Pee Wee

By moc.oohay@evad_tacmaerd

Published on Oct 8, 2007



All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. This story contains homoerotic subject mater, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if you consider this type of writing to be morally wrong, then I suggest that you should find something else to read. And, if you should decide to read this type of literature, neither this site nor the author will be held accountable for your actions.


This time Victor simply wrapped a towel around his waist as he walked away from the shower stall and walked back toward the lockers, not even bothering to towel down. His penis made a substantial bulge in the towel that bobbed heftily as he walked toward Pee Wee, who was changing out of his workout clothes. Peter had a habit of stealing glances at the generous basket Victor had between his legs.

In between surfing for free galleries of gay porn on line, Pee Wee had read on the internet that a lot of schools no longer required students to shower or change in the lockers after Physical Education and he rather wished that he attended one of those schools. He figured that Santa Rosa, being a small Texas town, was behind the times.

As Victor walked past him, Pee Wee couldn't resist checking him out. The spray of dark brown hair on Victor's chest was pasted wet to his olive skin. Pee Wee's eyes followed a narrow trial of hair that started halfway down Victor's abs until it disappeared beneath his white towel. He caught Victor's eyes with his own, and Peter that was certain that he spotted Victor looking down and checking out his own small erection straining hard against his sweaty gym pants.

Pee Wee's diminutive penis would curve straight up when he got hard when free of the entanglement of clothing. But when he was wearing pants or shorts his unfolding erection always seemed to get caught up in a fold somehow and ended up making a slightly painful 90-degree tent pole that stuck straight out. And watching Victor now had brought his boyhood to full attention. In fact Pee Wee's petite penis had started to get hard the moment he saw Victor enter the shower. He was glad that he and Victor were alone in the locker room and that there were no other boys to notice his reaction to Victor's shower. No doubt they would have given him a hard time about it.

Pee Wee busied himself with his backpack for a few minutes, trying to work math problems in his head, which was about the only cure for an erection that he had discovered to be effective so far. He walked back into the lockers hopeful that Victor might have his towel off, but instead found the handsome Hispanic sitting on the bench in his underwear. Pee Wee walked to the lockers opposite Victor where he had left his street clothes realizing that he had managed to pitch a tent again in his briefs.

Victor looked at Pee Wee as he took off his sweatshirt and grabbed for the jeans he had left lying across the bench. When Peter looked up Victor was sauntering towards him with that distinctive masculine stride that characterized his walk.

Pee Wee stood there, unsure of what to say or do, when he felt Victor flick a forefinger with a bit of force against his miniature erection. While he was embarrassed, somehow just knowing that Victor was looking at-and have even touched--the outline of his dick in his underwear made Pee Wee even hornier. "So you queer for me," Victor began, "or you just stuff a half a banana down your shorts?"

"No, I . . ." Pee Wee began, not knowing what to say. What he wanted was to see Victor's dick, to touch it, to kiss it again, to take it into this mouth, and suck it, and taste his thick cum. But he doubted that Victor was into boys, and if he were, he doubted that Victor would be interested in him. Pee Wee glumly realized that he had nothing to offer a stud like Victor.

Victor looked over at Pee Wee and said without joking, "Don't bother lyin' to me. Your Pee Wee pee-pee says it all! Beside you don't think I see you always lookin' at me." Victor snapped his finger, even harder this time, against Pee Wee's erection again, and Pee Wee winced. Victor smiled like a man who had just won an argument, "Yeah. What I thought. You're even glad to see me walkin' 'round in my skivvies? I bet if I stripped down you'd cream all over yourself!" And with that he tugged down his boxers and stepped out of them, then grabbed his hefty penis and low hanging balls and tugged them a couple of times, "Like what you see?"

"Well," Peter said, blushing deeply as Victor reached forward to jerk his shorts down, then released them. As they fell Pee Wee felt them slide down his legs and collect around his ankles.

"Yeah. What I thought." Victor laughed and flicked his forefinger hard against Pee Wee's rock hard erection a third time. This time that flick took Pee Wee over the edge and he started spurting short liquid strings of clearish cum onto the bench, down his legs, and onto the tile, his feet, and even into his briefs that were still resting on the floor around his ankles. "Yeah," Victor laughed, "the puddle at your feet is saying it loud and clear."

Victor walked away, leaving Peter standing there still in the throws of orgasm, shooting his small load as the guys from out in the gym suddenly burst through the entrance to the locker room.

"Little pecker's quick on the draw too!" Victor said to the other boys who laughed and pointed at Pee Wee as Victor fastened his towel around his waist and gathered up his belongings. "Just one flick o' the dick. He's that quick!"

The boys surrounding him guffawed and two of them grabbed his arms, while a third grabbed up a wet towel and gave it a twist preparing to deliver a "quick flick to his stick" as he announced while brandishing his rat-tail. "Just one flick on the dick." He heard Victor shout out unseen from the far side of the lockers, "Little prick's too quick!"

As the corner of the towel connected, Pee Wee woke up in the throes of a second orgasm, his lower belly covered with a warm sticky liquid he had just deposited there during his dream. He daubed at it carelessly with a crusty hand towel he kept near his bed.


Pee Wee had been having wet dreams since he was 13 or so, he guessed, and he often wondered why the dreams that left him with a morning clean up never involved him getting to any actual sex. He had sexy dreams, sure, but generally those were not the ones that caused him to blow his butter, rather he woke up sticky to the ones where someone just "touched" him, or in this cast "snapped his dick".

He immediately realized he had to pee with an intensity that would not allow him to linger in his bedroom until his erection softened, so he pulled a pair of briefs that at least were dry out of a stack of dirty clothes, checked the hallway to make sure no one was there and headed quickly for the restroom for relief.

As he reached down to turn the handle, the bathroom door suddenly opened and his younger brother Mark, two years his junior, bounded into Pee Wee wearing only a towel almost knocking him down. It was hard not to notice how grown-up Mark was. Peter was still taller, but Mark was stockier, which came from playing football instead of swimming, which was Pee Wee's sport.

Mark drew back after their collision and looked down at the sticky liquid his arm had come into contact with on Pee Wee's abdomen. He sniffed at Pee Wee cum on his arm and wrinkled his nose in disgust. He was obviously annoyed, and said in a too loud voice, "Fuck you Pee Wee!" He yelled, "You got your spunk all over me. It's disgusting. You're probably gonna give me aids, Pee Wee!"

"Don't call me that," Pee Wee said, watching the last of his dignity begin to fray, "Don't call me Pee Wee!"

"But isn't that what everyone is calling you, Pee Wee?" Mark laughed, but Pee Wee could tell that he was still irritated with the situation. Mark continued talking too loudly. Pee Wee knew that at this volume his mother was certain to hear their conversation. He grabbed Pee Wee's arm, "I heard you showed 'em your Pee Wee pee-pee on the bus. That's what they're saying!" His younger brother frowned again, snarling, "Now I have guys at school asking me if I have a little dick like my older brother. I had to show some guys my dick yesterday just to get 'em off my back because of you!" Mark said, and then added for emphasis, again too loudly, "Pee Wee!"

On cue their mother appeared at the bottom of the stairs asking, "What's going on? Are you two arguing again?"

A decidedly evil grin spread across Mark's face, as Pee Wee turned his back toward her to keep her from witnessing his morning pup tent. "No we're just talking about Peter's new nickname at school."

Pee Wee tried to muscle his brother back into the restroom, tried to clap a hand over his big mouth, as his mother asked, "Oh how cute, what is it? Is it a nickname the boys on the swim team gave you?"

Mark looked at Pee Wee and knew that he had him. Pee Wee's eyes went wide and he whispered repeatedly, "Please, no, no, no." He said, "Please don't!"

Mark smiled again broadly and shouted down the stairs at their inquisitive mother, "Nothing, just something the boys of the bus said. I don't think he likes it too much." He reached down and snapped Pee Wee hard where his short stick was still tenting his briefs. Again Mark looked down at his sticky arm and wrinkled his nose again, turning to go back into the restroom. "You owe me, Pee Wee!" Mark said in a voice already deeper than Peter's. "It's embarrassing being your brother!"

Mark shut the door, and Pee Wee, still standing in his tented briefs at the top of the stairs, heard the lock turn, then the shower turn on again. Of course, the minute the excitement waned, his bladder discomfort amplified back up to full volume, updating him that it was close to bursting. But Pee Wee looked down at his tented briefs and knew that there was just no way he was going to be running down stairs to use the restroom in his mother's bedroom, so instead he waited and danced, pacing, jiggling, finally even clutching at his erection lest whatever valve was staving off the flow should fail. He was almost glad for the erection that helped to staff off the waterworks.

Pee Wee heard the water turn off, and waited. But whatever Mark was doing in there, he was sure taking his sweet time. Finally, about 15 seconds from giving up and running back into his room to look for a jar, a cup, a milk carton, or just something he might piss in, Mark opened the restroom door, again wearing his towel about his waist.

Pee Wee tried to push past him to get to the toilet. He could see that Mark had left the lid up. But Mark caught him with one arm around his upper chest as he tried to push by him.

"Where you going in such a hurry?" his younger brother asked.

"I gotta go," Pee Wee said, trying to pull himself free, which only made Mark tighten his hold, and then apply his other arm to cinch his headlock on his older brother. Pee Wee felt a single spurt of urine manage to break through. He tightened up to stop the flow, looked down to see the wet spot on his tented briefs. "I really gotta go!" Pee Wee said and tried to pry his brother's arm free. He hadn't wrestled with Mark in a year or so, and he was surprised at how strong his younger brother had become. He had not spent as much time with Mark since Troy left, which was also about the time that Mark had figured out that he was hung noticeably bigger than Pee Wee. That realization had changed the way Mark looked at him.

"You gotta go?" Mark asked, "Real bad, huh?" Mark let go of Peter's neck quickly with his left arm to reach down and tickle Pee Wee ribs. Pee Wee squirted again, and intensified his struggle to break free. When his towel fell Mark suddenly realized he was standing bare-assed at the top of the stairs. He decided to strong-arm his older brother back into the bathroom before their mom came back to see what was going on. "So tell me what's your name and I will let you go."

"Peter, you ass hole." Pee Wee exclaimed.

"No, Peter was your name. What's your name now?" Mark's voice had an edge of anger to it. Pee Wee realized that he probably shouldn't have called his brother an asshole in this particular situation.

"No." Pee Wee said, drawing out the word, then felt another squirt of urine spurt into his briefs and used everything he had to clamp it shut. He knew that he would not be able to stop the flow of the next stream. "Okay, okay. My name is Pee Wee. It's Pee Wee." Pee Wee half whispered it. He felt completely defeated. His self-respect collapsed. His legs were trembling, and Mark still had him in a headlock. He felt Mark push back to shut the bathroom door with his body while they grappled.

"Sorry, bro, I couldn't hear." Mark tightened his grip with his left arm and tickled Pee Wee again. "Say it louder! Say it!" Pee Wee spurted into his wet briefs again, and this time felt several drops of urine splash down on his feet.

"Okay, okay. I'm Pee Wee!" He choked out, this time louder than even he had intended. "They're callin' me Pee Wee." He repeated. "Are you satisfied? Now please. I'm pissing myself." Pee Wee begged. "I been holding it a long time. I gotta go now," he said, and added. "And I mean now!"

"So I guess you need to pee real bad?" Mark chuckled. "On more question. Why they calling you Pee Wee?"

Mark looked in the bathroom mirror at his brother's face, and knew that if looks could kill he would be laying deader than shit on the bathroom floor right now. Once again he started to reach down with his left hand to tickly Pee Wee, who seeing this shouted, "Cause they said I got a Pee Wee pee-pee. A Pee-Wee pee-pee." Pee Wee practically shouted it. Loud enough that Mark wondered if their mom might have actually heard it. But Pee Wee was so focused on his bladder the thought never occurred to him. Mark saw Pee Wee's urine soaked briefs, still tented out in front, and the look of pain on his older brother's face. He almost felt bad about it. Almost.

"That's what you wanted to hear, right? Now please!" Pee Wee begged, "Lemme go or I'm gonna pee all over you and me both!" Pee Wee could feel something starting to give.

"Well we wouldn't want that, now would we," Mark said in a straightforward manner. "Go ahead," and he released his older brother from the headlock.

Pee Wee turned, expecting Mark to leave, but Mark remained, leaning against the door with a shit-eating grin.

"I need to go Mark." Pee Wee said again.

"What's stopping you?" Mark shrugged his shoulders, but maintained his position. "Go ahead."

Mark put his foot up against Pee Wee's thigh and gave him a push toward the toilet. This time the flow started, and there was no stopping it. Pee Wee had no time to argue as he tried to control his aim and pull down his already wet briefs. His stream splashed against the wall by the trash can, as Pee Wee grabbed his still erect penis and tried to aim the flow down into the toilet keeping his back to his brother who was laughing hysterically at his antics. The heavy stream pounded loudly into the toilet bowl and Pee Wee looked at the lower edge of the far wall and the floor by the wastebasket at the mess he made midstream that he would have to clean up. He was already short of time.

As his stream started to wind down he looked to his left to see that Mark was standing right next to him, watching him piss, and shaking his head in mock disappointment.

"I never see you hard before," Mark said. Pee Wee noticed that Mark was wearing his towel again. Mark must have put it back on while he had been taking a piss. "But you definitely got a Vienna sausage there, bro. Mine's bigger soft that yours is hard." Mark shook his head in mock consolation, "That has to suck for you!" he said with emphasis. "No wonder you never go out on any dates."

"Yeah" Pee Wee said, looking down at the floor, totally deflated.

"So tell me about what happened on the bus." Mark demanded. "I already heard about it, but I wanted to hear your side."

"I really don't want to talk about it." Pee Wee said. It was bad enough that this had happened, and that everyone at school knew about it. But now it seemed inevitable that even his family would find out about it.

"Come on, Pee Wee," Mark said again. "I heard that they made you stand up and jerk your Vienna sausage off at the window so that cars that were passing all saw you."

"That didn't happen." Pee Wee said, suddenly realizing for the first time that not only would he have to contend with the actual truth of what had happened, but also that he would also be faced with the urban legend that would grow out of the story as it got told and retold around town.

"So tell me what did happen." Mark said again. He was pressing the issue, but so far he was doing it nicely.

"Look Mark," Pee Wee said, trying to hold it together. He could feel emotions swelling up inside him, but couldn't tell yet if it was rage or tears. "I don't want to fucking talk about it. Okay?"

"No," I guess something as traumatic as that, "it might be hard to face up to it. Especially with everybody now calling you Pee Wee and talking about your Pee Wee pee-pee. Isn't that what they are calling it?" Mark pointed down at Pee Wee's penis that had now gone completely soft and during the discussion had started retracting back inside him until only the head of it was peeking out like a scared little turtle.

Pee Wee felt one tear roll down his cheek, and turned his face so Mark wouldn't notice. But he could feel both eyes welling up now.

"I guess I really should tell mom." Mark said, deadly serious, "If you won't tell her, someone has to. She needs to know so she can get you to some therapy or to see a doctor or something. Maybe they can do some kind of enlargement, or hormones or something." If he was joking, his face did not betray it.

Pee Wee's eyes went wide again and he stepped toward his younger brother pleading, "No, you can't tell her. And you don't even know what happened. That story you heard is bullshit!" He said.

"Then you will have to tell me what happened."

Pee Wee realized that if he didn't tell Mark what happened that Mark would go to their mom and spill the embellished story that he had been told. Pee Wee had seen that look on Mark's face before, and he knew how stubborn his brother had become now that he had gotten older and had the strength to back up his bluffs.

So Pee Wee gave his younger brother the details about what had happened on the bus while he showered, and Mark leaned against the sink listening and asking him questions. Clearly the story had grown in the retelling, and most of what Mark had been told have been very exaggerated, including the rumor that Pee Wee actually had a true micro-penis that was only about an inch long, and that his balls were the size of marbles. Pee Wee thought that hearing that stuff from Mark only made him more depressed, since that was the crap that was being passed around, rumors that were even worse.

"It sounds like you need me around to protect you," Mark said, and he meant it. "If these guys fuck with you again you let me know. Okay. I mean it. When you let them walk all over you it also affects me!" Pee Wee heard what he said, and he understood that Mark probably meant to be helpful, but also hated what it implied about him as an older brother: that he, Pee Wee, needed protection provided by his little brother Mark . . . a little brother whose dick was much bigger, a little brother who was much braver, a little brother who had gotten pretty strong--maybe not stronger than him--but at least his equal, a little brother who had grown up to be more of a man than he would ever become. He remembered what his aunt had said at his fourteenth birthday party well over a year ago. How could he forget it. And she had been right all along: Pee Wee would have to start being polite to his "bigger brother" Mark.


Later that morning when Pee Wee got on the bus, most of the seats were taken. There were a number of seats where kids were sitting alone, but had positioned themselves or their backpacks so that he could not join them. Clearly they didn't want him sitting with them. There was one empty seat close to the very back. Victor and Randy were seated directly behind it. George was sitting alone in the seat to the front of the empty one. Pee Wee hesitantly made his way down the narrow aisle and sat down the empty seat just one row up from the very back seat. Randy was smiling the whole time watching him approach and Pee Wee wondered what he had planned for him.

As he sat down, Victor slid in next to him, pushing Pee Wee close in toward the window. Randy leaned forward from behind them and patted his head, tousling his hair dismissively as you might a young boy.

"So Pee Wee, sleep well last night?" he asked. "Have any wet dreams?"

Pee Wee looked down at his own lap, wondering if Randy was a little psychic, and tried to decide how to answer him, or even if he should. In truth Pee Wee was frequently plagued by wet dreams, and had read on the internet that generally nocturnal emissions decreased or stopped happening altogether when adolescents began masturbating more frequently. Given how often he already jerked off, he wondered just how frequently he would have to beat his meat before his wet dreams stopped. Ultimately he got caught up in his thoughts and never answered Randy.

"So did you do what we told you?" Randy asked.

Pee Wee continued to stare down at his own lap, saying nothing.

"This is check point Charlie, Pee Wee, and we are here to see if you have any contraband underwear on you." Randy snickered, and Pee Wee heard some of the other boys laugh out loud. Two more boys had joined George in the seat in front, and all of them had turned around to watch whatever was about to happen.

Pee Wee shook his head and mumbled, "No." He did have a pair hidden in his backpack, but he had anticipated that something like this might happen, though he had really hoped they would move on to some new game and leave him alone.

Randy cupped one hand to his ear and asked, "What's that? You were mumbling. You really need to speak more clearly when I ask you something."

Pee Wee sat there for a long moment, then said, "I'm not wearing my underwear."

"Of course I don't have my underwear." George mocked, imitating a line from a movie, "I'm definitely not wearing my underwear!"

"Prove it!" Randy said.

Pee Wee continued to sit there, motionless in his seat, while his thoughts raced. He imagined putting his fingers to his zipper and pulling it down, but he didn't. He couldn't bring himself to show off the fact he had nothing on underneath his jeans.

Victor reached over and started to grab for his zipper, and Pee Wee grabbed at his wrist to stop him. With that, the other boys suddenly started grappling at his clothes. He felt Randy and another boy manage to get his arms twisted behind him and over the top of the seat so that they were holding his arms tight against the back of his seat. At the same time Victor grabbed his pants and pulled them down.

"He's not a fast learner," Randy said, "Go ahead and pull them off," he then told Victor, Randy drew his face close to Pee Wee and whispered in his ear, "Remember what I told you, Pee Wee? If we catch you wearing underwear again, you'll get stripped. Where ever we happen to be! But if you don't do what we say, you'll also get stripped. Keep struggling and I'll see you spend another day cooling your heels in the boys' room!"

Pee Wee stopped bucking, but Victor had already managed to get his shorts pulled down past his knees. He finished pulling them off, knocking Pee Wee's shoes off in the process. Deeply embarrassed, Pee Wee could feel the blood rushing into his cheeks, but his blush traveled down his neck to the top of his chest also.

One of the boys in the seat next to George laughed and said, "Hey I am way bigger that that." Pee Wee looked up, estimating that he must be at least four or five years older than that kid. George laughed, but then shoved the kid off the seat, telling him to go back up to his seat closer to the front of the bus.

"Take your shirt off too!" Randy said. Then reluctantly, but without hesitation, Pee Wee complied as they released his arms, which left him sitting naked except for his socks while the other boys gawked and laughed at his predicament.

"Hey Vic," George said, "Why don't you take your dick out so Pee Wee here doesn't feel so alone?"

"Yeah Vic," one of the two boys learning forward over the back of the seat next to George said, "Show us a quick trick with your thick prick, Vic?"

Victor laughed with the other boys and opened his zipper, hefting out his ample shaft, already half hard. Victor was accustomed to the other guys wanting to see his cock and balls, it came with the territory of maturing before the other boys and having a bigger dick. He slid his pants down a bit and freed his testicles that now fell into the canyon of cloth between his spread legs. Pee Wee looked over at him. Victor's balls hung loose in his hairy ball sack, not like his own uptight balls that always stayed snug up against him except on the hottest of days.

But then for reasons he would never understand, Pee Wee's pee-pee snapped to attention, thumping up against his pubes with a "smack", as he sat there looking down at Victor's junk. A small clear droplet of pre-cum formed almost immediately at the tip of his dick and then started to leak down the front of his short shaft. He started to cover up, but Randy told him to leave his hands at his sides, and so he put his hands back down at his sides as he was told, and felt the blush travel down from his chest even further.

"Can I have my clothes back now?" he asked, turning completely red.

"Not yet!" Randy said, "You'll get them back by the time we get to school as long as you do what your told."

"Please?" Pee Wee implored. "I don't like this!"

"He says he doesn't like it," George said, "but his Pee Wee pee-pee is saying he's a liar." Pee Wee winced at the derogatory reference to his diminutive member, which seemed to be visibly making little arcs as it throbbed like a metronome in time to his pulse rate.

"Vic, I think it's obvious little pecker here has the hots for you!' One of the other boys snorted.

Victor looked over at Pee Wee and said without joking, "I know he does! He's always lookin' at me."

George added, "And yesterday he kissed your dick, licked it even!"

The other boys, who had not been present in the boys' restroom reacted, asking questions about all that had happened to those that had been there.

"On your knees," Randy interrupted, and Pee Wee felt his breath on the side of his neck, "You got a better view of Vic's dick down there kneeling on the floor. Remember?" There was more snickering.

Pee Wee heard the boys laughing, and when he looked up he saw that there were a bunch more kids that had crowded back toward the back of the bus to watch. Then one of the boys said, "I wonder if he sucks dick?" Pee Wee heard more laughing.

Suddenly, Pee Wee felt a hand on his shoulder as Randy reached over and pushed him downward. Pee Wee looked over at Victor, who was smiling, as Randy pushed down again on his shoulder. Pee Wee tried to position himself to lower himself down between the seats, turning to face Victor, as Victor lifted his leg aside to give Pee Wee access to his groin, but Pee Wee's knee collapsed and he fell face forward, right into Victor's hairy crotch.

"Well take a good look," Victor said, grabbing Pee Wee's hair with one hand, and positioning Pee Wee's face and lips inches away from the tip of his bad-boy dick, asking, "You wanna suck it, don't you? You a fag, Pee Wee?"

Pee Wee mumbled unintelligibly. Pee Wee gained his balance in between the seats. Victor's hairy legs rubbed against his shoulders, and his knees were sore already from the sticky grit on the floor of the bus that dug into them. His face was inches away from Victor's crotch. Again, despite the situation, he thought about how many times he actually had followed Victor with his eyes, hoping he wouldn't notice, and hoping to get a closer look at Victor's manhood. Now it was bigger than life and right in front of his eyes.

"Sorry. Didn't quite catch that."

"I'll suck your dick!" Pee Wee replied, clearly enough for everyone to hear. While he said that reached forward with his right hand to hold Victor's cock, which bent sharply to the left and bounced with the motion of the bus.

Victor yanked his hair, "No hands," he commanded, "Just use your mouth. And if you bite me, I swear you'll regret it." Then he pulled Pee Wee's head forward until he opened my mouth and Victor's hefty tube steak slid in. Pee Wee had dreamed about giving Victor a blowjob over and over again, but never in his fantasies did it happen like this, or in front of an audience! Victor kept his hands on Pee Wee's head, forcing him to take in more of his curved shaft than he thought he could. Pee Wee tried to adjust his position so that he could manage the distinct bend in Victor's cock. He gagged when the head of Victor's bad boy touched the back of his mouth and started to slide down into his throat, but Victor kept pushing Pee Wee's head forward until his lips touched the pubic hair at the base of his dick, releasing him only to slide Pee Wee's mouth down his shift again. "Come on, suck it," he commanded.

Pee Wee was getting dizzy and a little nauseous from having Victor's dick down his throat, when he pulled back on my hair. Pee Wee gagged again, then gasped as he tried to catch his breath. But Victor pulled the back of Pee Wee's head toward his crotch again, pushing forward a little with his pelvis and said, "Suck it right."

Pee Wee could hear the boys' laughter again and started sucking on Victor's dick as he shoved it in and out of Pee Wee's mouth faster, thrusting further back into his throat than before.

A couple of the boys were chanting something quietly, and he realized they were repeating, "Cum, cum, cum," over and over again. Victor was breathing hard and suddenly said "Oh, Fuck!" pretty loudly as shoved Pee Wee's head down his cock one last time when his large dick swelled up even larger and harder and started pulsing in Pee Wee's mouth, while Victor thrusted his cock harder and father than ever down Pee Wee's throat. But this time, Victor muscles locked in place, holding Pee Wee's head hard against his crotch, his nose mashed into Victor's thick pubes, while Victor shot his load-surging over and over--down Pee' Wee's throat.

Pee Wee, who was already close to gagging, felt Victor's substantial load of cum flood down into his windpipe and tried to pull away to cough, to gag, but Victor leaned forward, arms locked around Pee Wee's head and neck, holding him in a death grip. Pee Wee thought it felt like Victor was pissing a heavy stream of urine down his throat, not just ejaculate. It seemed like an impossible amount. It was like the time he tried to chug a beer he snuck from the fridge at his dad's house. No way he could swallow all that. No way.

Pee Wee felt his gorge rise. He tried to swallow it, but he felt the muscles of his diaphragm spasm and then contract, hard, and then suddenly, everything he had eaten for breakfast was shooting up his throat instead. Victor felt Pee Wee gag, harder this time than those times before that Victor had just ignored. Now he felt Pee Wee's vomit surge over his erection, even as the last seconds of his orgasm washed through him, distracting him, and suddenly realized what was about to happen . . . what was happening already. He shoved Pee Wee off his dick, and toward the outer wall of the bus as Pee Wee started to spew. Pee Wee tried to aim away and down at the floor, but sprayed Victor's hairy crotch and left pant's leg with vomit as he fell down on his hands and puked everything in his guts onto the floor of the bus.

Victor hit Pee Wee several times on the side and back of his head in anger and then used Pee Wee's own shirt to wipe the vomit off his pant's leg and crotch, then zipped up his pants and scooted off the seat, displacing a boy in the seat across the aisle, and repeating the word "fuck" over and over.

Several of the boys laughed, but more said "ewww" or something similar in disgust. The driver yelled back, asking what was going on, and one of the boys laughed, saying, "Pee Wee just got sick and blew chunks all over Victor." Victor poked him hard in the stomach, and the boy stopped laughing.

Within just a few minutes the bus stopped and Victor leaned over and smacked Pee Wee one last time on the side of the head as Pee Wee was pulling his clothes on, slipping his vomit covered shirt down over his shoulders. As Victor walked toward the front of the bus, he looked down at the vomit still clinging to his jeans, and realized that with his pants pulled down during the blowjob, some of Pee Wee's vomit had made it through the space of his open zipper and splattered into his boxers too. He could feel some clinging to his balls and starting to run down one leg as he walked, which totally interfered with his normal, more masculine way of walking, and without thinking said, "Fuck it all!" again a bit too loudly as he passed by Mr. Moore, the bus driver.

"He got you good, huh?" Mr. Moore said to Victor, noticing the vomit on his pants, and deciding he might have some choice expletives himself if some kid got sick all over him.

Pee Wee finished fumbling with his shoes as everyone walked off the bus, then walked towards the front of the bus, but the driver intercepted him and said, "Let's go back and see what kind of mess you made back here."

After having him mop up his mess in the bus, Mr. Moore gave him a note to go see the school nurse. By the time he got done there, and finally made it to his first period class with Mrs. Brown's, there was only about 10 minutes left in the period. Just long enough for him to open and math book, here several other students behind him giggling, and then feel Sally discretely tap his right arm just below shoulder to hand him a note.

He took the note from her and looked down to see "Pee Wee" written in large letters on the folded note, before he opened it up, unfolding it against his desktop, just below the bottom of his math book. It was from Randy. "Pee Wee, See you at recess. You know where. Be there!" Pee Wee let his head fall, and folded his arms across his desk, wondering if he might be able to talk the nurse into letting him go home. He wondered if his mother might let him switch to another school, or let him home school.

He looked back at Sally and she smiled at him, whispered "Sorry, I heard you got sick. Hope you're feeling better." She smiled again, and Pee Wee tried to decide if she was smiling because of the name written on the note, or just because she was trying to be sympathetic. He couldn't tell.

The bell rang, and he started to get up out of his seat to leave when he noticed that his pants were making a small but very distinct tent, and in the absence of underwear, the tip of his penis pushing hard against the denim to the left of his zipper had made a distinct wet spot of pre-cum that was already about an inch in diameter. Pee Wee sat back down, rearranging his books and trying to look busy while he counted backwards to distract himself. But his thoughts kept drifting back to Victor, with his handsome Hispanic features, hairy chest, big muscles, and black close-cropped hair. Oh yeah, and his perfectly huge manly man penis and meaty low hangers. Peter so envied Victor who was everything he was not. He thought that there was something about Victor's curved penis that made it even sexier. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that Victor was a real man. Something he knew now that he would never be. He sighed and slumped forward in his chair. Pee Wee knew that while he might grow older he would never become a man. He knew that, and he was pretty sure by now that everyone else did too.

Next: Chapter 4

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