Pee Wee

By moc.oohay@evad_tacmaerd

Published on Nov 6, 2007



All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. This story contains some homoerotic subject mater, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if you consider this type of writing to be morally offensive, then find something else to read. And, if you should decide to read this type of literature, neither this site nor the author will be held accountable for your actions.

Thanks to all who contacted me. It is great to hear from you, and to hear your suggestions. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author at:


Francis Llewellyn was working late that night, but there was a large container of spaghetti in the refrigerator from the night before, and her sons were accustomed to eating leftovers on nights she was working. Pee Wee generally loved his mother's cooking, but that night he was too nauseous to eat anything for dinner, despite the fact that he had also skipped lunch. Scott Waters had come by in time for an early dinner, and he and Mark managed to down most of it, leaving a plate for Pee Wee in case he changed his mind and got hungry later. But Pee Wee was still in bed sweating and moaning, and it didn't seem like his condition was improving.

By 7:00 pm Mark called his Uncle Max, and he had their cousin Larry came by and decided quickly to get Pee Wee to the "Doc In A Box", as their Uncle called the small medical clinic in Santa Rosa. Mark asked to ride with his brother, but Uncle Max thought it best that he and Scott remain at home. He promised to keep them abreast of any news.

After they arrived, a nurse helped remove his clothing and got him into a gown with assistance from his Uncle and cousin. She took Pee Wee's vital signs and told Pee Wee and his family that the doctor would be with them momentarily. Doctor Hughes came and examined Pee Wee's swollen testicles, then recommended that an ultrasound be performed. He asked how Pee Wee had gotten injured and Mark told him that Pee Wee had gotten into a fight at school and been kicked in the balls. Shortly after that the nurse brought in an ice pack that she sympathetically arranged on his groin, causing Pee Wee to blush deep red.

"My balls hurt real bad," Pee Wee whispered to his cousin Larry after the nurse left. "I think they're busted bad." He said, and Larry squeezed his arm sympathetically

After another long wait scrotal ultrasound imaging was performed to rule out testicular rupture. The ultrasound technician who performed his scan wore a badge identifying him as Hanson, though Pee Wee decided it more accurately should have read Handsome. Pee Wee doubted if he was much older than twenty-one, if that.

Pee Wee found the procedure unnerving, not only because of the physical discomfort involved, but also because of the embarrassment of having Hanson, and a long line of other medical professionals, poke, prod and exam his sore, swollen not so privates--all this at a time when his injured penis had completely retracted back inside him leaving him looking even more like a dickless wonder. Pee Wee complained that it felt like the ultrasound heated up his testicles, intensifying his aching balls, despite assurances that it was just his imagination.

It seemed to Pee Wee that at least half the staff at the clinic had been by so far to have a look at him. Later, yet another staff member removed the ice pack and gently examined Pee Wee, while another young man, who never bothered to introduce himself, observed as she looked over Pee Wee's injuries, leaving the patient to wonder just how many different people would be examining his wounded balls before the night was over. She was at least the third person to examine them in such a manner. Pee Wee winced several times as she rolled his tender testicles between her fingers and checked small tubes attached to the back of them. He was so sore that he didn't think to be embarrassed until she asked about his fully retracted penis. "Does it often do that?" she asked. Her face was expressionless, but Pee Wee looked over her shoulder to see the young man behind working to control a smile. After she was finished she competently reapplied the ice pack. "You are still quite swollen but I don't think there is any rupture or torsion. Dr. Hughes will be back in shortly." She seemed poised on the threshold of a comment or a question, but apparently thought the better of it, and left without voicing it.

A few minutes later Hanson brought a folder into the room and set it down next to the file on the countertop. He smiled sympathetically at Pee Wee, then drew the privacy curtain around his bed and left. No sooner had he left that another nurse came in with a syringe in each hand. He informed Pee Wee that he was there to give him something to numb the pain in his testicles. Pee Wee stared up at the two needles, as it suddenly dawned on him what was about to happen. Reading the terror in Pee Wee's eyes, the male nurse assured him that the injections would be in the hip and not directly into Pee Wee's swollen testes.

Old Doctor Hughes, who was much farther from handsome than Hanson, eventually returned, gathered the paperwork off the counter only to leave them alone again while he went off to consult with other members of his staff. Later, during another examination, Doctor Hughes noticed the small scars that remained from a bilateral orchidoplexy, surgery Peter had undergone at age six to correct his undescended testes.

Dr. Hughes asked Peter if he had ever been medically examined for hypogonadism or growth hormone deficiencies. Neither Peter nor his uncle or cousin recalled any such tests being performed on him. After a brief discussion and review of tests that had already been performed at the clinic, Dr. Hughes reported that Peter's hormone growth factor & every thing else seemed normal, and told them that he believed Peter to possess an idiopathic small phallus, but that some further examination may be warranted. Dr Hughes eventually concluded that Peter had sustained severe blunt trauma to his testicles, and perhaps also to his penis, noting that luckily there was no evidence of rupture, torsion or dislocation. At the end of the examination Dr. Hughes prescribed a painkiller, an anti-inflammatory medication, ice packs, and ordered bed rest for 24-48 hours.

By the time all was said and done they had spent a good eight hours at the clinic. Pee Wee was certain that for a good four hours of that time he had been on his back legs spread with his bruised and swollen junk on display for anyone who cared to come by and have a look.

His cousin Larry, now in his early twenties, stayed with him for moral support while Uncle Max got something to snack on in the hospital cafeteria. When Pee Wee's father, Ryan Llewellyn, left his wife, Francis, Pee Wee and his brothers were still in Junior High. Uncle Max stepped in to help out when his Ryan had failed his family. It was no surprise that Mark would turn to him for help with this situation.

"Who did this to you, Peter?" Larry asked.

Pee Wee turned to face away from him. "I don't know, it was . . ."

"You're lying!" Larry asserted, "Why should you protect those assholes who did this to you?"

Part of Pee Wee wanted to explain, tell him everything, the other part was too ashamed to speak. There had been a time only a few years ago when Peter and Larry had been close. In fact he regarded Larry as more of an older brother to him than Troy. Larry, who was at least two or three years older than Troy, used to look after his three younger cousins sometimes, especially during those dark days when their parents were navigating their way through their divorce.

Right after his 18th birthday, Larry had enlisted in the Navy, deciding that it was a good way to spend a few years while he decided what he wanted to do with his life. Serving in the military was also one way to get his college career paid for. Now that Larry had returned, he continued to serve in the army reserves, and was taking advantage of the educational benefits. It proved to be a good decision for Larry, who proved a brave an honorable soldier, willing to fight and put his life on the line for his country, but after Peter's father left Larry's departure left a painful void in Peter's life.

Larry was also the first boy Pee Wee had ever seen jerk off, before Pee Wee even understood what masturbation was. Peeking from between blankets, pretending to be asleep on the cot his Aunt had set up in Larry's room, he had secretly watched his older cousin stroking his extra large manhood, and eventually shoot long strands of his seed onto his chest. Larry had thought Peter was asleep until the very end, when in his surprise he gasped out loud. There was little more to the story, but Pee Wee had since long harbored an attraction to his older cousin. It was a secret had never told anyone.

Truthfully, Pee Wee had no interest in protecting Randy or Victor. He hated them, especially Randy. In fact he had been having his own fantasies about vicious ways he might get revenge against them for all the pain they had put him through. But he couldn't bring himself to report what had happened. It hurt too much. And he knew that if he pulled that thread, everything would get unraveled, and the whole truth of his terrible secret, and of his humiliation would be exposed, maybe even get put in the newspaper.

"Pee Wee," Larry put his hand on his younger cousin's upper arm. "You are laying here with your balls swollen up as big as avocados and just about as black. Besides, Scott already told me that his brother, Randy, and Victor Fuentes did this to you. This is assault and battery, and it needs to be reported to the police."

"No!" Pee Wee protested.

"If you won't do anything to protect yourself against those bullies, then we will have to. I've already heard about your new nickname," Larry hesitated as he watched his cousin's face fall, then continued, "I know the kids have been teasing you at school, but I hadn't heard about the other stuff until Mark told me tonight."

Pee Wee's felt his eyes well up and tears begin to stream down his cheeks before he had a chance to try to control the wave of embarrassment that washed through him. It wasn't just this moment, it was all of them, strung end to end over the course of the past week. The most intimate of details about him were being revealed, outed to the kids at school, but even more difficult he was being outed to his friends, even to his family. He so respected Larry, looked up to him, idolized him. He was even more embarrassed by the fact that Larry now knew how he had been humiliated--or even worse--shamed himself at school. Pee Wee considered his options. His fear of exposure weighed in against his fear of standing up to the boys who had been bullying him around at school. "What if I do?" Pee Wee finally asked.

"What do you mean?" Larry asked.

"What if I protect myself?" Pee Wee said quietly, "So you won't have to." He was stalling. They were just words. Pee Wee had no confidence in his ability to take on anyone, let alone boys who were bigger, stronger, and had no fear. He felt like a complete failure. He had shamed himself and his family. He had embarrassed Mark, and disappointed Larry. He could see the disappointment in his cousin's eyes.

Larry leaned back in the small chair the nurse had brought him so that he could sit while he visited with his cousin.

"Will you teach me how to fight?" Pee Wee asked warily.

About that time Max Llewellyn pulled the curtain aside and entered the small treatment room. Larry looked at his father and then at Pee Wee. "Of course," Larry said, in answer to Pee Wee's question. "Of course I will."


Pee Wee spent the weekend in his room recovering, trying to avoid contact with anyone. The truth was out there, Randy had made sure of that, and now it seemed that everybody knew everything about everything. After being outed nothing would ever be the same again. It was that thought that kept reverberating through his mind. Every time he looked into their eyes, he could see something there that told him that they knew. They knew. And knowing changed the way they thought of him. He especially saw it in his mother's eyes, and in his brother's too.

His mother came up to his room to check on him a few times, but Pee Wee found that he just could not face her, could not look her in the eyes. He knew that his mother was being faced, finally, with the reality of Peter Llewellyn, not the fictionally perfect image of her son that she droned on about to her friends. He knew that she had heard the stories about what had happened at school. He was still even more mortified that just yesterday she had tried to awaken him in the middle of a wet dream and seen what she had seen.

The few words Francis Llewellyn did voice to him wavered between concern, disappointment, and their reputation in the community, which seemed to be somewhat damaged based on what people were saying to her. Apparently the calls were pouring in. It was a small town, and as he knew, there were just no secrets in a small town once someone started talking.

His small penis, when it finally reappeared from within his abdomen, proved to be as bruised as his testicles, and urinating was somewhat painful. But the injury to his balls would ultimately prove to be far less significant that the injury his reputation had suffered during the past week. In just a few days he had gone from a relatively ignored member of the student body to a social pariah. He had gone from "Peter Llewellyn", an honor roll student and member of the swim team, to "Pee Wee", a freak infamous for having the smallest dick in high school, maybe even in town. His cowardice had caused him to humiliate himself and his family. Apparently even his younger brother had been teased just because he was Pee Wee's brother.

Pee Wee didn't know exactly what all had been said in the conversations downstairs, but he had heard the phone ringing even more than usual. At various points he overheard snippets of conversation that only served to reinforce his desire to remain in isolation from the word. Once he overheard his mother say, "Peter would never do something like that," and wondered just what "something" she had been told about.

Later he overheard Mark say very loudly, "Do you know how embarrassing it is for me just being his brother? I wish I were in some other family!" Another time he heard Larry say, "If Pee Wee called him a spick, it was because he deserved it! You should see what he did to him. I don't care what he said, no one deserves to be treated like that!"

As the hours passed, he started to think about what would happen on Monday when he went back to school, and decided that there was just no way he would return to Santa Rosa High School. That there was just no way he could face the kids there. Maybe he could ask his mother to let him go live with his uncle and transfer to a different school district.

If Mark was too embarrassed to be his brother, well, Pee Wee was just to embarrassed to be himself. He desperately wanted to somehow escape this situation and go somewhere, anywhere, someplace other than here that he could start again. He remained in his room and wallowed in his own dark thoughts.

Later on Saturday afternoon, while his mother was at work, Mark and Scott came bounding into Pee Wee's bedroom. "Christ!" Mark exclaimed, "You ain't gonna believe this!"

"What's going on?" Pee Wee asked, confused.

"You're not gonna like this, Pee Wee," Mark continued. "Randy has posted some pictures of you on the internet. Check your profile on MyFace first!"

"What?" Pee Wee said, stunned. "How many?"

"All of them, I think." Scott answered, scratching his head. He turned to Pee Wee and added, "Remember, I'm not my brother. He's a dick. I had nothing to do with this!"

Pee Wee sat down at his computer and made his way to his MyFace profile. A number of new comments had been left. None of them were anything he wanted to see. Scott helped him delete them, but that action did little to help him feel better about the situation.

"You can change your settings on MyFace so you get to approve comments before they appear on your page in the future," Scott said. "You should do that!"

"You need to see what's on this now, Little Bro. This is why you are getting all those comments." Mark said as Scott slid the keyboard to one side of Pee Wee and navigated his way to an on-line group titled "Peter Llewellyn Is A Homo With A Teeny Weenie!"

Beneath the group name was a caption that read, "This is a group for people who think Pee Wee Llewellyn is a homo wimp with a baby dick and should be castrated! Please all join!" Pee Wee looked down at the page in horror. His picture was there at the top of the home page for the group. It was the same school picture he had used for his MyFace homepage. There were already 28 members and according to a counter at the bottom of the page over 120 visitors had already visited the group.

There was also a link to his MyFace Page and his email address. It even had his phone number listed. It explained why he had gotten so many negative comments on his MyFace homepage. It also explained part of the phone calls they had been getting that weekend. Pee Wee gulped, and knew that some part of him would cringe from now on every time his mother answered the phone. No wonder she was so upset!

"No, no!" Pee Wee said. The world was closing in on him, and it wasn't a place he wanted to live in any longer. But Mark grabbed him by his arms and turned him back around the face the computer screen.

"We need to go back to my place," Scott said. "I might be able to do something from there, using Randy's computer."

"We are going to take care of this!" Mark said, "You may have a baby-dick, but you don't have to be such a baby. Do something right for a change." Mark stood Pee Wee up. "Scott's sticking his neck way out there for you! You're coming with us."

Back at the Water's residence Scott clicked on the photo album for the "Peter Llewellyn Is A Homo With A Teeny Weenie" group. There were about forty snapshots on the page. All of them were of Pee Wee: pictures that Randy and George had taken of him on the bus, the pictures from the restroom, pictures of him taken of him in the stall in the boys room naked on the toilet, pictures of him jacking off, pictures of him getting measured, pictures of him shaved, and pictures of him with his dick out under the desk in Mrs. Brown's class. There were even a couple of pictures of him kissing Victor's erect penis. Under each photo there were captions, derogatory epithets like, "Baby-Dick", "Dickless", "Freak", and "Faggot".

Pee Wee hung his head down on his chest when they were done looking through the pictures Randy had posted. His face was burning and he was slightly out of breath. "So those pictures are out there for everyone to see?" Pee Wee asked, openly worried.

But Mark was unmistakably angry, "What the fuck was that?" Mark was staring at the close-up of Pee Wee kissing Victor's penis. He pointed at the screen, then opened a second photo that showed Peter touch the tip of his tongue to the tip of Victor's hard dick. "Why did you do that shit? What's wrong with you?" Mark stepped back. His voice was breaking, almost yelling in frustration, "Hell, you didn't just suck Victor's dick, you even kissed it!" Mark threw his hands up in the air in exasperation, "I wouldn't kiss his dick no matter how many times they kicked me in the balls! You fucking did that!" Mark walked across the room. He was livid. The way he looked at Pee Wee, it looked like he was going to pick something up and throw it at him. "You didn't have to do that. Are you a fag?"

Pee Wee looked at him, then hung his head in humiliation and defeat, feeling miserable and forlorn. Lately he didn't seem to be able to do anything right. "I wasn't thinking," Pee Wee said in his defense. "I was afraid."

"I heard Randy and George talkin'," Scott said to Mark, "They said they totally got off to watching Pee Wee get kicked in the balls by Victor." He continued, "They talked about how Pee Wee had a woody the whole time. George said some of the guys were pitchin' tents too. I couldn't believe they got off on it like that."

There were only about 20 posts in the forum of the group Randy had created to humiliate Pee Wee online. Pee Wee only recognized a few of the names. Hesitating, he looked down at the comments that had been posted. None of them were kind:

"This is what happens when your pet pit bull isn't kept locked up."

"Wow - tiny. It looks like 1 or 2 inches. Disgusting!"

"You make me look huge at 5. Thank you!"

"Pretty tiny there! Why is he always showing it off?"

"Pee Wee is a fag. I saw him suck off Victor on the bus! Only a fag would do that!"

"Grosss . . . "

"I sit next to this guy in one of my classes. He is gross!"

"I heard he called Victor a spick and got kicked in the balls for it! Way to go Vic! Next week I'm gonna cut that little faggot's balls off!"

"Is that an extra belly button?"

"There is no known substitute for a big dick."

"That pic of Pee Wee's dick back inside him looks like my cats asshole....truly. Honestly... I'm busy laughing my ass off at the likeness"

"HAHAHAHAH needle dick!"

"Any one that likes this cock has a small cock too."

"UM where is it?? What the hell is going on here?"

"Helpful hint: Use a Cheerio for a cock ring! LOL"

"Awful...looks like it wanted to be a clitoris at first then it changed its mind and decided on being a tiny penis."

"What the fuck is wrong with you dude? You creep me out!"

"Pee Wee is a total loser!"

Before he got halfway down the list, Pee Wee felt his face get hot and tears started streaming down his face. Mark was looking at him with that "it's embarrassing to be your brother" look on his face. "Is there anything we can do?" Pee Wee asked.

Scott nodded, clicked on the "Edit Group" button and then deleted the group. "There," he said, "It's gone now." He then started dragging and dropping icons from one window into another.

"What are you doing?" Pee Wee asked.

"I'm down loading files and photos off of Randy's hard drive onto a disk, so we can look at them when we have more time." Scott said as he started searching through files on the computer. He obviously knew what he was doing, but he wasn't smiling. "I know my brother's passwords."


"I know how to keep my eyes open and my mouth shut." Scott said, opening up a new window. He was paying more attention to what he was doing than to responding to Pee Wee's question. His fingers flew across the keyboard and he never looked up.

"I'm just searching through the pages on Randy's web sites now." He said as he opened up a photo album, and scrolled through photos of Randy and his friends, files of family vacations, friends at school, holidays. A link took him to another location where he came across a folder and then selected another icon. There was a blank screen with another file symbol on it, he selected an image and it opened.

Scott looked at Pee Wee and smiled. "Here's the way in. He's trying to hide something." Then he opened a new window clicked on another icon and a row of thumbnail images appeared on the screen. Scott started to go through the photos. The first one was a photo of a girl in the shower taken from a high angle looking down into the shower. Her back was towards the camera and you could only see her posterior.

"Now that's a nice ass." Mark said with a grin.

"And it's most definitely our shower," Scott added.

Scott scrolled down through the thumbnails clicking the next photo and it was the same girl in the shower washing her hair. The photos looked like the girl had no idea she was being captured on film.

Each photo was pretty close to the same as the one before. Scott and Mark laughed and joked about what a nice ass the girl had and speculated about her breasts. In the fourth photo was the girl was facing the camera, rinsing shampoo lather out of her hair. Without thinking, Pee Wee's attention went to her breasts.

"Holy shit" Scott exclaimed.

"What?" Pee Wee looked at Scott confused.

"It's Susan," Scott said, "Randy's girlfriend."

Pee Wee looked at the photo and looked up at her face. He recognized the girl. She was a popular girl at school, already on the Varsity Cheerleading Squad even though she was only a sophomore. But here she was taking a shower and Randy was taking pictures of her.

As they continued to scroll through the pictures on the next page of the album, the camera caught Randy entering the shower. Pee Wee's attention went straight to Randy's penis. It was of average size and hung straight down. The water running down the shaft made it glisten. In the next photo it was angled straight out from his body. Over the next few photos Randy took a position behind her, embracing her, then one hand cupping a breast, as the other hand was sliding down to her hairless mound, sliding his fingertips into the sacred space between her legs.

Three pictures later and Susan was kneeling in front of Randy. She had his erect manhood in her mouth oblivious to the fact the whole scene was on camera, but Randy had his eyes looking right at the camera with a salacious smile on his face. He knew.

Scott clicked on the last photo and it was of his brother and Susan standing on the bath mat drying off slightly off frame.

Scott clicked on the next icon and as he started to go through the photos, we could see that these were yet more pictures taken in the same shower. The first one was a photo that Pee Wee immediately recognized as Scott himself, standing in the shower, his back to the camera. He was rinsing his hair under the shower nozzle, but it was obvious who it was. From the photos, and from Scott's reaction to seeing them for the first time, it was obvious that he had no idea that he had been filmed.

"Now that's a nice ass." Mark joked, laughing as Scott's reaction as he almost automatically minimized the photo, realizing that this cache of photos was of him. Scott experienced a moment of ambivalence. He was truly glad that Randy hadn't posted them, or used them to blackmail him, but the idea that his brother had saved these photos really bothered him. He kept wondering what Randy had intended to do with them. One thing he knew for sure was he wasn't going to leave them around long enough to find out.

"That son of a bitch!" Scott said, and rapidly moved to click on an icon taking them to another page of the gallery, but Mark grabbed the mouse.

"Not so fast," Mark said, "I wanna see these," and clicked on the next one. The next photo showed Scott holding his erection, which looked to be about the same size and shape as that of his older brother, aiming the tip up at a jet of water pulsing down from the shower massager. Scott blushed, but Mark pushed down on Scott's shoulders and quickly disclosed, "Hey I do that too sometimes, it feels good when the water hits it just right."

Pee Wee was completely aware of the erection that was growing in his pants as he looked at the photos Randy had taken of Scott masturbating in the shower. He slid his hand down to free his sore penis, that had become trapped in a fold, so that it could roll up pointing toward his belt buckle instead of making an obvious pup tent.

The next icon only took them to a page with even more photos Randy had taken in the shower this time of someone else.

"Fuckin' shit!" Scott said, snorting, but his laughter was nervous, not genuine. Pee Wee looked back and forth between Scott and the picture, confused.

Suddenly Mark drew a breath and exclaimed, "It's your dad." Mark laughed out loud, 'Holy shit, Randy took pictures of your dad too?"

"Even worse," Scott said, "He saved them." Scott stared at the photo of his father, still in shock at what he had discovered on his brother's computer. His father was about forty. He was a man accustomed to hard work at his landscaping business, and his body showed it in hard muscles. He recognized the tattoo his father had on his forearm that he got ages ago in the military. His hairy chest was neatly trimmed and he had a thick matt of pubes that also looked to have been kept well groomed.

Scott started to delete them, but then changed his mind and started pasting the photos of his father into an e-mail to himself. As Pee Wee looked back at the screen Scott sent the e-mail off to himself.

"What are you going to do with those?" Pee Wee asked

"I don't know yet," Scott said truthfully, "Probably nothing. Let's just call them 'insurance'."

After that the three boys went into the restroom and unscrewed the vent above the shower, but there was no camera hidden there anymore. Randy must have moved it somewhere else, sometime after those pictures were taken, leaving the three boys to wonder what new mischief Randy was up to, and where.

Back in Randy's room, Scott sat down in front of Randy's computer and went back to the previous page of icons. He clicked on another icon that opened up another page in Randy's secret photo album. "Hmm." Scott said. "What do we have here?"

He clicked on the first icon and found a photo of Randy, Victor, George, and one of his friends who sometimes came over to their house with George. They were all sitting playing cards in a circle more or less on the floor in the space between the beds. Randy sat in a beanbag chair that Pee Wee saw still sitting over under the window. Though the other boys seemed oblivious to the fact they were being filmed, in one picture Randy was clearly smirking at the camera.

Scott selected the next icon. Both Victor and the "other guy" (Scott still couldn't remember his name) had their shirts off. Victor was wearing a pair of running shorts, no socks or shoes. The other guy was just wearing his jeans.

"Looks like Victor's losing." Mark said.

"Or Randy is cheating as usual," Scott replied.

In the next photo the other guy was bent over, and Victor was planting a kiss on his pucker hole. From the expression on his face Victor wasn't too pleased about it. Randy was pointing at Victor, and laughing in hysterics again looking towards the camera and he was laughing. It was obvious he was laughing for the photo.

The next photo was Randy still sitting in his bean bag chair and Victor was kneeling down in front of him swallowing Randy's six plus inches. Victor had that same expression on his face that practically screamed his displeasure, but Randy was looking at the camera smiling. There were about three more shots of Victor giving Randy a blowjob.

Scott quickly clicked to the next photo and there was Randy, finally in boxers, posed in an imitation of the green muscle bound hulk in front of the beanbag chair. The "other guy" had a sexy smile on his face, but he wasn't looking at the camera. It seemed pretty clear to Pee Wee that the boys, aside from Randy, had no idea their card game, or their penalties, were being filmed.

Scott got to the last series of photos which showed Victor masturbating. In several shots he was standing in front of the window facing away from the camera toward the street, jerking off for anyone below who might glance up. In the final picture Victor was leaning back in the beanbag masturbating himself, with ropes of cum all over his chest and stomach.

Pee Wee unconsciously let out a soft moan looking at the last photo.

"You're getting off on this, ain't you Little Bro." Mark said sarcastically turning as Pee Wee realized what he had just done. "Don't embarrass yourself more," Mark said glancing down, and Pee Wee wondered if Mark had noticed his erection. Pee Wee blushed, but said nothing in response. He didn't have to. Suddenly Mark burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Scott asked, and Mark pointed to a small white string hanging out of Victor's butt hole.

"Holy crap!" Scott exclaimed as the other two boys started laughing hysterically, "They made him put one of my sister's tampon's up his butt!"

"I would say Victor was the big loser in that game!" Mark laughed.

"Yeah," Scott agreed, "The Big Loser. But this might explain a lot."

The final icon led to an album that was almost a dénouement to the other pages they had just viewed. The photos were still frames taken from Randy's webcam. Some of the photos showed Randy jacking his cock and playing with his balls (to the entertainment of the two boys looking over Scott's shoulders). Pee Wee had to admit that Randy had a beautiful body--light brown hair, blue eyes, a smooth chest, slim athletic shoulders and arms, and no body fat whatsoever. Randy's expression seemed so innocent in those pictures, yet so sexual.

As he saved the pictures of his brother, Scott looked back at Pee Wee and smiled, "You owe me, kiddo!" he said, then turned back and continued the process of transferring the photos from Randy's hard drive to the disk he was preparing for Pee Wee. Pee Wee noticed that Scott had referred to him as "Kiddo" a term usually used by adults when referring to a younger child. It might have bothered him more, except that Scott seemed to be helping him out. And these days, he needed every friend he could find.

Next: Chapter 8: Pee Wee 11 13

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