of them spoke up.

"Who has a bigger dick, you or your brother?" Pee Wee thought that the kid's question was probably inspired by the fact that he had noticed Pee Wee looking over at Mark. "Or are they the same size?" Pee Wee guessed that this kid was probably in Mark's class.

"My brother does," Pee Wee said frankly. He could feel his face burning and knew that his face must have been deep red and he could feel the hot blush moving down his body.

But George interrupted, "You brother does what?" and smiled at Pee Wee.

"My brother has a bigger dick that I do." Pee Wee said, wondering if Mark could overhear what was being said. Pee Wee was acutely aware that that he was blushing over most of his naked body. It was obviously to anyone with eyes how deeply that question had embarrassed him.

"How do you know?" The kid asked. George seemed about to interrupt the kid's question, then decided to let it ride. The kid looked at Pee Wee, occasionally glancing back at Mark.

"He told me," Pee Wee answered, and watching the kids reaction added, " . . . and I've seen it." Then realized saying that was probably a mistake as several of the kids made "oooh" sounds like something nasty had just been revealed.

"Next question," George announced again.

This time Randy gestured that he had a question to ask. George hesitated, surprised, but agreed. "So have you ever walked in on your brother jacking off?" Randy asked.

Pee Wee started to lie, but he knew that he had, and knew that Scott also knew about it. He figured that if Scott knew, he might have told Randy. It was a trap, for sure.

"Yes," Pee Wee admitted, "Yes, I have," then noticing George's gesture that he should answer the question more completely, he added, "I have walked in on Mark jacking off."

The kids around them started laughing and a couple of them called out to Mark. Pee Wee watched as whispers traveled mouth to ear toward the front of the bus where Mark and Scott were sitting.

"So what's the next question," George asked again.

"I have one." Mark said. Pee Wee suddenly turned to see his brother standing there right next to George. "When the fuck are you gonna stand up to these guys?"

With that Mark grabbed George and threw him out of the seat into the aisle, then stepped over him and started to punch Pee Wee in the gut. Pee Wee looked at Mark in shock and tried to shove him away. But Mark got past his flailing arms and punched his brother in the face.

"I hate you," Mark cried as he swung at Pee Wee, who tried to defend himself against the onslaught of blows. Mark backhanded him and Pee Wee fell back against Blake. That was when George grabbed Mark around his waist. But Mark overpowered George's grip and broke free. He punched George twice in his face and then kicked him when he fell back down into the aisle.

"I hate being your brother," Mark yelled through his tears. "Why do you humiliate yourself like this, and embarrass us? Do you think about what you are doing to us?" Mark kicked Pee Wee in the chest knocking him back against Blake again. Pee Wee's legs splayed and before he could do anything else, Mark hit him in the balls with all his fury. Pee Wee drew his legs up in agony, unable to kick. He twisting around and grabbing at Blake's shirt, before he threw up all over his chest and stomach. Blake broke free of Pee Wee's grasp and stared down at himself, and at the mess soaking into his clothes.

Then Mark turned to Randy, raging and cursing, and threw himself at him. But before he could hit Randy, George drew himself up and kicked Mark in the nuts. Mark caught his breath and drew himself up. "This ends here," he said. He reached over and grabbed Pee Wee's clothes from the guy who had been holding them in the seat behind them, tossed them over to his brother. "For God's sake, put your clothes back on," Mark said in disgust "You ain't got nothing to be proud of!"

"You guys need to leave him alone now. Okay? You've had your fun with the baby-dicked faggot. But now it's over! I mean it. This ends today!"

The other guys looked at Mark and said nothing. The bus got real quiet, and suddenly everyone realized that it had stopped moving. They were so intently focused on Mark's rant that no one had noticed the bus driver was already halfway down the aisle. Mark pulled Pee Wee up out of the seat as he was pulling up his gym shorts and shoved him forward. "Get your shirt on," he said as he pushed Pee Wee past Mr. Moore.

"What's going on here?" Mr. Moore asked as Mark drug Pee Wee, half dressed up to the seat where he and Scott had been sitting. Scott stood up and made room for him to sit in between them.

"Nothing now," said the girl who had been the first to tease Pee Wee about his small penis. "Mark was just explaining to George and some of our boys back here how bullying will not be tolerated at Santa Rosa High School."

The bus driver looked over at Blake who had removed his shirt and begun the distasteful task of wiping Pee Wee's vomit off his chest, stomach, and pants. He looked miserable. George was sitting next to him, looking equally unhappy, and holding some napkins under his bloody nose.

Pee Wee pulled his shirt on, and then later put on his shoes, after some kids passed them forward to him. He couldn't bring himself to speak. He didn't know what to say for himself. Once again he had humiliated himself and let everyone down. His brother, his younger brother, had proven himself to be braver, stronger, and already more of a man than he would ever become. Pee Wee remembered again what his aunt had said at his fourteenth birthday party. And she had been right all along: Pee Wee would have to start being polite to his "big brother" Mark. He guessed that that would have to start today, and from now on.

When the bus came to Victor's house it slowed to a stop, and Pee Wee saw Victor for the first time since the day Victor had kicked him in the balls. Somehow, in the midst of everything that was going on, he hadn't even noticed that Victor was on the bus. Victor made eye contact with Pee Wee, giving him another "drop dead" look as he made his way to the front of the bus, this time wearing an ankle brace.

Mark remained silent for the rest of the bus ride, and Pee Wee decided it would be better if he also said nothing. When their stop came Pee Wee looked over at his brother. "Move it, dickwad," Mark said as he got out of the seat and headed for the exit. Pee Wee followed him.

Pee Wee exited the school bus. His balls, already sore, hurt even worse since Mark had punched him. He watched Mark slowly make his way up the driveway toward their house. Then Mark paused, seemingly waiting for Pee Wee to catch up.

"I heard you got kicked in the balls again today," Mark said.

Pee Wee nodded in response.

Mark looked over at him, eyes filled with anger and disappointment, and said flatly, "Well, so did I."

Next: Chapter 9

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